• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Forget not that I am a derp.


Flash Sentry is a member of the Royal Guard whose remarkable rise got knocked off-kilter when he bumped into the captain's little sister.

Flash Sentry is a teenage human with an unfortunate habit of walking into attractive girls.

Flash Sentry is a hero.

Flash Sentry is a rock star.

Flash Sentry is an angel.

Flash Sentry is many things. The problems come when trying to reconcile them. And when he keeps showing up to interrupt one's train of thought.

Winner of Bicyclette's Flash Sentry contest, and a part of the Oversaturated World with (hopefully) no background information required beyond what this story provides.

Rated Teen for some uncouth moments and Crossover for a brief dalliance with Kill Six Billion Demons. Again, no familiarity required.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

This fic was very good! I liked all the different Flashes meeting with all the different Ditzies.

Flash as a protocol droid makes way too much sense.

Excellent work and a welcome return for the OW. Best of luck in the judging.

Had this story concept come from just about anyone else, I probably wouldn't have read it. But since it came from you, I gave it a shot, and -- I'm not at all surprised to say -- I enjoyed it.

I'm also reminded of my take on a certain beloved pony, named Dawn's Eastern Rays of Perfect Yellow, who could see (but not travel) into alternate realities.

NormalHorse!Tempest wins the upvote for this one. I love the visual.

Nice opening about how Guard recruitment works!

Took me until "golden eyes" to figure out who the girl was, because I didn't read the tags!

Wooo! Flash, and Ditzy, getting exactly what they deserve. :heart:


Took me until "golden eyes" to figure out who the girl was, because I didn't read the tags!

Or the author? :derpytongue2:

That was a fun trip. Praise be to Warsteed Tempest :yay:

My brain was melting its processing unit reading the 'walker-of-the-paracausal-plane Ditzy,' but goddamn did I enjoy the trip. Not at all what I'd expected going into this, but nice to see Flash get what he actually deserves.

Some love, appreciation and an actual plot :rainbowlaugh:

All the same Ditzy! But now I wonder if all those universes had their own Ditzies/Derpies/Muffins/Bubbles/whatever, and the local Flashes just hadn't met them (yet.)

"What's the matter? Lives flashing before your eyes?"

This quote came into my head the minute I saw the title of this story



This is friggen excellent. Its perfect. I'm envious infact of how good it is. My favourite Flash pairing, alt universes and strong drama/thematic resonance.

How did you get in my head FOME?

• Flashpoint, exceptionally confused dragon who’s never had to deal with princess-kidnapping instincts before (and Dragonlord Trinitrate.)

I'm no chemist, but I've read enough to know that anything with that many nitrates is probably bad news.

I for one would really like to see this Ditsy Doo meet and help/talk to different Ditzies/Derpies/Muffins/Bubbles Equine as well as Human.

11492009 11492319
The Equestrias and Magical Moments definitely have their own :derpytongue2:s, though her name is terribly inconsistent across different realities. She's presumably in the Realm somewhere, possibly stumbling through fae logic in a way that will either indenture her to the fair folk for a century or vice versa. As for Throne, goodness knows there are enough souls there that one of them could resonate with Ditzy. It's just a question of species.

He may be fluent in seven million different languages, but his proximity sensors are a bit dinged up.

There's an argument that Best Pony is focusing along exotic dimensions even in canon, given stunts like showing up in a snowglobe. Thanks for giving the story a chance; I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

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She was originally going to be Sparkler/Amethyst Star, but I realized I had a much better candidate for "aggressive unicorn with far less patience for diplomacy than Flash."

As Flash Magnus observed, the curse is really more of an opportunity.

Huh. I hadn't really thought of probability space as paracausal per se, but not only does it work in the Lancer sense of the term, it also applies given varying rates of time flow between worldlines. Now I'm imagining Ditzy having to dodge around the occasional blinkspace-tunneling giant robot.

In any case, glad you enjoyed the story! See here for Ditzy's even more awkward first day with these abilities.

Thankfully, no avatars of Death are involved in this story. Except in Throne, but that one was just getting a bowl of noodles.

Didn't mean to be there, but I'm glad I was able to provide something so perfectly catered to your impeccable taste.

It may help to know that nitroglycerin is also known as glyceryl trinitrate.

Ditzy is one of the more inconsistent entities out there; she may not always be able to relate/help with her counterparts' issues. Could still be fun, though.

Welcome back, Oversaturated World! :heart:

You've once again wrote an amazing piece! You captured the emotional turmoil of Ditzy and bring it to life in the form of her multiversal journey for clarity, only for said multiverse to shove the answer straight in her face time and time again :P "hugs Ditzy" Still, glad these two finally managed to get some time to talk things out :twilightsmile:

This is one of the best stories I've read from you in a while, the sort that demands a reread for context. Hopefully it does well in the contest!

And regarding the rejected universes, I imagine Lancer-universe Ditzy is the one who somehow created the Lich.

The heart knows what it wants. The trick is convincing the brain to cooperate.

DERPFRIEND_68: so, uh...
DERPFRIEND_68: remember that mystery print?
CARROTULA: The exabyte fabrication file?
CARROTULA: The one that just showed up one day in our much smaller local storage?
CARROTULA: The one we'll apparently make ten thousand years from now?
CARROTULA: Nah, completely slipped my mind.
DERPFRIEND_68: [f_u.omif]
CARROTULA: Don't tell me you're actually thinking of printing that thing.
DERPFRIEND_68: i don't think we have a choice
CARROTULA: What's this "we" business?
DERPFRIEND_68: take a look
DERPFRIEND_68: [who_dat.omif]
DERPFRIEND_68: that was recorded last week
CARROTULA: You falling on your face in public with weird hardlight accessories?
CARROTULA: Congrats, you're a fail meme. What's this have to do with the mech from RA's golden years?
DERPFRIEND_68: literally the opposite end of the galaxy from where we are
DERPFRIEND_68: either i went superluminal and forgot or there's time shenanigans afoot
DERPFRIEND_68: also i don't have anything like that in me
CARROTULA: I mean, would causing a paradox be that bad?
DERPFRIEND_68: i'd rather print the monster mech than get lost in a negative time wedgie
CARROTULA: Bold of you to assume one won't cause the other.

We can all hope Flash's new songs will be ruined.

Because if all goes well, he won't have the muse to express a wounded, broken heart anymore.

Oooh, after many days and dreams, I finally thought of what this all means to Dinky! Since she sorta lost her dad for a while. ... The "curse" seems to be hitting the family younger and younger? Possibly concerning?

That wasn’t to say that Flash resented the Bearers. Just the opposite; he admired their willingness to charge down danger’s throat and make it choke. The only issue was how a chance meeting in the halls of the Crystal Castle had gotten him transferred back to Canterlot by a certain big brother and left him at a post in front of the city library for the next few years.

ahaha that does explain his appearance in Forgotten Friendship!

A year ago, he wouldn’t have known what to do. Now, the protocol for unfamiliar species wasn’t just established but already well-worn in his mind. “Greetings, sir, madam, or esteemed nonbinary individual," he recited. "The Canterlot Archives are currently open to all. Please avoid the use of open flames, corrosive fumes, or other potential sources of harm to the books while inside.”

hehe yay Princess Twilight’s new Equestria!

Reading the expressions of new species was always tricky, especially one with such immobile ears.

aww so true. non-ponies must seem stoic and unreadable to the expressive ponies

“Whoa, Tempest," he said, for he could feel his mount's flanks tense at the peculiar sight.

ahaha love that the unicorn is Tempest

The creature looked up from the water. Another flaw in its disguise betrayed it, the seeming's eyes dancing about like fish in a bowl as it got to its feet. “Flash? Again?”

ooh, the eyes again!

Flash knew better than to make any binding vow this deep in the wild wood. “Creature, I quest for the sake of Lord Rockfist, languishing even now in his keep. Beguile me not with your riddles. Tempest and I both lack the patience for them.”

Tempest agreed with a snort, pawing the earth with a hoof. A pat on her neck stilled her fury. For now.

i am glad Flash knows better, and aww, love Tempest as a more literal horse

Quickly, he spat three times off his right shoulder and touched the cold iron nail he kept at his belt. "Flash Sentry," he said, and was satisfied that the sun fae—may the Sisters smite such mockery!—had not made off with his name as the price for its blessing.

ooh, love how such a sight is sacrilegious to this Flash

Flash followed his pointing finger, spotting a girl who looked too young for the club squirming in Twilight's surprisingly strong grip locked around her shoulder. (Among her many as-needed duties, Twilight didn't hesitate to act as a backup bouncer when shorthanded.)

dang, this Twilight really does it all!

"She has a concussion."

The girl gave a pained grin despite the growing bruise on her forehead. "No, my eyes are just like this."

ohh so that’s who she is! love never reading tags

Twilight sighed. "Flash, you can't believe every sob story some fangirl tells you. I'm not hiring another Wallflower."

That got him to focus on her, one eyebrow raised. "Wallflower who does her own vodka infusions and never forgets a regular's order?"

"Just because it worked once..."

yay Wallflower’s also in this

Later accounts would differ in many details, but they’d all agree that Sentry didn’t deserve what happened to him. The angel had as good a reputation as one could in the Red City of Throne, hub of the multiverse. Given that Throne was a metropolitan den of thieves larger than some Stirropean nations, an unthinkably vast urban sprawl built around and sometimes on or in the petrified corpses of the departed 777,777 gods, this meant he was as conflict-averse as a cold-burning embodiment of the old Law could be.

damn, the multiversery escalated quickly! love it

Seven Stars was a devil, but one who at least understood and respected the fine arts of bureaucracy, and thus Sentry had little quarrel with her beyond principle.

hehe, love how it is both Flash and Twilight that we see as constants across all of these multiverses

"I am 18 Sentry’s Light Lays Bare Encroaching Evil." And, because the girl seemed very confused indeed, he added, "I am an angel." It seemed wise to offer an obvious truth to help ground her.


After a moment, the swordsman sneered. "Wait. I know you. The coward-angel, lurking in your little hidey-hole and pretending the gods aren't dead." He scoffed and kicked at the skull of honored YS-Sundi, vizier of charity to the deserving, who now acted as a support pillar to a many-leveled shopping center on the layer above.

damn i love this worldbuilding

Great YISUN said nothing, for they were at once long dead, not yet born, and a consummate liar. They did smile in the third way at the young maiden, for a master recognizes fellow craftsmen and the best practice of lying is self-deception.

now that is an overdeity!

Probability space streamed by as Ditzy flew on bow-shaped wings of golden light that glowed and flowed from the patch of feathers on the back of her neck, a unique spin on the magic that had suffused her home worldline and its inhabitants. Countless possibilities zipped past, appearing to her special eyes as a congery of spheres, each one a distorted window into that universe and topped with its governing power where applicable.

augh what a fantastic adaptation of her character’s elements, love this

Ditzy sighed. This wasn't her first brush with this scenario. "Flare Warden, I presume?"

After a few more moments of confusion, the guardsmare hazarded a "Yes?"

hehehe yay guardsmare R63 Flash Sentry!

The offense, the offended party, and even the location of the old country varied depending on Grandma Vigil’s mood and blood alcohol content, but the curse remained consistent. A threefold malediction hung over the House of Flash: May they live in interesting times, may they come to the attention of people in authority, and may they get exactly what they deserve.

oof, love how double-edged all of these are

If nothing else, it had been a great source of inspiration, even if Flash's bandmates had derided the "sappy, whiny emo vibes." True art was suffering, not that those Fillystines could appreciate it.

so true bestie (also always love the use of “Fillystine”)

Twilight nodded. "I know how you feel, and I do want to come back someday. But it's not fair to ask you to keep waiting, or to uproot your life. Even if it were, you're pony enough that the portal won't change you if you go through. I certainly can't ask you to be the one human in Equestria. Ponies..." She sighed. "We don't always deal well with the strange and unfamiliar. I have some ideas there, but until then..."

and augh yes that is exactly Twilight’s idea

"Yeah. Of course." It was like a dagger in Flash's heart. He still kept a smile on his face. This would be an amazing song.

so relatable (except stories instead of songs)

"I know! That's the problem!" Ditzy got back to her feet and started pacing. "You being nice and considerate and thoughtful is a multiversal constant! No matter where I've gone today, you've been there for me, and I really appreciate that even though I know you'd do it for any stranger you'd find because I've been a stranger and Twilight is always, always involved and why should I even say anything when she's just better than me!?"

and oof, that does bring all of this together

"Yeah. Sure." She looked away. "I help you pick up the pieces. I break enough stuff to be good at that. But I'm not a princess or a queen or... or whatever that one lawyer Twilight was. I just need to suck it up and get over this stupid crush so you can do better! You deserve better!"

oof the background pony complex is strong with her :(

"I don't want better."

Her face erupted in a crimson blush. "I don't think that came out the way you meant it."

hehehe but he has the spirit!

She hugged him, tight enough to squeeze the wind out of him. Sniffling, she said into his chest, "I wouldn't miss it for all the worlds."

and what a great line to end it with

• Flash Sentry, soup kitchen volunteer (and Twilight, who runs the place)
• Flash Sentry, ThirdComm motor pool technician (and Twilight, a lancer.)
• Flashpoint, exceptionally confused dragon who’s never had to deal with princess-kidnapping instincts before (and Dragonlord Trinitrate.)
• Flash Sentry, Flying-type Pokémon gym trainer (and Twilight, the regional champion.)
• F7-S3, protocol droid (and Jedi Master Twi'lek Sparkle)
• And many more!

all of these are great and i love them (though is Twi’lek Sparkle herself a Twi’lek? would it be weirder if she were or if she weren’t?)


ohh so that’s who she is! love never reading tags

See also what I did with the title in the cover image. :derpytongue2:

damn, the multiversery escalated quickly! love it

Note that the city of Throne and great YISUN are not my own creations. Credit where it's due, and in this case the credit goes to the webcomic Kill 6 Billion Demons. (Similarly, the strange tale of Sir Flash and the sun faerie draws a lot of inspiration from a Magic: the Gathering plane.)

augh what a fantastic adaptation of her character’s elements, love this

Ditzy flying between realities like a friendly, humanoid Yog-Sothoth is my creation.

though is Twi’lek Sparkle herself a Twi’lek? would it be weirder if she were or if she weren’t?

The intent was for that to be more of a nickname/summary concept. She'd probably still be named Twilight. Part of the reason I dropped that one was that I have a surface-level understanding of Star Wars at best.

Very glad you enjoyed the fic. Winning the contest is just the cherry on top. Thanks for giving me an excuse to tell this story!

At the very least Ditsy can listen to their problems and share a Muffin or two or three or a dozen.

After that fateful hoofball game, it was either that or stay on the offensive line, and Coach had always told him he’d had more of a dancer’s build.

The idea that he joined the military because he wasn't quite cut out for football amuses me.

He shrugged his wings and went back to attention. This was Canterlot, after all. He'd had stranger encounters even before Princess Twilight had taken the throne.

He's just ignoring the fact she knew his name? I bet he didn't think that through.

The creature looked up from the water. Another flaw in its disguise betrayed it, the seeming's eyes dancing about like fish in a bowl as it got to its feet. “Flash? Again?”

Oh, it's Ditzy! Hi there! ...Yes, I know she can't hear me.

"Flash Sentry," he said, and was satisfied that the sun fae—may the Sisters smite such mockery!—had not made off with his name as the price for its blessing.

Can they do that‽

Besides, the lynchpins of realities in this neck of the woods were far more insufferable than Sunset Shimmer.

Hmm, did she get in a fight with Sunset? Could it have anything to do with Flash, I wonder.

She wasn't sure what Donut Joe's name was when his local analogue was female, but she planned on finding out.

I bet it varies from author to author.

In the present, after multiple complicated relationships with the magical proteges of an extradimensional equine sun goddess, he suspected the curse had found him before he’d even graduated high school. Especially after one of those proteges had risen to godhood herself, remaking the world in her image despite her best efforts.

I wanna say the curse is originally Chinese, but don't quote me on that. I do know it's old.
Also, I think this is her Sentry, which makes this part important.

Yep. All over the place. They just won't stand still and resolve into one plane.

The title? *Looks* I don't get it. ... Ooohh. Clever.

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