• Published 17th Apr 2023
  • 1,018 Views, 307 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: The Misfit - The Blue EM2

The life and times of an Earth Pony determined to be herself.

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No One can Hear me Scream

I don't quite understand how it happened.

One moment I was in my room (or rather, the room I had been allocated in Zephyr Heights' palace), and then suddenly everything went haywire.

I was in the middle of a city somewhere in the middle of a valley, surrounded by desert. But the city itself wasn't a pleasant sight.

As I made my way forward, I noticed fires burning all around, and buildings that had been seemingly cleared out of their inhabitants. Many concrete structures were blackened and burnt out, simply reducd to hollow, collapsing shells. It was a miracle they still remained upright. Many had holes in them from seemingly being fired upon.

The skies were black, and had been the whole time. It was as I went deeper into the city that I realised why the skies were black. Huge clouds of smoke billowed upwards from the ground and into the air, blotting out what little sun there presumably had been.

I could see fires still burning in the distance. I blinked to avoid some soot, and then suddenly a crashing sound came behind me! I jumped to one side as a building collapsed into the road. That was close. I had been only a few inches from becoming pony pastrami.

I continued forward, seeing more fires. Much of the road was hard to navigate, as it was full of giant craters that made many sinkholes look like potholes in comparison. Potholes are places where roads haven't been tarmacked over properly, which I believe Maretime Bay used to have a problem with.

Everywhere was the smell of burning. It burned its way into my nostrils. Burning buildings, burning vehicles, even the smell of fuel. Everything was drenched in the smell of burning gasolene and kerosene. That would suggest this fire wasn't a natural one.

A large energy blast from up ahead caused me to stop in my tracks before an intersection. A loud stomping started up, and a huge machine walked past. It moved by on three legs, with a very strangely shaped head unit with looked kinda like a fish. A beam of energy shot from one of its mounts as it continued on its way.

It was just then I became aware of noise from up ahead. Or rather, from up above. Winged creatures dived at me, shrieking at incredible pitch. It's a miracle my eardrums didn't burst with all the noise, but I screamed and dived inside a building, heading as far away from the outside world as I could.

I stopped next to a window, breathing heavily whilst my brain tried to catch up with what I had just seen. What in Equestria was going on here? Was this some sort of apocalypse? Or some vision of the Fall of Equestria between Generations 4 and 5? I honestly hoped to Faust it wasn't any of those, because what hope was there for us now if such power was out there, running amok in Equestria at the moment?

I looked out of a window to see a group of ponies attempting to flee from more of those tripod things, only to be gunned down by a mixture of machine gun fire and more of those odd beams. The beams, of course, set more things on fire, and even led to a car exploding. You know, as they do.

Something was actively hunting the ponies. I know I'm probably doing a Captain Obvious here, but the realisation turned that initial thought on my head. These weren't colonisers. They weren't here to rule us. They were here to exterminate us.

Just then, a loud crashing started up behind me, and what sounded like concrete and steel breaking apart could be heard. I ran for the higher levels as more arms and tentacles punched through, clearly trying to grab at something. The building began to tilt over as I gained height, moving through the floors and eventually stopping at the top of the structure, where there was no other way to go. The two buildings on either side had collapsed, leaving me with no escape route but down.

But then the thing saw me. It was another of those tripods. It reared up and slammed its grabbers into the ground around me to prevent me from escaping. To my surprise, the plates on the front of the head unit shimmered, and then began to move. They slid backwards and to the sides to reveal a cockpit behind the plating, which itself was in front of some glass like substance.

These machines were being piloted. As I looked closer, I could see a figure behind the glass, sitting at the controls. He was a human, and based on what I could see was dressed in a striped suit. There was a pause, before a loud voice began speaking- presumably projected from a megaphone on the side of the machine.

"So, there you are, you little pony," the voice said. I would have responded but I was honestly too frightened to speak. What did they want with me?

I had no chance to answer before he continued. "I always hated you, Sunny. You and your stupid little friends in your stupid little Generation. Well then, it's time to do something about that. You'll pay for making me look an idiot on the internet."

I had no clue what he meant by that, but I noticed one of the tentacles begin to move. And then it lunged at me. I screamed and shut my eyes, fearing this would be the last few moments of my life.

But the impact never came. After what seemed like an eternity, I opened my eyes again. To my complete confusion, the tentacle had stopped moving. As had everything else. The fires had stopped. The flying things had stopped mid flight. The ponies down below had stopped mid run. Even the smell had gone.

The machine in front of me simply sat there static and unmoving, the pilot's face locked in a sickening grin. It was as if somepony had hit the pause button on a TV.

An intense bright light came from nearby. A figure was behind the light- I couldn't make out precisely what, but I was pretty certain it was a pony. "Sunny Starscout?" they said.

"Yes, that's me," I replied, not quite sure what was happening.

"What you have just seen are the shadows of what will be if the powers of evil get their way," the voice said again. It was pretty heavily distorted, which meant I couldn't really figure out who it was. "It is your mission to stop them. You and Seven others are the last hope this world has to avert this future and bring about peace for evermore."

Me and seven others. Obviously I knew Izzy, Pipp, Zipp, and Hitch, but that only made five. Who were the other two, then? "But how?"

"You will know when the time comes. I can tell you now you are proceeding on the correct path to the Crystals, as they are the key to stopping them." The light began to grow more intense. "My Little Ponies, I am always with you."

My eyes suddenly flew open in my room. I looked around, breathing heavily whilst sitting up. I rubbed my forehead, as if nothing else I had a headache. "What in the world was all that about?" I asked myself, before noticing the bedsheets were wet. I must have sweated several gallons based on how drenched they were.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I jumped, and then opened the door to see Izzy on the other side. "I- is there something you want?"

Izzy looked concerned. "I sensed your sparkle was pretty dark and wanted to see if you were OK."

I nodded, and beckoned her in. "Lock the door, please."

After a few moments, we were settled. "I'm guessing you're not OK."

What could I tell her about the dream? I was worried she'd think I was insane! "I- I had a bad dream."

Izzy nodded. "How bad? The 'I forgot my things for school' type of bad, or worse?"

"Worse," I said. I then described what I'd seen to her. "Izzy, i- it was horrible! I don't know if it's just my imagination playing up or whether watching Invasion of the Tripods in the dark with Zipp was a bad idea, b- but I can remember every detail! What sort of dream does that?"

Luckily, my fears about being thought insane were unfounded. Izzy trotted over and gave me a hug, her eyes understanding and her face looking concerned. What she said certainly reassured me. It's good to have friends who'll always have your back.

Izzy then made an offer. "I can give you some sleep tea if that would help you sleep."

I checked under my eyes to discover there were some bags underneath them. I really hadn't been sleeping that well. "Hey, it's better than nothing. I'd like to try some if that's possible."

Luckily, it worked. What followed was one of the best night's sleep I'd had in a very long time.

Author's Note:

This chapter is something of a shift of tone for the series, as I'm keen to mix in some darker and more complex elements along the way. The title of the chapter is derived from a lyric in the Skillet song Monster, which I feel fits the theme of a horrific nightmare where you seemingly cannot wake up.

The nightmare sequence in this chapter is loosely inspired by the story Lead us Not, another story where a bizarre cosmic entity attempts to communicate with Sunny, eventually driving her insane:

[Adult story embed hidden]

In case it wasn't obvious, I'm a fan of H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds, hence the tripods.