• Published 27th Jan 2023
  • 1,063 Views, 16 Comments

The Sorcerer Supreme of Earth - Vishanti

Enter an adventure of the sorcerer supreme of Earth and his adventures across dimensions with ponies

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Chapter 8: Welcome to Ponyville... Again

Author's Note:

I'm not dead! That's good, yes, very good. Apologies for those who have waited. i simply was delayed with life and had no motivation and was working on future projects. Anyway, enjoy my latest update.

In the dungeons of Canterlot, Silver Dagger can be seen visibly sulking behind bars, crossing both his arms and legs as he sits silently in his own private cell. His followers of his cult too were imprisoned behind bars. All shouting to be free, screaming for their lord to save them.

In the throne room of Canterlot Castle, the two princesses and the sorcerer supreme of Earth can be found having a conversation about the whereabouts of the Cloaked Stranger. Going over the notes that have been taken of the dark book, finding contents of the drawn map unreadable as it does not belong to a known location on Earth or Equestria.

“What could this be, I wonder?” Celestia asks.

“A map to some treasure, perhaps?” Luna suggested, although unsure. Doctor Strange shook his head, refuting the idea as he crossed his arms.

“It can’t be! No way anyone would massacre many soldiers just for something trivial. There must be a deeper reason.” Doctor Strange said before turning to Celestia. “Didn’t you say Silver Dagger was finding a book for power?” Celestia nodded in confirmation. “Then whoever is this cloaked stranger, they’re obviously searching for some form of power. But the question is, what kind of power?” He asked.

A moment of silence filled the room as they were in deep thought of any possible answer, but they came up with nothing. Sighing in disappointment, Celestia believes they should take a break from brainstorming. “Perhaps Twilight will be of assistance? She shows remarkable skill in knowledge that even I overlook in my time.” Celestia thought.

“Perhaps we should put a pause in this affair. I must return to my duties as princess and Luna should rest for the night shift. You should probably return home, Doctor. You have fulfilled your task I have requested. You have my thanks.” She said gratefully.

Although this was a chance to go home and rest, like any average person after being stabbed, the sorcerer from earth was quite stubborn. When he starts a job, he sees it through, whether or not his job was supposed to investigate or not. If an evil foe still looms over both worlds of Earth and Equis, or in any dimension he comes across, wherever they are, there must always be Doctor Strange to combat it.

“Actually, I would like to stay.” He declared, surprising the princess. “Really? Why so?” Luna asks. “Because, even though my task as an investigator is over, my job as the sorcerer supreme isn’t. I will wait when both of you have time to resume the investigation and search for the Cloaked Stranger.”

Celestia thought about it, if he was going to stay, she might as well make his temporary stay not boring. For that, she got an idea. “Well, if you're going to wait. Then might I ask if you do one small favor for me?” Celestia asks with a hopeful smile while teleporting in a piece of paper and quill. She wrote something on it before flipping over to write something more in the back. She then rolled it up and tied it in a red ribbon. It hovered in front of the doctor, motioning him to take it, to which he did.

“Who do I have to send it to?” He asked, looking over the little scroll before placing it in his waist cloth.

“I would like you to take it to Twilight Sparkle. She currently lives in Ponyville’s public library. And since you said you expended so much magic that you’re unable to conjure portals at the moment, so I will send a Royal Guard to escort you to a train. Plus, I believe one of her friends will help you with your torn clothing problem.” She said, reminding him of his shredded tunic.

Doctor Strange looks over his tunic and sees her point. “Yes, I probably should see a tailor or a fashion designer of sorts.” He said.

“Then one of Twilight’s friends should be perfect to help you in that matter. I hope you will enjoy your stay in Equestria.” She said, and with a command of her authority, the same female Royal Guard from past events stands beside Doctor Strange, ready to escort the sorcerer to his destination.

“Well, alright then. I’ll be off.” He said, accepting her request. “Goodbye, dear friend!” Luna said with a wave of her hoof.

At the train station of Canterlot, Doctor Strange was given a free ride on board of the train, courtesy of Princess Celestia.

Doctor Strange was mesmerized by how colorful the train was, it almost made his ticket slip through his blood stained, gloved fingers until the female Royal Guard brought him from his trance.

Doctor Strange climbs aboard and finds a seat. He looks through his window and spots his escort. “All I have to do is step off on the first stop, right?” Doctor Strange asks the Royal Guard through the window. The Royal Guard nodded. “Yep, it’s very easy.” She replied.

