• Published 13th Dec 2022
  • 392 Views, 5 Comments

Tales Of The Gargoyle King - discordjediknight

Is the Gargoyle King just a legend? while on a journey to save her sick mother, a young girl in search of her father unleashes the devil from hell not knowing how true the old bedtime story is.

  • ...

chapter 13 the little town

With the sun rising, all seemed fine that day. But the anemones wind gave the pink hair servant a bad feeling.

She tried to brush it aside as she tended to the little animals that morning. A squirrel that came looking for food, and two small yellow finches that shivered in the cold morning air. She helped all those She could find shelter and food. She also tended to the royal horses and goats that morning.

It was the day after they all returned from the dark castle in the ever-free. Fluttershy was excited to ask her friend, the princess, what she missed after she left. The very second the time went out on her sundial she instantly was teleported back to the castle where she quickly finished her chores, working overtime, so the queen didn't know she ever left.
Her brother Zephyr stood at his post. And guarded it as it lead to the crown jewels.

She smirked at the idea that his post was in the royal kitchen. His suit was still painted a bad yellow instead of gold. How he will clean that off, she had no idea.

The rest of the day went without incident. Until just after 1:00. Or the thirteenth hour of the day. Suddenly out of nowhere, dark clouds emerge covering the sky. They looked to be far in the distance, but as they quickly approached, the queen looked in fear and told her to prepare for company.

Flutershys didn't understand what she meant by this. But did as her queen asked.
The dark clouds quickly took over the sky, blocking out any sunlight. Dressing the entire kingdom in a blanket as dark as night in the middle of the day. Several civilians looked up in wonder.

"Odd weather we're having." A voice said from behind her. Making her jump. As she turned around, she found it was just the princess.

"Oh, your highness. Your mother told me to prepare for company." She said quietly and skittishly. Is there umm. Anything you need.

Princess twilight looked out the window a bit confused. "Strange." She said. I"'ve never heard of a freak storm like this coming out of nowhere. I don't need anything. The queen has requested my presence for the arrival. I was hoping you knew who was coming."

Her shy servant shook her head. Twilight shrugged and continued on her way. Something in the air, tho. Something didn't feel right. There was a strange tension. And every person and creature felt it.

"Well, afterward we really should catch up. I want to know all about how you got to the castle". Twilight said with a smile.

Her servant returned the gesture and nodded. "Well definitely have to. I want to know what happened after I left."

Twilight shrugged. "Uh no, ya don't. The king showed up. Took our offers and sent us home. There was nothing out of the ordinary about the exchange at all. But we got plenty of goods for the kingdom. The king told us to take back anything we wanted."

Twilight reached into the sleeve of her dress. She pulled out a large bag of cotton candy.

"Guess what, this stuff still has chocolate milk in it." She smirked.

The two friends laughed as twilight offered her some of the sweet treat.

Half an hour passed by. The sky crackled with the sounds of thunder. No lightning was seen. The queen sat on her throne along with her daughter standing by her side. Several soldiers lined the walls. Even Zephyr with his comedic bright yellow suit of armor.

"When they approach, make sure to let them in. Otherwise, we'll have worse things to deal with." The queen commanded. The soldiers nod in response. Send a few servants to fetch them, please.

Fluttershy and another maid along with three guards walked out of the throne room and went just outside the castle walls waiting for the arrival. The air grew cold and almost had a nip to it. It was only November. The thought of it being so cold seemed like a strange phenom.

Suddenly out of nowhere, eight horses emerge with their riders. All dressed in black armor and dark cloaks. Some black, some brown all in the same armor. The horses they rode on were large and powerful. And as they galloped through the streets of town, they shook the very ground. Fluttershy had never seen a larger horse before in her life. As they came closer she couldn't help but shake in fear and not just her. She heard slight shaking of the guards standing on their armor as they watched them approach.

The lead horse jumped over the fountain, (Fluttershy often sat at) with ease. The gates sped open as fast as they could, but not fast enough. The horse ran into them, and they buckled off of their henges, not damaging the horse or the rider at all. The others swerved around the fountain and followed the leader quickly.

As the horse reached its destination and its rider pulled on its rains, it rose in the air towering over everything. It neighs fiercely before it stopped completely.

Flutershys quickly looked up in horror and amazement. She has never seen such a magnificent horse. The horse was lined with black armor and silver lining the edge. But underneath the horse, yellow sheen shined. As if it were made of living gold. Its rider wore the same armor lined in silver. He wore a black, tattered cloak that swayed in the wind. His face was covered in shadow from his dark hood. Strangely, there were holes in the top of the hood. Two large mismatched Horne's sprained out. One looked like a stoneware goat horn. The other, a stone gray antler.

