• Published 2nd Jun 2023
  • 1,009 Views, 33 Comments

The Light of Friendship - Danyram1308

Our favorite ponies, girls and turtles have teamed up with the Mystic Rangers to stop the destruction of their worlds. Can their combined magic stand up to the coming evil?

  • ...

Mystical reinforcements

Somewhere in Equestria, Starswirl the Bearded was in a library looking through some books. After Celestia told him about her dream he set out to find something that related to what the princess saw in her dream.

Stygian entered the room with a letter for his mentor.

"Did you find anything Starswirl?" He asked.

"Nothing yet." Starswirl replied. "I haven't been able to find anything that will help me give Celestia an answer about her dream."

"You really can't make sense of what the princess told you?"

"I would if I knew what it was or if I had any idea what it was about." Starswirl paused to look at the letter Stygian brought. "What's that you bring there?"

"It's a message from Princess Twilight." Stygian said. "As far as I know it is Ponyville was attacked by some strange creatures."

"Strange creatures?" Starswirl took the letter from Stygian and began to read it.

"What does the princess say?" Stygian asked.

"She says that they were attacked by a horde of zombie creatures." Starswirl said.

"Zombie creatures?" Stygian asked. "I don't remember hearing anything like that in the history of Equestria."

"Me neither." Starswirl replied. "Those creatures were led by a strong warrior who possessed dark magic never seen before."

"Magic?" Stygian asked again. "Outside of Equestria? That's impossible."

"Of course not." Starswirl corrected. "You should know that Equestria is not the only place where magic exists. Throughout my life I have discovered that magic exists on other worlds, just as there are beings who see to it that magic exists on those worlds."

"Then we are talking about an otherworldly threat."

"Most likely." Starswirl continued reading Twilight's letter until she came to a part that caught his attention. Stygian noticed his mentor's posture.

"Is something wrong?" Stygian asked.

"It can't be." Starswirl got out of his seat and headed for a section of books.

Stygian glanced at Twilight's letter, in it he could read that the monster that attacked them used a spell with which it called up a dark magic circle that appeared on the ground.

Stygian wondered what that could be.
Back with Starswirl, the older unicorn took out a purple colored book which contained a circular symbol with an M in the center. The bearded pony opened the book and after flipping through it he found what he was looking for. Stygian approached Starswirl and saw that on the page of his book was a stamp identical to the one on the letter.

"What exactly is that?" Stygian asked.

"I fear it is very likely that we are facing an even greater danger than we have faced in the history of Equestria."

"A danger far greater than the evils we have faced?"

"Far worse." Starswirl paused for a moment to reflect. "Perhaps this is linked to Celestia's dream."

Meanwhile in the library of Castle of Friendship, Donnie, Sunburst, Sunset and the two Twilights were connecting some wires from the mirror to Donnie's portal generator.

"Do you really think it will work?" Blade asked as he watched the others work.

"Hopefully it works." Sunset said.

"How will it work?" Mikey asked.

"We'll sync Donnie's portal generator with Crystal Mirror and use the energy trail we found at the site where Starlight disappeared, find the coordinates of the dimension and go in to find Starlight" Sci-Twi said.

"And we really hope it works." Fugitoid said.

As they continued working, Celestia walked in with the Young Seven.

"Guys, they're here." Silverstream said.

"It's good to see you guys, though I wish it was on better terms." Leo said.

"Yeah, Princess Celestia told us what happened with Starlight." Bright Eyes said.

"I'll wait a moment." Indigo Zap approached the newcomers. "Bright Eyes?"

"Indigo Zap?" Bright Eyes asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was on a date with Keno in NYC until Leo tipped me off that they were attacking Equestria, so I joined the rest, as well as Sci Twi and her Spike."

"Only they're here?" Bright Eyes asked.

"That's right." Indigo confirmed.

"But what are they doing over there?" Sanbar asked.

"They're looking for a way to connect Donnie's portal generator to the mirror so they can find Starlight." Leo explained.

"How's that going?" Celestia asked.

Sunset gave a sigh. "Well, we're almost done setting up the generator with the mirror. However, to make it work requires a large amount of power."

"I think this is where my fusion center would be required." Fugitoid lamented.

"Even if you were to still have your fusion center, you would risk losing your life." Donnie told him.

"Sunset, Sunburst and I would have to give you everything we had but we still wouldn't have enough power to make this work." Princess Twilight said.

"As good an idea as any," Sunset stated. "Let's get to work."

The ponies took their places to begin to energize the

"Ready?" Twilight asked them.

"As we always will be." Sunburst replied.

"Very well. The mirror and generator are ready. In theory we should reach the location closest to the point where Starlight is located. The portal should be open long enough for you guys to get back to her." Twilight instructed. "Well, let's get started."

The two unicorns and the alicorn stood side by side in front of the mirror and charged their horns before casting the necessary spell on the mirror. For a few moments nothing happened.

"Why isn't it working?" Sunset complained.

"Try harder!" Twilight told them. They increased the strength of their spells, but once again, they couldn't make anything happen. But suddenly, the mirror began to light up.

"Is it working?" Sunburst asked hopefully.

"It looks like it." Twilight said.

"Professor, Donnie, turn it on!" Sunset said and Donnie and Fugitoid activated the portal generator, from there a portal was generated to what looked like a forest.

"I guess that's the place." Donnie said.

"Ok guys, I think it's safe to stop energizing the portal." Princess Twilight said and she, Sunset and Sunburst stopped energizing the portal.

"Ok, who will go get her?" Princess Twilight asked.

"I'll go." Sunburst said.

"No." Leo objected.

"But she's my best friend."

"I know, but we'll need you here more." Leo told her.

"But who will go for Starlight."

"I'll go."

"Me too." Donnie said.

"And me." Sci Twi said.

"Can I go too?" Mikey said.

"No Mikey, there are already too many of us, besides, we need the others to stay here in case Swordspot comes back." Leo said.

"Oh" Mikey complained.

"Alright we're ready." Donnie said.

"Go carefully." Celestia said and Leo, Donnie and Sci Twi walked through the portal.

"Hold on Twilight, here I come." Dog Spike said before launching himself through the portal.

"Spike!" everyone yelled but it was too late.

"Alright everyone, listen up, NO ONE ELSE COMES THROUGH THAT PORTAL, IS THAT CLEAR?" Celestia used her royal Canterlot voice.

No one answered, they just nodded their heads.

"What was that?" Indigo asked.

"That was the royal voice of Canterlot, and believe me, you don't want to face some princess when she gets like that." Sanbar said.

Meanwhile with the others, they landed at the entrance of Braidwood Forest. When they reached that dimension, they changed to their original form.

"Wow, that was interesting." Leo said.

"Looks like it." Dog Spike said.

"Spike?" Sci Twi asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I didn't want to leave you, so I crossed the portal too." Spike said.

"That's sweet, but you shouldn't have, we don't know what this place is and what we might find."

"Anyway, I wanted to come with you."

"It's okay, just stay close."

"Do you guys think we should go through the woods?" Donnie asked.

"Well, the portal took us to the closest point where Starlight is, so yeah." Sci Twi said.

"Well, let's do it." Leo said and they all entered the forest. The moment they crossed the forest, the panorama changed to a darker hue.

"Did anyone else notice that?" Leo asked.

"You mean the paradigm shift? I think we all did." Donnie said.

"It's like we're in those thrillers." Spike said.

At that moment, Leo and Donnie's medallions began to flicker, as did Sci Twi's geode, only she too grew pony ears and alicorn wings.

"Great, now it'll be harder to go unnoticed." She grumbled.

"We can still do this, come on ninjas." Leo ordered and they continued on their way.

Meanwhile back at Rootcore, Clare was finishing cleaning everything up, again.

"You're a complete witch and you can't keep this place clean?" Clare turned around only to see Udonna and Leanbow with their arms crossed while Nick tried not to laugh.

"Mmm, I can explain." Clare tried to say.

"Maybe, but first..." Udonna said before opening her arms. Clare immediately went to hug her. "I missed you so much kiddo."

"I missed you so much too."

"I guess she was the only one you missed." Leanbow said.

"Of course not." Clare said before hugging him.

"Yeah yeah, hug the legendary mages." Nick said in a mocking tone.

"Ay come here silly." Clare said before hugging him. "I'm glad you guys are here."

"Now are you going to tell us what took you so long to come to the party?" Udonna asked.

"Well, I was on my way, until a girl landed at Rootcore." Clare said.

"A girl?" Nick said.

"Actually, she's resting in my room."


"Yeah, but she said something that got me thinking."

"What do you mean?" Leanbow asked.

"Well, she told me that she escaped from her world since zombie creatures attacked her home, she said that these creatures had dark magic, and that she tried to use a teleportation spell between dimensions, but it went wrong and she ended up here."

"She's a sorceress?"

"She said no, but I could see she had pony ears sticking out of her hair."

"Hey, didn't Daggeron tell us about something like that before?" Nick asked.

"I think he traveled to a dimension where he met some girls with those characteristics." Leanbow said.

"Don't you think we're talking about the same girls?" Udonna asked.

"Maybe we can talk to Daggeron to see if he recognizes her." Clare suggested.

"Maybe, but not now, we'd better let her rest a little longer." Leanbow said.

Out of nowhere, the four heard an explosion coming from outside.

"I think that's going to be a problem." Nick said.

"That came from the forest." Leanbow said.

"We need to go investigate." Udonna said. "Clare, stay here and take care of your friend."
"Got it." The blonde girl said.

The three mages left Rootcore and headed into the village to see a group of Hidiacs and Styxoids attacking the place.
The villagers of the began to flee in fright, leaving Nick and his parents alone with the creatures watching them. They got into battle positions, having faced these creatures many times before.

"I thought we got rid of all these clowns," Nick said, readying his fists for a fight.

"You should think twice before acting on false assumptions," a voice shouted from behind the Hidiacs, and two high-powered energy bolts shot out at the Rangers, knocking them all down in a frightening explosion. Nick spat dirt and grass from his mouth before looking up, only for the dark monster to appear.

"And who are you?" He asked.

"Allow me to introduce myself." The monster said as the smoke cleared. "My name is Dreadscythe, and I am here to conquer the surface world for the Morloks."

"Well tried, because you will fail as well as all the Octomus monsters that have tried." Nick said as he quickly stood up. His parents also stood up.

"Oh, the great Red Ranger. I've heard about you." Dreadscythe frowned. "Morlocks, attack!"

With that, the Hidiacs ran toward the group, Nick let out a shout and also ran forward, meeting the foot soldiers head on and performing expert fighting moves. Nick and the others went into combat.

Dreadscythe stepped back, watching with interest.

Nick ducked under a blow from a nearby Hidiac and retaliated with a quick strike. Then, he ran at the soldiers directly in front of him, flipping them over and kicking one of their backs for an extra boost. He ran towards Dreadscythe, intending to strike its head, but was only knocked down by another blast of dark magic coming from the monster.

"Bowen!" Leanbow and Udonna shouted as they ran to his side, lifting him back up. Dreadscythe merely laughed at the spectacle.

"I thought the Red Ranger would be quite the challenge."

"If it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get!" Nick yelled as he pulled out his Mystic Morpher, while his parents did the same, only with Udonna brought out her snow staff and Leanbow his Wolf Morpher.

