• Published 13th Dec 2022
  • 392 Views, 5 Comments

Tales Of The Gargoyle King - discordjediknight

Is the Gargoyle King just a legend? while on a journey to save her sick mother, a young girl in search of her father unleashes the devil from hell not knowing how true the old bedtime story is.

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chapter 10 the dance

Fluttershy was instantly teleported to the ever-free forest. She got there just in time. A large crowd of people gathered around the castle walls. It was the first time she ever saw the castle. And it was just like the queen described, only more haunting.

Completely made of an odd black stone, the castle looked extremely impressive for something in the middle of the ever-free forest. The outside walls made a large triangle surrounding several large square towers that rose above the wall. And one round tower that rose even higher. On each of the corners of the building, two massive gargoyles sat looking over the forest. In all directions.

No windows could be seen anywhere in the castle except on the top floors of the towers. And several balconies. On top of the wall, two guards walked back and forth. The crowd looked up and tried to chat with them. "Hello, we were summoned by your king. Uh, how do we get in, there is no door." The guard's said nothing as they passed back and forth.
Fluttershy quickly walked over, trying to blend into the crowd when a strange shadow caught her attention. She stood there watching it as it vanished into the bushes. Curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to walk over. She took a few steps when suddenly a familiar voice stopped her.

"Uh, this is boring. Wish I had my book instead." She turned to the lady standing next to her. It was none other than twilight sparkle dressed like Star Swirl, the bearded stood there with her arms crossed.
"Uh, twilight." She said cautiously.

It caught star swirls attention. She turned and gasped. Fluttershy quickly put a finger to her mouth and shushed her

"Oh of course, of course. Hay, you made it. How?"

"Oh uh well."

"No doesn't matter. Now, this night will be less boring." She hugged her. "Of course, will keep this from my mother at all costs. Just keep your mask on and your head down, ok." Fluttershy nervously nodded as she turned back to the bushes.

Someone walked out of them. In a pumpkin-orange suit with red tie white gloves and what must have been costumed boots stood a tall man. His costume boots showed a clawed dragon foot and a deer hoof. He had deer antlers and a goat horn coming out of his head. And a red snake-like tail with white feathers matching that of his beard. He reached back into the bush, pulling out a pumpkin orange top hat and a black wooden cane. He brushed some leaves off of it and set it on his head over his messy black hair antler and horn. He had a sharp jawline and a rather pointy nose. He must have put some makeup on to look dead for nightmare night. He was so pale. Matching that of the odd servant that worked for prince blue blood. If not paler. His face was slightly sunken in, and his skin was paler than it could actually be. The way he looked at first glance he wasn't exactly handsome but at 2ed glance, he was far from ugly.

Fluttershy watched as he put on a black scull mask covering the top half of his face. Step forward and lost him among the crowd. The man seemed to be acting quite unusually. At least to her. Her thoughts were interrupted by twilight to startle her out of them.

"Isn't this exciting, she said. I mean, real sorcery"

"Uh, but we hold nightmare night every year. Haven't you seen the king? "Fluttershy asked her.

"If I have, I have no idea. It's a masked ball. The gargoyle king could be anyone."

Suddenly, two trumpets were sounded off, catching everyone's attention. The large wall in front of them began to bubble and bend like liquid. It peeled away, revealing a large wooden door that opened revealing a brightly lit hallway that made no sense when you thought about how the outside of the castle was arranged.

As the doors open wide standing, in the middle of the hallway was what must have been a boy dressed in a dragon costume with a black cloak over it. He held up a scroll. His costume was quite good. It looked as if he really was a dragon. He coughed into one of his claws. "Ahem." He spread out his arms to the crowd and bowed forward slightly.
"Welcome, welcome one in all, to my master's humble home. I have been tasked with being your escort through the castle. You will follow me down the hall through the gardens to the main tower floor. Where the throne room, now a ballroom, has been set. Any questions or concerns you may ask me at any time."

"Where's the king?" someone asked.

"Hell, be along. Now I must ask you to quickly follow me. And please do stay with the group at all times. For you see, in this castle you can easily get lost. And we don't want anyone to take a wrong turn. Also, once we are there, no one is allowed to leave the ballroom unless accompanied by me or one of the guards." As he said that, the two guards that were on top of the wall just a second earlier walked out from behind the walls and stood by the boy.

"Well, with that we will begin." The boy turned around. A purple tail stuck out from underneath his robes. He led the large group down the hallway. As they walked and looked around, the group started to feel claustrophobic. Especially since it seemed the group doubled out of nowhere as servants of the king joined them. It seemed as they head deeper and deeper into the hallway, the walls narrowed, and the roof caved in on them. It was dimly lit by torches on the walls. And strange paintings hung between the torches.

All the paintings were strange depictions of the forest. But as if they were in a fairy tale setting. In the paintings were many animals. Some recognizable, some they've never seen before. All at different times of the year or different times of the day. Watch one was quite different from the last, except all of them had one thing in common. There was always a gargoyle hidden in the photo.

