• Published 8th Jul 2023
  • 378 Views, 34 Comments

Fun Time Movie - AmethystMajesty25

Fun Time Rush travels to London for their world tour where they also have to save the world.

  • ...

FTR on the Run

Fun Time Rush were still stuck on the ceiling in their suite thanks to a device that Beryl discovered in the wrong backpack.

“Close it! Close it!” Tempo shouted.

Diamond and Cloudburst begged Beryl and he slowly deactivated the device until they all fell down along with the other hotel furniture.

“Close it slower next time,” Diamond reminded him, softly.

The band got up and moved away from the device. Cloudburst, Diamond, and Tempo panicked until Beryl shouted, “Okay, everybody calm down! 'Cause… I got nothing else.”

Suddenly, a Global Justice agent barged in and the boy band turned around to put their hands up.

“Well, it seems like we underestimated you boys. But don't you ever, underestimate Global Justice.”

Tempo said, “I'm sorry, did you say Global Jus…”

The agent shot Tempo in the leg with a tranquilizer dart. Tempo whimpered and fell on the bed, lying unconscious. “So, I'll be taking this backpack now, and I highly recommend no one else try anything funny.”

“We're actually very sad right now,” Diamond whispered to his pals, which they nodded.

Suddenly, two teenagers dressed up like spies broke through the window and the boy band turned around.

The blonde-haired male teen said, “Now, now, you know you should never take things that don't belong to you.”

The agent told the teen spies, “Kim, Ron, stay out of this. This is Global Justice’s business.”

Kim replied, “Afraid I can't do that, sir. My father's in danger.”

The Global Justice agent fired tranquilizers at Team Possible and the duo dodged the darts until they knocked the agent down with a kick.

“Dibs on that girl,” Diamond whispered.

Ron picked up the backpack and apologized to the band, “Sorry about that, guys.”

“We'd love to stay and chat, but a lot of people are after my backpack,” Kim told them.

Cloudburst noted, “Cool.”

Beryl nodded, “That's fine.”

Diamond smiled, “I'm Diamond.”

Suddenly, a Scottish hotel employee bumped into Ron, losing the backpack and sending it flying back to the boy band.

“Room service!” The hotel employee said.

“Duff Killigan?” Kim questioned him.

“Aw man, you ruined my disguise. Oh well, no turning back now,” Duff Killigan took off his disguise and revealed his normal outfit as usual.

Diamond screamed in disgust, “He's wearing a skirt. Gross!”

“It's called a kilt, you lot!” Duff Killigan corrected him.

“We should help her,” Cloudburst suggested.

Beryl stopped him, “We can't. Too dangerous.”

Duff Killigan ordered, “Okay, everyone, just give me the backpack, and no danger comes to you.”

Cloudburst held onto the backpack and vowed, “Never.”

“What?” Diamond reacted.

Duff Killigan laughed until Ron pushed the cart at him, knocking the evil Scotsman over.

“Run!” Beryl called.

“Get Tempo!” Cloudburst shouted and the boy band grabbed Tempo before exiting the suite from the window.

“Down the fire escape!” Diamond exclaimed and left their suite.

“Those blasted fools! I'll cut them off downstairs,” Duff vowed and ran off, exiting the suite.

Kim then went to check on Ron and extended her hand, “Are you all right?”

“Yeah, I'm good, KP.” Ron grabbed her hand and Kim pulled him up. “Wait, where's the backpack?”

“The boy band has it. C'mon, we gotta go get that backpack and rescue those boys. They have no idea what they're in for.”

Ron nodded and followed Kim, exiting the suite from the window.

Meanwhile, Virtue and Gloria walked their way back to the lobby.

“Okay, why are we in the lobby?” Gloria questioned her daughter. “I said I wanted to find the guys and make sure that they unpacked.”

Virtue assured her, “Relax. I'm sure they're fine.”

While they looked away, the boy band continued running outside from Kim and Ron. Suddenly, Duff Killigan ran past Virtue and Gloria to exit the hotel.

Ignoring what transpired, Virtue continued, “And besides, I know how much you love lobbies and—” Then, he saw the Duke of Bath and immediately pushed her mother. “Oops.”

Gloria bumped into the Duke and apologized, “I am so sorry!”

The Duke of Bath replied, “A thousand pardons.”

“Hi, I'm Virtue, and this is my single mom, Gloria. So nice to meet you.”

He bowed to the girls, “Duke of Bath, at your service.”

Virtue explained, “We are visiting your lovely city and we're just saying that we wish we had someone to show us around.”

“We weren't just saying that we...” Gloria said.

“I would be delighted to show you around London. I do have a brief meeting I must attend, but the rest of the day, the Duke of Bath is at your service.” The Duke guffawed and went to attend his meeting.

Gloria turned her attention to her daughter and asked, “What was that?”

“That was royalty.”

“Oh no. You are not dragging me into your How-to-Become-a-Real-Princess thing.”

Virtue exclaimed, “You can't turn down royalty, Mom!”

Back to Golden and Shelly, they were having a discussion with the world tour promoter with his assistant by his side as they were on their way to FTR's suite.

“When I told the guys they were gonna meet the biggest concert promoter in all of Europe, they said, "We're not going anywhere until we meet the man." And now, let's go meet my dogs.” Golden explained and opened the doors.

When they entered the suite, everyone was not happy and the suite was trashed, making Golden and Shelly dropped their jaws.

“I knew this was a waste of money!” Golden yelled, taking the guidebook from Shelly and dropping it on the floor.

The world tour promoter put his shades on and told Golden, “Well, Golden, FTR's world tour hasn't even started yet, and I've already lost...” His assistant showed him the calculator of how much money was wasted. The promoter continued, “£30,000.”

Golden facepalmed and Shelly assured the promoter, “No, it's—it's fine. They're just trying to blow off some steam.”

The world tour promoter informed them, “Well, they better not blow off today's sound check or I call off the world tour.”

“Oh, you wouldn't do that.” Golden bluffed.

“Yes, I would.”

Golden became nervous and Shelly told him, “It's okay. All we got to do is find the guys before sound check. I mean, how much trouble could they possibly get into, right?”

“Right!” Golden said, nervously.

In an unknown location where Global Justice HQ is held, an agent marched down to the director's office to meet the director who wore an eyepatch just like Gemini.

She asked, “Who are they?”

Her agent answered, “Fun Time Rush.” He pulled up a picture of Fun Time Rush. “A boy band from Canterlot performing tonight in Hyde Park.”

“Let me guess, Agent Will Du, more teenage super spies who received a package from Team Possible?”

Agent Will answered, “It is possible that they just received the backpack at random from Mr Possible, who might have been in danger.”

The director questioned him, “Then how do you explain them taking out Team Impossible at the Queen's Hotel?” An agent handed her papers. She noticed, “Thank you.”

“I can't,” Agent Will answered.

“And that's the reason why I'm number one and you're number two.” The director asked, “Who else is after the backpack?”

“Team Possible tried to obtain the backpack but was thwarted by this man,” Agent Will pulled up a surveillance image of Duff, disguised as a hotel employee. “Duff Killigan.”

“Should we be worried?”

“Not sure, ma'am. But if he tries to get the backpack before we do, we'll stop him.” Agent Will assured her.

The director replied, “I see. Find this Fun Time Rush before anyone else does and before they leave England with that backpack.”

Agent Will nodded, “Yes, director.”

Somewhere in the Chinatown district in London, the boy band were hiding from the public. Tempo was dressed in a traditional men's Chinese outfit with a straw hat and observed his surroundings.

Beryl was hiding in the boxes and asked him, “Can't you search any faster?”

“Oh, I'm sorry if I'm a little slow because I got shot with a dart!” Tempo tossed the dart away.

“What does it say about the floaty thing?” Beryl asked.

Tempo explained, “All I found is, rocket scientist, Doctor James Possible, was rumoured to be developing an anti-gravitational device with the military's science division, but denied the report saying the technology is an impossible dream.”

Cloudburst popped up from the trash bin and whispered, “Well, it's not, and we have it.”

Diamond hid in the phone booth while wearing a fake beard and suggested, “Search, "Hot girl with orange hair in a black shirt and green pants 'cause that is my dream girl.”

“You mean the deadly girl with her sidekick? Pass.” Beryl answered.

“Hey, there is a chance that she is good in her. I know it.”

Tempo told Diamond, “You are supposed to be calling my mother, Golden and/or Shelly.”

Diamond replied, “Yeah, well, our phones are back in the hotel room.” He then has a telephone in his hand. “What is this thing?”

Beryl said, “Well, the good news is that I brought a backup phone in case I left my other one, which is in the hotel room. The bad news, it only has 1% of the battery left.”

“Great. Are you calling my mother, Golden, and/or Shelly now?” Tempo asked.

“No. We can't let them get involved in our situation. Right now, the only option that I can do now is to call our friends back at home or in New York who can help us get out of this mess.”

Cloudburst asked, “Whom do you have in mind?”

Meanwhile, an owl-like creature was on his own in the Turtle Lair, when Leo’s T-Phone began to ring. Using his tongue, it hit the call button.

“Hello, Leonardo's phone, Hooty speaking, how can I help you?” He said.

Beryl replied, “Well, I’m looking for Leonardo, his brothers and the Rainbooms. My friends and I have a bit of a situation in London, England. And we could really use their help.”

“Sorry, Leo and the others are busy helping the Owl Lady, Dragons and the rest trying to stop an evil plot in New York City. But don’t worry, I’m here, and we could talk for hours, and hours, and hours...” Beryl hung up after that exchange. “Hello? Anyone there? Probably not important.”

Beryl hung up the phone with a disappointed look on his face as the battery died. “I hate to disappoint you all but, they're not coming to help us.” He said.

“What? Why not?” Diamond asked.

“Because some guy named Hooty said they're busy with some major stuff in New York—something about dragons and owls.”

“Welp, we are officially doomed.” Tempo put his head down.

“Well, if no one's going to help us, then I guess we'll be the ones to stop whoever's after this backpack, save the princess, and then save the world,” Cloudburst stated.

Beryl suggested, “Or we can call the police, tell them that we have no idea what's going on. They don't shoot us, fix everything, and we save our world tour.”

“Done,” Beryl nodded.

Diamond agreed, “Done.”

Cloudburst was silent and did not agree with Tempo's suggestion.

“You didn't say, "Done." You're supposed to say, "Done." Tempo said.

“No, 'cause we are in the middle of something big,” Cloudburst showed them the backpack. “And we can't let this fall into the wrong hands.”

Tempo freaked out, “WE ARE THE WRONG HANDS!”

Cloudburst remembered something and told his pals, “Well, how about the woman in the airport?”

Beryl questioned him, “What woman from the airport? There was no woman from the airport.”

Diamond asked, “Was she hot?”

“Well, I saw her with the policemen dragging the unconscious man away,” Cloudburst explained.

“She's probably a commissioner or a detective working with the police to catch the criminal. That's all.” Beryl stated.

Cloudburst then saw Shego and three of Gemini’s henchmen, the same group that Cloudburst saw at the airport earlier, approaching them. He pointed his finger at the villainous group, “Well, you can tell that to them.”

The rest of the band turned around to see Shego and the henchmen approaching them with evil intentions.

“There they are! After them!” Shego ordered the henchmen and started running.

“Ooh, she looks beautiful,” Diamond complimented until Beryl dragged him.

The band ran away to the alley from the bad guys.

Beryl stated, “Welp, I officially hate that group from the airport.”

“You mean the girl with that green energy thing in her hand?” Tempo asked, loudly.

Cloudburst told his pals, “I told you we were in something big!”

As the bad guys were closing in on the boy band, Beryl saw a little drift shop near them and had an idea.

“Sidewalk sale? Everything free?” Beryl asked loudly and the shoppers gathered around to get the free clothes, buying the boy band some time from Shego’s group.

Beryl shouted, “I think we're in the clear!”

Then, the boy band were suddenly stopped by Kim and Ron with their getaway van.

“Well, well, just the boys we were looking for,” Kim said.

Diamond smiled and waved at Kim, softly while the boy band were cornered.

“Get in the van if you want to live,” Ron told them.

Tempo stood up to the duo, “Ooh, yeah, what if we want to live but don't want to get in the van?” Suddenly, a dart shot Tempo in the butt by one of Gemini’s henchmen from behind. “Not again,” Tempo groaned before he passed out again.

“Getting in the van!” Beryl shouted.

“Oh, yeah! Love the van plan!” Diamond commented.

While the boys dragged Tempo and went into the van, Kim and Ron went inside and Kim stepped on the gas pedal. The van accelerated and escaped from Shego’s clutches.

“Dang it!” Shego vented and punched the mailbox out of anger.

Then, Duff Killigan laughed and drove his motorscooter to follow the van.

While Kim was driving, Diamond spoke to her, “We were debating, do you stand for good or evil or have a boyfriend?”

“Don't talk,” Kim ordered.

Diamond continued speaking to her, “See, I love the way you say that. Say something else.”

“Shut up!”

“Mmm, are you feeling what I'm feeling? 'Cause I'm feeling…” As Diamond put his arm on Kim’s shoulders, she pressed a button and a boxing glove contraption punched Diamond, knocking him out as a result.

While Duff Killigan was hot on the trail of the van, a voice from the van announced, “Duff Killigan is approaching fast.”

Cloudburst and Beryl popped up, surprising them that they actually heard the van talking.

“Did that van just talk?” Cloudburst asked.

The van replied, “Oh, bravo, Captain Obvious.”

“Um, did the rude van just talk?” Beryl said.

“Van! Behind us!” Ron alerted.

Duff was closing on the van and told himself, “Once I have the floaty thing, I'll sell it to the black market and become the richest mini-golfer in history.” He grabbed a rifle filled with golf balls inside and aimed at the van. “Forth!” Duff shouted and fired a golf ball at the window of the van.

Beryl, Cloudburst, and Ron ducked and saw a golf ball.

“Is that a golf ball?” Cloudburst said. “Is he shooting us with golf balls?”

“Eeyup,” Ron said. “But I don't think that's just any normal golf ball, dude.”

Ron’s hunch was right and the golf ball started blinking.

Cloudburst panicked, “That's not good! That's not good!”

Beryl grabbed a golf ball and threw it out the window and Duff dodged the incoming golf ball until it exploded right behind them.

“Exploding golf balls? Is he a mini golfer or something?” Cloudburst asked.

“Something like that,” Kim answered.

The van suggested to Kim, “May I suggest a nice oil spritzer?”

Kim pressed the button and the back engines started shooting oil at Duff.

Duff groaned, “Aw man. Ah'm gonna need a new kilt after this. The motor scooter slipped and Duff fell down on the puddle of oil. He gritted his teeth and aimed at the van with his golf gun. “Forth!” Duff fired a golf ball from his golf ball gun, but it dropped near him because of the oil. “Uh-oh.”

After that, an explosion boomed behind the van, knocking Duff Killigan out as a result.

“Well, that's twice I've saved your lives today,” Kim took off her seatbelt and told Beryl, “You, take the wheel.”

“Uh…” Beryl grabbed the steering wheel. He sat on the driver's seat until he put the seatbelt on while Kim went to get the backpack.

“Uh, Rufus?” Ron asked, looking around. “Where are you?”

“Who's Rufus?” Cloudburst asked as he noticed something moving inside from the front pouch of the backpack. Kim opened it and a naked mole rat popped out of the pouch, covered with nacho cheese on his mouth.

“Rufus!” Ron cheered and hugged his pet.

“That's Rufus?” Cloudburst said.

Ron nodded, “Yep. He's my pet and my best friend in the world.” He then sniffed, “Have you been eating my nacho snacks from Bueno Nacho?”

Rufus sheepishly chuckled, admitting that he ate it.

“I hope you can drive better than you sing,” The van said.

“Okay, how is the van speaking?” Beryl questioned the spy duo.

Ron answered, “Oh, that’s actually an artificial intelligence created by our friend Wade, who put it in this van also created by him. Wade is currently taking some time off, for once.”

On a beach somewhere, the well-known boy genius of Team Possible was currently relaxing on a beach chair with a drink.

“This is actually relaxing,” Wade said, sounding very relaxed as he sipped his drink and laid down on the beach chair, “...I’m bored.”

Beryl replied, “Okay. Now how do you turn this thing off?”

“No, colder. Wrong.” The van mocked Beryl while he pressed some buttons until he found the off switch. “No. Don't!”

“This is just like my dream!” Cloudburst remembered, feeling excited. “It's all coming true.”

“No, it's not!” Tempo woke up and replied, “Where's The Beatles? Huh? Nowhere. And unless shoot-me girl is Eleanor Rigby or Rita the lovely meter maid, then you stop with your stupid dream.”

Kim introduced herself, “I'm Kim, Kim Possible.”

“And my name is Ron, Ron Stoppable. And this is Rufus, which you already met.”

The naked mole rat saluted the boy band.

Diamond woke up and popped up right between Kim and Ron. “And I'm Diamond, Diamond Glow,” He looked at Kim and continued speaking, “And I think we got the wrong foot.”

“It was a boxing glove,” Kim told Diamond. “And my father is James Possible, who borrowed my backpack yesterday to sneak…” She opened the backpack and the anti-gravitational device was shown. “Whatever this is out of the lab and an enemy of ours wants it.” Kim pulled up a file and picture of Gemini on the computer monitor.

Cloudburst gasped and Beryl told him, “Stop gasping.” Tempo and Beryl slapped Cloudburst on the arm after that.

Kim explained, “This is Gemini. Head of the Worldwide Evil Empire. Also known as W.E.E.”

“We?” Tempo questioned.

Ron corrected him, “No, not that kind of we. She meant, W.E.E. as in W-E-E. W.E.E.”

“Huh, an acronym. Confusing but interesting at the same time.” Diamond commented.

“Wait a minute!” Cloudburst realized something and pointed his finger at the monitor. “That's the guy in my dream.”

Ron and Kim wondered, “What?”

“Gemini? He's your evil dream guy?” Beryl asked him.

Cloudburst explained, “Well, he was bald, he was a different guy, and he was wearing a white, fancy suit!”

“Does anyone want to know what my dream is, huh?” Tempo asked Cloudburst. “It's to stay alive!” He slapped Cloudburst on the backside of his head.


Kim continued, “Anyway... the next thing I know, he's missing, and you've got my backpack.” She snapped pictures at the device and resumed speaking, “And I think Gemini has my father. Which is why we are going to arrange a little meeting.”

“Uh, sorry. "We?"” Tempo questioned Kim. “Not to be confused by the name of the organization, but what do you mean by "we?" Why are you saying "we?"”

“It occurred to me that Gemini has teamed up with my arch-rival, Shego, which you already met,” Kim answered.

“And she works with Dr. Drakken,” Ron pulled up a picture of Dr. Drakken onscreen.

Kim continued, “Gemini will have an army to back him up. So, Ron and I need one too.”

“Um, did it occur to you to just go to the police or Global Justice?” Beryl suggested.

“Right now, all Global Justice wants is the backpack, but I want my dad back.”

Diamond understood Kim and spoke up, “She helped us. We can help her.” He put his arm around Kim’s shoulder again and Ron separated them.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hands off, pretty boy. Kim's my girlfriend, thank you very much.”

Tempo stated, “There you go with the word "we" again.”

The van advised Kim and Ron, “I must advise against this, Kim. My sensors are getting a strong reading of idiot.”

“Hey!” Beryl slapped the van.


Beryl informed Kim and Ron, “We have the most important sound check of our lives, now. And the plan is to go to the police and clear our names and—” He then looked at the TV monitor and noticed a picture of the boy band. “What is that?”

Everyone looked at the screens on the monitors showing the band’s name on the wanted list.

Cloudburst read the headlines out loud, “Global Justice wants Fun Time Rush arrested for assaulting four Global Justice agents and crimes against a hotel room.”

After that, everyone heard police sirens behind them and police cars were chasing after the van.

Diamond panicked, “Okay, so going to the cops is out.”

Kim pleaded with the boy band, “My father can help you clear your names, but you have to help me save him.”

Beryl replied, “Fine. And in return, you help us get to our sound check and save our world tour.”

Ron noted, “Done.”

Suddenly, more police cars showed up to form a blockade in front of the van.

“Uh-oh,” Diamond noticed.

Tempo said, “Yep, we're done all right.”

Team Impossible and a couple more Global Justice agents arrived to aid the police.

“All right, guys. Get out!” Kim ordered.

Cloudburst and Beryl got out of their seats to move in the back while Kim sat in the driver's seat again. She pressed a button and a battering was activated.

“Activating battering ram.”

“Uh, excuse me, won't that make us crash really bad and hurt our faces?” Diamond asked.

“I was going to tell her the same thing, dude,” Ron said.

Kim answered, “Most likely, but I don't see your escape plan.”

“What?/Huh?” Tempo and Cloudburst reacted.

Ron wept, “Yep, we're doomed.”

The boys screamed until the van started floating over the law enforcement and into the sky, surprising them. It turns out, Beryl used the anti-gravitational device to evade police custody.

“I'll close it slower this time,” He said.

Kim asked the boy band, “So, where's your sound check.”

Fun Time Rush answered, “Hyde Park!”

“Then that's where I'll arrange our meeting with Gemini,” Kim stated and sent an e-mail to Gemini to arrange a meeting.

“Whee!” Ron and the van cheered.

“Woo-hoo!” Cloudburst screamed in excitement as the bell tolled from Big Ben.

Author's Note: