• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 3,470 Views, 166 Comments

Spike's Omnitrix - JSan82

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Princess Cadance receives a letter from Princess Celestia. It's 3:30 in the afternoon at the Crystal Empire.

"Hmm, I wonder what Celestia wants me to know," Princess Cadance unveils the letter and notices Shining Armor's name at the top. "Huh?" Princess Cadance reads the letter thoroughly, and her heart sinks, her jaw hanging loose with tears overflowing at the awful trauma of Twilight and her friends laughing at Spike's misery for nearly drowning in a freezing-cold lake. "I can't believe her..," Princess Cadance is speechless. "PRINCE BLUEBLOOD!" She yells at the top of her lungs.

Prince Blueblood detects no danger and suspects that Princess Cadance has another diaper duty for him to handle. He strolls down to the throne room and sees the horrific look on Cadance's face. Something is amiss, and he wants answers.

"What seems to be the problem, Princess Cadance?" Prince Blueblood formally asks.

"I'm going to visit-" Princess Cadance gets cut off by the sudden explosions within the Crystal Castle. A towering forty-foot robot scans for any signs of the Omnitrix. Many Crystal Guards are on the floor, wailing in agony after failing to stop the robot's advances. Some Crystal Guards received scars from the laser strikes.

"Shit. It has started sooner than I anticipated." Prince Blueblood thought to himself. He recognizes the robot that plagued Ponyville the other night.

"Blueblood! Get my daughter out of here!" Princess Cadance springs into action. She flies directly at the towering robot. The robot uses its' left claw to grab Cadance and throws her aside like a paperweight. She crashes into the wall, landing harshly on the crystal floors.

The robot scans Prince Blueblood and shoots a laser from its claw. Prince Blueblood leaps behind the throne and slams the back of the chair. To his surprise, a hatch opens. It appears Shining Armor planted a saddlebag launcher inside the throne for safekeeping.

"Shining! You handsome blue devil you!" Prince Blueblood laughs, now having the upper advantage in this fight.

Princess Cadance gets up and cringes a bit. She feels her right Alicorn wing got bruised from the impact. "Okay, I'll use all my magic to defeat this titan!" Princess Cadance gallops to the throne room. She pauses and witnesses something she had never expected from Prince Blueblood.

"Activating Saddle Cannons!" Prince Blueblood uses his magic to turn the saddle bag into laser torrents. There's one cannon on the left and right side of Prince Blueblood. The muzzles and barrels extend, firing a laser beam at the robot. It stumbles back from the impact immensely. "Firing Grappling Hook!" The left cannon shoots a silver metallic grappling hook with a cable cord, piercing the left shoulder. "You're going down!" Prince Blueblood uses the momentum of the cable to swing closer. "Wahoooo!"

Princess Cadance is dumbfounded. The way Prince Blueblood sounded. He didn't sound like an absurd royal pain. He sounds like a genuine thrilling pony which is way out of character. She gallops and sees Prince Blueblood firing laser beams all over the robot. It tries to snap the cable; so it can stomp on Prince Blueblood, but he shoots the arms off, making it difficult for the robot to attack even more.

"Activating Saddle Bazooka!" The two torrents combine as one and are above Prince Blueblood's back. "Initiate Thrusters!" Prince Blueblood's bowtie vest is actually an exo-suit in disguise. It has a jetpack sequence that allows the wearer to hover forward or backward. Prince Blueblood releases his grappling hook cable to fly back and aim at the robot's chest. He uses his magic to charge the bazooka.

The robot jumps up and spins its legs like a tornado, hoping to collide with Prince Blueblood, injuring or killing him.

"Say hello to oblivion!" Prince Blueblood fires a plasmic beam of energy at the robot coming closer to him. Not only does the robot gets blasted by the bazooka, but it also crashes through the throne's walls and soars in the skies. It blows, and the debris disintegrates.

It dawns on Princess Cadance. With Shining Armor being a plumber, Prince Blueblood is one as well. She slowly trots to Prince Blueblood.

Prince Blueblood stops hovering after observing Princess Cadance's position. He lands on the floor with many Crystal Guard reinforcements arriving. "Deactivating Saddle Cannons," The bazooka splits in two and reverts to saddle bags.

Princess Cadance frowns a bit. She's approaching a pony that saved the Crystal Empire from a threat no pony could withstand. Her demeanor from earlier, laughing at his unfortunate moment with Flurry Heart, made her think she was the real royal pain.

