• Published 2nd Jun 2023
  • 1,009 Views, 33 Comments

The Light of Friendship - Danyram1308

Our favorite ponies, girls and turtles have teamed up with the Mystic Rangers to stop the destruction of their worlds. Can their combined magic stand up to the coming evil?

  • ...

The darkness awakens

End of days.

Lifeless wasteland.

Shattered reality.


Were the words that could come to mind to describe Princess Celestia's vision, what was once the great and peaceful Kingdom of Equestria, was now a lifeless wasteland. The castle, houses and establishments were destroyed to the ground, Canterlot, Poniville, and some Equestrian villages as well as some neighboring kingdoms were reduced to ashes.
The sun alicorn's surroundings changed revealing another scenario, a scenario she had seen before, it was the Crystal Empire, the atmosphere in the place reminded her of when The King Sombra took control of the Empire, however, Celestia could be sure that Shadow could not be behind this, otherwise there would be Umbrum crystals in every corner of the place.

The alicorn's gaze turned in the direction of the now ruined castle, Celestia thundered towards the rubble in search of finding someone alive, but to her bad luck she found the body of a pony buried in the rubble, she could see the pony's flank which had a black stain on it, She gasped when she recognized the body, it was Luna, her now dead sister in front, but there was something strange about her, her skin was not black and her mane was dark blue, instead it was a lighter color, like when she was younger, besides the fact that her cutie mark was gone.

Celestia continued to search the ruins for any sign of life.

"Is anyone here alive?" She shouted.

She continued her search in the ruins of the castle, she checked under the rubble for anything, suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks when she recognized another lifeless pony, a very familiar amber pony, that was the worst sight in her entire journey, seeing Sunset Shimmer lying in front of her, blood dripping from her mouth and temple, there were many cuts and bruises on her body. She watched the body in fear, tears running down her cheeks like waterfalls.

"No! SUNSET!" The princess screamed but her focus changed as she began to see even dark specter forming in the sky.

The wraith's head looked like an octopus and two of its tentacles protruded from its mouth like a pair of fangs.
"Look around you, Princess." The specter speaks. "All the magic of this world and the worlds beyond this one is in my power, all your kin have fallen to me, it is time for you to join them." From the specter tentacles shot out from its back in Celestia's direction.

"AAHHH!" She quickly sat up, from sleep breaking out in a cold sweat. She could see the glow outside, right through her thick sheets. She huffed and puffed, trying to catch her breath. As she looked around, she realized she was dreaming.
"There's that dream again." She said to herself.

That was true, for some time now the princess of the Sun had been having various dreams involving that specter, she was not sure what was coming. She went to consult Star Swirl the Bearded to find out if he had a notion of what that specter was, but he had no idea, and it would take some time to get any answers, that was a few days ago.

Celestia sat on her bed and pondered, trying to find some sort of answer to her current conundrum, though to no avail.

Elsewhere, in the depths of the earth below them, was a desolate land filled with nothing but rock and stone. Somewhere in the barren wasteland, there was a dark cavern, abandoned and in ruins. Among the ruins was a stone with some writings and figures carved on it, on said stone was the figure of three beings, and suddenly it was illuminated with a dark red light, and then the stone exploded, there was a great roar that shook the caverns, and the dark abyss was momentarily filled with a bright purple flash, until it dimmed to reveal three figures standing in the center of the room. The first was a strange figure, a giant biped that had some sort of armor was almost completely covered in metal and dark, from his armor protruded several blades that covered his body.

The second had bat wings, wore a cloak, had 9 horns on his head, was wearing a white mask.

The third was dark in color, wore a headdress that resembled a crown, had dark blue eyes and his face resembled a skull and was armed with a spear.

"We are free." The monster in bladed armor said.

"But how is this possible?" The white-masked monster asked. "It must mean only one thing."

"The Master has fallen, the Terrors failed in their mission to make the Master arise and devour all the magic of the surface world and the world beyond it." The other dark monster said.

"They weren't the only ones who failed, Imperius only focused on his personal feud with his former master, not to mention that useless Morticon, and those traitors." The blade-armored monster said. "But it is time for us to do what all of them together failed to do, we will once again gather the army of the Undead, we will use all means necessary to revive Octomus." He said and his companions shouted with him.

