• Published 25th May 2023
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G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and the Ghoul School - ponydog127

The Mane 5 and Misty meet up with Shaggy and Scooby-Doo to help them teach a school full of ghouls, but they must leap into action with a new friend when Opaline and Revolta, the Witch of the Web, kidnap Misty and the ghouls for their own gain.

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Colonel Calloway's Visit/Game Prep and Midnight Spies

Back on the other side of the hedge, the Calloway cadets were in their volleyball uniforms, practicing their passes and plays for their annual volleyball match.

At one point, Baxter hopped up on Grunt's shoulders and slapped the ball over the net, making it bypass Jamal altogether. “Nice spike, Baxter!” Tug applauded. “That's the kind of teamwork we need for Calloway Military to stay on top!”

“Affirmative,” Jamal said, bouncing the ball around. “They don't stand a chance against my behind-the-back pass attack!”

“All the way with Calloway!” Miguel cheered. “That’s the spirit, men!” the colonel said, and the boys saluted, causing Baxter to fall into Tug’s arms, and Tug to bounce the ball to Jamal with his head, which of course missed. “No fair, Tug! That's a carry!”

“Keep using your head, Roper,” the colonel said proudly. “I'm going to Miss Grimwood's to arrange our game.”


When the colonel arrived at Miss Grimwood’s school, he tried his best not to shudder at the creepy appearance and rang the doorbell.

Upstairs, Miss Grimwood was fixing Tanis’ wraps after they came a little loose during their last exercise. “All that exercise really loosened you up, Tanis,” she told the mummy with a smile “A little too much.”

“Miss Grimwood?” the colonel called as he knocked on the door. “It’s me! Colonel Calloway!”

“Will you get the door for me, Sibella?” Miss Grimwood asked. “You bat I will!” Sibella shifted to bat form and flew off. The next thing the colonel knew, he saw the door creaking open, so he decided to peer inside. “Miss Grimwood? Anybody home?”

But what the colonel didn’t expect was to face a giant purple bat, screeching at him as he came inside. “Stay back!” he demanded. “That's a direct order!”

“Anything you say… Colonel Calloway,” said a chillingly calm voice, and Colonel Calloway turned to see Sibella standing right where the bat had been. “Where did you come from, young lady?” he asked. “Up there,” Sibella gestured to the upper floors as she guided the colonel into another room. “Miss Grimwood said to make yourself comfortable. She'll be down as soon as she wraps things up.”

“Affirmative. Thank you, young…” Colonel Calloway turned to thank her, but all he was met with was the same purple bat from earlier. “This school must have bats in its belfry…”

That’s when he found an antique chair in the next room he could wait in, but the minute he sat down, cuffs binded his arms and legs to it. “Ahh, Colonel Calloway,” Miss Grimwood smiled as she came into the room. “How nice of you to pay us a visit.”

“Miss Grimwood!” the colonel began to struggle. “This chair, it’s--”

“Yes, it's a collector's item: Early Inquisition,” Miss Grimwood snapped her fingers, allowing the chair to let the colonel go. “But not very comfortable, I'm afraid. Would you prefer a softer chair?”

“Uh, thank you,” the colonel said politely before checking another chair, making sure it was safer before he sat down. “Now, how about some tea and sweets?” Miss Grimwood asked. “Negative, Miss Grimwood,” the colonel declined. “I'm on a strict military diet.”

“Nonsense, colonel,” said Miss Grimwood. “You must taste my fudge.”

She then rang a gong, summoning her octopus butler that brought out the tea and the fudge. “I made it this morning.”

“Well, if you insist. Thank you,” the colonel said, taking a piece of fudge and a cup of tea, while Miss Grimwood chowed down. “Delicious, if I do say so myself,” she said, but as the colonel ate his, he couldn’t help but feel something was off about the texture and flavor. “Doesn't it taste a little… moldy?”

“Of course, colonel!” Miss Grimwood said as she ate more fudge. “Fungus fudge always tastes moldy.”

Fungus fudge?!” the colonel drank all of his tea to wash it down, and Matches caught the brownie he was holding. “Yes,” Miss Grimwood chuckled. “It goes so well with toadstool tea.”

“T-Toadstool tea?” the colonel dropped his teacup right onto Matches’ head. “More tea, colonel?” Miss Grimwood asked. “I think it's time we arranged our annual volleyball game. My cadets are looking forward to… winning again this year,” the colonel said, unaware that Matches was heating up the bottom of his chair. “Isn't it getting a bit warm in here?”

“It's going to get a lot hotter on the volleyball court,” Miss Grimwood said before her octo-butler pulled on a rope. “We've got a new coach and I'd like you to meet him.”


Meanwhile, Misty, Pipp, Sunny, Shaggy and the dogs were walking down the stairs when it suddenly turned into a slide! “WHOA!!!” the group screamed, sliding down the slide as it lead them into the sitting room, where the octo-butler grabbed them and set them up right. “Shaggy,” said Miss Grimwood, “I’d like you to meet Colonel Calloway.”

“Hello-- OOOOOOH-HOO-HOO-HOO-HOO!!” the colonel screamed as he leapt out of his seat in pain. “Like, don’t get up on my account, colonel,” Shaggy said, just as Miss Grimwood discovered Matches underneath the colonel’s chair. “Bad boy, Matches!”

This caused Matches to grumble and walk out of the room. “We’re ready to play your school whenever you say so, colonel,” Misty said confidently. “Affirmative. We'll rendezvous on your field at 1400 hours,” the colonel said. “Prepare to synchronize watches.”

“Like, watches synchronized!” Shaggy said. “Synchronized!” Sunny and Scooby declared. “Check. Over and out,” the colonel bid farewell, not noticing his bottom steaming. “Gee,” said Scrappy, “looks like the colonel has already warmed up for the game.”

“You better start getting the girls ready, Shaggy,” Miss Grimwood said. “Like, what’s the rush, Miss G?” Shaggy asked as he, Pipp and Scooby approached the fudge. “We've got 1400 hours until the match. That's a lot of time.”

“Yeah,” Scooby added, taking Shaggy’s piece of fudge. “A lot!”

“But, Shaggy, ‘1400 hours’ means 2 o’clock!” Scrappy pointed to the grandfather clock. “We’ve only got an hour!”

“Why didn’t you say so, Scrappy?” Pipp asked, hoisting him onto her back. “Don’t just stand there, ponies! It’s time to warm up!”


Meanwhile, Midnight Breeze had finished hiking to the edge of trees right near Miss Grimwood’s school, panting in exhaustion. “Made it…” she said before turning to the amulet on her neck. “Mistress, couldn’t we have just used the venus spytraps in order to spy on the Grimwood girls? Why did I have to hike all the way out here?”

Because you are my servant, and I TOLD YOU TO DO IT!!” Revolta’s voice shrieked from the spider jewel on the amulet. “Besides, I want to make sure that you don’t mess up. Now… GET TO WORK!!!

“Y-Yes, mistress,” Midnight sighed to herself. “Man… of all the times to wish I was somewhere else…”


At the same time, the group was working on their scare-obics, which was basically the same thing as aerobics, but with a haunting effect to it. “Gee, Phanty, exercising sure is fun!” Misty said as she and Scrappy followed the ghost… just before they slammed into the wall. “Yeah!” Phanty said. “It’s really off the wall!”

“I'd say more into the wall…” Scrappy groaned. After scare-robics was over, Shaggy panted tiredly. “Okay, gang! It's time for some deep breathing exercises.”

“You mean deep shrieking, Shaggy,” Miss Grimwood corrected. “Show him, girls!”

Tanis took some deep breaths in and out before letting out a loud shriek, catching the ponies offguard. “Sounds fang-tastic, kid!” Sibella said. “You've got the fright stuff.”

Then, she turned into a bat and shrieked, causing Scooby to fly back onto Matches, who quickly tried to burn his tail and gave chase. “Like, in! Out!” Shaggy instructed the deeply-breathing ponies. “In! Out!”

“AAAAAAH!!” Scooby screamed, running past as Matches tried to burn his tail. “Way to go, Scoob! That’s some deep breathing!” Zipp couldn’t help but laugh, right before Scooby screamed. “And shrieking!” Misty giggled. “Come on, girls!” Miss Grimwood said. “Let’s here it!”

That’s when the girls let out their own shrieks, causing the ponies to cover their ears. They never thought they’d be hearing this, but every day was a new adventure.


Meanwhile, back at the military school, the cadets shivered at the sound of the girls’ shrieking. “Get a load of that racket coming from the Grimwood place,” Tug observed. “Phew... and I thought Calloway was tough,” Jamal added. “That school sounds like torture!”

“Well, you know what they say,” Grunt panted as he did push ups with several bags of sand on his back. “No pain… no gain. More weight, Baxter!”

“Aye aye, Grunt!” Baxter put another bag onto his back. “More weight!” Grunt ordered, but then came the colonel. “Attention!” Baxter shouted, dropping the bag on Grunt before saluting, but that much weight caused Grunt to fall right into a self-made hole. “At ease, men,” the colonel said. “I said at ease, Grunt.”

“Thank you sir…” Grunt panted, falling in the hole in exhaustion before the colonel turned back to the cadets. “I just want to say, no matter what happens on the volleyball court this afternoon… YOU’VE GOTTA WIN!!!

“Yes, sir!!” the cadets screamed, a little taken back by the shout. “Do you want this trophy to stay at Calloway Military School?!” the colonel asked, holding the trophy up. “Affirmative!” Tug said. “We won’t let you down, sir!”

“1400 hours approaches!” the colonel shouted. “Prepare to engage the enemy!”

Grunt then charged out of the hole and tackled the bags of sand nearby. “Those Grimwood girls won't know what hit them,” he said with a laugh before a bag fell on him… it seems like the girls would really have to work hard in order to beat these guys.


Back at the school, everyone continued to help the girls work out to their best ability, and soon, Miss Grimwood checked one of the watches on her butler’s tentacles. “Oh, my. It's a tentacle to 2:00. Those Calloway cadets will be arriving any minute!”

“Just enough time to loosen up the old neck muscles, Uncle Scooby,” Scrappy said to his uncle. “Yeah,” Scooby nodded. “Neck muscles!”

Phantasma giggled and twisted her head around a few times, all the way around. “Is this loose enough?”

Scooby giggled and twisted his neck around, but ended up getting severely twisted. “Heh… wow, Scooby,” Zipp commented. “You sure know how to loosen those neck muscles.”

But unfortunately, Scooby twisted so much, his body began to spin rapidly… right out the window and into the moat! “Like, this is no time to go swimmin’ Scoob!” Shaggy said. “We’ve got a volleyball game!”

“But everypony says swimming is good exercise, Shaggy,” Misty protested… just before Scrappy saw something swimming right toward Scooby. “Uh oh…” he gulped. “It looks like my uncle Scooby is going to get a lot of exercise!”

“Scooby!” Sunny cried. “Look out behind you!”

At this, Scooby turned his head around and his fear began rising. Heading toward him at that very moment was a two headed shark!