• Published 4th Sep 2023
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G5 Adventures in Straight Outta Nowhere: Scooby-Doo! meets Courage the Cowardly Dog - ponydog127

The ponies reunite with Mystery Incorporated and some new friends from Nowhere, Kansas in order to solve the mystery of the giant cicada monsters... and stop a brand-new villain with a close connrection to Misty's past.

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Strange Happenings/Wishful Wings

The ponies and the Scooby gang were surprised to see how warm and welcoming Courage, Eclipse and the old woman, now known as Muriel Bagge, was to them, despite barely knowing them.

But... there was one who wouldn't be so happy to have company.

When Muriel brought Courage, Eclipse and their new friends into the small farmhouse, she couldn't be more excited as she turned to Eustace, sitting in the recliner. “Look, we're having guests, Eustace. Isn't that exciting?”

“Aw, dang it, Muriel!” Eustace growled. “You're blocking my stories!”

“Now entertain our guests, dear,” Muriel told her husband, “while I go put the kettle on.”

After Muriel disappeared into the kitchen, there was a long awkward silence between the groups, until Sunny softly cleared her throat. “Uh, hi. I’m Sunny, Mr. Eustace, and, uh… these are my friends.”

The others uttered out a small hello, causing Eustace to grumble and read his newspaper. “Stupid guests…”

“Hmph! Rude…” Pipp scowled. “Don’t worry too much about it, princess,” Eclipse said to the pink pegasus in a quiet tone. “He’s always like that. Let’s see how those cookies are coming.”

“Come on, come on!” Courage urged, and everyone followed their new little friends into the living room, Velma and Zipp sparing Eustace one final glance before exiting the room.


The farmhouse kitchen wasn't too big, but it was cozy, and the perfect size to hold the Mane 6, their Mystery Incorporated friends and the friends they had just met... especially those with huge appetites. “Oh, it's always so nice when Eclipse and my Courage bring home new friends,” Muriel said as she got a tray of cookies out of the oven before turning and washing some dishes in the sink. “Such a treat!”

Shaggy, Scooby and Courage dove right into the cookies on the tray, and when Eclipse walked over to check on the dishes, she frowned at the water still in the sink. “Courage?” she called to her friend, prompting him to come over. “I think the sink is clogged again.”

Courage reached his small paw into the water to find the source of the clogging, and Scooby and Misty went over to help. “He has such wonderfully small paws,” Muriel complimented. “So, I take it you're a traveling band of tinkers, then.”

“Uh, not quite,” Velma said as Courage pulled out a huge wad of hair from the sink. “Although we have been known,” Daphne said, “to tinker around with a mystery or two. See what I did there?”

Sunny giggled and elbowed her playfully. “Nice one, Daph. But, me and my pony friends spend a lot of time with them, when we’re on quests away from our home world about Equestria.”

“Nice work. Cookie?” Scooby offered the small pink dog a treat before they faced the other way. “Equestria? I used to hear legends about that place!” Eclipse beamed. “My ancestors were actually from there before we migrated to this world. No idea why we had to migrate though… I'm sure Equestria was good enough.”

Zipp and Sunny spared each other a glance, promising themselves to tell Eclipse about Opaline and all her tyranny later. “But in the meantime, the gang drives all over the place solving mysteries,” Misty added. “The Mystery Machine is super reliable.”

“Oh, I do so like your caravan,” Muriel complimented, causing Fred to smile. “Thanks. I just had it re-decaled. I wasn't sure at first, but then, in the end I went with the flowers.”

Suddenly, as the rest of the group talked, Scooby and Courage turned around to see the hairball Courage pulled up from the sink turning into a giant monster, causing them to scream and try and shove it down the drain while no one else noticed. “So, you're professional riddle solvers, then?” Eclipse asked the gang. “Mystery solvers,” Zipp corrected. “They solve mysteries. Guys in rubber masks…”

“Land grabs,” Fred went on, “bank heists…”

“That kinda thing,” Daphne shrugged. “You know the deal.”

“How nice,” Muriel smiled. “I love riddles. Do you know this one? What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?”

“Oooh… this is a tough one,” Sunny said, pondering for a moment. “But I think I remember my dad telling me one like that. Is it… a stamp?”

“Yes, it is!” Muriel clapped enthusiastically. “Always in the corner of the envelope, traveling all over.”

“Good job, Sunny Bunny!” Izzy congratulated, high-fiving Sunny while Velma groaned to herself. “I can't believe I didn't get that…”

“Oh, don't worry, dear. I'm sure you're much smarter than that silly old riddle,” Muriel assured her. “I have loads more if you want.”

Scooby and Courage finally managed to get the monster stuffed down the drain as Shaggy picked up the last Scottish dream cookie... just as Scooby was about to get it. “Like, dude,” Shaggy spoke happily, munching on the cookie. “Man, these Scottish dream cookies are really, really, like, extra dreamy, man.”

“Yeah, Shaggy,” Scooby nodded. “Deliciously dreamy!”

“I’m so glad you kids like them,” Muriel patted Scooby’s head while Courage became depressed as the last cookie was taken. But, Muriel had just finished putting another batch into the oven. “I've got loads more of those, too, if you're still hungry.”

“Thanks, Ms. Muriel,” Misty smiled. “Somehow, Shag and Scoob are almost always hungry.”

“And we love the words loads more,” Shaggy added. “ESPECIALLY when it comes to food. Right, Scoob?”

Scooby nodded enthusiastically at such a comment. “Yeah, yeah! Food! Hee hee hee hee hee!!”

Courage chuckled along with the remark before seeing something that made his eyes widen, and this caused him to babble in terror, his fear instincts kicking into overdrive. “Oh, hey…” Izzy said with a frown, noticing the change in Courage almost immediately. “What’s wrong, little pink guy?”

Courage tried to explain what was wrong, but could only babble, making Eclipse hum. “He usually babbles like that when he’s freaked out. Is everything okay, Courage?”

Courage finally managed to get them to look at Shaggy's back... where they saw a clingy cicada hissing at them! “ZOINKS!!”

Shaggy jumped around in terror in every direction, trying to shake the cicada off, but it simply wouldn’t let go. “Like, dude, It's one of those crazy monster cicada things on my back!”

“It’s just a wee bug, dear,” Muriel grabbed a broom. “Don’t fret… I’ll get it!”

“Be careful, Miss Muriel!” Hitch warned. “That thing doesn’t look too friendly!”

Muriel continued to bash at the bug, while Shaggy still ran around completely in panic, but after a moment, she realized that she would need another way to relieve Shaggy of his unwanted passenger. “Daphne, be a dear and open the back door.”

Daphne did as asked, and as the ponies ducked for cover, Muriel knocked the cicada off of Shaggy in one quick swing and out into the wild blue yonder.

And even though the cicada was gone, Shaggy was still rattled as Zipp closed the door. “I've never seen cicadas that big before,” Velma shook her head. “Maybe it's a new species.”

“Do you think it has anything to do with that strange vibration that Eclipse, the ponies, Scooby and Courage were hearing?” Daphne asked. “It could be. There's definitely something strange going on here,” Velma pondered. “And the ponies, Eclipse and the dogs might be picking up sounds that our human ears can't hear.”

“Oh, my! Sounds so interesting,” Muriel said in an impressed tone. “How would you know, dear?”

Velma brought up her tablet for a demonstration. “Well, we humans hear in a range roughly from 31 hertz to 19 kilohertz. Whereas dogs hear in range from 44 hertz to 64 kilohertz.”

“And all Equestrians can hear a similar range,” Zipp added. “So, if Velma adjusts her tablet to pick up any higher levels of sound vibration, we might be able to see what we're actually hearing.”

“Oh, goodness. The things you say… better than my silly old riddles. Aren't you the smart ones,” Muriel offered Velma and Zipp the cookie tray. “Here, have a cookie.”

“Oh, okay. Thanks!” Zipp said, biting into the cookie, her taste buds immediately flaring at the flavor. “Mmm… gotta admit, this is pretty good.”

Shaggy sat down in the corner immediately after the bug got off of him, and still looked rather frightened as Scooby offered him one of the cookies from the tray. “Like, dude, I'm not feeling so hot,” he admitted nervously. “Maybe I should just go sit down.”

“Shaggy, dear,” said Muriel gently, “go in and watch a bit of telly to relax. Oh, and Sunny, why don’t you and the sweet blue unicorn go with him?”

“Okay, Muriel,” Sunny nodded. “Good idea,” Scooby nodded before becoming confused. “Uh… telly?”

“Uh-huh! It's basically just a fancy word for television,” Eclipse explained. “Come on. Let’s head to the couch.”


Sunny, Misty, Eclipse, Scooby and Courage guided Shaggy back to the couch, but to their dismay, Shaggy still whimpering nervously. “Aww… it’s okay, Shaggy,” Misty said gently. “Everything is gonna be just fine. Why don’t you guys work on that self-help book that Scooby told us about?”

“That's a pretty good idea, Misty,” Shaggy agreed as he pulled out his phone. “It might help, man. I mean, like, it does have the word ‘help’ in the title.”

“Uh… am I the only one that’s confused?” Eclipse blinked. “It helps us to not be so afraid all the time,” Shaggy explained before he turned the phone on. “It's important to find friends that understand you. Friends that can share their fear feelings. Talking is sharing. And sharing is caring. Do you have such friends?

Scooby, Shaggy and Courage each wrapped an arm/foreleg around Sunny, Misty and Eclipse, smiling happily. “Uh-huh!”

Have one or all of you been afraid at one time or another?

The smiles on the boys’ faces fell. “Uh-huh.”

Really afraid?

“Uh-huh, uh-huh.”

Really really REALLY afraid?

Now, Shaggy and Scooby and Courage were really trembling. “Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh!”

Then share those feelings,” the phone said, causing the boys to stop shivering. “Talk about what scares you the most. Your deepest, darkest fears.

Shaggy put the phone back into his pocket before beginning the conversation. “Like, dudes, where to start? I got so many!”

“Yeah, me too,” Scooby nodded. “Me too!” Courage nodded. “I can go first,” Misty said. “I’m always afraid that somehow, Opaline may return and seek revenge against us.”

“Ooh… that’s a big fear,” Scooby said with a shudder. “I’m afraid of the ponies fighting and we lose magic again,” Sunny added. “What about you, Eclipse?”

“Me? Oh… thunderstorms, and stuff happening to Courage,” Eclipse said quietly before blinking in surprise, not realizing how admitting your fears could really help until now. “Wow… sharing your fears does make you feel better.”

“Shaggy, you wanna go next?” Sunny asked. “Gladly to, Sunny,” Shaggy got up off the couch before facing his friends. “Like, I'm really afraid of big, scary monsters. Especially ones that look like spiders. Yikes!”

“Uh-huh, uh-huh,” Courage said before shifting into a spider-like creature, much to Sunny and Misty's surprise. “Spiders! Yuck!”

Scooby gulped nervously before adding on. “I'm scared of… ugh… space aliens.”

“Oh, right, Scoob,” Shaggy nodded. “Space aliens are the worst! Especially ones that wanna eat you.”

“Uh-huh, uh-huh,” Courage nodded in fear before shifting into a chicken-like alien creature holding a laser gun. “Space aliens! Ewww!”

Eclipse nudged her best friend playfully. “Your turn, Courage.”

Courage got up off the couch and started babbling and growling, shifting into strange creatures as he did such, but this left the others completely confused about what he was saying. “Like, I totally don't understand a word you're saying, little pink dude,” Shaggy told Courage, “but I am feeling your fear.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Scooby nodded. “Totally feeling it.”

“Nice job, Courage!” Sunny patted the pink dog on the head, causing Eustace to grumble from where he was reading his newspaper. “Oh! Stupid dogs, cat, horses and shaggy-haired fella. So annoying!”

Suddenly, there came a knock at the door, fueling Eustace’s frustration. “What now?!”

“Were… you expecting somepony?” Misty asked her friends, and they all shrugged before Muriel turned to her husband “Aren't you going to get the door, Eustace?”

However, Eustace turned back to his newspaper, completely uninterested. “Nope!”

“Uh, I’ll get it,” Daphne offered as she came through the room, opening the door and looking out. But she didn’t see anyone, and was about to come back inside when she saw an envelope at her feet. “It’s an invitation!” she said before opening the envelope and reading the contents of it out loud. “You are all cordially invited to have dinner this evening at the Mayor's mansion. Pets welcome.

“Pets…” Scooby muttered, scratching behind his ear. “Who are they talking about?”

Courage mumbled in confusion just before Muriel spoke up. “The mayor of Nowhere? We have a mayor? Ooh, how lovely.”

“Mayor, shmayor,” Eustace grumbled. “I didn't vote for him.”

But just as the ponies were about to scold him, Eustace seemed to have a slight change of heart... he even smiled a bit-- the first time since the gang arrived. “But free food is free food.”

“I can't believe I'm agreeing with the angry old dude, but I am. Free food sounds good to me, man,” Shaggy said. “Me too,” Pipp said enthusiastically, flying up a bit. “Let’s go!”

“Well, maybe the mayor can give us some clues as to why so many weird things are happening here in Nowhere,” Velma supposed. “So… let’s go.”

They walked out the front door and went to go get in the vehicles but yelled in surprise and stopped in disgust upon seeing the Mystery Machine. “I'm driving. I'm not riding with you kooky teens. You make me sick!”

Pipp scoffed in disgust. “Rude-- times two!”

“I think that's a splendid idea. Eustace, why don't you take the two dogs in your truck?” Muriel suggested. “They’ll love it!”

Eustace grumbled, but didn’t oppose to it, and Scooby and Courage glanced at one another before Eclipse spoke up to her new friends. “And after dinner, we can come back here for a sleepover!”

“Oooh, fun!” Izzy chriped, stomping her front hooves before she looked at the small house before them. “But… where would we even sleep?”

“Well… there really isn’t much room in the house,” Eclipse said, fluttering her wings as she flew up and looked at the house. “I sure wish we had someplace comfortable for you guys to stay.”

As she spoke, the rainbow feathers on her wings began to glow with a bright light, and the sphinx gasped as bright rainbow sparkles filled the air. “Whoa!” Misty gasped as she and Scooby ducked under the sparkles. “What’s happening?!”

The sparkles continued to dwindle around the group until it started swirling on the left side of the house, creating a treehouse in a tall tree, complete with a slide and all the furnishings. This caused the entire group to gasp and murmur in wonder... until Zipp spoke up from being slack-jawed. “Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!”

“Oh yeah...” Eclipse said nervously as she landed on the ground next to Courage, who she wrapped a wing around. “Courage and I think the feathers in my wings have the power to grant wishes, but we're not totally sure on how it works, so...”

“PONIES!! We are never gonna be able to leave here!” Pipp said as she looked inside the treehouse. “It has a karaoke station, a slide, a crafting table?! It's perfect!”

“Wow, Eclipse!” Hitch smirked. “That magic of yours is really something else!”

“Thanks... I wish I knew how to control it better. Last time I wished for something, I made a giant teddy bear completely demolish the house,” Eclipse said in an embarrassed tone, ears flattening. “...not really something I wanna talk about.”

“Hey... is it okay if I ride with Scooby and Courage in Eustace's truck?” Misty whispered to Sunny. “I don't feel comfortable leaving them alone with Seńor Cranky over there.”

“Of course. We'll meet you at the mansion,” Sunny said back. “All right, everypony, let's get the show on the road!”