• Published 4th Apr 2024
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: The Final Act - Part 2: Time Runs Out - BronySonicFan

When Opaline gains the power to travel across the multiverse and cause chaos across all the realities, the fate of the whole Multiverse relays on Sonic's hands and Sunny's hooves.

  • ...

4. When I Met Myself

Universe 240123

In all her years of conquering, Opaline never stopped to think for a second in consequences.

She knew for sure that all the things she did wrong in her life would come back and stab her in the back one day, since that's the way Karma works, but she never thought too deep on the subject. After all, she was convinced that she was going to rule over everyone in Equestria by the time Karma finally hit her.

But she never thought that she'll be her own karma.

Not so far from where she was standing, she was literally face to face with herself... It was nothing new, because she met other variants of herself before and moved them to the wrong universe to distract the Secret Society...

Today, however, and since she was done with that phase of her plan, she was here to steal magic from herself, because she still needed to be strong enough to hold all the power of the Paradox Prism once it returned to it's full state... As said before, Opaline was here to be Karma against herself.

It was still a hard thing to do, because she needed to harm herself. She didn't wanted, because unlike all the other creatures she stoled magic from, she was putting herself on this Opaline's place.

She hated the kind of extreme she has come to in order to be successful and rule over the entire multiverse... But she has made hard decisions before, and as difficult as this one might seem, she still had what it takes to make it. It was all for her own good, at the end of the day.

However, as the main Opaline had her inner conflict, the one from this universe stared with wide eyes and her jaw dropped at her counterpart from another universe.

Yet, this second Opaline, who'll be refer to as Opaline 2 to not confuse her with the main villain of this story, ended up frowning, and so, she quickly took flight in the air, before staring daggers down at Opaline and light up her horn and wings in fire.

"WHO IN THE NAME OF HAVENS ARE YOU?!" Opaline 2 screamed in rage.

"My name is the same as yours." Opaline replied politely and calmed. "And no, I'm not joking, before you choose to ask."

However, Opaline 2 let out a laugh after hearing this. "You? Having the same name than me? Nonsense!" She screamed in rage, but Opaline deadpanned and rolled her eyes.

"If I'm really this annoying with my speeches, I'm gonna have to change a few things about myself..." Opaline muttered to herself. "Listen to me. I do not care for what you believe of me or not. We are the same pony, just from different universes. And soon, I'm afraid yours will be mine!"

"What the heck are you baffling about?!" Opaline 2 asked confused. "Other universe? You and me the same pony? You'll conquer this world!? Are you hearing all the nonsense you're spitting?!"

"Are you trying to deny that soon your universe will belong to me?" Opaline replied with a frown, lightening up her horn and wings in both red and green fire.

"I'm just spitting facts!" Opaline 2 replied with anger.

And so, the two Alicorn's launched blasts to each other, having a little war between themselves to gain power over the other one, but thanks to all the stolen magic Opaline has obtained, her blast was being more powerful, and so, she pushed harder than Opaline 2.

But the other Fire Alicorn wasn't going to give up that easily, so she cancelled her attack and then moved to the side, charging up again and preparing to blast against Opaline.

However, Opaline teleported herself and then appeared right behind her counterpart hitting her with her hind legs and sending her towards a wall, while Opaline 2 shouted startled, but quickly got herself together again, then stood over the wall and impulsed herself back to Opaline.

Yet, Opaline simply moved aside and let Opaline 2 kept moving, before blasting another fire beam against her, but Opaline 2 didn't dodged the attack. Instead, she surrounded it with her own magic and then sent it back towards the other Alicorn.

Yet, Opaline ignited her horn again and absorbed the attack, before launching it again even more powerful than before, and when it hit Opaline 2, the other Alicorn crashed on her back against a wall, and that caused her horn and her wings to turn off, while she fell to the ground on her belly.

Of course, she attempted to try and stand up again, but Opaline took this chance to steal her magic before she could do so, and with this, Opaline 2 lost the fight as fast as it started.

Opaline landed in front of her counterpart and looked at her for quite a long time. Despite how much she hated to admit this to herself, she felt sympathy for her, specially because she has been on her position previously: Someone also stoled her magic and left her feeling useless.

She was getting her revenge on Eggman eventually for sure, but she first needed to get the entire Paradox Prism together before conquering the entire multiverse.

"...I shouldn't allow you to live..." Opaline told herself with a cold stare, and Opaline 2 looked up at her with anger, feeling completely enraged that she lost against a version of herself. "But I will. You look so pathetic and worthless right now that killing you is just a waste of time. I have better things to do."

After saying this, Opaline turned around and, still with her wings open, she walked away and head towards the exit.

"Y-You... Ungrateful, stupid, doppelgänger..." Opaline 2 managed to say in anger.

When she finally stood up, she tried to fly or ignite her horn again, but it didn't worked. So, she looked over at her Cutie Mark... just for her eyes to widen when she saw that she didn't had one anymore.

"W-What..." Opaline 2 muttered, before looking in the direction where her counterpart left, and wether if she liked it or not, she started to tear up, because she lost again, and worse of all, it wasn't against anypony she could consider pitiful, it was against herself. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"

Her cry was loud and hurtful, but it was also sad to hear, and soon, she started to cry out loud.

Meanwhile, Opaline already walked a few miles away from her Castle of this universe, and as soon as she heard Opaline's 2 cry, she knew that her spell worked perhaps too well.

Still, she sighed and prepared to open a portal to leave... But then, her horn started to illuminate in a yellow color, and soon, it shoot a laser light against her will.

Said laser traveled across the sky, until it stopped in the distance and pointed at a very familiar location for the Fire Alicorn at this point: The Crystal Brighthouse... The one from this universe.

At first, Opaline was confused on why her horn did that, before remembering that it happened before when she found the Green Piece of the Prism's Fragment: The tracking spell she launched last year over the Prism, it was working again, and now, it was guiding her towards the next piece of the Prism.

"So that's where the next fragment is..." Opaline muttered, before smiling. "Oh well! I'm really gonna enjoy myself with these Mane 6, too!" She stated with a sinister grin, followed by her typical maniac laugh.

Universe 271213

The group of heroes stood over the rubble of the destroyed bridge.

Everypony across Manehattan started to cheer at the five heroes that saved them, while the heroes felt proud of themselves and smiled brightly.

"So..." Sonic called out to Sunset at his side. "What do you think?"

Sunset looked over at Sonic and Sunny with a raised eyebrow at first, before smiling warmly. "I was right about you two... You guys are amazing."

After hearing this, Sonic smiled proudly of himself, and Sunny even left out a little gasp for the compliment, but still smiled back.

"Yeah, well..." Sonic started, before looking at Sunny. "We make a good team!"

Sunny smiled after hearing this and nodded in agreement. "Definitely."

Suddenly, however, Firefly turned to a direction and gasped, which made the other four turn as well, and they all saw how some of the rubble started to glitch out, like if the whole universe was failing or something.

So, Sonic, Sunny, Sunset, Buffon, Firefly and Surprise approached to the edge of the broken building, looking down at all the glitching rubble with concern.

"Guys... What's that?" Firefly asked, both confused and scared.

