• Published 10th Oct 2023
  • 1,229 Views, 154 Comments

Star Wars EQG: Episode 1, Harmony of the Force - Banshee531

In a galaxy far far away, the Jedi keep order and unity. But a new threat has appeared and now the Jedi must fight to keep the galaxy safe.

  • ...

Chapter 27

The Jedi Temple was full of activity, as the Jedi continued to search the galaxy for anyplace that might be hiding the Sith or their armies.

Within the Temple, Celestia was watching someone through a glass window. The girl that Twilight, Applejack and Heather had brought back with them from their latest adventure, the amnesiac girl known as Sunset Shimmer.

The girl was currently staring at a bunch of blocks, which she was trying to move with The Force. "Come on," Sunset groaned. The blocks began to shift and wobble, but they didn't move. Instead, they just remained where they were. Sunset sighed at this and stopped trying, Celestia frowning.

As she watched, Luna stepped up next to her. "How's it going?"

"The girl is strong with The Force," Celestia agreed. "I can sense the strong connection she has to it and her midi-chlorian levels are extremely high. But she's clearly not been trained."

"She might have been," Luna replied. "She is missing her memories, remember. She might have been trained by someone and forgotten everything she learned."

"True. And if it is, then that worries me. Why weren't we able to find them? She must have had some kind of blood test in her life, so someone must have picked up her high midi-chlorian count. The only reason I can think that they wouldn't let the Order know about her, is they were deliberately trying to keep her abilities a secret."

"It's not unheard of," Luna sighed. "Even now, some parts of the Galaxy believe Jedi kidnap children from their families and make it so they can never see them again. So what should we do with her?"

"I'm not sure," Celestia replied. "We should attempt to find her family and return her to them. But if we are unable to do that, I will allow her to stay here until her memories have returned. And maybe we can teach her to control her abilities."

"You want to bring her into the order?" Luna asked. "Didn't we have a big issue with Flash when the exact same thing was proposed? At least Flash had Grand's teachings in his favour. This girl knows nothing of the Jedi Order."

"True. But what else can we do? Throw her out onto the street?" Luna nodded, seeing Celestia's point. And as they turned back to Sunset, the girl tried again and actually managed to get the blocks to float into the air. The pair smiled at this, as she tried to stack the blocks on top of one another. But she lost her focus and they fell to the ground.

"What of Twilight's research?" Celestia asked, having been so focused on Sunset she had yet to see how her student was doing.

"She's been in the archives ever since Flash told her about the book," Luna replied. "I don't think she's going to put it down until she finds at least one rune she can translate." Celestia nodded, as Sunset kept trying to stack the blocks.

In the archives, Twilight was reading through the book that Flash and the others had managed to retrieve.

She had been worried when she learned about her brother's time in prison and battles in the coliseum, followed by his narrow escape from Cabraille. But as soon as she learned about the Sith book, she rushed to where it was being stored and started reading it right away.

She flipped through another page, her eyes shifting from word to word in order to memorise them all. "There has to be something," she told herself. "Some rune that's still being used. One I can use to translate the rest. One. That's all I need."

Springer then appeared beside her, the hovering K-9 droid flying up to her. "I got the info you wanted."

"Thanks," Twilight nodded before holding up a tablet. "Can you download it into here, please?"

"Sure." Springer extended an arm that plugged into the device. "Typical, huh. You finally have something that might be able to help you translate the runes, and your gauntlet is broken and loses all the info you had."

"The Force probably playing a prank on me," Twilight stated. "Who knows. Maybe it wants me to learn how to read this thing without needing a cheat sheet. Maybe being able to read this is the only way to beat the Sith." Springer didn't argue with that, as he continued to download the data into the tablet. "Thanks for helping with this."

"No problem," Springer replied. "It's not like I had anything better to do. Flash is so busy with his training, he doesn't need a droid to help with that."

In the Jedi training room, Flash and Shining were hard at work.

The equestrian Jedi deflected more of Flash's strikes, showing no difficulty in holding his own against his younger opponent. Flash swung his blade as fast as he could, but not a single attack got through Shining's iron hard defence.

At one point, Shining blocked Flash strike and held him in place. "Come on. That can't be the best you've got." He pushed Flash back, the Padawan staggering back. He managed to keep himself from falling over, the teen taking a deep breath and he prepared himself for his next strike. "You think the Sith will just turn off their weapons and let you hit them? Come on."

Flash charged, attacking again whilst doing his best to keep his aggression in check. He knew Shining was trying to goad him into losing his cool, so he could strike back. But Flash wouldn't let himself be overwhelmed by his emotions. He would keep them on a tight leash.

Their blades clashed several times, Shining easily blocking every blow. And before Flash could find an opening in Shining's defence, Shining found an opening in his.

"Raaaah!" Shining pushed Flash's blade down before quickly slashing upwards, his Lightsaber slicing through Flash's chest and making him cry out.

Flash staggered back, clutching his chest wound. Shining smirked, as he swung his Lightsaber around before going on the offensive. Flash did his best to ignore the pain and fight back, but it was difficult to do so and he soon found himself able to do nothing but defend.

Shining slashed at him several times, Flash barely able to block. And just when Flash thought he saw an opening, Shining spun around and kicked Flash's feet out from under him. "Augh!" Flash hit the ground, as Shining pointed his blade at his face. His Lightsaber was out of his hand and if he tried to call it, Shining would just stab him. "You win."

"Of course I do." Shining extinguished his blade and helped Flash up, as the injury Flash obtained disappeared. "You're too unfocused. Splitting your attention between too many things. Your sword style, your footwork and searching for an opening in your opponent's defences."

"What are you saying?" Flash asked. "That I should only be doing one of them?"

"You should only be focused on one thing," Shining replied. "The others, you need to be able to do without thinking about it. Parallel processing."

"Parallel processing?"

"Like when you're flying a ship," Shining stated. "You weren't born knowing how to fly your Delta-X, but you learned. The ship did most of the work at first, using autopilot. But you started learning to do more things one at a time, eventually learning to do all of it without the autopilot and without thinking about it. That make sense?"

"I guess," Flash nodded. "And you want me to do that when I'm fighting?"

"I want you to do it with everything. The life of a Jedi is a hectic one. You've seen first hand how many things can be thrown at us all at once. Thinking of how to deal with them all at once is impossible. You'll find yourself overwhelmed and end up not being able to deal with them all. That's why parallel processing is important. If you can do something without thinking about it, you can deal with something without thinking about it and can focus on something else."

"That just sounds like a recipe for doing a lot of things wrong."

"For those that don't know how to do it, it is. But for those that have properly learned how to do it, it's a great way to keep yourself from getting overwhelmed." He ignited his Lightsaber and stepped backwards. "Now, let's try again. For now, focus your attention on defending against my strikes. Don't bother with a counter attack of your footwork. The next time you fight a Sith, I want you to be able to defend against them no matter what they throw at you."

Flash nodded and ignited his own blade, Shining charging forward.

Twilight had finished uploading the data of the book into the tablet, some of the runes definitely being the same ones from the temples.

She kept sweeping her eyes over the pages, her mind analysing each symbol as her eyes focused on them. Every time she stared at one, she had no idea what she was looking at. That was until her gaze landed on one symbol, which caused her to stop and stare at it.

Springer noticed her suddenly change in focus and tilted his robotic head. "Find something?"

"I know this symbol," Twilight announced. "I've seen it before." She scoured her memory, trying to figure out where she had seen the image before. Then, slowly, she remembered. "Yes!" She got up and ran towards a section of the archive, taking the tablet with her.

Springer followed, the pair eventually arriving at a data bank that Twilight connected the tablet into.

"It's one of the symbols I found when I was trying to uncover the meaning behind the first lot. I couldn't use it to translate any of them before, but now I might be able to." She found the symbol in question and uploaded it to the tablet, placing its translation in place of the symbol.

That word soon replaced every copy of the symbol in the digital book, which she hoped would help the computer figure out a way to translate the other parts. And to her joy, the computer had something.

"There's another symbol that occasionally appears after the first one. Which must mean it's a word that's often found next to the symbol's translation." She brought up the word and asked for another word that was often found after the first word, the computer calculating until it found one that was used in a variety of different ways.

Twilight took that word and replaced the symbol with it in the book, then found another symbol that was occasionally in front of that word. As such, she asked the computer to find another word that often went in front of that word. Once again, the computer was able to find a word and Twilight smiled.

It was a slow process, but more and more of the symbols were being translated. Twilight couldn't guarantee that she was translating it correctly, but she had a feeling it was right. It wouldn't be long before they could read at least part of the book.

In another part of the temple, Sunset and Celestia were walking together through the temple.

"Your skills with The Force are quite remarkable," Celestia told her. "Being able to move those blocks so quickly after discovering your abilities is quite something."

"Thank you," Sunset nodded. "But it's not like I did all that well. I wasn't even able to stack them on top of one another."

"True. But you were able to lift more than one at a time. That's more than many others have been able to do after awakening their abilities." She stopped with Sunset stepping up beside her. "We have sector security looking into your family. If they're on this planet, I promise we'll find them."

"Thank you," Sunset replied. "It's weird. I know there's a chance I have a family. But since I don't remember them, I don't really have any desire to go back to them."

"You must have some desire to know who you are," Celestia told her. "I've lived for over three hundred years. I've done many things I wish I could forget, but I know I can't. Because those memories are a part of who I am. The memories you had are a part of who you are as well."

"I guess," Sunset nodded. "Is it okay if I go rest in my room? I'm feeling kind of drained."

