• Published 4th Apr 2024
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: The Final Act - Part 2: Time Runs Out - BronySonicFan

When Opaline gains the power to travel across the multiverse and cause chaos across all the realities, the fate of the whole Multiverse relays on Sonic's hands and Sunny's hooves.

  • ...

6. Canon Events

Universe 090516

Opaline was starting to wonder why she never thought about looking for the Paradox Prism before.

Maybe it was because she didn't believed that the multiverse even existed at first. After all, the idea of alternate realities where she existed was so crazy that she could never take it seriously...

Now? She regrets with her soul never going out to find the Prism. She read about its existence thousands of times when she was a filly, but back then she was focused on destroying either Celestia's or Twilight's legacy to the point she never really tried to look after it because she believed it didn't even existed.

But here she is now: On a universe where Twilight and a strange earth pony with clothes and a giant key named Sora were trying to fight her, but of course, and thanks to her new power, they were loosing.

"Ugh... This is starting to become boring and pitiful..." Opaline deadpanned, before levitating both Twilight and Sora to her face, as the two ponies tried to get free from her magic.

"I-I don't know who are you supposed to be, but you won't win this!" Twilight said with a frown, trying to make her own horn light up, but it faded away thanks to Opaline's magic cancelling her magic.

"Your heart must be filled with darkness, but we can fix you!" Sora said as well, as he still held the giant key on his mouth.

Opaline rolled her eyes annoyed, before she frowned, then her eyes turned fully white, and then she opened her mouth, as she absorbed Twilight and Sora's magic, which made the two of them scream in panic, until their Cutie Marks disappeared and they lost their magic entirely.

With this, Opaline let them fall on the ground, with Sora's key shining and then disappearing, while Twilight tried to stand up, but felt too weak to do so.

"Ugh..." Opaline groaned again. "Why are all the Twilights and her friends across the multiverse so stubborn and can't accept defeat for once? I literally can cancel levitation spells!"

"Y-You... A-Aren't defeating us... W-Whoever you are..." Twilight said weakly, as she tired to stand up, but then fell on the ground again.

"And you're still stubborn..." Opaline deadpanned, even rolling her eyes annoyed.

After that, she approached to Sora and levitated him for a second, before taking out of one of his pockets a small blue shard of the Paradox Prism.

It seems that Sora and Twilight were exploring a zone near Ponyville, when Sora suddenly found this shard. Then, as the two ponies were walking across a green field, not so far from Sweet Apple Acres, Opaline suddenly attacked, starting a fight with them that, as you already saw, the Fire Alicorn won.

Now, Opaline grinned at the sight of the blue shard, and she attached it to her left hind leg's bracelet, sending a blue shockwave through her body, while her eyes glowed in bright blue, and her horn and wings lightened up in blue fire.

"Oh, now we're talking!" Opaline grinned happily, as she looked at her lightened up wings, before flapping them and then open a blue portal that took her out of this universe, leaving behind Twilight and Sora completely weakened... This apparently made the whole universe start to glitch out.

As Opaline exited this universe, she turned around and felt surprised.

Just like Universe 240123, the universe she just left started to glitch out entirely, like if it was collapsing for some reason, although she really didn't cared.

"What the hell is happening?" Opaline questioned to herself, but just when she decided to shrug it and keep moving, she suddenly disappeared.

As she did so, a generally golden boat with grey surface and a captain' cabin appeared floating in the middle of nowhere, while being piloted by Chip, who looked with a frown at the place where Opaline was standing over a few seconds ago.

"That should slow her down for now, but I don't know for how long..." Chip muttered with concern. "SONIC!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

Universe 030212

On the other hand, Opaline screamed as she suddenly landed on her face on the floor.

She groaned in pain after doing so, before slowly standing up and shaking her head, looking around at her surroundings. She was now on a City, if the massive buildings and ponies passing by were something to go from.

"What the heck?" Opaline said, as she looked confused around. "Where am I? How did I ended up here?!"

Suddenly, in the middle of her confusion, a figure appeared in the ceiling of a building, and some ponies around gasped.

So, Opaline looked on the same direction, just to see an Earth Pony disguised as Spider-Man, or rather, Spider-Mane, as he launched himself from the ceiling, before launching a spider web out of his web-shooter and then start to swing around and across the city.

Ponies around seemed to be cheering, but Opaline deadpanned at the sight. "Ponies really get impressed with the stupidest things now days..."

After saying that, she opened a green portal and then flew through it.

Opaline returned to the realm that connects all the universes again.

However, thanks to all the magic she has absorbed, as well as to the power of the Paradox Prism, she protected herself by creating a shield around her that vibrated, because it just cancelled an incoming attack.

Opaline frowned, and soon, she started to look around to look after the source of whatever or whoever tried to attack her, until she spotted a floating ship not so far from some floating purple crystals, and her frown intensified, because she teleported out of her place.

Then, she suddenly appeared behind the creature over the boat and surrounded them with their magic, but when she turned them around and faced them, her eyes widened, and she gasped in disbelief.

"Celestia?!" Opaline asked with surprise.

"W-What?" 'Celestia' asked confused.

"What in your name is going on? What kind of mental game is this?!" Opaline asked with anger.

"I-I have no specific form nor name! I-I just guard over every reality!" Celestia replied a bit painfully. "Y-Your mind just creates a form you can feel familiar with!"

Opaline's eyes widened. "So you're the guardian of every single reality..." She muttered, before looking at Celestia in anger. "And where have you been the past year that I've been moving from one world to another?!"

"Waiting for our first encounter to do this!" Celestia replied with a smirk, before lightening up her horn.

With this, Celestia and the boat disappeared, which surprised and confused Opaline, as she looked around confused, before realizing with a frown that she escaped... And then, Opaline got hit on her back hardly, because she was sent flying backwards by Celestia.

Opaline growled in anger and turned around, before charging a fire blast and then launch it against Celestia, who received the attack and didn't got harmed by it.

"What?!" Opaline shouted with wide eyes.

"I am the guardian of the multiverse!" Celestia informed with open wings. "Your power is just a fraction of what I'm capable of! So come on, Arcana! Hit me with all your might! The result will be the same!"

Growling in anger, Opaline charged up her horn again and then shot against Celestia, while Celestia received the impact again and then dive towards the Fire Alicorn, with the latter doing the same, as they both let out warrior cries, and their blasts crashed against each other.

However, that was just a distraction, because when Celestia realized, Opaline was gone.

She looked around anxiously, to all the universes around, but she realized that she wasn't there anymore.

However, she did noticed that other universe was collapsing, Universe 200312, and that Opaline quickly came out of it, now having another green Shard of the Paradox Prism on her left foreleg's bracelet.

"No..." Celestia muttered, before flying at top speed towards Opaline. "NO!"

But this was a mistake, because Opaline created a bubble that surrounded Celestia, and Celestia bumped into the bubble itself. She lightened her horn un and tried to blast the bubble, but this did nothing, because the bubble remained intact, and that made her eyes widen in panic.

"You'll be trapped here for quite a while, Celestia! Or whatever you are." Opaline said with a grin. "And soon? The multiverse you're so desperate to protect will belong to ME!" She added, as her wings and horn lightened up in a rainbow fire.

Then, she let out her typical maniac laugh, before flying away to the next universe.

Celestia screamed to Opaline and tried to make her come back, but Opaline already entered to another universe, which made Celestia get desperate and start to blast the bubble even more, but it was doing nothing, because the bubble still remained intact.

So, breathing heavily in despair, Celestia let out a massive and desperate scream of agony, because now the whole multiverse was in more danger than ever.

Universe 250954

"Where's the guy that was so freaked out at the idea of a relationship last year?!" Sonic asked confused.

"Well, spending time in your world opened my eyes, you know?" Boom Sonic replied with a smile, as he placed Aurora on the kangaroo on his chest.

"If you three are done talking, can I please start Sonic and Sunny's final test to join our Society?" Future Sonic asked with anger, also glaring daggers at Boom Sonic.

"Ugh, there he goes again..." Boom Sonic rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Dude, you're the only Sonic who isn't funny here! We're supposed to be funny!"

"The fate of the whole multiverse is at stake here, Sonic!" Future Sonic raised his voice, and whatever Boom was going to say, it died there on his mouth, while Sonic and Sunny felt a chill down their spines once FS raised his voice. "Don't make me remind you what you can loose forever if Opaline wins..."

Boom Sonic looked down at Aurora, who simply kept giggling loudly, and soon, Boom swallowed hard and nervously. "No... it's not necessary... Sorry, Boss..."

Future Sonic nodded, before taking a deep breath to calm himself, and then he looked back at Sonic and Sunny. "As for you two... Well, there's no point on delaying it even more. Let's get your test started."

"Oh boy.../This is gonna be good." Sunset and Buffon muttered in unison, while Boom turned around and whistled innocently.

"Sonic..." Future Sonic called out, and both Sonic and Sunny looked at him. "You disrupted a Canon Event."

"Canon Event?" Sunny questioned confused, while Sonic rolled his eyes.

"Can someone please tell us what the hell is a Canon Event already?!" Sonic begged.

"FS, the kid wasn't thinking!" Boom Sonic spoke with concern, trying to stand up for his friends. "He doesn't know how it works! Neither does Sunny!"

"That's insulting..." Sunny deadpanned.

"And why are you so mad with us?" Sonic asked FS with a raised eyebrow and a frown. "We saved those ponies! Even the pegasus one that almost died saving a filly!"

"And that last thing is the problem." Future Sonic replied, as he got down of the platform and slowly walked towards Sonic and Sunny.

After saying this, Sonic frowned, although more confused than mad, while Sunny straight up frowned in anger.

"What do you mean?" Sunny asked.

"Nicole, do the thing." Future Sonic informed.

Soon, Nicole 'woke up' and appeared small sized near his shoulder. "Huh? What thing?" She questioned confused, before adjusting her hair and then sit up in the air.

Future Sonic deadpanned at her after she asked that. "What... What do you mean what thing? The information explaining thing!"

"Okay!" Nicole replied with a smile, before extending her hands on the air.

After she did this, the entire environment disappeared, and soon, the whole place turned dark, except for a tiny little light that slowly descended towards the ground, which showed that only the Mobians and Equestrians in the room remained.

"Whoa..." Sunny exclaimed amazed at the little light.

"What's this?" Sonic questioned.

"This... is everything." Future Sonic replied.

As he did so, the light finally reached and touched the ground. As it did this, it left a heptagon on the floor for a moment, before a line came out of it and turned into a curve. As said curve growed, more curves came out if it, and then more curves came out of said curves, and so on.

These lines growed to a point that they started to surround everyone in the room, and what seemed confusing at first for Sonic finally ring a bell, although Sunny still felt confused.