"Yes, we will wipe out anyone who stands in our way, especially the Mystic Force." The dark monster raised his spear and using his magic summoned a small mirror in front of them all, with the air shimmering to show a happy scene of a city, where their rooms could be seen walking and talking regardless of the fact that some of those inhabitants were not human. "Those Rangers have brought peace and harmony to your world."

"We have to get rid of that, but attacking the human world now would be suicide, because the Rangers are still there, and they are more powerful than ever if they have defeated the Master." The white-masked monster said.

"You are right, but our power level in this state is very low still, we need time to fill ourselves with power." The spear monster pointed out.

"Maybe we can have more power sooner than you imagine, if we can find some other dimension with as much magical energy as the mystical world has, we could harness that energy and use it to crush the Rangers once and for all." The razor monster waved his sword and it became engulfed in a purple flame, the monster swung his sword and the purple flame revealed some images of some worlds. He turned to his glowing mirage, waving his arm to scan different images. "Now to find that certain dimension." In his search he came across an image that projected a magical world from which magical energy essentially emanated. He looked closer at the image and saw what appeared to be a small town with normal looking houses, not unlike those in the human realm. However, the town was inhabited by ponies. They were all different shapes, sizes and even colors. But one thing each of them had in common was a strong magical signature emanating from each of them.

"Looks like we found the source of magic we need."

"So things have been better at your school Twilight?" Princess Celestia asked as she and Princess Luna spoke with Twilight Sparkle in the throne room of Canterlot Castle.

"Of course, things are quieter these days." The young princess replied. "The students are better, as are all of us."

"I'm glad to hear that. And how is everything in the human world?"

"Things have been quiet over there, Sunset and the others haven't alerted me to any incidents of Equestrian Magic or any magical artifacts."

"That's good, it's nice to have a little quiet now and then." Luna said. "That means they'll be free to join us for the Poniville Anniversary."

"I haven't confirmed it yet, but most likely they will be coming." Twilight said.

"I think that would be all for now Twilight, you are dismissed." Celestia dismissed her.

"Alright princess, we'll let you know if anything else happens." Twilight said and she bowed before leaving the throne room.

When the two royal sisters were alone, Celestia stepped out of her throne and walked to the balcony looking out over the city to get out of her thoughts, but even with that she still had a frown on her face.

"What is troubling you?" Celestia snapped out of her thoughts when her sister's voice rang out.

"I don't know what you mean by that." She replied.

"Don't play dumb with me, you know I can enter your dreams and see everything that's going on."

"I wish I could fully understand, but all I see is nothing but destruction, something big is coming and I don't even know what it is."

"Have you talked to Starswirl?" Luna asked.

"Yes, but he said it will take his a while until he has something concrete."

"Until then, try not to think about it and occupy your mind with other things."

"You're right, I think I'll go to my quarters, do you think you'll take care of everything all here?"

"Go and get some rest, I'll take care of everything around here." Luna said and Celestia went to her room.

She closed the door and removed the crown from her head, she let out a sigh, she walked over to her dresser where she had some perfumes, framed photographs some personal items, in her quest to find something that would make her feel more relaxed her gaze stopped on something that caught her attention, it was a picture of her together with Sunset in her filly days. She used her magic to levitate the frame to her helmet, she remembered how Sunset was when she started at her school, even after she passed her entrance test she was still insecure, shy, she remembered how the levitation exercises were hard for her to perform, most of the time Celestia had to help her.

Even after Sunset fled to the human world, Celestia kept thinking about her, she had intended to go after her, but thought she didn't deserve to see her, not after she hadn't been good enough for her. Now with them reconciled, she knew she could count on Sunset and vice versa, but this new evil was far from her understanding, she couldn't risk alarming Sunset or anyone of what would happen until she knew for sure who they dealt with.

"I can't let you risk your life for me, my little Sun..." She stroked the picture with her hoof. "...I couldn't bear to lose you again."

She willed herself to keep this matter to herself, she knew that someday she would have to talk about this publicly, but not now, not until she knew what she would be fighting against.

In another place, in the middle of a road in the middle of nowhere, a group of three motorcyclists were riding on the road. One of the bikers was wearing a white jacket, white pants, the helmet was the same color, although a reddish-brown braid was sticking out of the helmet. Another was wearing a black leather jacket, blue jeans, and the last was wearing a white jacket and blue pants.

The three stopped at a lookout, they got out of their vehicles and removed their helmets, the white clad biker's face was a brown woman of at least in her forties, the black jacket biker was a man of the same age as the woman, and the last was a young man of at least in his twenties.

"Look at this place, it hasn't changed a bit." The man said.

"Yeah, I can't wait to meet everyone." The woman said
"Me neither, what about you?" The man asked the younger man.

"With you guys by my side, I'm ready for anything." The young man replied.

The three laughed before continuing on their way, leaving behind the sign that read 'Welcome to Braidwood.'

For those visiting Braidwood for the first time, it might seem strange and scary to see how humans coexisted with fairy tale creatures, to the residents of the city it was too, but after a group of wizards performed heroic acts to protect both groups they learned to live peacefully with fairies, trolls, elves and various fairy tale creatures.

Inside Braidwood you could meet a certain music store, The Rock Porium Music Store, a place where anyone can find the best hits of the moment or even DJ concerts. Inside said store, the store employees were tidying up the place to welcome someone.

"Where is the welcome sign?" A pink-haired girl asked.

"It's in Tobey's office, Vida." A red-haired boy replied.

"And the streamers?" a black-haired boy asked.

"They're over there too, Xander." The red-haired boy replied. "Maddie, let us know when they're coming."

"Easy Chip, they're not here yet." A black-haired girl replied.

A black-haired, lock bearded man entered the tent with a lamp in his hand.

"Everything ready?" the man asked.

"Almost there Daggeron." Xander said.

"Let me know when it's time, I want to make my grand entrance." A cat peeked through the lamp cover.

"Relax Jengi, they'll be here soon." Daggeron replied.

"Is the Life DJ team ready yet?" a curly-haired man asked.

"Of course they are, Tobey." A cotton-headed monster replied. "I haven't put the discs on the console, though."

"Here are the discs, Matumbo." A half troll, half goblin creature handed the cotton-headed monster a box of vinyl records.

"Thank you Phineas." Matumbo replied.

"Everyone hide, they're here." Maddie warned.

"Everyone take your places." Xander said.

"Wait, where are Lily and Clare?" Vida asked.

"Lily is helping her mom get ready." Phineas replied.

"And Clare is still ordering Rootcore." Daggeron said as well.

Everyone fell silent when they heard some motorcycles pull up.

"Wow, I missed this place." The woman said.

"I didn't remember it being so quiet though." The young man said.

"Yeah, that's strange." The man agreed.

"SURPRISE!!!" Everyone in the tent screamed, music played and confetti began to fall.

"Guys, it's good to see you again." The young man said.

"It's good to see you again, Nick." Xander hugged his friend.

"It's good to see you guys too." The man said.

"Good to have you back, Teacher." Chip shook hands with the man.

Udonna, it's so good to see you." Vida hugged the woman.

"The feeling is mutual, Vi." Udonna replied.

"Leanbow, it's good that you three are here." Daggeron greeted his former mentor.

"Did something happen in our absence?" The man replied.

"Nothing to worry about."

"Guys it's good to see you." Jengi stepped out of his lamp so he could hug the three newcomers.

"It's good to see you too Jengi." Nick said.

"Jengi, let them breathe." Maddie said.

"Oops, sorry." The cat let go of the newcomers.

Maddie immediately threw her arms around Nick, who happily hugged her back.

"Nick, I can't believe you're back - I'm so glad to see you again!" she said, pulling away from the hug a little and looking into his eyes.

"Maddie, it's good to see you too..." Nick snuffled as he caught her gaze, and they both stood there for a second until they heard a solid "Harumph" coming from Udonna who was standing next to them. They turned to see her looking at them both with a slightly stern expression.

"Oops, sorry mom." said Nick sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head, while Madison looked down at the floor to avoid her former mentor's gaze. "I guess we got carried away."

"You could say that," Udonna said, her stern gaze brightening to allow an elegant smile to pass.

"Cheer up, Udonna," Leanbow. "I'm sure these two are excited to see each other after so long."

"Speaking of which, where are Clare and Lily?" Udonna asked.

"They'll be here soon." Jengi assured.

"In the meantime let's enjoy the party." Chip said and everyone agreed.

Nick just smiled as he walked into the Rock Porium. "It feels so good to be back home," he thought to himself.

Meanwhile at the School of Friendship, the Young Seven were giving the CMCs and the students of the school a demonstration of ninja combat, Silverstream and Bright Eye were fighting while the rest of the group explained to the spectators what was happening.

Silverstream attacked with her staff but Bright Eyes used her nunchaku to catch her opponent's weapon and spin with her hind legs to knock her down, the unicorn took advantage of the moment to finish the fight but the hippogriff used her wings to glide and escape from Bright Eyes' blow.

The two combatants began to resume close combat, the spectators were impressed by the skill of the two.

"As you can observe, never underestimate your enemy, he may have skills you don't know about him." Sanbar said to the spectators. "Look at the base of the girls, look at their legs, they are not walking, they are gliding."

"Guys, what are you doing?" Starlight said as she came into the room with Sunburst. "You know it's forbidden to do ninja combat displays during school hours."

"But counselor Starlight, we're on recess." Sanbar told her.

"Recess is part of school hours, if you did it after school there wouldn't be so much of a problem."

"Sorry Counselor Starlight, we just wanted everyone to see what ninja training was like." Bright Eye said.

"Besides, after everything we went through, Cozy Glow and the invasions from other worlds like Shredder and Kraang and the Nighlok thing, we thought we could teach the ponies and non-ponies some ninjutsu for a similar situation." Smolder also said.

"I appreciate your concern, but worrying too much about a future that is not visible can cause you to lose focus of what is in the present." Starlight said.

"And if you ask me, I don't think they should be training people without having authorization from some teacher or guardian." Sunburts said.

"Well, maybe but..." Bright Eye couldn't finish. The two ponies' conversation as some shouting could be heard from outside the school yelling.

"What was that?" Silverstream asked.

"I don't know." Starlight said. "But I think you guys better stay in here." She and Sunburst peeked out the door to see bipedal zombie creatures in metal armor and brown clothing were running around, creating chaos and panic, smashing stalls and houses. They looked like nothing the six had ever seen before.

"What the hay are those!" asked the male pony. Suddenly, another scream erupted a few feet away, as one of those creatures cornered a mare in a corner. Without mercy, the thing grabbed her violently and, in a flash of darkness, disappeared with the mare in its hands.

"I don't know what those things are, but we need to find out why they're kidnapping ponies!" said Starlight, then turned to look at the students, "Everyone go downstairs to the catacombs, take shelter!".

"But Counselor Starlight, we want to help." Bright Eyes said but Starlight interrupted her.

"Bright Eyes, there's no time to argue, if those things get through these gates you seven will take care of them, okay?"

"Agreed." Bright Eyes replied and she and the Young Six accompanied the other students.

Starlight and Sunburst went outside to see in detail what was going on, more and more ponies were being teleported with the horrible creatures, unable to do anything to save themselves. A couple of the creatures approached the group, one even grabbed Lyra by the tail, eliciting a scream from said mare.

"Oh no, you won't!" cried Bonbon, as he kicked the creature aside. There were very few ponies that showed any resistance, though that didn't last long as they were captured.

"We have to help them, Sunburts." Starlight said as she and her childhood friend intervened in the capture of the ponies, the mare with aquamarine highlights repelled the creatures with her magic.

Sunburst for his part raised a shield to protect Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon from the creatures.

"Oh no, you won't." He said and repelled the zombies, then turned to the fillies, "Girls, get out of here, go to friendship school." He ordered and the two obeyed.

Starlight and Sunburst kept things at bay, but were outnumbered.

"We're being outnumbered." The male pony said.

"It would be good to call in the cavalry." The mare said.

A zombie was about to attack Starlight but was neutralized by a blast of magic. "What was that?" She asked.

"That came from me." Someone called out, the two turned to see it was no one but Blade Swipe.

"Blade!" they both said.