"Of course," Celestia nodded. "And once you're feeling better, maybe we can work on helping you have better control over the objects you move." Sunset nodded and headed towards the room she had been offered by the Jedi.

Celestia headed off in a different direction, allowing Sunset to make her own way through the temple.

Eventually, she arrived at the room and headed inside. Once she was in, she removed her jacket and threw it over to a hook on the wall. The jacket missed, but stopped before it could hit the ground.

It flew up and straightened itself out, Sunset not even looking as it hung itself perfectly on the hook. The girl sat one the bed and let herself get centred before the compartment in her boot opened on its own, the tube-like device floating out of it and into her hand

Solara looked the device over, wondering how long she could pull the wool over the Jedi's eyes.

"This is Solara," she spoke into the device. "The Jedi have yet to suspect anything. They still believe my memories have been lost and I have no clue who I am. I know I can't play that card forever, but hopefully it'll give me the chance I need to discover where the relic has been hidden. Until then, I'll keep playing the role of the victim they're helping and send any information I uncover back to you. This should give us the edge that we need."

As Solara placed the device back in her boot, she couldn't but smile at her own good luck.

Whilst being attacked by pirates, losing her memory and getting stranded on another planet had not been her plan, it had certainly worked in her favour. She had planned to sneak onto Canterlot and into the temple, but had known that she would have likely been caught. But now she could walk around the temple as much as she wanted, so long as she kept up the illusion of having no memory.

As Solara let herself drift off and rest, she thought about everything that had happened since being rescued.

The Jedi had allowed her to stay after discovering her Force Abilities, allowing her the medical care needed to completely fix her head wound. Twilight's friends had happily welcomed her when they learned what had happened, feeling bad for her not knowing who she was and where she came from.

The fools had been nothing but nice to her. Treating her like she wasn't someone who hadn't tried to kill or capture several of them before. "Their own weakness will certainly be their undoing." Sunset let herself close her eyes and drift off, hoping to get as much rest as she could before the real work began.

Twilight smiled as she stared at the words that were slowly being replaced within the book.

She smiled, as another sentence was completed. And as she read through it, she felt giddy as the sentence made sense despite Twilight lacking the context behind it. "I can't wait to show this to Master Celestia."

"Show what to me?" Twilight jumped and almost fell off the chair, the Padawan turning to her master and smiling before holding up her tablet.

"I managed to decipher part of the book." Celestia smiled hearing this, as Twilight sat up in her chair. "I was able to find a symbol that had a translation in our archives. I was then able to use that symbol to help translate other words. I know I might not have gotten it perfect, but the translations I've read so far have made sense. Whole sentences sound like they were written to mean that."

Celestia took the tablet and smiled. "This is excellent work Twilight. I knew you could do it." Twilight smiled at the praise. "You said several sentences have already been translated. Anything in them that might help us?"

"Possibly," Twilight looked down at the book and remembered the random sentences she had read once they were translated. "Bits and pieces. But I can't hope to understand them without context. A story makes no sense if you jump into the middle of it without being told who and what everything was. Until the whole book's been translated, I'd rather not try and guess what any of this means."

"Fair enough," Celestia nodded. "But have you found anything that might be useful to know now?"

Twilight tapped her finger on the table and flicked through the book, until she came across an image that showed a stone archway full of light. The next image also made her hum. "I do remember a few mentions of a gate."

"A gate?" Celestia asked. "What kind of gate?" Twilight showed her the archway image and Celestia nodded. "Yes, I see. Some kind of gateway. But leading to where?"

"I don't know," Twilight replied. "Hopefully, we'll know more when the book is translated." Celestia nodded and whilst she was eager to see what this book said, she also knew Twilight likely hadn't eaten or had any sleep since learning about the book.

"The computer can do the rest of the translation without you. I want you to get a hot meal and a good night's sleep into you right away. You're no use to anyone if you push yourself to a breaking point." Twilight sighed, but didn't argue. She had learned not to try that a long time ago.

As such, she got up and headed out of the archive with Springer following.

Celestia took the tablet and found one of the Education Core members that would be watching the archives overnight, handing them the device and asking to be informed as soon as the translation had been completed. They nodded and Celestia followed her student out of the archives, the pair heading towards the sleeping chambers whilst spotting other Jedi turning in for the night.

This included Flash and Shining, who Springer hovered over to. Twilight moved over to them as well, whilst Celestia stayed back and watched as they headed off in the same direction.

But just as she was about to go to her own chambers, she got a message on her gauntlet and brought it up. It was from sector security, asking for a private holo-chat. Something like that was rare for sector security, who were all about public knowledge.

She headed over to an empty room that had a secure holo-viewer, the Jedi Grandmaster quickly connecting to the security system and typing in the code she had been given. A few moments later, the chief of the sector security appeared in holographic form.

"Ah, Celestia. Good. Are you alone?"

"Yes," Celestia nodded. "Can I ask what this is about?"

"It's about the girl you asked us to help find the family of." Celestia nodded, though she was curious why she had to talk on a secure line for this. "We sent her image to every sector in Canterlot. There was no response from anyone. If she had family in Canterlot, they would have seen the image. But that's not why I called. It's about her DNA."

"I didn't know you had her DNA," Celestia frowned.

"When she was undergoing medical treatment, the devices that fixed her up scanned her DNA and we received it along with her medical report. When nobody came forward with the image, we did a search on her DNA. Thought maybe she had family that was in the system, but left Canterlot for some reason."

"And what did you find?" Celestia had a feeling she wasn't going to like what they told her.

"Someone did come up when we put her DNA through the computer. You." Celestia's eyes widened in shock, as the chief sent her over the details. "Your DNA makes up fifty percent of her genetic make-up."

"That's impossible." She looked over the file and sure enough, Sunset's DNA was a partial match for hers. "No. That's not possible."

"I thought you Jedi weren't allowed to have children."

Celestia frowned. "We are allowed. But I've never had a child. I've never even..." She didn't finish that sentence and kept looking through the data. "You must have made a mistake."

"I triple checked when the data came back. She is your daughter." Celestia could hardly believe she was hearing this. It wasn't possible. "What do you want to do about this?"

"I don't know," Celestia frowned. She wanted to run over to that girl's room and demand to know what she was hiding, but knew revealing this titbit of information could cause the girl to panic and run. "Who else knows about this?"

"Nobody. I put the DNA into the system myself. You and I are the only ones who know the truth."

"Please keep it that way," Celestia asked. "I do not wish to cause a ruckus by telling everyone the truth. If this girl knows of her connection to me, I will determine it before I let the rest of the order know." The chief nodded. "You said my DNA made up half her genetic makeup. What of the other half?"

"No idea. I put it through the system, but it doesn't have a match. Whoever the other DNA belongs to. They've never been processed." Celestia nodded, thanking the chief. "Since I'm keeping this a secret for you. Mind doing me a favour?"

"Of course," Celestia nodded. "What do you need."

"Can you send a Jedi or two to this location tomorrow?" He sent over the coordinates. "I could really use some of that Jedi skill and instinct. I've sent one of my best officers there, but he's been having a few issues lately. He could really use some help."

"Of course," Celestia nodded. "I'll send them as soon as they're awake tomorrow." The chief nodded and cut the call, allowing Celestia to ponder what she had just learned. Something was clearly up with that girl. And Celestia had to figure out what it was.

She would need to keep a closer eye on this girl.

The next day.

Ruby and Rarity were making their way through the city, Ruby driving a speeder for the pair to get to the area they had been asked to investigate. Ruby had only just returned from her home planet, which was finally back on its feet after the attack that had happened by The Sith. She was keen to get back to her Jedi duties, after hearing her father constantly trying to convince her to stay.

"You have the coordinates?" Ruby asked her apprentice, who used her gauntlet to check their location.

"Yes." She taped on the map section and found the location they were heading to, along with a dot showing their location. "We're close to it. Take a left down there." Ruby swerved and flew between two buildings, Rarity double checking and confirming they were heading in the right direction. "It should be just up ahead."

Ruby looked ahead and spotted a large building, which she realised was a company of some kind that worked on multiple different gadgets and machine components. "Isn't this where they build the software that goes into our gauntlets?"

"I think so," Rarity nodded. "I wonder what they need our help with." They flew into the company's parking lot and spotted a sector security vehicles parked there, the pair wondering which sector security officer they would be helping?

Once parked, they headed into the building and stepped up to the reception. "Hello," the woman working there smiled, "how can I help you today?"

"We were asked by the sector security chief, to come and help with a situation."

"Ah, yes. You're the Jedi we were told were being sent to aid us. Give me a moment to send a message up to our CEO." She started typing away and her computer, sending off an email whilst Ruby and Rarity waited where they were. After a few moments, the receptionist smiled. "Our CEO will see you now." She pointed to an elevator. "That lift will take you up to the top floor, where his office is the last one in the corridor."

"Thank you," Ruby nodded before the two headed for the elevator. "By any chance, do you happen to know who the security officer is that we'll be working with?" The lady nodded and gave a description, causing them both to go wide eyed. "Oh, no."

Lightning Blitz did not look happy when the two arrived, whilst the CEO of the copy smiled.

"Ah, excellent." This man was a human, who looked happy to see them. "Jedi. I'm sure this situation will be solved in no time now." He turned to Lightning, who just glared at the pair as they approached. "Thank you for coming."

"It was our pleasure," Ruby assured him. "Now, what seems to be the problem here?"

"Yes. Yes. Officer Blitz. Maybe you would like to tell them."