"Uh, can you be more specific? I'm kind of lost here..." Sunny requested.

"Can you not talk for a second?" Future Sonic replied with a mocking smirk.

Sunny deadpanned after hearing this and buffed. "Party pooper..."

"What you guys see here... is all of us," Future Sonic explained, as more and more white lines kept appearing around them, while both Sonic and Sunny looked around and felt amazed by the sight. "Existence itself, melted together in a complex set of waves that travel on their own space and time continuity..."

"The multiverse..." Sonic said, as he kept looking at all the lines around, because this is exactly how the multiverse looked when he access that reality that allows him to go to any universe he wants.

"Precisely." Future Sonic replied with a nod.

Soon, Sunny decided to touch one of the lines in front of her out of curiosity, and that caused an heptagon to form, showing 7 separate slices of the same event but in different universes. In this case? Sunny's first time meeting Izzy when she arrived to Maretime Bay.

"Uh... What is this?" Sunny asked.

"That is the Canon." Future Sonic replied. "Chapters that are part of every Sunny's story, everytime."

Seeing this, Sonic choose to touch one of the lines as well, and this one also showed 7 slices of the same event in different universes. This one was Sonic's first encounter ever with Dr. Eggman.

Soon, Sunny felt curious again, so she touched another line, and the 7 slices of the same event but in different universes appeared again inside an heptagon. This time, it showed how Sunny's first encounter with Opaline also varied in every universe.

"Some good... Some bad..." Future Sonic explained, before looking on a certain direction with a concerned frown. "Some very bad..."

After saying this, he made the lines lower a bit, and soon, right in front of both Sonic and Sunny, a hologram of a Sonic variant showed him in front of a big tragedy that marked him... All the variants that moved ahead in a row always showed the death of his mentor figure, and the last hologram was Sonic standing over the rubble of the burned town where Longclaw died.

"Longclaw..." Sonic muttered with concern at the sight, and Sunny placed a hoof on his arm for comfort.

However, Future Sonic didn't stopped there and also showed another Canon Event to the two friends, as they turned to see where FS was looking.

This new hologram was from a Sunny variant, standing at the side of a hospital bed while holding one of her father's hooves. This row also extended to many more variants of Sunny living the exact same, until we see our Sunny looking again at herself saying goodbye to her had before he passed away.

"My little Sunny-Bunny... You must bring Equestria back to its glory, okay?" Argyle told Sunny on the hologram, while the hologram Sunny teared up.

"Oh my gosh..." Sunny muttered with shock and wide eyes, also covering her mouth with a hoof, while her ears lowered in sadness, and Sonic placed a hand on her shoulder for comfort as well.

Soon, Future Sonic approached to a line and touched it, showing an event in a comic style. "This one..." He called out, and both Sonic and Sunny turned to see him and the image. "Event STH-09. The closest and bestest friend to Sonic the Hedgehog dies during a fight against a world-threatening menace."

The Comic 'panels' showed Sonic and Tails both fighting against Eggman as usual, but on a desperate attempt to make things go on his favor, Eggman shoot at Tails on his chest and killed him. Sonic soon trashed down Eggman's machine and rushed to Tails, hugging him and crying over his death body.

Then, an hologram of that very scene projected in front of the heptagon with the image of Sonic hugging Tails' death body.

"Little buddy... I'm so sorry..." The Sonic in the projection apologized, hugging him tightly and crying over him.

Sonic was petrified after seeing this, specially because he went through the fear of almost loosing Tails on his first New Year in Equestria, while Sunny covered her mouth with both hooves and felt her eyes tearing up, because just like Sonic, Tails was a little brother to her, and she just witnessed his death...

Yes, it was his death in another universe, but still his death.

"But us, the Sonics, are not the only ones that have lived this pain..." Future Sonic revealed.

After saying this, Sunset sighed, since those words were some kind of sign. So, she walked over to one of the lines and touched it with her hoof. This made another Heptagon appear, but this one showed Sunset's arrival to Modern Equestria, and the painful realization that Twilight, as well as her friends and family from Equestria, were long gone before her return.

Sonic and Sunny noticed this and felt bad for her, specially Sonic, since he already discovered that back in the Abandoned Canterlot of his universe.

And then, when Sunny gasped, Sonic turned to her and the direction she was looking, just to feel terrified again: Two long rows of holograms about the same Canon Event but in different universes were shown again, for both Mobians that lost a best friend, and Equestrians that did the same.

However, the one image Sunny was looking at was the hologram of a Sunny variant, hugging and crying over the death corpse of her best friend... Or her current lover: Hitch.

Just like Sonic was petrified with Tails being dead, now Sunny felt that way, because this wasn't supposed to happen: She didn't wanted to believe that Hitch had to die, that it was inevitable... It couldn't be real. It just couldn't, she refused to believe that it was.

Sonic, on the other hand, was completely scared at the thought, but when he saw a specific hologram that Boom Sonic was staring, Boom turned around to not look at it.

This hologram showed Boom himself, crying over the death corpse of Sticks, and Sonic looked up at Boom, who kissed Aurora's head. Sonic then understood what happened: In those two years that Boom Sonic was on his world, Sticks died on his arms at some point... now she's gone.

"That happened to you, didn't it?" Sonic asked to Boom Sonic, who limited himself to let out a sigh.

"And to me..." Twilight spoke, and when Sonic turned to see her, Twilight was facing an hologram that showed Spike's death corpse, because he died on her universe.