“Thanks. Hey, I never got your name. You probably know me as Doctor Strange, what’s yours? If you don’t mind me asking?” He asks, intrigued by the nameless mare.

“Oh, it’s no biggie. My name is-!” Her voice was overheard as the train blow it’s horn loud, signaling the train about to move.

As the train starts rolling its wheels, Doctor Strange quickly tries to speak to the female Royal Guard one last time, but he was already a good distance away in a short amount of time.

He sits back down and sighs, his shoulders sagged. He was a bit disappointed he was unable to catch the mare’s name. He vows he will learn her name the next time they meet.

For now, he can enjoy the scenery of Equestria. “I wonder what this land has to give. I should’ve invited Bats along if I knew I would stay for a while longer. Maybe once my strength returned, I could.” He thought.

A few hours later, the train arrives at a stop at the Ponyville train station. He steps off board as he gazes at the town Ponyville once more, reminiscing the last time he visited. Only this time it was not in chaos. Remembering the last time he visited left a bad taste. It was not a good look for the sorcerer supreme as he was easily overwhelmed by a bunch of furballs.

Removing the memory out of his mind he walks through the lively streets of Ponyville. Many ponies glanced in his direction and were astonished to see their mysterious cloak hero that saved them from the clutches of Dormammu from the Dark Dimension.

Many of them wave to him in a friendly greeting way, others gasp in shock at his presence. Children, or in this case, foals, can be seen playing and chasing one another, some of them pass through his legs. His cloaks moved to form a small tunnel for the foals to move through.

He smiled at their playful gestures, and also responded a wave back to those waving at him.

After walking a bit, trying to find a sign of a library and asking the citizens in which direction is the library. The Sorcerer finds himself in front of a large tree with a door and glass windows. With a hanging lantern, a beehive, a wax candle connected to the front red door and a large sign next to the door with an image of an open book.

“Never would I ever think a pony can make a library out of a tree.” He mused in thought. He walked up to the door and let himself in.

The first thing he sees are the shelves with flower engravings that seem to be carved from inside the tree when it was hollowed out. There was also a table in the center of the room with a pony head statue, a ladder made of skinny logs and stairs that lead to the second floor of the library. He also noticed a yellow sun painted on the ceiling and blue flowers sitting on the windows.

Once again he was in a trance of the homey design of the library. It didn’t even look like a library, it looked more of a house with a library living room.

Suddenly, a small, at least as tall as his knees, purple dragon with a green belly and mohawk-like fin on its head with emerald eyes walked up to Doctor Strange with a toothy smile. “Hi, welcome to Golden Oak Library. How can I-!” The small dragon stopped mid phrase when he comprehended who entered the library, he gasped.

“A-are you D-D-D-Doctor Strange?” The little dragon stuttered as it pointed at the sorcerer. Doctor Strange was unsure how to respond, he had never interacted with a dragon before. So this was a first.

“Uh, greetings and salutations?” He said awkwardly with a little wave. The little dragon continued to gawk at the sorcerer. Doctor Strange was now worried if his presence broke the mind of a fragile…child? “He sounds like a child, but I could be wrong.” He thought from his hearing of the dragon’s voice.

Before Doctor Strange could make a move, a voice interrupted the little dragon’s shock and caught Doctor Strange’s attention. “Spike! Do you know where I put my book of Rockhoof and The Seven Labors?” Twilight asks and she climbs down the stairs to the main library room. She paused when she caught sight of both the sorcerer and the little dragon.

“Doctor Strange?” Twilight said in confusion. Doctor Strange smiled, relieved she indirectly took him out of the awkward moment with the little dragon, to which he assumes is named Spike.

“Twilight! It’s the hero that saved the world! The one you told me about!” Spike said with a squeal like a schoolgirl who saw her biggest idol on a poster.

“Hello, we've met during Dormammu’s attempt at taking over your world, remember?” He asked. Twilight nodded. “Of course! You saved the princesses and helped Equestria and other countries! How could I forget?” Twilight said with glee. Ever since she heard of Doctor Strange in saving the princesses from the Mindless Ones, the Sorcerer Supreme had unknowingly gained respect and favor from the sun princess’s pupil.

“But, what are you doing here?” Twilight asked, completely ignoring Spike who was still in shock of seeing his hero in Golden Oaks Library. Doctor Strange pulled out the scroll and gave it to Twilight, who was confused as to why Celestia sent it through a messenger instead of a transfer spell through Spike’s green fire breath. She used her magic to levitate it in front of her and opened it.