"Ready?" yelled Nick.

"Ready!" They replied.

"'Magical Source, Mystic Force!" They shouted, and the familiar surge of magical energy began to flow into their bodies.

"Well, let's move on to bigger leagues then." Dreadscythe said before summoning another legion of Morloks.

The Rangers charged at the Hidiacs, Udonna used her Snow Staff to freeze some Hidiacs, only to tear them all to pieces.

"Wolf Attack." Leanbow fired lasers from her shield in the direction of the enemy soldiers.

Nick charged at Dreadscythe with his sword, the warrior raised his spear and shielded himself from the ranger's attack, the Red Ranger lashed out with his weapon but the monster continued to shield himself.

"Alright, you asked for it." Nick channeled all his power and charged with everything he had. "Fire of the Phoenix!" He was engulfed in flames when he attacked but Dreadscythe used a counter spell to nullify his attack.

"But how?" Nick asked incredulously.

"Ha, how naive you are." Dreadscythe said before contracting with his spear. "Dark Magic Strike!" The tip of his spear ignited into a black flame and struck Nick with a slash, sending the Ranger to the ground.

"Ha! You're not as tough as I thought." Dreadscythe was about to thrust his spear into Nick but Leanbow intervened in defense of his son.

"Oh The Legendary Warrior Leanbow, I've heard stories about you." Dreadscythe said as he attacked.

"Let's see what you've got, you abominable beast." Leanbow said.

Back at Friendship Castle, the ponies were still waiting for Leo, Donnie, Twilight and Dog Spike to return.

"Will they be long?" Mikey asked.

"Well, they'll take as long as they have to take, for us it'll be about a quarter of that." Princess Twilight said.

"I just hope they bring Starlight back safely." Sunburst said.

At that moment, Princess Luna entered the library along with Cadence and Shining Armor.

"Any news?" the Night Princess asked.

"Nothing yet. They haven't returned." Celestia said.

"Shining, Cadence!" Fugitoid said.

"Professor, guys it's good to see you." Cadence said.

"Same here." Mikey said.

"Princess Luna filled us in on what happened here." Shining commented.

"Well, Leo, Donnie and the other Twilight and her Spike went to look for Starlight; but they haven't come back yet." Casey said.

"We are guarding the portal until they return in case those creatures come back." Sunburst said.

Indigo walked over to Keno. "They are the Cadence and Shining Armor of this world?"

"Yes, only instead of them being the Principal and Dean of Crystal Prep they are the rulers of the Crystal Empire." Keno explained.

"And I bet they also have a daughter named Flurry Heart."

"Yep, and it's worth saying that she's also an alicorn."

"Excuse me Keno, who is your friend?" Shining Armor asked.

"She's my girlfriend Indigo Zap or however you say it here in Equestria." Keno said.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, your highnesses." Indigo bowed.

"No need for such formality, I think we can talk to each other as you." Shining said.

"It's all right, Shining." She replied.

"That sounded weird, but I'll allow it."

"Any friend of our Twilight's is a friend of ours." Cadence said.

"Hey guys, where's Flurry Heart?" Twilight asked.

"She's fine, she's with mom and dad." Shining told his sister.

At that instant a pair of guards, each belonging to Cadence and Luna's escorts, burst into the room.

"Princesses, Poniville is under attack." The guards said.

"Oh no, Swordspod came back with his ordas." Pinkie Pie said.

"Twilight, Sunset, Sunburst! Stay here and guard the portal!" Celestia said. "The rest of us will go take on those creatures."

"Understood!" They said.

"Come on everyone, let's protect Ponyville." Luna said and they all went outside.

Ponyville was again under attack by the morlocks, Swordspod commanded another platoon of Hidiacs and Styxoids, they were capturing more ponies for their purposes, however, Swordspod had other individuals in mind.
Hidiacs and Styxoids fire nets from their staffs in the direction of the Ponyville residents, the ponies were trying to escape but most had no luck.

"We need more ponies." Swordspod said. "If necessary we will capture every magical creature in this dimension to bring back the Master."

The Hidiacs cornered some ponies on a wall, but before they could capture them a shot hit them and the ponies took the opportunity to escape.

"What?" Swordspod asked and then saw the heroes making an appearance. "So they came back for another round?"

"Yeah, we'll take you down this time." Rainbow said defiantly.

Swordspod noticed the addition of Cadence and company to the fight. "I see you brought another Alicorn, I'll have the pleasure of taking that blissful magic of yours."

"We'll see about that." Shining said before firing.

Swordspod simply blocked his attack with his sword.

"Is that the best you can do?" He asked. "How about I show you what real magic is?" He launched a blast of dark magic at his opponents, knocking them down in a single motion.

"You forgot to mention that this guy is really tough." Shining groaned.

"Well, now you know." Raph said before he and the others stood up.

"Fools, haven't you had enough?" Swordspod asked, but seeing that his opponents refused to give up, he decided to put an end to it all. "If that's what they want." He continued. "Morlocks, stick to the plan, and finish them off."

The Hidiacs and Styxoids stepped forward and ran in the direction of the heroes, who for their part were ready to defend themselves.

Back at Friendship Castle, Sunset, Sunburst and Princess Twilight were still guarding the portal.

"How long do you think they'll be?" Sunburst asked.

"I don't know Sunburst, maybe a few more minutes." Twilight said.

Just then a group of Hidiacs and Styxoids burst into the room.

"I'm afraid we don't have a few minutes." Sunset said.

The three ponies attacked the enemy troops with what they had, Sunset threw her kunais at about 6 enemies, then drew her tanto blade to defend against the enemies that had swords.

