• Published 17th Jul 2023
  • 672 Views, 21 Comments

SWWC: Something Wrong With Canterlot - Lighttone GryphonStar

17 months ago Canterlot was ripped apart and remade, Ponyville was destroyed, the main six vanished, the princesses were defeat and a new group the Anti-Six rose. Now what is left behind for us to find. Seeing 9 ponies in their journey to find out.

  • ...

File 20: Month 17-Part 4: Crackling Bones

Back during the current time, Stone and Jack Nox were tied up in the back of a moving chariot. They were given a few minutes to get used to the feeling of their chains while alone. The two were allowed to stand up, but nothing more until they arrived at their destination.

Stone looked around the small compartment before speaking. "So, where exactly are we going?"

Jack shrugged. "It's a surprise."

"That's not very helpful." Stone clenched his fists together. "They didn't need to take away my blade."

"Yeah, that dull piece of shit couldn't harm anypony." Jack laughed.

"That's not what I meant."

"Well, what did you mean?"

"Nothing..." Stone turned away and mumbled to himself.

"You make no fucking sense sometimes--" Suddenly the chariot came to a halt. The driver stepped out and walked away from them. The two prisoners leaned against the tiny window trying to see outside but couldn't gauge much. "

"Hear that?" Jack heard voices echoed throughout the vehicle.

"Yeah, but not much." Stone turned toward Jack and saw him gripping the window with his teeth. "What's going on?" He leered passed the idiocy.

"They seemed to be talking to someone." Jack pointed out while ripping a nail out to undo the chains.

"I wish I knew who." Stone groaned. Their guards returned with something else behind them. Stone's eyes slowly widened at the glare of white scales. "Is that..."

"What? Who--" Jack Nox was stopped as the guard's blood splattered through the tiny window, making them both jump back. "Shit."

"Move!" Stone covered Jack. "It looked like a dragon."

"Holy fuck... What's one doing inside the barrier?!" Jack gasped.

"Half Breed..." Stone looked back through the window and sneered at the sight. The dragon was feasting on the guards. "Not good, they had the keys."

"Can't you calm him down!" Jack argued, fidgeting around with the nail.

"I'm half dragon too, that doesn't mean I speak their language." Stone clenched his fists. "Oro, we're dead... I'm sorry Jack."

Jack shook his head. "No, this is not how the greatest fucking genius to ever exist falls!!" He screamed multiple more foul words as if shouting in defiance against their possible fate. "I knew we shouldn't have let ourselves get arrested."

"We would have escaped if your guns worked." Stone pushed back at him.

"What did you say?!" Jack growled. "You little shit! I pay you to protect me, not question my logic."

"You have no logic." The two glared at each other, only to be interrupted by the dragon roaring again. They dropped under the window, hoping he didn't spot them.

"Didn't you hear him?" Jack laughed even harder. "He's gonna kill us!"

"I think he's already killed everyone outside." Stone's eyes narrowed. "I've heard this voice before."

"Exactly, which is why he's about to come inside and kill us too!! You fucking dumbass!" Jack yelled as his face slammed into the wall.

Stone sighed and rolled his eyes. "Oro, why won't you just shut up?"


"Why not?!"

"Because a fucking diversion requires noise!!" Jack laughed out loud.

"What does that mean--" Stone was stopped as a loud bang echoed from the opposite wall, it was too far from the half breed dragon and sounded far more direct.

The metal of the truck ripped open as Jack's metal arm entered the room and walked over to Stone. It presented him with his katana and flipped back onto Jack's shoulder. Stone deadpanned at Jack's quote, flawless plan. "You couldn't have done that sooner."

"Hey, I was hacking it from the moment the chariot stopped moving. I never expected another half breed dragon to show up." Jack raised an eyebrow. "I guess I got lucky."

"Right, your luck is just chaos under another skin." Stone broke their chains.

"You know, after all the times I saved your ass, I think you owe me a favor or two." Jack grinned.

"If anything you owe me." Stone grumbled and turned his blade to the wall behind them. Jack jumped back as it was the only thing separating them from the half breed dragon. Stone closed his eyes and concentrated. The dull edge slashed forward and cut the entire top half of the chariot off with ease.

The half breed dragon stopped his feeding and roared at the two stepping out. Smoke surrounded the three from the flames, making it impossible for either of them to get a good look at his face. Jack smirked and charged his arm up with magical light. "Time to make our exit."

A beam of magic fired off from Jack's 'gun' arm and hit the half breed dragon head on. Pushing it several feet and out of the shadows. Stone covered his eyes from the light of the laser and rushed forward.

"Did it kill him?" Jack asked and aimed his arm to the sky.

"I doubt it." Stone refused, slashing the half-breed dragon's arms and legs, before landing behind him. He stopped his fury by placing the blade on the shoulder of the dragon and winced at the sounds of the blood splatter. "Surrender and let us leave."

The dragon laughed, not a roar or a hiss, but a laugh, an all too familiar laugh that brought Stone out of his fury and into confusion. Stone jumped back to Jack, almost too slow, now, getting the legs of his pants shredded by the dragon. "Stone?"

"Oro... it can't be..." Stone jumped over to Jack's side dragged away with him in a comedic fashion.

"Stone! What's wrong with you!" Jack tried to fight him off. "I know you don't like to kill anymore, but it would be helpful to at least make sure he's completely immobilized first before running."

"It's him, it can't be." Stone repeated. "Stab him as many times as it takes and it would never kill him." All the coolness in his facade faded.

"It's just another half breed, like you." Jack rolled his eyes. "They seemed pretty common nowadays ever since I meant you."

"No, he's not just a random one..." Stone leered back as the smoke fully faded away, revealing the face of the dragon. "You don't remember him, but that is my former brother-in-arms, Abraham Fenrir."

The white half-breed stopped chasing them and smiled. He turned back to feeding on the remains of the undead soldiers. The beast admired the two escaping in vain, knowing they wouldn't get far on foot. He shined up his double metal chainsaw hand in the ashy blood of the corpses. "Yeah, Stone. I'm back from the dead. And this time, I'll split you in two!!"

Author's Note:

Okay, now we have this guy chasing them. Try to keep up, we have multiple parties after Jack and Stone.

Comet Tail

Undead Soldiers


and now, Abraham Fenrir.