• Published 9th Feb 2023
  • 1,451 Views, 66 Comments

Angry Ponies: The Battle Begins - SuperBird64

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Episode 3: A Wish Out Of Water (Semi-Original Chapter)/Applejack

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long school, procrastination, other stories, ideas and sleep all got in the way of completing this.

Seaquestria like last time had to be rebuilt but this time Skystar decided to change the layout of the kingdom. While the castle was rebuilt the same, with it suspended at the top of the cave, the lantern houses were all set up differently they were not longer connected to the castle instead they were placed down on the rocks below.

Of course this meant that the seaponies could no longer exit their homes through the bottoms so Skystar was forced to cut a hole at the top of every house to allow the citizens to leave their homes.

Also like last time the reconstruction process took a few months but luckily there was more construction materials this time since they didn't waste them all on the structures, especially the final one which Queen Novo would use as her last line of defense.

A few months after Mighty Hoax

"Welp while it may have taken a few months but we've finally recovered from our injuries and got the place rebuilt and as we promised here are some of the resources." Skystar said before slowly moving 2 medium bubbles bubbles one half full containing construction materials the other also half full of food.

"Didn't you say you'll only give us the resources if we help steal the eggs?" Thorax asked "Yeah that's why we only gave you some resources." Novo pointed out, emphasizes on the some.

Once the 2 changelings swam out of the throne room and were no longer in sight. Novo swam back to her throne pulled out a whiteboard and marker and started thinking.

"You go examine the surface dwellers while I think and try to hatch a new plan" Novo told her daughter before going back to brainstorming a new plan.

Skystar didn't want to do the same thing as last time cause first of all it'll take forever to come up with a new plan and second of all she'll get bored very easily.

So in the end she just decided to swim to the surface and hang out near the island where the special bush of oranges are and where she met the changelings

"Alright you 2 this is very simple just try to get the right amount of bite power." Skystar informed her cousins Silverstream and Terramar who were trying this special type of orange for the first time, this type of orange was bite sensitive meaning if they bit down too hard it'll explode but if they bit down to softly it'll go dry and lose all it's juice.

They both bit down on the peeled fruit at the same time as far as Skystar could tell. The next thing she saw was an explosion of orange juice and once that cleared up she found multiple puddles of orange juice scattered around the water, and a swirl of orange juice.

"MY EYES!" Terramar yelled, he started splashing around water and orange juice before swimming away at an incredible speed failing his fins and tail around creating huge splashes of water.

"Should i-" Skystar started only to be interrupted by Silverstream

“He’ll be back, this has happened before he usually comes back a few minutes later.” The pink hippogriff assured her cousin.

“If i found something here last time, I can definitely find something here this time.” Skystar repeated in her head as she and Silver turned into their hippogriff forms and started walking along the shore of the small island.

“HEY COUSIN SKYSTAR LOOK WHAT I FOUND!” Silver yelled causing Skystar to jump and face plant into the sand.

The first thing Skystar assumed was that her cousin simply found a cool looking seashell since Silver did have the urge to joyfully overreact over something like a seashell.

Skystar herself did have a history of collecting seashells but as she got older her shell collecting became less frequent.

She had recently have given up the hobby due to her whole personality at some point becoming about capturing the dragon eggs.

When she looked she saw Silverstream standing next to a giant red X.

“I found a big red X and red Xs like this in pirate stories always means treasure.” Silverstream said in her signature cheerful tone.

“Pirates not a bad idea” Skystar said before approaching the big red X.

“Hey sis what did I miss?” Terramar asked in a slightly injured tone, since he still had some red veins in his eyes from the orange juice explosion.

“Good thing I brought this” Silverstream said before reaching into a bush and pulling out a box of plastic spades.

“Plastic spades? Trust me sis this will work better” Terramar informed his sister before reaching behind a tree and pulling out an old busted up jackhammer.

He then turned on the jackhammer and started digging into the red X, unfortunately the drill didn't last long cause a few seconds later it fell apart and the engine that powered the tool ended up hitting Terramar in the face chipping his beak and knocking him down.

"Guess i should start digging?" Silverstream concluded before pulling out a random plastic spade from the box and lodging it into the big red X before pulling it out taking some sand out, after a while of digging and a little bit of sand gone the plastic spade broke.

"Uh oh my spade broke give me another one." Silverstream requested, Skystar reached into the box of plastic spades, pulled out a random one and gave it to her cousin, this will go one for a long time

Silverstream had dug a hole by this point, Skystar couldn't see her cousin anymore, Sky was also laying down next to a pile of 51 broken plastic spades.

"Dug the treasure up yet?" Terramar asked, still bothered by his chipped beak "Hey I think i hit something!" Silverstream exclaimed before another snapping sound was heard "I need another spade."

"Just pull the treasure out with your talons." Skystar told Silverstream which was followed a few seconds later by a treasure chest being thrown out of the hole and landing in front of the 2 hippogriffs.

"Got the treasure!" Silverstream exclaimed covered in dust from the sand, she then threw the broken spade into the pile bringing the number up to 52 broken plastic spades.

Terramar examined the treasure chest and imagined finding gold and diamonds inside, he examined the container a little more and found a big metal lock on it. He then grabbed a random metal piece from the broken jackhammer and used it to hit and break the lock off the chest.

"There we go!" Terramar muttered before Skystar opened the chest to reveal what it contained. Unfortunately all they found was just a bunch of old worn out document papers that they couldn't even read since most of the words on them had faded away.

"It's just a bunch of old papers." Skystar informed her cousins before tossing most of the papers aside like she was clearing a messy table. She was just about to clear the chest of the leftover papers but before she did she noticed something at the bottom of the map it had a different texture than the other papers, this one looked in pretty good condition.

When Skystar flipped the paper over she found a treasure map that was still intact with text they could actually read. The map had a red dotted trail that went across many different places all labeled with black text.

"Looks like this map leads to something called the Idol of Boreas which grants some special power." Skystar informed Silverstream and Terramar before rolling up the map "Come on you two we better this take back to Seaquestria!"

Meanwhile in Seaquestria Queen Novo was still brainstorming, trying to think, come up etc, with a new plan to steal the dragon eggs from the herd.

"Capture the land ponies in a cage...nah that'll take too much complex planning and plus, the cage won't be able to hold them for long." the seapony queen thought before erasing the sketch of Twilight's herd trapped a cage

"Make and mix chemicals to use against the surface dwellers...no, no griff is that smart enough to make chemicals." Novo thought before erasing the sketch of a beaker containing a chemical.

"Hey mom look what i found!" Skystar said in an excited tone trying to show her mother the map.

"Unless it's a new plan i don't want to see another shel-" As soon as Novo saw the map she grabbed it from her daughter and examined it "Princess Skystar I want you to go on treasure hunt, and make sure to take a few other hippogriffs with you."

"Hopefully this Idol can help us with stealing the eggs." Skystar hoped before rolling up the treasure map and swimming out of the throne room.

To Skystar this was a very strange thing for her mother to say and request cause before they discovered the dragon eggs and Twilight's herd Novo would rarely let Skystar go to the surface the only time she would allow it was to look for resources on the beach shore.

Once the seapony kingdom did find out about the eggs and the land ponies Skystar was allowed to go beyond the beach shore and by beyond she means near the Tree of Anger, Skystar had enough common sense to not get to close to the herd or go beyond the tree.

Taking a total of 13 hippogriffs, 7 minions and 4 guards along with Silverstream and Terramar they started the treasure hunt. The first location that the red dotted line went through was a place called Windy Bridge.

"Alright first up is a place called Windy Bridge!" Skystar informed the group of hippogriffs following behind her before putting the map down revealing Windy Bridge.

The first problem Skystar had with the Bridge was that it wasn't even a bridge it was just a pit, and the second problem was that it wasn't windy she didn't see a single strong gust of wind.

"Huh guess the bridge broke off and the wind calmed down a long time ago." Skystar said before spreading her wings and flying across the pit.

She was halfway through the pit, when suddenly a very strong gust of wind ended up pushing her back and into a rock cracking it a little.

"Now i see why it's Windy" Skystar remarked before looking around for something that could work as a bridge. She then noticed a long rock on top of a pillar that looked pretty loose, when she wrapped a rope around the rock it didn't seem to budge.

Skystar looked around for anything to use to pull it down before looking at 2 female minion hippogriffs. "Hey you two i've got an idea." she informed them

Skystar tied the 2 minion griffs together and then wrapped the rope around the rock, she then realized that swinging across the pit like pirates in novels was a way better idea, but She wasn't exactly confident she could do it herself.

She then handed the rope to a male minion griff "I want you to use this rope and swing to the other side and try your test now to flap your wings." Skystar told the male hippogriff

The minion griff gripped the rope, checked his wing and focused on the other side of the pit. He stepped back and ran forward, he managed to make it half way before a chunk of the long rock came off causing all 3 minion griffs to fall into the pit, yelling and landing with a loud thud.

The rest of the long rock fell but luckily was still long enough to create a bridge for the other hippogriffs to use to get to the other side of the pit.

Skystar and the remaining 10 hippogriffs 4 minions, 4 guards, Silverstream and Terramar crossed Windy Bridge all of them careful not to flap their wings and activate the gust of wind.

"Hey shouldn't we-" Silverstream asked pointing a talon at the pit, "We'll pick them up on our back." Skystar assured her cousin before opening the map and guiding the rest of the hippogriffs.

The next location the red line went through was a cave called Rolling Cave. Once Skystar the other hippogriffs got there all they found was a cave full of rocks and boulders.

"Huh.. well this place turned out to be a lot more boring than i thought." Skystar commented as she went further into the cave, the next thing the hippogriffs found was a bunch of rocks and boulders blocking the exit of the cave.

Skystar walked over to a conveniently table shaped rock, near the entranceof the cave, the other griffs following and tried to think of a plan to get the rocks out of the way.

Unfortunately for her there was a stalactite above her head that was dripping water onto her head. Skystar tried to ignore it but she eventually lost her patience and snapped the stalactite off the cave's roof by smacking it with her tail.

But this just resulted in a giant boulder dropping down from the roof and rolling towards Skystar and the hippogriffs. They all run away from the giant rolling boulder.

"Hey everygriff in here!" Silverstream yelled pointing at a hole in the wall, she, Terramar, Skystar, the remaining minions and guards were just barely able to squeeze into the hole, luckily the boulder rolled right past them and also knocked down the rocks blocking the entrance.

2 guards got out of the hiding spot and started celebrating, they celebrated too early cause a few seconds later the boulder rolled backwards and went over the 2 hippogriffs. But instead of being squashed by the boulder the guards stuck to the boulder and were carried away by it.

