• Published 13th Mar 2024
  • 686 Views, 9 Comments

Equestrian Mew - Kitsulestia

Five humans turned Mew must learn to adapt to life in a world they know nothing about

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Curry Battle! Ash versus Lan/ Applebuck Season/Gryphon the Brush-off

*Dex's POV*

Man, I'm hungry.

Danyelle groans "Can you please shut up about food for once? It gets rather annoying at times... Plus Ash and Lan aren't any better!"

Maylu spoke "But when it comes to curry, Lan can out-eat Dex."

Patch was on Maylu's head.

Serena giggles "Ash has the appetite of a Wailord."

Pinkie dashed by in excitement while giving us some good sweets.

Patch mewls "Momma?"

Maylu asks "Yeah, sweetie?"

Danyelle spoke "*As I was eating plenty of cupcakes* Wonder what Pinkie's excited about."

Anetta and Sunset had gotten into yet another catfight.

Roll spoke "My guess would be that Lan had challenged Ash to a curry battle."

That really got my attention. "Oh, this I gotta see."

Yai asks "*Notices catfight with a bead of sweat* Was I really that bad when I competed with Anetta?"

Danyelle used Earthquake on Sunset and Anetta, knocking them both out.

Roll spoke "Remind me to never get on Danyelle's bad side."

Maylu spoke "Me too."

Yai spoke "Chaud should decide soon... Before someone gets hurt..."

Twilight spoke "Yeah, but it’s not like we can force him."

Serena spoke "Come on, let’s catch that contest."

Roll spoke "Something seems odd."

Serena and Danyelle spoke "Yeah, we sense it too."

"Come on, we don't wanna miss that contest." I pointed out while moving forward and eating a cupcake.

Twilight spoke "Danyelle and I are gonna go check on Applejack."

Danyelle spoke "Sorry Twilight, I have something to do in Canterlot."

Twilight asks "Really?"

Danyelle spoke "Something's been bugging me since the vision I just had."

Danyelle zips off to Canterlot.

Danyelle calls out "Hey Celestia!"

Celestia asks "Hmm?"

Danyelle asks "Does the name Opaline Arcana ring any bells?"

Celestia froze at that.

Luna asks "Sister?"

Danyelle asks "Just showed up?"

Luna asks "What did I miss?"

Celestia asks "Remember Opaline?"

Luna froze at that.

Luna spoke "You don't mean..."

Celestia spoke "She may be returning."

Danyelle spoke "She doesn't know about the Pokemon though."

Celestia spoke "But we can't let her get near fire."

Luna spoke "Yes, she is the fire alicorn after all."

Danyelle spoke "And since Twilight has a fire type move, that might be a huge problem."


We showed up just in time for the contest.

Maylu spoke "I have a bad feeling about this."

Ash and Lan were in their positions, ready to eat curry.

A cloaked pony kept quiet as she trots away.

Serena asks "Who was that?"

Maylu spoke "I don't know, but I don't think it's a good sign."

Pinkie asks "Alright! Both Mews ready for the all-you-can-eat curry buffet?"

Serena spoke "we should avoid using fire attacks though."

Roll asks "Gut feeling?"

Ash and Lan spoke "Ready!"

Serena spoke "Yeah..."

Pinkie spoke "And begin!"

Curry dishes were brought out as the male mews dug right in, eating them so fast that it could make Rainbow Dash jealous.

What seemed to be a Suicune-Articuno fusion was watching the contest.

Ash and Lan each ate 10 dishes as it looked like their stomachs were starting to bulge, but they didn't slow down one bit.

Maylu asks "Hey Serena, who is that?"

Serena spoke "It looked like a Suicune and Articuno hybrid."

Soon, Ash and Lan ate 50 dishes, definitely looking more chubby as they kept going, even though they slowed down a bit.

The hybrid chuckles "My name is Ezekiel, but my friends call me Ezee."

Serena asks "Does that make you the first gryphon pokemon?"

Ash and Lan ate 88 dishes of curry, looking as fat as me as they slowed down, but were still eating.

Ash spoke "Man... Definitely reminds me when I tried to out-eat that Morelull."

Lan spoke "Ooh... Totally remember my trip to Namasty being like this."

The Duo spoke "But I'm still not stopping!"

Ezekiel spoke "I'm the only one though."