"Blueblood.., I.., uh..," Princess Cadance sighs.

"I forgive you. I know all of this is much to comprehend."

"Why? Why the facade? Where did you get that weapon? I have never seen such a device," Princess Cadance inspects the saddle bag.

"Follow me to my quarters," Prince Blueblood trots to his quarters. Princess Cadance goes to Flurry Heart's room and brings her to Blueblood's room. Flurry Heart is soundly asleep and not disturbed by the unwelcome guest.

Princess Cadance walks into Prince Blueblood's quarters. She feels unnerved by his presence when she was taunting him earlier. "So, are you a..?"

"Yes," Prince Blueblood replies.

"How do I become a plumber? I need to understand what is going on with the upcoming invasions."

"To become a plumber," Prince Blueblood reveals his visors to Princess Cadance. "You must be willing to keep certain things away from the public hearing. That includes those closest to you."

"I can do that," Princess Cadance hopes by being a plumber, she'll understand more of Shining Armor's involvement.

"Now, since you are interested in becoming one of us. I need to take a photo of you for identification purposes. Please, put Flurry Heart on my bed."

"Of course," Princess Cadance places Flurry Heart on his bed. She made sure Flurry Heart was tucked in comfortably under the blanket.

"The flash might sting, but it'll create a code that the plumber base will detect and create your ID Number. Then, I'll train and teach you everything about our organization."

Princess Cadance's heart beats rapidly with excitement. She's finally going to uncover many mysteries that the plumbers withheld. Possibly anything related to Princess Luna's involvement since she's the one that took Shining, Starlight, and Spike away.

"Initiate Camera Mode," Prince Blueblood's visors take a snapshot of Princess Cadance. The flash knocked Princess Cadance out. She falls asleep next to Flurry Heart. "You won't remember this confrontation and conversation," Prince Blueblood's visors when it initiated the camera activates the amnesia protocol. Any creature caught in the flash will forget crucial moments. Princess Cadance will remember the letter sent to her and nothing more.

Prince Blueblood leaves the two alone and searches for every Crystal Pony that saw the robot to erase their memories from the assault.

Princess Twilight Sparkle has arranged three teams for the extra credit project. One group for cooking, cleaning, and gathering materials. Well, for the gathering part, Twilight corrects the term for a scavenger hunt. Twilight pairs Ocellus and Silverstream for cooking, Gallus and Smolder for cleaning, and Sandbar and Yona for the scavenger hunt.

For the past three hours, Twilight examined each group for their team effort; She tasted the exquisite cooking from Ocellus and Silverstream. They made buttermilk chocolate chip pancakes with scrambled eggs. Twilight gives Ocellus and Silverstream an A+ and mentions that extra credit will apply to their next exam.

Twilight walks with her clipboard to analyze Gallus and Smolder's cleaning project. Twilight notices several bite markings on the crystal columns. She deducts extra credit points from Smolder, knowing her bite marks are different than Spike's. However, Twilight inspects the rest of her castle. Everything is squeaky clean and sparkly. Gallus and Smolder are wiping the last windows outside. It catches the attention of Pinkie Pie when she's delivering cupcakes to every pony in town. They are Diamondhead theme cupcakes since Ponyville can't get enough of him.

Pinkie Pie hops to the Castle of Friendship. "Uh, what are you doing?"

"Doing some extra credit for Headmare Sparkle," Gallus replies.

"Since the School of Friendship got suspended and Headmare Sparkle looked depressed, we thought of cheering her up," Smolder said. She finishes scrubbing the windows. "There, we are done with our assignment."

"Extra credit?" Pinkie Pie tilts her head to the left. "I think Twilight found a loophole to Celestia's decree. I wonder how she'll document her day and send the letter to Princess Celestia."

Twilight comes outside and turns to Pinkie. Since Pinkie doesn't want any other problems from Twilight, she gallops away. "Smart move, Pinkie."

"So, how did we do, Headmare Sparkle?" Smolder asks. She and Gallus put the window wipers in the bucket of water.

"Gallus gets an A+ on his extra credit assignment. I recognized several bite marks on the crystal pillars in my castle, much larger than Spike's. So, I'm diminishing some extra credit points from you, Smolder."

Smolder slightly chuckles at her decision-making. In truth, the crystals inside the castle are delicious for any dragon's eyes. "So.., what's my grade, then..?" Smolder sweats a bit.

"A B+. Still, pretty good for cleaning with your partner to make the castle spotless," Twilight smiles.

