• Published 18th Jan 2023
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Student Six Watch Elder Scrolls Lore - Rated Ponystar

After learning about the Fallout Series, the Student Six are taken to a different dimention to learn about The Elder Scrolls series

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The Argonians of Black Marsh

Chapter 6

The Argonians of Black Marsh

They were finally going to learn about one of the unique races of Tamriel next, and this one was perhaps the most alien-looking of them all to the Student Six. The Argonians were definitely not human-looking despite standing on two legs, and while one could mistake them for dragonoids, they were more lizard-like in terms of body structure, color, and scale type. Even back home in Equus, where there were many different races, none looked like the Argonians who lived in the mysterious lands known as Black Marsh.

The next video showed what obviously was Black Marsh itself. A dark green and murky swamp-like land with strange trees, unknown flora, and bugs that were as big as fists. There was a mysterious feeling you got every time you saw it, like a giant strange void that would swallow you whole and keep you trapped in a land of danger and ancient history. While every province of Tamriel had its mysteries and was discovering new parts of the past to this day, there was no more unknown, unexplored, and undocumented area than Black Marsh.

"So, how does this guy know so much about it?" Gallus asked.

"Maybe he's just good at his job like the Storyteller?" Silverstream suggested.

Black Marsh, it turned out, was just the outsider name for the area considered one of the inhospitable places in Tamriel. To the Argonians, it was called Argonia. Their home bordered Morrowind to the north and Cyrodiil to the west, surrounded by water in all other directions. Water flowed through the far southeastern province's wetlands, rivers, and swamps. But it wasn't the location itself that was the problem. Black Marsh was home to flesh-eating insects that could suck your blood and feast on your carcass, dangerous plant life that was toxic to touch or could eat you whole, and numerous diseases that could kill you instantly.

"Sounds like a great place to live," Smolder muttered.

"Really? Yona thinks it stinks."

“Sarcasm. Yona. Sarcasm.”

While many in the Empire considered it the "garbage heap" of Tamriel where only the most foolish would venture, there is an ancient, dark, alluring beauty for those who can survive in the dangerous swamplands. Such was seen when a beautiful, colorful bird they had never seen before appeared on screen, flying over the luscious scene of a beautiful set of trees and flowers that had a wild lure to it. It turned out that these trees were not just ordinary trees but the first inhabitants of Tamriel and maybe the oldest. They were living sentient trees known as The Hist.

"Wait, you mean the trees are alive?" Ocellus asked in awe. "How is that possible? Are they like the Dryads rumored to live in the Deer Kingdom's Great Forest?"

"Where does a tree even keep a brain? Under its roots?" Sandbar asked.

An Argonian was soon kneeling and paying homage to one of the trees they assured was one of the Hist. According to the Argonians, The Hist have lived longer on Tamriel since time itself began. They were older than the Elves and far older than the races of Men. For the Argonians, The Hist was everything to them.

Sadly, very few races understood or even knew anything about the lizard people of Argonia. They were a mysterious and alien race even to all for their strange customs and appearances. For their entire existence, they have thrived and survived in the lands of Black Marsh, both against threats such as a warrior Argonian fighting against a giant spider-like creature and defending it against outsiders. Because of this, the Argonians are considered the best guerilla fighters out there and use the environment they know and master by heart to defeat any army that dares step foot into their lands. Added to their ability to breathe underwater and use their tails to help them swim faster than any other race, you had those who could drag any non-Argonian into the water and drown them without much effort. Add to the fact that Argonians were immune to most diseases and poisons, and you had adversaries not to be crossed, especially on their home turf.

"Damn, these guys sound ruthless," Smolder said with a whistle.

"Considering the harsh landscape they come from, it makes sense," Ocellus said as she took down more notes. "Plus, if Black Marsh really is as difficult as the narrator says it is, then only a fool would be stupid enough to try and take it over."

"Does Black Marsh even have anything worth taking?" Sandbar asked with a shrug. "So far, it just seems like one giant swamp nation."

"Maybe we'll see something more later on," Gallus suggested.

The narrator then explained the Argonians themselves as people. They appeared to mostly live in quiet nomadic villages that focused on hunting, fishing, and gathering resources in a tribe-like manner with few cities or towns. They were cautious and reserved people who didn't trust easily. However, earn their trust, and you have the most loyal friend you can count on. They would die for the sake of those they call friends, be it a fellow Argonian or an outsider.

"Sounds like the Argonians would fit well with the lessons of Loyalty," Silverstream said gleefully.

