• Published 10th Oct 2023
  • 1,229 Views, 154 Comments

Star Wars EQG: Episode 1, Harmony of the Force - Banshee531

In a galaxy far far away, the Jedi keep order and unity. But a new threat has appeared and now the Jedi must fight to keep the galaxy safe.

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Chapter 1

Author's Note:

Welcome, my beautiful readers. You said you wanted it, so here it is. My Star Wars Story.

Some of you who have already read this chapter and the next one, can probably skip to the third chapter. But if you want a refresher on everything, feel free to read it again. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Star Wars

The Galactic Republic is in a time of unstable peace. Though all seems to be tranquil, many in the galaxy know that any incident could cause this time of peace to shatter.
Plague, civil unrest, natural disasters and the greed of those more powerful then the lower class could all lead to war.

To combat this, the greatest peacekeepers in the galaxy: The Jedi Knights, work tirelessly to protect those in need to try to keep the peace.
But even the Jedi have their limits.

Recently, Galactic Republic have been getting reports of slave trafficking rings working in the outer rim of the galaxy. Though slavery has long since been abolished in the Galactic Republic, many outlying systems still keep this practise in business and have secretly been spreading it to other planets in the Republic. On one such planet, Shikoya, this is most apparent. As such, two Jedi have been sent to investigate the rumour of this planet using children as slave labour.

Shikoya was a barren planet, barely able to sustain any life. Multiple deserts covered its surface, along with several large oceans. Very little vegetation could be seen from orbit, but it was still brimming with life and was a well known spot for ships to stop and resupply between big space journeys.

One such ship had just come out of hyperspace, it being a gray YT-2000 freighter ship with light blue trim.

Inside the ship, a young man was walking through the corridors. He was a white skinned humanoid individual, with blue hair on his head and coming out of his rear to form a tail. He had a long white horn coming off his forehead and instead of feet, he had a pair of hooves keeping him up. Other then those parts, he looked like a perfectly normal humanoid.

He was dressed in a purple shirt and black pants, which were beneath some silver armor that was located on his chest, shoulders, arms and elbows. A strange tube-like instrument, was hanging from his belt.

He arrived in the main cockpit of the ship and when he got there, someone else was sitting there piloting the ship.

That someone was the same species as him, only her skin was purple and her hair and tail were a darker shade of it with pink and purple stripes running through them. She was wearing a dress that was bluish purple at the chest and arms, dark purple around the waist and had a dark blue skirt that went to her knees. A purple cloak-like addition was flunk over her shoulders and was tied together at the front, going down to just above her waist, whilst a pink tie was hanging from her collar.

She was also wearing black knee high boots over her hooves and around her waist was a black belt, holding a similar tube-like device the other one had.

The older male sat down and looked the planet over, "so this is it?"

"Shikoya," the female nodded. "You sure this is where the kidnapped children are supposed to be?"

"The investigation turned up some pretty big leads on several planets the trafficking ring has been working out of. Shikoya was one of the most likely places. Despite being in the Galactic Republic, it barely has any law enforcement controlling it. That means it would be easy to set up a base of operations here."

The girl sighed, "what's the senate thinking? If they're not gonna take care of this place, why bother absorbing it into the republic?"

"So they could use it as a transport hub without needing to pay any tolls or tariffs," he replied. "But you're right. It's not a great place. Especially for a young girl like you." She rolled her eyes, "it would have been better for me to come alone."

"You know why the council didn't want you to," she replied. "If you're not gonna take an apprentice of your own, you'll have to deal with Master Celestia sending me." The ship was about to enter the atmosphere and as it did, the computer systems connected to the planet's database. "There's a large city on this side of the planet that we can touch down in."

"What's it called?" He asked.


Klugetown was one of the largest cities on the planet. It was built atop a number of large flat rocks, all of differing heights that made the town uneven in places. It was also one of the few places on the planet to get fresh water, so many beings flocked to it to keep from dehydration.

