• Published 27th Jan 2023
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The Sorcerer Supreme of Earth - Vishanti

Enter an adventure of the sorcerer supreme of Earth and his adventures across dimensions with ponies

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Chapter 1: Enter The Dark Dimension

The princess worked out how to properly use the amulet that she was given and erased all the gray monsters that have passed with her sister beside.

The sisters used the amulet to their advantage to finally fight back the beasts that they couldn’t touch, this was payback for all they have taken.

They shined the enchanted amulet’s light onto every Mindless One, while only a handful left, that they spotted while leading the refugees to somewhere safer than the Canterlot Castle.

Once they were out and onto the ruined streets of Canterlot. “Quickly, everyone. We must find safety somewhere else.” Celestia urged as the creatures from every country quickly ran with their friends and or families with their belongings.

“Sister,” Luna called. Her older sister turned to her. “Yes, Luna?”

“Who do you think was that creature? It looked like a hybrid of a minotaur and a monkey.” Luna said. Her sister thought about it. “I don’t know, sister. But we should be grateful because he has saved us, given us hope and a weapon to defend ourselves.” Luna nodded as they both continued to watch over their charges.

Meanwhile, with the being called Doctor Strange, he had searched through the land of Equestria to get rid of every minion of Dormammu.

“By the Bolt of Bedevilment!” Doctor Strange shot a powerful mystic beam at a Mindless One with it firing a red beam from its eye. Both were in a beam struggle only for a short moment when Doctor Strange overpowered it with ease.

Once he felt that there was no more on this plane, he casted a powerful spell that portaled his way to the Dark Dimension where Dormammu resides.

Doctor Strange flew through the indescribable landscape. The only thing to describe was that there were these giant, floating spheres with long, crooked bridges connecting them like chains, the sky was like random dark colored patches of fabric sewn together.

Doctor Strange flew down onto one of the spheres and looked around, searching before something caught the corner of his eye. He flew closer and spotted thousands upon thousands of caged creatures of ponies, minators, griffon, and zebras alike.

But before Doctor Strange could even attempt to rescue them, he heard a sinister laugh behind him. He turned and was struck by a magic orb of fire, causing him to fall onto one of the floating spheres.

“Doctor Strange, it is good to see my enemy’s grandchild.” Laughed Dormammu with a wicked glee. The caged creatures shriveled in fear at the sight of their captor.

Dormammu’s face was blackish orange with his eyes and mouth glowing to show facial expression of sinister glee, his head covered in fire and wasn’t affected by it. He wore a spiked collar and a dark warlord outfit.

Doctor Strange picked himself off the ground that is the sphere and stared at Dormammu with intense hatred. “Dormammu, let these prisoners go, they do not want to be part of your Dark Dimension.” Doctor Strange demanded, feeling a little wounded and fatigued from the surprise attack.

Dormammu just laughed as if he heard the greatest joke in the world. “And why would I do that?” He asked.

Doctor Strange hardened his glare as he chanted the Ruby Rings of Raggador, conjuring two red mandala shields, the size of dinner plates, as one hovered on both his hands. He posed in a defensive position, ready for or to attack.

Dormammu just hummed in response before blasting a powerful purple beam from his hand, forcing Doctor Strange to quickly change his defense size to a wall as he struggled to keep it up. His shield slowly cracking, Doctor Strange thought of a way to escape this. He quickly jumped out of the beam’s way as the shield broke.

Doctor Strange took this chance to fly away not before his leg was grabbed by Dormammu and was flung in the air, crashing into another sphere.

When Dormammu flew closer, Doctor Strange struggled to stand up straight, giving Dormammu a chance to bind his foe in mystic clamps.

The clamps felt tighter and heavier on his wrists and legs, he collapsed to his knees and couldn’t move a single inch.

Dormammu stands before him with a flaming blade in hand. “You are a foolish boy, trying to carry the mantle that you could not handle. You are as disappointing as your father when I blew his head off with his sash.” He chuckled darkly as he raised his blade, pointing it to Doctor Strange’s chest.

He struck down on the doctor only for the contact of the blade shattering Doctor Strange like glass. Suddenly, multiple Doctor Stranges flew around Dormammu all trying to get a drop on him.

Dormammu was confused, but nonetheless he destroyed them all one by one to find the real Doctor Strange. Meanwhile, the real Doctor Strange was hiding behind a sphere, watching the intense battle for a moment before flying off to save the prisoners.

“While the Images of Ikkon distract Dormammu, I must free and save the imprisoned creatures.” Thought Doctor Strange, flying his way back to the cages.

He landed on a small floating platform before running down a spiral of a red trail and entered a giant paper bended portal to where the prisoners were kept. Why the sudden new pathway? Because the Dark Dimension is chaotic and random in nature.

Flying up to a cage he tried to open but was shocked by a barrier spell that was placed by Dormammu. “I must move quickly if I want to free them from Dormammu’s wrath”. He used several lockpicking spells to counterspell the barrier that was put up on all the cages.

Back with Dormammu he shattered the Doctor Strange copies one by one with ease as they were fragile. He growled in anger when one of them actually hit him. He returned the pain by destroying it with a mystic fire. This allowed the rest a chance as they all jumped on him, trying to hold him down. But Dormammu’s strength was too great as he blasted them all away.

Most were gone but few survived and continued to fight back. This angered Dormammu even further of their persistence.

Having enough he used his control of the dark dimension to pierce through the copies with spikes that came from nowhere.

After destroying the final copies of Doctor Strange and yet having not found the real one, Dormammu’s body shakes in rage and fury, his flames growing bigger. “Strange!!!” He roared that echoed through the dimension.

Doctor Strange had heard it and quickly unlocked the last few cages. “Come, creatures! I will take you all home!” He shouted to the thousands of different creatures, all have listened to their savior.

He guided all of them back to the crack that was their only way back to Equestria. Sure, Doctor Strange could portal back to Equestria, but it was time consuming, and they didn't have much time as Dormammu was getting close to their location.

“Strange!” Dormammu’s voice echoed, causing everycreature to shiver in fear and their pace quickens.

“There is the exit, go towards it! I will cover you!” Doctor Strange ordered as he stopped his flight and turned back to face Dormammu alone, or so he thought.

“Need some help?” A cyan and rainbow colored pegasus flew to his side, startling him. “Who are you?” Doctor Strange asked. “The name’s Rainbow Dash, fastest flier of Equestria!” She said with overconfidence and arrogance, something Doctor Strange couldn’t unnoticed.

“And you?” She asked, pointing at him with her hoof. The doctor took the hoof and shook it. “Doctor Strange, Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme and Master of the Mystic Arts.” he introduced.

“Nice to meet you.” He turned to see another pegasus, but colored soft yellow and pink. “My name’s Fluttershy.” She whispered shyly, her soft pink mane covering her face.

He raised a brow before he heard another voice. “Well it was mighty nice of ya to free us from that vermin.” A deep western accent came from an orange and blonde pony. “Name’s Applejack, nice ta meet ya, sugarcube.” She tipped her light brown cowboy hat in respect.

Next pony hopped followed by two unicorns. “Wowzies! I have never seen a pony like you before!” The pink and pinker pony said as she springed up too close for comfort. “My name’s Pinkie Pie, but you can call me Pinkie! What’s your favorite cake flavor? When is your birthday? Do you like chocolate?” She gasped. “Would you like a surprise “Thank-You-For-Saving-And-Welcome-To-Equestria!” party!?” She squealed as Doctor Strange looked on with confusion.

“Darling, you should give the gentlecolt some space, he already looks uncomfortable.” A British accent came from the pristine white and curled purple colored unicorn. “My name is Rarity, and I would like to apologize for my friend here, darling. She is always so excited to meet a new face.” She apologized on her friend’s behalf.

“It’s… it’s alright.” Doctor Strange said, unsure of himself if these are what ponies of Equis are like. “Thank you for saving us, doctor.” He turned to see the last creature that stayed, a three shaded purple unicorn stepped up to him with a kind smile. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, and you have my gratitude for saving my friends.”

“You don’t need to thank me, it is my duty as the Sorcerer Supreme and my sworn oath as a doctor to help those in need.” He said. But before they could continue to chat, Dormammu’s giant form interrupted their conversation.

“You think you could escape me from my domain!? I won’t let it happen!” He declared as he smashed the platform they all stood on. Those with flight carried their friends and or allies to another platform.

Dormammu tried to stomp on them but was shielded by Doctor Strange’s Shield of the Seraphim spell with the help of Twilight and Rarity with their bubble shield magic.

Three sorcerers struggled to hold up their protection with noticeable cracks on it. “I suggest we get out of the way and think of a plan!” Doctor Strange grunted. “To distract him while we buy time for the creatures to return home!”

Rainbow Dash was quick to react in defense by grabbing and swinging a platform at Dormammu, to which it irritated him as it covered his face with debris. Taking the chance they all hid behind a large floating rock.

Dormammu swung his arm around swatting away the debris and looked back to find his prisoners missing. With a growl he swings his arms around to search for them.

“Why can’t we beat him here and now? With our Elements of Harmony we can surely beat him.” Rarity suggested. Doctor Strange looked at them weirdly. “I’m not sure what these Elements of Harmony are but you don’t understand, Dormammu is a god-like being in his domain. He’s invincible.” He warned.

“We have to try, we can’t beat him if we just stand here.” Twilight said. “Wa do ya reckon we shud do?” Applejack asked.

Twilight closed her eyes to think of a plan, but she didn’t know what to plan with their weird new environment, it was all chaotic. “Ooh! Why don't we throw cupcakes at him?!” Pinkie asked. Fluttershy shyly disagreed with a slow shake of her head.

“Perhaps I could offer a suggestion?” Twilight opened her eyes to see Doctor Strange was standing in front of her before kneeling down a little to her level.

“We need to get Dormammu away from the crack and get him to focus on me. Once he is far enough we can leave this dimension and close the crack from him ever getting out to Equestria.” Twilight thought of the plan and noticed some missing details.

“And how are we going to distract him?” She asked. Doctor Strange gave a smirk. “You leave that up to me, but first, you all need to get to the other side and I will telepathically communicate with you to see if you’re all on the other side. Once you are, I will join you, then I will need you to use whatever you got to push him back if he gets close to reaching Equestria. I will do my part to close the crack, got it?” He asked.

They were all hesitant of the plan, not wanting to abandon the doctor, but they didn’t see they had a choice. But then Rainbow Dash budges it. “Wait, why are you going alone? If you really are gonna come back, might as well have me escort you back, I can fly faster than you.” She suggested.

Doctor Strange hummed in thought, not sure if she really is fast or if she is just exaggerating. But he’s willing to take the chance, not really wanting to be left alone with Dormammu unless he has to. “Alright then, I’ll take your offer.” He nodded, with Rainbow Dash smirking in return.

“So does everyone know the plan?” Doctor Strange asked, just to be clear and thorough. All nodded. “Good,” He turned to see over the rock and saw Dormammu getting closer to finding them.

“Go! Go!” Doctor Strange urges the ponies to run while he and Rainbow Dash fly to get Dormammu’s attention.

“Hey, pumpkin head! Catch us if you can!” Rainbow Dash mocked. This angered Dormammu and chased after them. Doctor Strange with the help of the Cloak of Levitation and Rainbow Dash with her skilled use of her wings maneuvered through the Dark Dimension with twists and turns making Dormammu crash through his chaotic world. They traveled a long distance away from Dormammu’s grasp with close calls. Few times being jumpscared by Dormammu’s large burning head. They were even almost shot down by Mindless Ones or residents, followers, and disciples of Dormammu.

Once they believed they were far enough, Doctor Strange used his magic to communicate to Twilight with his mind.

“Twilight Sparkle,” A voice startled Twilight as she looked around to see who said her name. “Hello?” She asked, her friends looked at her weirdly. “It’s me, Doctor Strange.” The voice responded, making Twilight jolt in realization. “Oh, Doctor!”

“Are you and your friends back in Equestria?” Doctor Strange asked. Twilight nodded, “Yeah, what do we need to do?” She asked. Her friends continue to give a confused stare, unsure if their friend was okay.

“If you can, I need you all to prepare to push back Dormammu if he gets too close once we return. I will use a spell to seal the crack.” He explained. “Got it.” Twilight responded.

“You will not escape!” Dormammu shouted as he knew where the sorcerer and pegasus were going, back to Equestria.

“I think this is the part where you show me your speed.” Doctor Strange hinted. Rainbow Dash smirked in response. “Let me show you just how awesome I am.” Rainbow Dash grabbed under the doctor’s arms and flew faster than the wind barrier.

Both were getting close to their exit while Dormammu was catching up to them. “Rainbow Dash, once we get out join your friends and help them push back Dormammu to give me time to close the crack, got it?” Doctor Strange requested. “Got it!” Rainbow Dash replied.

Both stopped at the exit and hopped over to the other side, finally out of the Dark Dimension. Rainbow joined her friend's side doing a small cheer and some hugs here and there.

Twilight and her friends then worked their magic by using their Elements of Harmony. Their eyes glowed white and they all floated behind the doctor waiting for the signal.

“Please let this work.” He muttered. Doctor Strange conjured large, thick ropes to sew the crack of reality shut permanently. “Strange!” Dormammu shouted, nearing the crack either to escape the dimension he rules, or to capture the doctor. It matters not as Doctor Strange was quick to sew the crack.

Dormammu was getting closer and closer, each step stomping echoed to their ears. Doctor Strange knew he couldn't finish in time, that’s why his pony allies are at stand by for a reason.

“Now!” he shouted. Twilight and her friends used their elements to shoot out a swirling stream of a rainbow. It swirled around the doctor and hit Dormammu’s chest, pushing him back.

Dormammu gripped the edges of the crack. He glared directly into Doctor Strange’s eyes. “I will return! I swear! I will take over this dimension and it will be mine!!!” Dormammu declared his words before completely pushed back into his dimension forever.

With him out of the way, Doctor Strange finally sewed the crack shut permanently.

All breathed easily and cheered for their victory. Doctor Strange was content with his accomplishment.

With the world now finally at peace from Dormammu’s terror, all creatures went back to their homelands. Zebras back to Zebrica, Dragons back to the Dragon Lands, Griffons back to Griffonstone, Minotaurs back to their homeland. All went home with the world no longer in danger, all could sleep easy.

Back in Equestria, Doctor Strange stayed around to fix any damage that was caused by the Mindless Ones before he was summoned by the Princesses themselves.

In Canterlot, the throne room. “I wish to thank you for helping us in our troubled times, Doctor Strange.” Celestia said with her sister by her side, smiling with gratitude. A pink alicorn, named Princess Cadence, was there as well with her unicorn bodyguard, Shining Armor.

The good doctor stands before them on their thrones while Twilight and her friends stand beside him.

“You don’t need to thank me, your student and her friends helped in stopping Dormammu.” He said. His pony allies smiled at their new friend and he smiled in return.

“And pray tell, where is Dormammu?” Princess Luna asked, looking around for a cuffed prisoner but spotted no one.

“He is trapped back in his dimension. He can no longer access your world.” He explained. The moon princess hummed in disappointment, wishing to punish the one responsible for all the terrible things Dormammu has done.

“Well!” Princess Celestia clapped her hooves. “With the threat out of the way I would like to reward you for your bravery and heroism.” She said, as she was about to use her magic to bring out some sort of reward or gift, Doctor Strange intervened.

“That won’t be necessary, princess. It is my sworn oath to help those who could not help themselves.” He said. He then walked up to them and gave them a card. “Here is my card, you can summon me when you run into deep trouble.” He said as he walked away and conjured a portal to somewhere unknown.

“Wait, where are thou going?” Princess Luna asked. Doctor Strange turned his head, not stopping his pace. “I have other duties to perform, places to go, people to visit, all other things a doctor would do.” He said as he walked in the portal and turned his body to close the portal. “Goodbye, until we see eachother again.” And just like that, he was gone.

“Do thou think we will see him again?” Luna asked her sister. “I have a feeling we will.” Celestia smiled.

The End.

(To Be Continued In Another Chapter Starring NIGHTMARE!!!)