"No, I would not. You shouldn't trust these Jedi. They'll do nothing except cause more problems than they solve." He turned to glare at them. "This is a Sector Security matter. So get lost, before I arrest you for interfering with security business."

"Come now," Rarity frowned. "We came because your chief asked us to help. And if something's happening, we can't just walk away."

"She's right," Ruby nodded before turning to the CEO. "Why don't you tell us what's going on. This guy has a beef with us." Lightning glared at them, as the man nodded.

"Very well." He pressed a button and part of the desk opened up to project something. A holographic vial of liquid. "This is Valenium. A very rare and important substance that my company uses to synthesise a special metal used to make our components. it can also be used to help build powerful weapons, which is why it's sought after by almost anyone in the weapon business."

"I see," Ruby nodded. "And if it's rare, I'm guessing the war has made getting more of it difficult."

"Very difficult," the CEO agreed. "Which is why we're working to safeguard the little amount we have. We're the only place in this part of the galaxy that has Valenium. And recently, we've been getting a bunch of security breaches. We worry someone is trying to steal the Valenium to sell it off. And if they are, you know the types that'll end up buying it."

"Weapon makers and criminals," Ruby frowned. "Yes. I can see why that would be a concern. Very well. We'll help keep this substance safe. I'm guessing you have it under lock and key."

"Yes," the CEO told her. "It's safely locked in-"

"DON'T SAY A WORD!" Lightning cried, scaring the man. "You can't tell them where it is. Then they'll use their powers to make you open it so they can take the Valenium for themselves."

"Oh, for goodness sake." Rarity put her hands on his hips. "We're not going to steal it. Why would we?"

"To make some kind of super weapon," Lightning announced before pointing at their Lightsabers. "Those blades can cut through anything. I bet you plan on making a giant version of one, so you can blow up planets or something." The Jedi couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"To make a weapon like that, it would need to be the size of a small moon. Do you really think the Jedi would create something like that?" Before Lightning could reply, Ruby turned to the CEO. "He is right, however. You shouldn't tell us where the Valenium is located. The less people know, the safer it is. Also, whoever's after it might be watching."

"Very well," The CEO nodded. "So, we do we do?"

"We should make sure your security system isn't glitching," Ruby stated. "When was the last time you had the sensors checked and repaired."

"Not too long ago. The security company we employ, did a full overhaul of the sensors and cameras. They promised us nobody would be able to break in."

"And nobody has," Lightning announced. "Yet. But you can't always rely on devices to always work. Every system has a flaw. Doesn't matter how small, there's always a way around it." He turned to the CEO. "I'm going to the security station to see how it works. I suggest not letting these two go anywhere without supervision. You never know what they might pull."

Ruby and Rarity glared at him, Rarity then smirking as an idea formed in her head. "Master. I think it might be a good idea that I go and check the security station as well. Just to make sure nothing is missed." Ruby smiled and nodded.

"I think that's a great idea. I'll start discussing plans with the CEO, so we know what'll happen if anybody breaks in." Rarity nodded and rushed after Lightning, joining him at the door as the man opened it.

"Leave me alone," he stated. "I don't need your help."

"Of course," Rarity nodded. "I'm just heading to the same place you're going. Since it's clear you're not willing to help us, I need to make sure we know everything you know. Since you'll not be sharing any info with me." Lightning glared at her, whilst Rarity just smiled.

"Fine. But no talking. I don't want you influencing me with your demon tongue."

"Oh, so we're demons now?"

"You might as well be." He sped up, but Rarity was able to keep pace as they headed through the building to a lower section. "You're just like them. Promising to make things better for people, but doing nothing but helping yourself. And when something bad does happen, you blame the innocent so you don't have to act like you did anything wrong."

"Of course. That's just your thing, isn't it. Making us look to be the bad guys because of one mistake we made."

"One mistake!?" Lightning turned to glare at her. "You arrested my father, sent my mother to a grief-stricken grave and caused my grandfather to spend the rest of his life, marooned on a planet where he wasted his time training some loser who you took in out of pity."

Rarity glared back at him. "I don't know much about what happened with your father, but the council apologised for suspecting him. He chose to break out and then joined the Sith. We didn't make him do that."

"My father didn't join the Sith." Rarity raised an eyebrow at this, as Lightning turned to walk away. "He joined so he could get information and destroy them from the inside."

"How do you know that?" Rarity asked, but Lightning said nothing. "Are you in contact with him?"

"I wish. But it's obvious. Why else would he let himself work for the Sith? He's a good man and when he learned about what the Sith were doing, he realised he couldn't trust the Jedi to stop them. It's obvious when you think about it."

Rarity wasn't sure if she should believe him or worry the guy was going nuts. But before she could decide, they turned a corner and Rarity stopped. The reason was because she sensed something. A presence, despite them both being alone in the corridor.

"What?" Lightning asked. "Your realisation shock you enough to make you stop?" Rarity said nothing and focused, closing her eyes and she reached out with The Force. And eventually she managed to narrow the feeling down to an exact location.

She spun around, drawing her Lightsaber and pointing it at the ceiling. "Who's there? Answer me!" Lightning looked at her like she had gone mad. But before he could say anything, something hit the ground in front of them that he couldn't see.

"WOW!" The next thing he knew, he was tackled to the ground by whatever it was. It then leapt up and charged down the hall, Rarity chasing after it. "What the heck?" He pushed himself up and raced after her, though he couldn't see what she was chasing.

Rarity could barely keep track of whatever it was, as it ran down the hallway as fast as it could. She quickly activated her gauntlet and called Ruby. "Master. Some kind of invisible being is loose in the building."

"Invisible?" Ruby asked, as the CEO called the security station.

"Activate the inferred sensors and scan areas twenty through twenty-five. Scan for every heat source and check them against security footage. If there's a heat source the cameras can't pick up, tell me." He waited a few moments before the one working in security called back.

"Sir. We've scanned those areas and there are no invisible heat sources."

"How is that possible?"

Ruby tapped into Rarity's gauntlet and found her location, "two floors down!" She ran for the door and turned to the CEO. "If the Valenium is in here, lock this door as soon as I'm out of here." He nodded and she left, hoping Rarity could maybe capture the intruder.

Rarity continued to chase after the invisible assailant, Lightning on her tail as she followed the sense she had gotten.

As they turned a corner, they spotted someone walking down the corridor behind them. And as Rarity sensed the individual, she suddenly sensed killing intent coming from him. "Get down!" She used The Force and pulled the woman off her feet, moments before something invisible slammed into the wall behind her and caused a dent in the hard metal.

Lightning caught up and put on his helmet, the visor turning to inferred and scanning the place. But he wasn't picking up a heat signature. "What? Why can't I get a lock on it?"

"Rarity," Ruby's voice spoke up through the gauntlet. "The security sensors can't pick this person up. Either they can naturally shield themselves from giving off heat, or they're wearing something that's blocking them from being detected. Be on alert."

"That explained that." Rarity frowned, as the figure ran away from them. "He's getting away." She reached for Lightning's holster and pulled out his blaster.

"Hey!" He ran after her, as she chased the figure down the corridor until he reached another corner. Rarity jumped around the side and pointed the weapon at the invisible figure. But as she fired, the kick back of the weapon knocked her staggering back.

The laser flew up and hit the ceiling, not even close to the one they were chasing.

"Now I see why Jedi don't use blasters." He pulled the weapon from her hands and fired himself, but he was shooting blind and Rarity sensed the figure doing several flips to avoid the incoming shots. "Did I get him?"

"No." Rarity ran after them again, as a dinging sound caught her attention. "Elevator!"

Lightning smirked at this, as the figure turned another corner towards the sound they had heard. And as they got close, they heard sounds of pain coming from the elevator. They reached the corner and saw two people on the ground, whilst the elevator closed.

"Now we've got you!" Lightning pulled out his communicator. "This is Lightning Blitz to security. Cut power to all elevators." A few moments later, the elevator's digital number read out died. "Gotcha!" He began to run and Rarity chased after him, the pair running up the stairs until they reached the floor the elevator's read out had shown before it had died.

Once they reached the elevator doors, Lightning pointed his blaster at the doors.

"Alright," he glanced at Rarity, "you can use your powers. Open the doors." Rarity frowned, noticing he wasn't against Jedi powers when he needed them.

She was about to open them, but stopped when she sensed something. Or didn't sense something. "There's nobody in there." Lightning looked at her, as she focused on every part of the elevator. "It's empty. But how?"

"Open the doors." Rarity nodded and forced the metal doors to open, revealing a completely empty elevator. Lightning pointed his weapon inside and looked around, eventually looking up and seeing the top of the elevator was open. "Damn it!" He pulled himself through the hatch and stepped onto the elevator's roof, Rarity Force Jumping through it. "Where is he?"

"I don't have unlimited range," Rarity told him. "I can't sense him. He must have climbed up higher than I can sense."

"We must be going to the top," Lightning growled before using his radio. "Return the power to the elevators and send them up."

Rarity grabbed the radio from him. "Not all the elevators. Send the one in section three eight two up to the top. Send the rest down to the bottom." He gave the radio back to him. "We can't give him multiple ways to escape." The elevator began to move upwards.

"How'd you know what section this elevator was in?"

"I noticed the words printed on the wall as he chased this assailant down. I only need a moment to memorise something."

"Is that a Jedi thing?"

"It's a Rarity thing." As she said that, she finally sensed the presence above them and looked up. "There." She pointed towards one of the doors leading out of the elevator shaft. Lightning looked up and didn't see anything, but then noticed the doors being forced open by something.

He drew his blaster and fired, hitting something that let out a scream as they pushed their way through the doors.

Lightning leapt back through the hatch and hit the button to stop on that floor, Rarity leaping through with him as the metal box came to a stop. As the doors opened, they saw blood on the ground. They looked around and saw the hallway they were in went in two separate directions, the blood giving no indication which way the figure had gone.

"Where is he?" Lightning growled, with him and Rarity having no idea which way the figure had gone.

Rarity opened up her gauntlet and connected to her master. "I'm sorry. We lost him. But he's injured, so he couldn't have gotten far."

"Alright," Ruby nodded. "You two get back to the CEO's office. If they are after the Valenium, they'll have to come here."

"We're on our way." Rarity cut the call and Ruby closed her eyes, reaching out with The Force in an attempt to locate the intruder the same way Rarity had. But no matter how hard she focused, she couldn't sense the figure that had invaded the tower.

She tried to think like the villain they were facing, going over what she would do if this had happened to her.

"I snuck into the building, but I was caught and chased. I tried to escape through the elevator, but got shot and now I'm injured. I know trying to sneak around would be too dangerous. So...I wouldn't try to get to the Valenium through the building. I'd try it...from the outside." She spun around, staring at the CEO's office door.

Inside the office, the CEO was sitting nervously praying the Jedi and Security Officer would be able to deal with the intruder.

But as he sat behind his desk, he was unaware that someone was crawling up from a lower floor outside his window. If he looked towards the window, he would see a bloody palm print appear on the glass. It wasn't until he heard something tap the glass, that he looked around.

Moments later, the glass shattered and something came flying into the room.

That something slammed its foot into him and he was knocked onto his back, as whatever it was landed on his desk. Doing so caused part of the desk to open, revealing a bunch of buttons. One of which was suddenly pressed down and caused the whole room to ring with a siren.

The sound filled the rest of the building, as metal shuttered closed over all the windows and the doors leading from one spot to the next. This also blocked the office off, as the doors and windows around the room were sealed shut.

"NO!" Ruby reached the door and tried to pry it open, but the metal refused to budge.

Lightning and Rarity had managed to get to her area before the lockdown, the two running up to the door. "What happened?" Lightning asked. "Why's the whole place on lockdown?"

"Best guess," Ruby surmised. "Our guest managed to get out a window on a lower flow and climbed up the side of the building. Either the CEO noticed them and activated the lockdown, or someone else did."

"We have to get inside," Rarity cried. "Who knows what's happening in there."

"Maybe I can hack in and undo the lockdown." Lightning reached for his gauntlet, but Ruby acted first.

"No time." She removed her Lightsaber and ignited it, the blade carving into the metal. Rarity did the same and stabbed into a lower part, the pair cutting in a counter-clockwise circle. But it would take a minute or two.

The CEO started at the one who had attacked him. Though they were invisible, several streams of blood were running down some kind of arm.

The figure moved closer, as he shuffled back, then spoke up in a female voice. "Give me the Valenium." He glared at her, only for something that to shoot past him and hit the ground, the impact damaging the metal floor with how fast it was. Whatever it was then retracted, returning to whoever was attacking him. "Next time, it's going straight in the eye. Now hand over the Valenium."

"Never," the CEO cried. "I would rather die than give you such a dangerous substance." The invisible person roared as whatever weapon they had shot out towards a wall, slamming into his bookshelf and ripping it apart. It then shot over to a podium holding an alien vase, shattering it before flying over to a picture of the last CEO.

The picture was torn and when it was, it revealed something behind it. A safe.

"Hello." The figure grabbed the CEO and pulled him over to it, throwing him down as she reached out and ripped the portrait down. "There you are." She turned to the CEO, "open it."

"Never!" The assailant reached down and twisted his arm, making him scream in pain. But before any permanent damage could be done, the door flew open. Lightning, Rarity and Ruby jumped in, Lightning pointing his blaster at the blood streaks and firing.

The invader leapt out of the way, firing whatever they had at Lightning's head. But before it could make contact, Rarity pulled him back before swinging her blade around. Doing so cut through whatever the invisible projectile was, causing the figure to scream in absolute agony.

Suddenly, the figure became visible. A purple humanoid chameleon, whose right arm was bleeding whilst a metal belt was wrapped around her waist. She clutched her mouth, whilst something flopped on the ground near Rarity's foot.

"Ew!" She saw the wiggling end of the chameleon's tongue, wiggling for a few more seconds before stopping.

The chameleon glared at them all, Lightning's gun trained on her whilst the Jedi held their Lightsabers. And after a moment, she realised she was beat and ran for the window. She barely dodged Lightning's shot, as she hit the button to open the windows.

As the shutters rolled back up, the alien leapt for the broken window. But Ruby quickly launched a rope from her belt that wrapped around the alien's leg. The chameleon fell to the ground, Ruby pulling on her to keep her from getting to the window. And as the lizard worked to unravel the rope, Lightning hit the lockdown button again.