Quickly, the others surrounded the leader. All in the same armor. Some wore black cloaks, others brown. The horse's same incredible height but some were bright white, others black as night.

The smallest rider was the first to step off. His cloak like his master covered his face in shadow with a hood. They all did.

The small one approached Fluttershy. In a calm and somewhat shaky voice, he spoke. "My master has come to see your queen. "
"You are expected, right this way". Said a guard. Equally shaky to the small figure.
With that, the leader finally dismounted his horse along with the others.

Fluttershy couldn't say a word. She only kept her head down and lead the way back to the throne room.
She now knew who she was in the presence of. And it terrified her as much as everyone else. It was none other than the king of the ever-free. But what business did he have here?

As they entered, Fluttershy stepped aside. The crowd follows suit. The king stood in the center of the room at first, but quickly stepped towards the window looking out over most of the town of Canterlot.

The air stood quiet as the tension grew. Not one person wanting to make a sound. The only sound was the wind hitting the windows and the occasional crackle of thunder above their heads.

Flutershys first thought the king would say something, but it was the small servant that bowed his head and began to speak.

"On behalf of my master. We have come to discuss such terrible events."

The queen did not move an inch.

"It seems..." The servant continued. "That someone has tried to poison our great leader. Only it doesn't work on immortals, nevertheless... "The servant continued raising his hand
"... Such a disgraceful act against our king can not go unpunished." The servant paused. The air still was silent

"Our king was given gifts last night by all four kingdoms. However, the poisoned wine had your kingdom's seal."

Are you accusing us? Barked the queen.

"No, no. The kingdom of Canterlot has always been loyal to the king. Friends even. It is most likely that while the royalty and most people have nothing to do with this. There might be an individual who did. We only ask for information on who dares to cross the king."

The queen rose her chin and breathed in and out heavily.

"It is possible that the culprit could be of another land who was smart enough to leave your crest in order to make the king suspect you..."

Another pause of awkward silence.

"Of course, we only want information. Any we'll be accepted."

"And if I don't have any. "The queen said deeply disturbed.

"Then the king has no choice but to exterminate your land."

Those in the room apart from the kingdom gasped. Flutershys didn't know why, but her eyes shot over to the king. Frightened beyond all belief.

The king stood there and said nothing. Just staring out of the window. His poster gave nothing to emotion. He stood tall, back turned to those in the room. He's height towering over everyone, especially because of his Horne's. All he did was look out the window.

"How dare you come to our kingdom and make such a threat!" Shouted twilight. To which the queen stood up, dumbfounded as she looked at her doughtier.

The servant bowed his head. "Please. No one more than the king doesn't want this to happen. We only ask for information."

"We don't have any!" Queen sunset declared. "But please, there must be a way to save our kingdom. Please." She pleaded

"Mother?" Twilight shouted with tears building in her eyes. Terrified of the shriek of pain found in her mother's voice. The plea for help from a being that is higher than a queen frightened her beyond belief.

"Perhaps there is a way to stop such pointless bloodshed." Said a cold, deep emotionless voice.

Everyone froze in fear at the sound of the voice.

"Master?" Asked the servant.

The dark-cloaked figure did not move a muscle. "As I recall, it was the knight in his armor who presented the present."

Zephyr suddenly felt sweet on his brow.

"If he has information on who tainted the gift. Or perhaps his blood will pay my price."

"Wha, what?" Zephyr mumbled

"Either that or I take both hairs. I've given you two options to spare your kingdoms." He lifted his right hand with two fingers. "What will it be?"

As he said, his voice shifted into an amused tone. Lightning Finally split, lighting the figure to the crowd.

The queen put a hand to her chin in thought. "Mother, you can't be serious." Twilight said, almost choking on her cries.

Zephyr trembling took a step forward. To Fluttershy's horror.

"I..." He muttered but was too frightened to say anything.

The tall figure in the window dropped his arms. "Oh, how Noble. "He said, sounding bored." I must omit the Canterlot folk are very brave. To say the least."

Fluttershy stood frozen in fear, in shock, in sadness, and in terror.

"I…if it means saving my homeland. I would." Zephyr said as his legs began to buckle underneath him. He fell to the ground. "Please, I know not of any plot against you. I had fun and was more than proud to be the one to present our offer in our prince's absence." He cried out. "I don't wanna... "But he trailed off.

"Mortals." The king grumbled deeply. He turns with a swift swipe of his cape. He stood towering over the frightened young knight as if he were an executioner. The sound of a sword being unsheathed could be heard from under his cloak.

He dared to look up at the king but saw nothing under the dark hood except the resemblance of a fanged creature.

"Any last words?" The small servant of the king asked Zephyr.

Zephyr slowly lowered his head to the sevent, who two was hidden by the cloak. But by the sound of his voice, the servant at least was sorry for him. He gulped, trying to think of anything to say but couldn't find the words. All he could do was turn his sight to his last living relative.

She however, made no movement. She was in pure shock. Her eyes filled with tears. Tho, what could she do?

Relisting how scared she was, Zephyr did the only thing he could do to help her. He with all the strength he could muster put up a reassuring smile. Reassuring yes, but false nonetheless.

Suddenly as another flash of lightning lit the room, the unsheathed sword rose and began to fall. It's a destination all too clear.

Fluttershy didn't know what it was. Some form of courage perhaps, or maybe fear. But adrenalin somehow got the best of her, and she jumped In front of the blade, hugging her brother tightly and shielding him as she cried out.
" WAIT!"

The sword to everyone's surprise but the king stopped inches from her back.
"If one life is all it takes, please let it be mine, not his." She whimpered. "Not my little brother. He's the last of my kin. The last to hold my family name. Take me instead." She pleaded tears I'm her eyes but not a cry in her voice. She stood her ground. Brave and bold.

Silence filled the air for a moment. The small servant looked as if he was about to say something, but the king raised his hand to stop him.

The king straightened slightly, lowering the blade to everyone's surprise.In a somewhat loud whisper-like voice, the king spoke calmly. But emotionless.

"Such a display of loyalty and kindness. For it, I will show some mercy."

The edge of his sword approached Fluttershy, not threateningly. He only made her look up at him. She saw nothing under the hood at first, but then two glowing eyes emerged from inside the cloak. They were large and a snake-like ruby slit iris could be seen. A fire danced with inside them. They definitely weren't human eyes. She looked at them with her teal ones. No fear in them at all. Only a fire of her own to protect her brother.

"I could use a servant with such commitment. You would be more useful to me alive than dead." He said in a deadpan voice. "Work for me, and I'll spare your brother and the kingdom."

Flutershys said nothing at first. She thought he would settle with just killing her. And be done with it.

"Do we have a deal?" The king asked, sounding bored aging.

Fear swelled inside her once aging as she nodded.

"What? No"! Shouted her brother.

With her answer, he lowered his sword, giving the girl the ability to sink to the ground.

She turned to Zephyr and smiled a reassuring but concerned smile. It's going to be ok. This way, no one dies. She said shakily, letting her hair cover her face. The tears ran down her cheek, she didn't let a cry dare come out of her mouth. She needed to reassure her brother right now.

The princess leaped forward and gave her servant a tight hug. She dare not look at the king for fear of angering him more. The queen as well as everyone else stood silent and in shock.

The king used his sword like a cane and began to walk out.

The servant turns to the queen. "Seems today there will be no bloodshed thanks to your loyal subjects." He said shakily. "But know this. If any more Info comes about send it to our home right away, please. We do wish to get to the bottom of this."

With a snap of the king's fingers, two of the others grabbed hold of Fluttershy and carried her away from them. The small servant bowed aging and headed out. A small purple tail was seen under his cloak.

They headed to the horses. Flutershys was set on the back of the leaders. The leader however did not mound his horse. Two large mismatched wings spread from his back. With a flap of them, he took off midair. The others mounted their horses and out of nowhere they grew wings and flew off beside him, Instead of galloping on the ground. Flutershys had no choice but to grab hold of the horse as it took off following its master.

And before she could even phases it. The horse landed in front of the castle.

She looked up in terror. Somehow in a matter of seconds, she was now In Front of the enormous dark castle in the ever-free forest. Far, far away from her home in Canterlot.

She looked at the wall In Front of her and with a snap sound from the king's fingers the doorway inside emerged. Everyone entered the wall. The horse moved on its own and entered not giving Fluttershy any warning to hold on. With a small yelp, she gripped the horse tightly as they entered the same strange castle. She looked behind her to see the king inter last. With a snap of his fingers, the door disappeared back into the wall leaving Fluttershy feeling trapped.

The king slowly snapped his fingers making the sword turn into a cane he walked with it down the hall. With a wave of his hand, his companions visibly relaxed as he strolled down the hall disappearing around a corner.

When his footsteps were no longer heard one of the armor-clad folk let a "whoof. That was close." In a high pitch almost hearty voice. With a giggle, she lifted her cloak off shaking her head as she took out the hair ties. Her hair was a brightly colored hot pink.

"Pinky!" The others shouted.

"What. The kings gone." She whines. She sighed. "I'm just relieved he didn't kill anyone. His day is ruined enough as it is." She shrugged. As she walked down the hallway her armor seemed to peel itself off of her and the suits lined the walls.

Two others took their cloaks off. Their armor too took itself off of them and stood as suits of armor along the side of the walls.

"Yes well, we're not wanting to frighten the poor girl with this type of talk." Said a girl with a slightly sassy tone. She had purple hair and matching eyes. And once the suit of armor was off it revealed a rather simple yet elegant dress matching with matching shoes. She had white gloves and a charm bracelet.

"Sorry, darling." She said turning to Fluttershy. I'm rarity rune stone. "Welcome to our humble home. And you are. "She asked politely.

Flutershys. She said quietly.

"Sorry, Hun didn't quite catch that." Said a country scent. A girl in a blue dress with golden locks in pigtails said in a heavy country accent. She quickly dusted off a hat that was hanging on the wall and put it on. Tho she wore a dress-like skirt she had overalls on.

Fluttershy. She said a bit louder.

"Well nice to meet you flutters. I'm Jacky apple. My friend rarity. My brother big Mac." She said pointing to a knight that took off his cloak but kept the armor on. "Dash ray." AJ said pointing at the only knight that didn't take her cloak or suit off. "My cousin pinky", Pinky waved hi. "and my other cousin Braeburn." Braeburn nodded as he put on a western hat similar to AJ keeping his armor on. "And of course there..."

The last of the cloaked figures was the short one. He flipped his hood off revealing to be the little dragon boy from the party. "Spike. And yes let's get this out of the way. I'm a young dra..."

To his surprise Fluttershy grabbed him pulling him off his feet. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh. You're so cute. I've never seen a baby dragon."

"Hey. A young dragon, not a baby." He said. She dropped him to which he landed on his feet.

"I didn't know dragons could talk."

Spike shrugged. "Chaos magic. You get used to it. I'm also sort of the king's ward. Or personal assistant." He said proudly examining his little claws. He was a purple dragon with emerald-like spikes going down his back that seam to almost sparkle and be transparent. And as he unsheathed his cloak two small wings spread from his back. They were obviously too small for him to actually fly with yet. But the scales on him sparkled in the light of the torch.

"A glorified butler if you ask me." A snarky female voice said. It came from dash who still wore her cloak and armor. The boy's Snickers at the comet as they nodded in agreement, to the dragon's dislike.

"Uh Huh, laugh it up. Laugh at your elder. And for the record, I'll be 2 centuries old next month." He shrugged turning to Fluttershy. "Dragons arnt immortal like the king, but we tend to live a lot longer than you humans. 200 is young for us."

AJ knelt over towards Fluttershy. "He is an equivalent to a ten-year-old."

"Am not spike argued. I'm far more adaptable than a ten-year-old."

"Ok, ok, sugar cube." She put a hand over her mouth and whispered to Fluttershy. "Has the temperament of a ten-year-old too."

"Yeah well, it doesn't help when you got these guys always laughing at me." He said as he pointed his thumb behind him to the group who innocently whistled.

Flutershys didn't know what to say. She stood quietly and took in the new information as she shyly hid her face with her hair. She tightly kept her arms and legs together trying to seem as small as possible. But then she noticed something glaringly obvious. While she was never the tallest person around. And big mac and Braeburn were a little taller. It was obvious by the look of them. Everyone here was just a kid.

"Well if ya need anything just tell us dear." Rarity said. "
Yep, that's right now that you live here with us." Pinky said excitedly." Come on let's head over to CHAOS VILL."

"Chaos vill?" Flutershys repeated as a question.

"Oh, yeah. That's what we call our little town. Come with us and we'll show it to you. All you got to do is follow the yellow brick road away from the center tower."

Flutershys nodded but stopped in confusion. "A town?" She asked.

"Yep!" Pinky shouted. "You see this castle is full of magic and wonder. And we'll CHAOS." She said as she sprang her arms in the air. "The insides are much, much bigger than the outside. In fact, I'm pretty sure we have an entire second world."
Suddenly Pinky Pie pulled out a map and showed it to her.

Thires the outside walls. Surrounding everything and everyone. A river that flows in a big circle around. To the north the cold mountain where chaos vill snuggled just near the valley. To the south a vast desert that ends at the river and outside walls. And in the center of it all the grand tower.

Pinky pulled down the map. "We also have plenty of crops and so many trees like a little forest. Heck, we live in a wonderland after all. Why you can even eat the sidewalk?"

Fluttershy nodded in understanding. "But. But why do you live here?" She asked shakily.

"Oh well, a long time ago great granny apple pie's hometown was destroyed by the war. And the snow fell on the village all night with fire that broke out terrorizing the town and then a volcanic eruption started too..."

"Ok, ok okay. Pinky. "Her cousin said calming her down. "The point is our ancient relative and her family needed a place to stay. She swore loyalty to the king. A basic deal was made, and we were allowed to live here for as long as we want. Ten generations later and no one else ever left. At least I think it's been ten generations. Some outsiders from time to time are let in and when. They get a taste of the good life they never leave, settle down raise a family, and add more to our little home."

Flutershys nodded shyly

"I mean why leave and join a war-torn world when you can live here in paradise? Granted at a cost."

"What's the cost?" Asked Fluttershy.

"We serve him." Spike shrugged. "We also follow his basic rules and live happily. As his assistant, it is my job to inform you of such things." He said proudly aging making the others in the back snicker. To which the dragon rolled his eyes and head at.

"The king will give you a list of chores. Don't worry there's not much he ever wants to be done. Usually, everyone here gets one task a day and once completed are free to do whatever they want."

"There are doors leading to the top of the outside walls feel free to go there even. And there are rather simple rules to follow. Follow them and there will be no incidents, do your job efficiently and the king might even reward you. Don't follow the rules and punishment are dished out by the king personally."

Flutershys quivered a bit at the last part. "And...and those rules are?"

1 when addressing the king only refer to him as my lord your highness stuff like that

"The king allowed us to call him the sorcerer king for the party, but he hates those awful names people give him."

2 when in his presence do not speak out of turn. Do not speak to him unless he speaks to you. Most of the time if you do see him just let him be. He's very busy and usually just wants to be left alone. Trust me the last thing you want to do is annoy him. Usually hell just ignore the fact that you are around.

3 don't go near the center tower EVER... Spike said as he waved crossed both arms and swiped the air. That is his personal dwellings and unless he calls upon you no one is allowed to go near there.

"Don't worry tho. Usually he only calls upon me or his personal chef..." Spike pointed his thumb claw at pinky who grinned happily. "Normally you won't ever see him."

Flutershys nodded but stayed very quiet. The group then walked down the hall into the familiar and somewhat odd garden.

"Oh, one more thing you should know about this place. "Said spike turning up to her. "While usually, most things keep in their relative area... You'll find it likes to shift a lot. So that map pinky showed you is just a general idea. You find that the stairs walkways and sidewalks all shift in different directions something new each day. It can be somewhat bothersome when heading to work. The best way to do so is this little trick."
Spike handed her a compass. "First, follow the compass. And 2ed if you ever lost anywhere head left. Never right."

Fluttershy looked at him confused.

"Trust me if your lost head left never right." He smiled. "Alright well, you take her back to town. I'm going to go see if the king needs me." Spike said extremely proud of himself.

Making the boys and dash try to hold in a chuckle. To Jacky's dismay.

"Alright, sugar cube she said, taking Fluttershy's hand. Just follow us. Oh, and do you like musicals?"

Flutershys didn't know how to answer that.

Well too late because one of the best ways to get anywhere in this place is to sing about it. For some reason, it makes long distances that would take an hour or two only take a song's worth. Braeburn said taking out a guitar from what seemed like nowhere.

Ok, everyone. Get ready everyone hears knows this one. Shouted Jacky. Flutershys tilted her head as they all began to sing.

We travel the road of generations joined by a common booooond.

Pinky pie chirped in. We sing our song across the chaotic lands. Everyone! She shouted.

They all began to sing.

Leaving the world behind beyond. We're apples together we're apples forever family and so much more. Oh, we're apples to the core.

Rarity chimed in. It was long ago my grandfather left the world behind. He met an apple and fell in love now I sing this song happy with the rhyme!

Pinky chimed in. there's no place I'd rather be than traveling with my family. I have lots of cousins and siblings to boot. She showed Fluttershy a picture of her family with the word pies prettier written under it. I'll let you all meet them oh ittle be a hoot.

