• Published 18th Jan 2023
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Student Six Watch Elder Scrolls Lore - Rated Ponystar

After learning about the Fallout Series, the Student Six are taken to a different dimention to learn about The Elder Scrolls series

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Thieves, Fighters, and Mages Guild

Chapter 4

Thieves, Fighters, and Mages Guild

"Okay, Fighters Guild sounds interesting. Does that mean these guys are like an MMA or Karate club or something?" Smolder asked curiously, with some bloodlust and excitement in her tone.

"Mages guild sounds like fun. You think everyone in Tamriel can learn magic or just a certain number of races?" Silverstream asked with sparkles in her eyes as she lifted her arms and started waving them around. "I'd love to do magic! Boom! Zap! Blast! Take that, Caesar!"

"Huh, I guess they got a Thieves Guild in Tamriel as well," Gallus said with a shrug.

"Wait, you know a Thieves Guild?" Sandbar asked, turning to his griffin friend, which also caught every other creature's attention.

"Well, not personally, but back in Griffinstone, we heard about a well-organized Thieves Guild that operated in the Griffin lands," Gallus answered with a shrug. "I admit, I did think about joining them if my life didn't get any better."

"But stealing is wrong," Ocellus pointed out.

"Tell that to creatures who starve daily because they're poor and homeless."

The narrator began by telling the viewers that the citizens of Tamirel were, sadly, not always in control of their own lives. Be it from forces of benevolent or sinister intentions, every person from every province was always at risk of being used as one of the higher beings' playthings for good or ill. Nevertheless, the Aedra had sacrificed everything so the creations they protected and cared for could continue to exist and be immune to any takeover from the realms of Oblivion and their Daedra masters.

However, with that life given to them, what could be done with such a gift? Everyone had different goals, be it riches, power, desire, or doing something for the greater good. But one person couldn't do this alone. They needed others to achieve these greater goals, so cooperation between the various mortals was required. While some of the six couldn't agree with some of the reasoning, it made sense even if such a thing involved thievery, as was the human looking to steal a coin purse.

"So I guess working together with others counts as friendship in a way? But what if that friendship is for nefarious purposes?" Silverstream asked.

"That sounds like a complex question. Maybe we should ask Headmare Twilight about it," Ocellus said, to which the others nodded in agreement.

In Tamriel, Guilds were professional organizations of like-minded individuals who shared similar goals, skills, or visions that worked together to see their group achieve higher and better success in the thing that brought them together in the first place. And while hundreds of guilds had come and gone before the various ages of Tamriel, some had continued to live for hundreds of years and achieved greatness over time.

The first of which appeared on the screen while showing a small collection of expensive and jeweled belongings that obviously were stolen based on the title of which organization was going to be explained first:


"Yona not like the idea of learning about thieves. Thievery wrong and punished with harsh labor in Yakyakistan," The young yak huffed.

"I think stealing is pretty much seen as wrong in most cultures around the world," Sandbar pointed out.

"Well, for changelings, it is now seen as wrong, but our whole society was about stealing love from others during Chrysalis's reign," Ocellus said nervously.

"Eh, stealing isn't seen as wrong in the dragon's lands so long as you don't get caught," Smolder replied with a shrug.

"Yeah, same with griffins," Gallus second.

"We rarely have any thieves among us Hippogriffs. In fact, with the entire risk of the Storm King finding us, we were as lawful as ever. I think the last thief we ever had was Headmare Twilight," Silverstream informed them.

"Oh yeah, Spike said she really doesn't like talking about that. Did the Queen ever forgive Twilight for that?" Smolder asked.

"Only after she was forced to help build the new palace we have on Mt. Aries."

The narrator started by listing, of all things, the rules that the Thieves Guild followed, and some of them were pretty surprising to hear:

Never steal from anyone in the guild.

Never kill anyone on the job.

And never steal from the poor.

"Huh, honorable thieves. Who would have thought," Gallus said with an approving nod.

Indeed, such was the code of the criminal organization known as the Thieves Guild. A group that many of those in authority tried to dismiss or state was a myth that criminals said to make potential victims feel worried about their stolen goods. After all, it wouldn't look good for City Guards and Mayors if they weren't doing their job right in protecting their citizen's assets. But the truth was the guild had been around for a long time with all sorts of professional criminals working under it, ranging from burglars and pickpockets to lockpickers and bandits.

A drawn symbol of a diamond-shaped carving with two smaller circles in the middle connected to one another was shown on the stone, the symbol of the Thieves Guild. Those willing to follow the guild's laws and work with others will earn fortune and protection in a well-guarded and supportive group.

The guild also didn't just steal for themselves. Many contracted the guild to steal things for them and paid handsomely for a successful theft, forging documents, or even unlocking doors because the keys went missing.

"People actually hire thieves to steal from others? That's just disturbing," Sandbar said with a look of disapproval.

"Wonder if any of these guys would try to steal all four crowns of the Alicorns?" Gallus asked.

"I'd actually pay to see someone try," Smolder said before putting her claws up to calm a glaring Sandbar. "Just for fun! Just for fun!"

Unlike other guilds, which required you to stand out to advance through the ranks, you were best able to advance if you were unknown in the Thieves Guild. After all, which was the better thief? The most skilled one that was well known? Or the one that nobody knew about because they never got spotted? Greater stealth equals a higher rank which meant you got bigger contracts that gave you greater rewards which could make you really rich.

Suddenly, a quote appeared on the screen from someone known as "The Beggar Prince."

“To this day, it is said that if you really want to know something, go ask the beggars. They have eyes and ears throughout the cities. They know all the little secrets of the daily lives of its citizens.” - Beggar Prince

"Um, you think that might be true?" Silverstream asked.

"I guess we could ask a beggar next time?" Ocellus suggested with a shrug.

"Yona wondering something," Yona asked as she rubbed her chin. "If beggar is a prince, where does he live? A big fancy cardboard box?"

There was a reason why the Thieves Guild never bothered to steal from the poor, homeless, and beggars. Not only was there just nothing worth stealing, but they were already struggling as it was. And as such, the Thieves Guild was good to them by providing protection from the authorities, coin to spend, food to eat, and other things they desired, including a safe haven and a warm place to sleep. In return, the beggars provided one of the best things needed for a thief to have a successful job: information.

Beggars worldwide are more than happy to be spies for the Thieves Guild. Since most dismissed or ignored the beggars, they could easily listen in private conversations or spot things without anyone paying them so much as a second glance. Everything that the Thieves Guild needed to know, such as guard patrols, priceless artifacts moving, or important rich people staying at inns for a night, was all heard by the beggars and given to the Thieves to do what they will.

"That's actually pretty ingenious. There is always a class of poor and homeless, so having them all be your little network of spies and information gatherers gives you your own information network across all the cities," Gallus said as he and the others began to imagine how powerful and significant such a means of a network would have to be. If this was all true, the Thieves Guild had ears everywhere in every city and province of Tamriel.

However, the beggars were not the only ones willing to work with the criminal organization. They also had good relations with various guards and even those in positions of power. The power of coin was not to be underestimated, and plenty of corrupt guards were willing to look the other way for a nice sum under the counter or even use the thieves for their own ambitions, be it for the greater good or selfish purposes.

"Tch, great, so the guards are corrupt too," Sandbar snarled angrily.

It was a sad sight, especially compared to the Royal Guards of Equestria. The Royal Guards took their jobs very seriously, and corruption was always low in the organization. Any hint of it was quickly dealt with, and those involved were seen as living disgraces. While the Royal Guard was primarily immune to such things, even Sandbar would not deny that it was far from perfect.

It was forbidden for non-ponies to join the prestigious organization, and the Royal Guard sometimes preferred to choose outdated traditions and tactics rather than form new ones. It often led to criticism about how the Royal Guards were seen more as a joke among Equestria's younger populace, especially their lack of success in recent years against significant threats such as the Changeling Invasion.

Of course, good things don't last forever. A man named Hieronymus Lex was eventually promoted to Guard Captain in the Imperial City. The man before them stood tall and proud, wearing an armored uniform that made him look more like a Paladin than a typical city guard. It was a shiny silver armor with golden jewelry, including an artistic design of two small dragons facing each other. His hair was short and combed back, while on his back was a Silver Claymore big enough to chop a living being into two.

Hieronymus Lex had a massive grudge against the Thieves Guild and their leader, The Grey Fox. He would capture and torture members of the Thieves Guild using various extreme methods to route them out, but his life goal was to capture the Grey Fox and remove the Grey Cowl of Nocturnal from his head.

"That's the cowl that can make everyone forget your identity!" Silverstream pointed out.

"Yeah, I can see why he's the leader of the Thieves Guild with that in his possession," Gallus said with a smirk. "Although, I think it kinda looks silly."

"Yeah, it looks like rubber stitched together with a weird language on top," Sandbar pointed out.
"Would not fix on Yak's head. That's for sure."

However, instead of going the bloody route and murdering the man, the Thieves Guild used trickery and deception to remove Hieronymus Lex from his position as Guard Captain. This freed the Thieves Guild to operate as they were once more. However, new trouble would come in the Fourth Era, not due to a new guard but bad luck. Something that confused everyone upon hearing this from the narrator. Bad luck happened, but the way the narrator put it, it sounded like something more serious or had a more profound meaning than what appeared obvious.

The screen then showed an underground sewer base where cloaked thieves were moving around and talking to one another or grabbing items from their shelves before heading out to do a job. Of all the Thieves Guild locations, none had been once so successful and well known as the chapter out in Skyrim. In fact, they were so successful that they had plenty of clout in the government and were free to do whatever they wanted without any significant hindrance to the point of practically having free reign over the city of Riften. They even had a very close relationship with the notorious Dark Brotherhood (Again, the name gave everyone chills).

"So when did things go bad for them?" Silverstream asked, as it sounded like the Skyrim chapter was practically living it like kings.

It turned out that they were so successful in the first place due to the guild's close connection to the Night Mistress herself: Nocturnal.

Every creature blushed again as the beautiful and alluring Daedraic Prince appeared on screen, surrounded by her dark power and crows. Under her blessing, the Thieves Guild was blessed with good luck and excellent proficiency. They were also guided and led by her most loyal servants in life and death: The Nightingales. But not all the Nightingales proved reliable to Nocturne or the Guild in general, as one of them stole one of her most prized possessions, the Skeleton Key.

"If I'm reading my notes here, that Daedric artifact can open any door or lock no matter how powerful or tough it is. It can even open gateways into other realms of existence," Ocellus told the others as she read her past notes.

"No wonder this traitor Nightingale took it. It's practically a cheat sheet for a thief," Smolder said.

Angered by the theft, Nocturnal took away her blessings from the Thieves Guild and left them to suffer under a harsh amount of bad luck. It didn't take long for them to lose contracts, members, money, and more. It was soon a shadow of its once glorious self and looked teetering to the brink of annihilation.

But this was soon corrected as the screen showed three dark-cloaked and hooded figures slaying a hoodless fourth one. He died in agony as the traitor Nightingale was pierced with arrows, slashed with blades, and finally ended with a dagger to his throat in a grim and gory manner that made the others wince, but none felt sorry for the traitor. The new Nightingales killed the traitor, returned the Skeleton Key to Nocturnal, and were given their luck back, leading to a new golden age for the Thieves Guild.

"I don't know if we should be rooting for these guys. I mean, they are thieves, but they aren't horrible beings if they just steal from the rich and don't commit murder. Well, to anyone who doesn't wrong them, that is," Gallus said with a torn look.

"But stealing is wrong. Even if you can show some justification for it, it doesn't change the fact that you are taking something priceless from someone else," Sandbar stated firmly.

It didn't really matter in the long run since this organization didn't exist in their world, but still, no creature could figure out if the Guild was as bad as the name sounded or if the narrator pointing out the positive traits of it redeemed some of them in their eyes.

Thankfully, the second guild avoided such a torn moral dilemma since its primary focus was on combat, honor, and valor in battle.

The Fighter's Guild

“Oh, yeah! Now we’re talking!” Smolder said with a grin as Yona and Gallus showed similar interests upon learning that the next guild would obviously be about warriors. This was even further proven by the quote that was shown while also showing a warrior with a sword about to combat with a bunch of undead-looking monsters, which made Ocellus nearly cover herself with a blanket upon seeing.

“The Fighters Guild is a brotherhood of warriors. We provide a service to Tamriel, lending steel and shield to those who need our help. Whether that means ridding a town of an invading menace or protecting a helpless mage, we’ll take the contract.” - Vilena Donton, Guild Master 3E 433.

"Best quote yet," Yona said with an approving nod.

The Fighter's Guild was one of the most essential guilds in all of Tamriel, having been personally supported by the Emperor himself in training the Empire's greatest mercenaries to defend the citizens of Tamriel. For a fee, of course.

Founded in the Second Era, the Fighter's Guild has taken numerous missions involving slaying monsters, stopping bandits, delivering goods, and bodyguarding important people. It was a guild where the strong, determined, brave, and skilled prospered into fame and glory. So long as you have the coin to buy their services, the Fighter's Guild will take any job without hesitation. Those who succeed in contracts rise up the ranks quickly, some even taking the esteemed title of "Champion," while those who default or fail promptly fall into obscurity.

Like all other guilds, reputation was everything, and every member of the Fighter's Guild needed to be good, or else they were kicked out for the sake of the guild's standing among others. While it had its dark times and corrupted moments (apparently, Morrowind's chapter had a notorious reputation), it could still shine even during the chaos of the end of the Third Era due to the Oblivion Crisis. During this time, the Cyrodiil branch of the Fighter's Guild faced a rising rival faction known as the Blackwood Company. The screen showed one of their buildings with their logo, an ax and a sword crossing via the hilts while a tree stood between them.

Made of mostly Khajiits and Argonians, the Blackwood Company was stealing contracts and patrons from the Fighter's Guild due to having unnatural strength beyond regular fighters. Their reputation as some of the best warriors in the land grew faster than any other mercenary group seen at the time, and a bitter rivalry between the two guilds soon formed.

"You know, we keep hearing so much about the humans and elves so far. It's nice to learn more about the other more animal-like creatures," Silverstream said.

"I think they might take offense to you calling them that, Silverstream," Sandbar pointed out.

"You know they might even say the same to us. For all we know, our kind could be just like animals," Ocellus pointed out.

"Ponies were animals back in the Wasteland. I wonder if they are the same here too?" Sandbar wondered and hoped that at least they were treated better.

The Fighter's Guild suspected something was amiss due to the quick rise of the Blackwood Company and their almost supernatural strength. While part of it was out of a desire to see their competitors fall, the Fighter's Guild was still suspicious about the group. One of their own infiltrated the organization and learned the secret of their quick rise to power. In the lowest levels of their headquarters, it turned out that the Blackwood Company was growing a Hist Tree from Argonia, also known as Black Marsh. The six got a look at the tree and didn't see any differences that made it stand out as something unique, but apparently, the looks were deceiving.

Drinking the sap from a Hist Tree gave the drinker strange powers, including super strength. However, while anyone could technically drink this, only Argonians (The natives of the land it came from) could drink it safely, as any others ended up in a blood-raged induced hallucination. Because of this, it was later revealed that the Blackwood Company had caused various innocent people to be killed in their rage due to their inability to tell a friend or foe upon drinking the sap. They kept the secret hidden, but the Fighter's Guild exposed them and soon brought down the Blackwood Company.

"Using alchemy to make yourself stronger instead of relying on your own skills is no way for a true warrior," Yona claimed with a huff before puffing out her chest. "Yaks fight with true skill and honor. Blackwood Company a bunch of fakers."

The Fighter's Guild destroyed the Hist Tree, which crippled the Blackwood Company into obscurity. Without their biggest competitors and praised for their efforts in stopping them, the Fighter's Guild was number one once again and continues to thrive.

The Mage’s Guild

“Oh, I think Ocellus is going to like this one,” Smolder said as the grin on Ocellus’s face was all but apparent.

“I’m excited to learn this one too! I mean, I can’t cast Equestrian magic, but I would really like to learn how to use Tamriel magic!” Silverstream said with eagerness.

“The idea of a collection of Mages, Sorcerers, and assorted Mystics pooling their resources and talents for the purpose of research and public charity was a revolutionary concept in the early years of the Second Era.” - The Archmage Salarth

Much like the Fighter's Guild, the Mage's Guild was founded by the Empire to be used as means of education, study, and discovery for the citizens of the Empire to learn more about the arts of magic. The leader, the Archmage, leads the guild with a council of other mages at the Arcane University in the Imperial City. It was here that every magic user from around the provinces journeys to safely learn the art of magic, including some of the most dangerous arts like Conjuration.

There were seven arts that were taught in the Mage's Guild by the Wizards:

Mysticism was the ability to manipulate magicka itself by having it cross the boundaries of immaterial into the material and have it take form. As such, it was carefully watched over due to the danger of it. Spells of the class of Mysticism could augment the target by granting it the ability to detect life, reflect damage, absorb and reflect spells or harm it by dispelling its magical effects and trapping its soul. Spells of Mysticism included Telekinesis, Dispel, and Absorb Damage.

"So the most basic spell all unicorns can cast would be considered that dangerous in this world? Weird," Sandbar said with a confused look.

Restoration was about healing and mending those weak in health, stamina, sickness, and injury. Because of this, it is the most widely practiced form of magic and the most respected due to the vital care it provides to others. Granting the mage the ability to heal the wounded and sick, shield them from harm, create immunity to diseases, and dispel various magical enchantments. Spells of Restoration included Close Wounds, Wards, and Circle of Protection.

"I can see how that would be the most popular one. Everyone wants to be healthy after all," Ocellus said as she continued to write down her notes.

Alteration was another school about manipulating and changing the physical world. Instead of making something out of magical energy, it was about using magical energy to transform one object into something similar in context but different in structure, such as turning iron into silver and silver into gold. Alteration could also make objects or living beings lighter or heavier or grant special abilities. Spells included Oakflesh, Magelight, and Waterbreathing.

"I wonder if our ability to switch between water and flight form is a means of Alteration?" Silverstream wondered as she looked at the orb necklace that allowed her to transform.

"Must be since not only does it alter your body to that of an aqua creature, but it can also give you the abilities of one," Ocellus reasoned.


Destruction was all about what the name meant, which was casting spells that caused damage to a mage's foes. An offensive and dangerous school, most mages who learned this typically were involved in combat, such as mercenaries or battlemages in an army. Most Destruction spells came into three elements: Fire, Lighting, and Frost. While it was possible to master all three elements, most mages typically focused on one or two to master. Such spells could include Firebolt, Chain Lighting, and Icy Spear.

"Totally my school," Smolder said while grinning at seeing the power of such spells on the screen.

"Don't you already breathe fire?" Gallusa asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, but I can't use Lightning or Frost. I master those and can use both in one hand while shooting flames out of my mouth. I'd be an Archmage of Destruction in no time," Smolder claimed with a smirk.

Conjuration was known as the school of summoning and was one of the most controversial schools to learn. Because to learn this form of magic, you must master the art of summoning spirits, Daedra, or the undead and having them serve you. Because of the danger of losing control of the summons or summoning something beyond your power, the school was carefully watched and censored with many fearing those who practice this art, especially Nords who have a semi-intolerance for magic in general. Spells in Conjuration include Raise Zombie, Bound Sword, and Conjure Atronachs.

"Do not like dead things. Do not like dead things. Do not like dead things," Ocellus repeatedly whimpered while shaking as Sandbar put her into a warm hug. This made her calm down, but the blushing on her cheeks soon nearly shivered for a different reason.

Illusion was the school of changing the perspective of the minds and senses of those around the illusionist. The illusions were meant to confuse the enemy and input false beliefs that affected them, such as making them succumb to fear or believe that their enemy was out matching them. Such effects did harm them physically, but most of it was mental and could break a person's mind if pushed. They could even use their powers to calm others down, turn enemies into allies, and boost morale. Such Illusion spells included Fear, Calm, and Invisibility.

"I can see The Great and Powerful Trixie liking magic like this," Gallus said as the group imagined the magician performing such unique spells before an audience.

And finally, there was Alchemy, a mix of science and magic. Unlike the other schools, this one didn't have spells but focused on complex recipes and chemical calculations. Alchemists can use magical ingredients and liquids to make potions that range from a wide selection of effects. There was no limit to healing wounds, restoring Magicka, and rebuilding stamina. Some brews could make one stronger, faster, see better, resist magic, and more. It was through Alchemy that the Mages guild got most of its funding by selling their potions and elixirs to the public and greater powers of the realm.

Although there were other schools of magic, such as Enchantment and Thaumaturgy, it was these seven that the Mages Guild focused on.

"I was thinking of becoming an alchemist when I graduate!" Ocellus announced, much to the surprise of others. "Headmare Twilight even said she could contact some old potion teachers of hers that would love to take me in as an apprentice."

"I bet you would do great at it, Ocellus. You're brilliant," Sandbar said before pointing to the screen. "Maybe you can even learn to make potions from Tamriel and make them in Equestria? I mean, if anyone can do it, you can."

"T-T-Thanks, S-S-Sandbar," Ocellus muttered while blushing again with a small smile that made the pony's heart flutter. "Well, let's hope I can see how such potions are made on the screen."

After explaining the seven primary schools, the narrator came to explain how the Mages Guild came to be. It was founded by an Altmer named Vanus Galerion in the Second Era, but before he became the Archmage, he was an apprentice to a mysterious, mystical order known as the Psijics. He and his fellow Altmer, Mannimarco, were considered the most brilliant and brightest of the apprentices. But Mannimarco would become one of the greatest magical threats to Tamirel, for he was a master of the dark art of Necromancy.

"The forbidden art of raising the dead!" Ocellus gasped in fear, and the others all began to swear upon hearing it. Even among the most minor magical creatures did those know of the terrible art that had plagued the world in the hands of dark villains such as the infamous Grogar, who was said to create monsters of untold horrors and legions of undead. This notorious magic had allowed Sombra to exist as a spirit and curse the Crystal Empire even after the Royal Sisters killed him in their fateful war against him all those years ago.

If this Mannimarco was such an obsessed lover of Necromancy, if what the narrator said was true, then there was no doubt that he was a bad guy, especially upon seeing his dark, unnatural yellow eyes that showed madness, ambition, and a lust for power. Thankfully, Vanus Galerion hated the practice of Necromancy and outright forbade its use in the Mages Guild when it was formed eventually. Mannimarco, however, kept diving deeper and deeper into the art, not for the sake of discovery but for his own personal gain.

The fears of the six came true when it was revealed that, during the Second Era, Mannimarco made a pact with the Daedric Prince Molag Bal and started reviving previously dead Imperial Soldiers for the prince to use for his dark conquest of Tamriel. When the Psijic Order refused to intervene due to their policy of isolation, Vanus Galerion decided to form his own mystical order to combat Mannimarco, and thus the Mages Guild was born.

"Credit to him for sticking it to those guys and going out and doing something about it," Smolder said with approval. Dragons might have been self-isolated themselves, but if there was a threat that they needed to take care of, then they did it. Of course, that's only if the threat is a danger to us. Most dragons wouldn't care about something happening to the others. Except I guess me and Ember. We'd do something.

Despite Mannimarco's defeat, he was never genuinely killed, as he would reappear again in the Third Era. This time calling himself "The King of Worms" and leading a force of deadly Necromancers. Of course, he would fail again; hopefully, he was gone for good this time.

"That is the most stupid title you can ever give yourself. King of Worms? Really? What is he gonna do? Wiggle his enemies to death?" Gallus joked, which made the others laugh.

Unfortunately, the Mages Guild may not have been destroyed by Mannimarco, but it no longer existed at the end of the Third Era, much to the group's shock. The Oblivion Crisis had created a fear of magic and mages due to the actions of the Mythic Dawn cult that worked with Mehrunes Dagon to make the terrible situation that nearly brought Tamriel to its knees in the first place. Seeking to blame someone for it, the entire realm of Tamriel blamed all mages for the situation because most of the Mythic Dawn members were mages themselves. The Mages Guild never recovered from this and was forced to dissolve. While magic itself was still practiced and always would be, the Arcane University, once the most fantastic learning center of magic, was closed.

"What?! That's totally unfair!" Ocellus shouted in disgust and disbelief.

"Yeah, that's like blaming every unicorn in Equestria because of someone like Cozy Glow or Sombra!" Sandbar shouted in disgust.

"Well, everyone looks for a scapegoat when things go to the crapper," Smolder said with a shrug. "Fear and chaos do that."

"Still not right," Yona muttered while shaking her head.

The narrator stated that the Mages Guild's destruction was a reminder that a guild lives and dies by its reputation. Be it the Thieves Guild, Fighters Guild, or Mages Guild, they all needed good representation to continue their existence. Sometimes it required respect. Other times it required fear. And sometimes, it required both.

But occasionally, a group could be hated, despite, feared, and loved all at the same time. This was true for one group whose reputation was spoken of with whispering chills, cursed mutters, and desperate pleas for those willing to perform the Black Sacrament to summon one of Tamriel's most dangerous and frightening organizations.

But that was a story for another day.

Author's Note:

Dark Brotherhood is next and the reactions are going to be disturbed of course. Hope you are enjoying this.