• Published 17th Apr 2023
  • 1,018 Views, 307 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: The Misfit - The Blue EM2

The life and times of an Earth Pony determined to be herself.

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Through the Rocket's Red Glare

I soon lost track of how long my eyes were glued to that journal. I continued to scan through it, trying to find clues about what was going on in the world. Perhaps dad had found something in his travels which would illuminate me as to what was coming next? I continued to flick through the pages to try and locate some useful information, but I was soon at some sort of dead end.

I mean, don't get me wrong, Argyle was a great guy, based on what little we've seen of him in the show, but he wasn't perfect. And I don't know about you, but I think he could have done with investing a few more skill points in hoofwriting.

Because his was absolutely awful. I know he probably didn't have access to a typewriter in the field (and I can't recall seeing a computer in the Lighthouse- come to think of it the only computer I saw was on the technician's desk where Tootise and Sweets were working at the CanterLogic demonstration, and it was one of those super blocky ones from the 1980s), but he could at least have put a bit more work into making it comprehensible.

The words snaked across the page like spider's webs, making it very hard to read. I had to focus very hard on the text to try and make sense of it. However, after some looking I found something that I thought would do the trick for figuring out what was going on.

One of the pages concerned a strange object that dad had found whilst travelling the frozen north. I'll admit I wasn't aware there was a frozen north, as the show was yet to go there, but it made sense given the place where the Crystal Empire is seems to be constantly buried in snow. I flipped through some pages and found some more notes on it.

There seemed to be this thing called a Nova Charm, which was often found inside a rocky container. And this object apparently could open portals and allow for travel from one place to another virtually instantly. Fast travel? This was getting more and more like Skyrim with each passing second.

And in studying how this thing worked, my eyes opened wider and wider as I had a profound realisation.

I knew how he had done it.

I knew how Chris got to Equestria, despite this being apparently impossible. Somehow, he had gotten his grubby fingers on a Nova Charm and used it to travel from one dimension to the other.

But how did he get his hands on one, and why was he able to use one? And furthermore, why were these things apprently just lying around for random people to find? You'd think this sort of thing would be highly sought after by the military, as it would allow them to move armies across the planet in the blink of an eye.

This was all quite confusing, and my thoughts were interrupted by a rumbling sound.

I glanced down, and realised it was my stomach. I had gotten so engrossed in my reading I had forgotten to eat.

No sooner had I realised this, then a voice spoke. "Hey, Sunny."

I slammed the book shut and swung the chair round. "H- hey Misty! Sorry. You startled me there. How long have you been standing behind me?"

Misty shrugged. "About twenty seconds," she said. "Any sign of Izzy?"

Truth be told she hadn't been anywhere when I had woken up, so I assumed she'd already left for Vanhoover when I woke up. "No, she left earlier. We're on our own in the house and can't risk leaving in case we spark a riot amongst the locals." Just as I said this, the sun shone clearly through the window and onto my fur. I glanced out of the window and sighed. "And such a shame it is, because it's a lovely day out there."

"What were you reading?"

I quickly glanced down to Argyle's journal, and looked back up to Misty. "Oh? This little thing. This was just my dad's journal. He collected all sorts of things in there. Notes, maps, bits of historical info, his own thoughts- some of it is a tad disorganised, as he tended to write about whatever came into his mind."

What just happened? I mentally referred to it as Argyle's journal, but called him dad despite him not being my biological father in a sense? Pick a name and stick with it, brain!

I sighed, realising what was further going on. I wasn't just Sunny physically. It seemed with each passing day her emotions and feelings were swamping my own ones I brought from the human world. "I meant Argyle's journal," I said, quietly. "I'm just so confused. I know I didn't come from here originally, but I keep feeling Sunny's emotions and thoughts. What is happening to us?"

Misty gently placed a hoof on my shoulder to try and reassure me. "Perhaps this could be for the best. You've got the best of Sunny and whomever you once were rolled into one. And you know the show. We know what's coming, so can best plan for the future."

I will admit that's an advantage we have that Sunny lacked. But a fat load of use it had done us up to this point. "That is true. Thanks, Misty. Now back to decoding the stuff in this book."

"No problem, Sunny. Now I need to get something to eat. Would you like something bringing?"

I shrugged. "I'll come down in a minute. I've only got a few pages of this chapter to read."

Later on, I heard Misty and Pipp chatting. Great to hear those two are getting on better now, after the fight they had on the road. I settled back into my book and continued reading, keen to uncover more secrets. Possibly of starlight, but perhaps not, as we have stars well figured out.

Later on, I was downstairs trying to figure out how to make pancakes for tomorrow's breakfast, as it would be nice to eat together before we launched off into the chaos of the Crystal Tearooms. I sighed and relaxed a bit, working on the recipe before a loud crash attracted my attention.

I dashed over to the window to see what was going on. And what I saw was adorable!

Misty and Sprout were there, just gazing into each other's eyes, utterly smitten with one another.

I didn't say anything, but this resulted in possibly the largest grin ever recorded in the history of Equestria appearing on my face. Because it showed two major things.

Not only was there somepony for mystery, proving that the old saying that every bread has its cheese is true, it also meant that Sprout was a human too. He wouldn't be acting like this if this was the old Sprout. The old Sprout would never have fraternised with other races this way.

And I knew precisely what Misty was going through. I'd had the whole 'butterflies in the stomach' routine when I'd first met Izzy, and although that had cooled down a lot since that first day in Maretime Bay, I still knew the feeling all too well.

I turned away from the scene to give them some privacy, although I doubted they knew I was there watching, and got back to work on my recipe, which was going to be great I had no doubt.

After a bit, I heard the door opening, and I turned to see Izzy home with some shopping bags and other supplies. "Hi Sunny!" she said.

"Hey Izzy!" I replied. "I take it the expedition went well?"

"Oh, you bet your sparkle it did!" Izzy said, plopping two bags on the ground and producing several more from nowhere. "Loads of card, plenty of glitter, and lots and lots of glue."

"Watch you don't start sniffing it, OK?" Sprout said.

Izzy looked at him. "I don't sniff glue!" she said. "That would hurt the glue's feelings! How would you feel if somepony randomly started sniffing you?"

I was about to point out Izzy had done the same to me, but then realised she actually hadn't all those weeks ago in Maretime Bay.

"Right," Sprout said, before he and Misty vanished into another room.

Izzy trotted over to me. "I also got some surprises for us." She produced some paper bags and placed them on her table. "Iced jelly donuts!"

My eyes went wide. When I was a little kid I had loved going to the bakery and picking those up for me and my folks. And that brought the memories flooding back. Shame the baker went out of business. But I still have the memories.

I looked at Izzy. "Thank you so much!"

"No problem," Izzy said. "Now then, want to help me make dinner?"

"Gladly," I said. "What's it tonight?"

She slipped the recipe over to me. Wow. I hoped my taste buds didn't explode from this dish!

Author's Note:

More action from the crew from Sunny's perspective. Whilst somewhat slower paced, it's actually quite nice to slow the speed of the story down somewhat given how frenetic Phase 3 was.

Handwriting is something of a bugbear of mine, partly as my own is utterly atrocious. As a result, I prefer to type out important work and send it via email (or print it out). Having said that, some people have this inexplicably complex approach of typing something, printing it out, making edits on the printed copy, then typing the edits in. Just make the edits in the document and save paper!

This chapter is perhaps the first time I have used elements from later on in G5 as part of the storytelling; as this is the movie era, and the brony who became Sunny had only watched as far as Chapter 3 of MYM, the reference to the Nova Charm would be completely lost on them.

'Every bread has its cheese' is an old Jamaican saying which means that there is somebody for everybody out there in the world.

Jelly and Jam is one source of confusion for Brits and Americans. Ask for jam in the US and see the confusion on the waiter's face. Likewise, if an American asks for jelly for breakfast in the UK and the chef will probably place a large dessert jelly on your plate.

But would else could this be? Find out more tomorrow in the next chapter!