"Starlight, Sunburst, what's going on?"

"That's what we want to know." Sunburst said.

The three ponies couldn't continue their conversation when they were blasted with a sphere of dark energy, creating a massive explosion and sending the ponies flying, they fell to the ground with heavy thuds, struggling to get up.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here," a sinister voice spoke only a few feet away from them, and they all looked up to see an even more frightening creature in front of them. It was bulkier, wore armor from which protruded several blades, held a huge sword in one hand. It wore a helmet that covered its face.

"You ponies really thought you'd be able to fight my Hidiacs?" he chuckled grimly.

"Who are you?" Blade asked.

"Allow me to introduce myself." The monster said. "My name is Swordspot, and I am here to conquer the surface world for the Morloks."

"Try if you can!" Starlight shouted as she fired a strong massive blast from her horn at it, but Swordspot blocked her attack with his sword.

"No way!" She exclaimed.

"How about now I give you a demonstration of real magic?" Swordspot activated her sword which became engulfed in purple flame, then Swordspot launched a slash of dark magic towards Starlight which sent her crashing into the nearest house.

"Starlight!" Blade and Sunburst shouted.

"Don't worry I have for you two too, Dark Magic Strike!" Swordspot repeated his attack but this time in the direction of Blade and Sunburst sending them flying.

Swordspot walked in the direction of Starlight who was still lying on the ground from the attack she received. "It's time to finish you off." Swordspot launched a slash of dark magic ready to take out the mare, Starlight could barely perceive the monster's attack.

"I don't think so." She said to herself and immediately activated her horn, but Swordspot's magic reached her, Swordspot's magic created a huge purple explosion, smoke went everywhere, and when the smoke was finally gone, Starlight was gone too.

"No, Starlight!" Blade and Sunburst ran to where Starlight was before the attack.

"No!" Sunburst pounded the ground with his hooves in frustration.

"No way!" Blade said.

"Oh, it's a shame they couldn't save her." Swordspot scoffed.

Blade straightened up and picked up his sword, Sunburst also preparing to counterattack.

"You destroyed her, why don't you do the same to us?" The orange unicorn challenged.

"So be it." Swordspot resumed his attack.

Back in the city of Briarwood, or more specifically in the city forest, there was a big tree in the middle of it, The Rootcore, the base of operations of the Mystic Rangers, inside the place there was quite a lot of movement.

In Rootcore stood a young blonde woman of at least her early 20's, that woman was none other than Clare, who was tidying the place, before the rangers brought in Leanbow, Nick and Udonna.

"Just a little more." She said to herself as she levitated a feather duster. After several minutes of cleaning and tidying everything up, Clare took a moment to take a deep breath. "Okay, I'm done, now all that's left to do is wait for..." She didn't get to finish when a purple and aquamarine trail came through Rootcore's ceiling, landing in the basement.

"Oh, come on." She whined.

Clare went down to the basement to see what landed in the basement, she used her magic to dispel the smoke, when the smoke Clare gasped as she saw the carter there was a lavender skinned girl with purple hair and aquamarine highlights.

"What happened?" Starlight groaned as she tried to get up.

"Wow, easy, you're still weak from the impact of the crash." Clare stopped her.

"Please help me..." Starlight collapsed as she tried to get up, but Clare held her down.

"Hold on, hold on, I've got you." The blonde told her before pulling her out of the basement.

Author's Note:

Here you all have the first chapter of The Light of Friendship, which starts with some action and mystery.
For those of you who are wondering at what point in the ENG chronology it is set, I can tell you that I can think of placing it a little before the events of season 9.
The villains used here are from the Sentai, first we have King Glúm do Bridon, villain of the movie Mahou Sentai Magiranger the Movie: Bride of Infershia, the second one is Apollos the Demon aka Agent X, villain of the crossover movie Magiranger vs. Dekaranger, and the last one is Fence Shadow, a Shadow Monster from Ressha Sentai ToQger.
Once again I thank Wildcard25 for his premise for this story, and by the way I send a thanks to AmethystMajesty25 for the cover of the story, and for those who wonder about the logo of the cover, that is of a server which can be found on my DA page.
Without more to say, see you in the next one.