• Published 22nd Mar 2023
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A Crown's Atonement For Their Misdeeds - UnknownOrigin

The consciousness that resides within the Master Crown from the Kirby series, along with the pieces of said crown, are sent to Equestria after drifting through the in-between of dimensions.

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Prologue: Drifting Through Dimensions


That was all I could think about after my most recent body had been destroyed. This thought was brought up mostly due to the fact that, at the moment, that was all I could see. Just pure darkness, as though I was looking straight into the mouth of a giant black hole. However, after what felt like a few hours of seeing and both feeling nothing, I slowly noticed that the blanket of blackness obscuring my vision was slowly brightening. Eventually, the darkness that had once plagued my vision slowly brightened to the point where I was able to make out my surroundings.

An endless sea of stars twinkling from thousands of light years away, strange crystalline objects floating in and out of my vision and various floating land masses drifting through this endless expanse as though they were floating islands made for a peculiar sight that would instill both curiosity and awe in those that would gaze upon this strange yet beautiful sight.

Other than that, I could also vaguely make out what I could best describe as mirages of various landmarks also floating around the endless expanse. Some of these being a strange tree with spinning leaves that would bring to mind a propeller, a pyramid surrounded by ruins within what appeared to be a desert, a beach surrounded by vibrant blue water, glaciers covered in pure white snow, a tower surrounded by floating islands and clouds, a rundown city that appeared to be made completely of metal, and a towering volcano surrounded by fiery wastelands.

As I kept drifting through this endless expanse, my mind began to function properly as I realized a few things:

1. The golden pieces of the Master Crown that had served as my prison all these millennium were floating around me.

2. Said pieces, instead of drifting away, were staying close to me, as though the pieces themselves were refusing to leave my side.

3. I knew where I was. That "was" being the in-between of dimensions. Also commonly referred to as "Another Dimension", as that was sort of what the in-between of dimensions was when broken down. A dimension between dimensions that one would need to traverse in order to gain access to or simply travel to another dimension.

4. I was drifting through the in-between and had no control over where I was going.

The fourth realization didn't really matter to me, at the moment that is. For the most part, I was content with going wherever the strange currents of the in-between took me. It allowed me to instead focus on events that had just happened recently.

The first being that I had been removed from the head of that hydra Landia after it was defeated by, if I remembered correctly, a pink walking and talking sphere that appeared to be able to suck up anything the hydra threw at it, an orange sphere similar to the pink one but didn't have a mouth, was wearing a blue bandanna, and wielded a spear, a giant blue penguin dressed in some sort of red robe who wielded a hammer, and a blue sphere that was also very similar to the first except that it had wings, wore a mask, and wielded a golden sword. After they defeated Landia I simply fell off of the head of the main head after she had split into four separate, smaller, drakes.

The second was that a strange creature in a blue and white robe that bore a gear design picked me up and placed me on their head, using the power of the Master Crown to take a lot more intimidating form. I was somewhat excited when this happened as I hadn't had anyone new wear me in a long time. That, as well as sensing that this creature also held a great amount of magical power within them, making me excited for what I could possibly do if I managed to take over this individual. Anyways, they talked about how they had deceived the individuals who took down Landia and planned on using my power to take over the universe, before opening up a portal to a star-shaped planet and going through it.

Pretty much the next while was spent with me on this creature's head as we traversed the in-between, with me slowly gaining access to the knowledge and memories that this being held as well as me trying to take control, but was met with some resistance.

Eventually, however, the individuals showed up again and were on the backs of the drakes that once made up Landia. After summoning a giant ship from a portal that I had learned was called the Lor Starcutter thanks to the memories of the being I was being worn by, who I also learned was named Magolor, the individuals with Landia's help began to fight it. A little while later and the Lor Starcutter had been defeated by the individuals, who I would learn that the pink sphere was named Kirby and that Magolor seemed to know quite a bit about him, Bandanna Waddle Dee or just Bandanna Dee as he wanted to be called by, King Dedede who ruled over a part of the land on the planet Magolor was heading towards, and Meta Knight that, while somewhat mysterious, seemed to be quite the experienced swordfighter. Magolor flew off after seeing the ship go down, and the others pursued him.

