• Published 14th Dec 2023
  • 152 Views, 3 Comments

A Journey of Self Discovery - coolpony01

A mare by the name of Ditzy Beifong has no idea what she is there is no one like her in the earth empire or any other nation on earth but she will soon learn the truth of herself and go on a life changing adventure and gain self -discovery.

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Hello, my name is Ditzy Beifong. I am 13 years old at least I think I am. I have no idea what I am. I am a mamalatic omnivore. I have hooves, and walk on all fours. My body shape is similar to a deer cat but I am much smaller. I am only three feet tall. I have light sapphire bluish gray fur. Short curly pale light grayish apple green hair and hair for a tale. I have a pair of feathery wings on my back though I'm not very good at flying. I have small pointy ear, my head is unusually large for my body, and I have moderate gamboge crooked eyes.
I don't know who my biological parents are. When I was six or so I was found and adopted by a human couple.
My mother's name is Kuvira Beifong. She's five feet tall with light skin, she has a black leather pair of boots on, dark green trousers, a silver belt, a formal uniform that's light green in the center with a white line around it the rest is dark green. She has a formal pair of gloves on, metal bands on her arms, legs, back, shoulders and neck. She has black hair tied back in a beautiful and formal bun, sharp black eyebrows, a small mole under her right eye and fern green eyes. She is a skilled earth and metal bender and has skill in making military and political decisions deemed best for the country.

My father's name is Bataar Beifong. He is taller than my mom. He is also light skinned, he has the same uniform as my mom minus the fact that he doesn't have metal around his neck. He has formal dark brown hair shaved on the sides, glasses, a small formal dark brown beard and asparagus green eyes. My dad is not a bender, but he is skilled in all things science and helped to invent many wonderful things such as the famous mechs used in the army. He also helped my mom in military and political decision making when it came down to it.
I am very fortunate they are the ones who found me. They didn't treat me like an animal just because I wasn't human, sure they did study me in the beginning, but they never did anything harmful, they just wished to learn of my species and how to properly take care of me.

They made sure I got a decent education. I attended a private school in the city of Zaofu where they lived so my education would always be top of the class. I'll admit some of the people there judged me for not being human, but I still made lots of friends.

My parents were always nice. We'd do things like going to parks as well as the record store. We also did several other things during the year such as picnics in the summer or snowman building in the winter. This also included the attendance of several family events where I was allowed to spend time with my parents and their relatives on holidays birthdays and any other occasion. They always showed their love but still properly disciplined me when I misbehaved. Everything was perfect as possible but when I turned ten everything changed. That was the year our queen was assassinated by a group called the Red Lotus who wanted to bring the world back the natural order of chaos. They attempted to do the same thing with the other world leaders but it did not work because the avatar foiled their plans before they could be made into action but they did get rid of the earth queen and thus brought chaos to the country. That really did happen, the Earth Kingdom fell into chaos, bandits terrorized the countryside and Ba Sing Se was pilfered by its own citizens. There was chaos everywhere people were being killed left and right home pilfered its no wonder why my parents were so worried. And so, my parents decided to help the country.

I will admit it was difficult with the rest of the family not supporting their choice, but I knew it was for the best. My parents made sure everyone had all the resources they needed, brought order to the country, and brought the land out of the dark ages. It took them three years to unite the country and it was a good thing since their were bandits terrorizing the country for a long while and it was a good thing that the nation became more stabilized and finally prosper. Since they brought new technology to the countryside such as running water, sato mobiles, radios, factories, and modern medicine it would mean that everyone truly could enter a new age of prosperity for the country.

They also instituted several codes that were good for the country such as the poor and the rich being treated equally, something the country needed for a long time. Because of their hard work, anyone young or old, rich or poor can benefit under the new political policies. I noticed they became more firm, strict, militarized, and less emotional. They also spent less time with me but they're doing very important things. My parents literally became the temporary leader of the country until the country was stable enough for the prince to return even though he won't make a good leader. I do hope that he doesn’t ruine all the good that has happened to the country though I know that my parents likely won’t allow that to happen.
I'm going to be honest I miss who my parents used to be like and the time we spent together but I can't be mean they still love me and show it and I still love them. Not to mention the land is stable again. Soon my parents won’t be the temporary leaders of the country anymore. I'm glad my parents won't have to deal with all that stress anymore and now I can spend more time with them.