"We're back!" Yona shouts while carrying a large sack of items Twilight wants Sandbar and her to grab. "Yona thought the scavenger hunt was challenging."

"Especially going through different stores in Ponyville, waiting in line, double-checking the materials and pricing, marking off each item on the list, which was a long list. I could only imagine the irritating intricate responsibility of someone managing the task alone," Sandbar said.

Twilight observes each item in the sack and nods with satisfaction. "Yona, Sandbar. You both get an A+," Twilight is impressed despite it taking Yona and Sandbar three hours to complete the job. Usually, Spike finishes his work in an hour or less, depending on the weather outside. Twilight will let it slide since Yona and Sandbar tackled the exercise for the first time. "You all did fantastic on the extra credit assignments. Now, run along and spend the rest of your day as friends. If you need more extra credit, even when school resumes, you know where to find me."

"Can do, Twilight," Smolder, Gallus, Yona, and Sandbar nod and concur in unison. Smolder decides to fly inside the castle to grab Silverstream and Ocellus, letting them know it's time to go and spend the rest of the day together as friends.

Twilight releases a happy sigh. With chores done for the day, Twilight can relax and prepare to write her letter about day one without Spike. Unbeknown to Twilight, Pinkie Pie was hiding in a bush when she overheard the extra credit continuation. She's not fond of Twilight taking advantage of her students to use as servants. For now, Pinkie will watch Twilight closely, hoping she doesn't succumb to eluding Princess Celestia's decree by any means necessary.

Spike is on his bed, taking a nap. Starlight, Trixie, and Shining Armor are in the living room of the RV. They are discussing the situation with the possible involvement of Princess Celestia in the midst. Shining Armor and Trixie will handle the procedures with Princess Celestia about the plumbing business. All Starlight has to do is take Spike to the RV after a debriefing. Now they wait until Princess Luna arrives.

It's 7:00 at night in Canterlot Castle. Princess Celestia decides to lower the sun and raise the moon for Luna. Princess Celestia is eager to know what Spike withstood during his time in Ponyville. It'll help her understand the mistreatment of species and friends by giving a lecture for Twilight and the Bearers.

Princess Luna wakes up after having a good day's rest. She stretches and yawns. "What time is it?" Princess Luna inspects her clock. "7:05?" She tilts her head and trots to her window. She sees the moon has risen. "Did Celestia raise the moon for me?"

Princess Celestia knocks on Luna's door. "Are you awake, Luna?"

Princess Luna opens the door with her magic and trots up to her sister. "I am now. Thanks for raising the moon for me."

"You're welcome. Now, can we visit Spike?"

"Yes. Follow me, and I'll guide you," Princess Luna opens her doors to the balcony and takes flight. Princess Celestia follows in pursuit.

Spike wakes up after taking a long nap. He smells the fresh aroma of salmon fish and onion rings; Shining is the one cooking dinner for Starlight and Trixie. He sees Spike coming to the table. Starlight and Trixie smile, hoping it'll ease Spike's emotions.

"Hey, Spike, how are you feeling?" Trixie asks.

"I'm good.., I think..," Spike sits next to Starlight with a lot on his mind.

"Spike," Shining turns to him. "I called dispatch to inform Princess Luna what you told me. She and possibly Celestia can arrive at any minute to discuss everything you've been through since transferring to Ponyville with Twilight."

Spike sighs. "Okay. What will happen after I testify?"

"I'm not sure. It's up to the Princesses' decision; If I had to guess, re-educating Twilight and her friends on the importance of treating a different species equally as they do with other ponies," Shining replies.

Starlight shudders at the mention of the term equally. It reminds Starlight of creating an equal village. "Please don't use that vocabulary around me. I still have daunting memories of the old me."

"Duly noted, Starlight," Shining Armor finishes making haystack fries for Starlight and Trixie to share.

"So, how did you like the afternoon and evening routines, Starlight?" Trixie asks her friend.

"Brutal. You saw how many times I've collapsed with those weights. I'm carrying two hundred pounds!" Starlight complains a bit at the table.

"We carry more than a few hundred pounds daily, Starlight. Plus, it's part of the punishment for setting a building on fire," Trixie reminds Starlight of her unfortunate deed.

"I thought you weren't going to put salt in the wound of your friend?"

"She got you there, Trixie," Shining said. "You told her yesterday about it."

"Hah," Spike chuckles a bit.

"What are you going to do to me, Commander? I already sleep in a wagon."