Eventually, Magolor managed to take down the drakes, causing their riders to be sent plummeting towards a small nearby planetoid. Seeing this, I could sense that Magolor wanted to get some revenge for having the Lor Starcutter be sent crashing to who knows where. As such, he too flew towards the planetoid and summoned a portal to the star-shaped planet we had been heading towards, before beginning to the fight. I myself was also excited, to the point where the crown itself began to wiggle a bit on Magolor's head, not that he seemed to notice. After fighting a while with Kirby and his friends I could sense that Magolor was beginning to struggle as he grew weaker and weaker, before eventually succumbing to Kirby bringing down a giant sword onto him and pretty much defeat him.

This moment of defeat gave me the exact chance I needed to take over Magolor entirely.

Taking over his body, it began to change itself as I he was under my control, making his previous form look like a cute animal compared to the monstrous form I took as I now controlled Magolor.

I decided right there and then that Kirby and his friends were a threat that I needed to take down if I wanted to keep my control over this new body as they were looking at me with faces of both terror and anger as I assumed they sort of knew what was going on. As such, I made sure to immediately use a spell that Magolor had used to rid Kirby of any abilities he currently had, which at the moment, meant making sure that Kirby wouldn't simply try taking me down with a giant sword. After that, the fight began.

To put it simply, I was having the most fun I had ever had in the many millennium that I had been within the crown. Sure, there were some beings that I did have fun controlling once they had succumbed to my influence, but this took the cake. I was using powerful spell after powerful spell to keep Kirby and his friends on their toes. Flinging spheres of concentrated magic at them, summoning and juggling various creatures to just toss at them, firing giant beams of dark energy, using portals to ram into them at high speeds, creating giant spikes from nowhere to try and pierce them, manipulating the space around them and making it so they would get hurt if they even walked into said zones, creating black holes, and even using my own versions of abilities that Kirby had used to take down Magolor.

However, in the end, I lost. I got so caught up with using all of those powerful spells and abilities that I began to get cocky. That cockiness led to me underestimating Kirby and the others, leading me to ultimately being defeated by them.

The end result was me rapidly losing control over Magolor's body as I was sealed back within the crown and Magolor's body returned to normal. After that, the crown shattered, and both Magolor and myself, along with the small pieces of the Master Crown, disappeared. I thought that both of us had ceased to exist, but it seems both of our fates had not been sealed just yet. Instead, both of us drifted deep, and I mean deep, into an abyss within the in-between of dimensions. It took me a bit to regain my own consciousness, when I did, I found myself as simply a black and purple cloud of gas surrounded by the shards of the crown (much like the form I am currently in now). I soon realized that the crown shattering may have been my best chance yet at gaining my own form. So, I began my mission to claim a new, and powerful, body that I didn't need to worry about me losing control of.

Everything just sort of fell into place after that. I found that I was still able to manipulate the minds of nearby creatures to do my bidding. As such, I commanded them to find me a source of great power that I could use once I got a new body. I was genuinely surprised that this sort of power turned out to be slices of some kind of fruit. Regardless, I ordered the creatures to gather these slices and bring them to me. I was not expecting, however, for Magolor himself to defeat my minions and take the slices of the fruit himself. I suppose he was also trying to regain his powers, given that his outfit was now ragged and was also pale white and gray in color.

After seeing him defeat one of my minions and taking the fruit slice they had gathered for the third time, I immediately hatched a plan. I would follow Magolor and have him collect the fruit slices for me. After which, I would take them for myself and use them for my new body. The plan worked perfectly. After collecting the fourth fruit slice my minions managed to procure, I followed him back to where he was keeping the other slices. I found myself at a strange, ruined altar, with four other slices hovering above a central pedestal. Once the last slice Magolor had obtained floated towards the others, they fused together to create a giant crystalline apple. I flew into action.

Once Magolor had gotten to the altar, before he could take the fruit, I flew in and took it right in front of him by taking my own improvised form of the leader of hostile creatures that roamed the in-between known as sphere doomers. I decided that, before I took off with the fruit, I would roughen up Magolor a bit so that he wouldn't be able to follow me and take the fruit back for himself. That decision would prove to be my downfall, as he used his regained spells and abilities and eventually defeated me. After the form I had taken fizzled out, all that was left was a small amount of the gas that made up my current form and the small shards of the Master Crown. In that moment, I was feeling both surprise and anger as I weakly floated around the apple, surprised that Magolor had managed to regain so much power so quickly, and angry at the fact that he managed to defeat me. Eventually, I decided I had had enough. Using what little energy I had, I used my power combined with the little amount that was stored within the small shards of the crown to take control of the apple, and use it to create myself a new body, right then and there. Doing so caused a bright light to emit from the apple, blinding both me and Magolor.

When the light faded, I had found myself in the air above what appeared to be some sort of city that, for some reason, felt familiar to me. The sky above me, however, was a different story, as it seemed the entire sky had been lit aflame. Decently sized fireballs were falling from the sky and landing in various locations within the city. I could care less, as I spotted Magolor standing on what appeared to be the altar from earlier, albeit somewhat destroyed as I had knocked down its walls when we had fought. Slowly, I descended. As I did, Magolor eventually took notice of me and began to back up a little at the sight of my new form. Letting out a scream filled with anger and rage, the fight had begun.

Throughout the whole fight, I was both putting all of my strength into every attack so that I could take out Magolor as fast as I could, as well as observing what I could do so I would have a grasp of the abilities I had in this form. From creating portals to cause spiky roots to shoot out from them, launching explosive crystal apples, shooting out seeds that caused smaller yet longer roots to rise out of the ground, firing the leaves from my branches to try and cut Magolor, summoning creatures that lurked within the in-between of dimensions, firing lasers that caused the ground to erupt from under my target, to even just teleporting high into the air in an attempt to slam my body onto Magolor. However, all the while, Magolor was managing to land some hits on me throughout the fight.

Eventually, he managed to deal a great amount of damage to me to the point that I could not ignore the pain any longer. I was too focused on that pain to notice Magolor grabbing a nearby sword. And by the time that I had noticed, I was too late. Magolor had pumped so much of his magic into the sword that it was nearly identical to the giant sword Kirby had used to defeat him with. I held out my arms to stop him from using that sword to end me. At first, I was confident I was winning as the sword was beginning to be pushed back. However, in a near instant, the sword began to inch closer and closer to me, in response, I began bringing my arms closer together to try and fight back. However, in the end I lost. Magolor managed cut straight through my body, causing me to lose consciousness shortly after.

And now, I'm pretty much caught up to where I am currently: back to being a cloud of gas surrounded by the shards of what was once my prison, floating through the endless expanse that is the in-between of dimensions. No set direction, just drifting and being moved by an unseen force that I am unable to fight against. With nothing else to do, I decided on doing one of the few things I could do at the moment: taking a nap and seeing where I ended up after I had woken up. As such, I drifted off into sleep, my vision being once again greeted by the blanket of nothingness that was darkness.

I woke up.

Not because of me naturally waking up, but because I began to feel a small force begin to pull me in a certain direction. A feeling that had showed up out of nowhere that it was enough to rouse me from my slumber. Taking a quick look around, I immediately found the source of what was pulling me in a new direction: a dimensional portal. This one however, was quite different than the ones I had become used to. This was because instead of it being shaped like a star, this one was shaped more like a swirling vortex. That, and a rainbow of colors could be seen swirling around said vortex. As I inched closer and closer to the portal, I saw with a mix of panic and confusion as the shards of the crown began to float away from my gaseous form and quickly be sucked up by the vortex. As I got closer, more and more shards began to be sucked away from my body into the vortex until there was nothing left of the Master Crown near me. Soon, I felt myself being pulled faster and faster towards the vortex, and, as I found myself just on the edge, I thought to myself:

"Let's see what fate has in store me for me."

And with that thought, I was sucked into the interdimensional portal, taking me to wherever it ended up.

Author's Note:

Pretty much the prologue is to explain how our protagonist here ends up in Equestria, as well as being a recap for the ending of Return to Dreamland as well as what happens in the Magolor Epilogue of Return to Dreamland Deluxe. That, as well as Magolor Soul being the boss that Kirby and his friends have to defeat in order to save Magolor.

Like I said, spoilers for things from both games.

You might also be confused when our protagonist says that they were worn by certain individuals. To put it simply, after being trapped within the Master Crown for thousands of years, our protagonist essentially began to associate the crown as being their own body. As such, they will often say things such as being worn by an individual.