The shutters came down and the chameleon was trapped, as Rarity used The Force to grab hold of the lizard.

She flinched, doing her best to hold her in place. But the chameleon fought against her hold and she was having trouble. However, she was able to hold her long enough for Lightning to act.

He pulled out his cuffs and snapped them around the chameleon's wrists, pulling her arms behind her back. She tried to escape, kicking at him and using her tail. But Lightning was able to cuff her feet together and grab hold of her tail. "Give it up already. You're caught." He then noticed the belt around her waist and realised it was some kind of shield generator. Likely hiding her heat signature.

He pulled the device off of her as she tried to go invisible, the cuffs remaining visible. Lightning looked at the belt curiously and pressed it against her tail, the metal object disappearing until he pulled it away.

"Neat trick." The lizard said something, but the loss of her tongue meant he couldn't understand what she was saying. The best he could make out was that she was insulting them. "Save it. You have the right to remain silent, you know." The chameleon appeared and glared back at him, as Lightning pulled her up and the others deactivated the lockdown.

Ruby spotted the safe on the wall and sighed, turning to the CEO. "Behind a portrait. That's kind of a clique, isn't it?"

The CEO laughed as he walked up to the safe and opened it up, revealing a vial of greyish-blue liquid inside of it. And as Lightning dragged the criminal out of the room, he took it and threw it towards Ruby. She caught it with a gasp and looked at him in shock. "Scan it."

Ruby looked confused and scanned the liquid, being surprised by the results. "This isn't Valenium."

"No. But it looks like Valenium. I hid it in that safe so that if anyone actually does get in, they'd end up taking the wrong thing and the real Valenium remained safe."

"So where is the real Valenium?" Rarity asked.

"Hidden. Someplace only I and the next CEO will know. Your master was right. The less people that know its location, the better." They nodded at this, as Ruby handed the fake vial back to him to return to the safe. Once that was done, they all headed down the building and out into the landing zone.

Lightning was stuffing the criminal into the back of the security cruiser, as they stepped over to him. "You shouldn't let your guard down yet," he announced. "She might have just been the first in a large group who are going to try and steal the Valenium."

"I know," the man replied. "And I think I might know how she was able to get in without detection." The three looked at him, curious. "I remember her. We've met before. She was working for the security company that fitted the sensors and cameras."

"Is that so?" Lightning frowned. "Looks like I'll need to look into this security system."

"At least now we know how she was able to trick the inferred," Ruby stated. "She must have tested that belt on the sensors before installing them."

"Yes," The CEO nodded. "If it hadn't been for the two of you, she would have gotten to my office without being caught. I owe you my life." Lightning frowned at this, whilst Rarity turned to him.

"I know you don't like the Jedi," she told him. "And I won't deny that the order's made mistakes in the past. But we really do want to help." Lightning said nothing at this. "And maybe you're right. Maybe your father really is trying to take the Sith down from the inside. I'll suggest this to the Jedi Masters. They may be open to the possibility."

"I hope so," Lightning replied. "The last thing my father needs is to be close to taking the Sith down, only to be stopped by the Jedi." Rarity nodded, as Lightning pulled himself up into his cruiser.

Rarity watched him fly off, as Ruby stepped up next to her. "You really think Doom Raizer is working to undermine the Sith?"

"I'm not sure," Rarity replied. "But who knows. Everyone thought he was guilty when he was innocent before. Maybe it's the same way here. All I'm saying is, we should be open to the idea of him working against the Sith. But that doesn't mean I refuse to accept he might have actually turned to the Dark Side. And if he has, it's our fault and we need to find a way to fix it." Ruby nodded, as they headed back their speeder. They had to return to the temple and give their report.

Celestia was in her chamber, watching a video of the library.

Within the library, Twilight was finishing off the book translation whilst Sunset sat beside her. As she stared at the girls, Celestia thought about who this Sunset girl was supposed to be. Somehow, she was her biological daughter. But what did that mean?

As she watched, Twilight began to laugh. "It's done."

"What's done?" Sunset asked.

"The translation. I can read the book now. We'll finally know what the Sith are after." Celestia's ears perked at this. "I need to call Celestia. There's no telling how important this book's story could be." Celestia shut down the video, as her gauntlet beeped. Celestia opened the call and Twilight's voice spoke up. "Master. The translation is complete."

"Good work, Twilight. I'll call a meeting with the rest of the council. We can read it there."

"Okay." Celestia closed the call and despite being curious about what the book said, she was still more curious about Sunset. If that girl was hiding anything, they needed to know. The entire fate of the Jedi could very well rest on discovering her secret.

Author's Note:

Rarity and Ruby help Lightning in stopping a thief, whilst Celestia discovers a startling truth about Solara. How will this mystery unravel? Only time will tell.