• Member Since 21st Nov, 2022
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Just your regular fanfiction writer. Big fan of EaW and Fallout:Equestria. I also have a Patreon!


This story is a sequel to Sandbar gets manipulated

After an unexpected visit by a noble from Gryphus, Student Six are invited to a royal wedding in the Kingdom of Vedina. What was supposed to be a relaxing visit in a foreign country turns dangerous, and deadly, as ancient evil tries to fulfill its dark dream.

Can they face the Imperium?

As usual, worldbuilding and character names come from Equestria at War, but no knowledge of EaW is required to enjoy the story.

Will be updated simultaneously with The Black Crusade, although it can be read separately.

If anyone is interested in a map of this world, I recommend this beautiful map here.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 60 )

Awesome story, can’t wait for the next chapter.

Thank you! I have 90% of it written already, but it needs some polishing and proof-reading first. You should see it this weekend :).

No need to apologize for the delay. Your health is more important.

Yeah, I know, but it still sucks. There is one fanfiction that I am reading for a long time now, and it now updates once per year, which is very sad, especially since it led to it becoming super-obscure. Heck, my hiatus here led to my new stories kind of falling way behind my peak popularity... hopefully I'll manage to get back to writing in sufficient quantity to bounce back up.

You have my support and I wish you luck. Don't let your issues ruin you motivation.

Damn, thank you, it's so nice! :). Thanks to all the people reading and commenting on these stories I definitely feel motivated.

Thank you! Sorry it took so long. This chapter proved to be really tough to write for some reason, went through multiple revisions before this one.

I already started writing the next one, hopefully it will come out faster. I also updated "By Starlight, Fight Starlight" today, I'm hopefully back to more regular writing.

Whoa wow I wasn't expecting this I thought it was rated M just a quick question how come did you change this one into rated T

"I'm not good with crowds," Ocellus replied sheepishly.

I can relate to that

“I’m… not sure.” Silverstream answered unusually slowly. “It can be really dangerous and scary. I think we are not really ready for it.”

I mean out of you and Ocellus what you guys been through I would not blame you for being scared

Nice to see your comments again! To answer all your comments here:

1. I decided that while this story is scary, it doesn't contain anything really M-rated. A little violence, blood, death, but nothing excessive. I was being overly cautions with giving it the M rating.

2. Me too, trust me,

3. Yeah, some of our heroes had it a little easier then others. Ocellus and Silverstream definitely had it worst during their adventures, but the both pulled through, and their adventures gave them much better idea of how bad things can get. In a way, they are the most prepared and least shocked when things inevitably go from bad to worse.

“Yona not want to say that knights wrong.” The yak added. “Yona just thinks, sometimes lives more worth then honor. Yona stopped war in Yakyakistan, and in honorable way. But war happened because Princes too focused on their honor to talk. Yona thinks, best of both is bestest. Honor good, and being good creature good. Combine them to make best creature.”

Definitely it's the best of both worlds

“Yes, that’s the point. All creatures have superficial differences, but we are mostly the same in the end. We feel love, we can be friends with each other. We have some natural talents for this or that, and different physical strengths and weaknesses. We can do some things better, other things worse. But that’s all on the outside. Inside, we’re all just living creatures. None of our physical differences make us inherently better or worse than others, and they don’t stop us from having friendship. That’s the real strength of ponies, understanding this.”

Yup that is so true we may be different but in the end for all the same we do live in the same planet

He waited for a moment to make sure she is too far away to hear him, before he slowly exhaled, feeling the tension leave him. “Alright, everycreature, you can come out.”

Wow he knows his friends is there that's pretty interesting

“You clearly underestimate me, Smolder.” Gallus said, trying to not show any pain on his face. That was really painful experience, like he just high-fived a rocky mountain. Ouch. He’s never doing this again. “I’m wiser then you, you know.” Although not wise enough to avoid doing something stupid like high-fiving a dragon with full strength. Oh, that hurt. He was half-sure his claw was broken.

Wow I guess dragons are really hard as stone ouch but nice hiding your pain Gallus lol

"We don’t know who they will be this time, think about the possibilities for new friendships!” Silvestream said happily, as usual for her.


“Especially considering our adventures this summer.” Ocellus added, trying to fit all the books about Vedina she could find into her backpack. Sadly, it refused to close.

