• Published 14th May 2023
  • 551 Views, 5 Comments

Pinkie Pie, Ben 10, Generator Rex; Heroes United! - Kaliann25

Ben has been captured and Pinkie Pie comes to rescue. With a bit of help from Generator Rex.

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Ben, as a punishment you would write a friendship report and read it in front of everypony

Ben, as a punishment you would write a friendship report and read it in front of everypony

Princess Celestia took Ben to a small study room which only had a desk, a quiver, ink and parchment.

“Princess Celestia, I know that you’re mad, but writing lines?” asked Ben.

Celestia calmed him with a kind gesture.

“Don’t worry Ben, I’m not mad Ben Tennyson Pie! Is it true that I got a little annoyed at first, mostly because it is hard to admit there is a piece of technology more powerful than my magic. But after a little consideration, I realized that I am proud of you!”

“Proud of me?” asked Ben, confused.

She nodded kindly.

“Yes. You trusted in the magic of friendship, so much that you even gave Pinkie Pie that device because you were trusting her your life. In the end, is just the magic of friendship working at is finest. Trusting your life to somepony is the biggest act of friendship you can do. I am proud of you, Ben Tennyson.”

Ben smiled awkwardly, then the Princess pointed a hoof to the desk.

“But you did caused me and my little ponies some problems! Ben, you have no idea the panic that your friend Rex Salazar and Pinkie Pie caused because of you. Because of that, as a punishment, you would write a friendship report and read it out load in front of everypony.”

Said that she left Ben alone, staring at the parchment.

“Oh, come on!”

He spent a whole week living with aunt Pinkie Pie and he was very familiar with the famous ‘friendship reports’ and he knew Kevin wouldn’t let him forget about it.

Everypony was laughing and chatting happily when Ben walked back to the group with a parchment on his mouth. Princess Celestia smiled kindly.

“Oh, you’re here Ben! Let’s see what you wrote!”

Just wanting to get over with this as soon as possible, Ben started:

“Dear Princess Celestia, the greatest treasure you will ever find are the friends you make during your life. True friends are forever, and you know that they would be with you no matter what. I’ve been in grave danger in countless times but having my friend by my side gave me the strength to keep going. Giving each other strength in moments of truth is the symbol of true friendship. And the most surprising about friendship is that you don’t know who would become your friends with time. The enemy from yesterday can be today’s friend like my best friend Kevin.”

He had to stop at that point because Rex and Kevin wouldn’t stop laughing. Gwen and the ponies just glared at them.

“You’re doing great Ben Tennyson, please go on.” said Celestia.

Ben sighed and continued. “Where was I? Oh, right! Every friend is different and having them by your side can allow you to complement each other’s abilities. And no matter how big the danger is or how bad the situation is if your friends are by your side, you know you don’t have nothing to fear. Sincerely yours, your friendly visitor, Ben Tennyson. “

“Ben, that was beautiful!” said Gwen, touched.

The ponies smiled at Ben’s report. But Kevin and Rex continued to laugh as Celestia’s patience grew thin.

“You two stop! Or do you want to write a friendship report as well?” said Celestia angrily.

Kevin rolled his eyes with a grin. “Oh, come on! Do you think I would do it just as Tennyson did? I don’t do homework neither here, neither at school.”

Rainbow Dash just flew angrily toward him. “How dare you speak Princess Celestia like that?!”

Kevin simply put his hoof over a stone pilar, becoming stone himself.

“Oh do you want to fight, little girls’ toy? Go for it!”

Rainbow Dash was about to say something when a shadow covered Canterlot.

They looked through the window to see hundreds of small ships surrounding a bigger ship.

Vilgax’s army have arrived to Equestria. Then, the voice of the Conqueror of a Thousand worlds could be heard all over Canterlot.

“Pink pest! Do you think you can just annoy Vilgax without any consequences?! I’ve spent an irritating hour having fun your way, now we’ll do it mine! I will destroy this miserable city and its inhabitants, then I’ll conquer your world too! But first I am going to destroy you and Tennyson to make you pay for that humiliation! I WILL DESTROY YOU!”

“I have a feeling, que esto no es bueno!” said Rex.

Robots started to descend over Canterlot, shooting everywhere, but capturing every pink pony they saw (as they were told by Vilgax). The Royal Guard went to the rescue but the machines overpowered them with ease so they focused their efforts in evacuate the citizens.

Inside the castle, the Princesses, the Bearers, and the visitors evaluated the situation.

“How did this happen? We already defeated the Cthulu impersonator! What the hell happened? Also how did they found us? We brought César’s dimensional weapon with us!”

“Dimensional weapons are pretty common on our world, Vilgax could have copied the coordinates and use it in another one.” explained Kevin.

Twilight high-hoofed.

“That explains how he got here! The thing is that we cannot stay here without doing anything! How do we defeat Vilgax?”

Celestia frowned. “Follow me, we’re getting the Elements of Harmony. Ben Tennyson Pie, now is a good time for you to get the Ultimatrix back.”

Ben looked at Pinkie Pie, who happily offered her hoof to him. “All yours Ben!”

The teenage colt was about to take the watch, but he stopped midway through and shook his head.

“No, Aunt Pinkie Pie. This is your battle.”

Pinkie Pie stood there confused, but then she smiled from ear to ear.

“Thank you nephew! It is my duty to use the power of the Ultimatrix to save Equestria! So who would you suggest me to use?”

“Definitely Confusion! Its unlimited power would be more than enough to defeat Vilgax.”

But Princess Celestia shook her head. “Everything but that Ben Tennyson Pie! Don’t take me wrong, I trust Pinkie Pie as any of you, but I can’t let one of my little ponies to use the power of the God of Disharmony and Chaos. Choose another one, Ben Tennyson.”

Ben stood quiet for a while and then he turned to Kevin and Gwen.

“I see. Guys, use the keys you have made for the Ultimatrix. Is our only chance.”

Gwen seemed hesitant.

“Ben, are you sure?”

“Just do it. She can handle Serena and Belicus.”

Kevin did as he was told.

“Okay, let’s do it!”


“Come on, I want to see what the one who made Vilgax cry is capable of with the power of a Celestial!””

They connected their keys to the Ultimatrix, unlocking a new transformation.

“Auntie, this one is called Alien X, the race is called Celestials. The creators of my universe. Once you become one you have absolute control of everything. But you must work together with the other two personalities. Belicus is the voice of aggression, and Serena the voice of heart. And you would become the voice of reason.”

“What do you mean Pinkie being the voice of reason?!” shouted Rainbow Dash.

But it was too late, Pinkie pressed the button of the Ultimatrix turning into the female version of Alien X, with blue eyes instead of green.

“Great so what do we do?” asked Kevin.

“We would buy my aunt some time. Let’s go!”

The three plumbers exchanged a look and ran into action followed by the five friends who were thinking what could work against Vilgax. Also, Celestia and Luna flew to action and joined the fight.

Gwen took her Anodite form, which impressed Twilight very much, and she started shooting mana attacks against Vilgax’s machines forcing them to back off.
Rainbow Dash and Applejack used the tactic they used back at the ship. Rainbow would fly around the robots to make them miss their shots and as they were distracted trying to get Rainbow Dash, Applejack would catch them with her lasso and make them fall.

Twilight’s course of action was to shoot magic beams from the ground, as Celestia and Luna flew around the robotic army and shooting magic beams against them.

Rex Salazar used his cannon to shoots pieces of the streets against the robots, but he seemed thoughtful.

“Is something on our mind, Rex Salazar?” asked Celestia landing aside him.

“I may have a way to defeat many of them at once. But is risky! If I do so there is a huge chance I black out and I may lose my memories in the process. Last time it happened I forgot half of my life and had to remember everything piece by piece.”

“Rex Salazar, if something happens to your mind, I promise I would use my power to help you come back. So please, save my people!”

Rex smiled. “Okay, I would do it because is the right thing to do!”

Rex closed his eyes and focused the best he could. Energy started to flow around his body, as he started to change. After an explosion of white light, Rex Salazar have transformed into a giant robot. It had one cannon on each of its shoulders. A gigantic sword on his right arm, as the left one has transformed into a mechanical hand. Two mechanized legs replaced his back hooves and his trade-mark jetpack appeared on its back.

Rex’s Omega form ran toward Vilgax’s ships and started to destroy them with its giant sword as everypony watched.

“This kid is amazing! I have to thank him when this is over!”

Vilgax saw his army get decimated, but he didn’t care. He was blinded by rage. All he wanted was to destroy the pink pest no matter the cost. No matter what.

Pinkie Pie opened her eyes only to find herself in an infinite black space where two giant faces were waiting for her. A man’s and a woman’s face.

“Hey there! My name is Pinkie Pie! Nice to meet you!” greeted the pony.

“Hello Pinkie Pie,” said the woman. “You are not who we were expecting but is nice to have some company at this space.”

The man groaned but he didn’t say anything.

“So you see, I came here because Equestria is in danger because of the big meanie of Vilgax and I would like you to help me to transform all his big bad weapons into delicious desserts! Because my nephew Ben told me you can do anything!”

The two floating faces exchanged a look and turned back to Pinkie Pie.




“And if I ask you please a hundred times?”


“What about a thousand?”

Belicus shook his giant face frowning.

“Listen to me! You can ask us a million times and the answer would still be no!”

“Okay! A million plus one! Please let’s save Equestria, please let’s save Equestria, please let’s save Equestria, please let’s save Equestria…”

Rex’s Omega form continued to destroy everything, but Vilgax had ships to spare. No matter how many the EVO take down, more would come from the portal. Also, the ships tried to destroy him but due to his ability to generate nanites he automatically recovered from any damage. They were stuck in an endless circle.

“Please let’s save Equestria! Please let’s save Equestria! Please let’s save Equestria…!

“Stop it please!” cried Serena.

“Oh no, that’s cheating! We agreed I had to ask you a million and one times, and we’re barely at the two hundred and five thousandth time! please let’s save Equestria, please let’s save Equestria…”

“STOP!” shouted Belicus. “Okay, okay, okay! We’ll save Equestria but please stop! Just leave us alone for all that is good!”

“Okey-dokey-lokey! Then let’s transform all Dear Mister Vilgax’s ships and weapons into yummy cakes!”

Serena and Belicus sighed.


Pinkie Alien X raised her hand and said with the combined voice of Serena, Belicus and herself. “Transform all Vilgax’s weapons and ships into cake. Approved!”

A shock wave came from Pinkie’s hand and it hit all of Vilgax’s army. Soon enough every single ship or war machine that Vilgax brought with him, and cake started to rain all over Canterlot.

“Pinkie Pie made it!” said Ben.

“Ya’ don’t say!” said Applejack taking a piece of cake and started eating it.

Vilgax was on his mother ship, when the shockwave finally hit it. He didn’t understand what was going on until he realized he was trapped inside of a giant piece of strawberry cake, and he helplessly fell.

One by one the Royal Guard helped the civilians to come out of their shelters once they recognized the menace had been neutralized.

“Pinkie Pie made it!” said Luna.

Celestia agreed. “Indeed she did! This is the power of the magic of Friendship!”

Then the giant robot which was Rex started to walk toward them as it turned back to normal.

“Rex, are you okay? Do you still remember who you are?” asked Ben.

The EVO just winked an eye at him.

“I am okay! It seems that I am learning how to control this thing! It seems that I won’t have to bother you by using your magic on me after all, Princess Celestia!”

“That’s great to hear, Rex Salazar!” said the white alicorn. “I’m just happy you are okay, and thank you for saving Equestria.”

Then Pinkie Pie came skipping happily. “Hey guys! You saw that? It was amazing!”

Rarity noticed she wasn’t wearing the Ultimatrix anymore.

“Pinkie, darling, where’s Ben device?”

Pinkie Pie simply smiled and handed the Ultimatrix over to Ben.

“Here you go, Ben! Your friends Serena and Belicus say hi and please recover the Ultimatrix as soon as possible!”

Ben started to laugh. He was sure they would make him pay for this, so he rathe don’t transform into Alien X for a while.

But then, one of the cakes started to move and Vilgax emerged all covered in whipped cream, strawberries and crumbles.

The heroes prepared to fight, but Vilgax just waved a white flag.

“I give up! This pink pest is too great of an opponent for me to handle!”

Gwen, Kevin, Rex and Ben laughed happily. In the end of the day everything went good for them.

Author's Note:

So here it is, another chapter of the story. There is only the closing chapter left and that should be it for the moment. Anyway I hope you liked it an as usual, read ya’ later!