Skystar and the remaining 8 hippogriffs 4 minions, 2 guards, Silverstream and Terramar looked both ways to make sure the boulder wasn't coming back before getting out of the hole in the wall.

The next location the hippogriffs headed to and the dotted red line went through was a place called Lava Springs which was exactly what it sounded like.

"Looks like we're gonna have to cross this field of lava geysers." Skystar said putting down the map, and trying to find an algorithm of the geysers trying to figure out when each one erupts.

Before Skystar could come to a conclusion and plan a male minion griff tried to fly over the field of lave geysers this was bad idea cause when he was halfway through the field, a geyser erupted right as he flew over it burning his entire body, leaving it black and falling next to the geyser.

"Looks like we're gonna have to walk." Skystar said before turning around and finding both her cousins and the remaining hippogriffs frozen she waved a claw in front of them before snapping both her talons which snapped the group out of their shock.

The all one by one climbed down the hill and Skystar was the first one to step into the field and when she did it turned her claw got burned and when she checked it, luckily the burn wasn't a bad one it barely left a red mark on her claw.

"Ow, ow, ow" Skystar repeated as she stepped across the field along with the rest of the hippogriffs. All of a sudden a mountain not too far away from the field of lava geysers revealed itself to be a volcano which erupted and shot out a literal fireball.

"Nevermind MAKE A RUN FOR IT!" Skystar yelled before sprinting across the field constantly burning both her claws and hooves. The fireball ended up hitting a female minion griff who caught on fire, although she extinguished the fire quickly by rolling around, her body got badly burned, black and twitching.

Skystar, her cousins and the remaining 4 hippogriffs 2 guards, 2 minions made it to the other side of the field, but it ended up costing the hippogriffs burning both their claws and hooves.

"I'm gonna be honest not sure if that was worth it." Terramar said rubbing one of his burned hooves, "Yeah that felt like walking on spikes." Silverstream added

The next place the red dotted line went through that the hippogriffs had to head to was a place called Miner's Cave. All the hippogriffs found there were minecart tracks and a bunch of old rusty mining tools.

"This is just like Rolling Cave except with a few more objects." Skystar pointed out before bumping into another wall of rocks "It even has the same obstacle" she added

"You think there's any more diamonds?!" Silverstream whispered to her brother before picking up a rusty pickaxe and start hitting it against the wall mining for diamonds.

"Hey all 6 of you find a pickaxe and start mining while i try to set off a trap to break through those rocks." Skystar requested pointing a talon at the wall of rocks blocking the path. While the group of hippogriffs were mining away the hippogriff princess tried to set off a booby trap, she broke every stalactite off the cave's ceiling, stepped on every stone, no rolling boulder, arrows or swinging weapon appeared.

Skystar picked up a rusty pickaxe, out of options and was just about to start mining, only to see something in a pile of wood which she assumed was a crashed minecart. She walked over to it and found a drill which didn't look very old or rusty, she examined it and found a pull string mechanism on it, which reminded her of an annoying Magic Conch Shell she had as a filly.

"Step aside everygriff!" Skystar told the other hippogriffs before pulling the string, it didn't work the first time so she tried again which also didn't work, using all her strength he yanks the string a hard as she can which finally turns the drill on. She presses it against the wall of rocks which causes it to vibrate but after a few seconds the rocks are knocked down.

Unfortunately the wall of rocks was the only part that supported the foundation of the cave so as a result the cave started shaking and piles of rocks started falling.

"MAKE A RUN FOR IT!" Skystar yelled for the second time in this treasure quest. All 7 hippogriffs just barely managed to make their way out of the cave. Skystar to catch her breath decided to lean against a vertically placed slab but this was a bad idea cause a few seconds later the slab fell over and crushed 2 guards.

"I was honestly expecting something like a stalactite or a boulder not an inconveniently placed slab." Silverstream commented as she stared at the fallen over slab.

The final place Skystar and the remaining hippogriffs, 2 minions and her cousins had to go through before getting to the temple was a frozen lake called On Thin Ice.

"The snow's too heavy to fly in" Skystar informed the others, being able to catch a clawfull of snow after only 3 seconds of sticking it out into the snow.

"Alright one wrong move and we all fall into icy cold water." Skystar warned the 4 hippogriffs pointing at the ice and conventionally pointing at something moving under the ice catching her off guard.

"Whatever that thing was i don't want to know and that's another reason why we should be careful." Skystar added before raising a claw out of the snow and placing it on the frozen lake. But as soon as she placed the other claw on the ice she lost he balance, fell and started sliding across the ice creating scratch marks on it luckily none of them were deep enough to crack the ice.

Surprisingly she actually managed to slide her way to the other side of the frozen lake the other hippogriffs following in a similar manner.

"Huh this sign looks a bit crooked." Silverstream said looking at the sign saying On Thin Ice, she then gripped the sign and started adjusting it eventually able to straighten it "There we go!"

This of course started cracking the ice which caught all of the hippogriffs off guard so bad that they barely had anything to react before a part of the ice broke and they all fell into the icy cold water. They all turned into their seaponies forms and were about to simply jump out of the water but before they could they spotted a whole school of the creatures they saw under the ice which was revealed to be piranhas.

The school of piranhas all lunged at hippogriffs, the deadly school of fish ended up mauling one of the minions griffs. Luckily Skystar broke another part of the ice, jumped out and turned back into her hippogriff form in mid air, she then helped her cousins out of the icy water before the piranhas could attack and maul them.

"Hey where did the other minion go?" Terramar asked before reaching a claw into the water, risking being bitten by a piranha. He eventually felt something and luckily it wasn't a creature eating fish instead it was a minion griff frozen solid in a block of ice. He then grabbed the ice block out of the water and placed it on the snow and secured it to make sure it didn't slide onto the ice.

Shortly after that Skystar, Silverstream and Terramar started making their way to the temple, they had a little trouble due to some paths taking them in circles and some even leading them back to past locations, eventually Skystar finally figured it out and the trio of hippogriffs managed to make it to the temple.

"Alright, do you spot any danger. OVER!" Terramar yelled talking into an old busted up but still working walkie talkie. "There seems to be no signs or danger!" Silverstream responded talking into an identical looking walkie talkie.

"You 2 do realize that you don't need walkie talkies if you're standing right next to each other." Skystar cut in revealing that the siblings were standing right next to each other with little space between them.

Skystar looked around before noticing 2 giants leafs overlapping each other I have a suspicion she thought before moving the 2 leafs aside revealing the temple. The trio easily push the stone block out of place, and once inside the temple they didn't seem to find anything like statues or anything that could set off a booby trap, in fact the inside didn't even look a temple it was just a sand field with a giant x in the middle.

"Can't tell if these are ancient drawings or just random markings on the cave." Skystar said pointing a talon at something she assumed was an ancient drawing which now just looked like a bunch of weirdly shaped dark markings around a bigger oddly shaped mark.

Back in Seaquestria Novo was still drawing on her whiteboard brainstorming a plan to steal the eggs from Twilight's herd. "Build flying and land machines to steal the dragon eggs and fight off the surface dwellers... Nah too complicated." the seapony queen thought before erasing the sketch of a land and flying machine with hippogriffs inside them.

"That's it i'm OUT OF IDEAS!" Novo yelled before tossing the whiteboard aside and snapping the dry erase marker in half.

Suddenly Skystar, her cousins and the 11 other injured hippogriffs, 4 guards and 7 minions finally came back from their treasure hunt and swam into the throne room.

"Hey mom look what i brought!" Skystar exclaimed excitedly before showing her mother The Idol of Boreas. The artifact was a golden statuette forming a wing and a base shaped like a claw with a sphere in the center.

"Please tell me this was worth it" Novo mumbled before grabbing the statuette "I wish i could come up with a plan to steal the dragon eggs."

All of a sudden the Idol glowed and released a small energy orb which then transformed into a piece of paper with had a plan written on it, the plan itself was basically to use a simple flying contraption to steal the eggs and use the Idol along the way to fight off the land ponies.

"Huh guess it actually works." the seapony queen said nonchalantly before thinking of another wish. The first that came to her mind was restoring Mount Aris the place was foggy, had abandoned statues, and trees covered in moss.

"I wish that Mount Aris was restored and looked good as new!" Novo wished, which was followed by the Idol glowing and releasing another energy orb, Novo and Skystar along with a group of seaponies followed the orb as it flew up to the surface.

Once it did the orb flew past a massive forest, and spiraled up Mount Aris leaving a light trail as it did and once it reached the top, exploded into fairy dust and once the dust disappeared it had successfully restored Aris from a ghost town to good as new and back to its former glory.

On land Twilight and the herd had finally finished construction on their tree house meaning now with a lot of free time Applejack decided to test out a theory involving her ability.

"Alright I've sharpened these rocks to resemble spikes, I want you three to hide behind those set of bushes and if i manage to blow them up that means, that my blast becomes stronger when i touch something pointy, which would explain how i managed to blow up a wall of thorns when we discovered the crystal tree."

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle all nodded before trotting over and hiding behind a group of bushes. Applejack lifted a hoof and slowly started lowering it onto the set of spikes.

As soon as the orange hoof touched the tip of the spike her fuse ignited and reached her mane very quickly which resulted in a massive explosion which completely destroyed the group of bushes reducing them to twigs which fell apart a few seconds later. The blast ended up leaving the crusaders black covered in soot and even left a small crater under Applejack.

"Bigger explosion check" Sweetie said writing that down on a notepad, which turned to ash a few seconds later followed by the pen, both piles of ash are then blown away by the wind.


Twilight along with Rainbow and the CMCs had come across a rock with something shiny inside and we’re currently trying to break it open. They’ve tried everything bucking it, pushing it over, hitting it with multiple objects and their current method was for Rainbow Dash to fly into it.

“Hey y’all looks like were gonna need more firepower, as in firepower i mean a pony which more strength and I know exactly the right pony.” Apple Bloom said. The filly eventually led the herd to an orchard filled with dead trees, rusted sign and decayed barn. The eventually went into a bush and snuck up on a orange mare with a cowpony hat, that was reading a magazine about apples.

“HEY BIG SIS!” Apple Bloom called out which caused the mare to let out a yell, followed her jumping into the air knocking down a dead tree, that when it hit Twilight on the head it turned to ashes and got the herd and the bush they were in covered in ash.

“Oh there you are Apple Bloom, about time you got back and I seen you brought back some friends.” Twilight brushed herself off before walking up to the mare.

“Hi I’m Twilight Sparkle, this is Scootaloo, Apple Bloom’s friend, and this is Rainbow Dash.”

“Howdy, i’m Applejack, I run this uh…”Applejack trailed off pointing at the field of dead trees.

“I run this former apple orchard, yeah by the time me and Apple Bloom inherited Sweet Apple Acres the place was dead, I guess it was to due to multiple pony groups constantly stealing apples and leaves, and since they didn’t bother planting more trees all the trees died.” The earth pony explained pointing at the field of dead trees, then the tree she reduced to ashes.

"Hey Applejack if you're wondering the reason why I came back here was because we need you help to get something shiny out of a rock." Apple Bloom explained

"Well sure thing sugarcube, did ya see how easily i knocked down that dead tree and reduced it to ashes?" Applejack asked pointing at the destroyed bush and tree "And that one was accidental" she added

Once the herd led Applejack out of Sweet Apple Acres and over to the rock they were trying to break, the apple mare started examining it. After a while she came to a conclusion. "Alright if you want to break this open you're gonna need a lot of force."

She then backed up a little before charging at the rock, her plan was to hit her head on the rock which would get her angry which would ignite he fuse and blow up the rock but when her head collided with the rock nothing happened. The only thing that happen was the rock cracking before splitting in half revealing what was inside.

When the herd all looked inside expecting to find something like gemstones, crystals or even gold, but instead they only found a single piece of scrap metal. The herd was confused on how a piece of scrap metal looked shiny inside the rock, but normal once they broke it open.

"I guess the sun shining on the rock reflected onto the piece of metal which made it look shiny." Rainbow concluded looking at the sun for a second before turning around.

"While it may not be any type of treasure, like gold or gemstones, it's still something pick it up and lets keep going." Twilight said telling Rainbow and Applejack to carry the piece of scrap metal.

Queen Novo, Princess Skystar and Silverstream in their hippogriff forms started executing the plan generated by The Idol Of Boreas, starting with the simple flying contraption.

"I wish for a simple flying contraption" Skystar wished which was followed by another energy orb that transformed into the contraption. The flying contraption was basically just a blanket with a pink, yellow, purple and teal balloon, and under the blanket was a pot to scoop up the dragon eggs with.

"I was expecting somehing simple like a hot air balloon but not this simple." Novo commented pointing at the vehicle, before shrugging it off and hopping in along with Skystar and Silver. Silverstream was the first one to notice that this simple contraption didn't have anything to lift itself off the ground.

"Um guys i think this contraption is too simple there's nothing that can lift it off the ground, and these four balloons don't look like they could support our weight." Silverstream's statement was jinxed as a few seconds later the 4 balloons sudden;y started glowing and like magic lifted thee blanket up and started flying over the large forest.

Once over the large forest they were heading towards, the herd but as soon as they saw them they ran into a huge problem "There doesn't seem to step in this plan on distracting the surface dwellers." Novo informed the other 2 hippogriffs checking the plan multiple times.

Skystar thought of a distraction based on the first thing that came to her mind when it came to the oceon, which in this case was bubbles. "I got it!" She exclaimed, grabbing the Idol from her mother

"I wish for a bubble machine!" next thing she knew a energy orb turned into a bubble machine at landed right in her claws. She flipped the switch that turned on the machine and then pressed a button labeled overdrive, which released a bunch of bubbles at once.

"Hey everypony look bubbles!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, popping a few of them when they flew past her. Unfortunately there was too many bubbles to the point where the herd couldn't see a thing even though the bubbles themselves were transparent.

The 3 hippogriffs seeing a window of opportunity, swooped in and used the pot attached to the blanket to scoop up the dragons eggs before going upwards. After they flew upwards and started flying over the forest, towards Mount Aris where they could see multiple hippogriffs flying too, Silverstream accidentally knocked the bubble machine off the raft which bounced a few times before smashing to pieces leaving a trail behind.

Once all the bubbles either were popped by the herd or just flew by, the herd look over at the nest and found the dragon eggs gone.

The herd all gasped at the same time realizing what just happened "What the-?" Twilight asked approaching the nest a little. She got angry, the herd following shortly. Rainbow looked around the area not noticing the trio of hippogriffs flying over them in a balloon raft, with the dragon eggs in a pot.

"Dang it, looks like these hippogriffs somehow stole the dragon eggs again." Twilight said through gritted teeth

"Already got the seashells." Fluttershy said throwing one into the air and catching it on her back. Rainbow Dash then flew behind the crystal tree and pulled out the slingshot "Slingshot ready!" she exclaimed

"Rainbow I think you missed this" Applejack said pointing the trail of broken bubble machine pieces that led into the forest. "Guess the hippogriffs stole the eggs and ran into this forest." Twilight concluded

As soon as the herd entered the forest they found a structure. There was 2 male minion griffs in between 2 stone planks, there was a structure on 2 stone planks, stone blocks and a small glass block. The said structure was made out wooden planks, rectangle and triangle blocks, on the top of the structure was also a rectangle stone block in between 2 stone triangle blocks and a male and female minion griff in it. Finally there was 3 stone planks in the shape of a table, with 2 female minion griffs on top.

Twilight went first she went for the middle part of the wooden structure, she let out a battle cry which plucked the female hippogriff in the bottom part, she bounced off a wooden rectangle block breaking it a little before crashing into a stone plank knocking it over, plucking the 2 male griffs.

Rainbow Dash went next, once she was flung from the slingshot the peagsus, dashed forward leaving a rainbow trail behind and flew through the wooden structure, plucking the female hippogriff and crashed into the stone table plucking the last 2 female griffs.

The next structure the herd came across resembled a prison, there was a cage made out of stone, 2 stone towers surrounding it with a male guard on each. On the top of the cage was a structure that resembled a prison watchtower surrounded by glass, made out of stone and wood and had 4 guards, 3 female and a male on it. But the most important part of the structure was what was inside the cage, a pony a unicorn to be exact who had a horn longer than the average one.

"Looks like that pony's in trouble!" Applejack said before loading herself into the slingshot, releasing and blowing up the first tower, plucking the first guard. Fluttershy then dropped a pressurized seashell onto the second tower plucking the second guard.

The herd next went for the watchtower, the CMCs managed to destroy the glass surrounding the tower followed by Rainbow destroying and eventually knocking over the rest of the tower plucking all 4 guards along with it. Finally Twilight launched herself and used her battle cry to knock the cage over.

"Phew thanks for the rescue those hippogriffs held me captive for wayyy to long." the white unicorn said, followed by her neck and head dropping down.

"Um are you alright?" Twilight asked lifting the unicorn's head and neck up only for it to lean back, her horn almost hitting her back. "Trust me I've dealt with this annoying horn for a long time." the white pony said

"Doesn't that hurt?" Twilight asked lifting the unicorn's horn up with her telekinesis trying to keep it stable and stop it from dipping in either direction. "Oh very much buy luckily my body is so used to this pain that it basically just ignores i t now." the new unicorn explained.

"How about i-" Twilight trailed off before using her telekinesis to pull the unicorn's horn up and with a crack and posture change the white pony could finally stand up straight.

"That's better, I've tried that before multiple times but i never thought i was strong enough to straighten my neck and I thought all magic was gone." the unicorn explained before using her telekinesis to pick up a nearby rock.

"Oh right i completely forgot to introduce myself, I'm Tia me and my sister love to explore one day we both decided to go our separate ways and during my own travels I found the kingdom of the seaponies unfortunately i was caught trespassing and i was imprisoned for who knows how long, they eventually decided to use me as a decoration for one of their fortresses." Tia explained before using her magic to pick up a small log.

Twilight was honestly shocked about Tia's backstory and realized that if she had just gave up and surrendered to the seaponies during the first encounter she and her herd could've been imprisoned.

"Hey you want revenge on those hippogriffs right?" the purple unicorn asked, getting a nod from the other unicorn. "Okay then lets see what you can do!" Twilight said before bringing Tia over to the slingshot, loading her in and releasing her into the air.

Right before Tia hit a nearby tree, her horn bent a little which caused her to start going back like a boomerang, fly past the herd and get her horn stuck in a tree "Was that okay?" she asked.

"Okay? that was AWESOME!" Rainbow exclaimed "This pony definitely has some potential!" Applejack added, grabbing her and pulling her horn out of the tree.

The next structure the herd came across was a all wooden one made out of wooden planks, rectangle blocks, a triangle block and a few slabs, it was placed on a hill with 2 male minion griffs in front of it and 3 female griffs behind it, inside the hill.

Tia loaded herself into the slingshot as Twilight pulled it back, before releasing her, she flew over the hill before boomeranging back flying right through the bottom part of the structure, plucking the female griffs and the structure falling on and plucking the 2 males.

"Huh guess your right big sis this pony surely has a lot of potential." Apple Bloom added as the herd moved onto their next structure. These 2 structures resembled turrets, both of them were made out of 3 rectangle wooden blocks and a triangle wooden block, held on 4 hollow stone blocks, 6 triangle stone blocks, 2 stone planks, 3 stone slabs, a single hollow triangle stone block and in the center 2 boxes of TNT.

The first one on a hill had a male minion griff behind the stone hollow triangle block, while the second one on the ground had 2 male guards one on the bottom and the other one the top of a stone triangle block, it also had a female minion griff behind the hollow triangle block.

Tia of course went first, when she boomeranged back she hit the 2 wooden triangle blocks, breaking the first one and causing the other to hit the TNT crates which created a explosion, plucked the male minion griff, sent materials everywhere and cause the stone triangle blocks to fall onto the second turret, blow it up, which also plucked the 3 hippogriffs along with it.

The herd then moved onto the next structure it was on a wooden platform held up by hollow triangle blocks and under it were female minion griffs standing on small wooden blocks. On the platform was 3 structures shaped like castle towers, the first made out of stone, second one of wood and final one of glass. Each tower had a male and female minion griff inside and in between each tower was a female guard.

"Okay here's the plan you'll launch me over the structure, then I'll come back and break right through all 3 fortresses, got that?" Tia asked getting a nod from Twilight as she was aiming the pink maned unicorn upwards. Once the unicorn was launched, when she tried to boomerang through all 3 structures she only manage to break a little of the wooden platform off which didn't even cause the glass tower to fall.

"That's it i'm not dealing with this." Applejack stated before reaching into her hat and pulling out the severed talon on a golden base, loading it into the slingshot and firing it at the structure. A few seconds later a giant tree grew out of the ground which them fell over which plucked all the hippogriffs and completely destroyed the structure, achieving total destruction.

"Woah now that's what i call TOTAL DESTRUCTION!" Rainbow exclaimed followed by IE appearing out of a log. Dressed like a construction builder and holding a axe.

"Pretty cool huh?" he asked spinning the axe in his hippogriff talon. "Are you gonna do more cool tricks like that?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm the lord of chaos I can do basically anything!" he responded, turning the axe into a nuke, spawning in a beehive, giant eagle and giant ice ball before snapping his griffon claw making them all disappear.

"Hold on this is my stop!" Silverstream said which made the balloon the raft stop and fly down allowing the hippogriff to get off. She then grabbed the pink balloon from the raft and the Idol from Skystar.

"I wish that the nearby structure was made out of...ICE CREAM!" she exclaimed which released a energy orb that once it touched the nearby structure, basically the final structure of the first encounter (Poached Eggs) except it was all wood and had male and female guards inside, it had turned all the wood into strawberry ice cream.

Novo and Skystar flew out of the forest in the balloon raft while Silverstream got into position in the ice cream structure right as the herd arrived.

"These half birds, half ponies but also half seapony creatures really thought that ice cream could protect them." Twilight said before loading and launching herself from the slingshot, but when she let out her battle cry it barely it anything to the structure and when she collided with it she just got stuck in it before slowly sliding down leaving a trail of mushed ice cream behind.

When Applejack and Fluttershy tried the explosion they caused barely did anything to the structure since the strawberry ice cream was too thick to knock over. Fluttershy grabbed the severed griffon talon and was just about to launch it before finding a magnifying glass Applejack dropped when she launched herself. The pegasus then looked a the glass and then at the sun and got and idea. She grabbed it and shined it at the sun, a beam of light bounced off the glass and onto the structure which then started melting.

The melting ice cream somehow managed to pluck all the guards in the structure and almost drowned Silverstream in it. "Woah Fluttershy where did you learn that!" Rainbow asked "Simple that was a trick I used to survive in the wild before i met you guys." the pegasus responded

Twilight stomped on Silverstream with all 4 hooves, haven popped the pink balloon as Rainbow looked around the area failing to notice Queen Novo and Princess Skystar above them flying towards Mount Aris on the balloon raft with 3 balloons remaining the yellow, purple and teal.

Shortly after the herd made their way out of the large forest they found themselves in front of a massive set of stairs which was at least 500 steps.

"Please tell me this is worth it." Twilight muttered before she and the herd started walking up the stairs. Skystar noticed the ponies walking up the stairs and got and idea "I wish, the stairs started moving backwards really fast!" she wished into the Idol.

Twilight all of a sudden felt like she was moving backwards, before realizing that she wasn't going backwards the stairs were, which were also speeding up which resulted in her tripping down the stairs and crashing right into the rest of the herd with a loud thud.

"Moving stairs are you kidding me?" Twilight complained before getting her the herd off herself before brushing her self off. "Um guys I thin-" Scootaloo started only to be interrupted by Rainbow "Not now Scoots, alright here's the plan you shoot me all the way to the top, got it?"

Twilight aimed Rainbow upwards, before releasing her, she made it pretty far and when she started losing speed she used her speed boost, which didn't really help as a few seconds later she crashed into one of the steps and fell down the stairs all the way back to the bottom.

Twilight started thinking of a new plan before all of a sudden the stairs started moving forwards at the same speed, when she looked over she saw Scootaloo had flipped a switch labeled direction "Um guys think i found the solution, the direction switch!" the pegasus said.

After quickly making their way up the stairs and onto Mount Aris, they came across a structure, the first part of it was a tower of ice held up by 10 of rectangle blocks, on top of that was 2 planks, 4 slabs, on top was a hollow triangle blocks and inside the tower was a female minion.

The second part of the structure was a stone tower held up by 9 hollow blocks, on top of them was a hollow block in between 4 rectangle blocks, 2 on each side, 8 small blocks in between 4 hollow blocks 2 on each side, on the very top was a upwards slab and rectangle block held up by a horizontal rectangle block on top of 2 rectangle blocks on top of 2 hollow blocks.

In front of the stone tower was 12 small stone blocks, in front of the stone blocks was a male guard and in between the 2 stone structures was a male minion. The third part had a male minion in front of 8 hollow ice blocks and a female minion in between that and 2 hollow ice blocks.

Applejack went first easily blowing up the ice tower and plucking the female minion along with it. Tia went next and used her boomerang ability to smash through a little of the stone tower causing half of it to fall over, plucking the male guard and minion and the other half to fall over, smash the hollow ice blocks and pluck the male and female minion.

The next structure resembled a long bus, the wheels were 2 hollow stone blocks, the first bottom layer was stone, the second layer was wood, the third layer was glass, the fourth layer was TNT crates, the fifth layer was male and female minions and the sixth top layer was wooden planks.

Applejack was launched upwards, landing in the middle of the bus breaking through the fifth and sixth layer, which resulted in her blowing up the entire makeshift bus, plucking all the male and female minion griffs inside, sending materials everywhere which ended up flying through multiple houses either destroying them or causing them to fall over and smash to pieces.

Meanwhile the balloon raft had landed allowing Princess Skystar to get off and grab the yellow balloon and the idol. "Skystar how many structures did you build cause i don't want mass destruction to Mount Aris?" Novo asked

"Don't worry mom i only built 3 structures the last one for me." Sky responded before grabbing the Idol "I wish that the nearby structure was made out of metal."

A few seconds later the nearby all stone structure with female and male guards inside turned into metal and just like the all wood structure that was turned into ice cream, this all stone structure resembled the final structure from the first encounter (Poached Eggs) except now reinforced with metal.

Once the herd arrived Skystar quickly got into position and knew they couldn't do anything to her reinforced structure. Everpony couldn't even dent the structure, even Applejack and Fluttershy whose abilities were literally explosions only slightly dented the structure. Twilight pulled out the griffon talon and launched it at the structure.

"What is that thing?" Skystar muttered which was followed by a massive hammer appearing above the structure before being brought down, badly denting the structure, and them being brought down again destroying it and plucking all the guards along with it.

Twilight stomped on Skystar with all 4 hooves, haven popped the yellow balloon as Rainbow looked around the area failing to notice Queen Novo flying above them on the balloon raft with 2 balloons remaining the purple and teal. She briefly landed the raft on a roof to think of her next move, when noticing multiple cloud moving think which gave her and idea.

"I wish I could walk on clouds!" she wished into the Idol, before accidentally leaving it on the rooftop and flying up into the clouds. The herd arrived at the end of Mount Aris, looking around trying to look for the hippogriff queen before noticing the Idol.

"Is that what i think it is?" Twilight asked followed by Rainbow flying up to the rooftop and grabbing the idol. "Think i've heard of this before." Tia claimed grabbing it from Rainbow and examining it.

"Think I saw this in my history book!" Twilight said pulling the Equestrian history book out of her saddlebag and flipping through the pages before finding the chapter about griffons "Griffons were greedy and hoarded all their treasure for themselves until King Grover found they mysterious Idol Of Boreas which united the griffons and filled them with pride, unfortunately once they found out the Idol could grant wishes this led to a full out which led the griffons to basically bring themselves to extinction, as for the Idol it was lost and later hidden away."

Once Twilight was done reading that piece of history, the herd figured that the hippogriffs had used the Idol to try and stop them from getting the dragon eggs back and thought maybe Novo escaped into the clouds. So as a result the herd wished they could walk on clouds, Rainbow brought a cloud for them to stand on and headed into the clouds.

"Alright everypony were in the clouds, so what now?" Twilight asked "Now that!" Tia responded pointing a hoof at the nearby structure.

This structure was more than just a simple structure it seem to be an entire contraption the first part had a structure made out of 4 wooden planks a rectangle block, hollow block, 10 ice planks a triangle block, a rectangle block, 3 stone rectangle blocks,a stone slab and plank and inside it was a female guard, a TNT crate and 2 stone balls.

The second part of this contraption made of mostly wooden planks, 2 stone planks, and inside was 2 male minion griffs. Behind this structure was 3 TNT crates, in front of it was 6 stone balls, and on top of that was another female guard. The final part of this contraption was under the first part, it simply had Novo in the balloon raft and in front of it was a stack of 6 TNT crates and 4 stone balls.

Rainbow Dash flew right through the wooden plank structure plucking the male minions, followed by Tia crashing into the stack of TNT behind it, plucking the female guard sending the stone balls everywhere. Finally Applejack blew up the first structure, plucking the female guard and even though none of the materials fell on Novo and the balloon raft the stone balls bouncing everywhere hit the stack of TNT destroying the balloon raft.

Novo groaned as she got up with the dragon eggs still intact the pot, once she regained her vision she found the herd standing in front of her. "Oh right the eggs, here you." Novo said pushing the pot towards them.

Back on Mount Aris, the herd had ripped the blanket, Twilight let out a sigh of relief having gotten the dragon eggs back, the Cutie Mark Crusaders jumped for joy, Fluttershy examined the eggs to check if they were safe, Applejack was holding a rope with her teeth and Rainbow was growling at something.

It then revealed that they had given Queen Novo 2 black eyes and had tied her 2 claws and 2 hooves to the 2 remaining balloons, purple and teal.

"I'm gonna be honest we better get rid of this thing, we don't want the hippogriffs to get their claws on this again." Applejack suggested tying the rope to a rope to a rock, getting a nod from the rest of the herd. Twilight then loaded the Idol Of Boreas into the slingshot before launching it into the sunset where it fell into the ocean.

Shortly after that the herd got the dragon eggs out of the pot, switched the direction of the moving stairs and took them down Mount Aris and started heading back to the crystal tree.

Skystar having suffered similar injuries to the second encounter (Mighty Hoax) flew up to her mom "Well at least rebuilding this place won't take as long as underwater." Skystar stated getting a respond from her mom in the form of another groan.

Comments ( 5 )

Well, have to say that this Applejack focused story had some great stuff (such as the ironic foreshadowing for later "episodes" that were dismissed because they were too complicated before the Hippogriffs found that statue allowing them to wish for assorted tools and weapons (well, before Twilight and the herd got rid of the statue that made it possible following that hard-fought battle). Also liked the bits with the first meeting with Celestia.

Glad you liked it, i'll start actively working on this again and do you have any private messages for me

Not at present, but I'll let you know when I can think of something to add.

Hey did you see any of the messages I sent while I was working on this chapter if so why didn’t you respond to any of them.


Not all of the messages, but I did see a few of them. As for why I didn't respond, it was because I quite simply couldn't think of anything to say.

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