A little over pack Ocellus lol

“My sword.” The griffon answered.

There was a moment of silence, before Sandbar answered, confused and surprised. “Wait, like an actual sword? A weapon?”

Yeah I was not expecting that but then again we have to come prepared

As usual, let me answer all your comments one by one :).

1. Yes. Trying to take the best from many approaches is often a very healthy way, in moderation. Some ideas are just evil, and you cant truly use them for good; but often, there is something to learn from almost anything.
This idea appears here not for the first time, as all of Student Six learn a lot about other cultures. In the end, while there are great trials in front of them still, they may be the most versatile, accepting and wise creatures around.

2. Basically the same answer as above. We are all alive, and we can all live together, if we try.

3. He knows them well. Don't tell me you're surprised :). They are really close to each other.

4. Yes, dragons are tough. Very tough.

5. Fixed, thank you.

6. Ocellus definitely channeled Twilight a little there... and some Rarity. No such thing as overpacking when it comes to important things ;).

7. It's dangerous to go alone, after all.

“Actually, now that I know more about it, these books are really accurate.” Ocellus said, finally managing to close her backpack now that some of her books were carried by Yona. “The author must have visited Gryphus to get all of that right.”

To be honest with you back in season 2 I thought it was fictional but then after season 4 came around apparently her Adventure was pretty real and I was not expecting that at all so anything's possible

“Less likely than Mare on the Moon being real, entire race of Changelings not only being real but also infiltrating Equestria for decades without their knowledge, Tirek existing, and all the other stuff?” Smolder asked, grabbing one gem that didn’t fit into her backpack and eating it slowly. “Nice, very crunchy. And then we have that crazy griffon I met, thousand-years-old Nightmare Moon cult, and evil necromancers. At this point, I can believe in almost anything.”

Yeah it feels like anything Legends or stories we thought it was just for fun or just make up stories turns out to be real especially the Daring Do the legends of the pillars The Disappearance of the Crystal Empire and the Sea Ponies and yeah a lot of things happen

“And Princess Celestia won’t even be staying in Canterlot.” Sandstone added. “Neighvis and Elder Greyhorn are still trying to cause a war. Equestria is going to give back some of the land it took from buffalo hundreds of years ago, and they are both unhappy now. And very vocal about it.”


This is a pretty interesting start of a story so there was a creature from far away name princess Lycklig learning friendship from every creature especially from the young 6 giving her a advice about the cultures and everything even though some of them she doesn't understand but she takes it by heart but within a few days she left but without sending a invitation to the young six to come to the wedding so this will be an interesting wedding that's for sure and whatever Discord try to warn them that they are on their own I wonder what that's supposed to mean

“No, I’m a flying polar bear with rainbow mane.” Ocellus winced. Recently, she had trouble controlling her emotions, and apparently now she was turning snarky. Great. “Sorry.”

To be honest with you that was actually a pretty good one who ever thought you had it in you Ocellus

“Crushes? Smolder and Gallus have crushes?” Yona asked, suddenly appearing behind them.

There are a couple of stories about those two shipping together which it think is pretty cute as well

“No, yak wedding best! Yaks smash a lot, and have food, and drinks! And drinks make yaks smash more!” Yona explained happily.

“And it can be scary.” Silverstream added. Others looked at them both, knowing that out of all of them these two had it worst last summer. “There is good everywhere, but sometimes it’s really hard to find it.”

Yeah that's right they really did had it worse but both smolder and Ocellus kind of saw death himself which that makes it more scarier

Ocellus felt a strong feeling coming from both of the royal griffons and her eyes opened wide in surprise, but she didn’t say anything. However, Princess Lycklig noticed her surprise and, visibly amused, winked at her in a very non-royal way.

Ah I see ok cool

“Watch where you are going, foreigner.” A voice colder than the metal she just hit said. Ocellus looked up, and saw a griffon in a chest plate, looking at her with contempt.

Oh boy it's going to be one of those jerks

“…What did you just call me, you animal?” The griffon answered angrily. “How dare you come here and talk to me, defending this pathetic coward! I am a great knight of…”

You may be a knight but you sure are the most rudest person I ever met

But her dreams were full of cold and darkness. She felt as if a looming figure of darkness was watching over her, and while sometimes it had the face of Prince Ondska, most of the time it was just darkness incarnate. Death. Ocellus did not sleep well that night.

Wow this is really getting interesting so it looks like Gallus and the others finally arrived to there destination and represent their invitation to the guards and it looks like they get the chance to stay at the castle which that's pretty cool so it looks like the other side to make themselves at home until the two princess arrived to meet them and even announcing about their marriage and they're together and the others are pretty happy for them but then Ocellus was trying to make our way to somewhere but then she bumped into the prince and he is not friendly at all luckily Yona came to rescue and basically push the prince and silver stream even check out the place as well and met with the King having an interesting conversation with each other it's always nice to have somebody to talk never pretty good conversation but it looks like the prince wants even boy this will get very crazy and by the way I hope you're feeling better I didn't know you were not feeling well try to take your time on your stories

It was the siren call of death. The calm feeling that everything was already predetermined, and nothing matters. They would all die, eventually. Why fight it? These griffons who could not resist this feeling just sat there, no longer caring about anything. Just watching.

“Yona thinks prince really stupid.” He heard from behind. He turned to face the speaker, and to his shock saw the six foreign guests – and the graf of Haukland – standing defiantly among the paralyzed guests. “He thinks strong are weak, and weak are strong. Is prince blind or stupid?”

Yona is so dang brave at least she can resist whatever strong feelings of fear

“Nah, I don’t think so.” Smolder realized something. “Wait, is that why you were so focused on Ocellus? Is your muur or whatever angry that she ruined his plans?”

Well even death was pretty ticked off that his plan was a failure now he really wants revenge against Ocellus again she really can't catch a break

“What? No! Maar?” Ondska looked around, confused, before focusing his attention on Smolder. “You are liars! All of you!”

So he doesn't know the truth either basically following blindly

“Of course we do! A mare and a stallion, two mares, two stallions, and everypony else. Love doesn’t choose, right?” Sandbar said, shaking his head. “I will ask Princess Cadance to send somepony with the right spell to Vedina. I’m sure she’ll be overjoyed.

Straight gay lesbian doesn't matter love is love it's how you feel

Oh wow that was crazy and pretty intense so the wedding was on the way and both of them were pretty happy they have each other but then the prince that was invited basically rebelling against Lycklig and there was a lot of Carnage around everywhere especially the guards getting killed like that and the kids did the fast to fight him off but he was just too strong but silverstream and Ocellus convince the others to fight back but luckily everybody did and he had no power against them knowing for a fact that he was outnumbered and out powered he had no choice to retreat then after that the wedding was continuing on despite the craziness but it was very sweet meanwhile the prince was about to go for another plan B but it looks like death already has different plans

Thanks to you previous comments, I finally watched Puss in Boots 2. Really enjoyed it, so thanks for that.

And yeah, poor Ocellus. Nightmares, rude knights, surprising anger issues... and it's not even the end of what's to come.

There are few things better for evil then those who just 'want to use it', and are 'absolutely not serving it'. Ondska heard what he wanted to hear from Maar, and was sure he can use this power to achieve his goals. The small fact that he was supporting the literal manifestation of death (and that it would have terrible consequences) didn't really cross his mind as something important... and he paid the price for it.

“I am sir Gallus, of Griffonfsone. These are my companions. We arrived with a mission from the royal house of Vedina.” Gallus took out the royal documents and passed the to the knight, who quickly read through them.


“Boreas gave us our intellect, so we would be different then mindless animals and plants that populated the world. And thanks to this gift, Griffonkind prospered, creating mighty buildings, among them temples to worship the Four Creators.”

Yeah we heard about that just a little bit in season 5

“Why not ask Him yourself?” The Prelate asked.

Suddenly, the darkness descended upon the desecrated temple.

All of them felt the touch of Maar before. But none ever felt it so strong. None of them could think, focus, act. They were standing among an endless darkness, each of them alone in the halls of Death.

“You know, Silverstream, I think you should feel more sorry for us then a villain. Snap out of it, he’s the bad guy here!” Gallus protested again.

I guess silver stream trying to be neutral about the situation just like what happened with Starlight sunset Gilda Trixie and so forth trying to give them the benefit of doubt but when it comes to genocide and everything this is when we had to draw the line somewhere

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