• Published 25th May 2023
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G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and the Ghoul School - ponydog127

The Mane 5 and Misty meet up with Shaggy and Scooby-Doo to help them teach a school full of ghouls, but they must leap into action with a new friend when Opaline and Revolta, the Witch of the Web, kidnap Misty and the ghouls for their own gain.

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Captured! (Part 2)/A Rescue Mission Begins

At the same time that Misty, Elsa and Tanis were helping the Calloway cadets out of the quicksand, Phanty was laughing her head off as she ran across the bog, not even bothered by the fact sbe was running through smelly, dark bog water. “Bogs never bother me! Of course, my phantom feet never get wet!”

She cackled as she ran past the shack where Winnie had previously been hypnotized by the spider-bats, and Winnie noticed her ghoul friend coming by. “Oh, Phanty...!”

Phantasma didn't notice her friend calling out to her in an intimidating voice, and turned around and started toward the she-wolf. “What are you doing in there, Winnie?”

“Hiding,” the hypnotized Winnie responded droningly. “Come see.”

She stepped back into the shack, causing Phanty to giggle and follow her inside. “I just love hide-and-shriek!”

But what she didn't realize was that the spider-bats were waiting to enchant her with that same spell they used on Winnie, causing her mind to go completely blank. “Yes, Revolta... I will obey...”


At the same time, all the ponies except Misty had been reuniting with Shaggy and the dogs, and Scooby was currently on top of Shaggy's shoulders, and Scrappy was on top of Scooby's shoulders, so he could try and spot some of the girls from higher up. “No sign of the girls, Uncle Scooby!”

“Uh oh!” Scooby said nervously, and Shaggy gulped in the same manner. “Like, I'm beginning to get a bad feeling about this bog.”

“Wait, Shaggy!” Hitch observed, seeing Sibella flying overhead. “Maybe Sibella has good news!”

Sibella saw her teachers and ponies down below and began screeching, the only way she could communicate in her bat form. Luckily, Shaggy managed to guess what it might mean. “Does that mean you found Winnie?”

Sibella chirped and screeched rapidly before she flew off in the opposite direction, and this caused Zipp to grin. “Come on! I think she wants us to follow!”

She and her sister began to follow Sibella from the air, while the others followed from the ground. But what they DIDN'T realize was that Scooby was still on Shaggy's shoulders, and when he ran under a tree, Scooby was sent spinning and Scrappy flew off his uncle's shoulders and onto the ground, watching his uncle flying through the air. “There goes Uncle Scooby-- wanting to be first again!”

But when Scooby landed in the bushes, he also landed on a very irritated Matches, and immediately fled to avoid getting hit by Matches' dragon fire. Shaggy sighed at seeing this, turning to the Great Dane pup with a frown. “Like, I wish your uncle would learn to stop playing with Matches.”


Sibella flew around the swamp as fast as her wings could take her, looking for any signs of Winnie and her other friends... when she suddenly spotted Winnie and Phantasma down by the shack. “Yes, Sibella. We're here,” Winnie waved from down below. “Come down.”

“We want to show you something,” Phantasma droned on. But as Sibella flew closer, that's when Winnie began to spring her own trap. “Get her!”

Sibella screeched in panic as the spider-bats flew right at her, and flew as fast as she could to try and get away while the Grim Creeper watched from below. “Don't let her escape!”


At the same time, Scooby scurried to get away from Matches and eventually hid in the shack, watching as Matches ran past. Now the Great Dane could sigh and giggle in relief... he was finally safe. Then, he felt a tap on his shoulder and yelped as he turned around. Luckily it was only Winnie... but in his relief to find she was safe, Scooby didn't notice the red glow in her eyes. “Hello, Winnie.”

“Revolta doesn't want you!” Winnie uncharacteristically snapped, much to Scooby's concern. “Get out!”

“The Grim Creeper will take care of him!” Phantasma agreed, and seeing how on edge the girls were, Scooby decided to leave, but take note on where they were to tell Zipp and Shaggy later on.

What was wrong with the sweet little ghoul girls they used to know and love?

Midnight watched him from behind some trees, feeling guilty that she was even a part of the whole plan to capture the girls to begin with. Suddenly, Midnight witnessed the Great Dane being caught in the Grim Creeper's grimy tentacles! “Gotcha!”

“HELP!!!” Scooby screamed, and Midnight gasped, unsure of what to do. She wanted to do the right thing and save her friend, but then again... she knew the price of abandoning Revolta's plan. “Revolta does not like meddlers,” the Grim Creeper told Scooby menacingly, making Scooby rapidly shake his head. “Not me!”

That's when Midnight noticed Matches coming closer, and instantly got an idea. “Maybe I can fuel the dragon's fire just enough so...”

Midnight struggled to light her horn and cast the spell, but eventually, Matches let out a huge burst of dragon fire that made the Grim Creeper scream in pain, causing him to release his hold on Scooby and head toward the water to cool his burning bottom. “You two will pay for this!” the one-eyed creature exclaimed as Scooby and Matches seemes to have made up and ran for it. “No one escapes the Grim Creeper!”

Midnight breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Matches and Scooby escaping safely. “That was close...” she said, watching the skies as Sibella led the spider-bats into a storm cloud. “I better head back up to the castle, so if Creeper finds out it was me, Revolta will already be lecturing me for a week's time.”


At the same time that Midnight was heading back to the castle, Misty, Tanis and Elsa found Phantasma and Winnie, still under Revolta's mind control. “Well,” Tanis said, “it's about time!”

“Where have you Grimwood girls been?” Elsa asked. “Waiting for you,” Phantasma droned, and Winnie gestured inside the shack. “Come inside.”

Misty thought their glowing red eyes was very strange, but before she could say anything else, Sibella came out from the storm cloud screeching at the top of her lungs. “It's Sibella!”

“Something's wrong!” Tanis observed, but she, Elsa and Misty were quickly grabbed by the werewolf and ghost girls. “But it's too late for you!”

Misty screamed as she and her friends were pulled inside the shack, looking up at them with wide eyes. “Hey! What do you think--?!”

That's when she saw one of the spider-bats flying toward her, and it suddenly began wrapping the magic headphones around her head. Misty struggled to not loose control of her mind... not to let whoever was doing this to her win.

Although she was already sure it was Opaline.

Unfortunately, the magic was too much to control, and she bowed her head in submission, along with Tanis and Elsa. “We obey only Revolta...”


Back at her castle, Revolta cackled as she found the rest of the girls and Misty being put under her spell. “Much too late...! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!”

Revolta! What is taking so long?!” Opaline's voice rang out through the mirror. “Did you capture the girl ghouls and that pathetic Misty or not?

“Of course I did,” Revolta rolled her eyes as she picked up the mirror. “You know me better than such things.”

Excellent... soon,” Opaline stated wickedly, “Misty will be mine again, and all of Equestria will bow to Queen Opaline Arca--

“Actually...” Revolta interrupted, having a second idea, “I think I'll actually seize Misty for myself... she will be quite useful once I turn her into MY evil slave.”

WHAT?!” Opaline screeched with livid eyes. “That is OUTRAGEOUS!!! I gave you the secrets to your power! You should be loyal to ME!!

“You know, I should, but I think I will write my own rules so I can be ruler of MY domain. Goodbye, Opaline.”

That's when Revolta smashed the mirror, ending the call for good before she waved her wand. “Come to me, my little Grimwood girls.”

The shack then sprouted a rocket and flew out of sight. All the while, Sibella was finally caught by the spider-bats, and had a pair of magic headphones placed on her ears. But like Misty, she was struggling to not fall under their control. “Stop struggling!” Revolta commanded. “You must obey only me, Revolta. Your will is strong, just like your father's. But my web is stronger. Obey!

Finally, Sibella gave in to the magic, and this allowed the spider-bats to finally take her away.


Back on the ground, the others watched in horror as Sibella was being taken away by the spider-bat cronies of Revolta. “Shaggy!” Zipp cried. “Sibella's getting bat-napped!”

“Zoinks! Like, this is horrible,” Shaggy said in desperation, sitting down on a nearby stump. “If we don't get her back, the Count will hold me accountable!”

“Don't worry, Shaggy,” Scrappy reassured. “We'll get the other girls to help us rescue her.”

“Uh uh!” Scooby shook his head as he and Matches came out of the bushes. “They're gone!”

“WHAT?!” Hitch practically shrieked, beginning to hyperventilate. “Y-You don't mean Elsa?”

Scooby nodded, and laughed in a tone Phantasma would, making Sunny understand instantly. “And Phanty!”

Scooby quickly nodded again, and wrapped his paws around himself, imitating Tanis' wraps well enough that made Zipp gasp. “Not Tanis and Winnie too!”

But this was only confirmed when Matches let out a raspy werewolf howl. “But... but Misty!” Scrappy tried to reassure them. “She wouldn't let the girls get captured... would she?”

“She would if she was still working for Opaline...” Zipp muttered. “Not the time, Zipp!” Sunny scolded, hearing the fight from in the van before turning back to the Great Dane with an almost pleading look. “Scooby... is Misty okay? Is she in danger too?”

Sadly, Scooby nodded for a third time, and hearing that Misty had been taken drove Izzy to tears, prompting Pipp and Hitch to try and comfort her. “Zoinks!” Shaggy spoke with a worried look. “Like, what do I do now?”

“Rollow that rack!” Scooby seemed to say, causing Hitch and Shaggy to become confused... that is, until Scrappy pointed at the shack with the girls inside flying away. “I think Uncle Scooby must mean 'follow that shack'!”

“That's what I said!” Scooby spoke up. “Follow that shack!”

“Say no more, Scooby,” Shaggy said as they all raced into the van. “Like, we'll track that shack
and get the girls and Misty back before their scary folks ever know they're not back.”

“Whew,” Izzy spoke with a sigh. “That was sure a mouthful.”

But as Shaggy put his foot on the gas pedal, the van still would not move, resulting in Pipp to look out the window. “Uh oh, Pippsqueaks!” she commented, looking down at the spinning back tires. “I think we're stuck in the mud!”

At the same time, the remaining Calloway cadets found the van in trouble, and Grunt scoffed at the group struggling. “Serves them right for taking our trophy.”

“However,” Jamal lifted up a small book, “the Calloway code says we help vehicles in distress.”

“Affirmative,” Miguel nodded. “Negative,” Tug protested. “We do not aid and abet the enemy.”

To this, Grunt nodded with a smirk. “Yeah, let em spin their wheels.”

But, as they discussed this, they saw Matches growling and steaming up, hoping a little dragon fire would change their mind. “A-As I was saying, men, that van needs some manpower!” Tug said as they approached the van. “I thought you might need a push.”


“Look, Uncle Scooby. Those cadets volunteered to help us out,” Scrappy pointed out as Pipp landed beside the dogs. “Aww, how sweet,” Pipp commented before she saw Matches chuckling to himself. “...I think.”

“Like, keep pushing!” Shaggy shouted to the struggling cadets. “I'm putting the metal to the pedal!”

The cadets pushed as hard as they could, and the van was finally able to get pushed out, much to the group's relief... even though the cadets were face first in the mud. “Come on! Get up, guys!” Scrappy urged rapidly. “Misty and the Grimwood girls are in trouble!”

“Come on, Scrappy!” Sunny said as the group ran toward the van, but Scrappy turned his head back toward the cadets, who were brushing themselves off, as they ran. “You can help us rescue them from a bunch of meanies!”

But Tug merely frowned at this. “That's a negative!”

“Yeah!” Grunt added. “Get lost!”

Their responses made the group sigh in frustration, and they climbed into the van unsatisfied and drove off... just as Colonel Calloway and Baxter arrived. “Cadet Baxter has finished his hike in much better shape than the rest of you,” the colonel scolded. “Next time, follow me more closely, Cadet Roper.”

“Yes sir!” Tug saluted, but sent mud flying onto the colonel's face. “Uh, sorry sir.”

“Oooooh...” the colonel grumbled. “Back to the barracks. On the double!”

“YES SIR!!” the cadets cried and ran off. It looks like it would be up to our equined heroes and their friends to save the Grimwood girls and Misty from Revolta's wrath... and potentially Opaline's.

But what sort of danger were they putting THEMSELVES in?