She read; “Dear Twilight Sparkle, my prized pupil. As you have already noticed, Doctor Strange stands before you. He has decided to stay only for a temporary amount of time as we have unfinished business with an intruder and his fellow cult. We have left this investigation to a pause for I have my duties and so does Luna. I thought it would be best if I entrusted you to take care of the doctor as a guide to Equestria so he may enjoy his time here. I hope I do not intrude in your daily life. Your beloved teacher, Celestia.”

She paused, a feeling of pride swells within her. Her princess, her amazing teacher, has sent her a task she so graciously would accept in an instant. But she couldn't also forget there was a piece of detail about an intruder and some cult. As much as she would like to be part of this investigation, it was none of her business if Celestia herself didn’t include her. With that out of the way, she smiles as she turns to Doctor Strange.

“Well it looks like you have me to show you around town and properly introduce you to my friends.” She said, but then Spike noticed something on the back of the letter.

“Uh, Twilight. I think there’s more on the back.” He pointed out. Twilight turned the scroll and was surprised to see that there was more. It read; “P.S. Could you also take him to one of your friends first? Rarity, the one who is great with fashion design. The Doctor’s clothing, as you can see, has been damaged after an attack with the said intruder.”

Twilight took a look over the sorcerer’s garments and saw it was torn, even one of his gloves was stained in dried blood with a hole. She didn’t even notice he was in such a terrible state of clothing that it looked like he was mauled by timberwolves and lived to tell the tale.

“Oh, yeah we should see that’s taken care of.” She said, agreeing to Celestia’s suggestion. “Well then, no need to waste time. Follow me.” She said as Spike the dragon hopped on her back. She guides Doctor Strange out the door and walks through the streets of Ponyville once more.

While walking, Spike gleefully points at places to show Doctor Strange. “Oh, that’s the Town Square and Town Hall! Over there is the schoolhouse! Far away in that direction is the Hospital next to the retirement village!” And Spike went on and on as Twilight rolled her eyes, amused to see her assistant acting so childishly while Doctor Strange listened intently.

Right around the corner, they both stop right in front of a small, yet tall building. Surrounded by a few trees and tents, It’s a mixture of shades of pink, purple, blue and yellow in the shapes of diamonds and regal designs. It also had a yellow pony mannequin for a decor sign.

To the sorcerer, it looked like a real life size Barbie's castle play set, but to the citizens of Ponyville, it was the Carousel Boutique, the home of a fashion designer, Rarity.

Twilight casually walked in the house without so much a knock. Doctor Strange was in a state of bewilderment before following her lead.

The room was large to say the least. There were many pony mannequins, some with an interesting fashion of choice. Dark pink curtains also decorated and diamond shaped walls. There was also an area of a small stage to stand on with three mirrors standing by.

As Doctor Strange closed the door after he came through, a bell rang from the door upon closing. From that a voice was heard from another room. “Well hello there!” A familiar female British voice was heard.

Out came Rarity from the other room to greet them with grace and elegance in her steps. She came with a look of beauty in person, her baby blue eyelashes bringing out her sapphire-violet eyes. And her stylish, curly, refined, violet hair that would inspire hair designers to great lengths to copy its style.

Of course, these were the thoughts of a young boy; Spike, who seemed to be hypnotized as Doctor Strange can literally see his eyes in the shape of hearts and some popped in existence around the dragon’s head before popping away.

Doctor Strange speculated that it must be a thing of how this dimension’s laws of physics work. After all, he started to notice how bright his own figure seemed after thinking about it. It was quite rare to step into a dimension that would physically change one’s dimensional appearance.

But anyway, Rarity steps up to Twilight to formally greet her friend. “Oh, Twilight. What a lovely day it is to see you. And how is my Spiky wiky?” She gushed to Spike, as if treating the small dragon as a favorite infant. The said dragon in question nearly passed out, but still managed to stand up straight without falter.

“Hello Rarity, I came by wondering if you could help a new friend of ours.” Twilight said, pointing to Doctor Strange’s attire with her hoof. The moment Rarity laid her eyes upon the sorcerer’s damaged and torn tunic, she shrieks and nearly faints. “Oh, my!” She cried out. She dramatically lays the back of her hoof on her head in a display to horror for seeing something truly horrendous. Doctor Strange was puzzled by her reaction, unsure why she was making a scene and a big deal out of his attire.

