• Published 9th Feb 2023
  • 1,451 Views, 66 Comments

Angry Ponies: The Battle Begins - SuperBird64

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Episode 1: Poached Eggs/The CMCs & A New Home

Long ago in what 'used to be the' magical land of Equestria[ /i]

More than a thousand moons ago, months after the founding of Equestria. An event happend that seem to drain almost all magic in Equestria. This was nicknmed the Magic famine which drained 90% of magic from Equestria. There were many riots and hundreds of casualties.
The pony society of Equestria has collapsed and many pony groups were made to survive on their own. Weather began moving on their own along wth the sun and moon, crops were harder to grow and took months, moving was constant because of the dangerous unpredictable weather conditions so towns were never built, tasks became very hard to do.

The pony population has changed a lot since then.

Twilight Sparkle along with the other members of her herd Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and 2 members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were on the outskirts of Equestria. This land was called the Badlands by most ponies which were really just dry trees, occasional cactus and small sand storms

"Face it Twilight we're not gonna find shelter or Sweetie Belle out here she's a filly just like me. Do you really think she could make out here without any supplies." Apple Bloom informed the leader

The whole reason why Twilight's herd was out here in the Badlands in the first place is because they moving around Equestria for survivable. There seems to be something going on in the place that ponies describe as a magic famine
which basically means that all of the powerful magic like a magic blast, supersonic flight, alicorn magic and sonic rain booms are all gone. While all the basic magic telekinesis and flight stay intact.

"Applejack why can't we stay at the apple orchard anymore?" Apple Bloom asked her older sister

"You gotta understand Sugarcube that there's nothing left on the orchard Granny Smith was already gone by then and Big Mac shortly followed. There's nothing left for us on the orchard all the trees have rotted and the remaining one was taken out by my temper."

"Um have you seen Scootaloo" Fluttershy asked Apple Bloom, which made the filly look next to her and finding that Scootaloo's gone before spotting her trying to balance on a tower of rocks.

"Hey get off of there" the older pegasus said trotting over to the tower of rocks. But when she reached the tower of rocks the peagsus fleapt off the tower. This caused luckily only the small rock to fall on Fluttershy's forehead causing her to let out a quiet ouch. She then got scared when it looked like the big rock was gonna fall but it stabilized at the last second.

"Hey Rainbow you think I can break this cactus open?" Applejack asked accidentally pricking her hoof on said cactus "Worth a shot heard there's water inside." the pegasus responded as the earth pony smashed the cactus open pouring water out except this water wasn't clean or fresh it looked dirty and even had a green like tint which was enough to gross the 2 ponies away.

"Welp everypony we tried but there's nothing here, guess we'll have to go back" She informed her herd only to get a random small gust of sand in her eyes

They all turned around and started to head back all with a sad expression , all of a sudden, out of nowhere, unconventionally, Murphy's law etc, it started raining.

"Raining in a desert, how bad is our luck." Scootaloo pointed out by putting a hoof on her face.

"Even though it's not raining that hard we don't want to walk through all this, so lets just set up camp here." Twilight told the herd before dropping her saddle bag of supplies, followed by the others as they set up their camp.

Once nighttime came due to the sun and moon cycle being natural now. It stopped raining and Twilight was staring at the stars wishing that she wasn't born into a world with barely any magic, things like cutie marks being elusive and survival requiring a herd. Speaking of a herd she then decided to reflect on her first encounters with the members of her herd starting with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo or the CMCs.


Ever since Equestria had fallen into a magic famine as most ponies call it and ponies started creating groups to survive on their own. This famine had drained Equestria of powerful magic like alicorn magic and supersonic flight, leaving basic magic like telekinesis and normal flight.

Twilight was looking for the right ponies, the ones that were rational and capable of surviving a long time in the wilderness.

After a while of searching for any ponies since of course Ponyville and Canterlot were in ruins and all there was now for miles was the wilderness she found a somehow still intact treehouse. She approached the treehouse knocking on the door, with no answer of hearing any movement she let herself in.

Inside the small treehouse Twilight found 2 fillies inside, they were both sitting in the corner and they had a worried look on their faces. When the unicorn approached them she simply asked "Um what's wrong, are you two okay?"

