• Published 13th Mar 2024
  • 689 Views, 9 Comments

Equestrian Mew - Kitsulestia

Five humans turned Mew must learn to adapt to life in a world they know nothing about

  • ...

Swarm of the Century/ Winter Wrap Up

*Renee's POV*

My wolf senses have been screaming at me for some reason.

A slumbering Suicune-Zoroark hybrid was whimpering in its sleep.

“You okay?” I asked.

Zoey yawns "Something's bugging it..."

Kiki was sleeping soundly, snoring like a baby, as always.

Corina was curled up next to me.

Hehe, we were both like pillows thanks to how much we ate.

Corina burped a bit in her sleep.

I burped a bit too as our bellies rubbed against one another, making me and Corina feel warm.

Zoey groans "Get a room you lesbians..."

Corina and I didn’t hear that though as our tails wrapped around each other.

Zoey used Psychic to shove Corina into a different room since I was a dark-type Mew.

“What’s wrong? Jealous?” I teased.

Zoey spoke "Keep that stuff out of the sight of the kids. You really don't want a Sucker Punch to the face from Danyelle."

“I’m a dark-type, remember?” I pointed out.

Danyelle asks "You calling me an idiot?"

Danyelle tail-whipped me on the belly, making me belch.

Spottedleaf mewls in hunger.

Danyelle asks "Oh, feeding time already, Spotty?"

Redtail and Graystripe mewl as well since they were also hungry.

Danyelle giggles "Okay you three, take it easy."

Sunset giggles "Least I have just one mitten to deal with and..."

A loud hiss was heard from Tory since Fluttershy had brought a strange sort of insect into Ponyville.

Tails groans "What's his problem?"

Fluttershy spoke "I-I have no idea."

Danyelle spoke "Oh Arceus no..."

Fluttershy asks "Hmm?"

The colony of Mews scatter since they were terrified of the parasprite that Fluttershy had with her.

Fluttershy asks "Is something wrong?"

Danyelle hisses "Get rid of that bug right now!"

Fluttershy asks "Wh-What do you mean?"

Danyelle hisses "Do you know what would happen if Corina got her hands on it? And the last thing we need is a screaming Vaporeon!"

The thought made me snicker a bit with my body jiggling a tad.

Danyelle spoke "Shut it Renee, you hate bugs too!"

“So?” I asked, pouting my chubby cheeks.

Yai was a total wreck since her mittens were hyper.

Yai groans "Danyelle.... I need help."

Danyelle asks "What happened?"

Half the fur on Yai's left tail was missing.

A screaming Misty zooms past as she trips over a rock and landed in a pond, not realizing that a male Vaporeon was in the same pond.

Misty thinks "{Oh Arceus... I think I stumbled into someone's home...}"

Misty didn’t even notice the male Vaporeon sneaking up behind her while invisible.

The Vaporeon spoke "…BOO!"

Misty spoek "VAPON!"

Misty accidentally made her lower half turn invisible as the male snickered while appearing.

Misty spoke "You nearly gave me a freaking heart attack!"

The Vaporeon spoke "Sorry, it’s a little greeting I give ta visitors."

Misty spoke "I\m a bit on edge because I was scared by bugs a while ago... Ugh.. I hate bugs..."

But then the male’s heart was thumping hard as he felt like he was hit by attract.

Misty asks "You okay sir?"

The male Vaporeon asks "*Shakes his head, snapping himself out of it* Yeah, I’m good. So what’s your name, toots?"

Misty spoke "My name is Misty Waterflower, I'm from Cerulean City."

The Vaporeon asks "Cerulean City? Is it some kind of underwater city?"

Misty spoke "Oh Arceus no, it's not. But it's hard to explain."

The Vaporeon spoke "Anyway, name’s Randall."

Misty spoke "Nice to meet you."

Randall chuckles "Hehe, ever wondered what happens if you absorb a lot of water?"

Misty spoke "*deadpan* I'd be a fat Vaporeon."

Randall spoke "Yeah, but it’ll also make ya real tough in defense and give your water attacks a huge boost in power."

Misty spoke "I don't think I have the Water Absorb ability."

Randall asks "Really? Then what ability then?"

Misty giggles "Hydration."

Though diluted due to the water, a faint heat scent was coming off Misty's body.

Misty thinks "{Oh Arceus... Not now...}"

Misty rapidly swam out of the water and jumped back onto land.

Ash asks "What's wrong Misty?"

Misty yelps "It's-KYAH!!!"

Misty felt something bite and tug on her tail.

Misty got pulled back under the water's surface.

*Misty's POV*

Oh no! Oh no! No no no no! This isn't good! And to make matters worse, Randall turned invisible again! But then...


"Eep!" I yelped as I felt a tailslap on my butt!

I spot a tunnel before darting into it.

I thought I would be safe in here, but boy, I was wrong. I suddenly felt myself constricted.

Randall spoke "What's the rush? You can stay for a while."

I spoke "Oi! Let go!"

Randall appeared as I bit him in the tail, but he didn't let go.

Randall chuckles "Oho! Feisty one, ain't ya?"

I spoke "Piss off..."

I was about to use Hydro Pump until Randall suddenly kissed me right on the lips. But I used Hydro Pump anyway as his Water Absorb ability was starting to make him gain water weight before I noticed was gaining water weight too, making me realize he was using Hydro Pump as well, making the water go down my throat and into my stomach. I tried to break free and away, but Randall didn't let me move an inch as he started making out with me while the Hydro Pumps were still going on, making us fatter and fatter. I kept trying to break free and away, but before I knew it, I was somehow hugging him back with my body and tail coiling around him like he coiled around me with his body and tail earlier, and I kissed him back while making out with him. Soon, after each of us reached 5000 kilograms in water weight, we disconnected our mouths, panting rapidly with mad blushes.

"What... am I... doing?" I questioned myself.

Randall spoke "Admit it, toots... You're loving this."

The heat in me was definitely getting worse and more uncontrollable.

I tail slap Randall.

But then Randall tackled me before pinning me against a cave wall. “Once we’re done havin’ fun, you won’t be able to think much of the same again.”

*50 minutes later*

So… full… So full… of liquids… Never have I felt so… so… satisfied…!

I was unaware of the two eggs that were now developing inside my body.

I sluggishly swam to the surface and got out onto land with all 5000 kilograms of my water weight. “Never thought… it’d feel so good… to be like this…”

I soon spat out all the water build up thus reverting back to a normal Vaporeon weight, before I noticed the snow on the ground.

I ask "Oi Sparkles! What is this?"

Twilight spoke "Oh! It’s Winter Wrap-up!"

The entire Mew colony were confused.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked as my stomach growled for food.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Applesmack! Get over and explain!"

Applejack spoke "Oh, right. Y'all don't know."

Danyelle spoke "I pretty much speak for the colony since they don't know what it is either."

Applejack spoke "Well..."

Applejack explained Winter Wrap up.

Danyelle spoke "Interesting."

Twilight asks "What?"

Danyelle asks "Is it just me or is your stomach more swollen than normal?"

Twilight bashfully giggled at that as her belly was as big as a melon. “Well, the thing is… I’m pregnant.”

Danyelle places a paw on Twilight's belly, feeling the foal's movements.

Danyelle spoke "Judging by how active she is, you're close to giving birth."

Twilight giggles "I thought that was the case. And you wouldn't believe how much I had to eat."

A sharp pain shot up Twilight's back.

Twilight spoke "Guh! What timing!"

Applejack spoke "By the way, Ah heard yer stomach rumblin’ there, Misty."

I blushed at that, knowing she was right.

The rest of the Mew colony was huddled up inside Twilight's house since they hated the cold due to the short fur.

Spike asks "Need a fire?

Lan spoke "And r-risk s-setting the l-library on f-fire? N-not a g-good idea..."

From Spike's perspective, the Mews were all huddled together for warmth since Natsu was giving off a warmer body heat than the other Mews were.

Sunset spoke "Get that popsicle outta here! I can't warm up if there's an ice type Mew near me!"

Iceman spoke "Hey!"

Sunset growls "You heard me popsicle."

Iceman spoke "You shouldn't have a problem staying warm since you're half fire!"

Roll spoke "Iceman, shut up. You'll never win a fight with a fire type."

Maylu groans "Can't a pregnant Mew get some sleep around here?"

Renee and Corina gave a belch.

Roll groans "If it's not one thing, it's another..."

Yai spoke "Well, they do look cute together."

Roll spoke "We might need a bigger place though since there's about 25 of us Mews total."

Danyelle spoke "*Bead of sweat* Yeah, that could be hard to do."

Lan spoke "Especially with the number of baby Mews."

Pinkie popped up. “Maybe something crazy will happen after the Gala?”

That keft the entire colony confused.

Zoey asks "What\s the gala?"

Spike spoke "Well, it’s a long story. Okay, maybe not that long."

Danyelle soon felt a new aura.

Danyelle asks "Hey Spike, mind writing a letter to Shining Armor?"

Spike asks "Uh, okay?"

Cadenace had gone up to the hospital to check on Twilight.

Danyelle spoke "It concerns Twilight and her new foal."

Spike spoke "*Nervously* O-On it!"

Roll giggles "Something tells me Shininbg's gonna lose his marbles once he finds out about this."

Maylu spoke That may be so but I bet the presnce of a certain pinke alicorn might calm him down."

The other Mews snicker.


Comments ( 3 )

Misty spoke "I’m a bit on edge because I was scared by bugs a while ago... Ugh.. I hate bugs..."

What’s between these?

Randall spoke "Yeah, but it’ll also make ya real tough in defense and give your water attacks a huge boost in power."

Randall asks "Really? Then what ability then?"

Zoey asks "What’s the gala?"

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