• Member Since 21st Nov, 2022
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Just your regular fanfiction writer. Big fan of EaW and Fallout:Equestria. I also have a Patreon!


This story is a sequel to Alicorn training... with Applejack?

Books rarely fail Twilight. Friendship is the only thing she couldn't master just by reading a good book, after all; everything else is there, in the library, she just needs to know where to look.

But now her newfound earth pony powers prove to be a mystery. Why are there almost no books about them? And why are the few ones that exist locked in a forbidden section of Canterlot Library? The newly-ascended alicorn decides to investigate it herself, but what she finds only makes her ask more questions.

Sequel written thanks to my fans. If you want to see more stories from me, consider supporting me in some way!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

And why was she now thinking about a school for dragons?

That's racist against other creatures, Twilight. Move up to a school for friendship, and then we're good.

Celestia winced. Maybe telling Twilight about the darker side of suppressing society would be a good idea soon. First so she wouldn’t try something like this herself, and second so she would stop almost-worshipping her. It was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable, with Twilight being not only an Element of Magic but a Princess herself.

Yeah, I think you should Celestia

Otherwise things aren't going to go well.

And you kinda did the almost-worshipping thing to yourself. You never corrected her at any time while she was your student.

That is on you.

This reminds of this old fic about ,Twilight, giving a talk with a bunch foal's and they ask (something about math or whatever...I don't remember at this point...) The kicker is ,Twilight, dig's herself a giant hole and throws herself in it as question after question reveals (inadvertently) her bias and unknown prejudices to the world (and the other element's and reporter's). I thought it could been explored a little more thoroughly but, now I need to find it! Where are you pony fic! Sigh.

“Earth ponies have much greater strength then the other two tribes; however, as everything in nature, this must be balanced. In this case it is apparent that their strength is limited by qn intellectual weakness. As our physical superiors and mental inferiors, it is therefore natural that serfdom is a perfect solution to our coexistence in society… Who wrote this, this garbage?” Twilight had a lot of respect for books, but whoever wrote this was so wrong she couldn’t even imagine how he would come to this conclusion. She checked quickly; apparently, this was supposed to be published a little over five hundred years ago, but Celestia put her hoof down and sent it to archives instead.

Oh no...
I see where ponies got the "earth ponies are dumb" thing

Its time to fix this mess

Yep, one day she will look back at this moment and feel a little bit ashamed. In her defense, Celestia never seemed to care much for the world outside Equestria, and it took a major shock - Storm King's invasion - to give Twilight a push necessary to understand that friendship limited just to ponies is no true friendship at all.

I will definitely write more stories about that later, the theme of Twilight opening Equestria to other creatures and the contrast between her and Celestia.

Yeah, as we've seen in "Royal Problem", Twilight definitely has an issue of worshiping the ground Celestia walks on sometimes, and there was a reason why in that episode she was the one explicitly not sent to Canterlot...

Sounds very interesting, if you find it please let me know! I would love to read it.

I will definitely explore the theme of prejudice and Equestrian isolationism in some of other stories, it is a fascinating topic.

Amazing how 'science' based on racism and eugenics leads to biased results, isn't it? I explored the theme a little more in Silverstream gets kidnapped and it is definitely not the last time I will write about it.

Triptych, a very popular story by a different author, is an amazing example of racism and why 'science' based on prejudice may only lead to bad things.

What mess? From Celestia's point of view, everything is fine. She eradicated prejudice, right?

Twilight may or may not disagree.

I will write more about Celestia and her point of view in my planned stories, especially one I am preparing to write soon about thestrals (and Luna trying to reform Equestria to integrate them instead of keeping them on the sidelines... with mixed and explosive results).

There we will see more of how she sees her society, and why being a sole unquestioned ruler for a thousand years, even if you're a purely good creature, is not really healthy for you or for your country.

Suppressing and whitewashing story is not only a disservice to its victims, it prevents the new generation from learning those mistakes.

Yes. Very much yes. I am happy to see that despite Twilight not fully understanding this (yet), everyone reading this story realized the issues with Celestia's solution.

Celestia had good reasons in the old days but now she should fix it because if twilight can find tons about the other tribes then it will look like the other two are superior and I get that eart ponies didn't have an education for a long time but it isn't that way anymore and the only way to combat ignorance is with knowledge besides barely speaking of one tribe while speaking well of the others is rude.

I would definitely like a part three.

100% agree. We may see more of that in later parts, if I get to writing it.

Yeah that part is her fault and if she wants to be taken then she has to put her and force twilight to see her flaws. She has never really done that and even when it could have happened twilight ignored it because they were in an emergency situation with the changelings.

No i meant IN THE FUTURE
i see why g5 had the issue with racism

Very interesting! And I definitely agree I suspect Celestia might fall into the trap of "It ain't broke, don't fix it" even if it is broke.

I'm definitely down for more. I'm very curious to see where you're gonna go with this. n_n

I think the issue here is that what Celestia did, while questionable... was kind of needed at the time. When the other pony stops talking and resorts to violence, action has to be taken and the wheel of prejudice needed to be broken up enough to allow for the shards of the twisted old way to be cast down and for new things to stabilize.

But then, this is the issue of the Guarded Flower.

Ooh! Part three... :twilightsmile:

I am back to writing after technical issues, so hopefully I'll write the next story in this series soon! I have it planned already, just need to find strength and time to sit down and put it on paper, proofread and upload. Sorry for the delay.

Surprising amount of people read this story and commented on it, with many different worldviews. I myself can easily see why Celestia did what she did back then, but when it comes to whether it was the correct thing to do or not... opinions among my readers definitely differ.

The third story in my 'Celestia'a solutions to Racism' series is definitely going to spark even more discussions, considering it's topic. Can't wait for that.

Now that I have a PC to write it on, I'm back to working on it :).

Nothing to be sorry for! Real life takes priority. Plus that just means it's extra special when a new story drops. n_n

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