The yellow filly with a red mane spoke up "Hello there i'm Apple Bloom this is Scootaloo, were looking for a lost member of The Cutie Mark Crusaders her name is Sweetie can you help us?" she asked the unicorn

Twilight was hesitant at first while she could already tell these 2 weren't gonna help with survival, but she did want to help find this Sweetie Belle and plus she knew a side quest could make things more interesting for her "You know what i'll help you two look for her come." she told the fillies

In The Present

The next day Twilight and her herd had headed back to the Everfree forest their previous base camp.

"Gosh i wish i could actually fly properly" Scootaloo said to herself laying down on a pile of rock. She then starts flapping her wings in hopes of achieving flight but a few seconds later falls back onto then lays down on a pile of rocks. All of a sudden the pile of rocks fell over catching the pegasus off guard but luckily she wasn't hurt.

"What was that-" Twilight said before looking into the pile of rock, her eyes widened as she had found a nest of 3 dragon eggs , each a different color and pattern and when she pulled them out of the pile of rocks the entire herd was shocked.

Twilight suddenly gained a lot of energy and had a lot of questions "Are these actually dragon eggs? Why were they in a random pile of rocks? Should we take them?"

Eventually after the rest of the herd was able to calm the leader down she then got out an Equestrian history book to learn more about these dragons.

"According to this Equestria history book dragons used to be pretty common creatures, until they became homicidal and they started killing each other and eating their own eggs. They never united forming some sorts of dragon kingdom, which made them very rare and such things as dragons eggs elusive." Twilight explained to the others before putting the history back in the saddle bag.

"Wait so what should we do with these dragons eggs?" Apple Bloom asked "I say we should take care of them, and wait for them to hatch." Fluttershy suggested

"We don't have that long, how about we just find a dragon and have them take care of these eggs." Rainbow suggested.

"Alright everypony i'm the leader so i'm deciding, we're gonna take care of these eggs cause first of all dragons are already very rare creatures and second of all the dragons are cannibals the history book said they killed each other and ate their own eggs." Twilight reminded the herd

The herd packed up camp and moved again leaving the Everfree Forest and headed east. And after a few days they eventually found themselves in this flat terrain with the occasional tree.

"This looks like a nice environment for the eggs to hatch in." Fluttershy stated wrapping the eggs in a blanket and placing them in a nest the herd had just finished making.

Meanwhile not too far from the nest, 2 hippogriffs were scavenging for food "Wait hold one a second why are we here again?" Silverstream a white hippogriff with a teal mane asked Silverstream a pink hippogriff with a light blue mane.

Terramar spat out a lump of dirt "Bleh salty, look sis we're here to look for food for the kingdom, apparently these land creatures had better food sources than dead sea creatures and barely edible seaweed."

"Hold on a second bro , who are these land creatures you're referring to ?" Silverstream asked "These land creatures are creatures that walk on something called hooves, some have wings and others have something called horns."

"Seriously another one of your stories about the surface to creep me out." she countered "I wasn't trying to-" he suddenly interrupted by his sister who made a random noise.

"There's gotta be something good around here." Silver said looking around the flat terrain. "There doesn't seem to be anything but this short land seaweed and these strands of seaweed on these trees." Terramar told her plucking a green lead off a tree

After a bit more searching Silverstream spotted some food "Hey i know what we can try, BOILED EGGS!" she yelled out. "Uh Silver where are we gonna find some eggs? There's nothing but land seaweed for miles." the male hippogriff reminded her.

"The eggs i was talking about are over there." Silverstream said pointing a talon at the nest of dragon eggs. "Huh good eye sis but I think you need to double check, look closer."

When she looked again she noticed Twilight's herd surrounding the nest of dragon eggs.

"We're gonna need some help" Terramar simply said before grabbing his sister's arm

"That group of land creatures are guarding those eggs so we might have a problem if we steal their foals." Silverstream explained to Princess Skystar

"Uh cousins those land dwellers aren't like us so they can't make or produce eggs." Skystar countered "Now do you have a plan cause i don't?" she informed her cousins her voice, losing its tone when she reached the end of her sentence

"Actually i do" Silver said before walking into a bush and came out a few seconds later trying to pull something out of the bush that looked like a giant rubber band. It was revealed a few seconds later that this rubber band was connected to a wooden Y.

"Uh Silver what is that suppose to be?" Terramar asked her.

"This is something i like to call a slingshot i made it myself, saw others playing a sport with it" Silverstream explained setting up the slingshot

"So what's the plan Silverstream? How is a slingshot gonna help us get the eggs?" Skystar asked "Are we gonna fling ourselves at those land dwellers?"