The princess used her Kamayari Sickle Spear to knock down some enemies, she soared using her wings and spun around to finish off the Styxoids that were shooting at her.

Sunburst dodged the incoming shots and countered by firing magic from her horn.

But the enemies kept coming.

"There are too many of them." The stallion warned.

"And more keep coming." Sunset said.

Twilight noticed out of the corner of her eye that a pair of hydiacs were approaching the portal. "NO!" She shot at them. "Guys, we have to close the portal."

"What?!" Sunburst said. "But the guys..."

"I know, but if these things get to the other world we would be committing that world to this threat." Twilight said.

The ponies looked at each other before acting. Sunset and Sunburst gave Twilight cover so she could close the connection between the portal generator and Celestia's mirror.

For her part the alicorn flew towards the portal and firing a blast of magic from her horn closed the connection they had created between the two objects, once the energy was disrupted, the portal closed.

"Sorry guys, but we'll open another portal as soon as we clear this battle." Twilight charged her horn and cast a spell with which she expelled the Hidiacs and Styxoids from the castle.

While all this was going on, the ninjas were still searching for Starlight in the forest.

"Are you sure we're going in the right direction?" Spike asked.

"Well, our collars keep blinking louder and louder, so I guess we're going in the right direction." Sci Twi said.

"I'd like a sign that we're going in the right direction." Donnie said.

At that instant an explosion was heard to the north of their position.

"Is that a sign for you?" Spike asked.

"I don't know what's going on over there, but I feel it might be Starlight related, let's go!" Leo said.

Back in Rootcore, Clare watched in the crystal sphere as her aunt, uncle and cousin were being slaughtered by Dreadscythe. She knew the others would arrive, but something inside her told her to go help. So she went to a shelf and picked up a wooden box which contained a silver tiara.

"Clare?" Starlight's voice was heard in the room.

The blonde turned around to see Starlight who had gotten out of bed.

"Starlight!" Clare ran over to where the pony girl was standing. "What are you doing up?"

"I heard a rumbling and got up to see if you were okay."

"Everything is under control, but I need you to stay here and protect yourself."

"But Clare, I can help you."

"You're not at 100% yet, you can't fight."

"But..." Starlight tried to dialogue but Clare stopped her.

"No buts, you stay here and I'll come back when things are calm." Clare said and with that she went into battle.

Dreadscythe launched another blast of dark magic in the direction of Leanbow and Udonna. They both fell to the ground.

"Ha! I thought you guys would be tougher." Dreadscythe said.

"Mom! Dad!" Nick immediately ran to his parents.

"Looks like I'll be able to destroy the legendary mages along with the light." Dreadscythe said as he prepared to charge at them, but a gunshot caused him to drop his spear. "What was that?"

When he turned around he saw Leo, Donnie, Sci Twi and Spike, all of them ready to fight.

"But what?" Nick asked confused.

"I don't know who you are, but we won't let you destroy them." Leo said defiantly.

"You guys made a mistake getting in my way." Dreadscythe said as he snapped his fingers and a horde of Hidiacs emerged from the depths.

"These things again?" Donnie asked. "So this guy and this Swordspot guy are related."

"So you guys already know Swordspot? Never mind, I'll take care of doing what he couldn't do, ATTACK!" Dreadscythe ordered and the Hidiacs attacked.

"I don't know who they are but they saved us." Leanbow said. "So they're legit." He got up and kept fighting.
Leo attacked one of the Hidiacs with his sword, but another ordas appeared to shoot him, but he used the power of his medallion to spin and create a tornado that sent the enemies flying.

Leanbow attacked another group of soldiers with a blast of fire.

Sci Twi jumped up and attacked with her Kamayari Sickle Spear, she knocked down some zombies in the process, but Dreadscythe attacked her from behind and knocked her down.

"Twilight!!!" Dog Spike ran at Dreadscythe.

"Get out of here mangy dog!" Dreadscythe kicked Spike towards where Twilight was.

"SPIKE!" Sci-Twi managed to catch her dog. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am."

"Enough games!" Dreadscythe said and readied his weapon to finish them both off. But out of nowhere a blast hit the monster, knocking it to the ground.

Twilight and Spike were confused to see what the monster didn't attack.

"But what?" she asked.

"That's because of me." Clare called from the other side, only she was wearing a purple robe over her white dress, she wore a veil on her head and on her forehead was her tiara.

"Clare!!!" Nick, Leanbow and Udonna said.

"The Gate Keeper." Dreadscythe said.

"And it's not just her." Another voice said and they all saw Chip, Maddie, Vida and Xander arrive.

"Guys!" Nick called out.

"WOW, who are they?" Chip pointed to the turtles, Twilight and Spike.

"I don't know, but they need help as well as our friends." Maddie said.

"Whatever, it's time to fight." Vida said before she and the others pulled out their morphers. "Ready?"

"Ready, Magic Source, Mystic Force."

Once the rest of the rangers morphed they joined the battle.

The guys entered the battle and engaged the enemy troops.

Vida and Xander used their magic wands to launch attacks of their respective elements.

Maddie used her wand to create a wave that swept over the monsters, Chip used his wand to bring down lightning bolts on the soldiers left standing.

Donnie flew away after being shot by a Hidiac. The purple turtle fell to the ground.

A Hidiac was about to stab him with his weapon, until....

"Laser Lamp!" someone shouted and shot the Hidiac to stop it from hurting Donnie.

The purple turtle turned his head to see who it was that defended him only to see Daggeron in his Solaris Horse armor.

"On target." Jenji said from her lamp. "Wait a minute, those aren't..."

"Yes, they are." Daggeron said. "Let's go help them."

Knight Solaris shot his way over to where Donnie was.

"Donatello? What are you doing here?" The knight asked.