A close-up of an armored Argonian warrior helped reveal that while they appeared to be reptilian, they were more closely associated with amphibians. As mentioned earlier, they could breathe underwater with hidden gills, and, much like a fish or tadpole, they could use their tail to swim faster. The appearances of Argonians were also sometimes different. They were an evolving species that could appear utterly reptilian in one age while appearing more mammal-like in the next. This is because of the Hist sap that all Argonians drink during the Name Day ceremonies.

"Name Day?" Sandbar asked.

"Maybe their version of a Birthday?" Ocellus suggested.

Drinking the Hist sap is not just for cultural reasons but religious as well. Drinking is a sacred honor held with high reverence as it is also a means by which the Hist Trees can communicate with the Argonians with visions or heightened combat prowess.

"Are we sure it's not just some hallucinogenic thing that makes them see crazy stuff?" Smolder asked curiously. "Cause I know some weird plants and stuff that can do that."

"Like that one time Pinkie Pie brought in some herbal medicine when she took over for Professor Fluttershy's medical training class and ended up-." Silverstream was then stopped by every creature who covered her mouth.

"We all agreed to never mention that day, ever," Sandbar hissed.


The relationship between The Hist and the Argonians was a mutual one. The Hist needed the Argonians to defend them from threats outside of Black Marsh, while the Argonians' own survival depended on the blessings of The Hist. The Argonians also believe that The Hist are the ones who have given them their souls. When an Argonian dies, their souls will return to The Hist to become one with them briefly and then reborn again as new Argonians. Thus, it was even more vital for them to defend The Hist as they needed them for their lives and afterlife.

"Hmm, you know what if the Crystal Empire was like this and the way it has reverence for crystals?" Silverstream asked curiously. "I mean, what if the souls of Crystal Ponies returned to the Crystal Heart, and then it, in turn, reincarnated them like The Hist do for the Argonians?"

"Hmm, that would be an interesting theory," Ocellus muttered. "But I don't think the Crystal Ponies are that religious."

"They lost their religious practices when Sombra burned all their religious iconography, churches, texts and murdered all the priests during his reign," Sandbar said sadly. "So they've mostly been experimenting with other religions or starting new ones."

Speaking of religions, the six were shocked to learn that the Argonians also worshiped, in a sense, Sithis.

"What?! Seriously?! Why?!" They all asked as they wondered who in their right mind, besides the Dark Brotherhood, would worship the evil death god.

A voice then told them that Argonians born under the constellation of the Shadow were known as Shadowscales. The Argonians gave these hatchlings to the Dark Brotherhood who trained them in the art of assassination and stealth. For some reason, these unique Shadowscales were near-perfect assassins who were often some of the best members of the Dark Brotherhood. However, in return for giving them these younglings to train and use for their organization, they were also allowed to always return to Black Marsh and protect it from threats.

The Student Six could see the logic behind such an alliance, but it still unnerved them that they had any dealings with the bloodthirsty, death-worshiping cult.

Much like the darkness the Shadowscales operated on, much of Black Marsh's past is shrouded in mystery. They isolated themselves for so long that it took until the First Era for them to be recorded in existence. Pirates had wanted to use their coastlines to attack wealthy merchants in Cyrodiil, which was currently ruled by former enslaved Imperials who had overthrown their elven overlords.

The Imperials, hoping to stop this, sent their Legions into Black Marsh, where they came face to face with the Argonians, who stopped them. Although the Imperials didn't mean any harm to the Argonians, the lizardfolk first experienced the races of Men, specifically the pirates who had tried killing them for the coast, was a sour one, and they regarded all outsiders as hostile invaders anyway. Not wanting to fight an enemy on their home turf where they had the advantage, the Imperials departed and left them alone.

"That's kinda sad. A misunderstanding and fear of the outside world caused them to act violently," Sandbar muttered.

"Makes you realize that you can't live inside your borders forever distrusting everyone," Silverstream pointed out.

"...Yaks were kinda like that," Yona admitted. "But we learning to be more open!"

Argonia would take a long time to be brought into the Imperial fold, but it would after a decisive battle. Even so, it was only given a loose chain around its neck as no Empire was strong enough to hold control over the hostile lands of Black Marsh and thus only kept a loose control over it near the borders. At the same time, the Argonians were free to live their lives uninterrupted so long as they paid taxes and allowed trade.

However, this hold ended when a mysterious, deadly flu spread throughout Black Marsh. Every sentient being died in its borders save for the disease-immune Argonians. To this day, nobody knows what caused the flu or how it happened, but it was the end of other races who lived in Black Marsh besides the Argonians, such as the foxlike race known as the Lilmothiit, who are thought to be extinct because of the flu. Although some also believe survivors fled for unknown lands.

"That's horrible. All those poor lives," Silverstream whispered in horror.

"...Do you think Peryite caused it?" Ocellus asked with wide eyes. "He is the Daedric Prince of Plagues, after all."

"I wouldn't put it past him or any of the Princes," Gallus muttered with a shiver.

Nobody knew how it happened, and it remains a mystery to this day. Regardless, it granted the Argonians and The Hist complete control over Black Marsh, and this time without anyone to stop them. Such as seen in a bonfire celebration as a festival was held in a small town. They enjoyed the peace of the isolation granted to them, although it also looked as if they were celebrating the deaths of everyone in their homeland except for themselves. Something that made the other very upset.

"Sure, you got your home back, but it cost how many lives?" Smolder growled in disgust. "I get these guys prefer being with their own kind but have some respect for the dead."

"I wouldn't be celebrating. I would be mourning," Sandbar muttered while shaking his head.

The celebration was, unfortunately for the Argonians, short-lived. A sea of red fire surrounded the skies as the Imperial City was a war zone between various factions at war with each other. Molag Bal, the Daedric Prince of Tyranny, had made his move during the Second Era to try and conquer all of Tamriel. Even the reserved Argonians had no choice but to aid the outside races to stop the Daedric Prince. During this time, three alliances were fighting not only the Daedric Prince and the corrupted Imperial forces but each other for dominance of Tamriel and the safety of their race.

For the Argonians, they joined what was known as the Ebonheart Pact. A pact that considered the Argonainas of Black Marsh, Dark Elves of Morrowind, and Nords of Skyrim. Their representatives, who would generally hate each other, nodded and shook hands as a sign of respect and friendship. While the Dark Elves provided the magic and the Nords the brute strength, the Argonains used their skills as skirmishers and scouts to help the Ebonheart Pact.

"I guess what they say about conflict bringing others together is true," Gallus pointed out. "It's not the best example of "Friendship," but beggars can't be choosers."

When the crisis was over, the Argonians had hoped to return home and be left to live in peace again, but sadly, they should have known such a thing was a dream at this point. Everything had changed with the Second Era, and isolation was no longer possible for any races who were now fully interacting with each other whether they wanted to be or not.

It would take Tiber Septim and his mighty Legions to bring the Argonians back into an Empire. Although, technically, Tiber Septim didn't really take over Black Marsh. He took the borders and the major cities around the cost, but he was wise and knew that it was suicide to march into the heart of Black Marsh. Instead, he negotiated with the Argoanians and allowed them to rule the inner lands independently, provided that the borders and costs belonged to his new Empire. They agreed, and thus, they became part of the Third Empire. The narrator suspected that the Argonians and The Hist realized they couldn't remain isolated anymore and had come to trust the human races thanks to the Ebonheart Pact. Argonians found equal membership and respect among most upon joining the Empire, with some going to become high-ranking members in court, such as the Elder Council.

"Well, it sounds like everything worked out," Sandbar said happily.

But there was still one problem the Argonians had to deal with. A problem that had been a thorn in their side for ages.

"...and I spoke too soon."

If any racial rivalry had a bitter history to it, it was the Argonians and their northern neighbors, the Dark Elves of Morrowind. Despite having fought side by side as allies and friends in the Ebonheart Pact, it didn't take the Dark Elves long to betray their allies after the Pact ended. For the Dark Elves had a love for the Argonians, not as friends or comrades. But as slaves.

"WHAT?!" The six shouted in shock.

An Argonian slave in chains was in the dungeon, looking saddened at his cruel fate. Despite all they had been through, the Houses of Morrowind's nobility found excuses to continue holding their Argonian slaves while secretly getting more. Entire tribes of Argonians would be enslaved and forced to endure hard labor. Despite the near hatred for the practice by all other races, The Dark Elves did not care and continued their long traditional enslavement practice for many years.

"How dare they do that to former comrades! Do they have no honor?!" Yona screamed in rage.

In time, the actions of the Dark Elves would come back to haunt them.

But that is a story for another day.

Author's Note:

Yeah this wasn't a long one. I love the Argonians the most out of all the races, but until the Elder Scrolls Online game there wasn't much focus on them and even then they don't get enough attention as areas like Skyrim, Morrowind, Summerset Isles, and High Rock. Next time, the Dark Elves.