"Starlight will join you in your slumber tonight," Shining commands.

"What?!" Trixie and Starlight shout in shock. Spike couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm used to one snoring pony. I thought you should experience the same feeling," Shining smirks.

"I got too much junk in my space. There's no way she can fit," Trixie responds, hoping it'll persuade Shining Armor to insist on withdrawing his command.

"Adjust, clear some space to allow your friend to bunk with you for the night!" Shining Armor commands. He scares the daylights out of Trixie by using his Captain of the Royal Guard signature tone.

"Yes, Sir," Trixie said in defeat.

Shining Armor places the food he made on the table. Spike is curious about the salmon since Twilight makes sure he eats vegetarian. Sometimes gemstones, but not a lot. Starlight ponders why fish is on the menu. She never ate it before.

"What's with the fish, Shining?" Starlight asks.

"It's the main course. I have more steaming in case one isn't enough. Salmon is good in protein, vitamins, and minerals. Most ponies in Equestria don't eat fish, thinking they're more civilized. However, fish is a delicacy within the plumbing agency. Also, there is a meat chart that specifies what meat we can eat. Trust me when I say this, fish is good for you."

"You may need to bring a second or third one to the table. I highly doubt one is enough," Trixie advises, knowing that Starlight and Spike will have more than their fill.

Princess Luna flies swiftly in the night with Princess Celestia. Celestia sees a village she regrets ignoring years ago. Gold's Village. Princess Celestia wonders why Shining, Starlight, and Spike would be camping near a desert. One thing that catches Celestia's eyes is the RV with what appears to be a wagon behind it. Princess Celestia sees her sister descending, indicating that Shining, Starlight, and Spike reside in the RV.

Princess Celestia lands and scans the RV. "What is this contraption?" She hovers around it to get a better glimpse.

"An RV, Celestia," Princess Luan calmly replies.

"I've never seen such a vehicle. Are there others like it?" Princess Celestia imagines herself riding in style rather than in a carriage.

"Not yet, Celestia. In due time, more of its' features will touch the hearts of many engineer ponies to develop further into advancing technology. Right now, we're here for Spike's testimony," Princess Luna reminds Celestia about the true objective here.

"Oh, right," Princess Celestia got sidetracked. She couldn't help but stare at the RV.

Princess Luna knocks on the door to the RV. Princess Celestia smells an unfamiliar aroma that makes her drool a little. Princess Luna is a bit creeped out by Celestia's first scent of fish. Shining Armor opens the door before anyone is about to eat.

"Princesses, welcome to our recreational vehicle," Shining Armor pronounces professionally.

"Thanks," Princess Luna steps inside.

Princess Celestia steps inside to see how amazing the RV looks. She slowly looks around the rooms. "Wow." "This is what I need when I retire. A place to go around, undisturbed, while enjoying the best years of my life in peace." "What is that?" Princess Celestia sees the salmon on the table next to two plates of haystack fries and a picture of grape juice.

"Salmon," Spike and Starlight reply.

"Would you like to join us for dinner, Princesses?" Shining asks. He has more food in case they say yes.

"Of course; I would, Shining," Princess Luna sits with Trixie. Trixie scoots over to make room for Luna to sit.

Spike and Starlight move over to allow Princess Celestia to sit by the table. Princess Celestia takes a whiff at the salmon once more. It's a delectable not served in Canterlot or Equestria, for that matter.

Shining Armor cuts a piece of the salmon and gives a portion to Princess Celestia with some haystack fries on the side.

Princess Celestia takes a bite, and her eyes water with satisfaction. "Oh, my..," Princess Celestia eats another piece of the salmon. "It's so goooood!"

"I want to try now!" Spike and Starlight say in unison, eager to taste the new flavor.

"Coming up," Shining Armor attempts to cut another portion when Princess Celestia keeps the salmon to herself. Shining Armor and the other couldn't help but laugh. Now, he's glad he has more steaming.

Shining Armor goes to the kitchen to grab two more plates of salmon. Princess Luna opts to eat the haystack fries. She can eat fish whenever she wants. Although, she prefers to witness the sensation of first taste coming from Spike and Starlight. A smile before Spike fades when he speaks about his life in Ponyville.

Shining Armor returns with two plates of salmon for Starlight and Spike. Spike grabs a fork to taste his piece. He takes a bit, and his eyes go up.

"WOW, SHINING! THIS FISH IS DELICIOUS!" Spike gorges on the fish as he would with gemstones. Something about the texture and flavor brings much joy to Spike.

