• Published 17th Jul 2023
  • 670 Views, 21 Comments

SWWC: Something Wrong With Canterlot - Lighttone GryphonStar

17 months ago Canterlot was ripped apart and remade, Ponyville was destroyed, the main six vanished, the princesses were defeat and a new group the Anti-Six rose. Now what is left behind for us to find. Seeing 9 ponies in their journey to find out.

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File 2: Month 0-Part 1: Blowing Up Ballons

Hours before the fall of Canterlot...

Three party experts arrived in the heart of Canterlot. Stopping at the foot of the castle, the chariot opened to reveal Pinkie Pie in the brightest of pink jester attire. She rolled out and into the hands of Pokey Pierce, wearing the finest of suits. He threw her into the air where she flipped and spun, throwing out several purple and blue smoke bombs. Landing in the arms of Cheese Sandwich, who was wearing an equally bright yellow jester outfit. The two spun around three times over before posing with Pierce ending the scene by landing his own flip on top of their arms as fireworks went off behind him.

The audience clapped and cheered upon their arrival. The three dropped down and bowed to them and each other before realizing the mistake. Turning back to the cart, Cheese facepalmed. "He forgot the sign!"

Pierce let out an embarrassed chuckle as he watched the crowd's reaction to the comedy trio. ""I did not!" He scoffed at the accusation.

"What's the big deal?" Pinkie brushed it off "You did at least remember to bring the cakes." Pinkie Pie pointed out to him.

The greyish blue pony followed her hand to the top of the chariot and the missing anniversary sign. "What?" Pierce jumped back. "They were up there with the sign after we left Ponyville."

"You sure?" Cheese rolled his eyes. "You must have just forgotten, again."

"Don't mock me!" Pierce screamed back.

"Calm down you two!" Pinkie Pie jumped between them. "I'm sure there's a perfectly fine explanation--" As if on cue, a certain laughter could be heard around them. It started within the crowd and echoed toward them. Swimming around them with fluffy cotton candy clouds, Discord appeared and landed on top of the chariot with the sign in one hand and the cake in another, only the message had been changed.

"Happy anniversary, Tia!!" The three said in confused unison.

"Discord! This is supposed to be your big day!!" A yellow glow picked him up and wiped away his sheepish smile. The four and the audience turned to see Princess Celestia landing down from the castle. "It's the tenth anniversary of your reforming." The alicorn floated him into her arms.

"Oh, I couldn't resist mocking the fact it also happened just days after your birthday!!" He wrapped around her like a snake, making her blush. "You can't hide how old you are getting." With that, she threw him aside into a bed of pink clouds.

"Okay, okay. Enough mockery on all sides." She fixed the sign and turned her attention to Pinkie Pie, Cheese, and Pierce. "Thank you three for helping with the party." The alicorn bowed to them before noting something else. "Where are the rest? I asked for everyone to attend."

"Oh!" Pinkie Pie laughed it off and pulled out a list. "Twilight will be here very soon, just need to make a quick teleport to the Castle of Friendship. Applejack has one more apple delivery and she'll be here. Fluttershy should get here first since she's carrying the tea. Rainbow Dash has invited several wonderbolts and the CMC, but Sweetie Belle couldn't make it. Spike and Rarity had several orders last night with the wonderful Coloratura so they will be arriving later in the evening. And finally, I invited my sisters. The three should arrive after Fluttershy."

"Sounds like quite a bit of chaos today..." Celestia lowered her head. "I had hoped everyone would show up as soon as possible"

"Chaos!!" Discord cheered out loud and splashed chocolate rain on Celestia. "I wouldn't have it any other way." His tail wrapped around his leg of Celestia while his claw picked up a teacup. "As long as my favorite mares can join my tea party, I am content."

"Of course, conversations with you and Fluttershy are always such a joy." Celestia tried to hide her blush as Discord floated closer.

"Is that what you're looking forward to most? Teatime with dear me and Fluttershy?" He blinked at her with giant eyelashes.

Celestia nodded. "I haven't seen her for several months."

The three party ponies watch the royalties lock eyes. Pinkie Pie didn't realize it, but both the stallions she arrived with were reaching for her hands at the sight of the soft romance happening in front of them. The pink mare jumped forward, leaving their hands empty, and glares at each other's sight.

"Well, let's get everything ready!" Pinkie Pie fired off some canons. "We brought all of the entertainment." Flipping back around, she didn't notice the two stallions hiding their hands and glares. "Come on, guys!" She grabbed their hands and pulled them into the crowds.

"Let's get this show on the road." Cheese Sandwich cheered with Pinkie.

"Yeah, party on!!" Pierce shouted. Cheese and Pierce got everything ready, but kept a watchful eye on Celestia and Discord a bit longer. Both of them couldn't help but see the obvious and wished they had the same between them and Pinkie Pie. The two stallions turned to Pinkie and watched the proud mare throw around party streamers and multi-colored pillows.

They danced with her as she moved from spot to spot, getting everything absolutely perfect. There were giant candy canes, pink and green snow machines, star blasters and so many bright lights. Cheese brought out plenty of food, many were his family's best assortments of cheeses. Pierce blew up thousands and thousands of balloons from his family's factor.

The three danced for several minutes with the crowd, waiting for everypony else to arrive. Pinkie Pie couldn't help but see how the two stallions kept eye contact with her as they danced. She was so happy to be here with them. Never did she consider anything wrong at all. "We are going to be best friends forever," she whispered to herself as the two stallions smiled.

They both heard her whispers and tried to keep a proud smile. Both wanted more from her and less from the other. Both wanted to be in her life forever and wanted to stand as strong with her as Discord and Celestia stood together. The two stallions were a mix of emotions but kept a brave front.

This wasn't just going to be a big day for Discord and Celestia. The two stallions had in their minds, bold plans. They wanted their feelings to be clear as well. Today, they were going to make their move on Pinkie Pie. They were going to break ties with the other stallion and take this bright pink mare for their own. Neither knew that they chose the same day. None knew the confrontation that was about to happen as the cheering drew to a close.

But truth be told, no pony in the whole city knew what was about to happen on this day. The moment that would change everything was just hours away and the first sign came with a new arrival at the front gate. The guards came to the attention of a strange orange pony in a white robe. "Who are you?!" They stopped him.

"My name is Nick Kray." His crooked horn slipped out of his hood and K shaped mask glowed at them. "Am I late for the party?"

The guards straightened up and their weapons dropped to the ground. Their faces were forcibly turned away. Their legs moved on their own, far away from the castle gate. "Everything awaits your will, King Kray!!" Giving their final words, the guards jumped into the moat around a castle and drowned themselves.


Author's Note:

Yeah, I update the costume a bit from the crossover and updated that version too. This will get a part two very soon, in a very different way then you might suspect. But for now, up next part will cover another chunk of the longer story, Flash Sentry's section is dropping two weeks so stay tuned.

Also, there is a bit of a double meaning behind adding the name Nick. Nick Kray... You will learn more about him very soon