Braeburn chimed in. We're apples together we're apples forever but some of us do have other names. Those who are new will become good friends if not family then.
Braeburn turned to Rainbow

Rainbow chimed in. You guys need to be 20 percent cooler for me to sing. she replied in a dead pan voice.

"Uh fine, we're here anyway." AJ said looking atFlutershys. "Anyway, I prefer apple jack if you don't mind. Or just AJ. Now welcome to CHAOS vill."

Flutershys looked around and saw the little town. She didn't understand and really hoped she got there so quickly. According to the map, they crossed 10 miles in an instant just threw singing.

"Now you got to meet everybody." Squealed pinky pie. "That's my sister Maud."

Hellow. A girl said in a bored tone but with a smile.

"My sister limb stone and marble. And I did have a brother but eh heh. Oh, oh and that is..." she said pointing to the youngest of girls.

"Hi, I'm flower boom." Said a girl with red hair that resembled AJ. "I'm bell aren't I sweet?"
" Scootaloo. Bab seed. Diamond tiara and silver spoon. Derpy, Oh, and that there is cranky."

"That's not my name." A young man said in a grumpy voice.

"The cake twins," she pointed at two twin babies and so many More.

Fluttershy shy was begging to get overwhelmed. She waved hi and said hello but was very, very scared of all the new faces who stared at her.

"Ok, ok, pinky that's enough. AJ said. Look flutters, mind if I call you that?" Fluttershy shook her head.

"We have 19 mouths to feed now 20 with you here. Their's too many to meet in one day, but we're all family and friends here. If you need anything at all will help you ok. Now tonight you'll stay with me tomorrow we'll have the boys fetch you up a cabin of your own. Ok."

Fluttershy shyly nodded grateful that AJ noticed how uncomfortable she was.

"Now folks this here is Fluttershy a new servant of the king and our new member of the town. She's a bit tired of the day so let's let her rest and ease in shall we?"

The town nodded and the crowd dispersed. A girl walked up to applejack and Fluttershy." It's about tea time. I'm Starlight, I'm sure you'll fit right in." She said, throwing a forced grin.

"Hay Starlight." Said dash. Who still didn't remove her hood. Starlight as well as everyone there wore a mixture of fashionable western outfits. The men wore overalls for work or simple suits. The girls wore dresses or work jeans. Nothing like what Fluttershy saw in Canterlot. A lot different from the maid uniform Fluttershy was in.

Starlight greeted Dash with a small curtsy. "Hello, dash." The two of them quickly laughed at the way she greeted her.

"Fluttershy this is the town mayor. Starlight pie. Cousin to pinky. And we'll everyone I suppose."

Fluttershy shyly nodded. Starlight kept up her fake, obviously fake smile. She looked to be the oldest in the group.
" I really do wish I had a notice before you came. It's quite difficult to keep track of everything in chaos vill. Everything here is well CHAOS. She said with a shrug."

"She stays with me. Don't worry." AJ said, eyeing Starlight.

"Good, one less thing I have to deal with."

Pinky jumped up. "With a new member tho, we have to throw a welcome party."

Starlight's eyes narrowed. Oh, no. No, not another one of your welcome parties. Remember last time? Starlight said sternly.

"Oh, come, it's not often we get someone new." Please. Pinky begged starlight.

She looked at AJ.

AJ nodded. "I won't let it get as bad as last time."

Flutershys was curious as to what was so bad last time but then quickly decided not to ask.

"Fine but only if you keep it down." Starlight warned her." The king has been through enough trouble as it is. Now I'm going to go to tea. If anyone wants to join me feel free to."

"Tea sounds lovely." Fluttershy said quietly.

Applejack smiled. "Well, why don't we all join and head to the tea party? That way we all can relax and get to know one another."

Starlight forced a smile. "Oh, sure, sure. If she can keep up." She grinned devilishly. She then took off into the small woods by the town.

"You girls go on ahead me and the boys have guard duty. Dash said with the two boys following her.

AJ turned to the nervous Fluttershy and helped out her hand. It's ok sugar cube. Fluttershy smiled softly and took her hand before she knew it she and apple jack were in a heavy sprint running into the woods.

Author's Note:

Ive been sick. sorry bout that. i finally have finished this darn chapter. next one will be out a lot faster. for any one curious i plan for 30 chapters. and the next ten or so wont be this long. thire was just alot of seting up i had to do but now that were cloese to the half way point i think it will go alot faster.

this story literally is seven difrent i deas i had tossed together. somhe how it still makes since. atleast in my head. lol.