• Published 12th May 2023
  • 645 Views, 10 Comments

Temporal Trotters - wyattpugsley

An incident during the testing of Hippogriffia's first thermonuclear device causes a rift in space and time, sending Posada and Skystar back to the past.

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8. A Night on The Town

She’s laying on the ground, tears in her eyes as she watches her walk away. “Skystar! Please! Just hear me out! Don’t leave me… I don’t want to go back to being alone…”

She stops and turns her head, “I only dealt with you because I had to. My feelings were only ever platonic, nothing more.”

“But the things you said, everything we did together…”

“I did what I had to. Anything to keep you from dragging us down. To keep you from blowing up the whole damn planet because some voice in your head told you to.” She continues walking and fades away. Darkness surrounds everything once again.


“They’re only using you to advance their agenda. To make sure they’re spared from your insanity.”

“No, I know they aren’t. Skystar, Terrafin, Silverstream, they’re my friends. They’ve had so many opportunities to leave me if they really were trying to use me.”

“Skystar almost left already. Terrafin wants the power of the state for his research. Your so called friends only stood beside you once you gained power. Where were they when you were just a struggling girl in college?”

“But she didn’t. And look at where we are now. I didn’t even know anyone until I got into politics, that’s not a fair comparison.”

“She’s obviously just going along with your “relationship” to keep you content until she gets back.”

“I told her she could say no and I’d be fine. That’s not true.”

“Do you really believe that? You know that you would’ve been broken if she said no again. She knew it too, anyone who’s around you for more than a day would know it.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You’re unstable, erratic. Skystar knows it. It’s why she does everything she can to keep you at bay. Just like with the inn. She tolerates you out of necessity.”

“Maybe she does… But I’m going to enjoy what I have right now. I can’t let thoughts like these ruin me.”

“But you will, you always let them get the best of you.”

“No. Not this time.”


Sunlight washes over her eyes, birds chirping with creatures talking outside the door. Posada slowly opens her still tired eyes, her back turned towards Skystar as she wakes up from sleeping on her side.

She goes about her usual routine since being set back in time. Getting ready for the day while Skystar continues sleeping. Looking in the mirror as she fixes her hair and puts on her hat. A cold and tired girl looking back at her. Is this really who she was? No, “it’s just a bad morning,” she thinks to herself.


An hour later the duo returned to the library. Going right back at it with the books they have left over from yesterday. Skystar going over a book titled “Magical Artifacts and Places of Power in Zebrica and Hippogriffia.” While Posada reviews a paper going over the history of forbidden magical spells.

A quarter of the way through the book Skystar stumbles upon a passage that catches her eye. It describes a place deep in Seaquestria called “Thistlegorm”. Supposedly the site of an old cult that worshiped a dark divine named Doria. It’s said that multiple ancient artifacts are still present in the ruins of Thistlegorm, including one named “The Trident’s Paw” that’s said to have reality warping abilities. The book states that the ruins have largely been left alone due to rumors of the cult persisting at the site, as well as the supposed interference of supernatural elements.

Skystar’s hooves shake up and down in excitement upon reading this information, she quickly grabs Posada’s attention and explains the passage. Posada’s eyes go wide as she hears Skystar delve into detail about Thistlegorm, spooked not by the mention of the supernatural, but of the cult.

“I don’t think we have to worry about any ghosts or spells… Probably. But the mention of that cult worries me. Even if it’s mostly been disbanded there’s bound to be some remnants in and around there. We struggled taking on one lone bandit with our little daggers, two or more trained cultists might be outdoing it.”

“Sounds like we might have some arms shopping to do then!”

“Maybe… I’m not sure having a bigger sword will do you much good, love. You have to be more comfortable and willing to fight before anything else.”

Skystar’s ears fall, her smile fading somewhat, “Oh… that’s true. I just don’t think I’m cut out for fighting, Possy. You can try and train me a bit but… It’s not my thing, like I’ve said.”

“I know, I know. If we really want to get back you might not have a choice. I’m also thinking… we might want to try and get a tag along or two, creatures more adapt at combat than you. Thistlegorm sounds like it has plenty of loot to go around, I don’t think it would be too hard to find someone around college who’s interested in grabbing an artifact or two.”

