• Published 14th May 2023
  • 568 Views, 5 Comments

Pinkie Pie, Ben 10, Generator Rex; Heroes United! - Kaliann25

Ben has been captured and Pinkie Pie comes to rescue. With a bit of help from Generator Rex.

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A party is always the answer!

A party is always the answer!

The festival started good and everypony was having lots of fun. But it soon turned into pure chaos. Ponies were running all over from the ‘horrible monsters’ who were competing against each other in the target shooting kiosk. A monster made of pink crystals who shot sharp crystal chunks; and a gray bluish colt who transformed his left forehoof into some sort of cannon that took chunks of the ground and then shoot them at the targets.

The scandal finally got into Princess Celestia’s nerves and she had no choice but fly to the middle of the town and calm everypony down with her Canterlot voice.


Ponies managed to calm down but just a little, as Pinkie in her petrosapien form (Diamondhead) kept playing on the background. Celestia had to gather every ounce of patience she had just to not to shout at the two of them to keep it quiet.

“I promise you these two creatures does not represent a threat! The crystal monster is no other than Pinkie Pie, Element of Laughter. She volunteered to try a shapeshifting spell for me. There’s nothing to fear, this is only an experiment to protect Equestria for future threats.”

With that, the panic finally stopped.

“The other pony is another volunteer to try a different approach to the same spell, he is just a colt who answers to me! There’s nothing to worry about, please keep celebrating.”

The ponies let escape a collective sigh and resumed the festivities.

Celestia rubbed her forehead with her wing as Twilight approached her.

“Princess Celestia, thank you for calming everypony down. But do you think it was okay to lie to everypony?”

“I challenge you to explain what’s really going on without making them to freaking them out again, Twilight Sparkle! Anyway, please remind me about this when I have a serious conversation with Ben Tennyson.”

Twilight took note for that, as Pinkie and Ben finished their competition by turning back to normal and look a new kiosk to try their powers when the other Bearers joined them.

“Darling, can I ask you something?” asked Rarity.

“Sure, what is it?” asked Ben with a smile.

“So, there are aliens on your dimension too? Are you an alien or half alien or something?”

Rex smiled. “Well, no. There are no aliens on my world. I still don’t understand how it all started, but as far as I understand my parents were scientists trying to find a cure for all diseases through the Nanites. Machines the size of a cell designed to repair any damage inside the human body. But something went wrong, and there was a huge explosion releasing the Nanites in the world. They turned people into mutants, called EVOs. I can control my Nanites at will and that’s how I create my machines.”

“Interesting!” said Applejack.

Rex smiled proudly. “Not only I can control my own Nanites, but other EVOs’ too, so I’ve cured a lot of them. I am the cure and Providence’s most valuable treasure!”

Ponies gasped, making Rex smile. He loved being the center of attention.

Celestia approached to the group. “That’s very noble Rex Salazar, but I will really appreciate if you try to control yourself here on my Kingdom. You’ve caused a huge scandal with your arrival. And the same goes to you, Pinkie Pie. Remember that you have an important mission to accomplish, so please save your and the Ultimatrix’s energy so you can face this ‘Vilgax’ and his army. We don’t know the dangers of Rex’s and Ben’s worlds so we better take every possible precaution.”

Rex’s confident smile faded. “You are right, and to be honest, you’re better off not knowing. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure to take them back in once piece, along with good old Ben.”

“I’m happy to hear that, Rex Salazar! But it is almost time for me to raise the sun so please get some sleep, so you are ready to save Ben.”

The ponies and Rex bowed and nodded. Especially Rex who hadn’t been able to rest since Breach sent him to the Null Void.

The summer celebration went without a problem, and Celestia raised the sun successfully making eveypony cheered for her. Rex even shouted, ‘Eres chida, Princesa’, but after everything was said and done it was time for them to go to sleep. Even if Pinkie kept insisting, they have a welcome party for Rex.

“Come on girls, just a quick party to welcome Rex to Equestria. He is leaving tomorrow, and he would not be able to participate in my famous parties like my nephew Ben!”

Twilight sighed. “Pinkie Pie, Princess Celestia clearly said that we need some sleep so we are ready to rescue Ben!”

“She’s right!” agreed Rex. “Mira amiga, I had a really long and exhausting day, and I could use some sleep. Seriously, you don’t know what’s expecting us in the Null Void. We would need to be as rested as possible to help Tennyson!”

“But a party is always the answer to recover all your strength after an exhausting day!” said Pinkie Pie, pouting.

Applejack was the one who got with the solution. “Pinkie Pie, think about it! Why would ya’ do a small party now when ya’ can make a huge party after we rescue Ben? Imagine how happy he’ll get when he comes back here! Ya’ always make the best parties, right partner?

Pinkie considered half of a second and then she smiled widely. “Of course! Thank you, Applejack! How I didn’t think about it first? of course, let’s rest and then save Ben so we can party later.”

Said that, Pinkie ran over to her bed.

“Great! Applejack you doomed us all!” complained Rainbow Dash.

“Come on, is not that bad. Is either this or going to battle burned out!” argued the cowgirl. “Ah’ don’t want to imagine what would happen at the Null Void.”

“Because of Vilgax’s army?” asked Fluttershy.

“Nope, because that thingy’ is still on Pinkie Pie’s hoof!”

At the next day, everypony gathered at the depths of Sweet Apple Acres so they could across worlds far away from indiscreet looks. Celestia have asked them to be as secretive as possible to prevent them to cause mass panic like the last night. Princess Celestia even slept at Ponyville so she could go to say goodbye to the six friends plus one and wish them good luck. But when she arrived, she noticed that Rex and Pinkie Pie were missing.

“Seriously, if they went ahead without us, they’re going to answer to me!” said Rainbow Dash angrily.

“Pinkie Pie wouldn’t do something like that!” said Twilight.

The others agreed, when finally, they saw Rex and Pinkie dragging a cart full of cupcakes.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Are ya’ actually plannin’ to get that thing with ya’ Pinkie Pie?”

Pinkie smiled.

“Well, duh! My favorite honorary nephew has been away for a very long time, and I want to make sure he’s been eating well so I woke up early and made lots of cupcakes for him and his friends. And us if we get hungry during the mission!”

“I don’t think that would be a good idea Pinkie Pie…” said Fluttershy softly, but Pinkie was determined to take the cupcakes with them.

They were about to say something when a red glow surrounded Rex.

“Hey it’s time!” said Rex.

Pinkie Pie hurried to put her hoof over Rex’s back as she put another hoof on the cart. Applejack put her hoof on Rex’s back too and offered her hoof to Twilight. Twilight gave a hoof to Fluttershy who then gave her hoof to Rarity, and finally Rarity grabbed Rainbow Dash’s hoof.

The seven ponies disappeared from the face of Equestria as Princess Celestia watched them leave.

“Good luck, my little ponies.”

“I’ll give you one last chance, Tennyson!” said Vilgax to Ben, who was immobilized in a metallic stretcher with special restraints. “Tell me where you sent the Ulitmatrix and your death would be less painful!”

Ben didn’t say anything, and gave Vilgax a smirk instead. This infuriated the conqueror of a thousand worlds and grabbed Ben by the collar of his t-shirt. But then, the whole ship shacked as it has been hit.


Vilgax looked through the window only to see one of the ships from his fleet had gone crazy and it was spinning all over and shooting randomly all over; making Ben laugh when he saw it.

“What’s so funny, Tennyson?” shouted Vilgax.

“She’s here! I knew she would do the opposite to what I told her, after all I lived with her for about a week. You’re doomed Vilgax, you haven’t met anyone like her. You’re going to be out of strength and out of patience in less than five minutes. Especially now that she has the Ultimatrix.”

The ship where the girls and Rex have appeared was still spinning around and shooting missiles and lasers randomly damaging the other ships on Vilgax’s fleet as Pinkie was happily with the ship controls making her friends being send from one side to another.

Pinkie Pie giggled. “This is really fun! I wonder what this lever does…”

Pinkie pushed the lever, and the ship moved forward crashing into smaller ships destroying them instantly.

“Pinkie, stop it for Faust’s sake!” begged Twilight.

Pinkie released the controls as nothing happened. “Okey-dokey-lokey!”

The door of the control room suddenly opened, and several golden robots with black claws and legs, and black heads with red eyes broke into the room shooting everything that moved.

Twilight reacted just in time and she created a force-field with her magic to protect her and her friends.

“This is why Ben didn’t want you involved!” said Rex coming out of the forcefield and destroying the robots with his mechanical tentacle, one of his most powerful machines courtesy of the Omega Nanite. But no matter how many robots he destroyed, more of them came.

“Huh… a little help!” begged Rex.

In the meantime, Pinkie was mesmerized by the lasers flying over and impacting against Twilight’s forcefield.

“Huh… this is so cool! Do you think I can borrow these things? I can only imagine the possibilities for parties with these!”

Pinkie Pie was giggling imagining what would happen, smiling in her little world. Seeing that they could not count on her for a while Applejack jumped out of the forcefield with her lasso that she used to tie up several robots who kept coming. Rainbow also came to action and flew around the robots making them to go in circles and forcing them to destroy among them.

In the meantime, the forcefield finally started to crack and one of the lasers finally destroyed the forcefield and the cart full of cupcakes. Pinkie could only look in shock.

“Hey! I worked really hard baking that for my favorite nephew in the whoooole multiverse! No pony gets in the way with my presents and my family and friends!”

Said that Pinkie checked on the watch and transformed into a giant pink insect who started to spit some sort of pink aced saliva that made the robots to melt at its contact. She kept flying in circles spitting the goo to the robots.

“Good move!” congratulated Rex as he removed the remaining of Vilgax’s forces.

“Remind me never mess with Pinkie’s cooking!” said Rainbow Dash, still surprised by her friend’s reaction to her cupcakes being destroyed.

The others nodded, but it they didn’t have the time to think since the ship started to move as it was dragged to Vilgax’s main ship by a powerful beam. Rex rushed to the controls and tried to move away from the beam but it was stronger than the motors.

“Great, we are getting dragged to Vilgax himself!” announced Rex.

“WHAT?!!” shouted Rarity.

Twilight frowned. “With the scandal we made, I’m not surprised!”

Rex nodded. “Let’s look at the bright side. We are getting right to where Teenyson is! Now we just have to think what we would do as soon as they get inside or we’ll be in verdaderos problemas!”

Pinkie smiled turning back to normal, and then pulled out an emergency party kit out of nowhere and started to decorate the place.

“What are you doing Pinkie Pie?” asked Fluttershy.

Pinkie simply winked an eye to her.

“I’m throwing a party, silly! Rex said we have to think what we would do when Vilgax’s army goes into the ship, and a party is always the party! I am sure that Vilgax would be so delighted by the party I’m throwing on his honor that he would release my nephew and his friends. And he would have such a good time that he would not want to do anything bad anymore!”

Vilgax lead his army ready to be the first one to board the ship and take the creature who had the Ultimatrix. At his sign the gates of the captured ship. He dragged his large sword ready to attack; but before he could do anything, a pink horse appeared right before him with a confetti cannon and a blowout jumping over his chest making him fall out of impression. Then Pinkie hurried and put a party hat on his head, and a glass of pink punch and apiece of cake on each of his hands.

“Welcome to your party dear mister Vilgax! Come on in! I’ve prepared lots of games just for you so let’s have fun, alright?!”

And once again, before he would be able to react, Vilgax was showered by balloons and streamers all over him.

“The fun is barely starting! Please come on in and let’s play some games!”

Vilgax roared in anger and he jumped over Pinkie Pie. Pinkie simply made some graceful backflips at the time she turned into a big pink crab with a gigantic head and blue eyes, who started to dance some sort of claque using its pincers as castanets.

Vilgax recovered from the shock and walked toward the creature who held the Ultimatrix, only to realize he walked into a dance floor. A disco ball came out from the roof at the time loud music started playing, making Pinkie Pie’s cerebrocrustacean form to dance faster. Vilgax tried to put his hands over the creature, but Pinkie only saw that as he wanted to dance and kept dancing around making Vilgax fall over and over again as his robots only watched at the scene completely confused of what was going on.

And before they could help their master, they were smashed by Rex’s mechanical hands.

“The way is clear Miss Pinkie Pie! Time to start this fiesta!”

Pinkie giggled and transformed into the alien who could run fast, the one Ben named XLR8. But unlike Ben’s, Pinkie’s transformation had a pink body and blue eyes.

“Tag, you’re it!” she said to Vilgax as she started to run as fast as she could, with her friends following.

Vilgax roared in anger.


Author's Note:

And the battle begins! Could Vilgax stand Pinkie Pie? Stay tunned to see what’s next.

Read ya’ later!