“Oh, Darling! What in the name of Celestia are you wearing!?” She questions. Twilight and Spike wince at her voice, failing to realize the situation they put themselves in as they walked into a lion’s den, now unable to escape Rarity’s over exaggerated wrath.

“Uh, my tunic…?” He answered. Rarity sighed with emphasis. “No, no, no! This simply must not do!” Rarity said with fierce authority. She quickly went behind Doctor Strange and gently pushed him, taking him to stand on the platform area where the mirrors are.

As Doctor Strange steps on the platform, Rarity immediately takes off the cloak, with the cloak allowing her to remove it, and the tunic along with the yellow waist cloth and gloves to measure the sorcerer’s size.

Doctor Strange said nothing but stood frozen, not wanting to cause movement and frustrate the fashion designer.

As Rarity took the measurements, she went right to work in levitating a few fabrics of shades of blue. She levitated up the torn tunic to get an inspiration idea, while cringing at the sight. She grabs a pair of scissors and begins cutting the fabric to the exact measure. With the shapes done, she sows the fabric pieces together before folding it inside out. She also grabbed a piece of light brown leather and made it into a pouch and attached it to the enchanted waist cloth as a nice touch of detail.

Once done, she presented the new tunic and modified waist cloth to the sorcerer. “All finished, darling. I hope you’ll like the new aesthetics I have added to your attire.” She said,

Doctor Strange grabbed his new clothing and laced them on. He took a look at himself in the mirror and admired his new look. “This looks quite nice, I will admit.”

His new tunic was a darker shade of blue, more specifically an ultramarine blue with triangle trims, his chest symbol is now black as midnight and his yellow waist cloth sports a fancy pouch. His gloves, however, were still the same, just brand new as the old ones were thrown away, seeing how stitching it would ruin the look and the blood would be hard to remove.

“Ooh!” Twilight awed, amazed by the new fancy tunic. Spike was also in awe of the new look while Rarity smiles with closed eyes as she raises her head high with pride of her new work design. It was a challenge to her for it was a design she was not familiar with, but made it work with ease.

“Thank you for the new clothes, how much is it?” He asked as he placed a hand behind his back inside his cloak, ready to produce a bag of gold coins. But to his surprise, Rarity brushed it off. “Oh, no need! It’s all free for a dear friend.” She said,

“Wait, really?” Doctor Strange asked, dumbfounded, but accepted the free clothes.

“Now that that’s over with; Rarity, would you like to help me properly welcome Doctor Strange to Ponyville?” Twilight asked. “Oh, I would if I could! But unfortunately, I’m very busy because I need to be working on an order of thirteen dresses and eleven tailors.” Rarity said with a frown. Spike can be seen visibly upset.

“I hope you can understand.” Rarity said shamefully. But Twilight just smiles, not at all angry or sad. “That’s okay, maybe we can meet up at a later time.” She suggested. Rarity smiled, “Splendid.” She said,

With that, the trio left the Boutique to visit another friend close by.

Their next stop seems to be a bakery with a gingerbread house design and a pink cupcake at the top with three lit candles. From what Spike tells the good doctor is that this place is called Sugarcube Corner.

Interested, they walked in through another bell door, the bell was heard by something as a pink blur zipped in front of them that revealed to be Pinkie Pie. “Yippy! My turn!” She exclaimed.

“Your… turn?” Doctor Strange asked, confused by her words. He felt a tug from his cloak, he looked down to see Spike was the one who was tugging him to get his attention. “She says random things, it’s one of her quirks.” He explained. “You’ll get used to it.” He assured him.

Doctor Strange was unsure how to process this information before Pinkie went all up and personal in his face. “It’s very nice to meet you again!” She said as she kept bouncing off the ground with a boing sound, an ability that confuses the sorcerer, but wrote it off as some dimension influence.

“Hello, Pinkie. I was showing Doctor Strange around Ponyville as Princess Celestia requested, I was wondering if you like to tag along?” Twilight asked.

Pinkie hummed in thought, “Oh, I would really, really, really like to, but I gotta bake a cake for someone’s birthday!” She said, before she gasped. “Oh! I just remembered!” She shouts. I didn’t plan for your Welcome-to-Ponyville-and-thanks-for-saving-our-world party!” She exclaimed.

“So! In the meantime, while nothing bad is happening in Ponyville and after I’m done, I should plan your super, duper, amazingly, extravaganza party!” She said with glee. Before Doctor Strange could even refute, Pinkie zipped away into the kitchen.

“W-Well, that was an interesting conversation.” Doctor Strange commented. “Yeah, like I said; you’ll get used to it.” Spike said.

They then went on to another friend of Twilight, that was the plan before a streak of rainbow popped small clouds with a loud poof. The rainbow streak slowed as it became clear of who it was in the sky; Rainbow Dash.

She spotted Twilight and Spike in the distance, and something next to them. Perceiving them as a threat she zoomed down to Ponyville and charged towards it, unknown to her that it was Doctor Strange.

Said Doctor Strange saw this and quickly whispered a spell. “By the Shades of the Shadows, by the Wand of Watoomb! May no being touch me, may they pass through me!”

And on cue, Rainbow Dash phases through Doctor Strange as if he wasn’t there to begin with. With no physical object to stop Rainbow Dash from moving at her speed, and without thought of slowing down, she crashed almost through a wall of a building.

Twilight was shocked by both Doctor Strange’s spell and the fact that Rainbow Dash almost crashed into her guest.

Rainbow Dash was dazed as literal stars swirled around above her head. She struggled to get up back on her hooves, mumbling random things that no one heard. Once she was able to properly stand up, Twilight confronted her immediately.

“What in Equestria were you thinking!? You could’ve hurt yourself and somepony!” She scolded. Rainbow Dash, ever the prideful, talked back. “Hey, I was trying to save you!” She shouted.

“Save me from what? There was only Spike, Doctor Strange and I.” Twilight said, gesturing to others and herself. Rainbow Dash looked confused before realization hit her, making her bashful of her mistake. “Oh! Sorry about that, big guy. I didn’t realize it was you. You looked pretty weird from a distance.” She apologized.

“It’s fine, no harm done.” Doctor Strange accepted and forgave.

Both Twilight and Rainbow Dash talked about what Doctor Strange was doing, after Twilight finished explaining herself. “That’s cool, mind if I tag along?” Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight was a bit skeptical. “Don’t you have cloud duty?” She asked. Rainbow Dash waved it off in response, crossing her forehooves. “Psh, I’m already done with my shift. Besides, there’s no way I would miss out showing the big guy around. With no weird, adventure day, that is.” She said,

With that said, Rainbow Dash tagged along, hovering next to Twilight and Doctor Strange as they all head outside Ponyville and into the grass hills with endless apple trees and corn fields behind white fence. Doctor Strange was about to question where they were going until he saw a purple-ish red barn house with an apple at the top half a good mile away.

As they got closer and closer, Doctor Strange could see a chicken house, a well, and an orange barn house with a carrot behind the farm house.

They all entered the farm’s property where they stopped in front of the farm house’s door. Twilight knocked and they all waited. The door was answered only a moment or two by a small filly.

The filly in question has a yellow cream coat and a red mane with a pink bow. “Oh, Heya Twilight! Whatcha doin?” The little filly asked. “Hello, Apple Bloom. Is Applejack here?” Twilight asked.

“Yep! She’s buckin’ some trees, though, so she may be busy.” Apple Bloom said. She then noticed something standing beside Rainbow Dash. “Wus that?” She asked, pointing at Doctor Strange turned over his shoulder, seeing nothing but apple trees and corn. “Was what?” He asked, oblivious to where Apple Bloom’s actually pointing at.

“Oh, wait, I remember you! Yer that pony that saved us from those weird monsters!” Apple Bloom said. Doctor Strange smiled down at the little filly to show kindness and he slowly fell to one knee. “Yep, that was me. My name is Doctor Strange. Apple Bloom, was it?” He asked.

“Yup, that’s me.” She nodded eagerly. Rainbow Dash stepped in. “So, Applejack’s at the trees, right?” She asked. “Yep!” The filly responded.

“Great! Last one to Applejack is a rotten egg!” Rainbow Dash said before dashing to the apple trees, leaving behind some dust that blew to the unicorn, the dragon and the sorcerer. The three of them coughed as they were try to fan out the dust.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight shouted, as if trying to catch the pegasi’s attention with an angry scolding tone. “Well, guess we better go after her now.” Spike said, with Doctor Strange agreeing.

They all went after the eager pegasus into the row and row of apple trees, following the dust trail Rainbow Dash has left behind.

After a few minutes of running and chasing, the trio stopped to see Rainbow Dash talking to Applejack, who was carrying a bucket load of apples on her back without strain.

Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack noticed their presence. “Oh, heya Twilight. Rainbow Dash told me about you showing this here Doctor Strange around Ponyville.” She turns to the sorcerer. “Great to see ya, doc. Even if our last weren’t too great.” Applejack said. Doctor Strange smiles kindly. “Even if my last visit wasn’t so great, it was an interesting visit nonetheless.” He said.

“Applejack, are you done with the apples? I was wondering if you would like to help me show Doctor Strange around Ponyville?” Twilight asked.

Applejack nodded, “Sure, I’d be happy to. Just let me take these apples back home.” Applejack then walked back home with her friends in tow.

After setting the apples back home, they are now in the woods on a trail that leads to a little natural bridge over a lake stream to a house with a green bush roof, surrounded by trees with bird houses on them.

Doctor Strange thought how cute it was and wondered who lived in this cottage. His question would soon be answered.

They all stood in front of the door while Twilight knocked. It took a minute before the door was answered slowly as a familiar light pink mane became visible. The shy pony peeked through the crack of the door with their familiar blue eyes. Upon seeing Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Spike, her demeanor changed to one of confidence.

“Oh, hey girls. What are you all doing here?” Fluttershy asks in almost a whisper as she opens the door all the way, she also notices Doctor Strange. “Oh, hello there, Mr. Strange.” She greeted him kindly.

Doctor Strange lighty waves. “Hello, Mrs. Fluttershy. It is a pleasure to meet you again.” He reacquainted.

“Fluttershy, would you like to come with us and show Doctor Strange around Ponyville?” Twilight asked. Fluttershy smiled. “Of course, Twilight. I’d be happy to.” She said,

“Great, now it’s just Rarity and Pinkie Pie left. Let’s go!” Rainbow Dash, ever hasty, flew back to Ponyville before Twilight could tell her. Twilight sighed in frustration. “Welp, looks like we better go after our friend.” Applejack stated the obvious.

“Hm, this reminds me; I think I got enough strength to pull a portal spell to bring my friend here. Let me try.” Doctor Strange stretched out his hands and made a circling motion with his right. A sparkling portal formed with a room of the Sanctum Sanctorum where the portal faces a couch with a ghost dog on it.

“Hey, Bats!” Doctor Strange called. Bats jolted as he turned to the portal. “Steven?”

“Come on! I’m here at Ponyville, there’s gonna be a party.” He swayed. Bat jumped through the portal and landed in his friend’s arms who hugged him.

“I was worried, man! You were gone for awhile.” Bats whimpered. Doctor Strange hugged him tight in an attempt to comfort him. “I know, I know. And I am truly sorry. I should have at least sent you a message that I was here and safe.”

“You better promise! I just don’t wanna lose another friend like last time...” Bat muttered, beyond the hearing of the pony's ear, only to the doctor. “I will… I will.” Doctor Strange promised, patting on the back of the basset hound.

“Now then, with all glooming aside. We have a party to visit.” Doctor Strange declared. Bats' mood lifted, his tail wagged as he lightly barked. “Will there be chocolate?” He asked eagerly. Doctor Strange nodded, even if he actually didn't know if there will be. Bats howled in excitement.

Fluttershy stepped in. “I’m sorry, are you going to feed him chocolate? Aren’t they bad for his health?” Fluttershy asked in shock. “Nah, he’s already dead. Chocolate won’t affect him at all.” Doctor Strange shrugged.

With that they all went out of their way to exit the forests and came back to Ponyville, but something was odd. Ponyville seemed empty, in fact; there was nopony! There was not a single sound, not even cricket or an echo. Just the cold wind blowing, and somehow a tumbleweed rolling.

“Where did everyone go?” Bats asked. “This place seems dead, deader than me!” Doctor Strange couldn’t agree more with Bats.

He turns his head to see behind his shoulder to the ponies and sees their expression of shock before they relax. They looked at among themselves, something mischievous going on as they all smirked. Doctor Strange felt concerned and decided to be on guard in case of any attacks.

“Hey, Twilight. Did you leave your lights on?” Rainbow Dash asked, pointing towards the Golden Oaks Library. Twilight feigned a worried look. “We should probably check that out.” She suggested. Her tone went unnoticed to the sorcerer, who became more suspicious of the unicorn.

“Well come on, now. Let’s go have a look.” Applejack encouraged. They all went in front of the door with Doctor Strange taking the front position.

Doctor Strange grasped the doorknob, twisting it slowly before opening it all the way. What he finds inside shocked him.

“SURPRISE!!!” The pony residents shouted with glee, Rarity being one of them, and Pinkie Pie used a literal canon to blow confetti around the library. There were tables with cupcakes, a punch bowl and a really long cake with words that say; “Welcome to Ponyville & Thanks For Saving The World!”

Stunned, it took Pinkie to shake him out of it. “Do you like the surprise?! Well, do ya? Do ya?” Pinkie asked. Doctor Strange smiled. “Yes, I like it.” He answered.

Countless hours have been poured into the great and fantastic party as they all kept on dancing, and eating, and drinking and more dancing until the night came where they all went home. Of course, like good gentlecolts and mares they are, they cleaned up after themselves and left no crumbs or litter behind.

All that was left in the library was Doctor Strange, Bats, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. Oh, and Spike.

“Well, that was an amazing party. Thank you all.” Doctor Strange said with utmost gratitude. Bats was currently sleeping beside him as they were on the floor. The ponies too were on the floor as well on their bellies as they made a group circle. “No need to thank us, it was Pinkie who set the party up.” Twilight said, with Pinkie nodding excitedly as a sound of bells can be heard from her. She always intrigued him by her weird antics.

“Well in that case, I thank you for that awesome party. I haven’t had this much fun since my graduation from my academy.” Doctor Strange said, his last comment catching Twilight’s interest.

“What kind of academy did you go to?” Twilight asked. Doctor Strange reminisces about his youth. “Eh, just an ordinary academy as you can expect. Of course if you count aliens and other interdimensional beings as ordinary. Along with sentient-sh books, doors to other deadly worlds and a magic school bus.” He said.

Rainbow Dash seemed excited as the prospect of aliens, maybe even fighting one. Twilight looked ecstatic of the concept of sentient-ish books. Rarity thought about what kind of clothing the students wore, such as uniforms. Fluttershy was curious about what aliens and interdimensional beings looked like and wondered if she could befriend them. Applejack and Pinkie just listened.

“So, how did you get into the academy? Did you have to go through some awesome test where you had to fight monsters?” Rainbow Dash eagerly asked.

Doctor Strange chuckles at the idea. “No, nothing of that sort. When a child awakens their magic, they are searched out by the professors of Strange Academy and then given a choice to learn the Mystic Arts properly, with the permission of their parents of course.” He explained.

“Why are the students searched out?” Applejack asked, suspicious of how this academy worked. “Well, in my world, magic is sort of like a dying language. There are only a few hundred of us humans that know how to use magic, compared to billions of humans that don’t know it, skeptic about the concept of magic.” He says, not realizing he shocked the ponies about the fact of a large number of humans that exist.

“B-Billions? There are b-b-billions of humans?” Rarity stuttered in disbelief. “How have we never heard about your kind? If there have been billions of your kind, how have we not interacted after all these years?” Twilight asked, her mind went into speculation if humans hid underground like the mythical creatures she read about, or if humans lived in floating mountains, her imagination was unlimited.

“No, both our species wouldn’t have met because we exist in different planes of reality, separate dimensions, parallel universes.” He answered. This confused the ponies, unable to understand. “What?” Rainbow Dash asked what everypony and the dragon thought.

“I guess your princess didn’t tell you where I came from, or I guess she too didn’t know where I came from. Let me explain; I’m not from your world, just like the Mindless One and Dormammu, I’m from another world. I’m basically an alien from your perspective.” He said. This fascinated and intrigued Twilight. “If you’re an alien, then how come we speak the same language? Why do you speak Ponish?” She asked.

“Why do you speak English?” He asked. This stunted the purple pony, unsure how to answer the question. There was just too much missing information for her to be able to come up with a proper answer. Doctor Strange chuckles. “I’m just pulling your leg. To be really honest, I used a translation spell that allows me to perceive every language I see and hear to suit what I know. This spell works both ways; from my perspective, I see and hear almost all languages in English. To you, you see and hear me speaking Ponish.”

Twilight awed at this information, a spell she never heard or thought about, a spell that can translate any language. How convenient, she thought.

“Hey, since we haven’t introduced ourselves properly, why not tell him our lives?” Fluttershy suggested. They all realized that and agreed and took turns.

Pinkie went first. “I was raised in a family that breaks rocks for a living. They never smile and always take work seriously. I wanted to make everyone smile, so I made it my life’s mission to bring joy and turn any frown upside down. I left home when I was old enough and worked at Sugarcube Corner. When I did my first party, I got my cutie mark!” Pinkie finished.

