• Published 22nd Mar 2023
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A Crown's Atonement For Their Misdeeds - UnknownOrigin

The consciousness that resides within the Master Crown from the Kirby series, along with the pieces of said crown, are sent to Equestria after drifting through the in-between of dimensions.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Lesson Zero

In the end, it was ultimately decided that I would stay with Fluttershy at her house, given that I had stayed the night there previously and that Twilight had said that she would be able keep an eye on me and tell her and the others about any new developments that occurred with me. As such, we left Twilight's house a little while later and got back to Fluttershy's house, had a small dinner where I once again had a salad that Fluttershy prepared for me, and then both of us headed to bed, with Fluttershy allowing me to sleep on the couch again. This time, she got me a pillow and a blanket that I could use to sleep with. I managed to fall asleep quite easily, however, that strange dream that I had the previous night didn't occur again, or any other dreams that were similar to it. I was still somewhat curious about that dream, because it was somewhat different than the dreams I was used to. When I was still trapped within the Master Crown, I often slept in order to pass the time if nothing interesting was really happening to the person that was wearing me or because I wasn't being worn by anyone at all. I still did have dreams while I slept, but none were quite like the one I had yesterday.

Anyways, for the next few days, I pretty much got used to my new life living in Ponyville. I would often assist Fluttershy with any errands she would have, or just wander around Ponyville myself to get to know a little bit more about the town. I did manage to find a few more things that I didn't see in the tour Fluttershy and Spike gave me, such as a small schoolhouse where I saw a bunch of foals go to attend whatever they taught there, a day spa that I often saw Rarity go to, I also made sure to once again thank her for making my new outfit, a train station that was somewhat close to Twilight's home, and a variety of different stores that sold a variety of different wares. I had to admit, the residents of this town got used to things pretty quickly, as ponies would begin to stop staring at me as I wandered around town and would even begin to wave at me from time to time, well the ones I had interacted with in those next few days.

However, a large amount of the time I spent was within the library. Mostly for two reasons. The first being that Twilight wanted me to run a few tests and experiments for her so she would be able to find out more about me. These really were just basic examinations such as how I was able to levitate off the ground, how I controlled the gloves that acted as my newfound hands, and a few other small things. She wasn't able to learn much, but at least she was able to entertain the second reason I spent my time at the library. The second reason being that of just researching and learning about this world. Like I said, Twilight entertained this by answering a few questions of my own, and I was also able to learn a lot by going through the many books that lined the shelves of her home.

The first thing I learned about was something I had been hearing since the first day I arrived here: the Elements of Harmony. Through reading some of the various books and scrolls and with Twilight helping to explain some things I didn't really understand, here is what I learned about them:

1. The Elements of Harmony were the gemstones embedded within the golden jewelry I had seen Twilight and her friends wear when they took on Discord. Twilight was willing to show me a photo of the group wearing their elements after an event called the "Summer Sun Celebration".
2. The Elements themselves have been around for thousands of years, as Twilight stated that they have been used by both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna many times.
3. The Elements of Harmony were known as possibly the most powerful magical artifacts known in the history of this world. They were essentially a source of immense positive energy and magic that were used to restore balance in the world when something, or someone, was threatening to disrupt the peace and balance of the world itself. Each element represented supposedly a certain "element of friendship", and would only activate if the user of an element possessed the corresponding trait that matched that of the element. The effects the Elements had when used were often unpredictable, though the result of using them on an individual was often nonlethal or was a form of banishment or imprisonment, such as Discord being turned to stone.

Learning these things also shed some light as to what happened to me when I was hit by the magic of the Elements of Harmony. I remember Discord saying that I had a high amount of concentrated dark energy within me, so it was possible that when I was hit by the magic from the Elements of Harmony, which were a source of positive energy and magic, the dark energy within me reacted negatively to the magic of the Elements, resulting in me being in immense pain. It could have been something else, but Twilight did say that the effects of the Elements were unpredictable.

I was also able to learn more about the three different races of ponies as well. First off where the unicorns, who were the only race of ponies that were able to use magic. The way they used magic was essentially by using their horn to channel the high amounts of magical energy within their body, and using their knowledge of various spells that they could learn and use, were then able to cast spells. Telekinesis, which was where I had saw various objects floating around being covered by various auras that also surrounded the horn of a unicorn, was a pretty basic spell that unicorns were able to use. Next up were the pegasi, who were able to manipulate the weather and were also the only race of ponies that could naturally walk on clouds. I found it kind of bizarre that the weather in this world was being controlled and handled by ponies, and that the it wasn't an unpredictable force of nature that you essentially had to be ready for anything it threw at you. Lastly were the earth ponies. While they didn't have any unique bells and whistles compared to the other three races, they made up for it with two things: their immense natural strength, and how they were able to feel and connect with the earth they walked on. One race of ponies that wasn't really talked about in the books I read that Twilight told me about were the alicorns. Supposedly, alicorns were the strongest of all of the races, as they had access to every single thing that made the other races so unique such and were able to do them better, the ability to use magic, wings that allowed them to fly, and even immense strength. Twilight also told me that the only alicorns she knew about were Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, which also explained as to how they were able to move the sun and the moon.

Regardless, the days went by as I continued to stay in Ponyville and learned more new things about this world.

Today was just pretty much the same as any other normal day, with me in the library once again. I decided that I wanted to start to learn more about the history and legends of Equestria as to take a sort of break from what I was researching lately. However, the book that I wanted to read in question, the one that was simply titled "History of Equestria", was nowhere to be found on the lower floors. Heading up the stairs of the library and into Twilight and Spike's bedroom/personal quarters, as Twilight allowed me to come up here to browse some of the books she kept up here, I eventually reached the room and saw Twilight and Spike with possibly one of the longest lists I have ever seen in my entire existence.

"Hey, Twilight? Do you know where the book "History of Equestria" is?" I asked.

"Oh, hey Null! Yes, it's just over there." Twilight said as she pointed to one of the shelves in her room. "I had to take it from downstairs earlier as I needed to reference something. You can go ahead and take it."

"Thanks." I said as I went over to the shelf and pulled out the book I was looking for.

"Anyways, that's almost everything Spike." Twilight said.

I looked back to see Spike as he began to read off something from the bottom of the list. "'Triple-check checklist to make sure we didn't miss anything when we double checked the checklist.' Uh... check. Ugh..." Spike groaned as he held one of his claws in the other.

"I've been holding that quill so long, I've got a claw cramp! At least we don't have anything to report to Princess Celestia this week... I don't think I could write another word!" Spike said as he began to massage his wrist.

I saw Twilight stop dead in her tracks as I began to sense some anxiety start to rise from her as she began to look worried. "We haven't sent a letter to Princess Celestia this week?!" She asked.

"No. Why, is that a bad thing?" Spike asked.

"Bad? BAD? Of course it's bad!" Twilight exclaimed. "I'm supposed to send Princess Celestia a letter every week, telling her about a lesson I've learned about friendship! Not every other week, not every ten days, every... single... week! Ohh... Where's the calendar? Where is it?!"

"Where it always is?" Spike said as he went over to a nearby table and picked up the calendar he and Twilight were talking about.

"When did we send the last letter?" Twilight asked.

"I think it was last Tuesday." Spike said.

"And today is?" Twilight asked.

"Tuesday." Spike answered.

I felt Twilight's anxiety skyrocket as she began to pace around the room. "Oh this is bad! If I don't send Princess Celestia a letter by sundown, I'll be tardy!"


Spike also seemed to share my confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Tardy, Spike! I'll have been late to turn in a letter to her! How could I let this happen, I usually don't let things like this happen!" Twilight said as she resumed pacing around the room. "Oh, I've never been late with an assignment! What will she think of me if I fail to send her a letter on time?"

"Twilight, I've personally never met Princess Celestia myself and have only heard about her through you and the others, but from what you all have told me, I don't think she would mind if you didn't get to send her a letter on time." I said.

"Null, this is the ruler of Equestria we are talking about! The pony who allowed me to study directly under her and expects the best of me! What if she thinks I'm not taking my studies on friendship seriously?" Twilight responded.

"Twilight, I highly doubt that-" I started.

"What if she makes me come back to Canterlot to make me prove that I've been taking them seriously by giving me a test." Twilight says before she gasps. "What if I don't pass?!"

"Well, why wouldn't you pass-" Spike began to say in what I assumed was an attempt to calm Twilight down.

"She's my teacher. Do you know what teachers do to students who don't pass? They send them back a grade! But she won't just send me back a grade, she'll send me back to... magic kindergarten." Twilight said. She then began to look off towards one of the walls with what I could only describe as a thousand yard stare as I assumed she was imagining something that involved whatever this "magic kindergarten" was.

Spike went up to Twilight and began to snap in front of her face to snap her out of her imagination. "Twilight? Twilight!"

Twilight shook her head a bit and started blinking a few times as she was brought back to reality. "Wha, huh?"

"Twilight, in my personal opinion, that doesn't sound like anything that Celestia would do to you. You just said that you were Celestia's personal student, and you've proven that to be true with how much you've taught me about the things I wanted to know about. And from what the others have told me as well, you are probably the greatest magic user they have ever known. I highly doubt Celestia would send you back to this "magic kindergarten" just because of one missed letter. You need to calm down and stop worrying." I said in my own attempt to reassure her.

She began to calm down as I felt her anxiety begin to go away. "You know what? Both of you are right." Twilight said as she had a confident look on her face. "I have no reason to worry, because I'm going to solve a friend's problem and send a letter to Princess Celestia before sundown!"

Well, at least we managed to calm her down from her recent mental breakdown. I had also hoped that we would have succeeded in taking Twilight's mind off of sending that letter, but it looks like we failed.

Twilight turned to the both of us. "So... do any of you two have any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues that I, as a good friend, could help you solve?"

Both Spike and I looked at each other for a couple of seconds before both of us responded with a simple "No."

Twilight sighed as she began to walk towards the stairs. "Well then, it looks like I'm going to have to find somepony who does."

After she left, the two of us looked at each other before letting out some sighs of our own.

"This isn't going to end well, is it?" Spike asked.

"Probably not. Do you mind if I take this book back to Fluttershy's with me? I think I'm gonna read it some more later." I asked.

"Sure, go ahead! I'll see you at the picnic later then?" Spike asked.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that was today. I'll definitely be there." I said as I headed down the stairs myself and began heading back to Fluttershy's cottage.

It took a bit longer to get to the outskirts of town, mostly because there were an alarming amount of carts that had been toppled over that blocked my usual route to Fluttershy's house, but the route I took lead me floating alongside the outskirts of Sweet Apple Acres. Eventually, I began to hear the sounds of things breaking and looked over to see Rainbow Dash flying through and tearing down what appeared to be an old and run down barn. Nearby, Applejack was wearing a helmet as she she watched Rainbow Dash from a distance within a nearby ditch. Deciding to see what was going on, I floated over the fence and made my way towards Applejack.

"Hey Applejack. What's going on with Rainbow Dash destroying that barn?" I asked.

"Hey Null. That barn's been in shambles for as long as Ah can remember. It's been taking up a good amount of space, so Ah got Rainbow to help tear it down so we can maybe put something there. Possibly a new one, as Granny's been wantin' a new one for a while. Speakin' of which, you might want to put these on and take cover." Applejack said as she handed me a pair of clear work glasses.

I put them on and joined Applejack in watching Rainbow Dash tear down the barn. I had to say, it was kind of fun and interesting to watch, with Rainbow Dash crashing into the roof or the walls at high speeds and making holes as she tore through the barn. She also kicked and punched through some of the various support beams within the barn as well. I also soon began to understand why we were both wearing our protective equipment and hiding in the ditch, as occasionally, various pieces of wood or metal came flying out from the barn, with a few even landing in the ditch even though we were a fair distance away. This continued on for a little while longer until I heard a familiar voice call out.

"Rainbow Dash! Stop!"

The next moment Rainbow Dash's tail was held in a purple aura as Twilight appeared in a flash of pink light and began to talk to Rainbow Dash. "Listen, Rainbow. I know you're upset with Applejack, but don't worry, whatever it is that has come between you two, I'm sure that I, as a good friend, can help you resolve your problems."

"What are you talking about?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh, Rainbow Dash, you don't have to hide your feelings from me! I can tell you two must've had a terrible fight." Twilight said as she levitated Rainbow Dash to a nearby bench and sat her down on it as a pair of glasses appeared on her face and a notebook held within her aura floated right next to her. "Now then, why don't you tell me all about your issues with Applejack."

Rainbow Dash looked up at Twilight and answered "I don't have any issues with Applejack."

"You don't? But then why were you destroying that barn?" Twilight asked.

"Because she asked me to. Right Applejack? Oh hey Null, I'm guessing you came here to see me in action?" Rainbow Dash said as she looked over into the ditch Applejack and I were currently in.

"Not really. I just came to see what was going on here. Anyways, yeah, Applejack told me that she hired Rainbow Dash to help tear down that barn." I said.

"That's right. Now get back to it R.D." Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash gave a salute before she took off from the bench and began to fly high into the sky. "You might want to take this and take cover." Applejack said as she held out another pair of the work glasses she gave me. Twilight hopped into the ditch with us and put on the glasses as we all looked up to see Rainbow Dash continue her ascent before stopping high above the barn. She then began to rapidly descend at high speeds as she began to yell. Right before she hit the barn however, was something that I was not expecting at all.

A bright flash of rainbow light was released from Rainbow's body. What followed as she hit the barn was a giant rainbow colored shockwave that expanded out from its origin. As Rainbow Dash also hit the barn, a large rainbow colored dust cloud rose from the ground as a large amount of debris flew away from where the barn had previously been. Unfortunately, some of the debris landed in the ditch that me and the others had taken cover in and piled on top of us. Thankfully, it wasn't to heavy as all of us managed to emerge from it with no problem with Applejack having a large grin on her face, a few strands of Twilight's mane were sticking out here and there, and me being wide-eyed at what I had just witnessed.

I saw Twilight sigh as she began to pick herself up out of the rubble and took off the glasses she was wearing and began to leave. Shortly after, Rainbow Dash came flying into the ditch and gave a high-five to Applejack. Shaking myself out of the shock of what I had just witnessed, I turned to face the other two.

"What the heck was that just now?" I questioned.

"What? Me just taking down that barn like it was nothing?" Rainbow Dash said.

"No. I mean that whole thing where that rainbow shockwave spread out right before you hit the barn." I asked.

"Oh, that? That was just me pulling off one of the easiest sonic rainbooms yet." Rainbow Dash answered.

"A sonic rainboom?" I asked, wanting to learn more.

"Yep. Rainbow here essentially flies so fast that she breaks both the sound and light barrier at the same time." Applejack explained.

"You're fast enough to break the light barrier?!" I exclaimed.

"Yep. The first time I pulled it off was when I was still pretty young. Up until then, ponies thought that it was just an old mare's tale. But I managed to pull it off, and I've been able to pull it off much easier now than when I was able to back then. It's also how I earned my cutie mark." Rainbow Dash explained as she pointed to her cutie mark. Her cutie mark was that of a white cloud with a bolt of lightning coming out from below it. However, the color of the lightning bolt itself was that of a rainbow.

"Huh, that's actually kind of a cool story. Anyways, I should probably start heading back to Fluttershy's to clean off all of this dust." I said as I began to wipe some of the dust off of my clothes.

"Alright then. See ya at the picnic then." Applejack said as she began to pull herself out of the rubble.

"See ya." I waved back as I began to head back towards the fence and floated over it as I once again began the trek back to Fluttershy's house. Thankfully, it didn't take long for me to reach the dirt road that led to her cottage as I followed it to her house. However, once I got there, I heard a loud roar come from the back of the house. Curious as to what was going on, I made my way to the back of the cottage and saw Fluttershy standing right in front of a bear that was towering over her.

What happened next shook me to the very core of my being. Fluttershy slid under the bear before flying up behind it and kicking it in the back, sending it toppling forward on its stomach. Then, she pulled up hard on one of the bear's back legas as the bear itself began to slam one if its arms on the ground while letting out what I could guess was a roar of pain. After hearing a small snap coming from the leg, Fluttershy did the same thing to the other leg. Once she had finished with the seco0nd one, she jumped onto the bear's back and began to rapidly stomp onto its back, with the bear issuing more cries of pain. Finally, and this was the thing that shocked me the most, Fluttershy grabbed a hold of the bear's neck and snapped it hard to the side, issuing a loud crack as she let go of the bear and it fell back down to the ground as she slowly landed on its back once again.

I can't believe what I had just witnessed. Fluttershy, the pony who was allowing me to stay with her, a pony who said that her cutie mark represented her kindness to animals, just took down a bear and may have even killed it. I began to panic as I held my hands to the side of my head and began to process what had just happened and tried to prevent myself from freaking out before I heard more growling coming from the bear. However, these didn't sound like growls of pain, they sounded like growls of comfort. I looked back over to see Fluttershy seemingly massaging her hooves on the back of the bear's shoulders as it had a content smile on its face.

"You should have some to me earlier. You were carrying so much stress and tension in your shoulders." Fluttershy said as the bear once again let out a growl of comfort. She then looked over to me floating by the side of the cottage. "Oh, good to see you Null. How did, um, actually, is something wrong? You look worried."

"What? Um, yeah. I'm fine, I just got back." I said.

"That's good. Can you come in and help me finish getting everything we will need for the picnic?" Fluttershy said as she flew off of the bear and began heading towards the back door.

"Uh, sure." I said as I began following her.

Note to self: don't make Fluttershy angry.

After that whole crazy thing with me witnessing Fluttershy wrestle a bear and win to just simply give it a massage, we spent the next bit of time getting together a small picnic basket filled with sandwiches that we made for the others. Once that was done, we left the cottage and made our way back towards Ponyville, albeit a little ways away from the town itself. The reason being was that the picnic was being set up in a small park right outside of Ponyville. We eventually made it there were everyone else was waiting on a red and white checkerboard picnic blanket. We, almost everyone, as Twilight and Spike were nowhere to be found. Deciding to go ahead and get everything set up, all of us began to get out what we had brought onto the blanket.

"Oh no, please don't tell me I forgot to bring the plates." I looked over and saw Rarity was digging through the picnic basket she brought. "I did. I totally forgot them. Of all the worst things that could happen, this is THE, WORST, POSSIBLE, THING!" Rarity said. After which, a couch covered in Rarity's aura suddenly slid towards her from who knows where as she fell onto it and began to cry. "Why? Oh why?"

She eventually stopped crying as she looked over at all of us staring at her.

"Rarity, was that really necessary?" I asked.

"Well, you don't expect me to just lay on the grass, do you?" Rarity said.

I did my best to simply shrug as I turned back to the picnic basket Fluttershy and I had brought. However, as I turned back to it, I was met with Twilight's face just inches from my own.

"Agh!" I yelled as I fell back onto the blanket.

Twilight, for lack of a better word, was not looking too good at the moment. Her mane was sticking out at various places, her eyes were wide and her pupils had shrunken to the size of pinpricks, and, the creepiest thing about the whole thing, was that she one of the widest and creepiest smiles I had ever seen. Actually, scratch that, second creepiest smile. The whole thing I did where I smiled and had my red eye gazing through that smile to make it look like it was glaring while I had taken control of Magolor was something I feel like would give those that looked at it nightmares. Regardless, all of us just stared back and forth at Twilight before Applejack decided to break the tension.

"You alright, hun?"

"No! I am not alright, if I don't turn in a letter to Princess Celestia on time, I'll be tardy!" Twilight exclaimed.

Everyone looked at each other with looks of confusion as I mentally groaned. "Twilight's afraid that if she doesn't send in a friendship report to Princess Celestia every week, then Princess Celestia will send her to 'magic kindergarten' or something like that." I explained to the others. "But seriously, Twilight. I thought we talked about this back at the library, I'm positive that Princess Celestia won't be upset just because you weren't able to send one simple letter to her on time." I said as I turned back to Twilight.

"And like I explained to you Null, with me being Princess Celestia's personal student, I need to make sure that I do the best that I can to make sure that I meet her expectations. Now, can you all please help me find somepony with a problem I can fix before sundown?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"I'm gonna have to agree with Null on this sugarcube. Ah think you're just worrying over nothing and gettin' yourself all worked up. Come sit down with us and stop sweatin' the small stuff so we can enjoy this picnic together." Applejack said.

One of Twilight's eyes began to twitch before she let out a loud groan before storming off away from us. All of us looked at each other with looks of concern and worry.

"I've never seen Twilight so upset before, do you think she'll be ok?"

"I'll say, what a drama queen." Rarity said as I looked at her with a deadpanned look. "Well, relatively speaking."

I sighed as I got up from the blanket. "You guys stay here, I'll make sure Twilight doesn't do anything crazy." I said as I began floating towards the direction Twilight headed in.

"Twilight? Twilight? Oh come on where did you go?"

It had been a few minutes since I left the others to look for Twilight, and I was having no luck. I asked some of the nearby ponies if the have seen her, which while some of them did and pointed me in the direction they last saw her, I wasn't able to find any sort of evidence that showed that she had been there. I was starting to get antsy as well, Pinkie had supposedly brought some icing cookies from Sugarcube Corner, and I was dying to get one. I was staring to think that I should head back to the others, before I heard Twilight's voice coming from nearby. Picking up the pace, I eventually found Twilight standing in front of a group of fillies. One was that of an earth pony who had a somewhat yellow coat, had red hair that was styled somewhat similarly to that of Applejack, and was wearing a giant bow. One of the others was a unicorn with a white coat and had a somewhat curly main that was a mix of pastel pink and purple. Finally, the last one was a pegasus with an orange coat and somewhat messy mane that was purple in color.

The one with the bow as the first to speak up. "Oh, hi, Twilight. How's it goi-" She began before she was cut off by Twilight.

"Great. Just great. You three look like you're doing great too! Looks like three good friends who obviously don't need the help of another good friend." She said before a pony shaped doll appeared in a flash of pink that was held in Twilight's aura. The doll itself was somewhat ragged, with it having patches here and there and one of its button eyes was close to coming off. "This is Smarty Pants. She was mine when I was your age, and now I want to give her to you!"

The pegasus was the one who spoke up next. "She's... uh... great."

"Yeah, great." The one with the bow said.

"I really like her... mane?" Said the unicorn.

I could sense the sarcasm all the way from here.

"She even comes with her own notebook and quill, for when you want to pretend that she's doing her homework!" Twilight said as she also held a small notepad and quill in her aura.

I began to feel the fear of the three fillies slowly began to rise as they backed away from Twilight a little.

"Yeah, that's, great." The pegasus said.

"Hmhm, I totally agree." The one with the bow said.

"Yeah, I definitely like her... mane?" The unicorn repeated, clearly not knowing what to say.

"I just hope the fact that there are three of you and only one of her doesn't become a problem! I'd hate to cause a rift between such good friends. So..." Twilight said as she levitated the doll towards the fillies. "Who wants to play with her first?"

The three fillies looked at each other before the one with the bow spoke up. "Uh... You should play with her first, Sweetie Belle. Y'know, 'cause you like her mane so much." The one with the bow said as she began to back away.

The unicorn, who I now knew as Sweetie Belle, backed away as well. "Nonononononono. I think Scootaloo should get to play with her first."

The pegasus, who I assumed was Scootaloo, said "I'd love to, but, um, you take her, Apple Bloom." as she went behind who I assumed was Apple Bloom and began to push her forward.

What followed next was the three fillies pushing one another towards the doll Twilight was holding in an attempt to get away from it. Meanwhile, I began to feel Twilight's fear and anxiety begin to rise as she began to look panicked, before she clapped her hooves together as her already wide smile appeared to grow even wider. I took this as my cue to stop things before they got worse. As fast as I could, I floated towards the group and, in one swift motion, grabbed the doll out of Twilight's aura and floated away from the four of them before turning back to face Twilight.

"Ok, Twilight, I think you're starting to go overboard with wanting to send that letter." I said.

"Null, I have told you and the others multiple times, I need to send that letter or Princess Celestia will think I'm not worthy of being her student!" Twilight yelled out.

"And we have told you that Princess Celestia probably won't do that, you're just overreacting." I said.

"And how do you know that? Before you said it yourself that you never knew who the princesses were, but I do. Now give me the doll so I can fix a friendship problem!" Twilight said.

I looked at the doll in my hands and then back to Twilight. She was obviously going extremely overboard with wanting to send that letter, going so far as to what I assumed was having three friends trying to fight over a doll that they obviously didn't want. I could also sense the desperation and anger coming from Twilight as well, and while those emotions were giving me energy, it was worrying me to see her like this. Holding the doll closer to me, I gave Twilight the best glare I could give.

"Sorry Twilight. I'm not letting you have this doll."

"Null. Give. Me. The. Doll." Twilight said as I began to feel her anger begin to rise even further. I held the doll closer in response.

"I said give it!"

What happened next was that Twilight's horn was covered in a pink aura as a beam surrounded by pink hearts was fired from her horn and was shot towards the doll. Reacting as fast as I could, I did the only thing I thought about doing, which was raising the doll above my body. However, this would prove to be a horrendous mistake, as the beam hit me instead. The force of the beam sent me flying back as I dropped the doll, causing me to fall to the ground.

"Oh no. What have I done?" Twilight said as I felt her anger was quickly replaced with fear.

I slowly hovered back off the ground to see hearts similar to the ones surrounding the beam flow into me. I was expecting something to happen, but I didn't feel anything other than a dull pain from where the beam had hit me. "Um... was something supposed to happen?" I asked.

"Oh, I want him." I looked over to see the pegasus looking at me. Slowly, her eyes were filled with hearts as she began to slowly walk over to me.

"He looks so cute." I looked over to the one with the bow as her eyes were also beginning to fill with hearts.

"His outfit is adorable!" I looked over to see that the unicorn was also undergoing the effects that the other two were experiencing.

As I looked between all three of them, I slowly felt one emotion emanating from them that started to make me worry: desire. All at once the three fillies tried to pounce on me all at once, only for me to float a few feet in the air as they began to try and jump at me.

"Twilight, what did you just do to me?!" I asked.

"I was trying to cast a spell on Smarty Pants, but you moved her out of the way and so the spell was cast on you instead." Twilight quickly explained.

"And what spell did you cast on me?" I asked.

"It's a 'want it need it' spell. Whoever looks at the thing that has had the spell cast on it will become obsessed with it. Only the caster will be the only one immune to its effects." Twilight explained.

"Well can you dispel it?" I asked.

"I should be able to. Just give me a second." Twilight said as her horn was covered in her aura.

However, as she began to try and dispel it, I saw a pegasus walking nearby that looked over at us to see what was going on. Because of this, they immediately fell under the effects of the want it need it spell as hearts began to fill her eyes as well. She began to fly into the air and tried to grab me, forcing me to float back to the ground. I looked between he three ponies that were eyeing me as I began to dread what would happen if they caught me.

"Twilight?!" I yelled out.

"Almost done." Twilight responded.

It was there and then that the three ponies began to charge at me, all wanting to get their hooves on me. I did the only thing that I could think of in that moment: I ran. I began floating as fast as I could to outrun my pursuers as I weaved around trees and floated over bushes. While I was running, more ponies that were attending the park saw me and would the fall under the effects of the spell. This would result in the group that was chasing me to grow from four pursuers into about 12 in a matter of minutes. Not paying attention, I eventually stumbled upon a group of about 20 ponies who all turned to look at me, resulting in my pursuers growing to a group over 30 ponies. I kept trying to do my best to outrun them, with me finding myself back at the picnic were the other girls are. As I tried to run away from them, I accidentally ran straight into one of my pursuers.

"I got him!" The pony who had me said before another one yanked me out of their grip. "No, he's mine!" What followed next was everyone that was chasing me to keep pulling me out of another's grasp, only for another pony to pull me out of their grasp. This continued for a bit until I found myself under a giant dog pile of ponies who were out to take me. It was painful, as I was constantly yanked and pulled quite painfully from another grasp, with a lot of the times with my ears being the thing that was grabbed and pulled.

Was this how I was going to end. Was this what fate had in store for me for how I was to perish. I thought I died when Kirby and his friends defeated me and the Master Crown shattered into pieces, I thought I had definitely died when Magolor sliced me in two with the giant sword he was wielding. I definitely was not expecting to go out because of over 30 ponies who were bloodthirsty at getting me. After what finally felt like several hours of me being pulled, yanked, and even bit because some ponies tried to grab me with their mouth. A bright light separated the dog pile I was caught under as every single pony was sent flying onto the ground. It also seemed as though that lied somehow dispelled the want it need it spell as no one had hearts in their eyes anymore. Shortly after, all of the ponies began to leave, some of them having looks of confusion as to why they were here.

"Twilight Sparkle!" A loud voice from overhead called out, prompting me to look up. What I saw astounded me. Flying above me and all of the other ponies, surrounded by a glowing white aura, was possibly the tallest pony I have ever seen. Her coat was that of a pure white, with her mane and tail being that of pink, blue, and green, that both also seemed to flow even though there was no wind. Her cutie mark was that of a yellow and orange sun, and she was wearing a tiara and some sort of necklace around her neck. However, what caught my eye the most was that she had both a set of wings and a long horn protruding from her head. This could only mean that the pony flying above me was that of an alicorn. She eventually turned to face Twilight directly.

"Meet me in the library." She said as she began flying towards the direction of the library.

I slowly floated over to the others a Twilight let out a sad sigh. "Well, goodbye everyone. If you want to visit, I'll be in magic kindergarten, back in Canterlot." She said as she began walking towards the library with her head down.

"This definitely doesn't sound good." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah, if she gets sent back to Canterlot, then..." Rainbow Dash started.

"Then we're never going to see Twilight again!" Pinkie Pie yelled.

"C'mon girls, we need to go talk to the two of them. Now!" Applejack said as they all began to start running.

"Wait, can someone carry me? I am in a lot of pain at the moment." I said weakly as I struggled not to fall to the ground. All of those ponies pulling and yanking me caused me a surprising amount of pain.

I was soon covered in Rarity's aura as she carefully levitated me onto her back. "Thanks Rarity."

"You're welcome darling." She said. After that I held on as she caught up with the others as everyone made a mad dash towards Twilight's house.

It didn't take us long at all to get to Twilight's house with how fast everyone was going. Eventually, we made it there and Rainbow Dash kicked the door open and rolled in as everyone else went in as well, seeing Twilight and the alicorn supposedly talking to each other before we barged in.

"Wait!" Rainbow Dash called out.

"You can't punish her!" Pinkie Pie said.

"It wasn't her fault!" Applejack said.

"I'm listening." said the alicorn.

"Please, your Highness. We all saw that Twilight was upset." Fluttershy said. Wait, did she say "your Highness"?

"But we thought that the thing she was worrying about wasn't worth worrying about." Rainbow Dash continued.

"That's why when she ran off and was all worked up, only one of us went to see if she was ok." Applejack said. The alicorn raised one of her eyebrows at this.

"Please don't take her away from us just because we were too insensitive to help her." Fluttershy said.

The alicorn looked over everyone for a brief moment before she began to talk. "It seems as though all of you have learned a valuable lesson today." Everyone nodded their heads at this.

She seemed to take another moment before saying "Very well. I'll forget Twilight's punishment on one condition."

"And that is..." Rainbow ash began to say.

"From this day forth, I would like all of you to report to me your findings on the magic of friendship when, and only when, you happen to discover them." the alicorn said.

Everyone began to cheer at this revelation, as it looked as though Twilight wasn't going back to Canterlot. As everyone began to calm down, Twilight perked up and turned to the alicorn.

"Princess Celestia, now that you're here, would you mind giving me your opinion on Null here?" Twilight said. I found myself being covered by Twilight's aura as I was levitated in front of the alicorn. Now that I was up close to her, she was definitely one of the tallest being I have ever met, possibly as tall as Landia when she was still one. I wonder how she's doing now that she doesn't have the Master Crown, and by extension, me, to guard over anymore?

The alicorn looked me over for a bit before she smiled. "So, you must be the one that Twilight has been talking to me about for the last few days. It's a pleasure to meet you, Null. My name is Celestia." She said as she held out a hoof.

Wait, the alicorn standing before me was one of the rulers of Equestria, as in, Princess Celestia? I thought back to when Twilight was talking about who the Princesses were and what they were capable of, and how she later explained that they are both a part of the most powerful race of ponies to ever exist. Judging by what I saw them do earlier, I can safely say that Twilight was currently backing up what she was saying. I held out one of my hands and shook her hoof. "Uh, likewise."

"So, Twilight has told me what you are capable of, such as levitation, telekinesis, eating without a mouth as well as a few other things. She also has told me that you came from the Everfree Forest, correct?" Celestia asked.

I was still going to stick with the plan of not telling anyone in this the whole truth, definitely so with one of the rulers of this kingdom. If what I saw earlier was only a small fragment of what she could do, then I definitely wasn't going to tell her that I was sealed within a crown for thousands of years and took over the minds and bodies of those that wore me. "That's right." I said.

Celestia stared at me for a bit longer. "Do you mind if I do something real quick? It won't take very long." Celestia asked.

"Oh, um, sure. Go right ahead."

Celestia nodded at my confirmation as the tip of her horn was enveloped with a golden light. She then moved her head so that her horn was right above the top of my body before she eventually touched her horn on my body directly. This caused a shiver to run across my body as I felt some sort of energy run through me, even though this energy somehow had a warm feeling to it. A short time later, Celestia lifted her head back up as the glow faded, her face filled with confusion and interest.

"Hmm, this is quite interesting. Null, you have a large quantity of magic held within you, and I can sense that you are using said magic to allow you to levitate and control those gloves." Celestia said as she motioned towards me. "However, I also sense a great amount of dark energy coming from you. While it isn't much, it is still enough to warrant my interest."

"That could explain something we saw when we defeated Discord." Twilight said as everyone looked at her. "When we used the Elements of Harmony on Discord, the magic of the Elements also struck Null as well. They didn't seem to do much other than cause him to pass out shortly after. He did look like he was in a lot of pain though..."

It was true. I felt as though my entire being was being burned in its entirety. "Discord did mention that he could sense a lot of dark energy coming from me. I didn't really know what he meant at the time." I said. Another half truth, as I did know why I was emitting dark energy. I'm pretty sure it was due to my abilities to absorb negative emotions and convert them into energy that I could then use as magic as well. I also used my abilities to also corrupt and take over the minds and bodies of those that wore me as well, meaning that those abilities themselves were probably somewhat dark in nature.

"Null, can you promise me something?" Celestia said. "Even though I can sense the darkness within you, the bearers of the Elements have told me that you have not done anything to harm either them or any of the other ponies under my rule. Can you swear to me that you won't bring harm to any of my subjects."

I took a bit of time to think about this, as in my current state, I wasn't really in any position to argue with someone who could literally move the sun. That, and I didn't really have the power to even harm anyone, other than those two kids I helped Applejack catch. Regardless, I decided to agree. "Princess Celestia, you have my word that I won't bring harm to any of the ponies under your rule unless it is deemed necessary." I said as I gave a salute.

Celestia smiled at this gesture. "Thank you Null. It was nice getting to meet you, even after everything I assumed you went through earlier. Now then, I must be off. All of you keep in contact with me, and I will let you know if I request your assistance." Celestia said, as her horn was covered in a golden aura once more and she disappeared in a flash of bright light.

The rest of the night was spent with the girls sending a letter to Celestia explaining what they have learned today, mostly about how they need to help each other out with their worries and take them more seriously. After that was said and done, all of us began to head back to our separate homes as night was beginning to fall. One quick bath and meal after Fluttershy and I got back to her cottage, and I was tucked into the couch, ready to sleep. However, I still had a few things floating around in my mind. The first was that I genuinely felt like I would have been killed if Celestia hadn't stepped in to stop everything and dispel the want it need it spell Twilight cast on me. I had never felt so weak within my existence, well, other than when I was in that gaseous form trying to make myself a new body. I was able to float and control my makeshift hands that Rarity made me, but that was it. I wasn't able to cast spells or anything that would allow me to protect myself, meaning that I was forced to run if I was faced with any sort of threat. I could only hope that I would be able to accumulate enough energy to start casting offensive or defensive spells. The other thing I though about was, now that I had met Princess Celestia, I suppose it was only a matter of time before I met this Princess Luna. Regardless, I felt my eyes begin to feel heavy, as I slowly fell asleep, wondering what other crazy things would happen to me here.

Author's Note:

This one took longer than I anticipated. But yeah, Null's first meeting with Celestia goes somewhat well, with Null still not telling the whole truth to avoid revealing who and what he was. In the end, he really has no choice but to go along with the deal Celestia offered him, as what else can you really do when you are facing a being capable of moving the literal sun and moon. By the way, I forgot to mention that I will only be using pictures for certain things, mainly using them for when Null visits a new area. There will be some other uses for them, but that won't be for a bit. Anyways, see you all in the next chapter!