"Daggeron! It's good to see you, but how about we finish them off and I'll explain why we're here." Donnie said.

The knight agreed and they continued to fight.

The two teams began to have the advantage and the enemy troops were defeated, only Dreadscythe was left. Twilight and Clare were taking care of him, but the monster started to take over the fight, with one move he took down the girls with his weapon. He was about to thrust his spear at Clare, but out of nowhere an arrow shot out and pierced Dreadscythe's shoulder, making him drop his weapon, he turned around and saw Starlight with a bow, then he was surrounded by the heroes.

"Well, I guess they defeated me, for now, but I'll be back stronger." Dreadscythe said before disappearing.

"Yeah, we won!" Chip celebrated.

"Yeah, he was forced to leave." Leanbow said.

"Starlight!!!" Leo called.

"Guys!" She said. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We came to get you." Leo said. "We were able to track your magic signature to this place."

"Wait a second." Daggeron said. "Starlight?"

"Daggeron?" Starlight asked back.

"Wait a second, you guys know each other already?" Clare asked.

"They're the girls and the turtles I told you about, or some of them." Daggeron explained.

"Guys, good to see you again!" Jengi stepped out of her lamp and gave Leo, Donnie , Twilight and Starlight a big group hug.

"Good...to see you...too, Jenji!" Donnie spoke, as he was crushed to death.

"Hey don't forget about me!" Spike barked.

"Oh sure! Spike, how are you my canine friend?" Jenji let go of the boys and greeted Spike.

"Wow, a talking dog, is he an alien?" Chip asked.

"I'm not, I'm just ordinary dog that was exposed to magic." Spike explained.

"That depends on how you define the word 'ordinary'." Vida said.

"I'm confused, Dageron knows these guys, and they know Clare's new friend." Chip said.

"I think some introductions are in order, and I think I'm the one to start." Xander said.

"Ugh, here we go again." Nick rolled his eyes.

"Sorry Xander, but since I'm the only one of the group that knows everyone around here I should be the one to make the introductions." Daggeron said before starting. "Rangers, these are some of the ones I met in the other dimension with the other rangers, this is Leonardo and his brother Donatello, Twilight Sparkle and her dog Spike, and Starlight Glimmer."

"It's a pleasure." Leo said.

"The honor is ours." Leanbow said.

"They are Xander, the green ranger, Chip, the yellow ranger, Madison and her sister Vida, blue and pink." Daggeron said and then he turned to Leanbow. "This is Leanbow, the Wolf Warrior, his wife Udonna, the white ranger, their son Nick, the red ranger and Clare, Leanbow and Udonna's niece, and Nick's cousin."

"So she's the woman you told me about?" Starlight asked Clare.

"Yes she is." The blonde girl replied.

"You never told me about her being your aunt."

"Wait a second, the red ranger is the son of other rangers?" Sci Twi asked.

"Any problem with that?" Nick crossed his arms.

"No, just that it's fascinating."

"How did they get to me?" Starlight asked the ninjas.

"We followed the energy trail your spell left behind."

"Wait a second, spell? Where did you guys come from there's magic too?" Chip asked.

"Yeah, that's right." Sci Twi replied. "Even though it's complicated to explain."

"That has to do with the wings and horse circles?" Vida asked.

"That's just something. Anyway, when we entered this forest my pony features appeared and our collars started to flicker, then we heard the explosions and that's where we found you."

"That reminds me, Starlight, were these creatures the same ones you faced in your world?" Clare asked the pony girl.

"Yes, they are." Starlight replied.

"Then our suspicions were correct." Leanbow said.

"So, you guys know these creatures?" Leo asked.

"Those were Hidiacs, soldiers of the Morloks, creatures of the underworld."

"I'm surprised the Morloks have returned." Chip said. "I thought we were done with them."

"I think what's surprising is how they invaded another world." Jenji said.

"I think the real question is why they invaded your world." Maddie said.

"Be that as it may, we have to go back, Princess Twilight left a portal to Equestria open for us just outside the forest." Leo reported.

"Wait." Leanbow said. "I think it's best if we go with you."

"Are you sure? The world we are going to is not populated by humans, and we don't know what you will become if you enter that world." Starlight said.

"Maybe, but your world is facing something from our world, so it is our duty to help you." Leanbow said.

"Alright, let's go then." Leo said.

"Great, an adventure in another world." Chip said but Leanbow stopped him.

"No Chip, not everyone will go." He said.

"What?" The rangers said.

"Only Udonna, Nick, Clare and I will go. The rest will stay here in case the Morlocks come back."

"Okay, good luck." Daggeron said before shaking hands with his former mentor.

"Good luck to you guys too." Leanbow said.

"Just be careful." Xander said.

"Same to you guys." Clare said.

"It's a shame we didn't have more time to catch up." Maddie said to Nick.

"Don't worry, when this is over we'll have all the time in the world." Nick winked at her.

"Walk Romeo, we're in a hurry." Clare pulled Nick so they could walk out of the woods.

Back at the battle of Ponyville, the ninjas, young six and others were being outnumbered in the fight.

Fugitoid gave cover fire to the guys as they fought off the morlock troops, but it wasn't enough. Casey threw his photon pucks to help the professor.

Keno and Indigo were back to back as they fought off Hidiacs, Spike and Smolder flew over the battle as they launched their fire breath.

The three princesses were facing off against Swordspot, but none of them could stand up to the monster. Cadence fired her magic, but Swordspod didn't flinch, Luna tried to surprise him from behind but the morlock reacted and with a half turn launched a blast of dark magic towards the princess of the night. Then he repeated the same attack but this time in Cadence's direction.

Shining ran towards the morlock and fired his own blast, but Swordspot raised a shield to protect himself.

