• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
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Forget not that I am a derp.


As certain ponies from another world can attest, there’s nothing quite like facing down a dark-winged madwoman’s fell magics to bring a group together. Of course, it wasn’t quite so cut and dry for the Crystal Prep Friendship Games team, not least because their Twilight Sparkle both was said madwoman and left them for greener pastures.

None of them can honestly blame her. Even putting aside all of Twilight’s bad memories at Crystal Prep and the better ones she made during the Games, there’s one argument that might sway even the most die-hard Shadowbolt: Canterlot High has more hotties in its student body than any of them can shake a stick at.

Especially the one who just walked into the diner where they’re having lunch.

So, ladies. Who has first dibs?

Rated T for teenagers being teenagers. Credit to Moproblems Moharmoney for several of the girls' stances on the matter.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 42 )

Somehow, whoever writes them, they make Lemon a gay one. Interesting.

“Holy shit, it’s the Iron Maiden. I didn’t recognize her without the eyepatch.”

Okay, now I need a wrestling AU.

yet another Lemony digression

Inside Baseball Alert: From where I'm standing, this means something different than Sunny intended. I know that wasn't her intent because the Pinkie Pie of the friend group is the one being addressed by the statement. :derpytongue2:

In defiance of all laws of God and man, the resulting explosion reinflated the sandwich

Granted, the resulting explosion arguably did that all by itself. None of them wanted to actually make said argument because Lemon Zest always gets uncharacteristically quiet when the topic of magic comes up. (I needed a changeling on the team for Reasons™ and she's Chrysalis' daughter in The Fan-Continuity That Shall Not Be Named, so...)

I feel like they should fear Pinkie more than Ditzy if they cross a line, but that's me.

Wait... :trixieshiftleft:

So which one of these girls receives messages from Big Sis telling them that Sombra places coded messages in the crossword puzzle?

Regardless, that was a fun little story. Always good to see the Crystal Prep girls.

Woah, Wrestler Ditzy! Iron Maiden! Niice!

I was wondering if Ditzy was gonna appear! Then she did!

Sunny sighed and poked Sugarcoat in the side of the head until she dodged a retaliatory swat. “You’ll have to excuse her; her father’s a publicist. Why do you ask?”

That explains the name!

"Sit on a cactus and spin, dearie," Sunny said to Sour, sweet as sugar.

Heh, Sour Sweet name wordplay!


Sunny cleared her throat. “How much of that did you hear?”

“It’s a pretty small restaurant." Pinkie leaned in and stage whispered,

I wonder if Flash was more embarrassed to have more admirers, or that he was out of it enough to not notice that he was being talked about? Hehe.

Oh, the eyepatch is to help with her strabismus!

That sparked a new round of friendly not-quite-bickering. And behind the counter, Pinkie happily sent a photo of the five of them to a particular group chat. It was always nice to see people making progress.



say in my weight class for next week. > stay in my weight class for next week.

I love the Indigo Zap disclaimer on the cover picture.

I don't know why they would try and write her out.

"The day I resist a meme reference is the day I die."

Love it. Fantastic.

Correct on not qualifying for the contest, sadly, though DitzyFlash would certainly be a welcome pairing.

It just seems to be one of those things.

I liked the explanation in one story that her family is part of Big Sugar.

Bells tinkled. Pinkie turned to the door and somehow smiled even wider. “There she is now! Hi, Ditzy!”


Love this version of the Shadow Five (taking the name too). Perfect banter of mid-reformation antagonist, which is absolutely my jam.

Been a while since I read stuff from you, but this got my interest and reminded me why I like what you write. Great job!

"Trust fund dipshits, honor roll dweebs, varsity assholes, aaaand... Background characters."

This line alone justifies an uphoof 👍

Probably not what I was meant to focus on, but there's a lot of good sandwich business in this story.

"Besides, Flash probably has some hot single friends.”

Yeah, there's the drummer in his band, and... um... maybe the guy with the beanie is nice? Or the one with pointy orange hair?

It looks like the girls are going to need to lower their standards.

Somehow I'd completely forgotten that Pinkie could make confections explode. But yeah, this was fun.

Lemons girlfriend is vinyl right? Cuz I totally ship them

"Love you too, Sour," said Lemon. The answering raised middle finger got chuckles from everyone at the table, Sour included.

This was a hoot to read. I love how you characterized each of the Shadow Five here, Lemon especially.

Flashditz supremacy! Yeehaw!

A - The best ship.

B. The best shitty rich kids learning not to be assholes.

C. The best usage of my mad warblings.

Several thumbs up FOME!

Thing is that getting blown up doesn't give you much time appreciate how much pain is involved. You're either dead, unconscious, or in shock right away.
Having your bones slowly broken one by one leaves you aware for the whole process.

The explosions don't have to be large explosions. And considering who we're talking about, she has other things she can do besides just blowing things up.

Insight into the lives of the Shadowbolts is always fun, especially their quest to become less bitchy :pinkiehappy:

“There she is now! Hi, Ditzy!”

YES!! :rainbowlaugh:

When has Pinky ever been one for less-than-excessive in something she does?

I'm afraid you'll have to look elsewhere for Wrestlequestria Girls, but I'm glad you enjoyed this.


Inside Baseball Alert: From where I'm standing, this means something different than Sunny intended.

I contend that the best puns are those the speaker didn't mean to make.

Personally, I'd make Indigo Zap (an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope Queen) or Sour Sweet (see how emotionally stable you are in a world where it's much harder to harvest love) the team changeling, but there's definitely an argument for it being the one you'd least expect.

Pinkie may have little sense of restraint, but it's not like we ever see her going full Demoman. There is a subtlety in the ways of Pink. (It'd be hard to throw surprise parties otherwise!) Plus, from the Shadowbolts' perspective, she's less a person and more an inscrutable force of nature. They've had enough of messing with those after Midnight Sparkle.

Would you believe I've never even seen A Beautiful Mind? (Fun fact: I live just a few miles away from John Nash's old house.) This may be the most beautiful bit of serendipity I've ever seen.


I wonder if Flash was more embarrassed to have more admirers, or that he was out of it enough to not notice that he was being talked about?

It was a really good burger, but Ditzy was more than happy to bring his attention to the peanut gallery.

No idea, but I was happy to bring her back.

Rest assured, I do still have plans for an entry.

... Thanks? I hope you've just had other things to do and didn't dislike my other recent work. Either way, glad you liked this one.

Came up with that one after I thought I was finished with the story. Glad to know it worked so well.

Hope springs eternal. And I'm sure they have great personalities.

Plus, from the Shadowbolts' perspective, she's less a person and more an inscrutable force of nature.

Only from their perspective? Even her friends try very hard not to pry. :pinkiecrazy:

The average candy bar has more chemical energy than a stick of TNT. The real trick lies in getting it to release it all at once. (By this logic, the most Pinkie can do with a celery stick is to make it into a sparkler.)

She is, yes. It's an entirely reasonable ship. Heck, they've spoken to one another in canon. In the background of Friendship Games, but still, that's more support than some get.

They're a delight to work with, especially Lemon. I love working with characters who approach reality from an odd angle.

11539985 11540151 11540327
There's something poetic in one of the fandom's most beloved characters ending up with one of its most reviled.


Would you believe I've never even seen A Beautiful Mind? (Fun fact: I live just a few miles away from John Nash's old house.) This may be the most beautiful bit of serendipity I've ever seen.

...Did I discover the outer boundary of Most Everything? :pinkiegasp: In any case, that is a remarkable coincidence indeed. I thought for sure when they started talking about game theory in the story that it was a deliberate reference.

A Beautiful Mind was one of my favorite movies for years, though thinking about it now I'm not sure its discussion of mental health has aged well. Russell Crowe's Nash was an early inspiration for my Star Swirl the Bearded.

He's only reviled because they stuck him in there and did nothing with him. If this were a fighting game, Flash would be the generic karate dude seeking nonspecific revenge for the death of his father/sensei/hamburger.


She flexed an arm in the classic Rosy Rivets pose.

And then Fleur walks by...


The movie is overdramatized shit. Read the biography it's based on.

Same for the Men Who Stare at Goats.

I give the Imitation Game a pass, since Benedict-kun <3 <3 <3.
If anyone decides to do a movie of The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage, I hope he auditions to play Charles Babbage.

Is this part of Oversaturated btw? I assume not, because Sour isn't with...whatever her gents name is, and Vinylisn't hooked up with Octavia,, but you can never be too sure lol


Oh, apologies. I meant the first thing. Been a while since I've sat down to read on Fimfic in general. Mostly doing pre-reads.

"Dr. Karate! You killed my father again!"
-- Rumble McSkirmish, character in the 'Fight Fighters' video game
(from the TV show Gravity Falls)



Ryu is blue. The Player 2 red guy is usually thought to be his dad, Jo.

Such a shame the player 2 joystick was broken on the cabinet my daycare had.

Yep, Ninja Gaiden at daycare. Back then, nobody batted an eye about kids seeing the notoriously gruesome game over screen.

I was thinking more Street Fighter than Ninja Gaiden



Oh, you mean Ryu. Not Ryu.

Fun fact, Jay Tavare played Code Talker.

Lemon shook her head. “Still can’t believe he’s the one blowing your collective skirts up.”

Is that another way of saying crushing or feelings for him? :applejackconfused:

The gray-skinned blonde who'd just entered the diner waved back at Pinkie, who wordlessly pointed her to Flash. The newcomer practically skipped there and, the moment she sat, tore Flash's attention away from the remains of his meal as nothing else had. The two proceeded to talk about next to nothing with more enthusiasm than any of the Shadowbolts had ever seen from their classmates without someone's suffering getting involved.

I ship it. :twilightsmile:

A content sigh escaped Pinkie's lips, her head resting on her clasping hands. “Aren’t they adorable?”

Indeed. :scootangel:

It's implied Vinyl is with Octavia, by way of Zest trying to set up a threesome.

Funner fact: "Code Talker" is possibly the laziest codename in the series, seeing as he's a Navajo old enough to have served in WW2. The only other competitor is Fatman the morbidly obese ordnance technician.

The characterization of these adorable jerks was a treat.:heart: Thank you for writing.

This, and another story with them that I read, made me realize I should do a story with the Shadowbolts sometime. They have a great group dynamic and comedy - I'd need to rewatch the special to get a fix on their personalities.

Also Pinkie being the nicest bouncer--without even realizing it--was great! :rainbowlaugh: Excellent story.

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