She slams the book shut, standing up from the desk with a smile on her face, “Then let’s get on it, Possy!

“Not so fast. I’m not sure we’ll get anywhere just going around asking random people. I have an idea, instead. We stop by the librarian and the inn keeper we met last night, tell them what’s up, and have them tell any creature interested to meet us at the inn lobby around 8 tonight. Saves time, and we don’t have to go around harassing random folks. Instead of doing that maybe we could get dinner, go on a little date, eh?”

"Oh Posada! That sounds perfect! I’m going to pick the place we eat at though,” she smirks.

“Sure thing, Sky. Soon as we get done talking to our two comrades.”


“…So tell anyone interested to meet us here at around 8. I doubt you’ll get many takers, but we only really need one or two other creatures so no worries. Sound good?”

“Um, you’re staying another night then, right?”

“Sure, here’s 15 more bits,” Posada grabs the coins from her saddle bag and places them on the counter, “now how bout telling folks about our proposal?”

“Well, I don’t see any reason not to do it provided you’re staying. You’ve got yourself a deal, miss.”

“Excellent. Alright Skystar, that’s taken care of, what’s our next move?” she says, turning to her partner behind her.

“Mmm how about you just follow me? Don’t worry about anything else!” The cream-colored hippogriff tells her partner, her head tilted as she gets ready to walk out of the inn”


Walking through the busy afternoon streets of Northpoint the hippogriff couple bumble and bounce around the other creatures. Posada following behind Skystar, blushing slightly and keeping her focus turned to the rump of her partner as she walks behind her.

“There!” She stops and shouts out, pointing to a nearby “Aquileian-style” restaurant. “That’s where we’ll eat.”

Posada quickly recomposes herself, turning her attention to the restaurant Skystar has pointed towards. “Oh? I’ve never been much for Aquileian food. I suppose that was back in our time though, it’s likely quite different here so why not?”

The two enter the restaurant. From the outside it looks much the same as the other buildings. But going inside is almost like entering a portal. Adorned in what could be considered “traditional Aquileian” furnishings and decorations. With a low light atmosphere lit primarily by candles and lantern. The walls seemingly hand painted, and the floors built from exotic hardwood. The smell of spices mixed with sweets filled the noses of the two partners.

They are escorted to their table by a well dressed mare, who also takes their order and pours them two glasses of wine before leaving them be.

“This really isn’t bad for being a 6th century restaurant. I’d even call it quaint; creatures would pay good bits to eat at a place like this.”

“Not really my thing but glad you like it, Sky. Anything for you.”

“Anything, huh? How far would that really go?”

“What do you mean?”

Skystar stares down at the table for a moment, lost in thought before snapping back to reality and replying, “Well, it’s just, that’s a common saying. But how often do creatures really mean it? It’s like the promise of unconditional love versus the reality of it. Every creature has their limits.”

“I suppose… Not like you do get all technical like that, sounds more like something I’d think of. What brought that on?”

“Just thinking! Sayings like that can get silly if you really think about them.”

“True! Maybe you can see why I get so caught up on things like that sometimes and go on rants,” she laughs. “That does bring up the interesting topic of unconditional love, what it entails, if anyone is truly deserving of it. A fascinating topic but maybe not one that’s a fit for this dinner.”

“Yeah, don’t wanna kill the romance vibes too much. “Even though you’re so cute when you’re rambling about things you love,” Skystar says, holding her chin with her claws.

“Even if you don’t understand what I’m saying?”

“Even then, silly. I think the only exception would be if you started talking about Beakolini’s work like you do Marksism.”

“If I ever started doing that, I hope you know you have full permission to knock some sense into me,” she says laughing.

The two spend the rest of their dinner enjoying each other’s company, flirting with each other and enjoying the tasty (if not expensive) food of Aquileia.


Exiting the restaurant, the two see the Sun has mostly set, dusk falling over the sky as 8 PM fast approaches.

“Ah, that was a riot Sky! Makes me miss being back home when things were simpler. I’m glad we did this.”

“I am too. It’s nice not worrying about anything for a few hours.”

They huddle together and embrace, wrapping their wings around each in their usual fashion, Skystar nuzzling against her girlfriend, smiling. Posada tilts her head and meets Skystar’s muzzle while she does so. They feel their lips touch together, Posada’s wing holding the back of Skystar’s head. They hold there for a moment, Posada doing her best to not instinctively breathe through her nose before pulling away.

“I’d say we could do the rest back at the inn, but we have some unfortunate obligations,” Posada says, smiling at her partner with seductive eyes.

“Sadly we do… There’s always later tonight though,” Skystar replies, winking at Posada.

The two make their way to the inn. Walking through the doors they almost expected to see a crowd of people waiting to meet them, but instead they’re greeted with… nothing! Not a single soul besides the innkeeper himself. A look of mild shock fills both their faces. Maybe expecting a crowd was a bit much, but not even a few creatures? Really?

They walk up to their innkeeper friend and ask him for a report, “No one took us up on the offer, huh?” Posada asks him.

He shakes his head, “No, actually. There was one, only one, however. He’s staying here in room two,” he points to the door marked “2” over by the entrance. “Said to have you gals come knock on the door when you got here. That’s all I’ve got for ya. Enjoy the rest of your night.”

The duo walks over to the door, Posada knocking lightly with her claw as they somewhat anxiously await a reply. The door made of wooden boards creaks open, its shadow hiding the profile of the creature behind it until fully open. Revealing a gray hippogriff with dark black hair. A gruff face and blank eyes greet them, “You’re the ones who need help exploring some place in Seaquestria?”

“Mhm, that’s us. I’m assuming the innkeeper already told you about the basic details?”

“Yep. Magical artifacts at a former cult site. Sounds tricky to me, which probably means there’s a lot of valuable stuff left there. Main reason I’m interested.”

“Indeed, it’s too much for just us. I have fighting experience but my partner here, Skystar, is a bit of a pacifist. I fear going in with only one fighter wouldn’t end well.”

“Especially without magical support,” he replies. “Or at least, I’m assuming you aren’t inclined towards spell craft. Doesn’t matter either way.”

“Neither of us are. Just out of curiosity, have you done things like this before? We… don’t exactly have a wide pool to choose from so, can’t really afford to turn you away. But experience would be a boon for all of us, I think.”

“Going to old artifact sites like yours? Yeah, a couple times,” he heads back into the room and grabs something, returning to the door holding with what looks like a staff. “Got this from one not too long ago. I’m not naturally disposed to magic as you might imagine, on account of being a hippogriff. Doesn’t mean I can’t do magic, however,” the hippogriff taps the bottom of the staff on the ground, summoning a mage light behind him. “Just need some assistance, is all.”

“Sounds like you’ll be perfect. I’m Posada, by the way. Already told you her name,” she points to Skystar. “What do you go by?”

“Lucien Star. But I prefer to go by just Lucien.”

“Alright Lucien, I’ll fill you in on some of the more detailed info…”

Posada describes the entire situation, including all the info they found in the book. But makes sure not to mention the reason for wanting to attain the Trident’s Paw.

“…So you’ll get free reign over anything we found, except for the Trident’s Paw, as payment. That’s the only thing we’re interested in. If that’s agreeable to you then we can talk about preparing and getting ready tomorrow.”

Lucien ponders the offer for a moment before agreeing, “Very well. I can agree to that. I assume we’ll meet in the lobby to talk over those details tomorrow?”

“Indeed, best to think everything over after resting up,” she replies. “Plus, I’d like to mess around with Skystar before the mood completely dies.”

“Alright. Talk to you tomorrow then,” he says, turning his back and shutting the door.

“…Interesting creature. But I think he’ll be a big help. What do you think, Sky?”

“Definitely not the bubbly type but he seems trustworthy.”

“Agreed. Now with that taken care of….” Posada’s wings extend, eying down Skystar seductively yet again, “how about we head back to our room and continue where we left off?”

Skystar giggles, “Trying to court your mate by showing off your wingspan? What’s next, a song and dance?”

“Oh shush, are you coming or not?”

“I don’t know, we’ll have to see how it goes,” she giggles again.

“I’m just going to go to the room and hope you follow behind me.”

“Should I check out your butt like you were with me earlier today?”

“Just get in here, Sky!”