Maylu giggles "Hey Rainbow, do you know what happened to your gryphon friend?"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Beats me, I haven’t seen her in years."

Ash and Lan have now each eaten 99 curry dishes and now both of them are fatter than me, not to mention it looked like they can’t float much longer.

Pinkie asks "Ooh boy! Last two dishes! Which one will eat the last curry first?"

Ezekiel spoke "I would like to meet her though."

Rainbow Dash asks "Why?"

Lan and Ash ate their 100th dish of curry, making their stomachs churn and gurgle before dropped to the ground like sacks of potatoes, making their whole bodies jiggle and even the ground to shake a little bit. For a moment there, I thought they each weighed 1,000 pounds as the two Mews gave out huge rumbling belches before they struggled to at least stand up.

Pinkie spoke "IT’S A TIE!!!"

Roll giggles "I think he has a crush on Gilda!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "How? He's never met her."

Ash and Lan soon got up, though barely managed to keep their balance on their feet.

Ash spoke "Ooh... You went at full blast, Lan."

Lan spoke "Ugh... I could say the same for you, Ash."

But then the two Mews smiled at each other.

Lan spoke "Well, as long as we're like this, maybe we could do some sumo wrestling matches from time to time."

Ash chuckles "Hehe, sure thing, Lan. We can sumo-wrestle each other anywhere, anytime, and no holds barred."

Serena and Maylu comically fell onto their backs at that as Megaman laughed with a smile.

Megaman spoke "Here we go again, Lan never changes."

Patch mewls "Daddy silly!"

Ash and Lan then started pushing each other with their bellies, even though it was a bit of a stalemate going back and forth, up and down, making their obese bodies ripple.

Sunset was heard growling at the cloaked pony.

Roll asks "Something wrong?"

Sunset yanks the cloak off the pony, revealing an alicorn mare!

Danyelle soon returned with Celestia in tow.

Celestia spoke "*ears flatten* We meet again Opaline."

Opaline scoffs "Tch. If it isn't Dimlestia."

Celestia spoke "Ignoring your rude comment about me, I haven't seen you since we were living in Skyros."

Luna showed up.

Opaline scoffs "And Wane-a is here as well. Typical, since you two wouldn't even try to become my so-called friends."

A howl that Luna, Celestia and Opaline knew was soon heard thus causing shivers down the spines of the three mares.

Opaline spoke "Tch. Consider yourselves lucky this time."

Opaline then vanished in a burst of flames.

Or the white mane alicorn tried to escape, eleven tails snared her thus stopping her from running away.

An eleven tailed alicorn kitsunepony stallion chuckles "You're not getting away from me this time Opaline."

Opaline growls "Grr! Let go of me!"

The stallion chuckles "Wow Opal, your words hurt me. Have you forgotten who I am?"

Celestia gasps "Midnight Storm? Is that really you?"

Midnight chuckles "It's been too long Tia."

A look of shock was on Opaline's face since she also knew the eleven tailed fuzzball.

But then Opaline snapped herself out of it. "Still! Let me go or you'll face my wrath!"

Midnight moves the tail that he restrained Opaline with to in front of his face.

Midnight asks "Do you really hate me that much?"

Opaline was just silent at that.

Midnight spoke "Hmm... Not answering? That's fine. Guess that means I'll have to get a little rough, and in the Everfree Forest no less."

Twilight spoke "There is an abandoned castle in the forest though."

Shortly after Midnight dragged Opaline off to the abandoned castle, Gilda had arrived in Ponyville.

Ezekiel stammers "Uh, h-hi there."

Gilda asks "Huh? Who's this supposed to be?"

Ezekiel spoke "Uh, my name is Ezekiel. Though I may look like a gryphon, I'm actually an Articuno-Suicune hybrid."

Gilda spoke "What's that supposed to be? Because you just look like a weird gryphon to me."

Rainbow spoke "Gilda! That wasn't very nice to say."

From Gilda's perspective, she saw a strange gryphon male and a bunch of weird looking cats.

Gilda asks "So?"

Danyelle spoke "That is NO way to talk to your friend though Gilda."

A now mad Danyelle tail slaps Gilda across the face hard.

Rainbow spoke "If this is how my old friend treats my new friends, then we aren't friends anymore Gilda."

What Rainbow had said really hurt Gilda on an emotional level, causing the gryphon hen to break down into tears.

Gilda snaps "*Angrily* You know what?! Fine! If you’re done being lame, which I’m guessing is never, then give me a call. *Flies off*"

Danyelle spoke "Dash, let me talk to her."

Rainbow spoke "Good idea Danyelle, you and Roll are more sensitive to emotions than the other Mews are."

Roll and Danyelle both go after Gilda.

Applejack then showed up, having bags under her eyes with her bags having bags.

Yai asks "When was the last time you got any sleep Applejack?"

Applejack spoke "*Tiredly* Who-Who needs sleep? Ah-Ah can handle it…"

Gutsman spoke "Orange pony lying, even Gutsman know that."

“Gotta agree with Gutsman on that.” I nodded as Ash and Lan rolled by, wrestling each other.

*meanwhile with Danyelle and Gilda*

Danyelle spoke "Look Gilda, you shouldn't have taken your anger out on Rainbow like that."

After transforming into a two tailed gryphon, Danyelle hugs Gilda.

Gilda scoffs "Tch! Whatever! Get lost."

Danyelle spoke "Not until you calm down."

Gilda spoke "*Ready to attack* I said... *Swipes claws* GET LOST!!!"

Danyelle stops the attack with Psychic.

Danyelle spoke "You need to chill out! And you shouldn't hit a pregnant female."

Gilda growled in fury. "Then don't tick me off any further."

Danyelle spoke "I lost a friend when I was little, i understand how you feel Gilda. And lashing out at others is not the right thing to do. If anything, I'd be your friend, one who would stand by you no matter what happens."

Gilda looked like she was about to attack Danyelle again, but for some reason, dropped her claw with a conflicted face.

Danyelle spoke "Look Gilda... The past can hurt but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it."

Danyelle whacked the top of Gilda’s head with her tails.

Gilda asks "Ow! jeeze! What was that for?"

Danyelle spoke "Who cares about that? It's left behind in the past."

Gilda spoke "Yeah but it still hurts."

Danyelle swung her tails again, only for Gilda to dodge them.

Danyelle asks "See? You learned from that! So what's your plan now?"

Gilda spoke "I'm going to go apologize to Rainbow!"

Danyelle spoke "*As Gilda flew off towards Ponyville* Heehee! Good! Go on! Fly! Shoo! *Giggles and screeches*"

A frightened mewl rang clear.

Danyelle zooms off towards the noise, only to find a dead Mew with a starving baby.

Danyelle's instincts kick in before picking the baby mew up and taking it to Fluttershy.

Danyelle spoke "Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy asks "Hmm?"

Danyelle spoke "This little one lost its parent."

Fluttershy gasped at that.

Danyelle spoke "Since I've got a little one on the way, I think it would be better if either Roll or Maylu adopted the mitten."

Fluttershy spoke "Right."

Danyelle spoke "I had to knock some sense into Gilda earlier."

Fluttershy spoke "*Gentle smile* I hope she feels better."

Danyelle spoke "Then there's Applejack... I'd have to see how moody that wolf gets if she doesn't get her apples."

Fluttershy spoke "Oh dear..."

*Meanwhile with Rainbow Dash...*

Rainbow was in foul mood since she had been launched by a sleep deprived Applejack.

Rainbow groans "What was Apple-smack thinking?"

A purple furred Mew with a dark purple tail tip spoke "Calm down will you? It wasn't her fault."

"Who're you?" Rainbow growled.

A red furred Mew growls back at Rainbow.

The red Mew growls "Back off skittles, that's my mate you're talking to."

Rainbow growls "*Angrily* Call me that again! I dare ya!"

Twilight calls out "Cool it Rainbow Dash! You shouldn't provoke a Mew!"

The purple Mew spoke "Aaron was talking about the skittles candy."

Aaron scoffs "It's not my fault if Ein's an idiot..."

But then Rainbow Dash was suddenly tackled as she wrestled with a brown blur.

Gilda pins Rainbow down.

The two Mews snicker.

Gilda spoke "Pinned ya Dash."

Rainbow Dash asks "*Kicks Gilda off her* What're you doing back here, jerk?"

Gilda only laughed a bit at that.

Gilda spoke "Your two-tailed friend knocked some sense into me."

Rainbow Dash looked real skeptical.

A slight bruise was on Gilda's head.

Gilda spoke "Still, you’re as tough and as fast as ever."

A loud scream was heard from Fluttershy.

To be continued...