• Published 8th Jul 2023
  • 383 Views, 34 Comments

Fun Time Movie - AmethystMajesty25

Fun Time Rush travels to London for their world tour where they also have to save the world.

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Welcome to London

Somewhere In London, a beautiful princess was tied up to a chair by an evil, bald-headed, eye-patch-wearing scientist who's petting his pet cat in his luxurious castle.

With three henchmen surrounding the princess, the evil scientist laughed, “We can do this ze easy, princess... or ze hard way. Now, for the last time, tell me the launch codes for the nuclear missiles so I can rule ze world!” He laughed as his cat yowled.

The princess shouted, “HELP!”

The boy band, Fun Time Rush, sprang into action and went to rescue the princess with their spy outfits.

Beryl, Tempo, and Cloudburst hurdled all of the evil scientist's obstacles and entered the castle, leaving the evil scientist all alone. However, he grabbed the princess and held her hostage.

“Nice try, Fun Time Rush, but I have the princess, and I will rule ze world!” He laughed.

Diamond was still skydiving and boosted straight down to the castle. After that, Diamond broke through the roof and crashed down on the evil scientist, defeating him and the princess was saved.

“Princess!” Beryl called.

The boy band asked together, “Are you okay?”

“Fun Time Rush, you saved me.” The princess said.

Diamond popped up behind his pals and told her, “It's what we do.”

“How can I ever repay you?”

Cloudburst walked forward and smiled, “Princess, knowing that you and this world are safe, is payment enough.”

“Oh, Mr. Cloudburst.”

He closed his eyes to get ready for a big kiss from the princess.

The princess continued calling him, “Mr. Cloudburst... Mr. Cloudburst?”

Snapping back to reality, FTR, Golden Rock, Shelly, Gloria, and Virtue were on a plane to London as the old flight attendant called the sleepy Cloudburst loudly, “Mr Cloudburst...”

Cloudburst slowly opened his eyes and saw the flight attendant in front of him... until he screamed. Everyone onboard turned their attention to Cloudburst, wondering if he was all right.

“Pull your seat back forward. We'll be landing soon.” The flight attendant ordered and Cloudburst pulled his seat forward.

“Secret agent dream again?” Diamond asked him.

“Oh, it was so real. First, it all happened in London. Before our first show, we became top secret agents,” Cloudburst started. “And then we had a whole bunch of cool gadgets. So we have to save the princess from a wacky, evil villain who liked a mad scientist and was trying to take over the world. We had a huge adventure and it was amazing!”

“A castle, a princess, and us stopping an evil scientist from ruling the world sounds real to you?” Tempo questioned him.

Cloudburst added, “Don't forget the Beatles song.”

“You do know that will never happen right?” Diamond Glow asked.

“It was a dream I had. And besides, we also met a hot spy on the way,” Cloudburst told him.

Diamond rolled his eyes and Beryl said, “Let me tell you about my dream. We all move to Canterlot and somehow become a pop band. We go on a world tour where our first stop is in London.”

The flight captain announced, ”Okay, passengers, we're starting our descent, and in about 20 minutes, we'll be landing in London.”

“And it came true! Whoo-ooh-ooh!” The boys except Cloudburst said and twiddled their fingers at each other to celebrate.

As for Golden Rock, he was very nervous about the world tour. He said, “I am freaking out.”

Shelly Shores commented, “I didn't know you had a fear of flying.”

“I don't. I'm just afraid that Fun Time Rush is going to destroy their world tour.”

“Relax. Everything is going to be fine.” Shelly assured her manager.

While Golden was in panic mode, Tempo's mother, Gloria, noticed her daughter, Virtue, wearing a princess outfit.

“You know you can't be a real princess, right?” Gloria told her.

Virtue replied, “Mom if you can dream it, it can come true.”

Then, the boys looked through the windows, feeling excited, and saw the beautiful scenery and landmarks of London.

”And if you're in London tonight, make sure you look up in the sky as a supermoon rises over the city. It's the closest the moon has been to Earth in over 30 years, and it's sure to be stunning.” The news anchor announced.

Minutes later, the gang arrived at the airport.

“What was wrong with my outfit?” Virtue asked.

The grown-ups answered in unison, “Everything!”

After that, the boys were looking at the map of London, figuring out where they want to go first.

“All right, first up, we're going to the giant Ferris wheel,” Beryl suggested.

“Oh, I want to go to the Parliament,” Tempo added.

Golden grabbed their map and informed them, “You are not going anywhere, because tonight is our first stop on our world tour, and if you do nothing, then nothing can go wrong.”

Shelly held up a notebook, “It's our official world tour strategy. We hired outside consultants and everything.”

“But we're sold out,” Beryl told them. “I mean, how much trouble can we get into in one day?”

“A whole world of trouble,” Cloudburst said, wearing some dark shades, using his best spy voice and pointing his fake handgun at Golden.

“Okay, this is exactly what I was talking about!” Golden walked away after that.

“Okay, so don't touch anything, don't look at anyone, and go straight to baggage claim,” Shelly informed them and walked away with Golden along with Daisy and Virtue.

Beryl asked, “Can you even see in those things?”

Cloudburst replied, “Well, yes, they're a bit dark, but hey, if your world tour dream can come true, then why can't my spy dream?”

“Well, it's just ridiculous,” Diamond stated. “And besides, all I want is to meet a hot girl with one of those cool accents.”

Tempo answered, “My answer is that Beryl's dream is aspirational, and yours is stupid.”

Beryl stated, “And for two, we're not spies, we're ninjas, trained by Karai.”

Diamond continued, “And the Beatles are the greatest band in the world, and we are not them.”

Cloudburst took off his shades and told them, “Hey, dreams do come true. All I'm saying is that you guys...” He put on his shades again, “...might wanna watch your backs.”

Then, a man ran right through the boys and knocked them over.

“Sorry,” the guy apologized.

“See?” Cloudburst said.

Diamond exclaimed, “Hey! I thought British people were supposed to be nice!”

“Yeah, that was the rumor,” Tempo said.

Then, three policemen ran through them, knocking the boy band over again and Cloudburst gasped.

“Well, they are not!” Beryl exclaimed.

“Let's get out of here before any more people come running through us,” Tempo suggested and the boys went to get their luggage.

The man ran quickly away from the policemen and hid behind a wall. He sighed in relief and saw a backpack that looked just like the one he was carrying. He had an idea and swapped the backpack. The guy walked off with the backpack to find an exit until he was stopped by a woman in a trench coat and the three policemen surrounded him.

“Look guys, you got the wrong person. All right? Now let me pass.”

“Afraid not,” The woman said and knocked the guy out with a punch.

The boy band were on an escalator and got their luggage until Cloudburst saw the woman in a trench coat with her policemen dragging the unconscious man away to the exit.

Cloudburst gasped, “Did you guys see that? That woman just took somebody away.”

The rest of his pals looked and there was no one there.

“Did you watch one too many spy movies on the plane?” Beryl asked.

Diamond nodded, “Yes.”

Tempo called, “Now focus. Fun Time Rush is on a world tour, not in a spy movie.”

Cloudburst knew what he saw, but his friends did not believe him.

Meanwhile, in a luxurious castle, the man was tied up in a chair. Turns out, the three policemen were actually henchmen, the man was a secret agent, and the woman turned out to be Shego.

“If the super-rich and powerful man has everything, what else could he possibly want?” The mastermind was sitting on his chair and turned around to face the agent, revealing himself to be a man who wore an eyepatch while petting his pet chihuahua. "More."

“You'll never get away with this, Gemini.”

“Oh, correction, Mr. Possible. It is you who didn't get away.” The evil mastermind tossed his chihuahua aside while his henchman caught it. “And I will get everything I want.”

Gemini snapped his fingers, but he did not hear someone coming. He asked, “Shego, where is Dr. Drakken?”

Then, Drakken entered the room and apologized, “I'm here, I'm here. Sorry. Just went to eat some snacks.”

“The backpack please?” Gemini ordered.

“Here, sir,” Drakken delivered the backpack to Gemini.

The evil mastermind laughed and unzipped the backpack until he found some headphones. “What?” He tossed out some clothes and other stuff from the backpack. “Where is it? What is this stuff?”

“Oh, did I get the bags mixed up at the airport?” Mr. Possible asked, smirking.

Gemini dropped the bag in disbelief. “You fools! We have to find it before anyone else does! Check airport security! Check satellite surveillance! Where is that backpack?!” He screamed while his henchmen, Drakken, and Shego scrambled to find the backpack.

Meanwhile, Fun Time Rush and their gang arrived at a hotel, as the fans started screaming and cheering, including Middleton High’s cheerleading team.

Beryl told Golden, “See, Golden, one whole hour in London...”

The boy band said in unison, “And no trouble.”

Golden ordered Fun Time Rush, ”Just sign some autographs, move briskly into the lobby, and stay outof trouble.”

While the gang were making their way to the hotel, a secret agent got his eyes on Beryl’s backpack.

“This is Agent Burn to GJ. The package has been located.”

“All agents proceed with caution. We don't know who or what we're dealing with.”

“Copy that, ma'am.” Agent Burn acknowledged and exited his car to follow them. Plus, two more agents followed alongside Agent Burn.

Fun Time Rush and their crew entered the hotel and Diamond said, “Well, I didn't meet my dream girl with a dreamy accent, but I see you brought your nightmare backpack.”

Beryl groaned, “I told you, it was sent to me by a fan, and it's actually very special to me.”

“It's actually very awful to us,” Tempo stated while Cloudburst and Diamond agreed.

Beryl gave them a look, feeling offended, and Gloria said, “It's always been my dream to stay at the Queen's Hotel in London.”

Cloudburst gasped and whispered to Beryl, “That's two dreams that have come true in London. Mine's next.”

Tempo became annoyed and told him, “For the last time, your dream is a manifestation of your fears. You're afraid the world tour might fail so you dreamt of saving the world. And the evil, bald villain represents Golden Rock.”

Golden was offended and took off his orange shades. “Here's my dream: DON'T MOVE!”

Shelly looked through her notebook and told him, “Actually, they are allowed to linger in the lobby while we check in.”

“Well in that case...” Virtue said.

Fun Time Rush sounded off, “Move out!”

While Cloudburst looked to check his surroundings, he put on his dark shades and tried to figure out where he was going. Another agent hid around the area and contacted through his spy watch, “This is Agent Crash, moving in.”

“This is Agent Dash, got eyes on the backpack. I'm closing in on it right now.” Agent Dash approached Beryl’s backpack without him noticing until he got run over by a luggage cart, thanks to Diamond Glow.

“I found our cart, in case you want to put, I don't know, your backpack on it so nobody sees you wearing a backpack like that.”

Virtue walked in and Beryl ordered, “Virtue.” She nodded and Virtue stepped on Diamond's foot.

“Ow!” Diamond yelped.

“Target is hostile.” Agent Crash alerted. “Repeat, the target is...”

A blind Cloudburst unexpectedly hit Agent Crash and walked around again.

Beryl walked right up the stairs and Tempo informed him, “Hey, did you know that this hotel is over 400 years old?”

Then, Agent Burn ran up as Tempo told Beryl, “Look at this vase.”

The boys crouched down and Agent Burn went for a flying kick, but he missed and fell straight down.

“Look at that detail. Oh, check the ceiling.” Agent Dash armed himself with tasers, but the boys stood up and unexpectedly hit him until he fell down.

“Well if it isn't the Duke of Bath.” The receptionist called and Virtue turned her attention to them.

“Thank you, loyal subject.” The duke chuckled.

“Always nice to have royalty with us. Will someone be joining you?”

The duke answered, “Oh, no, I'm afraid the duke hasn't found that special someone yet.”

“Oh, there, there.” The receptionist gave the duke his card after that.

The duke accidentally bumped into Virtue and greeted her before walking away, “Ooh, well, hello!”

After Shelly and Golden checked in for their band, Golden called, “DOGS!”

Virtue, Gloria, and Fun Time Rush gathered around for a little meeting.

“Okay, guys. I have secured the lobby and we are all safe.” Cloudburst informed them in the wrong direction.

Tempo pulled him and pointed his finger at Golden and Cloudburst took off his shades. “For now.”

The three agents surrounded them and brought out their tranquilizer handguns, aiming at the FTR gang.

Shelly informed the gang, “Okay, and here are your room cards...” She accidentally dropped them and her friends helped her pick the room cards up while the agents shot tranquilizers, but they missed and shot themselves until they fell asleep.

After they got their room cards, Golden told them, “Now, let's get to our suites.”

“Did you say…” Virtue and Fun Time Rush said in unison.

The boys opened the door to their suite room and cheered, “Sweet!” They ran inside and got all excited as they started jumping on the beds.

“Don't jump on the beds!” Golden ordered and the boys stopped. “Our world tour promoter is coming here to meet you, and since he paid for this hotel room, I don't want it trashed when he gets here.”

Beryl nonchalantly asked, “Well, are we allowed to do anything while we're in England?”

“All you're going to do tonight is crush London, then conquer the rest of Europe, and then we will rule the world!” Golden shouted.

“That pretty much sounds like what a supervillain would say,” Cloudburst whispered to the band.

Shelly suggested to the boys, “But you can answer fan mail, have one non-caffeinated beverage, and warm up your voices for the biggest sound check of your lives.”

The boys understood their orders as Shelly and Golden closed the doors. Plus, they felt upset that they were not going to do some sightseeing in London.

“Okay, well, we may not be able to see London, but…” Tempo opened his backpack full of books and grabbed one, “At least we can read about it.”

Diamond opened his backpack and brought out his comb, “Oh, yeah. I'm gonna meet tons of hot girls with cool accents while trapped in a hotel room.”

Cloudburst opened his backpack and put on his helmet. “But, if we run into any evil villains, with, like, a white suit and a cat, I'll be ready.”

“Stop it,” Tempo ordered.

“Guys, relax,” Beryl assured them. “Our world tour is going to be amazing, and nothing is gonna stop that.” He opened his backpack and the boys saw an unusual device.

“What is that?” Cloudburst asked.

“Not my backpack,” Beryl answered.

“What is that?” Diamond asked again, referring to the item inside Beryl’s backpack.

Beryl picked it up and said, “I… I don't know.”

They gathered around to study the device until Beryl decided to reach his hand out to activate it.

“Whoa! Whoa! Don't open it!” Tempo shouted.

Beryl hesitated until Cloudburst whispered, “…Open it.”

“Open it,” Diamond said.

Tempo did not like where this was going and Beryl pressed the button on a device to reveal a green glow. Then all of a sudden, some of the objects in the suite started floating and Diamond yelled.

“Guys! Guys!” Beryl called.

“It's starting!” Cloudburst shouted.

Everyone yelled and hollered as the gravity from the device pulled the boy band into the ceiling. Looks like FTR’s first day in London has just begun.