Both Sonic and Sunny couldn't believe this, then they both looked at Buffon, who was looking at the ground with concern, but as soon as he noticed Sonic and Sunny's eyes over him, he tried to shift back to his careless attitude.

"Yeah. What about it?" Buffon said, but both Sonic and Sunny could tell on his sad eyes that it hurt him when he also lost his best friend back on his world.

So, Sonic quickly looked through the holograms to see if he could find Buffon's Canon Event, and when he did so, it was precisely what he feared: It was Tails' death corpse again, and Buffon was crying over him... Just like every single other Sonic in that row.

"That's how the story is... supposed to go." Future Sonic spoke, and both Sonic and Sunny turned to see him. "Canon Events are the connections that bind our lives together."

As he explained this, the others were watching at some of their Canon Events.

Buffon was looking at that time he fought Robotnik for the last time before he was transported to Equestria in his universe... He unconsciously smiled at the sight, because he never felt so satisfied with a battle's result the same way he felt when Robotnik and his nightmare-ish city were gone.

Twilight was watching the time she fought Lord Tirek with her magic, Celestia's, Luna's and Cadance's combined, which allowed her to be at the same ground that Tirek when they fought each other.

Boom Sonic was looking at his wedding day with Amy again. Tails, Knuckles and even Sticks were there when they promised to be there for each other until they died, and even Eggman went to the wedding as a guest, although he still had to return to his cell after the ceremony was over.

Still, it was a really good memory for Boom Sonic, and even if Sticks was gone now, he wouldn't change that feeling of happiness he has now that he's married and has Aurora for anything.

Finally, Sunset was looking at the exact moment that Sunset was lifted off the ground when Magic was restored to Equestria and it transformed her into an Alicorn like Sunny, regaining her youth again and even gaining new magical strength thanks to the magic being restored.

Of course, and just like Boom Sonic, Sunset smiled at the sight, because those were simpler times were her only concern was to look after her new pony friends in Modern Equestria...

Not like now that she has to look after the whole multiverse, even if she wasn't doing it alone.

"But those connections can be broken..." Future Sonic explained to Sonic and Sunny with a concerned frown. "That's why... Anomalies are so dangerous."

As he explained this, the other were now looking at Sonic and only Sonic; Twilight and Buffon with neutral expressions, and Sunset and Boom with concern and guilt, but neither Sonic or Sunny noticed their looks because they kept staring at Canon Events from across the multiverse.

However, when Future Sonic mentioned the anomalies, they both looked at him with concern.

"Surprise's death was a Canon Event... Firefly's Canon Event." Future Sonic revealed with concern.

After saying this, an hologram of what happened at Universe 271213 showed up, replaying the events of the bridge collapsing and ponies running away from the falling building, while Surprise was running towards that filly to protect her.

"You weren't supposed to save her... And you weren't supposed to do anything." Future Sonic told only to Sonic, while Sonic himself looked at the hologram of Surprise saving that filly with concern. "That's why Sunset tried to stop you."

Now, the hologram changed and showed Sunset trying to stop Sonic from going and save Surprise and that filly.

"Sonic, wait!" Sunset's voice spoke on the hologram, while both Sonic and Sunny turned to see Sunset with slight frowns.

"I thought you were trying to save me..." Sonic said with concern and slight anger, while the hologram behind him showed him getting free from Sunset's grip.

"...I was..." Sunset replied, giving them her back and not daring to look at them into their eyes. "...I was doing both..." She added, now looking at them over her shoulder.

Sonic frowned even more after hearing this. He literally told her that he couldn't consider himself a good friend if he ever lied to a friend... And that's what Sunset did right now: She lied to him, and she told him she just wanted to save him from killing himself...

In reality, she tried to let an innocent pony die just because 'it was a Canon Event'... How stupid and selfish that had to be? He didn't even wanted to know.

"And now, Sonic..." Future Sonic spoke, as both Sonic and Sunny turned to him, while Future Sonic made the hologram change again and show how Sonic saved Surprise and that filly from dying. "Because you changed the story, Firefly's entire universe is unravelling."

Now, Future Sonic showed the team that was dealing with the glitch on Firefly's universe, while also showing the glitching rubble and ocean on the floor.

"If we're lucky... We can stop it..." Future Sonic said, while both Sonic and Sunny looked down with concern at the glitching spots. "We haven't always been lucky."

"But I don't get it..." Sunny said with concern, before turning to see FS with a frown. "How's saving an innocent soul so disturbing that it make an entire universe unravel?! That makes no sense!"

"Is what happens when you brake the Canon..." Future Sonic replied with a guilty expression and look, as he slowly walked to Sunny and Sonic with his hands on his hips.

"How do you know?" Sonic asked with a concerned frown and a raised eyebrow.

"Because I broke it once myself..." Future Sonic confessed, still with a guilty expression.

Sonic and Sunny's eyes widened after hearing this, and they looked at each other for a moment while gulping, before nodding to each other and then look back at FS.

"What happened?" Sunny decided to be the one asking.

Future Sonic sighed and started to narrate what happened. "I found a world, where I had a family... where I was happy..."

Future Sonic was looking at another version of himself.

This one particular, however, looked exactly like him, even with the eyepatch and everything. This Sonic was happily hugging his daughter on her birthday, and even gave her a soccer ball, because she really liked that sport, hence why she was wearing a shirt with number 91 and her name behind.

"At least, that version of me was..." Future Sonic narrated.

Suddenly, we see a transition of that universe where FS was happy.

We see that someone grabbed a bag that wasn't theirs and ran away before he was caught for robbing, and the FS of that universe threw the stuff he just bought to try and stop the thief, but the thief wasn't going to let anyone stop him, so he brought out a gun and pulled the trigger.

"And that version of myself was killed..." Future Sonic narrated.

Now, we see that this world's FS was killed by the thief, and his death body lay on the floor, while he was bathed on a pool of blood.

Future Sonic saw all of this, but then he removed the image, changed his clothes and then opened a portal to that universe, simulating to be the FS that just died.

"So I replaced him" Future Sonic revealed.

Once in this universe, Future Sonic looked around to make sure no one saw him, then he got rid of his other self's body and then walked away to look after 'his' daughter.

We see that Future Sonic is now bonding with 'his' daughter, as they were both enjoying breakfast, while they also smiled at each other.

"I thought it was harmless..." Future Sonic confessed.

Now, we see that Future Sonic is watching more footage of his other self and his daughter.

In the video playing in particular, his daughter removed the ribbon from the soccer ball and placed it playfully on the other FS head, before looking at the camera and pull out her tongue, while Future Sonic laughed joyfully.

Yet, when the image faded away, the current FS was frowning with a depressed look.

"But I was wrong." Future Sonic said with guilt.

Back to reality, Future Sonic showed footage of that same universe, now collapsing.

Many people were running away because of their world starting to slowly fade away and reduce to be nothing, while many members of the Secret Society were doing all they could to save as many as possible.

Suddenly, a lady tripped and fell to the ground, so Boom Sonic came by and tried to help her stand up, but as the lady was about to thank him for doing so, she vanished away, and Boom's eyes widened in fear and panic, while both Sonic and Sunny watched this as well while breathing heavily.

"This is what it looks like when a universe dies..." Future Sonic revealed with concern.

Then, both Sonic and Sunny saw FS running through the hologram while holding his daughter on his arms, as she also glitched out because of her world collapsing, while more people around disappeared.

"Daddy?!" His daughter said with concern, before her glitching got worse and worse. "Dad, no!" She screamed her last words, before she also disappeared entirely, while Future Sonic looked at his empty arms with wide eyes, while also breathing heavily.

"When you suffer it, you hope it will be the last time..." Future Sonic finished his narration with a hurt tone. "Isn't that right, Boom?"

Boom Sonic sighed with concern and nodded his head. "Yeah..." He replied, while Sunset looked at him with worry.

"Brake enough Canon, save more of those best friends..." Future Sonic spoke, while the universe he was showing began to glitch out even more.

Eventually said universe ended up collapsing entirely, while Sonic and Sunny covered themselves with their arms and legs, but when they opened their eyes again, the white lines that represent each universe were surrounding them again.

"And we could loose everything." Future Sonic finished.

After saying this, all the white lines around them started to glitch out, until they eventually started to slowly disappear, one by one, until the only thing that remained in the room again was FS, Boom, Sunset, Twilight, Buffon, and both Sonic and Sunny themselves.

This last thing was just a simulation Nicole showed of what could happen if the multiverse ever collapsed entirely.

"And now? Thanks to the Opaline of your world stealing magic, collecting Paradox Prism's shards, and braking enough Canon... Several universes have collapsed and reduced to be nothing." Future Sonic revealed.

At this, Nicole now showed through holograms actual worlds collapsing and Opaline escaping them while moving to the next world.

"These are images of events that happened two hours ago." Twilight informed with concern. "But our footage arrived just now... That's why we haven't been able to track her location down. She moves way too fast for us... We were hoping you guys would join us to help to track her down."

"That way, we can avoid things like Universe 151222 from happening." Future Sonic added with a slight frown.

"What happened to that world?" Sunny asked.

At this, FS looked at Nicole and nodded, while Nicole showed another hologram, this one simulating said world.

The hologram showed Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Rouge variants fighting against the Eggman of that world, while he was on his Egg Crusher, grabbing a big gem that looked exactly like the Paradox Prism, which surprised both Sonic and Sunny.

"In this universe, this Sonic was reckless and careless..." Future Sonic started to explain, as the hologram showed that Sonic variant charging a Spin Dash against the Paradox Prism. "This Sonic destroyed the Paradox Prism from his world... But unlike yours, were it opened a door in the multiverse and sent you to a new world... This Paradox Prism split into 5 shards and destroyed their entire reality."

Then, the hologram showed precisely that: How that Sonic variant crashed against the Prism and the entire environment disappeared, but the only thing that remained now was that Sonic floating in the middle of nowhere, while his shoes glowed and released some electrical sparkles.

"We think this reality has split into 5 different ones, but we don't know for sure..." Twilight informed as well with concern. "That's why we must stop Opaline, to avoid things like this from happening!"

However, after hearing the whole thing about Canon Events, as well as what happened at Universe 151222, why FS hates it so much and how their friends, and lover in Sunny's case, could die because it had to happen... They both panicked at the thought.

"...Our friends are still alive..." Sonic pointed out with wide eyes and an anxious look.

Sunny slowly looked at him with panic and breathing heavily; Sunset sighed and looked down in concern; Boom Sonic looked down as well and felt bad for them; FS raised an eyebrow; Buffon looked around to analyze everyone's expressions, and Twilight looked at Sonic and Sunny with a serious look.

Suddenly, Sonic's right arm started to glow on the same colors than the Paradox Prism, while his eyes and quills turned on in the same colors as well, and Sonic started to have a massive headache that made him grab his head.

Sunny noticed this and worried for him, but before she could help him out, her Alicorn Form showed, while her eyes glowed in golden light, and she ended up grabbing her head as well while screaming in pain...

They were both having a shared vision.

Opaline was flying in the air, with her horn and wings lightened in rainbow fire.

Below her, a bunch of Mobians and Equestrian corpses lay in between a bunch of rubble, meaning that a big fight against the Fire Alicorn approached, and they were going to loose.

Suddenly, Opaline opened a bunch of portal with her magic and launched objects from all across the multiverse against members of the Secret Society, as everyone tried to dodge the objects, some succeeding, and some failing and dying in the battlefield.

"I will rule over the entire multiverse..." Opaline's voice spoke, although it sounded a bit distorted. "And every critter will kneel to me, AND ADORE ME AS THEIR QUEEN!"

As she said this, she launched a bunch of rubble against the Mane 6, since they were running in the vision, but then, Sparky fell from Hitch's back, so he quickly rushed to try and save him, just for rubble to fall over him and kill him after doing so.

Then, Tails was fighting against a bunch of villains recruited by Opaline and winning, but when he noticed on the corner of his eye that Zipp was getting harm, he quickly flew towards her, and just when a Tirek variant was going to kill her, Tails pushed her away and took the hit, dying in the process.

When the vision ended, Sonic opened his eyes and breathed heavily.

The Prismatic Energy of his body was gone, but he had an anxious look because of what he just saw. At his side, Sunny was breathing heavily as well, while her Alicorn form dissipated, but she felt as anxious as Sonic after learning how are Hitch and Tails going to die.

"...Opaline does it..." Sonic said with panic.

"...She kills them both..." Sunny added anxiously.

FS frowned after hearing this, because Sonic wasn't supposed to find out, although he said nothing.

"...We have to go home..." Sonic said, before frowning and looking at FS. "We have to stop them from getting killed!"

"I can't do that." Future Sonic replied, and Sunset cringed, because she knew what was to come next. "At least not now."

"Then what are we supposed to do? Just let them die?!" Sunny shouted, while also breathing heavily.

FS said nothing, but his expression clearly said he was expecting them to, in fact, let them die.

Sonic stared with disbelief at his other self, while Sunny felt her lips trembling and her ears lowering, not being able to believe that FS was willing to let them die.

Then, Sonic turned to see Sunset with a frown. "And what about you? Your universe's Hitch is still alive, isn't he?!"

Sunset looked back at Sonic with sadness in her eyes. "Yeah..." She replied, resisting the urge to cry.

"And that's it?!" Sunny asked her in anger. "You're just not gonna do anything about it?!"

Sunset only looked down in sadness and shame, not being able to look at Sunny, because even if she was from another universe, she knew perfectly that even her own Sunny would be disappointed on her decision, specially since they considered each other's sister.

"Okay, and what about you? Wouldn't you like to go back in time and save Sticks from dying?" Sonic asked now to Boom Sonic with anger. "It'll be okay if you knew and you just... stood there and do nothing?!"

"If not for our friends' death, most of us wouldn't be here, Sonic..." Boom Sonic replied, also placing a hand on his shoulder, while leading him to see many more deaths of Equestrian and Mobians best friends. "And all the good things we did thanks to that, it wouldn't have been done!"

Sonic looked down to the ground and thought about it... It is true that Longclaw's death marked him forever, but it also lead to him making great stuff he wouldn't had done if she didn't died...

And yet, the idea of letting so manny people die just because an AI was saying that it had to happen was not only stupid, but it was also a massacre. Just letting them die because 'it has to happen'... How twisted and sick were all these people to let it happen? He didn't wanted to know, nor did Sunny.

Suddenly, Sonic let out a snort, before it slowly turned into a laugh that slowly become more and more maniac, as he forced Boom Sonic's hand off his shoulder and looked at everyone around, still laughing maniacally.

"Sunny, can you believe this?" Sonic asked to Sunny, still laughing maniacally and pointing with a thumb at Boom behind him, but Sunny knew Sonic's laugh was from someone who felt hurt and betrayed, and she honestly felt the same way. "This is crazy, isn't it?!"

"What's so funny?" Future Sonic asked with a frown.

"Oh, you know: Sunset said that we were going to join an Elite Team that protects the multiverse!" Sonic replied. "But you know what I see here? A bunch of clowns, playing to be so important with their fancy watches and pretending to be the Guardians of the Galaxy!"

"Hey, man, calm down––" Boom Sonic tried to say, but soon, Sunny chuckled, and he knew that this was only going to get worse if she was joining Sonic.

"You're right, Sonic..." Sunny said. "This isn't a Society, is a stupid circus of maniacs!"

"We're just doing what's the best for everyone––" Future Sonic tried to argue.

"Oh, the best for everyone, huh?" Sonic asked with a maniac smile, before frowning in anger. "So we're just supposed to let people die because some algorithm says that that's supposed to happen?!"

"Oh, whoa!" Nicole said surprised with wide eyes and stepped a bit back, since she appeared right over FS' shoulder, while FS himself frowned at Sonic.

"Are you realizing how messed up it sounds, right?! How stupid my own words are?!" Sonic shouted in rage.

"You have a choice between saving one person, and saving an entire world. Every world!" Future Sonic pointed out.

"The joke is on you, because you're not asking us to let one person die, which is already messed up enough, but you want us to let two of them die!" Sunny pointed out with concern.

"And we can do both!" Sonic added, while Sunny at his side nodded in agreement. "We can save both our friends and the entire multiverse! We've always––"

"Not always..." Boom Sonic cut him off, and both Sonic and Sunny turned to see him with wide eyes and disbelief, while Boom looked at them with a sympathetic look.

"Guys..." Future Sonic called out, while both Sonic and Sunny turned to him with frowns. "We all want to live the life we wish we had... Believe me... I have tried! And the harder I tried, the more damage I did."

Sunny's frown softened a bit after hearing this. After all, she witnessed how that other FS' world was destroyed after the one in front of her broke the Canon... But Sonic remained frowning, and both Sunny and him were still convinced that this was a massacre, for a greater good or not.

At the end of the day, killing is still killing, and they could never see it with good eyes.

"You can't have it all, kids..." Future Sonic pointed out to them.

It was at this point that both Sonic and Sunny noticed something off on their surroundings... and it was that they were surrounded by at least a quarter of the Secret Society's members, both Mobians and Equestrians, all surrounding them both along the four member that were already there.

"Being a hero always demands a sacrifice. That's the job..." Future Sonic explained, while both Sonic and Sunny looked at their surroundings confused, until the looked only at FS with frowns. "That's what you signed up for."

Hearing this, only made Sonic feel his blood boil, while Sunny growled in rage.

"Sonic..." A voice spoke suddenly, and when he turned to his left, along with Sunny, they both saw a big robot that had Tails face.

Soon, the robot's face opened and showed Tails from Universe 060403, looking down at them with concern and also shaking his head, because he already went through a Canon Event: He lost Cosmo, and he was convinced that stopping her from dying was inevitable.

"Tails?" Sunny called out with concern, while Sonic looked around at the Secret Society's member with anger, as his electrical powers started to show off a bit.

"What is this?" Sonic asked enraged. "Is this an intervention or something? You guys are willing to go that far just because an AI told you all that if we don't let them die, then everyone else does as well?!"

Soon, a Sonic variant that seemed like he just came out of a comic panel stepped ahead and looked at Sonic and Sunny with concern. "We know it's hard..." He confessed, even looking at the ground for a second, before looking back at them "But it's the truth, guys."

This Sonic that spoke has gone through a lot of stuff. Just to name one of them: His girlfriend turned into a killer robot because of Eggman, and he unfortunately lost her forever... She was his Canon Event, and even if he would like to go back in time and save her, he won't for the sake of the multiverse.

Sonic and Sunny, however, felt enraged after hearing this. Worse of all, they felt betrayed, because they were promised to join a group for a greater good... To fight and defeat Opaline...

Instead, they arrived with a bunch of maniacs that consider themselves as heroes, but they're as terrible as any villain, because they were willing to let innocents die just because an algorithm said so... It was definitely messed up, and none of them were planing to join this cause.

Soon, Sunny turned to Boom with anger. "Is that why you're here? To let us down easy?!" She asked him enraged, while Boom Sonic looked away from them with shame.

"Sure, worked last time. Why not run it back, huh?" Sonic said with anger. "Your friends from your world said you could be an asshole sometimes, but this goes beyond my expectations..."

"Hey, hold on, hold on!" Boom Sonic said, while Aurora on the baby kangaroo felt a bit scared, because Sonic's powers were showing up even more at this point.

"What about you, Sunset?" Sunny called out this time, but she didn't dared to look at her in the eyes. "You went to recruit us for this? To be part of your homicidal group?"

Sunset felt her heart shattering to pieces after hearing this, while her eyes started to tear up a bit.

"Don't. You. Dare. To cry, Sunset!" Sonic told her, as she approached her and stood in front of her menacingly, and even if Sunset was the same hight than him, she still felt small compared to his angry phase. "I don't care why you even visited us in the first place, but you better never show your face on our universe again, or I won't answer for my actions. Understood?"

Sunset felt anxious after hearing this, but all she did was look away, although that was a good answer for Sonic, because he turned and walked away from her.

"If I knew from the beginning all of this, I would had kicked you out of my universe." Sonic muttered, but Sunset did heard it and panicked again, because she knew he was talking to her.

"Come on, guys, don't make this any more harder than it already is!" Future Sonic begged silently, but both Sonic and Sunny refused to face him. "Hey, kids, look at me––"

"Stop calling us that." Sunny said with anger, as her Alicorn form glitched a bit, while her eyes turned golden for a moment as well.

"There you go." Buffon said with his arms crossed and a proud smirk.

"Buffon, you're not helping!" Twilight scolded him with a whisper, but also frowning.

"Good." Buffon replied, still smirking proudly at Sunny, while Sonic and her smiled slightly at Buffon.

"Guys, please understand––" Boom Sonic tried to plead again.

"You can't ask us not to save our friends!" Sonic said with anger. "That's not what we do! We fight until the very end, no matter if it costs our lives! We just don't stand there and watch everyone die!"

"We focus on what's important!" Twilight pointed out with a slight frown.

"What's important is not standing by while allowing someone to suffer or die because you do nothing!" Sunny shouted back. "I can't believe I admired you... Nor my father..." She added with pure hate, and Twilight's frown disappeared to let in the surprise of hearing that. "Maybe I should had let your legacy stay dead..."