"...A space-time rupture..." Buffon replied with a slight frown.

"A what now?" Sonic questioned confused.

"When certain events that have to happen don't happen, it causes a space-time rupture." Sunset explained. "Is like if time itself destroyed and rebooted the universe... But I don't think this is a space-time rupture... I think is worse..."

"Worse?!" Sunny said with wide and panicked eyes. "What could be worse than a whole universe starting over?!"

"A nexus event..." Sonic muttered with concern, and Sunny looked at him concerned, Buffon with a raised eyebrow, and both Sunset and Firefly with wide and panicked eyes. "When two worlds collide, they either fuse permanently, separate after a while... or they both cease to exist... This world... It's probably going through that right now..."

"How do you know about the nexus?" Sunset asked Sonic confused with wide eyes.

"An old friend explained that to me... He really wanted to help me get home when I got lost..." Sonic replied with a little smile, but it faded away when he noticed more glitching rubble. "The destiny of this universe is up to whoever guards over it... We can't do anything now..."

However, after Sonic said this, the sky suddenly started to glitch and shine bright, which called the group's attention.

Then, an hexagon-shaped portal opened up, and a massive ship with the shape of a pony's face came out of it, slowly landing over the ground, not so far from all the rubble.

The ship opened up, and a bunch of Mobians and Equestrians, all being lead by Twilight Sparkle, came out of the ship and headed towards the place that was glitching, some holding some kind of white spikes.

"Okay, guys. Secure the area, clear all civilians, and let's contain this space-time rupture." Twilight stated with a serious expression.

"Okay, no offense to your Mobian-Equestrian Clubhouse, but when I said 'the destiny of this universe is up to whoever guards over it', I didn't meant this..." Sonic deadpanned.

Sunny, on the other hand, had her jaw dropped, and she was containing her excitement as much as she could, because Twilight Sparkle, her idol, her hero, the very reason why she even wanted to make everypony united, the very sole purpose of existing for Argyle, was right there in front of her.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Sunny was fangirling in silence with sparkling eyes and her hooves on her cheeks.

"Aaand we lost her..." Sonic muttered with a bored expression.

Meanwhile, Twilight approached to the border of the bridge and looked over at all the glitching rubble, as well as the sea started to glitch a bit as well.

Soon, Firefly got at her side and looked at all of this with concern. "Is everything going to be okay?" She asked, since she was afraid of what could happen to her, to her friends, and to their universe.

A Silver variant approached her and placed a hand over her shoulder. "If we can contain this rupture, your world will live another day!" He stated to her with confidence, before looking over at the other Mobians and Equestrians that arrived. "Come on, team! We have work to do!"

After saying this, Silver used his psychic powers and made the non flying members of his team float, before heading towards the floor glitching rubble and ocean with them, while the members that could fly followed along by flight.

Soon, they all landed on some rubble, and the members that had the white spikes placed them on the ground. After this, the spikes launched some lasers that surrounded the glitching areas and, somehow, managed to cancel their effect, because they stopped glitching.

This surprised Sunny, while Sonic had an expression that was a mix between a deadpan, a retarded expression, and a confused one.

"Twilight!" Sunset greeted with a smile on the other hand. "Look, I know what you're gonna say, but––"

"Sunset, I'm not mad. But we'll definitely talk about this later, okay?" Twilight replied with a slight frown, before walking over to Sunny and Sonic, with the former breathing heavily to not fangirl, while the latter raised an eyebrow.

"Guess you're the Twilight that Sunset mentioned she's learning a lot about?" Sonic asked with a little smile.

"And you two are Sonic the Hedgehog and Sunny Starscout from Universe 220822..." Twilight said, still with a slight frown at first, before smiling warmly at them. "Is nice to finally meet you! I'm Twilight Sparkle, and I've been looking at your whole test from the Society's HQ."

"T-Twilight Sparkle knows who I am..." Sunny muttered with wide eyes and shock.

Sonic noticed her attitude, and his eyes widened as well but in panic, while he chuckled nervously. "Sunny... Control yourself..."

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE KNOWS WHO I AM, SONIC! DON'T YOU DARE TO TELL ME TO STAY CALM!" Sunny shouted, shaking Sonic violently after what he said.

"Sunny, we're gonna loose this test if you keep acting like this!" Sonic pointed out with concern.

"No, no! It's okay, really!" Twilight assured with a smile. "I'm used to every Sunny across the multiverse reacting that way, anyways... Besides, you two already passed the Physical Test!"

This made both Sonic and Sunny look over at Twilight with wide eyes, then they looked at each other, and then back at Twilight. "We did?!" They both asked with disbelief.

"That's right!" Twilight said, still smiling to them. "You guys have passed the first test, which means that you two are ready for the next one!"

"Aw yeah!/Woo!" Sonic and Sunny said with smiles, before hugging each other tightly.

"I do warn you, though: Sonic, you made a little mess up, and the boss is gonna point that on your face with a lot of anger... Prepare yourself..." Twilight warned with concern.

"Oh boy..." Sunset said with concern as well and swallowed hard.

"Well, whatever it is, I'm sure we can solve it" Sonic assured with a confident smile and a wink, while Sunny giggled at his attitude.

"Celestia bless your optimism, Sonic..." Twilight said with a smile. "Now let's go, the boss wants to talk with you all."

After saying this, Twilight walked turned and prepared to open a heptagon-shaped portal, while Buffon turned around and was a bout to leave while whistling to himself.

This made Twilight roll her eyes and sigh annoyed. "That includes you too, Buffon."

"Shoot!" Buffon said frustrated, before turning around with a bored expression and walk to the rest.

"OMG. Are we gonna visit the HQ?!" Sunny said with excitement and sparkling eyes again.

"I know you said we already approved, but do we get out if we cheer loudly like a pair of maniacs?" Sonic asked with a sheepish smile.

"As long as it doesn't threatens the multiverse, you can do whatever you want!" Twilight replied, finally open the portal that would lead to the Secret Society's HQ.

After hearing this, Sonic and Sunny both cheered even louder, and Sonic started to move like a maniac around at super speed, which made Sunset giggle, while Buffon facepalmed at Sonic's childish move.

Universe 240123

Nighttime hit Maretime Bay on this universe.

As a result, the mares of the Mane 6 were sleeping on a very deep sleep on their respective beds, with Izzy snoring loudly and feeling comfy on her place.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Opaline slowly opened the Brighthouse's door and entered to the place. She looked around with a raised eyebrow, and then yucked when she saw the light colors on the kitchen, the living room, Izzy's crafting spot, and the critter corner.

"Ugh... This place looks even worse from inside than I remembered..." Opaline muttered to herself with annoyance, as she slowly entered the place.

She walked towards the living room first and stopped right in front of the TV, looking at her reflection. She somehow got taller thanks to both all the stollen magic and the power of the two Prism's shards she obtained so far, soon to get a third one as well.

She also had some kind of cape covering her hind legs and her flank, but this cape was decorated as if it had fire around it. She liked her new look, because it spoke power to her.

Soon, Opaline looked around for a second with an analytical look, before lightening her horn slightly to see where the next shard might be... Yet her concern still turned out to be the truth: The shard was inside the Brighthouse, yes, but it was also up in the bedroom, the last place she wanted to enter.

Still, she needed to get the shard at any cost, so she still flew upwards and softly landed on the ground, slowly pushing the door to the bedroom open and getting a small peek inside.

All the mares inside the bedroom were sleeping peacefully on their beds, although Zipp seemed to be moving a bit more than the rest, but she guessed it was because of a nightmare. In all honesty, she didn't knew, and she didn't cared, either.

She entered the bedroom as quietly as possible and walked on her tippy toes, making sure to not make any noise that could wake up anyone in the room.

She searched with her sight the shard of the prism, illuminating her horn again, and then, its light pointed to Zipp's desk, right below her bed. Of course, this made things more complicated, but she wasn't leaving without that shard, so she slowly approached the desk and surrounded the shard with her magic.

However, Zipp seemed to be hearing the sound of Opaline's magic working, and so, she decided to wake up slowly, yawning and stretching her wings and hooves.

Zipp looked around the room: Pipp was still sleeping, Izzy and Misty too, and Sunny as well. The Lantern of Hope, as she called it, was still on its place as well, and the rainbow light that illuminated the room and indicated that unity among pony kind was fine shone brightly as usual.

She finally looked down over her desk, and she found nothing out of place. So, she yawned again before heading to sleep again, since everything seemed to be fine.

As for Opaline, she teleported herself and the shard out of there towards a field, sighing in relief that nopony woke up while she sneaked inside to take the shard. Then, she looked down at it and smiled, before levitating the shard and attached it on her right hind leg's bracelet.

With this, a yellow shockwave was sent across her body, and it also made her eyes to glow bright in yellow electricity, as well as it caused her horn and wings to light up with yellow fire.

"Oh, that's so much better!" Opaline said with a sinister grin, before looking over at her glowing hooves, and then, a sinister idea crossed her mind. "Hmm... I wonder..."

After muttering this, Opaline opened her wings, still igniting in yellow fire, then lifted her forelegs and stomped them hard enough on the ground, not only making it rumble, but she also made it glitch entirely, as it started to extended beyond her position.

Soon, the glitch moved far enough to reach Maretime Bay, place that started to glitch entirely as well, while it started to move towards the Crystal Brighthouse as well.

Inside the bedroom, the five mares started to glitch out because of this, even alternating between their current selves and variants from other universes. Not even the Unity Crystals seemed to save from this glitch, because once it hit them as well, it started to shift the artifacts and make magic fail in this universe's Equestria.

Seeing how powerful she has gotten with only 3 of 20 shards, the Fire Alicorn began to laugh like an absolute maniac because of her doing.

After this, Opaline boosted towards the air at top speed, and her whole body was surrounded on red, green and yellow colors, before she disappeared on a flashlight.

Opaline came out of Universe 240123

However, as she did so, this universe started to glitch out, meaning that it was collapsing, and soon, it would cease until it was nothing...

Universe 250954

A platform was slowly ascending.

As it did so, a heptagon-shaped portal opened above it, and then, Twilight, Sunset, Buffon, Sonic and Sunny came out of it, landing on the platform that kept ascending.

After this, Sonic noticed that his shoes and his gloves changed again: This time, his shoes were blue from Adidas, having three white stripes at the sides, and the sole was white as well; while the gloves were grey and fingerless.

"Huh... You weren't kidding when you said your shoes and gloves change depending on the universe..." Sunny realized with amusement.

"And all thanks to this baby!" Sonic replied happily, pointing at his Inhibitor Bracelet with pride.

On the other hand, Buffon pulled out a jacket that had several pins of both Cutie Marks and Mobian logos, as he put it over and adjusted it, before noticing that Sonic was staring at him with surprise, which made him raise an eyebrow and look around, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"Dude, how's that you look even cooler with a jacket on?!" Sonic asked with disbelief.

Buffon snorted after hearing this. "I'm this cool all the time."

"Wow, your ego is on the clouds..." Sunny deadpanned.

However, Sonic noticed that there was suddenly more light, and so, he turned around to see what the light was about: As the platform ascended, outside of the mysterious building they were inside of, Sonic could see a giant and advanced city with flying trains, cars and even moving establishments.

"Holy cow..." Sonic muttered amazed, and Sunny joined him with a surprised look as well.

"Where are we?" Sunny asked, both excited and curious.

"The place? Station Square, year 2154." Buffon replied with an unamused expression.

"The settling? This is our HQ!" Sunset added with a smile.

"Girl, you didn't told me this place was this impressive!" Sonic pointed out with a huge grin.

"Oh, and it's gonna get better!" Sunset assured.

"Or it is going to be incredibly boring..." Buffon said with a mocking smirk.

"Don't be a party pooper." Sunset deadpanned to him.

"Come on, kids! Get moving, 'cause we're already here!" Twilight informed, as the platform finally stopped in front of a door that had Twilight's Cutie Mark on it.

"Yes, ma'am!/Okay, Mom..." Sunset said with a salute, while Buffon said it with a bored expression, an eye roll and an annoyed tone, which made Sunset glare daggers at him as a warning.

Just then, Twilight's Cutie Mark on the door glowed, before it made the door itself open and grant access to the five members of the group, with Sunset, Buffon and Twilight immediately entering the place, while Sonic and Sunny were still trying to process this with smiles.

Still, they ended up following along by walking through a small white corridor for a while, and Sonic couldn't help but look around curiously.

"Wow... This place is wild!" Sonic said with a smile.

"Eak! I can't believe we're finally here!" Sunny said with a cheerful smile.

And as the two of them accessed the place, they were received by a bunch of Mobians and Equestrians hanging out with each other and talking peacefully, some Sonics and Sunnys included.

"Any sign of Opaline? Let me hear!" Twilight informed everyone in the room, and soon, a variant of Amy approached her.

"Well, we're still an Opal away of finding her!" Amy's variant said with a smirk, and Sonic chuckled silently after hearing that.

"Oh, ha ha, so funny!" Twilight said with sarcasm and a forced smile. "Any other joke?"

"Well, now that you mention it..." Amy said with a sheepish smile.

And soon, all the other Mobians and some Equestrians started to make some jokes that included the word 'opaline', but neither Sonic nor Sunny were paying attention to those, because they were too busy feeling amazed by the society itself, and Sonic even placed his hands on his forehead, while Sunny had no idea of where to look because of the impression.

"This is unbelievable!" Sonic exclaimed with a huge smile.

"You guys know this is just the lobby, right?" Sunset asked Sonic and Sunny with a playful smirk.

"What?!" Sunny exclaimed, as her eyes and Sonic's widened.

When they reached the end of the lobby, Sonic and Sunny looked ahead, and their jaws dropped at the sight, while Sunset pointed at the place with a raised hoof. "Welcome to the Secret Society!"

And now picture this: Thousands of corridors, automatic stairs, roads for vehicles, and millions of variants of any character you can think from the Sonic universe and the My Little Pony one: Sonic and Sunny, obviously; but we also have more Sunset Shimmers, more Tails', Knuckles', Amys, Shadows, Twilights, Applejacks, Starlights...

It was definitely a multiversal society formed by both Mobians and Equestrians from all the possible universes.

Soon, the group was walking though one of the corridors to go and see Future Sonic, a.k.a. FS.

Sonic kept looking around with big and utter disbelief that this was happening. He wanted to badly to have another multiversal adventure, another chance to see his friends from across the multiverse, and here it was! He was finally crossing the multiverse again, but now Sunny tagged along.

Sunny, however, looked around completely overwhelmed. Yes, she was as impressed and excited as Sonic at first, but now that they're here, she feels that this is way too much Mobians and Equestrians.

"Is a bit much, ain't it?" Buffon muttered to Sunny, and Sunny gulped but nodded in agreement.

"Too much?! You've gotta be kidding, man..." Sonic said happily with a smile. "This is amazing!"

"At last someone here is having fun." Buffon muttered with a slight smirk.

"Um, Sunset?" Sunny called out, feeling overwhelmed, and the Alicorn turned to him. "You said this was a small Elite Strike Team... This is everything BUT small!"

"Oh, don't worry. A lot of them are part time." Sunset replied with an assuring smile. "Don't worry too much, Sunny. You're safe in here with us. Promise!" She assured with a wink.

That last action seemed to comfort her a bit, and so, she took a deep breath and then sighed in relief.

But as the group was passing besides a bunch of the Society's members, one of the Classic Sonics noticed the Sonic walking with Twilight, Sunset and Buffon, and when he saw his Inhibitor Bracelet, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Modern Sonic?!" Classic Sonic called out, boosting towards him.

Of course, Sonic didn't heard, but just because he was getting distracted with the surroundings, but when Classic Sonic got in front of him, he raised an eyebrow confused.

"Oh, man! I can't believe we see each other again!" Classic Sonic said with a smile.

"Oh, uh... Sorry, man. Who are you? I literally just got here..." Sonic said with a sheepish smile, a bit ashamed that he doesn't know who this Sonic in specific is.

"Huh? Oh! Sorry, I got carried away when I saw you I forgot to remind you!" Classic Sonic realized with a sheepish smile on his own. "I'm Classic Sonic! We fought together to defeat Rob-butt... I mean, Eggman! You even captured Snively before he could get away, remember?"

After Classic Sonic explained all of this, Sonic's mind finally clicked back and remembered who he is.

"CLASSIC!" Sonic exclaimed with a smile, as he grabbed him and hugged him tightly, before put him back in the ground. "Aw, man! I'm so, so happy to see another familiar face from the multiverse!"

"Haha! Same! Is good to see that the OG multiversal traveller finally joins us!" Classic Sonic stated with a smile.

"Joins us?" Sonic asked confused, but then, he realized that Classic Sonic also had a gizmo on his left hand, which made Sonic smile widely. "You're part of the Society, too?!"

"You bet!" Classic Sonic replied with a smirk, a wink and his thumbs up.

"Man, this place just gets better and better!" Sonic cheered happily, but then, Sunny at his side cleared her throat, and Sonic realized he hasn't introduced his two friends properly. "Oh, right! Sorry, Sunny. Tiny me, this is Sunny Starscout, one of my best friends and technically my little sister from Equestria!"

"Hi! Uh, nice to meet you!" Sunny told Classic with a little and shy smile. "Sonic talked a lot about you and all the friends he made across the multiverse."

"The pleasure is mine, Sunny!" Classic Sonic said with a smile and a little reverence. "Oh, I would love to keep talking, but I think I'm slowing you guys down! And the boss hates when people gets late when he calls them out... You better keep going! Sonic, we catch up later?" He asked him with a wink and finger guns pointed at him.

Sonic snorted and extended his fist at him. "You bet!" He stated, as the two Sonics fist bumped.

Meanwhile, as the two Sonics had this conversation, Sunset, Buffon and Twilight were watching everything not so far from them.

"How do they know each other?" Sunset asked confused.

"That's Sonic from Universe 180993, the first universe where Sonic 220822 fell when he destroyed the Paradox Prism from his universe." Twilight explained. "They know each other because Sonic 180993 helped him out until Rotor from the same universe gave him Inhibitor Discs that kept his Prismatic Energy on check."

"So he definitely is the first multiversal traveller, huh?" Buffon said with a smirk. "Is like if a cycle came full circle."

"I guess that's a way to put it, yeah..." Sunset said.

Then, when Sonic and Classic Sonic said their goodbyes and Sonic and Sunny moved to them, Twilight decided to keep going, with Sunset and Buffon following close behind, although also keeping their distance.

"Sunset, how much have you told them 'bout their place in all this?" Buffon muttered to Sunset, but he kept walking like if he didn't cared about anything.

"...Just a little..." Sunset replied with concern. "I mean, what else do you expect me to do? I can't just tell them what Sonic really is, specially because of how excited he's to be here..." She pointed out, looking at them over her shoulder.

Sunny was trying to stay close to Sonic and avoid eye contact with anyone else in the society, since she knew none of them, but even if Sonic didn't knew any of them either, he still was happy to see all of these variants in just one place, although he came to notice that all of them stared at him, which confused him a bit.

"Sunny seems very unsure about all of this, while Sonic is way too excited..." Sunset pointed out with concern, before looking ahead again and sigh frustrated. "I fear that chief destroys Sonic's illusion of joining. If he does so... I don't know how am I going to face him ever again..."

Buffon noticed her attitude, so he sighed and stood in front of her. "Sunset, girl, listen here..." He called out, and Sunset looked up at him. "Remember that we don't do this because of anything personal, and that the sake of all the realities is in our hands. Sonic travelled the multiverse before, now he's here. Sunny is still getting used to this, which is normal. Chief will be harsh on them, but I'm convinced that everything will be fine in the end. All you gotta do... is believe."

After saying all of this with a smile, he kept walking away, leaving Sunset with a flustered expression, as she sighed a bit and shook her head to make her blush fade away, before keep going on as well.

As they kept walking, however, Sonic noticed that not only all the eyes of the other members of the society were on him, but they also muttered among themselves after passing at his side, or straight up on his face, which confused him even more at this point.

"Uh... Sunset?" Sonic called out, as both him and Sunny moved ahead and closer to her, Twilight and Buffon. "Why is everyone around here staring at me like if I was some kind of alien? I'm a Sonic, too!"

Sunset chuckled after hearing this. "They look at you because you're not just another Sonic, you are THE Sonic!" She explained, now walking backwards.

"THE Sonic?" Sunny questioned confused, and Sonic raised an eyebrow.

"You have a reputation here, man." Buffon explained with a deadpan. "You're known as 'The First Multiversal Traveler'. Everyone in the society knows what you did for the multiverse and admires you, except for chief. Hens why you were not recruited until now."

However, Sonic stopped hearing after Buffon mentioned his reputation, and his eyes widened in surprise. "...A reputation?"

"Yup!" Sunset said with a smirk. "You were popular in here before coming here!"

Sonic had no idea on how to feel now that he knew this, but before he could process it entirely, he was being greeted by some variants of himself, by some Sallys, by some Amys, some Rainbow Dashes, and even some Twilights, which made Sonic felt a bit uncomfortable, but he still greeted back as many as he could.

"Ha ha ha... I don't know what the heck is happening anymore..." Sonic said with concern and a forced smile.

"Um... Let's try to chill, Sonic... I guess we're both too overwhelmed with this place..." Sunny pointed out.

But then, as they approached to an intersection, literally a car that looked like the one Sonic used on Planet Dompa Kingdom arrived with no driver, because this vehicle was another variant of Sonic... one that literally moves on its own with no driver.

"Sonic, take the team to the transport deck to help deal with the mess in Universe 271213, please." Twilight instructed with a serious expression.

As she explained this, a variant of Daring Do, a variant of Shining Armor, a variant of Espio, and a Lego Sonic landed over the vehicle, and after Twilight finished the instruction, the Sonic car beeped in agreement to the order, before racing away.

"Was that a freaking Lego of me?!" Sonic exclaimed with a happy smile and sparkling eyes.

"Yes, it was. But don't let yourself get tricked by his size. He's one of our best recruits!" Sunset replied with a smile.

"Shadow, we need you to––" Twilight tried to say, but the variant of Shadow she was talking to was laying on a wall with a dramatic expression.

"Sorry, I can't talk right now... I'm thinking about my past..." Shadow replied dramatically, while hugging the wall he was laying over, which made a variant of Amy and Twilight behind him cringe.

"Actually, we need you here for some reason..." Twilight regret her command and kept walking away, while Sonic and Sunny cringed at the sight as well.

Suddenly, the Shadow variant groaned in pain, before getting back to normal. "That was a particular... painful memory..."

"Wow... This place is full of creeps..." Sunny said with wide and panicked eyes.

"And I thought Shadow was dramatic in our universe..." Sonic deadpanned.

However, as soon as he looked ahead, he almost bumped into a regular horse that almost hit his face, while the animal's rider stopped him from moving, and the rider was none other than a Cowboy Knuckles, who looked down at Sonic with a raised eyebrow.

"Howdy, partner! Name's Knux, the best treasure hunter from my world!" Knux presented himself with a smile, also moving his hat a bit to the front.

"Oh, uh... Hello, Knux!" Sonic greeted with a sheepish smile. "Nice to meet ya!"

"Why is this stallion acting so... weird?" Sunny questioned.

However, this made everyone stop moving for some reason and look at her with wide and panicked eyes. Even Twilight, Sunset and Buffon stopped moving, and they looked at each other with concern, before looking back at Sunny, who felt confused on why everyone was looking at her.

"W-What? What did I say? Or do I have something in my face?" Sunny asked confused and with an anxious look.

Sonic, however, looked at her with concern, then took a deep breath and placed a hand on her shoulder, looking at her a bit ashamed. "Sunny... I seriously wished you didn't found out ever about this, or not at least not like this..."

"What? Finding out about what?!" Sunny asked, confused and scared for the answer.

Sunny was now hugging herself and looking ahead with an anxious expression.

Sonic had no choice but finally reveal how horses are on his world, and how they act the same way Knux's horse did, which of course, traumatized her, because she realized she's just an evolved horse with magic, but she would be just a pet if she ever went to Sonic's world.

"Now you see why I never told you?" Sonic asked her with concern, also caressing her back for comfort.

"I have so many questions, and I don't know where the heck should I even begin with..." Sunny said, feeling a bit traumatized.

"Okay, I admit that finding out about regular horses is traumatic. Trust me, Sunny, we all have been there before." Twilight said, as she placed a hoof on her shoulder, and Sunny finally got out of her trance, now looking at Twilight.

"R-Really?" Sunny asked.

"Yeah... But we all eventually came to accept it!" Twilight pointed out with a smile. "I mean, yes, it's really ugly finding out that you're probably just a pet in other worlds, but that's the thing: In other worlds, not in yours!"

After hearing this, Sunny thought about it for a moment, before slowly smiling and look back at Twilight. "Yeah... I guess you're right... Maybe I'm making a big deal out of something very simple."

"That's the spirit" Twilight said with a smile, also side hugging Sunny, who once again had to resist the urge to scream and enter her fan-girl mode. "Now come on! We have to keep going to meet with the chief."

"Right... We still gotta hear not so nice words from him..." Sonic deadpanned, helping Sunny to stand up, and then, they both kept walking ahead.

Soon, they approached to a section full of variants from villains from all across the multiverse trapped inside some laser cages, and one of the Zavok variants roared in rage, as he tried to push down the cage he was trapped in, which was being watched by a variant of Big Macintosh.

"Uh, who is in these laser cages?" Sunny decided to ask, as she walked next to Sonic to stay away from Zavok.

"Anomalies!" Nicole replied instead, as she suddenly appeared as a tiny hologram again, glitching and moving around to explain better. "Those who either wondered around in the wrong dimension, or almost destroyed their canon."

"We kick their butts and either sent them home, or we restore their canon!" Twilight explained as well with a smile.

"Canon?" Sonic asked confused.

"Chief will explain you." Twilight assured with a smile.

"You guys might wanna skip this one. These guys are not very interesting..." Sunset deadpanned.

"We have a bunch of Dr. Eggmans!" Nicole pointed at two cages with two different Eggman with a smile.

"That is interesting!" Sunny said with a little smile, but Sonic put a bored expression since he was tired of Eggman's variants, although he did found impressive the one that had mechanical arms attached to his back.

"A Metal Sonic!" Nicole kept talking, now showing a Metal Sonic's variant. "A Metal Sonia!" She pointed at a female variant of Metal Sonic.

"That is creepy, and I don't want to know what's internet gonna do when they find out that she exists..." Sonic said with concern.

"A video game guy!" Nicole pointed at a 16-bit purple jerboa trapped inside one of the cages.

"Oh, I love video games!" Sunny said cheerfully.

"I don't know who's that guy..." Sonic said confused.

"Another video game guy!" Nicole pointed at a very old game model of Chaos. "Oh, and this guy from Universe 230691 is also from video games!" She said, pointing at a Sonic that was watching over the two video game villains encaged, but when Nicole pointed at him, he raised an eyebrow confused.

"Uh, are you talking to me?" 230691 Sonic said confused.

"He's the first Sonic to ever exist, just in case you guys wonder~" Nicole explained with a smirk, before moving over.

This made both Sonic and Sunny gasp with wide eyes, and Sonic even went over and kneeled like a knight in front of him, which confused him and made him feel uncomfortable.

"You're too precious to this world, dude..." Sonic told the other one, who chuckled nervously and looked around, almost asking for help with his expression.

"Uh... Thanks?" 230691 Sonic replied, before slowly back off and then boost away.

Sonic stood up and scratched his head confused. "Huh... perhaps kneeling in front of him was way too much..."

"He deals with this kind of stuff everyday." Buffon confessed, as he kept walking ahead.

"Oh... My bad..." Sonic said with a sheepish smile, before keep walking ahead as well, also scratching his head in shame.

As they kept walking, they watched more and more encaged villains.

"This is an Infinite!" Nicole presented.

"I am not weak. I AM NOT WEAK!!!" Infinite shouted in rage inside of his cage, also glaring daggers at Sonic.

"Whatever you say, edge lord..." Sonic deadpanned.

"Is that the guy that tortured you for months?" Sunny asked him, and Sonic nodded. "Wow... He's out of his mind..."

"Yup!" Sonic agreed.

"An interesting Black Doom!" Nicole presented, before moving to another villain with a bored expression. "A boring Cozy Glow..."

"Hey!" Cozy Glow complained inside her cage.

"A Fleetway Sonic!" Nicoles pointed at him and his cage.

"A what Sonic–– Ah!" Sunny yelped when she turned to him, and she definitely didn't liked it.

This Sonic was apparently on his Super form, but he had claws coming out of his gloves, broken socks and gloves, messed up quills... But his eyes were probably the worse part for Sunny: He had no pupils, but instead weird red and circular waves that moved around.

Of course, the creature was staring down at Sunny with sinister smile that showed his sharp teeth. "Hello!" Fleetway Sonic greeted.

"U-Uh... H-Hi..." Sunny said with a nervous smile, stepping back and moving with the rest, while Sonic stared at Fleetway Sonic with a frown.

"What's the matter?" Fleetway asked. "Can't handle what you'll become one day?"

"You're not even canon to my story, dude." Sonic deadpanned.

"Yet!" Fleetway said with a mocking smirk and a maniac laugh.

"Whatever..." Sonic said, as he decided to keep going.

But as he was moving ahead, Buffon passed by and pointed at Fleetway on his cage. "Caught him by myself!"

"I tripped!" Fleetway said with anger.

"You?!" Sunset asked with disbelief. "Okay, I did all the work!"

Sonic noticed these two mockery, so smirked mischievously and approached them. "So, how many missions have you two been together?"

Seeing what he was trying to do, Sunset blushed and quickly tried to change the subject. "O-Oh, not that many..."

"Couple of dozens!" Buffon replied instead with a proud smile, and Sunset deadpanned at him.

"I've got you, Ms. Shimmer!" Sonic muttered with a mocking tone.

Meanwhile, Sunny was watching at more villains encaged, some recognizable thanks to her father's research, some not so much because of being from Sonic's world...

However, at some point, and as she walked backwards, she bumped into a pony, and quickly turned around with shame. "Sorry!" She apologized.

However, the one variant that turned around was a Dr. Hooves one, who at first frowned a bit upset, but then he smiled when he saw that Sunny was the one bumping into him. Although this variant seemed to be digital, for some reason, despite the fact that it can touch anyone since Sunny bumped into him.

"I'm Sunny..." The mare said sheepishly and nervously.

"Oh, trust me, I know!" Hooves said with a smirk. "Name's Dr. Hooves! Nice to meet ya!"

After saying this, he moved away by extending a hoof and moving to a station with various control panels.

"Whoa!" Sunny exclaimed after seeing this. "What are you?"

"I'm an avatar!" Dr. Hooves replied, before moving again upwards to more panels controls that were in the ceiling. "My body is sleeping with a meditation ritual back at home..." He explained, showing his real body sleeping on an awkward position and snoring, but also wearing some VR Googles over his face. "This place is way cooler!" He added, before extending his hooves again and move away.

"Can't blame you!" Sonic said as he came by. "You can literally interact with yourself from all across the multiverse! How cool is that?!"

Soon, Hooves moved to another panel control, while in the distance, a Sonic variant with a horrible aspect was standing over a platform suspended in the air.

This Sonic was fat, had two human eyes, human teeth, was wearing sunglasses over his forehead, and also used a beige jacket, and his hands were naturally white instead of having gloves, as well as his long and furry legs looked too human like... Well, he looked too human-like in general.

"Who the heck is that?" Sunny asked with her head tilted.

"We call him 'Ugly Sonic'..." Sunset replied with a cringed expression. "I don't think I have to explain why..."

Ugly Sonic over the platform was also sipping a Coca-Cola, before burping it and not even apologize.

"Yeah... I can see why..." Sonic said with a cringed expression.

Then, a strange device with large mechanical legs and a regular hedgehog head came out of a hole that was over the platform Ugly Sonic was standing over.

"What does that do?" Sunny asked curiously.

"Besides having a great name?" Buffon asked sarcastically.

"Go Home Machine..." Sunset replied with a bored expression.

"What did I say?" Buffon said with a smirk, and Sonic smirked back, while Sunny chuckled.

"I voted against it!" Sunset groaned annoyed.

"It detects whenever dimension your DNA is from..." Hooves explained, as the mechanical legs from the device started to pull some strings out of many holes around and placed them around Ugly Sonic, who didn't even bothered with what was happening. "And sends you there..." Hooves added.

"This is fine..." Ugly Sonic muttered, sipping more of his Coca-Cola.

"It's super humble and totally not creepy." Buffon commented sarcastically, but Sonic and Sunny's expressions said otherwise.

"Don't worry, folks! This won't be the last time you hear from me!" Ugly Sonic said, and once the machine finished its process, it sent him back to his home universe.

"Well, damn..." Sonic muttered with concern. "That's gonna give me nightmares now..."

"The Ugly version of ourselves, or the not creepy machine?" Buffon asked.

"Both..." Sonic replied with an anxious look.

"Um... I'm a little lost..." Sunny confessed. "Isn't this thing supposed to be for anomalies only?"

"He was an anomaly!" Hooves explained. "He says Opaline thought he wanted revenge, so she sent him to another world, but he gave up without a fight because he didn't even wanted to leave his universe."

"So she just saw an ugly version of me and thought he was a bad guy?" Sonic questioned confused. "That's lame..."

"Yeah..." Sunset rolled her eyes. "Anyways! We should go! We don't wanna keep the boss waiting."

After saying this, Sunset, Buffon and Sonic left, while Sunny stood a bit longer and looked at Dr. Hooves with a smile.

"Well, I guess we'll see around!" Sunny said, as she started to walk backwards.

"Let's go!" Buffon shouted, and his voice echoed across the room.

"Hey, good luck out there with the boss!" Hooves shouted with a smile.

"Okey, bye!" Sunny said, waving her hoof.

"FS is upset, guys..." Nicole informed with concern, as she appeared in front of the group.

"Well, he likes those Yakitori from the cafeteria!" Twilight pointed out with a smile. "Those always calm him down..."

As this happened, FS was on his office.

His office was on a platform suspended in the air, with several digital screens around him that he controlled to watch that everything in the Society was fine, as well as to check on every universe that presents anomalies.

"My name is Sonic the Hedgehog..."

FS was looking at Sonic and Sunny through his monitors with a frown, but specially to Sonic, because of what he did last year through the multiverse, and for what he recently did on Firefly's world.

"I'm this universe's one and only Sonic..."

Soon, Future Sonic grabbed a small green bottle, as well as an injector.

"At least I was..."

Then, he placed the bottle on the injector, closed it, and then injected himself on his shoulder, as the liquid ran through his veins and made his body vibrate entirely for a second, before it stopped as soon as it started.

"But I'm not like the others..."

After the process was over, his only working eye glow in blue for a second, before it went back to normal.

If you wonder why FS did this, is because he's the only Sonic that didn't born with his powers. Those mentioned bottles have a special liquid that made him as fast as any other Sonic, because he isn't a Sonic by nature.

"I don't always like what I have to do... But I know I have to be the one to do it."

Now, FS was moving away all the screens that showed Twilight, Sunset, Buffon, Sonic and Sunny approaching to his position, because his anger was just increasing whenever he did so.

"I've given up too much to stop now..."

Soon, he placed some screens in front of him that showed himself with a little pink hedgehog girl over his shoulders.

The girl had an ice cream on her hand and was messing up Future Sonic's face with it, which made the blue hedgehog chuckle, and so, he placed the girl down, before someone told him he had ice cream on his face, and when he touched it and felt it, he chuckled...

The image faded away to show Future Sonic as he is now: With the eyepatch and an expression that clearly says he has gone through a lot of stuff...

Meanwhile, Sonic, Sunny, Sunset and Buffon walked towards FS' office.

Sonic was now holding a Yakitori from the cafeteria, as a gift for FS to see if he would calm down a bit instead of yell at them in complete and utter anger.

"Why do you guys want to be here?" Buffon decided to ask.

"I just wanna help to the cause." Sunny said with a little smile. "I know I can be of help. And since the Opaline threatening the multiverse os from our world... I guess I feel a bit guilty because I didn't defeated her before this all happened..."

"I'm here for the cause too, but I also have a personal reason..." Sonic said with a smile.

"Eh, I'll think it twice if I were you..." Buffon said with concern.

"Dude, you seem to be a rebel that's against the rules and I get that, but we do want to be part of this team, okay?" Sonic told Buffon with a slight frown before keep going.

"Listen to me: The point of being in a Team is that you know when to work together, and when to work on your own." Buffon pointed out. "Is to know when others are your boss, and when you are your boss. I can tell Sonic is ready, but you, Sunny?" He pointed at her, and Sunny stopped walking for a second. "I hate to brake it to you, but you're not ready to the solo work. You don't need any of this."

"Then why are you here?" Sunny asked with a slight frown.

"I'm looking after my comrade." Buffon replied, moving his head towards Sunset, meaning he's here to protect her.

"Well, we wanna be in a band, too." Sonic pointed out in annoyance. "And I wanna see my friends... That's why I need the watch... Besides, I can't control my Prismatic Energy without a device... The watch is going to make things easier so I don't get lost across the multiverse... not again..."

Sunny noticed his change of attitude and worried for him.

"Guys, come on." Sunset called out to the others, since they were now entering FS' office.

"Alright. I'll squash it!" Buffon said with a slight frown, before placing his hands on Sonic and Sunny's shoulders to stop them for a moment. "But don't enlist until you know what war you're going to."

After hearing this, Sunny and Sonic looked at each other with concern.

Still, they nodded at Buffon and kept walking, while Buffon sighed and shook his head in disappointment.

As the door to the office opened, they first saw an empty space, but then they looked upwards and saw that the platform where FS was standing over was slowly descending towards the ground.

At first, Sonic seemed excited, while Sunny and Sunset were nervous, the former because she was meeting the head behind the Secret Society's existence, and the latter because she knew what was coming, and she didn't liked it.

However, as the platform kept descending slowly, Sonic and Sunny raised an eyebrow, and Sunny was even going to mention this to Sunset, but the Alicorn mare raised a hoof before she could talk, which made Sunny stop talking.

"Yeah, I know. It's slow..." Sunset recognized with a whisper. "But it's his thing..." She pointed out, before clearing her throat so FS could hear her. "Future Sonic, meet Sonic the Hedgehog and Sunset Starscout from Universe 220822."

"Oi! Dō shita no, ojīsan!" Sonic greeted happily, saying "Hey! What's up, man!' in Japanese. "From a Japanese to the other!"

"Hello, uh, Mr. FS!" Sunny greeted nervously while waving her hoof.

However, Future Sonic said nothing after hearing this. Instead, he stood silent, as the platform kept descending, until it finally stopped moving when it reached the ground.

"Okey..." Sonic muttered, as he and Sunny looked at each other for a moment, before looking back at FS. "Yakitori motte kimashita yo!" He added with a little smile, saying 'I brought you a Yakitori!' in Japanese and showing it up.

But the second after he said this, FS launched a lasso from his right wrist and grabbed the Yakitori, before pulling it to himself by force, startling Sonic, Sunny and Sunset, while Buffon behind watched with a raised eyebrow.

Now that FS turned around, Sonic and Sunny were a bit petrified when they saw that the older hedgehog had an eyepatch and an expression that could make anyone think he either had so little friends, or no friends at all... And they wouldn't be so far from the truth.

Sonic wondered if he'll look like that one day, while Sunny wondered what happened to him and his eye.

FS, on the other hand, looked at the Yakitori, smelled it, and then took a small bite, before raising an eyebrow, then look down at Sonic, Sunny and Sunset.

"Mendōna shoshinsha ni totte wa warukunai." Future Sonic replied, before using his super speed to finish eating the Yakitori at top speed.

"Uh, what did he said?" Sunny asked Sonic at her side with a whisper.

"He said 'Not bad for some troublesome newbies'..." Sonic translated, before looking back at FS with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm gonna be frank with you two..." Future Sonic said, as he licked his fingers after finishing the Yakitori. "I'm upset because of previous events I'd rather not talk about to avoid exploding in anger, just as I'm impressed with the way you two worked out there. For saving those ponies, capturing the anomaly, and passing your test... Good job."

Sunset's eyes widened and her jaw dropped after hearing this, while Buffon looked impressed at how calmed FS was looking and talking so far.

"...Okay, what did Twilight told you this time?" Sunset asked with a raised eyebrow.

"To be a bit more polite with any new recruits, no matter who they are or what they did." Future Sonic replied, before turning around to look at his screens again, opening footage of everything that happened at Firefly's world.

"I was so sure that he was going to scold us for––" Sunny tried to mutter with a smile.

"BUT!" Future Sonic's voice spoke loudly and with a little angry tone. "That doesn't the change the fact that you guys opened a hole in the multiverse."

"We did what?" Sonic asked with a raised eyebrow and a slight frown.

"Ssh! I'll take it from here!" Sunset muttered to them, before turning to see FS. "Look, chief, I know you're upset, but they didn't knew that it could happen!"

"We didn't knew what could happen, exactly?" Sunny asked to FS with a raised eyebrow and a slight frown.

"True. But you did, Sunset." Future Sonic said with a frown, and Sunset closed her eyes and cringed, because she had nothing to counter that. "And you..." Future Sonic now talked to Buffon, who mocked him up by making a little reverence. "I'll juts try to ignore you... I just can't deal with you right now..." He deadpanned, and turned around to try and calm himself, because he was starting to get mad again.

"I'm not here!" Buffon replied mockingly, before moving away at top speed.

Meanwhile, Sonic and Sunny looked at each other confused, before looking back at FS.

"What the hell just happened?!" Sonic asked.

"Hey, FS!" A voice spoke, a very familiar one, and while Sunset smirked and rolled her eyes, Sonic and Sunny slowly smiled and looked at each other for a moment, before the three of them turned around.

There, they saw a Sonic walking over the ceiling, wearing a brown scarf, sport bands on his shoes and gloves, but he also had a pink bathrobe and a kangaroo for babies on his chest... Yes. It's him. Ladies and gentleman: Boom Sonic, a.k.a. Sonic 2, is back!