Starlight uses her magic to levitate a piece of the salmon. She chucks it into her mouth and chews on it. "Oh, my, Celestia," Starlight said while relishing the flavor.

"I'm right here," Princess Celestia said. She finishes eating her plate of salmon and burps loudly. Everyone by the table laughs while blushing in embarrassment. "Excuse me," She slightly smiles.

After a good laugh, everyone continues to eat dinner and enjoy each other's company. Princess Celestia knows that the RV is part of the plumber's technology. She wants to be more involved with Luna's life and her secrecy in being a plumber. It still eats her alive, knowing that her sister answers vaguely daily.

After an hour, Shining Armor advises everyone to have the meeting outside. Trixie is the first to leave so she can start the campfire. Princess Celestia and Luna mentally prepare themselves for the possible gruesome terrors Spike may reveal as a scary story told in the woods. Spike sits with Shining Armor and Starlight around the campfire. He uses his fire breath to ignite the flames once Trixie installs a few logs collected on the way. Princess Celestia and Luna sit next to each other and across from Spike. Trixie sits next to Starlight after gathering some marshmallows to roast by the flames.

Spike's smile fade. He just had a fantastic dinner with his friends and brother. Now, to confess his tale. It will take all night at best. "Where to begin..?" Spike sighs deeply.

"At the beginning, Spike, or where the abuse started," Princess Celestia said. She and Luna are concerned about Spike's mentality.

Spike groans and gets up. He feels the need to walk while explaining his story. "The big one was when I nearly drowned. After that, it got worse."

"How worse, Spike?" Shining Armor asks before the Princesses.

"I got bumps and bruises when Twilight forcefully made me a participant in the Iron Pony competition. Twilight suggested Applejack and Rainbow Dash use me as a guinea pig for the Bronco Buck and hogtying rounds."

"TWILIGHT EASILY HOOF YOU OFF FOR SPORTING?!" Shining Armor is appalled to hear that Twilight suggested using Spike as a dummy for sport. He's downright livid that his younger sister put Spike as an unwilling volunteer.

"DISREGARDING YOUR FEELINGS OR SAFETY?" Princess Celestia and Luna are disturbed hearing that confession. Spike used as a tool for the bearer's amusement.

"Applejack hogtied you, and she didn't think how hurtful that was?" Starlight is disgusted that her friend, Applejack hogtied Spike as cattle instead of using an inanimate object to resolve the issue.

"Did you land on something soft during the Bronco Buck 'cause I did shows near rodeos?" Trixie asks.

"When Applejack bucked me off hard, I thought I landed on hay, but it happens to be Rainbow Dash under it. Then, she had her turn, and I landed on top of the scoreboard, which was very unpleasant. Applejack hogtied me tightly with her ropes while showing off to many ponies that were coming to see the extravaganza."

"SHE DID WHAT?!" Princess Cadance arrives after hearing about Spike used like a dummy.

"Cadance?" Shining Armor can't believe his wife found him.

"I sent a letter to your wife, Shining," Princess Celestia informs.

"Oh, boy," Shining can only imagine the horrid face on his wife earlier today. Princess Cadance lands next to Shining Armor.

"That's beyond wrong, especially on a child," Trixie can't believe Twilight would put Spike in that situation.

Princess Celestia covers her face in shame. "Twilight never told me that. What else happened after that?"

"I can't believe Twilight forced Spike into a situation knowingly he'll end up hurt or injured," Princess Cadance now sees Twilight as a different pony than the one she knew long ago.

"Although I wanted to help Twilight, she did use me as her lab rat for her magic spells. There were a few setbacks where I received the worst ends of it. I got the bumps on my head to prove it. She once disregarded my feelings when she brought in a pet to assist her," Spike facepalms after reliving an awful stage of his life. "Then comes one of the worst nights of my life..."

"Worst nights of your life?" Everyone says in unison. They want to know but fear how severe that night went for Spike.

"I went to the Grand Galloping Gala for the first time with Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash. I was looking forward to spending time with all my friends. Instead, they departed. Dashed to do their thing while leaving me behind.., again."

"TWILIGHT LEFT YOU BEHIND KNOWING SHE TOOK YOU TO THE GALA?!" Princess Luna, Cadance, Starlight, Trixie, and Shining shout. They are outraged that Twilight, of all ponies, would leave Spike behind, knowing she's responsible for him.

"I remember that night. Twilight wanted to be by my side throughout the night. I had no regard for Spike at the time. I thought he would be with one of her friends, having fun. And Spike,"

"Yes?" Spike turns to Princess Celestia.

"I'm sorry I spam-mailed Twilight when Discord took over Equestria right after the Gala. I should have known better than a child's body cannot withstand an overloaded surge..," Princess Celestia sheds a tear.

"Now, that's one apology I believe to be sincere. I forgive you, Celestia."

"Thanks, Spike," Princess Celestia remembers how the night ended with laughter at Donut Joe's.

"So, what you ended up doing for that evening?" Princess Luna asks.

"I ate donuts at Donut Joe's for three.., four.., I lost track of how many hours. I was depressed that night until Twilight and her friends came looking for me, or maybe; they wanted to grab a bite at Donut Joe's, and I'm lucky they remembered me..," Spike sighs. "Honestly, even though I sounded okay, I want to say that I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time."

It's gutwrenching for every pony to hear. Calling it luck that Spike was in the right place at the right time.

Spike tells about Rarity suckered him into relinquishing a fire ruby gemstone he aged without asking. Rainbow Dash mocks Spike about being a dragon, with Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, and Twilight laughing at him. Being called a lame dragon when he made desserts for the girls to enjoy during the dragon migration. Many times he would carry every pony's luggage without any help whatsoever, piles of books falling and burying Spike. The relentless pranks Pinkie and Rainbow Dash pulled on him.

"I suffer from many whiplashes from Twilight's magic or getting tossed around like a punching bag. I get left behind at parties and social outings. Plus, Twilight doesn't bring me to the Crystal Empire. Just give me a list of chores, and I do it. I've helped my so-called friends, and they showed little appreciation. Rarity used me more and rarely thanked or rewarded me. I never heard the end of it when I wrote them to Celestia or heard Twilight boast about it. I'm the only one that cleans the Castle of Friendship and does everything else. You can use your magic to look further into my memories for answers. I don't think I can talk about it any longer."

Spike sits on the ground. Trixie tosses him a marshmallow as comfort food; Spike takes a handful and uses his flames to burn them. Princess Celestia trots to Spike and uses her magic to see his memories. Princess Celestia sheds many tears while going through each memory in a moment.

"Celestia?" Princess Luna is now worried about her sister's condition, and Celestia may conduct towards Twilight and her friends of all the wrongs they have done.

Princess Celestia uses her magic to give every pony a share of Spike's horrific memories, including the nightmare he goes through nearly every night.

"No wonder why I didn't see Spike when Twilight came with her friends to the Crystal Empire to bring the Equestrian Games. I asked all her friends, and she excluded Spike!" Princess Cadance groans in frustration. "I should have asked to bring Spike..," Princess Cadance releases a pitiful sigh.

"I chose to care for their pets, Cadance. I wanted to make a gem cake, and I exhausted my supply. That incident was on me than Twilight."

"That's one time. As for the other occurrences, I inquired about Twilight and her friends..?" Princess Cadance shakes her head. "This is not the Twilight I remembered."

"Okay, using a bucket of water to wake Spike up for sleeping on the job is not cool. It's obvious he had no help cleaning the library," Trixie said. It's the first memory that caught her attention.

"I can't believe Twilight didn't invite Spike to help devise a party for Pinkie Pie and the many parties she got invited to, not once bringing Spike with her," Starlight said. "Not even to her own birthday party in Canterlot!"

"Or the fact Rarity used Spike as a slave! She used him as a pincushion, stomped on his tail in excitement, telling him he stunk after taking out her trash, literally suckering him into giving up a gemstone which I don't think Spike is eating much!" Shining is mortified about the ponies Spike hung out with despite being Equestria's defenders. "Rarity used Spike's love emotions for her personal gain!"

Spike frowns at the statement, no matter how true it is. "I'm over Rarity. I no longer have feelings for her in any way that leads to a relationship. I know there's someone specifically for me."

"I don't understand why Twilight didn't defend Spike from others who mock or tease him. If anyone were to disrespect my Flurry Heart, I would skin them alive," Princess Cadance snorts, making her statement clear.

"I don't understand how they are great at friendships when they discriminated against another species," Starlight said.

"If I were a pony, I would have been treated far better than anything," Spike said. He sees his friends concur and nod with that bold statement. "They better not show up on my birthday," Spike crosses his arms.

"Don't worry. They are forbidden to come in contact with you, Spike. I've seen more than enough in your memories," Princess Celestia officially decrees. "If you run into them during an emergency, it won't count. However, judging from what I saw that you didn't speak of, I will account for and modify adjustments to all visitations at the Crystal Empire and Canterlot whenever you come by for a visit.

"Shining..," Princess Cadance turns to her husband.

"Yes, Cadance?" Shining knows what his wife wants.

"Can I be a plumber?" Princess Cadance would be more involved with Spike's life if Shining allowed her.

"Luna?" Shining Armor turns to Princess Luna. Only she has higher authority than him.

Princess Luna stares at Princess Cadance and reads her body language. She's aware of the opportunity that was given to her and the report from Prince Blueblood on wiping her memory.

"Me as well, Luna," Princess Celestia asks again.

"Spike, Starlight. As you know, I shared valued information about my progress and reasoning. Should I allow them to become part of us?"

Spike and Starlight look at each other. Spike then looks at his Omnitrix. Being a plumber has a lot of value with responsibilities. Holding a weapon beyond the stars makes him think more about honesty and loyalty. Starlight reads Spike's body language after he inspects the Omnitrix. The two nod as they understand each other.

"Princess Celestia. Will you understand and keep the secret about the plumbers? No matter what happens, you can't be mad at your sister or disappointed?" Spike asks.

"Will you make sure that no one else knows about our involvement? Only those in the agency?" Starlight asks.

"Yes," Princess Cadance thought long and hard after those questions. "As a Princess, I will uphold my duties and keep the plumbers secret. I won't reveal crucial information to anyone. Including those closest to me."

"The same applies to me. I held many secrets in my life. One more wouldn't hurt," Princess Celestia said. Finally, she'll know what Luna has been doing for eons.

"Shining? Trixie?" Princess Luna turns to them.

"Deactivating Cloaking Sequence," Shining and Trixie say. They show their visors to Princess Cadance and Celestia. Their jaws drop at the advanced technology.

"Cadance and Celestia are truthful, Luna," Trixie confirms.

"No deception within their tone of voice and heartbeats," Shining affirms.

"Th-Th-Th-Those things can detect someone being a liar?" Princess Celestia and Cadance are shocked to see such technology advancing magic power.

"Yes. What we engage in are those more omnipotent than Discord. Magic power will not get the job done. Not even Alicorn Magic unless it's amplified through our technology," Shining explains.

Princess Luna sighs heavily. "What I'm about to show you will change your lives forever. Celestia," Princess Luna takes a deep breath. "Don't be discouraged from my memories and involvement. Everything will explain itself."

"I won't. Finally going to get the answers you eluded me for so long. I've been waiting for this," Princess Celestia said. She becomes ecstatic to become a plumber.

Princess Luna ignites her horn, zapping Princess Celestia and Cadance with a memory spell. Within a few moments, Princess Celestia becomes agitated.


Princess Luna expected this outburst from her sister. "You scoffed at the plumbers' proposal when I came to you about it; years ago. It was vital to gather the information, Celestia. What else I was supposed to say?"

Princess Celestia pauses and remembers her younger self's ambitions. She had no desire to be a plumber and laughed about the possibility of fixing pipes when she had Alicorn Magic. However, the term is misconstrued, and perhaps she should have listened thoroughly than judging a book from its' cover. Princess Celestia sees the different alien species Luna encountered as Nightmare Moon while having consciousness; that's more to life outside than within Equus.

Princess Luna approaches her sister, not sure what to do next. Princess Celestia grabs Luna and pulls her into a hug. "I'm not mad, Luna. I'm upset at myself. You protected Equestria far differently than I could. I should have listened to you than belittled you," Princess Celestia takes a deep breath. "I promise to be a better sister from now on."

"Celestia," Princes Luna steps back from the hug. "You're going to cancel many duties for the next few weeks," Princess Celestia's eyes widen in shock. "I'm going to teach you what you need to know. Your only duty is to raise the sun and nothing more."

"Except reading and responding to letters Twilight will send daily," Princess Celestia reminds Luna about Twilight's punishment.

"Besides that, I need to catch you up to speed. You may have more authority as a Princess, but I have higher ascendancy as Commander of the plumbers in Equus. Do I make myself clear?"

Princess Celestia double-takes a bit from the resurgence of Princess Luna's royal tone in an assertive tone. "Yes, Luna," Princess giggles, seeing the opposite worlds of chain in command.