"That was a big mistake!" He shouted, hitting it with his own dark magic. Candece flew into the air to try and knock the morlock down, but Swordspot managed to see her and managed to shoot her down. Luna tried to take advantage of this and charged her horn for a powerful attack, but Swordspot teleported just in time for the spell to hit a Hidiac. Swordspot then appeared right behind her, but before she could do anything, the morlock knocked her down with a slash of dark magic that sent her flying.

Celestia was recovering from the blow she received, as soon as she looked up she saw Swordspot approaching her.

"Now, where was I?" He raised his sword to finish off the sun princess, but before he could make his attack concrete, Princess Twilight appeared flying and pulled Celestia before she was annihilated, Swordspot growled at the intrusion.

"Princess Celestia, are you alright?" She asked.

"Twilight what are you doing here?" Celestia asked. "Shouldn't you be guarding the portal?"

"We had to close the portal, it was the only way not to compromise that other world."

"You will pay for your insolence." Swordspot threatened Twilight.

The young princess took off into the air to dodge Swordspot's dark shots.

Twilight flew forward, dodging the morlock's blasts and when she had a chance to return fire, she did so.

However, Swordspot leapt forward and countered with a blast of dark magic that knocked Twilight down.

Back at Briarwood, the boys emerged from the forest to cross the portal to Equestria, but encountered nothing.

"Oh no." Sci Twi said.

"Where's the portal?" Starlight asked.

"It was here." Dog Sike said.

"They must have closed it for a reason." Leo said.

"Be that as it may, we must find another way to go to Equestria." Clare said.

"Fortunately, we have a way." Nick said. "Fire Heart!"

Out of nowhere, dragon landed in front of everyone.

"A Dragon!" The ninjas said.

"Dragons exist here?" Spike asked incredulously.

"Yeah, guys meet Fire Heart, Fire Heart, meet the ninjas." Clare said.

"Fire Heart has the ability to create portals to other dimensions, when Starlight came we followed her energy trail to try and find where it came from." Leanbow said as she approached the dragon. "Northrex Uthum Sondor!" he used a spell on Fire Heart. "Now he will take us to Equestria."

"Well, come on then." Leo said.

They all climbed into Fire Heart, and once ready the dragon took flight.

"This is amazing." Sci Twi said.

"I know." Spike agreed.

"Guys, get ready." Leanbow said as Fire Heart opened a portal with his fire breath.

Sanbar used his Tanto Blade to block an attack from a Hidiac but another one shot at him and he fell to the ground.

Silverstream flew to avoid the shots of the evil forces, then landed to take down three enemies with her Double Clawed Staff, a Hidiac wanted to surprise her from behind but she twirled her staff and stabbed him in the stomach, then another enemy came from in front and she repeated the action but a third one kicked her down.

Gallus faced his enemies using his two swords but a Hidiac lunged at him knocking him down. Ocellus used her fan to attack her enemies from a distance. After she threw her Bladed Tessen three times the Hidiacs came closer and started firing, she jumped to avoid the shots but the Hidiacs kept coming closer to her.

Yona used her mass to send the zombies flying, but they immediately lunged at her so they could pin her down.

"Yona!" Smolder and Brigth Eyes ran to help their friend. The dragon used her fire breath to remove the Hidiacs that were on top of Yona while the unicorn used her magic and her nuchaku to repel the villains that wanted to get close.

"Are you okay?" Brigth Eyes asked.

"Yona is fine." The yak said.

"We don't know how long we can hold out." Smolder said as he held up his Kusari Fundo.

"I just hope Sensei Leo and the others come back soon." Brigth Eyes said as she and the others continued to fight.

A portal opened in another corner of Ponyville, and the heroes ended up rolling on the ground.

"Ouch, that really hurts." Leo said.

"Everyone okay?" Donnie said.

"I am." Starlight said.

"Same over here." Sci Twi said.

"Leanbow, Udonna, are you okay?" Donnie asked again.

From the ground rose a brown male unicorn with a graying mane, he had a shady beard and a cutie mark of a flaming w with the face of a wolf in silver; there was also a white female unicorn with a reddish brown mane and a cutie mark of a Mystic Force m and a snowflake.

"So this is the form any human who enters this world takes?" Leanbow asked analyzing her new body.

"Yes, though there are exceptions." Leo said

"Wait, where are Clare and Bowen?" Udonna asked.

"Bowen?" The ninjas asked in confusion.

"I'm here." Nick's voice was heard from behind a bush, the aforementioned peeked his head out, revealing at a glance a red male unicorn with a black mane.

"Another unicorn?" Spike said.

"Well, it makes sense since your parents are unicorns." Sci Twi said.

"I wouldn't say that." Nick objected.

"What do you mean?" Starlight asked confused.

"It's more complicated than it sounds." Nick emerged from the bushes revealing his full form. Everyone was shocked to see that Nick also had wings, his cutie mark was the phoenix he had on his helmet visor.

"Are you an alicorn?" Starlight asked.

"Is that what you call this breed?" Nick asked.

"Well, he's not the only one." Clare appeared showing up looking like an alicorn too, only she was lilac colored, her mane was blonde and her cutie mark was a waning moon.

" Amazing! You two are both alicorns!" Starlight said.

"Is it any good that Clare and I look like something out of a children's card game?" Nick said.

"In a way." Donnie said.

Then Fire Heart appeared before them seemingly unchanged.

"It looks like Fire Heart was unchanged." Udonna pointed out.

"I wouldn't be so sure." Fire Heart spoke, which surprised the mystics.

"Now can you talk?" Nick asked.

"Apparently entering this dimension gave me the ability to speak." Fire Heart said.

"I experienced the same thing too, but we don't know if you'll still be talking when you get out of here."

"Anyway, we have to hurry." Leo said and the mystics transformed.

"Wow, looks like I don't need my cloak here anymore when I have my wings." Nick said as he noticed the changes in his costume. "But even here I'll use my Mystic Racer on what I figure out how to use my wings."

"Everyone follow us this way." Leo said as he led everyone towards the village.

Swordspot launched another blast of dark magic towards the royal sisters, the two alicorns fell to the ground.

"Pff, I thought you guys were a challenge, but now I'm disappointed." Swordspot sneered.

"Celestia! Luna!" Princess Twilight said as she, Cadence and regrouped.

"Look at you guys, you're being outclassed." The morlock said pointing out how the other ponies and non-ponies were being outnumbered. "There's nothing they can do." Swordspot boasted. "Now you will all meet the same end as that unicorn I destroyed." He prepared to launch another blast of dark magic.

However, a shot of magic made him let go of his was.

"Well it looks like you'll have to try harder." Starlight's voice was heard on the other side, causing Swordspot to pause for a moment.

Ponies and non-ponies turned around to see Starlight alive.

"It can't be." Princess Twilight said.

"Starlight!" Sunburst said.

"What?" Swordspot was confused and didn't prepare for what was coming.

"WOLF ATTACK!"A wolf faces turned towards Swordspot and the hidisk around her.

"What?" Swordspot was confused.

Everyone was shocked to see the attack that knocked the hidisk down.

"What was that?" Shining Armor asked.

"Over there!" Mickey said.

Everyone turned around to see Leanbow armed with his sword and shield.

"Who's he?" Cadence asked.

"I don't know, but he looks friendly."

Leo and Leanbow made their way through the enemy troops, both displaying their sword skills.

The Young Six were still being surrounded by the Styxoids, but out of nowhere, the latter were suddenly frozen.

"What?" Gallus said in confusion.

"Was it you, Bright Eyes?" Silverstream asked.

"No, guys." The unicorn said.

Immediately, the styxoids were shattered like ice.

The Young Six were covered in the ice chunks.

"You guys are okay." Udonna approached the young ninjas.

The Young Sis were confused at the sight of the pony that had saved them.

"Yes ma'am." Bright Eyes replied.

"Come on follow me." Udonna led the ninjas into battle.

Sunburst and Blade fought back as best they could, but a group of Hidiacs fired at them with their blasters, the two stallions fell to the ground.

The Hidiacs were closing in on them to deliver the coup de grace, however, they were neutralized by gunfire.

Blade and Sunburst were confused at what had happened.

"Hey, are you two okay?" Clare approached them.

The pair of stallions were shocked at Clare's appearance.

"Yeah, we're fine, thanks to you." Sunburst said.

"Okay, get up." She told them.

The mane 6 continued to defend themselves as they knew how. Rainbow Dash flew over the Hidiacs dodging their shots, Pinkie used her party cannon to defend herself from the zombie soldiers, although without much success, a Hidiac tried to attack her with his spear, but Applejack's rope intervened, the farm mare pulled her rope and pulled the Hidiac and then kicked him with her hind hooves.

Rarity raised a shield to protect herself from the gunfire, but it didn't hold up long and she was knocked down when her shield broke. Spike immediately flew at her and threw his fire breath to break through.

"Rarity, are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine Spike, look out!" The unicorn immediately alerted the baby dragon, but to no avail, Spike was hit by a Hidiac and fell to the ground next to Rarity.

"Mmm... How about we calm down if we can consider it better." Fluttershy said as she backed away from the Hidiacs in an attempt to make reason to the Hidiacs, albeit unsuccessfully.

Spike threw fire breath at the Hidiacs, but to little avail as they kept coming. The girls and Spike were preparing for the worst, they covered themselves and closed their eyes hoping that everything would be quick and painless.

However, a roar was heard and the hydiacs began to flee.

The girls and Spike opened their eyes and watched as their enemies backed away.

"They're running away?" Fluttershy asked.

"Good job Spike." Rainbow Dash congratulated the baby dragon.

"But... I didn't do anything." Spike confessed.

"No?" Rarity asked.

"But if it wasn't you, then who?" Pinkie asked, and instantly Fire Heart flew overhead to chase after the hydiacs.

"Another dragon?" Spike asked.

"Where did he come from?" Rarity asked.

"I don't know, but he seems friendly." Fluttershy said.

Raph used his necklace to burn some enemies. Sunset threw her kunais to defend herself from the zombie shots.

"BOOM BABY!!!" Raph said.

Sunset looked around and saw more Hidiacs coming. "Don't celebrate yet, Raph!" out of nowhere, Nick appeared out of nowhere and kicked some Hidiacs before landing on all fours and attacking the other Hidiacs with a huge ring of fire.

Raph and Sunset were shocked to see Nick finish off the Hidiacs.

"Are they okay?" The red ranger asked.

"Yes, we are." Sunset replied.

"How did you do that?" Raph asked.

"I'll explain later, for now we have to keep fighting." He said and the three resumed fighting.

Casey launched another one of his explosive discs while Keno and Indigo blocked the attacks of some Styxoids, April threw her fan to slit the throats of some Hidiacs and on the other side Mikey and Shini used their chains to knock down their enemies. Karai, in his snake form, went into the Hidiacs to attack.

Meanwhile, Donnie, Sci Twi and Dog Spike joined the fight to support their friends.

Back with Leo and Leanbow, they were still fighting against Swordspot, the two swordsmen were dominating the morlock, Leo launched a slash against his enemy who blocked the attack and, turning backwards, counterattacked with a blast of dark magic.

Leanbow managed to block the attack with his shield, and then hit the ground with the same shield to create an eruption of fire that exploded underneath Swordspot and sent him flying in the process.
The morlock fell dryly to the ground, immediately getting up to continue fighting, but seeing that he was being outmatched, he decided not to attack.

"Well, I guess you won this time, but rest assured that the Morlocks will dominate this world, and the worlds that have magic, and I will have the pleasure of destroying every protector of those worlds, especially the mystic force." He said before escaping.

"Damn, he escaped again." Rainbow complained.

"Don't worry, he won't next time." Raph said.

"You guys are back!" Mikey said.

"And we brought someone along with some new friends." Leo said.

"Starlight!" Sunburst ran to her childhood friend, hugged her and gave her a twirl, this action made the lilac unicorn blush. "You're alive."

"And according to her she told me he's not her boyfriend." Clare said to Nick.

"Starlight!" Princess Twilight approached the duo. "I'm glad you're okay."

"I am, thanks to a friend of an old friend."

"You're right, they are friends of Daggeron."

The Mystic Family transformed back into civilian mode, ponies and non-ponies gasped at the sight of Nick and Clare's appearance.

"You guys are Alicorns?" Luna asked.

"Yes, just like you." Clare said to the princesses.

"Impressive." Princess Twilight as she looked closely at Nick. "A male alicorn, I've never seen or heard of anything like it."

"And there's something special about me looking like something out of an anime." Nick asked.

"It's more than just that." Princess Twilight said.

At that instant Fire Heart landed in front of them.

"It's good to know those morlocks are gone." He said.

"Yep, and boy did you look good back there." Nick said.

"Guys, that's the dragon that chased those monsters away." Pinkie said.

"Oh, he's so cute." Fluttershy said before hugging Fire Heart.

"Hey hey, easy, this is a dangerous, fighting dragon." Nick told her.

"Yeah, I could tell." She replied as she continued to pet the dragon, Fire Heart didn't seem to mind.

"Excuse me, I think some introductions are needed here." Rarity said.

"I'd like to propose that it be somewhere more private, we're drawing a lot of attention here." Nick said as all the ponies were starting to watch them, especially him and Clare.

"I know a place, down this way." Princess Twilight said as they all headed for Friendship Castle.

Back at The Rock Porium, the remaining rangers were preparing to close up store.

"Man, what a day." Chip said.

"Yeah, the morlocks are back and wreaking havoc on another world." Vida said.

"But what would they be looking for with that?" Maddie asked.

"Whatever it is, it must be something big." Xander said.

Just then, there was the sound of an approaching train, the guys stepped outside to see a locomotive in front of the store, but not just any locomotive, it was the Solaris Streak.

"Daggeron?" they asked.

"Hey guys, what do you think about taking a field trip?" He asked.

"What are you saying?" Chip said. "We weren't supposed to go to that dimension."

"Who said anything about going to Equestria?" Daggeron said. "We're going to go visit the girls I told you about."

"You mean those Rainbooms?" Vida asked.

"Yep, I think they need to know what's going on the other side, maybe and we all need to keep an eye out and something but it's developing."

"You're right, let's go then." Xander said and they all boarded the train.

At that instant Tobey came out of his office and saw that the Solaris Streak was leaving.

"Hey guys!" He called out to his employees. "Where are you guys going?"

"We have to go somewhere else, don't worry, we'll be back!" Xander yelled before the train disappeared.

After that, Tobey stood on the curb after watching the Solaris Streak leave. "Mmm... I just hope they come back first thing." He said to himself.

Author's Note:

Well guys, here is the third chapter of this fic (finally), I know it is not as long as it should be after the time that passed after the last chapter, but I wanted to cover as much as I could, plus lately I've been busy with college stuff, so I had to prioritize that, and the last two weeks I wanted to take advantage of my break for easter plus spring break, and I say this for those who make comments or send me a PM asking about me, if I'm okay or because I have not updated my story.

Now back to the fic, I know some of you have questions about what could happen in the future, or are wondering why I put Nick and Clare as alicorns, I thought a lot about this and I thought that after the history of each one and their trajectory they could be alicorns.

But well, I want to thank all the readers and other members for their patience and understanding and I hope you will keep checking back in case there is a new update.


  • The spell Leanbow uses in Fire Heart is the same spell she uses in Dark Wish.
  • As many of you may already know, in Equestria Ninja Girls Ducks Rock! it was revealed that Human Shining and Dean Cadence were going to be parents, so by this point Human Flurry Heart has already been born.
  • When Nick says that he and Clare look like something out of an anime, or rather, a children's card game, it's an allusion to Yugioh, or more specifically, Yugioh GX, where a reference is made to the Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus, which despite having such a name said monster is an alicorn.
Comments ( 7 )

That was a good chapter and now the two sides are friends

Nice job.

And no worries, your education is important in college, so it's understandable.

Awesome chapter! I think you need to replace one character.

"Is that the best you can do?" He asked. "How about I show you what real magic is?" He launched a blast of dark magic at his opponents, knocking them down in a single motion.

"You forgot to mention that this guy is really tough." Shining groaned.

"Well, now you know." Leo said before he and the others stood up.

It was the only mistake I found in the chapter. Cause Leo is with Sci-Twi, Dog Spike, and Donnie in the dimension they arrived together. But other than that, it was so awesome! Try adding Raph to say that line instead please.

"Is that the best you can do?" He asked. "How about I show you what real magic is?" He launched a blast of dark magic at his opponents, knocking them down in a single motion.

"You forgot to mention that this guy is really tough." Shining groaned.

"Well, now you know." Raph said before he and the others stood up.

Ok, thanks for the comment.

Damn I can’t believe I just noticed the newest chapter just now.

So, what did you think?

The chapter is solid, it’s just that the grammar needs work, Overall I give it an 8/10.

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