"Come on, go easy on the kids!" Boom Sonic spoke, before deactivating the anti-gravity mode of his new shoes and land on the ground, walking normally on the floor now. "They had terrible experience with the multiverse! They didn't had a good chance!"

"Boom Sonic!/Sonic 2?!" Sunny and Sonic both said with smiles.

"Oh, boy!" Buffon spoke with a mocking smirk. "Here comes the Sonic from the humble reality!"

"Sonic, Sunny!" Boom Sonic replied with a smile, as the three of them shared a quick but tight hug.

"Dude! I can't believe I see you again!" Sonic said happily with a huge grin.

"Finally, a familiar face I do recognize!" Sunny cheered happily as well.

"I'm glad to see you two as well!" Boom Sonic said with a smile. "And don't be afraid of my friend FS. He just looks scary, he's not gonna byte."

"Ugh... Boom Sonic..." Future Sonic muttered in annoyance, now getting irritated again.

"Your arm looks great, by the way!" Boom Sonic realized with a smile.

"See? I told you I'll look better next time we see each other!" Sonic remarked with a confident smirk.

"And Sunny! Is it just me, or you got taller?" Boom Sonic asked her mockingly.

"Oh, ha ha. Very funny, Boom..." Sunny said with an eye roll, but still with a smirk.

"Oh, you've gotta see my new power, man, it's really something! And––" Sonic tried to say with a smile, but right then, he noticed that Boom Sonic had the kangaroo for babies and felt confused. "Wait... What is that?"

However, before Boom could reply anything, a pink blur passed by at top speed and started to boot all over the place, which confused Sonic and Sunny, but Boom panicked.

"AURORA!" Sonic shouted, before boosting across the room and try to catch the pink blur, until he finally managed to do so by falling in the ground.

Soon, he stood up and held a pink baby hedgehog girl with green eyes, short hair, and a red shirt, as well as a diaper since, well, she was just a baby.

"For the love of God, never scare daddy like that again!" Boom Sonic told the baby with a smile, while she laughed and clapped, extending her hands to try and touch his face.

Of course, seeing this made Sonic's eyes widen, while Sunny was trying to contain a squeal. "You have a baby?!" She ended up asking loudly with joy.

"I have a baby!" Boom Sonic cheered loudly with a smile.

But then, as soon as Aurora looked over at Sonic and Sunny, she smiled with sparkling eyes and started to run all around them at top speed, before landing over Sunny's back.

When Sunny noticed this, she gasped, and soon, she grabbed Aurora on her hooves with a smile. "Aw! Aren't you the cutest thing ever?! Yes, you are!" She cooed Aurora, while the baby giggled at Sunny. "Sonic, isn't she the cutest?!"

Sunny showed Aurora to Sonic, who looked at the baby with wide eyes, before chuckling sheepishly. "Uh... Yeah... She's very cute..." He replied anxiously, before Boom Sonic boosted over and grabbed Aurora to nuzzle her on his cheek. "I have so many questions..."

"It's been 2 years since I last saw you in my universe!" Boom Sonic explained.

"It's been just one in ours!" Sunny pointed out with surprise.

"Amy and I got married last year, and this cutie has 4 months of brightening my days now!" Boom Sonic added happily, nuzzling his nose with Aurora's, as the infant laughed happily again.

"You got married?!" Sunny and Sonic asked, the former with excitement and sparkling eyes, while the latter did so with wide eyes and an anxious look.

"I know, I know. It's crazy!" Boom Sonic said with a smile. "But it's also a bless! Aurora is the best thing that could ever happen to me!"

"Where's the guy that was so freaked out at the idea of a relationship last year?!" Sonic asked confused.

"Well, spending time in your world opened my eyes, you know?" Boom Sonic replied with a smile, as he placed Aurora on the kangaroo on his chest.

"If you three are done talking, can I please start Sonic and Sunny's final test to join our Society?" Future Sonic asked with anger, also glaring daggers at Boom Sonic.

"Ugh, there he goes again..." Boom Sonic rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Dude, you're the only Sonic who isn't funny here! We're supposed to be funny!"

"The fate of the whole multiverse is at stake here, Sonic!" Future Sonic raised his voice, and whatever Boom was going to say, it died there on his mouth, while Sonic and Sunny felt a chill down their spines once FS raised his voice. "Don't make me remind you what you can loose forever if Opaline wins..."

Boom Sonic looked down at Aurora, who simply kept giggling loudly, and soon, Boom swallowed hard and nervously. "No... it's not necessary... Sorry, Boss..."

Future Sonic nodded, before taking a deep breath to calm himself, and then he looked back at Sonic and Sunny. "As for you two... Well, there's no point on delaying it even more. Let's get your test started."

Author's Note:

Oh boy, Sonic and Sunny won't like what they're gonna hear, that's for sure...

Well, there's a lot to cover this time around, so let's get started: The Silver variant that comforts Firefly at the beginning comes from this story made by DarkMaster0224. And the universe that Opaline made collapse? Well... That universe began in this short story that Flamewarrior02 made... Sorry, man, but I needed a world to get destroyed to show off Opaline's powers.

Now, the Amy's variant that speaks first with Twilight once they arrive to the Secret Society comes from this story made by Onomonopia, while the Classic Sonic that greeted him is, in fact, the very same Sonic from Sonic SatAM, a.k.a. the first other Sonic the main one met when he began his journey across the multiverse back in Season 4!

Moving on, the Sonic Car is from Team Sonic Racing, but from a universe where all the Sonic cast are just cars with no drivers. Now, Daring Do's variant comes from this one-shot made by Cynewulf; Shining Armor's variant is from this other one-shot written by Skywriter; Espio's variant comes from this story created by GreenS21; and Lego Sonic is from the Lego Dimensions universe.

The Shadow's variant that acts like Scarlet Spider comes from this story's universe made by Mister E-Nonymous, and the Cowboy Knuckles comes from the Sonic OVA!

As for the villains on the cages: Zavok is from this story by MetalJrock, one of the Eggmans is from this story also made by GreenS21, the other Eggman is from this story written by SonicAKG, Metal Sonic is from this cancelled story by RandomChance, Metal Sonia is from this Wattpad story by Moon Spectrum (although the story is just in spanish).

Fang the Sniper is from this story's universe created by Battwell, Chaos is also from the same story made by Mister E-Nonymous, that Sonic is THE original Sonic from the games (like Nicole said, the one who started it all), Infinite is from this story by Crystal Night, Black Doom is from this story by Will Atkinson, and Cozy Glow comes from this story made by RainbowDoubleDash.

Finally, the Dr. Hooves variants, he's from this one-shot written by Matthew Penn, and Boom Sonic is, as said on the story, Sonic from Sonic Boom, while his daughter, Aurora, is in fact from that Sonamy Boom comic.

Now, from next chapter on, I'll limit myself on how many words I put into the chapters, because making them from 10000+ words is starting to become too difficult for me. So, I'll limit myself to 6000-8000 words, although there's some chapters for Part 3 that might require more again... But everything at its due time.

See ya later! :twilightsmile: