• Published 4th Sep 2023
  • 889 Views, 24 Comments

G5 Adventures in Straight Outta Nowhere: Scooby-Doo! meets Courage the Cowardly Dog - ponydog127

The ponies reunite with Mystery Incorporated and some new friends from Nowhere, Kansas in order to solve the mystery of the giant cicada monsters... and stop a brand-new villain with a close connrection to Misty's past.

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Unmasking of the Cicada Queen/A Happy Ending for All

The final battle between Courage, Misty Brightdawn, the Cicada Queen and Paradise Moonray, the birth mother of Misty, had finally went down. During the fight, Misty was struck by a bolt of dark matter lightning, prompting Courage to fight the fight for her, and he won, stripping Paradise of her newfound power.

But, even after the fight was over… Izzy Moonbow claimed that Misty would not wake, no matter how hard she shook her.

The gang rushed to their fallen friend as Izzy began to plead. “Please, Misty! Don’t go!” she sobbed. “You didn’t deserve this!!”

“Velma, is there anything we can do?!” Fred asked. “Misty can’t die on us!”

“Do ponies know CPR?” Velma asked quickly. “Yes, but we’re nowhere near a hospital,” Sunny said, “and none of us know what to use as replacements!”

Pipp whimpered worriedly, trotting in place. “What are we gonna do?!”

Courage looked around until his eyes spotted the meteor… giving him a crazy idea that just might work. “Courage? What are you thinking?” Eclipse asked, and Courage whispered the plan to her. “What?! You’re serious?!”

“Uh-huh!” Courage said, never so sure about anything else in his life. Eclipse sighed firmly and spread her wings. “Okay… then you’re gonna need a vantage point! Come on!”

Courage got onto her back and Eclipse flew up so she was right where the meteor would have perfect impact. “Everypony, stand back!”

“Go go GO!!” Hitch cried as the others ran to a safe distance. Then, Courage spun the meteor around until it was merely a blur before…

…it sent a bolt of energy down to Misty, scaling her body for a few moments before she gasped and jolted back up onto her hooves. “AGH!! W-Wha…?” she said, shaking her head to clear the dizziness. “What happened?”

“MISTY!!” Shaggy, Scooby and Courage shrieked, jumping from their positions and tackling her before the others joined them. “You’re okay!” Daphne sighed in relief. “We were so worried!”

“...did I die?!” Misty screeched in realization. “Well, sorta,” Eclipse said with a slight chuckle. “Until Courage struck you with some dark matter lightning to bring you back from the great beyond.”

“Uh-huh,” Courage nodded with a smile. “...thank you, Courage. You saved me. In a way... you all did,” Misty said before she looked around. “What about Mom? Where is she?”

“Well, she's...” Zipp looked around, but found that Paradise had vanished from sight. “...gone. She must've escaped when we weren't looking.”

Shaggy shuddered at that. “Do you think she'll come back for the meteor...?”

“I don't think so... not with Eclipse guarding it and Nowhere from now on,” Sunny smiled at the sphinx, who blinked in surprise. “Me? What do you mean?”

“You've always said that Courage saved you,” Sunny told her, “but today, by trusting your instincts, you helped Courage save Misty. And we're all super, super grateful for that.”

“Yeah! Thank you, Eclipse!” Scooby nuzzled the cub's cheek, causing her to giggle... until she started glowing with a bright rainbow light, lifting her into the air. “Whoaoa!! Uh, guys?! What's going on?!”

“Oh, good gracious!” Muriel gasped as the light blinded them for a moment before Eclipse was set down, a picture of a rainbow bow and arrow on her flank. “A cutie mark?” Shaggy questioned out of shock. “Can sphinxes get those?”

“Not that Equestrian history ever foretold,” Zipp shook her head. “But... unity magic works in mysterious ways sometimes.”

“My own cutie mark! I can't believe it!” Eclipse said, admiring her glowing mark. “With this bad boy, we're gonna protect Nowhere like bosses, Courage! But... we can celebrate later. Don't we have a cicada queen to deal with?”


Later, after the group got the queen cicada back on her feet, Daphne moved closer to remove the disguise. “Now, let's see who this Cicada Monster really is.”

She unmasked the queen quickly, revealing who was underneath the mask. “The mayor?!” everyone cried. “Goodness!” Muriel frowned. “But, why would you do all these horrible things? Naughty boy.”

“I fear we're lookin' at someone more sinister and untrustworthy than a politician, if there is such a thing,” Velma said with a smile. “Hey Muriel, I've got one for you. When is a mayor not a mayor?”

Muriel blinked in confusion for a moment. “Oh, I-I don't think I know that one.”

“Then let me show you!” Velma opened the mayor's chest, revealing a cat and a duck inside of it, causing many of them to gasp while Daphne remained confused. “And they are...?”

“Yeah,” Shaggy agreed. “Like who are these strange dudes?”

“It's Katz and Le Quack!” Zipp cried upon recognition, but the others just stood in confusion. “Remember? From the museum display?”

“Ohhhhhh!!” the others stated, realizing what Zipp meant as Courage hid behind Eclipse and Muriel while Velma went on. “They were operating the mayor costume and they were the real villains behind all of this.”

“I'm Katz, mastermind and evil genius,” said the cat. “And I am Le Quack,” said the duck, “world renowned thief of the most highest skill.”

“I had my suspicions, but to be honest,” Velma admitted, “a lot of the clues don't make sense.”

“Yeah. What sort of hare-brained scheme was this?” Hitch huffed. “If you would
allow me to explain how it all happened, it would be my greatest of pleasures,” Katz told the earth pony sheriff. “When I, Katz, discovered--”

“No no no, when I, Le Quack, discovered…” Le Quack interrupted, leaving Katz to sigh before explaining forward. “When we discovered that there was a dark matter meteor of intense power, buried somewhere here under Nowhere, we joined forces with that… terrifying unicorn mare to get ourselves elected as the mayor.”

“Hey! That terrifying unicorn mare is my mom,” Misty said, getting closer with a narrowed gaze. “I hope there wasn’t any offense to that statement.”

“O-Oh! O-Of course not, my dear,” Katz said politely. “As we were saying,” Le Quack went on, “becoming mayor would give us access to all the records of the town.”

“Allowing us to locate the right spot to dig,” Katz continued. “The power of the dark matter meteor has been affecting everything in Nowhere for millions of years.”

Oui, oui,” Le Quack nodded. “And it is the exact center of a map of documented weirdness that only seems to affect Nowhere.”

“So it’s all because of that meteor?” Pipp asked. “Huh… who knew?”

“We knew the dark matter meteor held unlimited power,” Katz said, “and once we found it, we harnessed that power to get rich.”

Oui, oui,” Le Quack laughed. “We made all those silly rich peoples bring their wealth to the farmhouse, which we planned on the collecting of later.”

Katz’s smile soon disappeared. “But when the gang of mystery-solving teens arrived with you ponies of Equestria, we needed to up our game. We found the meteor had different effects by adjusting the modulations. When it spins, it emits a frequency that makes people very open to suggestion. It also affects animals in different ways. It enabled us to control the giant cicadas to keep you all out of our business.”

“Sadly, it did not work so well as we hoped,” Le Quack sighed. “Yes, indeed. We were so close,” Katz agreed. “We would have been rich. Rich!” Le Quack spat. “And we would have gotten away with it, too,” said Katz, “if it wasn't for you meddling--”

“Hold it right there, Katz!” Frau Glockenspiel shouted as she and her husband arrived, scaring the living daylights of everyone there as she continued. “Anything you do or say can be used against you in a court of law!”

“Or a basketball court, racquetball court,” said Mr. Glockenspiel, “ food court, take your pick.”

“Uh…” Misty leaned to whisper to Shaggy and Scooby. “What is happening right now?”

Suddenly, it turns out that Mr. and Mrs. Glockenspiel were really a general and lieutenant for the nearby base next to Nowhere, and had went undercover in hopes of narrowing down where the meteor might be. “We are very grateful to you kooky mystery-solving teenagers,” said the general, “and these brave animals for stopping the nefarious plan of these dastardly criminals.”

“Fine, fine…” Katz sighed. “May I continue?”

“Right, right,” said the lieutenant. “Please do.”

Once getting the all clear, Katz began speaking again. “And we would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling--”

But then, Fred, Daphne and Velma tried to pull on Katz’s face, thinking it to be a mask. “I don’t understand,” Fred spoke. “What is happening?”

“His rubber mask is really stuck on there,” Daphne said, slightly impressed. “That is because I can assure you mystery-solving kooks,” Katz said, slightly annoyed, “that this is indeed my very own face.”

“Yeah, right, buddy,” Daphne scoffed. “Nobody's got a face like that. What kind of glue did you use?” Eclipse asked as Velma poked against Le Quack. “And how do you make that duck puppet move and talk like that?”

“I resent being called a puppet!” Le Quack barked. “I am Le Quack, world famous thief.”

“And I, Katz… genius and mastermind,” Katz said. “And we would have gotten away with it, too,” Le Quack finished, “if it weren't for you annoying, meddling teenagers.”

“Well… I guess I can forgive you for working with my mom. Nopony knew she was an evil psychopath like Opaline,” Misty said. “But, you have to return everything you stole from those people.”

“Of course, of course,” Le Quack sighed before pulling a crystal out from under his wing. “But, I do not know who this belongs to. Seems to be made of a crystal we have never seen.”

Sunny gasped and studied it for a moment. “That’s the second crystal! Where did you find it?!”

“Buried in a patch of grass outside the mansion,” Katz said. “Is it yours?”

“No, it isn't, but it may be our key to saving Equestria,” Misty said, taking it. “And we’re one step closer, thanks to you two finding it.”

“Rest assured, ma’am,” said the general, “we’ll be returning everything else to their rightful owners. “And we'll take that meteor if you don't mind.”

Courage shrugged and tossed it to him, but the dark energy of the meteor made the general and his colleague start to dance… making Courage get a unique idea for a way to celebrate a lot of successes that came their way.


Later on, the meteor floated above the living room floor as the group danced their hearts out, dance music filling the air. “Well… might as well go with it,” Velma shrugged as the meteor’s energy made her do some wild dance moves. “Oh, Courage, what a wonderful idea,” Muriel said as she danced with her dog. “I do so love dancing.”

“And that gives me an idea for a dance we can all do together!” Pipp added with a squeal. “Hit it, Eclipse!”

Eclipse pressed a button on her phone, and the Mane 6 began to dance, and Shaggy and Scooby, recognizing the tune, began to dance along with Courage, Eclipse and all their friends as the ponies began to sing.

Sunny: Somepony give me a shimmy
Somepony give me a shake
Give me a twist and shout
And just feel the bass (Hey, hey!)

Pipp: Come on and let your mane down
Yeah, pony, play

Izzy: You gotta show me
How you work it today

All: Dance, feel the rhythm
Everypony's got the moves (Show it to me!)
Dance, feel the rhythm
Everypony move your hooves (Ow!)


Hitch: Shake it, shake it, shake it

Sunny: Shake loose, bust a hoof
Show me your pony moves

All: Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-ahhh

Hitch: Shake it, shake it, shake it

Sunny: Shake loose, bust a hoof
Show me your pony moves

Eclipse: Somepony give me a whistle

Eclipse, Izzy and Pipp: Somepony give me a clap

Hitch: Give me that rockin' out
And never look back (Uh-huh!)

Eclipse: You gotta let your mane down
Yeah, let it sway, yeah (Let it sway!)

Hitch: You gotta show me
How you're slayin' today

All: Dance, feel the rhythm (Yeah!)
Everypony's got the moves
Dance, feel the rhythm
Everypony move your hooves (Ow!)


Izzy: Shake it, shake it, shake it

All: Shake loose, bust a hoof
Show me your pony moves

Shake it, shake it, shake it!

Midnight: Shake loose, bust a hoof
Show me your pony moves

All: Dance, feel the rhythm
Everypony's got the moves (Ohhhh, yeah!)
Dance, feel the rhythm
Everypony move your hooves

Midnight and Sunny: Oww!!

Everyone in the group laughed and cheered as the meteor began to pick them up from the ground, and Muriel approached Eclipse, Courage and Scooby with a smile. “I only have one more riddle for you. And I bet you three know the answer. What's furry, and sweet, and brave all over?”

Then, the three howled to the sky in unison, “Courage and Scooby-Dooooooo!!!”

And Muriel proclaimed that they got it right on the first try, dancing the rest of the night away.

Another adventure down… but there were still many more ahead to getting Misty’s mother on the right track.

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