The tallest and largest of these rocks was in the very middle of them, which acted as the city's main ship dock. There, many different businesses were setup to peddle merchandise to the crews stopping to refuel and resupply. One of these businesses was a small store that had a bunch of machine parts and random junk.

In one of the back rooms, a human was busy working on something. He was a teenager with orange skin, blue hair and wearing ragged black clothing. He was also wearing a pair of goggles, protecting him from the sparks of the laser he was using on the machine. Said machine was the head of a blue protocol droid.

As he worked, someone stepped into the back room. That someone was a klatooinian, the individual staring at him. "Flash. You finish that thing or not?"

"Almost," he replied as he continued to laser the inside of the droid. "And...done." He closed the back of the head before moving over to the droid's main body, the human screwing it onto the head. As it did, the droid activated.

"Oh?" He looked around, "where am I? This doesn't look like my master's ship."

"Don't worry," Flash told him. "You're in a repair shop. Your masters will be here to pick you up shortly."

The klatooinian rolled his eyes, "don't know why you bother to care about these things. It's not like they have feelings." Flash rolled his eyes, having had this argument many times. "Whatever. Get on to the next thing you need to fix." Flash nodded and moved back to his work bench, whilst his boss pushed the droid outside to return him to his owners.

Another two hours passed and Flash managed to complete quite a few repairs, his boss sat at the front of the store selling the spare parts and other stuff to anyone stupid enough to believe his word. Eventually, it was time to close up the shop.

Flash finished his last repair and sighed, putting the tools down before getting up and heading to the front of the store. "Alright," he told the klatooinian, "I'm heading out."

"Whatever," his boss replied as he counted his takings. Flash continued to stand there for a moment, eventually letting out a cough that caught his attention. "Oh yeah." He took a few coins from the pile and threw them towards Flash, the teen catching them before he reached into a draw and took something else out. It was a small battery, Flash catching it as it was thrown at him as well. "Now get out of here."

Flash frowned, but pocketed the items and pulled his goggles down. He also pulled up the front of his shirt collar, using it as a mask as he stepped outside. The surrounding area was full of smog and other nasty things to breath in, making the mask necessary.

Many different aliens lived in Klugetown, some looking like lizards, fish, pigs, bats, moles and whatever else you can imagine. Many of them were running stalls, whilst others were just loitering around. Flash was making a beeline through the streets and as he did, he heard someone calling out.

"Step right up. Step right up. Try your luck and find the ball." He looked around and saw a rat-like alien standing behind a stall with a large sack of many besides it. On the table were three wooden cups and a ball. "Find the ball and win all the money I've already won. Lose and your money gets added to the sack."

Flash watched as someone, likely their first time on the planet, step up and put some money in the sack. "I can win. My eyes are great."

"We'll see," the rat replied before putting a cup over the ball. He then started sliding them around one another, moving at incredible speed. "Find the ball, win the sack. Find the ball, win the sack. Don't take your eyes off the prize." The player followed the cup with the ball and so did Flash, both able to keep up with it.

But only Flash noticed when the guy did a trick and flicked the cup in a way that the ball flew into another cup, the action so fast nobody else was able to see it.

"Alright," he stopped, "pick a cup." The player pointed at the middle one and the rat held it up, revealing it had no ball inside. He then held up the other two and revealed where the ball was. The player groaned and walked away, the rat asking for another customer.

Flash took out the few coins he had been given and smirked, walking forwards and throwing them into the sack. "Let's do this." The rat smiled and started moving the cups around, moving at an incredibly high speed. As he did, Flash focused on the cup with all his concentration. And as he did, the rat flicked the side of the cup up and made the ball move out of it. But before if flew out of the cup, Flash carefully flicked his finger and the ball suddenly moved back into the wooden structure.

The rat was completely unaware of this, having kept his eyes on Flash. He finally stopped, "pick a cup." Flash pretended to think for a moment, looking like he was gonna pick the left cup. But then, he picked the cup on the far right and the rat smiled before lifting it up. "Too-huh!" His eyes went wide as he saw the cup had the ball in it, everyone around them cheering as Flash picked up the sack. "What? How?"

"I've got very good eyes," Flash told him. "You look surprised. Like you were sure the ball wouldn't be there." He raised an eyebrow and the rat could see Flash had caught onto his scam.

He didn't say anything, Flash taking the sack and walking off. He was careful as he made his way through Klugetown, since the place was infested with criminals. He took a bit out and used it to buy himself some food, spoiling himself by getting double what he normally bought. He eventually managed to get out of the main port and arrived at a bridge, which led down to another rock that was lower down. This area was the slums of the town, though the whole place could be considered slums, as it was full of a bunch of rickety buildings.

As he reached the bottom of the bridge, he spotted a bunch of kids playing. One would think they were in the greatest place in the galaxy, considering how happy they all looked.

One of the kids turned to him and smiled, being a blue ortolan of around ten years old. "Hey Flash!" Besides him was a smaller ortolan, who looked about six or seven.

"Hey Ryduck. Hey Synch." The younger ortolan waved before spotting the sack Flash was holding.

"What that?" He asked, his way of speaking not perfect yet.

"Just a little something I managed to get off of a scam artist." He held the sack out, "go take it to your parents and tell them to split it with everyone else. Should get you all a hot meal." Ryduck smiled and nodded before running off, Synch following behind him.

Flash smiled, knowing his parents would share it with the rest of the families in the slums. In this place, if you didn't stick together you didn't survive.

He continued through the slums until he reached an old looking shack, that looked like it would fall apart any minute. He stepped inside and looked around. "Springer, you in here?"

"Right here." He smiled as his droid friend appeared in front of him.

He wasn't like most other droids Flash had ever seen. This one was a dog-themed robot whose body was mostly blue. His main body was a box-shape, with two blue rectangular front leg-like limbs at the front of his body. The front of his body was black and his neck was yellow, whilst his head was mostly blue with a black section around his eyes and down the top of his metal snout.

Said eyes were, in fact, a series of metal lines that alternated between dark and light red. On the sides of his head were a pair of blue ears that stuck up, with black teardrop shaped parts hangin from below them. Underneath his neck was a white bone-shaped panel that looked like it opened up. In fact, a lot of his body looked like it was made out of many different compartments. "Hey man," he spoke as his eyes flashed.

"Hey bud," Flash moved over to a busted up mattress and sat down. "How was your day?"

"I managed to beat my record for counting the number of cracks in the wood," Springer replied. "Other than that, as boring as all the other days I've been in here."

"Sorry bud," Flash sighed. "But if you go floating around town, anybody could snatch you up. And if you tried to defend yourself, who knows what'd happen."

"Yeah," the droid nodded, "but it still sucks. We've been here for seven hundred and forty two days and I've spent seven hundred and five of them stuck in here. I just wish we didn't go from being stuck on one planet to being stuck on another."

"I hate it too," Flash nodded. "But it's not like we have any way of getting transport off this planet. If I could, I'd send us straight to Canterlot." He reached into his pocket and took out the food he had bought along with the battery. "Here, you must be feeling low." Springer nodded and stopped floating, deactivating his hover skirt and allowing Flash to carefully push him onto his side.

Flash then opened up a compartment located beneath him and quickly changed out the battery inside for the new one. Once the compartment was closed, Flash put him right side up. "Much better," Springer sighed as Flash ripped open the food packet and dug in. As he did, Springer opened up a compartment on his back. "It's still safe by the way."

Flash looked inside the compartner and smiled at what he saw, nodding. "Thanks. Knew letting you hold onto it was smart."

"I just hope you don't end up needing it. This ain't exactly the friendliest place in the galaxy." Flash nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly as he continued to eat his food. The sun would soon set and Flash would need to be up early again tomorrow, so he would need to get to bed.

As he did, he thought about what Springer had said. There had to be a way for them to get off the planet and head to the destination he had heard so much about. But how?

At the same time, two individuals were making their way through the city limits.

The pair had docked their ship in one of the hangers and had dawned dark cloaks they could use keep themselves from drawing attention, as they looked around the city. The female of the pair split off from her brother and hid in one of the alleyways. As she did, he heard some bird aliens as they talked.

"You hear about the Storm King's gang?" One of them asked in a hushed whisper, "apparently, they managed to grab a bunch of kids from another town."

"Dude, you know you shouldn't talk like that. This place is crawling with the Storm King's goons. If they catch wind of use talking about them, we'll be joining those kids in the mines."

"His goons can't be everywhere," he told him. "And why would they want old buzzards like us. We're too big to fit down those shafts." We walked off and as he did, the girl took a device out of her cloak.

"Shining, you there?"

"I'm here, Twilight. What's up?"

"I think I might have found something. Someone called the Storm King is apparently the one in charge of the slave trade on this planet. They're stealing children to send down mines shafts."

"I see," Shining frowned from his spot. "This planet has a lot of active mines. We're gonna need to find some more information if we want to locate these kids."

"Alright. I'll keep looking around. You be careful."

"You too," Shining nodded before cutting the call and hanging up. He was about to step out of the alleyway, when he suddenly sensed something and spun around. As he did, something shot towards him at incredible speed. But not fast enough.

Shining raised his hand and as he did, the tube on his belt flew off and into his grasp. With the flick of a switch, a blue laser flew out of the end to form a sword that Shining swung around. This allowed it to deflect the laser that had been fired at him back towards the source in the shadows.

A scream of pain filled the air, as someone staggered out of the darkness. It was a brown alien that dropped a blaster on the ground, Shining rushing over to point his sword at him. "Who are you? Working with the Storm King?"

"What if I am?" The alien asked, "you're a jedi...aren't you?" Shining said nothing and moved the tip of his sword towards his neck. "You don't kill."

"No," Shining smirked, "but I doubt your boss will have much use for you if you're missing all your limbs." He moved his sword to the alien's elbow, ready to slice through it at the flick of the wrist. "Now, where are the slaves you've kidnapped? Where's this mine of yours?"

The alien's stared at him, as his brain tried to figure out if this guy was bluffing or not. But then the heat of his blade grew hotter and the sword drew closer. "Alright. Alright! I'll tell you." Shining smirked, glad they could come to an agreement.

The next day.

Flash was busy working on another droid, this one an old astro mech that looked like it had been through some pretty intense space battles.

"Okay," He reconnected two of the wires inside it, "how does that feel?" The machine beeped and booped, Flash nodding as if he actually understood him. "Alright." He reconnected another two wires, "and that?" The mech's head spun around, as it gave off a bunch of happy beeps. "Glad you're satisfied. But try and stay away from asteroid fields. I get they're the faster path, but the extra time's useless if you end up crashing and floating through space. The droid beeped before rolling out of the back room, Flash smirking as he got to work on something else.

But before he could, he heard a beeping coming from his pocket and out a communicator. One that only Springer had the code for. "Springer? What-"

"FLASH!" Springer's voice called out, "we're under attack. It's the Storm Brigade!" Flash's eyes went wide as he realised what Springer was talking about. The Storm Brigade were a group of criminals under the control of the Storm King, who ruled the planet with an iron fist.

Flash quickly jumped up from his seat and ran out the room, out of the shore as his boss called out to him. Getting fired was the last thing on Flash's mind, as he ran through the city trying to get back to his home. He eventually reached the bridge leading down to it and as he did, he saw the wooden shacks were all on fire.

Running down the bridge, he prayed that Ryduck and his family were all okay. He reached the bottom and as he did, he saw several members of the Storm Brigade running around the place. They were giant white ape-like creatures, carrying staffs that sparked with lightning at the end.

Flash ran towards them, as they ran towards the edge of the rock. Once there, they leapt off them and down towards the desert ground. It was a good twenty meter fall, so Flash thought they were nuts. But then he reached the edge of the cliff and saw that there were a bunch of ropes attached to the rock. The Storm Brigade were scaling down them, towards where a bunch of speeder bikes were located.

Some of these speeders had hover carts on the backs, with large cages atop them. And Flash had a feeling he knew what were in those cages. "LET THEM GO!" He cried, about to leap down the ropes himself.

But before he could, several lasers shot towards him. He was forced to jump to the ground, looking over the edge and seeing more of the apes on the ground with blasters. Once the last of the apes reached the sandy ground, they all rushed to their speeders and prepared to escape.

"NO!" Flash cried, holding out his hand. The speeders began to take off, the ones with the cages at the front. But one of them shuddered to a stop, the one riding it unable to figure out why it wouldn't activate.

Instead of trying to fix it, they leapt off and climbed onto the back of another. It sped off and the Storm Brigade were gone, with all the slum's children alongside them. Flash could only stand there and looked absolutely shocked, only to hear a voice.

"Flash." He looked around and saw two older ortolans, Ryduck and Synch's parents. Both of them looked injured, but would live. They were upset though. Scratch that, they were absolutely heartbroken. "They took them," the mother cried. "They took my babies."

Flash felt terrible for the parents, then looked around at the remains of his home. So many parents, all injured trying to protect their children, were staggering towards him. Rage flew through his entire body, as he thought about what those monsters could be doing to the children. But he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, knowing that anger would only make him less effective at finding a solution.

He then noticed Springer floating towards him, the robot not looking damaged but Flash could tell he was rattled. "I'm sorry," he told Flash. "I tried to protect them, but their electro spears forced me to shutdown and reboot."

Flash knelt down and patted him on the head, "it's okay. Thanks for calling me." Springer's head nodded as Flash looked out towards the desert, then down at the broken speeder. "I'm going after them."

"What?" One of the aliens asked, "we appreciate you want to help. But how could you possible get our children back from those monsters?" Flash turned to Springer and nodded, Springer nodding back and opening the compartment on his back.

Something then shot out of it and Flash caught it, revealing the device to be a silver and black tube-like object with two spikes sticking out the end. The slum livers stared at it in confusion, until Flash pressed a button and revealed what it really was.

It was a laser sword, but not like the one Shining had used. Instead of being a round blade, this one's laser was flat like a traditional metal sword. It shined light blue and the two metal spikes that had pointed forwards had moved down ninety degrees, transforming them into a crossguard. The sword gave off a regal appearance.

The slum livers all went wide-eyed, the lot of them knowing exactly what it was. "Flash," one of them gasped, "are you..." He could finish the question, as Flash deactivated the sword and crouched down.

Springer floated up to him and pushed himself higher into the air, allowing him to place his legs on top of Flash's shoulders. As he placed himself against his back, chords shot out the bottom of his legs and wrapped around his arms before connecting to slots in the bottom of his body.

This allowed Flash to stand up and keep him connected to him like a backpack, the human jumping off the side and grabbing the rope the crooks had used. He quickly scaled down it and landed on the sand. "Springer, scan for any metal under the surface."

Springer's ears moved back and forth as he did, then picked something up. "Ten degrees to your right and three meters ahead." Flash moved in that direction, "stop." He did and knelt down, placing his hand in the sand and pulling out a device of some kind. It was a part of the speeder that had broken, Flash stepping over to it and plugging it into the bike.

When he did, the machine revved into life and Flash climbed aboard. Once he was sure Springer was properly attached, he hit the gas and the machine rocketed across the sand.

Due to the bike's high speed, the wind caused by them was enough to carve a groove in the surface of the desert. Given enough time, these grooves would be filled by the wind. But Flash was hot on the criminal's tails, which meant he could follow the groves before they filled in.

However, it was clear these criminals were based someplace far from Klugetown. As such, the sun had begun to set before Flash managed to track the criminals down.

As the last rays of the sun's light filled the horizon, Flash rode up a tall sand bank and came to a stop. He did this because he had spotted something in the distance. A large building, located upon a giant rock sticking out of the ground like Klugetown.

Flash knew this building had to be the place the children had been taken to. And he knew the place was going to be heavily guarded. But he couldn't let that stop him. He revved up the speeder and raced towards it, knowing the darkness of the night would be his best friend at this moment.

Flash was not the only one who had found this building.

Atop another sand dune, Twilight and Shining were both lying on the sand looking at the place through binoculars. "Okay," Shining nodded, "this has gotta be the place."

"I can't believe that guy sent us on a wild goose chase," Twilight frowned. "If we weren't the good guys, I would have actually agreed with chopping something off of him." Shining nodded, annoyed that the alien he had interrogated had given him a bunch of different places to look for the children. Unfortunately, the real place had been the very last one they ended up searching.

Shining looked through the binoculars, finding the entrance to the mine at the base of the rock that the building was on top of. The rock itself had been transformed into part of the building, with several vents and windows sticking out the side of the rockface. No doubt whoever was in charge was living in the large mansion atop it, whilst his underlings and maybe even the slaves were living in the rock.

"We need to find a way in there," he told Twilight. "But how the heck are we gonna do that without getting seen?" Twilight was wondering the same thing, but then noticed something on the side of the rocks.

"Hey, what's that guy doing?" Shining looked through the binoculars and Twilight directed him where to look, the older horned individual spotting a human climbing up the side of the rock face. On his back was a droid of some kind. One that Shining didn't recognise. "Is that a K-9 Multi-Droid?" Twilight asked, looking amazed. "Why is such a rare make of droid on this planet?"

"Doesn't matter. What matters is what the heck that guy's doing." Shining looked higher and realised the teen was climbing towards a vent. "He can't be serious."

Flash grunted as he finally reached the ventilation hole, which he knew had to lead down to the mines.

The hole was large enough for him to crawl through and Springer to float inside of. He just hoped it didn't get smaller at any point. "Alright, bud." Springer hovered off his back and down the tunnel, "I'm counting on your night vision." Springer nodded as they began to make their way through the stone tunnel.

Ten meters in, Springer came to a stop. "The tunnel becomes a drop here." Flash nodded and had been expecting this, taking out a rock he had found outside and dropping it. He counted and when he heard the clattering, he did the math in his head.

"Thirty two meters," he gulped. "How wide is this tunnel?"

"Not too wide," Springer replied. "You should be able to grab onto the other side." Flash nodded, but he got the feeling he was not gonna enjoy this.

Back outside, Twilight and Shining managed to sneak over to the mine's entrance. Instead of going in the vents, they decided to use the front door.

Said front door was being guarded by a bunch of security droids, which were five foot tall white robots with human upper bodies. Their lower bodies had four legs, each with a wheel on them that they used to more around. Both hands had a blaster on the end of it, whilst their heads had looked like that of a mantis.

There were four of them and the pair managed to sneak behind a bunch of barrels located outside the mine, both trying to see if there was a gap in their defences. But there wasn't.

As such, Twilight focused her attention on a bunch of barrels opposite them. She raised her hand and focused, as one of the barrels fell over and made a clattering sound. This caught the droid's attention and they all started moving over to investigate. The pair quickly used this chance and rushed over to the entrance of the mine, rushing into the cave and finding an elevator lift.

They got on it and hoped the machine didn't make any noise, Shining activating it and sighing when it barely made a squeak. As they flew down into the mine, the pair each took the hilt of their laser swords off their belts. Twilight's was an entirely different design to her brother's, but was equally well built. They both looked down into the darkness, hoping they could find a way to get all the slaves out before anyone in charge could cause them any trouble.

Flash groaned as he carefully shuffled down the stone vent shaft, Springer on his back.

They had been doing this for a while and Flash's arms were starting to get tired, but he wouldn't need to worry about going much further. "Bottom of the shafts five meters down."

"Perfect." Flash closed his eyes and took a deep breath, concentrating before letting go off the wall. They fell and Flash spun through the air, landing perfectly without injury. He didn't need Springer's night vision to tell him how long the tunnel was now, since he could see a light coming from down it.

He rushed over and found a large metal grate blocking the exit, Flash and Springer looking through it.

In front of him was a large open space, which was full of droids and multiple aliens that were all chained up. The aliens were busy slamming away at the rock walls, using old style pickaxes and drills. Whenever a rock was ripped off the wall, it was thrown into a large metal minecart. Theses carts were connected to speeder bikes, being driven by the same type of ape creatures that Flash had seen before.

The droids were pointing their weapons at the aliens, clearly attempting to prevent anyone from causing a disturbance.

Flash spotted several mine shafts littered around the room, which several alien slaves were being led into on a speeder pulled flattop. Flash frowned at the horrible treatment, the teen and his droid knowing they couldn't let this happen. They would find a way to free all these aliens, but he needed to find Ryduck, Synch and the rest of the children.

He took out his sword and used it to carefully cut through the metal grate, being sure nobody was looking his way when he did so. Once the grate was open, he snuck through it and leapt down. As he did, he noticed several cages being suspended from the ceiling.

He heard a bunch of crying that were coming from them and as he rushed over to hide behind an empty minecart, he managed to get a better view and saw a pair of large blue bodies. Ryduck and Synch were both there, both crying for their parents. And they weren't the only ones, for every child from Klugetown's Slums were in the cage.

Their cries broke Flash's heart, so he looked around and managed to spot a rock on the ground.

Once he was sure nobody was looking, he threw the rock and hit Ryduck on the arm. The ortolan looked around and Flash made just enough movement to catch his attention, the child gasping when he saw him. Flash quickly made a shushing motion, Ryduck nodding as the other children noticed him.

Flash quickly ducked down to avoid being seen by a security droid, whilst Springer continued to scan the area.

He saw that the manacles holding the slaves were all electrical ones, designed to shock them if they tried anything. But that also meant they were all being controlled by a single computer. "I have an idea," Springer told his partner. "If we can find a control room, I can hack into the security system and deactivate these droids. I can also turn off the manacles."

Flash smirked. "Without the droids, there's no way the Storm Brigade will be able to subdue this many people. Great idea, bud. Any idea where this control room will be?"

"Probably near the entrance, since it's likely the slaves all dug this entire place out." Flash nodded and looked back up at Ryduck, mouthing that he would be back for them. They nodded and he started making his way through the mine without being seen. It wasn't easy, since the droids were well programmed to constantly be vigilant.

He managed to get out of the area and headed into the oldest looking tunnel, believing that would be the way to the entrance. Luckily, there were no droids along this route and Flash was able to get through it into another large open space. This one had barely anyone in it, but several more shafts that made Flash thankful he had found the children when he did.

He spotted a large metal box-like room in one corner of the room and headed over to it, the pair looking through one of the windows and seeing a bunch of computers. "Looks like we found it," Flash smirked as Springer got down off his shoulders. He flew over to the door and as he did, the end of his nose extended to revealing what looked like a blaster barrel.

A laser shot out of it and hit the door, blowing up the lock and causing the door to swing open. But as he did, an alarm suddenly sounded. "Oh that can't be good," Springer gulped as he flew into the room. Flash frowned whilst looking around, expecting the droids to arrive at any moment. And sure enough, sounds came from out of the tunnels that were getting closer.

Flash stepped forward and took out his weapon, "you get in there and work on taking down the defences. I'll hold them off as long as I can."

"Flash," Springer would have looked concerned if he had moving facial features. "You can't fight off all those droids on your own."

"Don't worry," Flash activated the sword. "I was trained by one of the best." The first droid arrived and Flash charged forward, the robot firing its blaster only for him to swing his sword around and deflect it. Before it could fire another blast, Flash reached it and sliced its head off.