There was a word unfamiliar to Doctor Strange. “Cutie mark? What’s that?” He asked. They all stare at him strangely. “You don’t know what a cutie mark is?” She asked, a bit incredulous as most creatures know about cutie marks, even if they didn’t have one, from her knowledge. But then she remembered he was not from this world. “No, what is it?” He asked again. “Cutie marks are obtained when ponies discover a unique characteristic that sets themselves apart from others.” Twilight answered. “Such as?” He asked again. “Y’know, like talent? Jobs?” Rainbow Dash added. “And a purpose in life, a life anyone can enjoy.” Applejack added. “I see. Quite fascinating.” Doctor Strange said, interested.

“Anyone want to go next?” Doctor Strange asked, back on track.

Fluttershy went next. “I once lived in a place called Cloudsville, I was bullied almost all my life for being a weak flier. But one day I was knocked off home and found myself surrounded by animals. I felt comfortable so I lived in the woods from then on. Sort of like a caretaker of animal life. From there I got my cutie mark.” Once Fluttershy finished, Rainbow Dash came next.

“As you’ve noticed, I’m the fastest and the coolest pony Equestria has ever seen! One day I was racing in Cloudsville in Fluttershy’s honor, and on that day I invented the Sonic Rainboom! And I also got my cutie mark there!” She boasted.

Rarity then went next. “I was out in the wilderness, searching for something. I found a very big stone with gems inside that was cracked from the sound of a very big boom sound. I received my cutie mark at that moment, then went on to pursue my future career as a fashion designer.” With her finished, Applejack went next.

“I was in Manehattan, I was visitin’ relatives until I saw somethin’ of a rainbow wave in Ponyville’s direction. When I got to Ponyville I felt the need to work at my family’s farm. I also got my cutie mark.” Applejack made her story short then let Twilight have a go.

“In Canterlot, I participated in a School for Gifted Unicorns, I had to go through an entrance exam. My test was to hatch a dragon egg. After a few attempts, I failed. But then a loud shock wave startled me and accidentally triggered my magic to an extreme where I changed things into random objects. I remember turning my teachers into plants, I hatched the egg and made the baby dragon so huge that its head popped out through the roof. I thought it would never stop until Princess Celestia arrived and put a stop to all of it. At that time, I really thought she was going to punish me, but she congratulated me on successfully hatching the egg and earning my cutie mark. Since then, I entered the School for Gifted Unicorns and was placed in special teachings by the princess herself.” Twilight finished and remembers fondly of her youth as a student. The lessons she learned, the training she received.

Doctor Strange was curious about these big booms and rainbow colors. He wondered if there was any particular connection to all six ponies. “That’s an interesting life story. I am thankful you all shared it with a stranger like me.”

“You're not a stranger, you're a friend of ours. Right girls?” Twilight asked. All the ponies and the baby dragon let out agreements. Doctor Strange smiles. “Thank you.”

“Since you told me your past life, it only seems fair if I told you mine.” He said. This confused everyone in the room. “But didn’t you already tell us?” Rarity asked. He shook his head. “I told you how I learned magic and what my academy is, not my life story.”

“The truth is; when I was eight years old, I was an orphan. No family and all that. I was minding my own business until a man in green clothing approached and invited me to a place of magic education. I, of course, didn’t believe him at first. But when he took me to the academy where I saw strange people that reminded me of the heroes I see on TV and podcasts, I started to believe. I took his offer and from that point on, my life changed to the greatest.” He said, gently petting Bats on the head.

“I pursued in my dreams to be able to earn the title of Sorcerer Supreme by entering a tournament of mystical combat against many sorcerers, wizards, mages, warlocks and many different types of spell casters and magic users. I’ve won and earned the Vishanti’s blessing and became what you see before you. I became the protector of my dimension’s reality from other mystical threats.” He finished

This made Twilight think, and it seemed Fluttershy spoke the same question she thought. “If you’re supposed to be a protector of your world’s reality, are we part of it?” Fluttershy asked. He shook his head “No, like I said, we are from completely different dimensions.” He answered.

“Then why did you come to our world and save us? Not that I don’t appreciate it or anything, but why did you go out of your way to help us?” Twilight asked. Doctor Strange deeply thought about his answer. “Because it’s good, because it’s right. I swore many oaths to become the man I am today; a sorcerer, a doctor. I wanted to be like my grandfather when I learned of my relation to him. To carry his legacy as a good man.” He said, feeling proud and sure of his life choices.

“Who was your grandfather?” Twilight asked. He looked at her and smiled. “The original Doctor Strange...”

(To Be Continued)