The gargoyles were some type of chimeras. They had 2 large, mismatched wings. One of an angel, one of a bat. A slender body with the head of a horse, a snake-like tail with dagger like feathers. A lion paw, an eagle claw, a dragon foot a deer leg a horn, and an antler on top it's head. And finally, sharp fangs.

In each painting, the gargoyle looked to either be asleep or hunting one of the animals.
"Interesting art." Someone said from the crowd.

"Yes," the boy said. "My master does enjoy his painting. Each piece of art ever seen in this castle he painted himself. And carved every stone stature as well." He said, as they passed two stone statues of gargoyles.
The two gargoyles looked intimidating and terrifying. They stood quite tall and seemed to be presenting the audience with the door down the hallway. A large wooden door with iron rivets and silver trimming sat at the end of the hallway. Or at least they thought it was largely due to perspective.

"Actually, my master built this castle with his bare hands. Every stone and log used to form this castle he carved himself. Quite the artist. The boy then stood in front of the door. Aww, here we are, he turned to the crowd."

It was clear now by his standing by the door. It wasn't perspective at all. The crowd was now cramped. The room seemed to shrink down to the size of the boy.

The boy set his claw on the silver and iron door handle.
"You're joking?" Someone in the crowd called out. With these costumes and what not, we can't fit through that door. Said a woman's voice. Yes, what, is this a joke? "’Tis some kind of a. A fun house." Others argued. The crowd murmured and talked among themselves. Let's get out of here. Said another as some in the crowd turned around.
Fluttershy and twilight turned with the crowd. But as they did, they heard a shriek from up ahead.

The hallway was gone, replaced with a brick wall. Just inches from the nearest person in the back. Everyone including twilight and Fluttershy was in a panic. Everyone but the two knights, the young boy who lead them there, and the strange tall figure in the middle of the crowd. He kept his eyes closed as he fixed his hat. A sly grin on his lips.

"As you can see. "The boy announced to the crowd. "There is no way back. Only forward. If you want to leave, that's fine. But you will find the exit is in front, not behind."

"Nonsense he's trapped us all…" shouted one person. "Oh, there must be a way out. Perhaps a secret tunnel or something." Shouted a woman. Several from the crowd banged on the brick walls and knocked over some of the torches and paintings. The strange man rolled his eyes and stepped forward over to twilight mother. Who was wearing a phoenix outfit? Her mask looked like a beak.

"Didn't you were that last year?" He asked in a dull voice.
The phoenix turned around, noticing him. "Oh, oh, it's you. Yes well. I didn't have time to think of a new costume. Plus, the feather dress looks nice.

The man rolled his eyes, aging. "Do you honestly think you'd be invited just to be trapped?"

"I don't know him that well, So." she looked away with a weird look.

Twilight turned around to face man. "And how would you know?"

"It's nightmare night, clearly this is just to scare you." The man chuckled. His chuckle sent a chill in the air. "And by the looks of you all, it seems this little charade has worked quite well."

The boy dressed as a dragon just rubbed his head. "So I see we have one who doesn't get scared so easily. Fine then." He said, and present the gentleman with the door. He walked over and twisted the nob. Opening it slowly, a light, warm breeze filled the air with the smell of chocolate and candy.

He walked right in and didn't need to bend down at all. It turns out it was all just a visual illusion. The walls were a little bit narrower, but the door was indeed fully sized. The boy just studied in the perfect place where it looked like the door was the size of him. It definitely tricked everyone else. They all calmed down and with a small breath they walked forward and followed the strange man out the door.

"Mother, who is that?" Twilight asked. "The queen looked at her. Oh, no idea. He shows up at every nightmare night festival. Probably for his own kingdom. Come now, the ball awaits." She said, taking Twilight's hand. Twilight gestured her friend over. But Fluttershy was unable to because of the crowd. She just waved at her and worded the phrase, ill see you inside.

Once everyone was inside, they froze in awe and wonder. They found themselves in a massive room. Or was it a room? It had an endless sky, but the question was, was it actually a sky? There was no moon in the sky while it did look like a knight, it was completely purple with swirls as far as the eye could see. And pink clouds that hung low enough that you could jump up and touch them.

"Just across the garden, you'll find our destination." The dragon boy told them.
They focused their vision and in the distance across a river of what looked to be chocolate was none other than the main tower where the ballroom sat. The main tower tho seemed to tower up through the strange purple sky.

The boy smiled as he threw off his cloak, revealing his whole dragon costume. The question was, was he actually a boy or a real dragon? His costume looked so real. It was quite frightening.
He leaped over the steppes down, landing on the yellow brick road that lead to the main tower. Then he did something very unusual. He began to sing.