"But you didn't because is the right thing to do!" Sonic stated, nos standing in front of her and facing off Future Sonic with pure hate and anger. "Because that's what we always do! What we think is the right thing to do! And if none of you get that! Well, might as well consider changing your name, because wearing the shoes to be called Sonic is way too big for you, chief."

Everyone else except for Sunny and Buffon was surprised that Sonic raised his voice to the leader. Sunny instead felt as mad as Sonic against this guy, while Buffon couldn't help but feel proud because he finally understood that he didn't needed this Society.

The Society itself, however, was feeling conflicted now. Sonic had a point, and some of the members could see it, but others were still sided with FS, thinking they were just doing what was best for the entire multiverse.

Boom Sonic had no idea in which side to be, since all he wanted was to protect his daughter, while Sunset started to felt conflicted as well, but she also felt concerned for Sonic, because challenging FS was something nobody ever ever dared to do, until Sonic came, that is.

As for FS himself, he was really loosing his patience, since this isn't the outcome he wanted, but he did expected it. After all, he has to confess that a part of him hates this, even if he's willing to keep going.

"Perhaps you're taking this too––" Future Sonic tried to say, extending his arm towards him.

However, Sonic didn't even thought twice and snatched his arm away with brute force, which finally made his eye widen, while everyone else around but Sunny and Buffon gasped in shock and disbelief at his action.

"You're not my boss. You'll never be." Sonic told FS with pure hate and anger. "I would never work for a killer."

That was the last straw of FS' patience, and so, he frowned down at Sonic. "Okay. I tried to be polite, but it seems that you two are not willing to listen."

"And why should we? A killer is telling us to let our friends die." Sunny replied with anger, and FS felt his blood boil whenever they told him he was a killer. "Like Sonic said, you can't ask us not to save our friends!"

"I'm not asking you." Future Sonic replied with a frown.

After saying this, two weird discs slid below Sonic and Sunny respectively, before encaging them in two red cages, as a security measure to ensure they wouldn't save their friends and brake the Canon.

"FS, just give them a second!" Boom Sonic begged, as he walked towards FS, while both Sonic and Sunny felt confused on why they were trapped now.

"Great impression, boss." Buffon said sarcastically with an eye roll, while Sonic started to punch the cage, trying to get out.

"No!" Sunset exclaimed, as she tried to punch Sunny's cage, while Sunny herself hit it as well. "Chief, stop this!"

Now with both Boom and Sunset over him, FS felt a bit overwhelmed, but as the leader, he had to make the hardest decisions, even if not everyone was going to like them all the time.

"We let them leave, they'll only do more damage, you both know that!" Future Sonic pointed out, as he tried to resonate with Boom and Sunset.

"Chief, that's enough!" Sunset said with anger.

Suddenly, Buffon managed to turn around and look at Sonic. "Hey, Blue Blur." He called out, showing his palms to him, while also looking at his side to make sure FS won't notice.

When Sonic saw Buffon doing this, his eyes widened...

"A piece of advice: Use the palms, not just the fingers."

Remembering his words made him look at his hands, and the at the cage. He finally had an idea: He needed to absorb the cage's energy and release it against the cage itself.

Meanwhile, Future Sonic sighed, the turned around and started to walk away, not willing to negotiate anything regarding Sonic nor Sunny's freedom.

"We just need to hold you two a few days! At least until your Canon Events have happened..." Future Sonic said with concern, still walking away. "Sorry it had to end like this, kids..."

Now this was Sonic's last straw for his patience, because he was tired to be called that way by FS and Boom Sonic.

Neither Sunny nor him nor were kids anymore, and he's gonna prove it.

"In case you are as deaf as you are one-eyed, old man, Sunny said..." Sonic started with anger, placing his palms on the cage and absorbing its energy. "Not to call us that!"

After this, he released the energy he absorbed against the cage, which caused a little explosion that sent the Secret Society's members backwards...

Author's Note:

Well, Opaline is truly becoming a villain in this story, isn't she?

In today's chapter, the universes that Opaline attacked to obtain those fragments from the Paradox Prism are this story by Codex92, and this one-shot by zaptiftun, while the universe she was suddenly sent by Chip is from this story by Maximus_Reborn.

When it comes to the Canon Events, well, there's no FIMFiction nor Wattpad story (that I know about) where Tails dies, so instead I based the scene in this comic dub's ending, where Tails dies in Sonic's hands and he cries, even though the context in that comic is different than the one given in this chapter but, again, it was inspiration.

The FS that died is, just like the current FS, a made-up character for this story, but also inspired by his design in Sonic and the Tales of Deception. The Sonic FS was talking about that destroyed his reality is, in fact, Sonic from Sonic Prime, and the Tails that showed up is the same Tails from Sonic X, a month or two after Cosmo died.

Finally, the Sonic that approached and told Sunny and Sonic is none other than Archie Sonic from the Sonic the Hedgehog: Archie Comic Series. I decided to give him the same spotlight than Spectacular Spider-Man had in ATSV because he's not relevant to the story, just a fun little cameo.

I honestly think that switching a police officer close to the main characters for their straight up best friend was the right call. I mean, even if they're a couple now, Hitch is still Sunny's best friend, and Tails is a little brother for Sonic. They cannot loose them, and hopefully they won't.

Anyways, thanks for reading, and next episode things will calm down a bit, because we're moving back to Universe 220822 to see how are the others doing! See ya! :twilightsmile: