• Published 26th Jun 2023
  • 1,438 Views, 11 Comments

Sunset Shimmer's Loss - Cryogenii

A friendly face arrives in Canterlot High... with some sad news

  • ...

We need to talk

It was a feeling that Twilight Sparkle had needed to get used to.

Ponies, and people, were usually happy to see her. Mostly happy that is, because there was often a hint of nervousness too. Not the sort of nervous excitement she saw whenever ponies met Princess Celestia because, even if she was an alicorn too, Twilight knew she didn't have that same sort of divine presence. Admittedly the extra tallness that the other alicorn's enjoyed probably helped, and she assumed that she'd get there one day, but Twilight just didn't look anywhere near as powerful as she was.

This nervousness in passersby was more related to a dread that if Twilight was here then trouble would also be somewhere nearby. Some terrible beast or villain would need fighting and there would be property damage and mayhem in the neighbourhood before much longer. This was entirely unfair as the ratio of days with existential peril to those without was very much tipped towards the latter side of the scales. Granted, the odds of getting caught up in a life or death struggle between good and evil were much higher around Twilight but in absolute terms using a staircase was much more perilous than standing next to the princess of friendship.

It wasn't like she'd spent that much time at Canterlot High either. Sure there was a fair amount of mayhem when she'd first visited, but she had also brought a reasonable amount of harmony too in unifying the school's various clics. On this visit though she was painfully aware that one person was going to feel like part of their world had just been destroyed, and not through any evil entity.

She breathed a long sigh, whilst gesturing outwards with her hand. The technique Cadance had taught her to calm her nerves when she felt anxious. No pony liked being the bearer of bad news, and delaying wasn't going to make this any easier so she willed her feet to start moving away from the empty pedestal that served as the gateway between worlds.

Soon she was standing in the entrance hallway of the school. She checked the time on the large wall clock and saw that it was nearly noon. Without knowing which classes Sunset Shimmer was attending, it seemed like waiting in the cafeteria would be a good way to make sure she ran into her, as that had been the hub around which the morning and afternoon classes revolved.

The first to arrive were Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, and Twilight observed the body language between them. Fluttershy was almost hiding behind her friend, who seemed to be taking a very protective role. The equestrian visitor hoped that her friend wasn't getting more timid, as she would be in danger of withdrawing from society.

She waved, and was amused when the two girls both did a double take, turning to look back into the hallway they'd come through. Twilight guess they'd just seen her counterpart outside the cafeteria.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh," Rainbow ran over to give Twilight an enthusiastic hug, "what're you doing here?"

"I hope there isn't any danger," added Fluttershy with a worried expression.

"Nothing like that," replied Twilight, "this is more of a social visit."

Before Twilight could say anything else, more arms were draped around her shoulders. She was embraced from behind by somebody very strong, who smelled of apples.

"Hey there, dint know ya were coming," boomed Applejack right by her ear, "unless y'all our SciTwi wearin' contacts!"

"Good to see you too, Applejack," smiled Twilight, "it will be nice to spend time with you all, once I've seen Sunset."

"Likewise darling," added Rarity as she joined them, "we simply don't see enough of you."

Before sitting down Rarity leant over and gave Applejack a little kiss on the cheek, and the two shared a smile gazing happily into each other's eyes. Twilight was again struck by just how different this group was from those in her home. It was nice to see them being so affectionate with each other, even if the pairing was unfamiliar.

"Ya need to see Sunset?" Asked Applejack, "ah'm sure she'll be here soon. Y'all cookin' up some magical research or something?"

"Oh, it's nothing like that," said Twilight, "she asked me to see if I could look into something for her back in Equestria. I need to tell her what I found."

"We've got plenty to tell you about too," said Rarity.

"For sure", added Rainbow, "Ra-ra got mixed up with this crazy influencer at a theme park."

Twilight smiled, "I have no idea what that is, but I can't wait to hear all about it!"

Before Rarity could protest that this was an unfair summary, Sunset Shimmer joined them. She was initially a little shocked to see Twilight there, but soon realised that this was her Equestrian friend and not their own SciTwi.

"Hello Sunset," said Twilight with a serious look on her face, "I need to talk to you."

"Oh, ok. Do you want to go somewhere a little more private?"

"If we can," nodded Twilight.

As the flame-haired girl led her friend away Applejack called out to them, "don't take too long y'all, it's Taco Tuesday! We'll save some for you."

"Be back as soon as we can," replied Twilight, "make sure mine are vegan!"

"Here we go, Twilight. We shouldn't get disturbed in here. What did you want to talk about?"

Sunset unlocked the door of the yearbook committee meeting room, and the two girls stepped inside. Sunset double checked to make sure Wallflower Blush wasn't in there and then pulled out one of the high stools to sit down. Twilight joined her on an adjacent stool, took a deep breath and started.

"Sunset, I went looking for your parents," started Twilight, "as you asked."

"Did you manage to track them down?" Asked Sunset, "I.. I really need to see them and apologise for vanishing."

Twilight took a deep breath to steady her nerves before continuing.

"I didn't find them," she replied solemnly, "I'm so sorry Sunset. Your parents both died whilst you were here."

The other girl sat, frozen in shock. She hadn't expected this and although Twilight had been gentle as possible given the circumstances, the news felt like a physical blow. Sunset thought about how she'd just abandoned her kind and loving parents without a second's hesitation when in the grip of her ambition and hatred. When she'd been so concentrated on taking control of Canterlot High there had been no thoughts of her life and family in Equestria.

Now that that time had passed her thoughts had turned to reconciliation. She'd already made her peace with Princess Celestia. This had led to the thought that she could return to her home, apologetic and penitent, to beg her parent's forgiveness. There was no doubt that her mother and father would have welcomed her back, but she knew she'd been horribly unconcerned about their suffering and wished to make amends. Now that chance to give them their daughter back was lost forever.

"But, but… what happened to them?" Stammered Sunset, "they weren't that old. Was there an accident?"

No, Twilight thought to herself, Celestia told me they both died of a broken heart.

A moment passed whilst the visitor gathered her thoughts.

"I'm not sure," she said, "Sometimes ponies just don't have long lives, and it's not unusual for devoted partners to follow soon after their mate."

"But they never knew what happened to me?" Sunset asked in a flat voice.

"Not entirely no," replied Twilight, "Princess Celestia told them that you'd gone on a quest, and that there was no way of knowing how long you'd be away. They died believing that you were on an important mission for Equestria."

"The princess wrote them a letter?" Sunset gasped, "you have no idea what that would've meant to them!"

"No Sunset… She visited them. She visited them every anniversary of your disappearance."

"That's… amazingly kind," said Sunset, choking back a sob, "you don't understand… my parents were celestial disciples. They worshipped Celestia as a living goddess."

"They were members of that sect?" Asked a shocked Twilight, "I didn't know that."

"Other ponies consider them naïve foals," said Sunset, "just a nuisance at the festivals with their chanting and proselytising. But they were sincere in their faith, and worshipped Celestia unquestioningly."

"I can see how you'd struggle with that… blind faith, I guess," suggested Twilight, gently.

"They were just part of that harmless community of believers really," replied Sunset, "all of them totally committed to unity and peace for the glory of Celestia."

"Mostly, I guess. Although there have been protests and some disturbance from the more fanatically devout since Princess Luna returned, those who still see her as an untrustworthy traitor."

"Oh, I'm sure my parents wouldn't have been like that," said Sunset, confidently, "They were always so passionate about treating every pony as Celestia's child."

"They sound very kind, Sunset," said Twilight, warmly.

"But Celestia actually speaking directly to them. Having her there in their house! They would've been utterly overwhelmed by the honour."

"They must have been so proud when you became Celestia's pupil," said Twilight.

"Well, not entirely no. They were worried that Celestia would punish me because I was an apostate. When I renounced my faith in Celestia's divinity, they were devastated," confessed Sunset, "I mean, she's regal and kind. And so, so powerful. But alicorn's aren't gods."

There was silence for a heartbeat or two, until Sunset suddenly remembered who she was talking to. She gasped and looked up, an apology stumbling from her lips. Twilight smiled and held her hands.

"No. You're right, we alicorn princesses are not gods," Twilight reassured her. Her smile faltered a little before she continued, "I can show you where they were… where their memorial is. When nopony else claimed them, the sisters made arrangements for their internment near to the castle."

"Thank you, Twilight," Sunset gave a sad smile, "I'd really appreciate that."

"I'm so sorry that you didn't get the opportunity to see them again. I know they'd have been proud of how you've grown."

"Not all of it," said Sunset with a painted expression, "I'd been thinking that I would move back to Equestria once I'd graduated here. Make a fresh start with them and try to build my life again."

"And now?" Asked Twilight.

"I don't know. This will take some time to process, I think," answered Sunset, chewing nervously on her bottom lip.

"Take all the time you need, Sunset," Twilight tried to reassure her friend, "I'll try to help in any way I can, whatever you decide upon."

The two sat in silence for a while. Although Sunset sat perfectly still her head was spinning with thoughts and emotions. She'd had to become adept to living with her regrets. In moving on and finding purpose when her plans and ambitions lay in ruins. It felt like this would be much, much harder to get past. She had nopony left in Equestria now, so whether or not she would ever move back there was completely uncertain.

"Erm, Twilight," started Sunset. "Will you join me whilst… whilst I say Celestia's Prayer for my parents' memory?"

"I'd be honoured, Sunset," said Twilight, "but I don't know the words."

"That's ok. Just sit with me and I'll say it."

Sunset took a deep breath, bowed her head and recalled the words she hadn't said since she was a foal. Words she'd sworn never to say again.

"Oh, radiant Princess Celestia, ruler of the sun and bringer of light,
We gather here, your faithful herd, joined in your merciful sight.
With hearts open and spirits ablaze, we offer our solemn devotion,
In your divine presence, we find solace and endless inspiration.

"You guide us with your wisdom, like the dawn's gentle embrace,
Your majestic radiance illuminates our path, filling every space.
As we bow before your majesty, we surrender to your divine will,
May your grace and benevolence our hearts and souls forever fill.

"From the heavens you descend, spreading warmth and harmony,
A beacon of hope and love, for all Equestria to see.
We bask in your warming glow, your aura pure and bright,
In your celestial embrace, we find strength and endless delight.

"Oh, glorious Princess, we pledge our unwavering loyalty,
In your name, we strive for harmony, love and unity.
Guide us with your regal grace, as we walk the righteous way,
In your radiance, we find purpose, throughout each day.

"May our hearts forever sing your praises, sun goddess,
In this sacred bond, our devotion will be forever endless.
For you are the sun's eternal flame, love's embodiment,
We honour you, our beloved princess, with this sacrament."

When Sunset had finished the prayer, both girls sat in silence for a while. Twilight patiently waited whilst her friend quietly cried. She knew that waves of grief were likely to hit Sunset for some time to come. Eventually the tears stopped and Sunset gathered her thoughts.

"Can you stay a while?" Sunset asked, "I'm sure the girls would love to hear about what you've been up to, and I.. I don't want to be alone right now, but I'm not ready to share what's happened with them."

Twilight smiled, "Sure, I'd like that. I'll wait in the school's library until classes are over. No chance I'll get bored there!"

Author's Note:

I've no idea if this topic has been covered in cannon, but here's my take on some of the collateral damage left by Sunset Shimmer's departure from Equestria.

Comments ( 11 )

"don't take too long y'all, it's Taco Tuesday! We'll save some for you."

I hope Sonata doesn't listen to that cause she might have eaten them by now.

Just the smell of tacos can attract a hungry Sonata from miles away!

This story... oh Sunset. She needs a hug! :fluttercry:

Dang for them to go after.... wait how long was Sunset in the human world with the time-dialtion? Still to fund out that her parents were dead is just devastating, especially after realizing that you had forgotten them.

"But, but… what happened to them?" Stammered Sunset, "they weren't that old. Was there an accident?"

No , Twilight thought to herself, Celestia told me they both died of a broken heart.

Well, my heart has been pierced by an arrow.

This has good potential.

Will this fanfic continue?:pinkiehappy:

Hadn't got anything planned, but I do have another Sunset focused story in "Princess or Puppet" which I wrote first but in timeline would be after this one.

Stunningly striking in how Sunset copes with the sudden onslaught of grief.
I do think the prayer feels a tad long compared to the meat of the story, but it's otherwise swell.

> Sunset runs into a hospital
> askes the receptionist for directions
> talks to a doctor
> comforts her grieving marefriend
wait, is this..?

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