• Published 12th May 2023
  • 656 Views, 10 Comments

Temporal Trotters - wyattpugsley

An incident during the testing of Hippogriffia's first thermonuclear device causes a rift in space and time, sending Posada and Skystar back to the past.

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7. Some Chapter

The traveling duo approach the large wooden gate of the city. Four hippogriff city guards stand at position outside of it, dressed in chain mail with swords on their hips. Looking up they also see two archers standing on top of the city’s wall.

“Evening, citizens,” one of the guards exclaims, seeing the travelers approach. “What brings you to the city of Northpoint? Business, leisure, travel, or something else?”

“We’re here for the magic university, actually,” Posada replies confidently.

The guard looks them both up and down, “Very well, you may proceed,” he says. One of the other guards pushing a lever that openings the gate slowly. “Enjoy your time in Northpoint and stay out of trouble.”

The duo nod their heads as they pass the guard and enter the city. Their hooves and claws clopping on the stone path that leads into the city. Entering they see blocked off entrances to the upper levels of the city wall to their immediate left and right. A stone path heading into the city directly in front of them, and two other diverging paths that go around Northpoint ahead to the left and right. Buildings at the entrance of the city include an inn, which given the sign hanging by the door, is called “Gobblestone Inn”.

“It’s amazing be able to see what our world looked like during this time… The old art and paintings really don’t do it justice.” Skystar says, in awe of the old city.

The couple walk past the inn and towards the towering library of the university. Observing the town while walking through it. Various store fronts adorn the entrance of the town, alongside the inn. Going deeper into the town more and more street vendors litter the street. Everything from local cuisine to various arts and crafts. The vendors working their stalls shouting out to gain the attention of those walking by on the stone streets. The couples’ noses filled with the smell of baked goods from the chimney stacks of clay and brick ovens.

Their adventures through the town eventually bring them to the campus of the local magic university, called simply “Northpoint Magical University.” The architecture of the campus buildings is noticeably different from the rest of the town. Not only in the shape and sizes of the buildings, but in the material they’re built from. With many buildings being built from marble, making them stand out greatly against the gray stone paths and walls.

“These buildings… they look just like back home… I knew the campus buildings were old but damn!” Skystar yelps out.

“Indeed. No time for architecture appreciation, however. We need to start searching for information on magical time travel. Only question is, where we should start?”

“Well, I’d guess the library would be a good start. We don’t know much about magical research but I’m sure one of the librarians could help us!”

“Sounds good, let’s go check it out,” Posada says, the couple now walking towards the tall spiraling library.


Standing at the entrance, the top of the library’s tower powers over any creature looking up at it. Staring at it long enough one could even swear that it sways along with the wind. Posada opens the door after admiring the size of the building. Entering the lobby floor of the library, their hooves and claws touching pearly white marble. Wooden bookshelves adorned the whole building packed with books of all kinds. The spiraling staircase towards the back and center of the building leading to the other floors of the library. The air smells stale, in a way. Like the scent of an old book that hasn’t been opened in years.

“This is beautiful… to think we had this kind of architecture and engineering in the middle-ages!” Posada thinks to herself.

“It reminds me of the old castle, amazing.” Skystar reminisces upon her past as a princess.

Various creatures can be seen studying at tables and desks, books open with notebooks beside them. Unicorns, griffins, hippogriffs and even some zebras learning about the ways of magic.

Posada’s attention turns to the nearby circulation desk being staffed by a lightly colored hippogriff with her hair back in a ponytail. She walks over to the desk, getting the attention of the clerk, “Hello miss! We’re looking for some books about a specific topic, time travel. Anything relating to using magic to travel through time would be of wonderful use to us!”

The clerk’s face doesn’t even budge upon hearing Posada’s request, her eyes lazily looking at the eccentrically dressed hippogriff as she replies, “Aisle 6b. Go to the 2nd floor and walk towards the back, once you get far enough you should see aisle 6a followed by 6b next to it. If we have anything related to your time travel topic it’ll be there.”

“Okay, thanks!”

The two make their way up the spiral stairs, taking their exit at the second floor which is of matching size to the first. The main difference being a slightly different layout and the use of tile floor instead of marble. Following the directions of their librarian friend they manage to make their way to famed aisle 6b. Listed as a “magical archive”.

They each search the aisle for various books that might be related to their time travel troubles. Bringing the books back to a large desk near the aisle to look into them further. The stack of books they both bring to the desk stands several feet high, at least 6 heavy and thick books in each.

“We’re going to have our work cut out for us, oh geez…” Skystar frowns.

“Indeed. Truly brings me back to my college days,” Posada sighs. “At least I have you by my side this time,” she says, extending her wing to hug her partner lovingly. They nuzzle into each other and close their eyes in embrace.

“There isn’t a single other creature I’d rather spend hours looking through books with, Possy.”

“I can think of a few I’d choose if we were going for efficiency,” she giggles. “But you’re definitely the best company to have. Let’s start digging into these monsters, my dear.”

The hippogriffs situate themselves at the desk, grabbing the first book from their respective stash and getting to work skimming and reading through them. As time goes on minutes start to feel like hours, hours feel like days. The tortuous work of having to skim through old, dry academic books drones on and on. With most of the books not even having a hint of what they need. Posada’s back aches from the uncomfortable wooden chair, both of her claws holding her head up as she forces herself to continue reading. With Skystar laying her head on the table, taking a short break from the mundane to try and retain her sanity. Her body already a sore mess from the fight earlier in the day.

“We’re never going to find what we need!” Skystar sighed out. All this searching and not even a single word about time traveling magic or artifacts. Plus, it’s night out now,” she says looking out the window. “I’m surprised they haven’t kicked us out yet, actually.”