More droids arrived and Flash took up a defensive stance, blocking every laser that came his way. Some of these lasers, he deflected back into the droids to destroy them. But others he simply charged at and cut down with a single swing of his sabre.

Springer took this moment to get into the control room, moving over to the computer as his ears turned towards it. The ends opened up and the ears extended metal tubes, which plugged into a socket on the machine. His eyes flashed as he worked on getting through the firewalls and other defences this computer had. "Hold on Flash. I'll get this done as quickly as I can."

Flash sliced the head of another robot and as he did, several more rolled into the cave.

The teen spun on the spot, deflecting several blasts back at the droids around him before throwing his sword towards the new arrivals. The blade spun through the air and cut through them before they could try and blast him, then boomeranged back towards Flash whilst cutting down several more droids along the way.

Temporarily weaponless, Flash jumped around doing several kicks and flips through the air. This caused the lasers to miss him and some ended up hitting other droids instead. The machines that were hit fell to the ground, as Flash landed in the middle of the room whilst his blade spun towards him.

One droid drove up to him, hoping that being at point blank range would allow it to not miss. But as it fired, Flash ducked down and the laser completely missed him. What didn't miss was the laser sword, which spun over Flash's head and impaled itself into the droid's chest.

As it dug itself into the metal, Flash jumped back to his feet and grabbed the handle of it. The droids fell to the ground, slicing itself through the blade as it did whilst Flash ran towards the final group of droids. They all tried to blast him as well, but had as much look as the others. Flash reached them and in the blink of an eye, dispatched the lot of them.

Droids all dealt with, Flash remained on alert. He knew that any second now, more droids could arrive to attack.

It was then that Flash heard a sound coming from a nearby doorway, the teen figuring that must lead to the outside. Which means something or someone had arrived inside and was heading their way. "Springer! I need you to seal the doors so they don't come in."

"I'm not even through the firewall yet!" Springer called back, making Flash groan as he moved over to the doors.

"Fine." He took a deep, "need to be careful. These might not be droids, so I can't just cut them apart. If they're living things, I'll need to incapacitate them without doing any harm." He groaned, since holding back wasn't something he was very good at. But no matter what, he would save the captives and free them all. "Bring it on!"

The door dinged to indicated it was about to open, making him get into a battle stance. Then, they slowly began to open and Flash charged forward.

"RAAAAAH!" He yelled, pulling his sword back ready to attack. But then, he saw who was on the other side and instantly slid to a stop. "No way."

Twilight and Shining stood in front of them, the pair having dropped their cloaks whilst their blue and green laser blades were in hand. The pair stared back at him, as Flash stared at them and focused his attention on the blades in their hands. Slowly he realised who he was looking at, whilst the pair of them focused on the laser sword he was carrying.

"Are you...jedi?" He asked, the two unsure how to reply to him.

Up in the mansion located atop a rock, someone was enjoying themselves in a large room filled with music.

In the centre of this room was a large couch that had an satyr alien, with cloven hooves, white fur and short black horns sticking out of his head. He was dressed in fancy clothing and sitting on the couch, as scantily clad female aliens stood around. Some were fanning him, whilst others were feeding him grapes and several were dancing o the music being played.

He sighed as he enjoyed the lavish life he was leading, only for the doors of the room to slam open as one of the ape aliens ran inside.

"Boss," he yelled, "we have a serious situation." The satyr alien growled as he sat up.

"This better be good. If you ruined my leisure time because the ice cream maker broke again, you're gonna be in serious trouble." The ape shook his head, "well what is it?"

"An alarm went off in the mine. We tried to activate the security footage, but it refused to activate. Something's going on down there." This got the satyr growled at this and got up, telling the females to leave him.

They did so as he moved over to a drinks cabinet and poured himself something. So, someone was trying to mess with his operation. Well, he wouldn't allow that.

He turned towards the ape, "get everyone kitted up. We're going down there." The ape nodded and rushed out of the room, the satyr taking a deep swing of his drink. Whoever these fools are, they were going to wish they never messed with the Storm King's son.