Boys and girls of every age Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Come with me, and you will see This, amazing castle of the sorcerer king
Two girls jumped out, one dressed like a chicken, the other dressed like a lion. And they joined in the song.
Tonight is nightmare night tonight is nightmare night., Pumpkins scream, but we don't bite
This is nightmare night, everybody catch a fright
Trick or treat 'don't forget to turn on the light.

Suddenly, the two guard against the back began to sing.
It's our home, everybody scream
In this castle of haunted dreams
The dragon boy bowed aging.
Are maser is the one that calls you hear filling your hearts with fear and dread
Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red He is the one who owns this magical lair Tail like snakes and black fire for hair
This is nightmare night, this is nightmare night
The little dragon threw his claw up allowing them all to run.

In this forest, we call home
Everyone hails to this crazy song
You might hear a lion's claw
"Pinky it's a lion paw."
her fellow guard told her. "Oh right by the way everything you see is edible so enjoy on your way to the ballroom." She then grabbed a tree branch and bit into it. She then handed some of it to others. They bit into it as well and found that the tree bark was some kind of peppermint.
Everybody's waiting for the next surprise
'Round that corner, hiding behind in the shadow
Something's waiting now to pounce and how you'll scream
This is nightmare night, nightmare night,

As the song continued, people started randomly trying what the odd gardens had to offer. Gummy leaves. Licorice vines.

The tall strange man even pulled down a pink cloud using his cane, taking a few bites and then handing some to the Phoenix next to him. It's cotton candy. He said as he held it out to her.
She took a bite and found that he was right.
Aren't you scared? Well, that's just fine
Say it once, say it twice
Take a chance and roll the dice
Take flight with wings in the dead of night… the dragon boy then jumped up in the sky.
Everyone was eating some type of candy or salty snake. Corn fields were filled with popcorn. Pumpkin patches filled with pumpkin pies. Candy fruit and ice cream snow stayed on a mountain, not too hard to get up and take a spoon full.

Everybody scream, everybody scream
In our forest of nightmare night
He is the one with a horse like face Here in a flash and gone without a trace
He is the answer to the question "Who's there?" Running an eagle claw through your hair
He stays in the shadows of the moonlit night Filling your dreams to the brim with fright
This is nightmare night, this is nightmare night Tender lumplings everywhere
Life's no fun without a good scare That's his job, but he's not mean
in this forest of scares and fright.
Everybody is waiting for the next surprise
A dragons claw a dears hoof know one wants take a look
This is nightmare night, everybody scream

As the song continued, they made their way down the walkway. Eating marshmallows rocks and lolly pops that grew like weeds on the side. Until they reached their final destination
Won't you please make your way inside for the ballroom, we hope you enjoy your stay.
Our master is the sorcerer king. And now you've seen what he will bring.
This is nightmare night, the only night you can be whatever you want to be.
So don't be scared, we will let you eventually leave.
The crowd was shocked and amaze by this. Many of them clapped their hands or whistled to the servants of the sorcerer king.

"Oh, what an excellent performance." The queen dressed like a phoenix said.

The young dragon boy lifted his head and seemed to be looking for approval.
The tall man stood there with his cane. He smiled and examined his glove. "Oh, a bit off-key, but it seemed to please."

The dragon boy smiled and gave a slight nod.

"Oh, come now, that performance was great." Twilight said as she stepped forward and shook the dragon boy's hand. Fluttershy only smiled.

"Well, well, well, what do we have to hear? Star Swirl, the bearded. Nice to have you join us." The man said, tipping his head slightly. Twilight was confused at first, but then remembered her own costume. "Oh uh yes, of course. And you good sir". She held out a hand.

He acted like the jester didn't exist. "Jjust an enjoyer of this fine holiday." Suddenly, a golden suit of armor walked up and took off his helmet. It was none other than Fluttershy's bumbling idiot of a brother.

"Ok, you guys have got to try the chocolate nut bars." He held out a few of them to the group.

"Aww, I see a knight in shining armor. Bit cliché don't you think? " He asked Twilight, who only giggled in response. Fluttershy stepped back, not wanting to be recognized by her brother.

"Well, I hope you all enjoy the ball. I'm glad you and your people could make it. Canterlot will always be considered an ally. 'Tis one of my favorite kingdoms. I would move there if I didn't have so many other things I need to attend to."
Twilight's eyes grew. How do you know we're from Canterlot? She asked.

"Simple, the knight's shield is from there... "they looked at Zephyr shield. It had the canterlot crest. Zephyr looked at the shield and then slapped his own forehead. "... and I've met this phoenix quite a few times as well."
"Uh, I meant to cover that up. I know we're not supposed to show our origin tonight. I'm so sorry, your highness. " The phoenix just sighed at the sight, making the man chuckle.

"In any case, hope you all enjoy yourselves." He then walked away from the group.
Twilight then turned to her mother. "Who is that anyway?"

She just shrugged in response. "Probably someone from the southern kingdom, since he said we're allies.
I've seen him a couple of times around meetings and nightmare night traditions. He usually says hello, cracks a few jokes and nothing else. Never dances or stay in one place. I honestly wonder who he is, too." The queen told her daughter.

"Oh great now thire was two mystery men tonight." Twilight thought to herself.

Fluttershy didn't understand why. But she felt like she needed to speak with him more than anyone else. But she shrugged. Not knowing why the man caught her attention, she decided to let it go for now and enjoy the party.

As they walked in, they were greeted with a large room. Far larger than it seemed possible on the outside. Several servants of the king played a few tunes on their instruments. Tables all along the room had different types of dinners. Some ham turkey or just plain chicken soup. There was room for both dinner or dancing. In the back was a large organ. And to the side underneath the largest gothic window was an empty throne with a lone staff.

Twilight and Fluttershy both decided the roast beef looked good. And had along with it a side of tomato soup. Along with a few grapes. Or at least what they thought were grapes.

As Fluttershy was about to grab one, she screamed as the grape turned over and blinked at her. It was indeed an eyeball.

The servant dressed like a lion laughed. In a heavy country accent, she said "don't mind the food, it has a few tricks. It's all just magical illusions, they're just grapes." The servant took one of the eyeballs and popped it in her mouth as she took a bright red liquid squished out of it. "Red grapes. I promise. "

Another scream came from a nearby table. They all turned to find a guy in a clown costume screaming his head off, sounding like a girl.

They looked down and on the food tray was a snickering detached head. Hay, aren't you one of the guards? Asked twilight.

"Ah hahahahah. Yep, getting ahead of the crowd you know". She snickers. "Get it ahead."

"How are you doing that?"

"Oh, it's all an illusion, I ashore you anything here gonna hurt you. Oh, but you might want to watch out for those spiders, they are real."

"A huh. Well, I'm not falling for…" suddenly, Twilight felt a spider run up her leg.
She squealed.

"Nope, I wasn't kidding, but They're actually pretty harmless." The head said. "Oh, oh quick uh you there." She said releasing Fluttershy was standing there. "Put the top over my head aging, I want to scare the next group." Fluttershy nodded and set the lid back over the tray and walked away.

"Get it off, get it off, get it off!" Shouted twilight. Fluttershy quickly grabbed the little spider and headed to a window to let it go free. As she approached the window a figure popped out at her

"boo." It shouted and she jumped back.

It laughed in her suspense and took off its ghostly disguise. It was another one of the servants dressed like a ghost. Everywhere all across the ballroom, screams and laughs could be heard from the spooky party.
For the next hour or two, Fluttershy found herself either jumping from one of the spooks and laughing at it afterwords or eating some of the most delicious food she ever tasted in her life.
Suddenly the crowd all turned to the organ in the back of the room as it began playing music by itself. Candles and dirty plates all began to float and fly away from those who were done with them.
The crowd was a bit frightened at first, but soon awwed at the spectacle of the night. "Well, he is the sorcerer king, right?" Twilight said, reassuring her frightened friend. Fluttershy could only smile at that. She was glad that her friend was here with her.

"Yes, yes, quite a show we have here tonight." The clown from before said. "But where is our host?" I seek an audience with him. "We all do. I mean, here we come to a party, and he doesn't even show his face."
It was clear by the voice that it was none other than prince blue blood underneath the clown makeup.
It is a costume party, is it not? No one supposes to know who or where anyone is. "That's kinda the point." The dragon boy said.

"Oh yeah, and who are you? You're just a servant."

"Not tonight." Tonight I'm spike the dragon. "Sure, I'm helping my master out. But otherwise, he's given me the day off. Just sit back and relax, will ya stop running the fun?" The boys shrugged and walked away.

"How dare you. I am a guest of the king. Not only that, but I am royalty myself."

The boy turned around and chuckled. "I see no royalty here. I only see a clown."

Others in the crowd began to laugh. Making the clown angry as he ripped off his clown noes. "Do you know who I am? I am prince blue blood. And I demand to know where the sorcerer king is."

A voice from the crowd speaks up.

"And what, please tell. Do you think you are worthy of his time?"

The crowd all turned to see the tall man in the back of the room.

"It's a costume party. The point is to show what you really are. "

"What!" blue blood demanded.

"Kings' servants are all just costumes. Tonight, you can be any costume you want. Regardless of pointless things like rank or status. The boy there is right, you see. I see no prince. I see a clown. Tho, I must thank you. Clowns are great at entertaining people and making them laugh, am I, right folks?"

Some in the crowd nodded and chuckled. "Only here's the problem. Now you have shown to this crowd that the kingdom in the north is led by a clown."

The crowd chuckled more.

The man growled. "Why you? I am the future king of the crystal empire of the north. Who are you to joke like that? Reveal yourself."

The man chuckled a dark chuckle. "I think not. I wouldn't want to embarrass my homeland in such an awful display like you have." He chuckled more as the crowd joined in. some even those who were servants to prince blue blood.
"I say we take all our masks off. Whoever the sorcerer king is must be in this room."

"And how do we know you're not the sorcerer-king?" The man said. "Oh, wait, that's right. Because the king wouldn't be so dull as to act like a clown. Enjoy yourself, prince blue blood." He said and began to walk away.

Prince blue blood growled and pulled out a sword. "Want to say that aging."
The man stopped as he heard the sound of the sword.

"Oh, look, everyone." He turned halfway to him and halfway to the crowd." The clown wants to entertain more. But needs help. Any volunteers." He held out his hand, But the crowd all took a step back as Blue blood grits his teeth.
"No. I guess I will." He pulled back his orange jacket, revealing a short sword that looked like it belonged to a piret. Definitely didn't match his costume. The crowd all gasped and step back any further. Spike rolled his eyes. And the other servants chuckled.

"This should be great entertainment for the sorcerer king." He quickly pulled his sword out as blue blood lunged forward.

The tall man dodged, not even blocking as he brought his sword up. Blue blood swung his sword left. The tall manager didn't block, just jumped over his sword. Still in midair blue blood slashed at him only for the man to catch his sword. As he landed he yanked it out of the prince's hands making the prince stumble backward landing on his but.

Heh. And that is how you deal with a moran. The man bowed at the audience as he put his weapons away. Once he did, he waved his hand and stepped outside. The little boy in the dragon costume steps forward.

"Well, well, well. Let the party continue, then". He said with a nervous chuckle. The tall man disappeared into the crowded aging. And the rest of the evening went pretty much as planned.

A few more scares and treats. But nothing, two events full. People would come over and discuss their costumes. She mostly being her shy self, kept to the sidelines. She kept her eye out for the strange man, but he never showed up, aging. As the hours of the night became late everyone began dancing and enjoying themselves.

Eventually Fluttershy decided she needed some air and walked outside. To her surprise, she did not exit where she originally thought she would... As she exited the main doors, she found herself on a tall balcony. She looked up and realized she was still inside the castle, tho, since the sky still was purple. She looked over the edge of the balcony, seeing the chocolate river flow below. The air smelled like sweet candy. And strangely, there was a nice breeze. She smiled as it flowed through her hair. She taped her tooth. The fang was fake, but it was well attached to her mouth. She thought to herself. "Hmm, strange. The sorcerer king. He was the only one who didn't seem to show. How am I supposed to convince the king to end the war with his magic if he isn't even going to show up? I mean, he's the one who invited all of us here, isn't he? Why wouldn't he show up to his own party… unless he was already in there disguised as someone else? If that's the case, how was she ever to know who the king was?"

Suddenly, a loud sigh got her attention. She turned to see that off in the corner of the balcony leaning up against a wall standing on top of the railing in the shadow of the building, arms crossed, was none other than the strange tall man in the pumpkin orange suit with what she was sure was fake wings and tail. He stood there staring at something in the distance. She tried to follow his gaze but found nothing but the wall. It was as if he was looking past that. Past the wall past the kingdom, passed everything as if he was spacing out. He looked as if he was annoyed by something. His eyes crystal ruby almost seemed to glow in the shadow. There was something about his eyes. While his expression was mutual, his eyes seemed as if he was tired and filled with sorrow.

It scared her a bit. She never even knew he was there. As odd and somewhat scary as he was, she decided to approach him. She was kinda curious why he wasn't inside with everyone else. She walked over calmly, but then tripped due to a small puddle. She slipped and ran into him knocking him off, catching his attention. He slipped off the railing. Fluttershy shrieked at the sight of him falling off. Suddenly, he caught the bar with his hand. His hat fell and he caught it In the other hand. He surprisingly had great reflexes.

"Umm uh sorry" she said grabbing his hand he swung upward jumping over her and landing on the balcony and catching her as she fell backward from the surprise.

Her eyes grew wide in surprise. Being very tall, he looked over her head down at her. He smiled a crooked smile.

"Umm Therese better ways to ask someone to dance you know."

Her face grew red with embarrassment. Seeing this he shrugged and helped her to stand up, aging.

"Heh, that was a joke."

She stood, not knowing what to do or say. He then crossed his arms but kept the same smile, narrowing his eyes as he stared at her. He looked into her eyes for a split second only to then look away. "Hmm, how odd." He mumbled.

"What is?" she asked.

"Oh, nothing." He then looked at her costume. Nice costume. A vampire queen, I suppose. Tho, you seem to be far too nice to be evil.

"Oh uh yeah. Um, it's just a costume. I uh. I like yours two. Very uh unique."

"Hmm." he looked at his wings and tail. "Oh yeah, uh costume." He rolled his eyes and turned his head. Tho, he kept his vision on her. So enjoying the ball, he said with a grin.

"Oh yes, the ball is fun."

"Hmm, if that's so why aren't you in there with everyone else?"

"I was uh. Gonna ask you the same question." She nervously giggled.

Needed some fresh air. He said, his tone shifting to a cold one. " I didnt like him ruining a good party." he mumbled.

"So What is it?" He said wanting to get right to the point.

"What is what?" she replied.

"What is it? Don't think I haven't noticed you keep looking around for something?"

"Oh uh. Well." she played with her fingers and tried to cover her face with her hair.

"Well, I was wondering where the king was. I mean, he's is the host of the party."

"And why bother with the king?" He said, sounding slightly irritated. "What do you want?"

"Oh uh. Nothing, I just um." She stopped and turned her back to him, looking over the balcony. It's just. Look at the power he has. Such amazing magic. I am only curious,"
He raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I suppose. Most people are quite surprised by it, it is rather impressive." "He told her, sounding unimpressed.

"Yeah well with such great power, why doesn't he use it for good? I mean, why doesn't he? Stop the war."

"And what concern is that of yours?"

She jumped at the cold tone he spoke with. "I guess i. I guess I just dream of a time when this war would finally end. I mean, look at this. This amazing castle. The amazing garden below. With such magic. The world could change for the better..."

"Aren't you afraid of magic? Doesn't this place frighten you? "He asked, lowering his eyebrow.

"Uh. A little. But only because I don't understand it. I don't understand the gargoyle king. But if he has a place like this, he can't be all bad, can he?"

"The. The gargoyle what." The man snorted and began laughing.

"Uh, I mean the sorcerer king."

He chalked greatly. His chest bounced along with his laughter. "Hahahahaha. I've heard many many names. Some, better than others, but that. Hahaha." Tried to stifle his laughter with his hand to no avail. "That takes the cake."

She smiled softly. His laughter was somewhat contagious. "I guess it is kinda funny", she began to laugh along.

"Kinda. Oh, it's the funniest thing I ever heard. If not accurate." He said under her breath. She heard him and raised an eyebrow at him, but quickly let it go.

After a few more hardy laughs he coughed a few times clearing his throat and trying to regain his composure. "Umm, I must thank you. I don't think I had quite a laugh like that in ages."

"Oh, uh, you're welcome. I'm glad, I guess." She replied nervously.

"Well. Your little dream of a war-free world. Believe me, that's much easier said than done. Even with such powerful magic. It's one your kind will have to deal with. With that said, if there's one thing I can usher you. It is possible. "

She turned back to him, and he shifted slightly to face her.

"I mean, look at tonight. That's why I like this holiday."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, look around. All four kingdoms are here under one roof. And not only that, but tonight is a night that true faces show. It's ironic. Everyone wearing a mask. When in truth every one here is showing themselves plain as day." He took a step forward and gestured to the glass door. "No one in there is hiding themselves. It doesn't matter if you are royalty or a peasant. Such futile titles and status doesn't exist tonight. You can not only be what you want to be. You can also be." He took in a deep breath and breathed out. "Your self."

"It's much easier to be yourself when hiding behind a mask. It's ironic. That it takes a holiday like this to show that. Yet after tonight, everyone will go back to caring for nothing but static, wealth, and positions in power. As if your kind is above nature. To stop this war. One will have to face that reality first. The reality that none of you are better than the other. Or worst."

She understood his words but was taken a bit back at the way he said them. your kind. That for some reason ranged in her head. "And uh, what about you?" She asked.

"Me," he said, turning his gaze back to her," it's the same I suppose. "He turned around and walked back over to the railing. Learning over with his elbows." This is the one night I can just be me. I can just be."

Free. they said in unison.

He looked over his shoulder at her. "And what of you? What is this night to you?"

"Oh uh. Well, I always was afraid of nightmare nights, to be honest. I don't like being scared and stuff. But." she walked over and leaned over the railing, just like him. "I must omit I do see your point. I mean for me. I…" her smile slipped into a frown." I usually can't be myself, either. Not really. I'm too shy. The only one I can talk to is my friend. But even then being that she's a princess she could never understand. It seems the only true friends I got are the little animals back home."

She thought it was odd. "Why am I telling him any of this?" She thought to herself. "And why. Why is it so easy to talk to him?" She turned her head up to see his face. He was looking down at her, watching her carefully.

"Yeah, me too." He said softly. The sincerity in his tone of voice surprised her.

The two stood there looking at each other for a long time. The air growing quiet as the tension grew between them.

"Uh ha" he laughed nervously breaking the silence. "Uh heh,"he slightly chuckled under his breath, " You um... Wanna get back to the dance?" He said, pointing his thumb behind him at the party.

"Huh." she asked, a bit surprised that the quiet moment was gone.

"I mean we should probably get back to the ballroom and uh."

"Do…" she asked in a stutter... "Do you uh want to dance?"

"Hmm, oh umm, I just meant we should get back to the dance, the party?" He said, smiling nervously.

"No, I mean. Do you want to dance with uh? Me". She asked nervously.

His eyes widen. ""Heh. Uh sure. Tho I've never been asked to dance with someone before." He scratched the back of his neck as he set his hat on his head, covering his fake antler and horn.

"Uh well. Neither have I. So. she smiled, a small but genuine smile. "

He looked down at her. In her eyes. Heh. How strange. He mumbled under his breath,

"What was that?" She asked.

"Oh, nothing comes on then. One dance couldn't hurt." He replied as he held out his gloved hand. He seemed to have long fingers, almost claw-like. She took his hand as he guided her back to the ballroom.

As they entered, the band started playing an upbeat and jazzy tune.
"Oh, I've always loved this song, he snapped his fingers to the rhythm of it."
He turned to his dance partner. "Shall we?"

She gilded and just as the bell in the music strikes three times she set her hand in his while he spun her, setting his free hand on her hip. The two hilariously were in perfect sink to the music. Some did turn to see the new dancers on the floor, but most didn't think too much of it as they continued their own dancing to the tunes.

He was so tall that her arm got tired quickly being on his shoulder, and she lowered it to his chest. She only came up to half his chest, and yet as strange as it was he didn't need to bend over to dance with her. Keeping his back straight, he found it quite easy to dance alongside her. As the music picked up, the two danced so in sink it was as if their footsteps were making the music.

With another loud blow of the trumpet, he and she both spun out of each other towards the crowd. They spun back together, meeting in the middle moving their hips to the jazz music all the while.

For someone who never danced with anyone, "you're pretty good." He told her.

She giggled slightly. "My mom taught me. She and my dad's favorite thing to do was dance when I was little."
The two of them jumped back with another sound of the horn, then rocket back and forth when they were together.
And how are you so good? She asked.

He chuckled. "Being in my position. You have to know how to dance at events like this. In my spare time, I tend to practice by myself."

"Heh well, your practice has paid off." She said as the tune shifted into its 2ed cores. The two spun around together, catching the sight of some of the other dancers.

Normally Fluttershy would be terrified to show off her dance moves, but in his arms, it was as if no one else were around. The way he gripped her hand. As if she was mad of glass. Too tight and he breaks her, but not strong enough, and she slips out of his hands shattering into a million pieces. She never felt more comfortable. And it was reassuring. It made her want to dance, as if she didn't have any stage fright at all.

As they stopped spinning, they both fell right back into the moment of their original dance. "Ok, now I'm curious. How good of a dancer are you?" He asked with a sly grin and a grand chuckle.

"Better than you, I bet."

"Oh, is that a challenge?"

The two didn't notice the crowd was listing in on their conversation. Making many stop and turn. Some were smiling, some were making bets with others on whom the better dancer would be. Some were nodding in approval and giggling at the thought. A dance-off. What could be better than that?
"Maybe." She said as she jumped back away from him. He let go of his grip on her as he did so, crossing his arms and shaking his head.

She started with a little tap dance kicking to the tune, as the horn went off she stopped and turned to see him.
He jumped in with a slide of the foot and a spin. At the next horn, she did a twisting movement, slightly moon walked. Stopping to see what he does. The crowd then circled the two of them. Knowing who she was, twilight cheered in delight for her friend. Her mother was surprised by the outburst, but cheered along with her.

The man did a slight jump, landing his right foot and tapping his left then sliding over her to the beat of the music.
She giggled and twisted her body to the rhythm. As he did too. Ok, ok. Now you're showing off. He chuckled.
Oh, what, afraid I might win. She said with a grin.

He shook his head at that with a huge smile. Ok, you asked for it. He then jumped and did a backflip turning in the air not missing a beat as he landed low swinging his leg out pulling it back in and turning like a ballerina stopping on the perfect note hands on hips.

Is that all, she rolled her eyes playfully? She jumped in the air doing several twirls, landing on her hands sliding past him. "I was a ballerina in my hometown ya know."

He laughed at her. Well, you're rather amusing, but can you do this? He said he said sliding back doing the moonwalk he twirled jumped back did the splits then came back up with snapping both fingers pointing at her.

Ok, you got me there, I can't do the splits. But can you do this? Fluttershy jumped spun around, did the moonwalk midair landing perfectly to the beat of the music.

The crowd oohed and awwed at the skeptical. Neither one of them was out of sync to the music, yet both were dancing such random dance moves.

"Haha, ok, then let's go all out." The man cheered. sync one, care to join us? He said, swinging his left arm to the crowd.

Several of the men snapped their fingers and tried to stay in sink to the tune and him as he snapped his fingers, walking to the beat towards her. Several women followed her movement as she swished a bit of her dress forward and back, snapping along with him as she walked over. Once they met in the middle, the two took each other's arms . As he steps forward, she steps back. And soon the two danced perfectly in sync not only to the music but to themselves.

While the other couples tried to follow keeping their own dancing in sync to the music, no one could keep up with how quickly the two would change direction. He spun her around, staying right behind her as they stepped side to side left. He spin her back before they stepped over to the right side.

They jumped together, flying outwards, keeping their right hands together, so they didn't fall. As the music turned to the jazz piano solo, they taped and danced alongside each other in perfect sink. He'd stop for a moment letting her continue the song only to stop before the piano got deeper, giving him his cue to have his little solo. Then the two danced together as the last of the piano solo ended, giving room to the loud trumpet and then the light drum solo.
He kicked his feet, doing a little solo dance of his own to the beat of the drums. She then did her solo, matching his movements to a tea... Then as the drums went wiled, they spun around.

You know, I never did catch your name. "May I have it?" She asked politely.

He chuckled aging. "What?"

Oh, nothing. No one ever calls me by my name. Only my title, but.

As the drums ended, they spread out once aging.

"I'll tell you what. You give me your name, and ill give you mine." He said, continuing the conversation.

She smirked. "Fluttershy."

"Ah, Fluttershy what a nice name. A bit strange, tho." He said, pulling her back in for a spin.
"You don't seem very shy."

She giggled. "Maybe it's because tonight I don't have to be. "

He smirked at that. As the song came to an end, he set his arm around her waist and dipped her…
Bending over her, so he could whisper it in her ear." Discord." He told her.
He pulled her up and the two stood right beside each other faces, inches apart as they gasped for air, tired of all the dancing.

"Discord. That's um. Kinda an odd name." She smiled. "I like it. It suits you."

"Heh, thank you." He smiled and widened even further as he tilted his head a bit to the side.

A loud rumble of applause erupted from the crowd. The two then realized just then that they were not alone. And how cloes they were together. The two of them jumped back, letting each other go as if both were slightly frightened of one another.

"Heh. Well uh. Thanks for the dance." He said, flinging one arm up. With a shrug of the shoulder, he then decided to walk away, leaving her alone on the dance floor. She watched as he seemed to disappear behind one of the large columns.

The crowd then surrounded her and cheered her. Some of the women patted her on the back. Her nerves then initially kicked in, and she felt very, very frightened. She began to shiver as she crossed her arms.
Twilight wasn't too far from her and could see her. "Wasn't that amazing," her mother queen sunset said. Twilight nodded. "Yeah, I've never seen such dance moves." She cheered, but then turned to see her friend. She was the only one who noticed Fluttershy's stage freight kicking in.

"Well, ill say what a good night." The queen said nervously.

"Uh-huh um. Look mom, I'm gonna get something to drink."
Oh, you know what I'd like some punch two, can you bring me some? "She asked. Twilight nodded and headed away toward the frightened girl.

You were awesome out there. Said a guy. "You're such a great dancer... "Complemented a woman. "Yeah, so you teach, ID love to learn a bit." Said another.

"Ummm ca can you ju... "She stuttered. Suddenly her friend showed up just in the nick of time. Twilight grabbed her by the arm. Hay buddy, great dancing. "Every one you mind giving my friend here a bit of space?" The crowd didn't seem to mind at all as twilight rushed her out on the balcony to get some fresh air.

As soon as they were out on the balcony, twilight turned to her friend. Ok seriously, where did you learn how to dance like that? Twilight said with a graceful laugh.

Futtershy small smile returned. "I told you before, my mom taught me and my brother how to dance." Anyway, thanks for saving me in there.

"Oh, no problem. I'm just surprised you danced with such ease, in front of everyone."

"Oh. I uh. It was just. He was so nice, and I forgot all about everyone."

Yeah. That odd fellow. He does seem like a nice guy. Kinda strange tho."

"Yeah. Discord is like that."

"Discord?" Twilight repeated in surprise. "You know his name."

"Uh yeah. He told me it when I asked him. I also told him mine."

Twilight giggled. "First name basis, huh? Way to go, flutters".

"What? Uh," she squealed nervously. No, no. it was just a dance. She then noticed her sundial watch. "Uh oh."

"Hmm, what."

"Oh uh well, you see I kinda got to go. When you get him tho, you got to tell me how the night was. I have to leave before everyone, so your mom won't find out I came."

Twilight nodded. "Ok, then ill distract my mom." Twilight said as she headed back. "See ya later, flutter- … shy." But when twilight looked back, Fluttershy was already gone.

Author's Note:

ok wow, that was a long one... but thire was a lot I wanted to do with this chapter. to be honest, I feel it's a little rushed as well. this was not an easy one to write for me. let me know what you think. I had to do this is Halloween. kinda feel like it fits. as for the song of the dance they listen to this is the song I envisioned. BUT I DO NOT OWN IT. its just something i liked.

(update 2/28/23) gone back and fixed a few grammer mistakes and spelling issues. if thire are any more feel Free to let me know.