“Yeah, it might be best to pack it up for tonight and come back tomorrow. Even with candles it’s getting hard to see. Maybe head to that inn we saw towards the entrance and get a bed for the night. Corn Pop gave us some bits so we should be able to afford it.”

“Say no more my love, let’s go!”


Traveling back towards the city gate they happen across the “Gobblestone Inn” yet again. Its outside lit up by a fire torch, illuminating the white stone building in a faint amber glow. Posada leads the way and opens the door to the inn. A smell of flowers entering her nose and the feeling of wood touching her claws and hooves. The white stone walls covered in the same amber glow from the candles inside. To the left is the innkeeper, a bored and tired looking young stallion with a short blonde mane and light green fur. He’s holding up his head with his hoof as he struggles to stay awake. Not even noticing the two hippogriffs entering the building.

Posada walks up to the stallion and quietly says, “Hello.” He blinks a few times before turning his focus on to Posada and Skystar, his eyes going wide, “H-howdy, what can I do for you uh, miss?”

“We need a room for the night. And some food if you have any.”

The stallion looks over to Posada’s companion, his eyebrows raised and lips pursed, “Just… one? But there’s two of you, our rooms only have one bed.”

“Yeah, just one, don’t worry about it. If you’re going to make us pay extra we’ll find somewhere us.” Posada says with her smile turning into more of an angry frown.

“I-I… are you two sisters or something? I’m just not following here.”

Posada’s temper is obviously starting to get the best of her, her entire face displaying her displeasure and impatience with the stallion. “It’s none of your business. Now give us the room or we’re walking out of here.”

“It is my business! I’m the owner of this inn and I’ll ask as many questions I want! I’m no bigot, hell I don’t care if you’re a hippogriff, pony, griffin, or some sort of alien! But I’m not letting any homosexuals sleep together under my roof! So, you will tell me, what is your relation to the girl behind you?”

Posada’s temper boils over, her rage taking over as she feels her heart racing with anger. “She’s my girlfriend! What does it matter?! We just want someplace to rest for the night, are you kidding me?! What, do you think we’re going to put some mysterious homo spell on your business? I should hit you square in the face for your ignorance!” she says, leaning over the desk and getting in the stallion’s face.

The stallion looks at Posada in disgust, not saying anything in return but simply staring at the ranting hippogriff. Seeing her partner get worked up Skystar walks over and puts her claw on Posada’s shoulder, getting her attention before saying, “Posada, look at me,” she turns her attention to Skystar. “Take a deep breath and step away. It’s not worth fighting this idiot over his own ignorance, as tempting as it might be. It’s okay.”

Posada breaths in, holding it for a few seconds and then exhaling. Repeating this a few times as her angry expression fades. A more somber and sad expression taking its place. “You’re right. I’m sorry for getting so worked up, Sky. Let’s leave this bastard to his lonesome.” They both walk out of the inn, the stallion simply watching, not saying a word as the couple leave his precious inn.

Outside, Posada frowns. Looking at Skystar with disappointment in her eyes, “I let my temper get the best of me again, I’m sorry. I should have just left and been quiet when he started asking questions.”

Skystar wraps her wings around Posada, “I know, it’s not your fault he’s an idiot. And you did better this time, you got yourself under control once you realized you were going a bit too far. I’m proud of you for that, Possy. And for sticking up for us.”

She smiles in response, hugging Skystar back with their wings wrapped around one another.

“Now, let’s go find us another inn, one with a better innkeeper, hopefully,” Skystar says as she slowly leaves the embrace of Posada.


Walking down the street they do indeed find another inn, this one named simply, “Isaac’s Inn”. Entering, the duo find it to be unsurprisingly similar to the last. The inn smelling faintly of berries and of burning firewood, thanks to the burning fireplace towards the back of the building. At the front desk is an attentive griffin, his feathers a light brown mixed with white. He notices the two walking in and offers them a “Welcome!” smiling as they walk up.

“What can I do for you gals tonight?”

“We need a room, and hopefully some food, we’re starving!”

“Of course, one room is 10 bits. And if you want some food there’s soup on the fire, potato soup to be specific, made it myself of course! Only 5 bits more if you want some of it!”

“Sounds delicious!” Skystar say’s from behind her companion.

“We’ll have both of those things,” she says, grabbing the bits from her saddle bags and putting 15 bits total on the counter. The griffin hands them the key to the room and smiles, “If you need bowls or anything for the soup let me know, I have some in the back!”

“Thanks! I think we’ll them actually, just bring them to our room if that’s okay,” Posada replies.

The griffin nods and heads into a side room. The traveling pair walk over to their room by the fireplace as he does so. Twisting the key and opening the door they find a full-sized bed made in basic linen sheets. Beside it is a single nightstand and a desk with a chair. And a window overlooking the bed. It’s simple, but it’ll get the job done.

Skystar instantly runs over to the bed and collapses, laying strung out on the sheets with her legs in the air. “Ahh! I never thought I’d be so glad to see a straw bed! I guess getting beat up by both a unicorn and a crappy wooden chair will do that to you,” she giggles.

Posada joins her and softly lays beside Skystar, taking her hat off and putting it on the nightstand. “Yes, it does feel good to relax a bit. I think my hooves are especially thankful.”

Their relaxation gets interrupted by a knock on the door, Posada getting up to meet the innkeeper who came to deliver the bowls and spoons. “Have a good night!” he yells before leaving and shutting the door.

“And we get to eat some real food too! We’re simply spoiling ourselves, Posada.”

“Only the best for you, hun. Let’s go get some soup and then head to bed. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow.”

Skystar reluctantly gets up from the bed, following Posada into the lobby. The two chow down and shortly after fall asleep, cuddled up to one another as they enjoy a well-deserved night’s rest.