"Here's the plan i'll set this slingshot up and since the land ponies have probably never seen a slingshot it'll distract them and then we'll swoop in and grab the eggs." Silverstream explained before grabbing the band of the slingshot and started dragging it to a nearby rock.

Twilight was looking over the eggs, Fluttershy added twigs to the nest and wrapped a blanket around them, Applejack was using a magnifying glass to inspect some apples and Rainbow was on lookout duty to spot any danger "Uh hey i think i see something on a rock it looks like a wooden Y with a rubber band across it."

"Must be some kind of sign come on lets go check it out" Applejack said signaling the others to follow her.

"Now's our chance" Skystar told her cousins before they all flew over to the nest and grabbed an egg, Terramar grabbing the magnifying glass Applejack was just using.

When the herd returned they all gasped, realizing what happened at the same time "What how?" Twilight asked, approaching the nest a little, she got angry, the herd following shortly. "Whoever did this is gonna pay." Twilight stated through gritted teeth.

"I think i know who" Rainbow said spotting the 2 hippogriffs not too far from the nest. Terramar was trying to cook the eggs with the magnifying glass, Silverstream blew some steam away from the eggs. "Hopefully i can get these eggs cooked fast enough!" Skystar stated before licking her beak.

"HEY!" Twilight yelled approaching the hippogriffs "First of all what are you three suppose to be and second of all what do you think you're doing with our dragon eggs?"

"First off all were hippogriffs half pony half bird creatures and second of all Dragon Eggs? These aren't even your own eggs." Skystar responded which was followed by a laugh.

"Well at least we're not trying to cook and eat the eggs!" Twilight countered, she then started growling and gave the 3 hippogriffs an angered expression. "Look just give us the dragon eggs back and no creature gets hurt."

"Terramar throw the magnifying glass at them" Skystar told him in a panicked tone, the male hippogriff proceeded to do this throwing the hot piece of glass at Twilight burning her muzzle knocking her back into her herd.

"MAKE A RUN FOR IT!" the princess said before all 3 hippogriffs ran off with the eggs

"Those Hippogriffs are gonna pay!" Twilight said through gritted teeth. "I got just the thing" Rainbow said dragging the slingshot over to the herd.

"Ah-ha we can use this to launch stuff at them QUICKLY GRAB EVERY BLUNT OBJECT YOU CAN FIND!" the unicorn yelled. The herd grabbed rocks, boulders, logs, pieces of wood, and a bunch of other things. They loaded them all into the slingshot and fired it towards the hippogriffs, unfortunately all of the debris missed them.

"They're getting away!" Rainbow altered the herd "Oh no they don't!" Twilight said loading a torch into the slingshot and firing it, the torch ended up hitting a tree which set it on fire.

Fluttershy quickly flew over to that tree rolling a giant boulder onto it putting out the fire. "You're gonna hurt the animals" the pegasus told Rainbow.

"Um Twilight there seems to be something going on over there." Applejack said pointing a hoof at the thing she was talking about.

What she saw was the 3 hippogriffs from earlier were building something and they put another random hippogriff in the middle of it.

"Looks like some kind of fortress or structure " Fluttershy said, the structure itself was on a platform 2 small pieces on the edge of them2 wooden planks were holding it up. Inside those wooden planks was a small rectangle structure 2 more wooden planks placed horizontally and 2 glass planks placed vertically.

Back to the main structure above the 2 main wooden planks there was another wooden plank placed horizontally, that plank being the platform for an identical copy of the bottom part. Except there was a small piece of wood at the top and inside it was another small piece of wood with a female hippogriff placed on it.

"Just try to knock this down" the hippogriff taunted the herd before giggling at them "That's not very nice" Fluttershy stated her voice angering a little

"How does they except us to fight against this fortress" Apple Bloom said before getting a response from Scootaloo "You know we can just go around this structure it's not like we're required to beat this."

"Well these hippogriffs have to pay for what they're doing to the dragon eggs if they eat them it'll take away the only chance the dragon species has to repopulate and form a kingdom." Twilight explained

"Got just the thing" Rainbow said setting up the slingshot they found earlier sitting on a rock "Since super sonic flight is gone guess me and Fluttershy can use this to gain some and speed and for the rest of you to knock down the structures."

