• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
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Hold your ground but do not be unkind. (Ponyphonic, "Shy Heart") He/him. Ponyfic Roundup reviews every Wednesday.


Twilight lies alone in her bedroom, but she does not sleep. She will not sleep again. Still, she stays in that old, familiar room. There is nowhere else.

"Excellent depiction of desolation and the only reasonable action when time runs out." —FanOfMostEverything

An entry for the Thousand Words Contest II, in the Horror category.

Cover image by Henry & Co., from Unsplash, available under this licence.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

and this is why you should check you're formatting the right disk before pressing OK

Twilight Sparkle and the rm -rf / of Doom

One would imagine, that by glaring into everything being smoothed over, Twilight could've find a way to create something from it. Quite interesting concept.

I'm glad you found it interesting. Thank you for reading and commenting! (And for the folder add, too.)

I'd like to know what the smoothing spell was intended to do.

She’d probably have just asked Princess Celestia to fix everything. Then the Princess would have cast some brilliantly complex spell and the rough edges would have gone, all smoothed over again in a jiffy.

aww so true

The world now, if such it could even still be called, consisted of a smoothed-over ocean of dirty grey light, this single bedroom—and Twilight herself. The only life, true life, real life that remained.

oof! that is unsettling

There was no water in the sea that surrounded Twilight’s room now. There never had been. There was not even the ghost of a gnarled and broken tree, as there had been in the world she had seen with Starlight so long ago. So very long ago.

dang, even worse that the timeline that finally convinced Starlight she was wrong

There was nothing else to do now.

There was nothing.

this feels very analogous to and pretty much exactly like entropy, all meaning and information smoothed out into a gray nothing, which is the fate that awaits all of us and everything that we create. and how lonely must that last creature be at the end of time, the final one to exist before they too finally succumb to the nothingness? that is Twilight here. ah, existential despair. thank you for writing!

What’s worse than futilely holding out against inevitable oblivion?

Futilely holding out against inevitable oblivion and knowing it’s your fault.

The greatest irony is that at one point in her life, Twilight would have enjoyed this. After all, there’s nopony to distract her from her reading… but even that one might regret it once she ran out of available reading material. Excellent depiction of desolation and the only reasonable action when time runs out. Thank you for it.

Roughly speaking, Twilight had become upset about all the rough edges in the world, and felt she could use her alicorn-ruler magic to smooth them over. (The mention of Celestia doing something similar is a hint.) She misjudged it for some reason and ended up with a spell that ran out of control and smoothed out everything, leaving nothing but infinite grey.

And thank you for taking the time to comment!

...how lonely must that last creature be at the end of time, the final one to exist before they too finally succumb to the nothingness?

Indeed. I actually think I dealt with the end-of-all-things concept better in It Doesn't Matter Now, although that had a rather different tone since the final living being was Pinkie Pie!

Thank you for reading and commenting! It's a good point: the pre-show Twilight would have reacted very differently to this Twilight, who after so many years has come to understand perhaps more deeply than anypony else in history the value of friendship -- and for just that reason would be utterly desolated by what she had done and how it had left her.

After seeing your reviews all over Fimfiction, I finally decided to see if you had any stories of your own. I came here after reading SS&E's "Bon Bon Bon Bon Bon Bon." That story is dark, confusing, and sad. Mostly confusing. You summed it up pretty nicely with "What?"

I really like this story! I'm sure there are other "Twilight is the last living pony" stories, but the only other one I've found is "Twilight is Annoyed." In it, she accidentally kills all life on the planet, then survives alone until the sun grows into a red giant and consumes everything.

This story also reminds me of the "Remember Me" episode of ST:TNG, where Dr. Crusher is trapped in a collapsing universe. That was ponified brilliantly (imho) in "No One to Remember."

No, I'm not trying to promote those stories, just mentioning them.

Many of your other stories also look interesting, and I'll be reading them in the next few days. In fact, before posting this comment, I read "It Doesn't Matter Now." All I can say is :pinkiehappy:.

Hello there! Thank you very much for taking the time to read some of my stuff, and I'm glad you enjoyed this fic. :twilightsmile: Naturally, all feedback is very welcome, whether positive or otherwise -- as a reviewer, I can't expect to dish it out if I'm not willing to take it! But I'm especially happy you liked It Doesn't Matter Now, which is certainly one of the stories I'm proudest of.

I do know of Twilight is Annoyed, as it happens, and eventually I expect to get around to reading and reviewing it myself. I can't remember how I discovered it, but I suspect it was from a PaulAsaran review blog.

Reminds me of The Nothing from The Neverending Story. Creepy.

Ooh, interesting. Must admit I hadn't thought of that comparison! Thank you for reading, and especially thank you for commenting. :twilightsmile:

woah, that's hooves down the best thing I've read on here :P

that's not as much of a compliment as it should be, as I'm not the most prolific FimFic reader, but still... very glad you're still going olden UKofE pony friend!

Well, I haven't actually written a story here since this -- which is something I ought to rectify soon! -- but yep, still here and with no plans to leave any time soon. Good to see you around the place, and thank you for the kind words!

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