• Member Since 19th Nov, 2021
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Clinically diagnosed with SciSet Brainworms


Six years ago, Flash Sentry met Wallflower Blush, the awkward new girl moving to a room almost opposite his own, for the first time.

Today, Flash Sentry is meeting Wallflower Blush, a mournful, broken soul reeling from the aftereffects of a year of causing so much hurt to others, for the first time.

He doesn't remember her. Wallflower remembers him.

Yet she wonders if he understands her better than she does herself.

Written for Bicyclette's Flash Sentry Contest. See the other entries here! Pre-read by The Sleepless Beholder and FanOfMostEverything.

Cover art edited by myself using a still from the first Equestria Girls movie.

Depending on the time period, some sections are written in first-person present-tense, others in second-person past tense. In all cases, the POV is that of Wallflower. Not in continuity with any of my other stories.

Featured on 1/25/23-1/26/23!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

Really enjoyed this! Interesting exploration of a post-FF concept I hadn't really thought about before. Left me wanting to see where things went for these two afterwards. Excellent work! :heart:

This isn’t a first impression. It’s not a second chance. I already met Flash. I already know him. I’ll never be able to pretend otherwise. Because to think of what I have as a clean slate is to ignore how I got it in the first place.

That's an angle I would never have thought of, and it honestly left me in thought for a while. Made me realise what first impressions, bonding etc really means.

“Nah,” Flash replied. “I walked into you. I wasn’t watching where I was going, I should’ve seen you there. Honestly, it’s kind of a thing I do.”

Twilights: Eeyup.

Nice detail :twilightsmile:

I never tried using the Stone on myself. I can’t pretend I never thought about it, but I didn’t. And so all the memories I erased had a perspective-flipped backup copy, and I’m the disk they’re stored on.

Honestly, that would complicate things a lot—and fall under existential crises. :twilightoops:

Overall, a nice and well done fic, with interesting points regardings meeting a new/old person and pointing out how you can't start clean—if you have the memories of the person; how it would all be just lies and pretends etc. The right action in this mess Wallflower made was indeed to open up to him, and I loved how you portrayed Flash here: A person that is always ready to give a hand to someone who needs it—not matter who.

I am personally not a big fan of Wallflower, thus I couldn't really relate to her or to how she thought, but in my opinion you build a good character based on what the show gave, and gave a good reason for her usage of the Memory stone; how when even if the memories of Flash about her were good, that she still didn't want them to have—how in all of this and memory erasing, it was Wallflower herself who did it to herself.

In short: Memory Stone OP, please nerf :twilightoops:

I can feel my heart colliding with my ribs as he continues to look into my soul. Or maybe look for my soul. I’ve had good reason to suspect there might not actually be one there for him to find.

Ever since losing that fiddling contest with that stranger in Georgia, Wally had felt unaccountably lighter.

I suddenly want more Flash and Wallflower stories of them just hanging out.

I force a smile, quite possibly the fakest of my life – and that’s saying something, because basically all my smiles are fake. But this one is taking far more exertion to maintain, and even then, it doesn’t feel like I’m managing more than an awkward smirk.

yay a proper use of the word “smirk”!

Wait, that’s ridiculous. A soulless monster couldn’t have done what I did. A soulless monster would’ve been smart, methodical, goal-oriented. I wasn’t any of those things. I’m just a stupid impulsive dumba–

and oof, not even high enough self-esteem to think of herself as a soulless monster. that’s our Wallflower Blush!

(Then again, you were pretty tall for your age too – stupid pre-pubescent growth spurt.)

this and filly Fluttershy also being canonically lanky is a fun bit of fate having a sense of humor

Maybe Flash doesn’t recognize me at all. Maybe the Stone really was that thorough, on the day when I decided he didn’t need the pathetic waste of space that was me in his memory. Maybe there’s no residual image of the Wallflower Blush he met six years ago, the girl who shared a bus stop with him for years before he eventually got a car, the girl he’d shown off his first real electric guitar to, the girl he’d let pet his dog so much in the hallway, the girl he’d continued talking to even as the rest of the school began to ignore her.

But I remember.

and augh, i love this backstory! something about it being Flash Sentry in particular that this happens too is also perfect, and not just because of the theme of the contest

He pulls me into a hug. He doesn’t question the fact that I’m a crying weirdo he doesn’t know, who’s having a complete meltdown in front of him. He just sees me in pain and doesn’t hesitate to help.

Is there some unconscious part of him that does remember?

Or maybe this is just who he is, whispers a voice I don’t recognize, one I barely notice as I continue to sob into him.

augh so true that is just who he is

He didn’t even know you, and he was gonna take the fall for you? Even after you made him take a literal fall?


You finally looked up, seeing the warmth in his eyes. You nodded, despite the lack of comprehension.

augh Flash is so good

He keeps looking toward me, though I don’t know if he’s looking at me. The gears must be turning in his head, trying to piece together what I just said.

I’m still not sure I really get it either. But I think I’m starting to understand.

And that’s when I notice Flash’s outstretched hand.

“It’s nice to meet you, Wallflower Blush.”

I stare, just for a moment. Then I reach out.

“Nice to meet you too, Flash.”

Wallflower confessing her memory erasing stories often either are entirely about dealing with the weight of that over many words or treat it a bit too lightly. this fic does an excellent job at keeping it short without lessening the impact

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