"Guess i'll go first" Twilight said before hopping into the slingshot, it being held down by Fluttershy "Be careful Twilight" the pegasus told her.

"I need some help here" Twilight said having trouble with stretching back the rubber band of the slingshot. Rainbow and Applejack helped her with this problem pulling the slingshot back and aiming it toward the structure.

"On the count of 3 release me" the unicorn said "1 2-" suddenly Rainbow smacked Applejack in the face causing her to let go as the pegasus willingly let go launching Twilight "I WASN'T READY!" the unicorn yelled being launched at the structure.

Twilight yelled which caused her horn to suddenly glow and a few waves of magic came out. But when it hit the structure instead of destroying the fortress it toppled over, and crushed the female hippogriff with a wooden plank. Twilight crashed into some wooden planks destroying them "Did i do it?" she asked weakly.

"Rainbow what was that for" Applejack asked rubbing the place where she smacked her. "Oh come on it's funny" the pegasus simply responded.

The next structure or fortress the herd came across was on a hills with 2 parts the first one on the lower hill, 2 stone planks holding it up on the left and 2 glass planks holding it up on the right. On top there was 2 stone planks placed horizontally, and on top of those planks were 10 glass cubes. There was also a small piece of glass placed across touching the 2 glass planks and inside the structure was a male hippogriff.

On the upper part of the hill was an identical

On the upper part of the hill was an identical copy of the structure on the bottom hill except both sides had stone planks and there was no piece of glass placed across and touching the right stone plank and inside that structure was a another female hippogriff.

"Guess what you land ponies stone is 5 times stronger than wood." the male hippogriff taunted, the 2 hippogriffs laughing at the herd.

"I'll go this time" Apple Bloom said before hopping into the slingshot and Applejack pulling it back. "Alright let's see here" the older earth pony said trying to aim the filly at the right spot, she first thought about aiming her at the stone but then decided against it since stone is stronger than wood.

In the end Applejack decided to launch Apple Bloom to the top where the 10 glass cubes were.

Apple Bloom was launched into the structure on the lower hill. When she hit the glass cubes on top she shattered all of them but also caused the fortress to tip over crushing the male hippogriff in the process.

"You completely missed me!" the female hippogriff taunted. "I'll finish them off" Scootaloo said before hopping into the slingshot "Launch me where you launched Apple Bloom." the pegasus requested, before being launched by Rainbow Dash towards the structure on the upper part of the hill.

Scootaloo just barely missed the 10 glass cubes she ended up hitting the 2 stone planks but luckily this was enough to knock over the structure crushing the female hippogriff and shattering all 10 glass cubes.

"Hey i spotted the hippogriffs they're up ahead." Rainbow said pointing a hoof at them. After Twilight picked up Apple Bloom and Scootaloo they made their way to the 3 hippogriffs.

"What? How did you catch up to us so fast and how did you get past our defenses?" Skystar asked in a surprised tone.

"First of all we didn't have to get past your structures or fortresses" Scootaloo started "We just decided to knock them down because we knew you hippogriffs had to pay." Twilight completed "We've also used the slingshot you 3 left behind" she concluded

Princess Skystar looked around before looking at her cousin "Silverstream you distract them!" she said , before she along with the Terramar left.

"Sure thing cousin, see you all later" Silverstream said in a cheerful tone waving a claw goodbye. "Your quest ends here nothing gets past me." She told the herd

Twilight growled at Silverstream before shouting which released the same waves of magic from earlier which knocked the hippogriff into a nearby rock. "This battle cry is a lot stronger than i thought it'll be."

"When did these land ponies have abilities?" Silverstream asked weakly, trying to get up "NOT SO FAST!" the 2 crusaders yelled in unison before beating her up.

Twilight stomped on Silverstream with all 4 hooves as Rainbow spotted the 3 remaining hippogriffs. Terramar giggling followed by Skystar bursting into laughter as they both headed towards the sea shore.

"We gotta keep following them" Twilight told the herd, before stomping on Silverstream one last time leaving her badly bruised but not bruised enough to draw blood.

"Uh oh they're catching up to us" Terramar warned his cousin as they were walking between 2 trees "Don't worry i've got a plan." she told him before pulling out a remote and pressing the big red button.

All of a sudden 2 massive structures exploded knocking wood, glass and stone onto the path that blocked Twilight's herd from going after the 3 remaining hippogriffs.

"Is this suppose to stop us?" Scootaloo asked "Says the filly that can't fly properly" Apple Bloom responded "HEY!"

"Stop it you two, we've gotta focus on getting the dragon eggs back." Fluttershy reminded the 2 fillies

Once Twilight and the herd go over the huge pile of materials they found themselves on a beach shore with the remining hippogriffs nowhere in site.

"Where'd they go?" Applejack asked and wondered "Hey everyone they say that you can hear the ocean if you put a seashell up to your ear." Fluttershy told the others before putting a seashell up to her right ear.

"I think i have a clue of where they went" Twilight informed the herd, spotting a trail of structure materials floating in the water.

Putting on scuba diving equipment which was just a bubble with a tube in it which was connected to an oxygen tank. The herd dived into the water bringing the slingshot along and luckily there was a trail of sinking fortress material so once following that they found a small sign saying Seaquestria and an arrow pointing to the right.

"Um guys there's literally a bigger sign say Welcome To Seaquestria kingdom of the Seaponies." Applejack said pointing at the bigger sign.

"Do they expect us to fall for this cheap trick." Apple Bloom said before punching and destroying the sign, it sinking to the bottom of the ocean

"Wait so you're telling me that not only are these hippogriffs half pony half bird creatures but they can also turn into new creatures called seaponies and live in a kingdom called Seaquestria. Things just got a whole lot complicated for us" Twilight said in an annoyed tone

The next thing they found after swimming past the was a structure made completely out of wood which explains all the sinking structure material. The fortress itself was on a platform of rocks 2 blocks on either side holding it up and 1 block on either side placed horizontally on top of them.

Inside those 2 sets of blocks was another block in the middle separating 2 male seaponies. On the top part of the structure the 2 blocks placed horizontally along with 2 planks the middle block was holding up worked as a platform for the top part of the fortress.

The top part of the structure had 2 planks, on the left side of the structure on the left it was held up by 2 small cubes and the right side was held up by a short plank and inside it was a female hippogriff. The right side of the structure was identical to the left except the short plank and was on the left and the 2 cubes were on the right and inside it was another female hippogriff.

"This structure is made out of 2 layers of thick wood you need some insane speed to break through this." a female hippogriff taunted

"This might sound crazy but i think i should knock this one down hopefully i can gain some speed." Rainbow suggested before setting up the slingshot on top of a rock and hopping in.

"Aim for the middle part" the pegasus requested as Twilight adjusted her aim and pulled back the slingshot.

When Twilight released Rainbow the pegasus wanted to try something that might help break through the 2 layers of wood. She flew forward which made her gain a huge amount of speed which was enough to break right through the wooden structure causing it to collapse crushing all 4 hippogriffs inside leaving a rainbow trail.

"Yes flew right through it" Rainbow said with pride as she brushed herself off as the wood sank to the ocean floor.

The next fortress they came across was completely made out of stone there were 2 castle towers both with female seaponies. In between them was another structure 2 planks holding it up, 2 blocks in the middle separating 2 male seaponies. There were 4 planks placed horizontally on top.

2 blocks were placed in the middle of these 4 planks and above it was 2 blocks that reached the top and 2 small planks were placed on either side. 2 planks on either side were leaned over, only being stopped by 2 stone cubes on either side.

"If you thought the first stone structure was bad, this one has 2 layers of stone." a female seaponie taunted, the herd hearing laughter from the other seaponies.

"Hey Twilight i should take this one out since i do have an explosive temper." Applejack explained "Yeah we all do, these half birds, half ponies but also half hippogriff, half seapony creatures stole the dragon eggs." the unicorn responded

"No serisouly i have a explosive temper as in if i get mad i blow up like a bomb." Applejack corrects her "You're kidding right?" Twilight asks "No i'm not i'll prove it to you" she responded before hopping into the slingshot.

"If you say so" the leader simply responds before pulling back the slingshot "Launch me into the middle structure" The earth pony requests. Twilight takes note of this and pulls the rubber band down.

When Applejack is launched she flies over the first stone tower and hits the middle structure. Once she lands there she manages to break some stone, she then starts growling, which just gets her laughed at by the 2 male seaponies.

All of a sudden her ponytail (the one in her mane) catches on fire acting like a fuse. Once the fuse reaches her main mane Applejack blows up, destroying the middle structure taking out the 2 male seaponies. Blasting stone to either tower taking out a part of them which causes them to fall over crushing the 2 female seaponies.

"Alright that's taken care of just one more structure to take out." Twilight informed her herd as they swam past the stone castle, Fluttershy picking up Applejack in the process.

"How did you learn to do that?" Apple Bloom asked her older sister

"I discovered it when this loss of powerful magic started unfortunately when i discovered it i couldn't control it everytime i would be surprised i blew up but luckily around the time i met Twilight i managed to control it now being able to explode at will." Applejack explained to her sister.

The final structure they came across was a wooden structure with metal wheels there was also starfruit lying around. As for the structure itself it was in the shape of a train, the last wooden cart carried a female seapony in it and the first cart had 3 starfruit in it. Finally there was the biggest part of the structure the locomotive made out of wood planks and blocks and inside it was a male seapony.

There was also a smaller wooden structure in the shape of a train except the locomotive was way smaller and inside it was a male seapony. There was also the cart which was somehow bigger than the locomotive which carried another male seapony.

"All aboard the starfruit train." the male seapony in the big locomotive said, the herd knowing it was an attempt to taunt them.

"I'm starting to rethink this, I mean we're destroying another creature's home over 3 dragon eggs." Fluttershy said swimming back a little.

"You do realize how rare dragons are and how such things as dragons eggs are elusive." Twilight reminded her. Unfortunately this wasn't enough to convince Fluttershy to fight back against these seaponies.

"Hang on Twilight i'll handle this" Rainbow told her pushing the unicorn aside a little "Those seaponies are gonna eat baby dragons" the pegasus simply told Fluttershy which angered her.

"THOSE SEAPONIES ARE GONNA PAY!" she yelled before hopping into the slingshot. She then noticed the seashell she was using earlier to listen to the ocean was shaking a lot "Um that seashell seems to be shaking a whole awful lot" she told the others going back to her normal shy tone.

"Huh this must be the sea pressure" Apple Bloom stated picking up and examining the shaking seashell. "Give it to me might be effective against those seaponies." Fluttershy requested

"Aim me up i'm gonna airdrop this like a bomb." the pegasus explained as the slingshot was being pulled back. When Fluttershy was launched she flew right over the structure and then dropped the pressurized seashell on the big wooden locomotive blowing it up taking out the male seapony inside.

The explosion blew wood into the back carts destroying the one carrying the 3 starfruits and the one carrying the female seapony. Chunks of wood were also blasted into the smaller wooden train which took out both male seaponies.

"Something tells me that's where the remaining hippogriffs are." Twilight told her herd pointing at a big lantern, once they swam inside they found a large white seapony with a purple mane trying to crack open one of the dragon eggs "Come on, come on break" she said banging the egg against her throne.

"Wait a minute YOU'RE THE QUEEN!" Twilight assumed since Novo seemed to be the only ruler of Seaquestria. "Yeah i'm the queen the name's Queen Novo and that means i can do this GUARDS!" she yelled

All of a sudden 4 seaponies dressed in armor surround the herd all pointing a spear at them, which finally gave Twilight a good look at the seaponies.

These seaponies were completely different from their hippogriffs form, they didn't have any feathers just fur and their beaks were replaced by a seahorse snout. Their front hooves were replaced by fins, their wings if they had some and manes were replaced by fins as well. Their back legs were replaced by a fish tail and Twilight noticed that Queen Novo had a light above her head.

"Princess Skystar you distract them, use the pearl if you have to, while i figure out another way to cook these dragon eggs." Queen Novo asked her daughter before swimming off with the dragon eggs.

"See you later mom" Skystar simply said in her sea pony form with the same light above her head. She then reached into a giant white jellyfish above the throne and pulled out a pearl.

"You see this, this is the Pearl Of Transformation meaning i can turn you land ponies into anything i want i'm thinking...huh never thought about this." she then started thinking about what she should transform Twilight's herd into.

Twilight started growling which confused not only the herd but also the guards a little. Her horn glowed for second before she screamed which let out a massive battle cry which knocked back the seapony guards and also knocked the pearl out of Skystar's fins.

"I got it i'll transform you all into bubble fish!" the princess said, opening her eyes and immediately noticing the pearl missing from her fin. "Hey where did the-"

Rainbow Dash swam forward managing to kick Skystar in the neck. Fluttershy then swam up to the seapony and threw another pressurized sea shell at her which blew up badly bruising her. Finally Applejack punched Skystar in the face giving her a black eye, she then ignited her ponytail fuse.

"I hope you like explosions, cause you're about to get one!" Applejack told the seapony before the fuse reached her main mane creating an explosion which finished off Princess Skystar.

Twilight stomped on Skystar with all 4 hooves as Rainbow spotted Queen Novo and Terramar who were swimming towards a massive structure that was still under construction, seaponies still putting on new parts. Terramar giggled at the herd which was followed by Novo bursting into laughter.

"Alright everypony we've taken out 2 half bird, half pony but also half hippogriff, half seapony creatures now we just need to take out 2 mo-" Twilight's voice slurred as the herd came across not only Queen Novo and Terramar but also a bunch of other seaponies in a massive fortress. The structure itself was just a giant square but it had a variety of all the materials glass, wood and stone block, planks and cubes.

"Face it you land dwellers you'll never break down this fortress it has multiple layers of materials, and once you all give up i'll boil these dragon eggs in an underwater volcano." Queen Novo said before licking one of the eggs.

"I'm gonna be honest Twilight i don't think any of our abilities can take down that structure in one try." Applejack admitted
"Looks like we're gonna have to use all our abilities one at a time." Twilight responded.

Twilight jumped in the slingshot and fired herself into a stone part of the structure before letting out a battle cry. "Didn't do much just dented it a little." Twilight said trying to get up.

"I'm going for that box of dynamite" Rainbow stated before launching herself up into the air and dashing forwards hitting the TNT crate causing an explosion that took out almost all the seaponies at the top of the structure.

"Uh what just happened to the roof?" Novo asked the seaponies around her in a panicked tone. Only getting a reponse from Terramar pointing at Apple Bloom and Scootaloo hopping into the slingshot.

"Are you sure about this?" Scootaloo asked her friend "Trust me we'll do more damage like this." Apple Bloom told her before launching themselves at the top part of the structure taking out the remaining seaponies on the roof and knocking down some wood.

Fluttershy went next firing herself at the same area the last 2 fired themselves at the top part. But this time with the roof part gone she threw another pressurized sea shell into the structure blowing up a huge part of it taking out Terramar and a few other seaponies.

"Phew that was a close one" Queen Novo said before letting out a sigh of relief. Unfortunately for her this didn't last long as Applejack launched herself at the part Twilight hit earlier her fuse igniting and causing a explosion taking out both the structure and the remaining seaponies.

The explosion Applejack caused blew glass wood and stone everywhere. A chunk of stone hit the underwater volcano Queen Novo was talking about earlier causing it to erupt and destroy a part of Seaquestria.

Hearing a volcano eruption immediately alerted the seapony ruler "Uh oh better get out of here" she said spotting the Pearl Of Transformation floating around she used it to turn into her hippogriff form and float back up to the surface, getting out of a pond.

"Better make a fire if i want to cook and eat these" Queen Novo thought before trotting off looking for sticks. Twilight's herd quickly recovered from their battle injuries and followed her back to the surface finding themselves in a completely new place.

"Woah where are we?" Fluttershy asked looking around the new area they just discovered. The place they were in had abandoned statues and trees that were covered in moss.

"HEY THERE YOU ARE!" Twilight yelled through gritted teeth spotting Queen Novo hiding behind a statue. "Uh oh" the hippogriff said but before she could fly away with the dragon eggs Twilight grabbed her tail and knocked her back with a battle cry.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo then beat her up, Rainbow punched her in the face giving her a black eye, Fluttershy threw another pressurized sea shell at her blowing her back and finally Applejack ignited her ponytail fuse blowing Queen Novo away.

Twilight let out a sigh of relief having gotten the dragon eggs back, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo jumped for joy, Applejack and Fluttershy inspected the eggs to make sure they were safe and Rainbow growled at the defeated Queen Novo who was badly bruised with bumps all over her body, 2 black eyes and a bent crown, well at least what the herd assumed was a crown, they even caused her nose to bleed.

"If you ever try to steal our dragon eggs again you're gonna pay." Twilight told the hippogriff "Oh yeah well guess what you land dwellers me and the other seaponies will try everything, we're not gonna stop until we eat those eggs." Queen Novo countered.

"Looks like these half birds, half ponies, but also half hippogriff and half seapony creatures will be a problem now." Twilight informed her herd, face hoofing herself.

"I'm gonna be honest look on the bright side Twilight even though they will come back at least it'll be a while." Applejack stated pointing a hoof at the defeated Queen Novo.

Shortly after the herd's first encounter with the Hippogriffs/Seaponies and Seaquestria they decided to relocate to another area of this flat terrain. "Come on, we better find a new place to live in if we want the chances of those half birds, half pony but also half hippogriff, half seapony creatures to come back and steal the dragon eggs." Twilight explained to the herd before crashing into a throne bush.

But this wasn't any old thorn bush this seemed to be more of a thorn bush box which surrounded a blocked off area of this flat terrain. "I'm gonna be honest and say this is definitely out of place in a flat terrain with the occasional tree." Applejack admitted.

"I have a feeling this wall or box of thorns is hiding something especially considering that it's in the middle of a flat terrain." Twilight suggested to the herd looking at the thorn box.

"I've got an idea!" Scootaloo then dragged over a rock and placed a log in the middle creating a seesaw "Hey Rainbow you think you can give me a boost?" Rainbow nodded and jumped on the other end of the seesaw sending the filly into the air and landing on the top edge of the thorn wall.

"My idea worked!" she said but before she could turn around to see what was on the other side of the hedge she fell through but right before she hit the ground Rainbow caught her with only a few scratch marks "Nevermind." Scootaloo annouced as Rainbow placed her down

"You're doing it wrong Scootaloo don't worry everpont i've got this!" Apple Bloom said grabbing the same log of the seesaw and charging at the thorns.

"Hopefully this works" the filly thought before pole vaulting over the wall of thorns. Unfortunately she didn't make it over cause she crashed near the top and somehow managed to get stuck inside one of the walls of the thorn box.

"Hang in there Apple Bloom i'll get you out" Applejack said walking up to the thorns, but right as her fur touched one of the thorns she blew up the explosion was 2 times bigger than the explosion she did during the herd's adventure to get the dragon eggs back.

Luckily after all the smoke cleared it revealed that both Applejack and Apple Bloom were okay. But another thing the herd noticed was that the explosion destroyed one of the thorn walls.

"Does that always happen?" Rainbow asked the earth pony "To be honest that's actually something i didn't even know i could do." AJ explained.

Twilight noticed that behind this thorn wall and a few bushes was something shiny, and when the herd walked past those bushes they found a massive tree but this wasn't any old massive tree this one was coated in crystal, which gave the tree it's shiny look.

"I think i just found our new home!" Twilight informed her herd. Suddenly the herd heard movement and Twilight swore she saw something run by the tree. "I think i saw something, get your abilities ready." the unicorn whispered to the herd.

Rainbow and the 2 crusaders got their speed ready and charged up, Applejack lit her fuse, Fluttershy was getting ready to throw another pressurized seashell and Twilight growled getting her battle cry ready.

"GOTCHA...Ohhh" Twilight's voice slurred as she found a white filly with green eyes, and a purple and pink mane and tail. "Uh how did a filly like you end up here?" she asked the filly.

"Wait a minute is that who we think it is SWEETIE BELLE!" the crusaders both yelled before they both trotted over to Sweetie Belle wrapping her in a hug. "What happened how did you end up her separated from your friends?" Twilight asked her again.

"It's simple me and the crusaders were surviving on our own for a while until i learned about my sister Rarity so i left The Other Crusaders so i could go look for her unfortunately during my travels i got lost and somehow ended up here." Sweetie Belle explained the rest of Twilight's herd.

"Well you know what we'll help look for your sister Rarity, i mean it could make for a good sidequest for surviving in this almost magic-less world but first we better unpack and settle in our new home." Twilight stated

Author's Note:

I decided to make the actual backstory of the herd and the dragons short cause i wanted to get straight to the plot and i want this story to live up to the comedy tag.

I'll also be writing the other Angry Birds Classic Episodes Mighty Hoax, Danger Above, The Big Setup and Mine And Dine.

But for Ham 'Em High i'll be skipping that one since it makes the least sense to me it's just Poached Eggs but the pigs wear cowboy hats and use a lasso to take the eggs. (Never played the game so correct me if i'm wrong.

So i'll be replacing it with either a brand new plot, something having to do with the Pearl Of Transformation or have the Hippogriffs/Seaponies wear hats but of a different theme (Maybe Pirate Hats)