• Published 14th Dec 2023
  • 153 Views, 3 Comments

A Journey of Self Discovery - coolpony01

A mare by the name of Ditzy Beifong has no idea what she is there is no one like her in the earth empire or any other nation on earth but she will soon learn the truth of herself and go on a life changing adventure and gain self -discovery.

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Ch 2

We recently left Republic City and my suspicions were correct. My parents are going to try and make Zaofu a part of the Earth Empire. That is technically their right since they are the leaders, and it is within our border though I’m scared I know the members of the Beifong family won’t easily let the city I hope there isn’t conflict. Bloodshed must be avoided whenever possible.
At the moment I am at the lab part of the train one of our high up scientists, Varrick, is going to try and harness energy from spirit vines in order to create a new source of energy.

I am keeping my distance for my safety. My parents want me to learn science for my own knowledge, but they also want me to be safe. All went well with the experiment at the start it produced twenty Varrick's of power, but something went wrong it was producing too much power an alarm began to go off and the glass began to break. As I got to the door, I heard a loud sound and explosion. I turned to see the back of the train was destroyed and I saw Julie hanging off the edge for dear life. I threw myself over. I know I’m not supposed to fly without permission, but this was an emergency. I went to go help Varrick pull her back in the train Julie thanked Varrick for rescuing her. But he said of course he saved her since he couldn’t clean this place up all by himself and to go grab a broom. That gave me a feeling of anger, but it was Varrick after all.
Mom and dad then came and asked what happened and if we were attacked. Varrick said that we were spirit vines but said not to worry because he would put a time bomb on this project. But mom said that he wouldn’t and that did he realize what he would do with this kind of power. Wait What, that might not be the best of ideas that could hurt or even kill a lot of people. Varrick said that he understood and that was why he was bringing an end to it because what if it fails into the wrong hands. Varrick then went on about him hearing voices in his head that were telling him right from wrong. Then mom tried to convince him again, but he refused what happened next, I did not expect and was not all that pleasant.

She told him that now there was a voice in her head telling her to drop him of the tracks and should she listen. Now I saw a dark look in her eyes. Varrick told her to not and that head voices were liars and that he’s work on the project mom then smiled and threw him back in the train.
I gave a look of concern and empathy “Come Ditzy." Dad said. I listened to them and went with them out of the room.

My parents both had looks of concern on their face “We’re really sorry you had to see that as leaders we have to make certain choices to help our people and we do not wish for you to become too frightened.” mom sad.

“Alright I’ll make sure to get accustomed to that." I said.

“Good Ditzy you should get to work now.” mom said.

“Alright I love you guys. "I said, “We love you too. ” Mom said

“Alright I’ll see you later.”I said I then went to work and did what I could to keep what I saw out of my head, but I’ll be honest it scared me a lot.
Later on. My parents have right now taken over Zaofu the rest of my extended family did not surrender within 24 hours. I did noy wish for conflict or bloodshed fortunately there was no blood spilled. My parents were both visited by the avatar. Korra is a powerful person the only one who is able to bend all the four elements and bring balance to the world. The avatar has lived many lifetimes and has done quite a lot of good things for the world. Avatar Korra has also done quite a lot of good things she managed to stop the equalist revolution, she saved the world from a powerful spirt of darkness known as Vatau. She also did her part in rebuilding the air nomads and helped stopping the red lotus. She asked mom to leave Zaofu alone she obviously refused but they formed a truce she would not make any moves until she got back to her. Unfortunately, some members of my family my grandmother Suyin and my Uncles Wei and Wing tried to sneak into my parent's camp and attempted to assassinate my mom they were both arrested. I don’t agree with what they did but I hope they are not harmed.

The avatar would not allow my parents to take over the city so my mother and the avatar dulled the agreement was if my mother lost, she’d leave the city alone but if my mother won the avatar would remain out of her business for good. During the fight it almost looked like the avatar was going to kill mom I almost went in to stop that. That didn’t happen and somehow Korra left the avatar state and fell to the ground. Mom then tried to kill the avatar but since the avatar tried to kill her it was justified. The avatar and her friends then got away, they left the city and mom brought all the people to the center of the city.

She forced them all to bow and pledge their loyalty to her and dad, but grandfather Bataar and Uncle Huan didn’t dad then had them both arrested. I don’t like how my parents are acting this seems to far it’s not right to force citizens to be loyal to you in order for them to be free. I’m going to be honest I’m developing some fear towards my parents they did arrest some of my family despite being peaceful after all.