"Shining. Since Princess Luna will teach Celestia, who will train me since you'll be on vacation?"

"There's already a plumber at the Crystal Empire. I'll send a direct message to his visor," Shining Armor sends a telepathic message to Prince Blueblood, alerting him about the new recruits. "Done."

"So, who is she?" Princess Cadance assumes the plumber to be a mare.

"Prince Blueblood, Cadance," Shining smirks.

"WHAAAAAAT?!" Princess Cadance can't believe Prince Blueblood is a plumber as well.

"My nephew is a plumber?!" Princess Celestia turns to Luna.

"Indeed. Prince Blueblood has been quite helpful throughout the years. I gave you memories of my involvement. I didn't give you the identities of all plumbers. We are to remain in secrecy, Celestia. This is not for the public hearing."

"How would I know who to trust?" Princess Celestia starts to second guess which of her ponies are plumbers in disguise.

"Trust me, Shining, Trixie, and Blueblood. I will help you every way I can."

Princess Celestia sighs. "Very well, Luna," She smiles.

"I'll introduce you to the rest of the crew another day. Right now, we got what we came for; more of Spike's testimony, and now we have his memories. Spike."

"Yes, Princess Luna?" Spike turns to her.

"Forgive me for not helping you with your endless nightmare. Being the Princess of the Night has its fair share of difficulties when battling other pony's dreams."

"I forgive you, Princess Luna. All is well between us."

"Good," Princess Luna flaps her wings. "Time to go home, Celestia."

"Is that a direct order?" Princess Celestia jokes with Luna.

"Yes," Princess Luna is serious about her command. "I have much to teach you."

"Sorry for the disrespect, Luna," Princess Celestia lowers her head in shame. She thought Luna was kidding when she wasn't.

Princess Luna and Celestia fly home to Canterlot. Princess Celestia has much to learn as well as devising methods to teach Twilight and her friends the importance of treating another species fairly than disrespecting.

"I'll see you later, Shining and Spike," Princess Cadance flaps her wings. "Please come by to the Crystal Empire when you can!" She flies back home.

"I will," Shining responds. "In a month or two," Shining still has to stay on course with the vacation plan. He gets a telepathic message from Prince Blueblood. "Oh wow."

"What?" Spike, Trixie, and Starlight turn to Shining Armor.

"Blueblood had erased Cadance's memory when a robot you fought the other day made an appearance. Things are going to be awkward on their end."

"I can only imagine," Spike said.

Shining Armor yawns. "Time to hit the hay," Shining trots to the RV with Spike. Starlight follows when Shining reminded her about bunking in with Trixie for the night. Trixie starts making room in her wagon, removing the magic items to make space for Starlight. Trixie is not fond of snoring ponies.

With Celestia and Cadance now part of the plumbers, Spike hopes Twilight and her friends do not become plumbers. He hopes for a better day tomorrow.

Princess Twilight Sparkle starts writing her letter:

Dear Princess Celestia

Today, I had a not-so-great morning. I called for Spike to make breakfast and yelled in frustration about not doing his job. I admit my many faults of taking advantage of Spike for all he does. He used to clean and cook for me. I tried making breakfast, and it backfired on me. The eggs wouldn't crack, and some food spoiled, making it inedible for consumption. I have never felt so lonely in my life during that morning, hearing my hoofsteps and no pony else around me. It was a terrifying experience.

I had to suspend the School of Friendship for the next few days. I need time to cope and adjust to my new life without Spike being with me. I know I took him for granted, and I have remorse for my actions. When I complete my task, I want to prove to you and me that I can be an exceptional friend to all creatures; That I'm not one-sided with my kind. I still have Discord, which is all creatures put together, Zecora, Cranky Doodle, Empress Ember, Thorax, and Prince Rutherford. The list of species can go on. I admit to mistreating Spike, but I have not forsaken Empress Ember. She and I are great friends.

I asked Spike to take care of the situation when I failed to realize that Spike is with my brother and Starlight. Once again, I called Spike for work. I've completed my tasks for the day in my castle. I had no help, nor did I ask for it. It took me hours, but I am satisfied with my progress. I hope you are pleased with my letter.


Princess Twilight Sparkle

Princess Twilight Sparkle finishes writing her letter. "Spike, can you mail..," Twilight screams in her room. She has Spike on her mind constantly. "How am I going to send the letter?" Twilight sighs when an answer comes to mind discreetly. "Post office. Right."

Twilight inserts the letter into an envelope and seals it. Twilight staples a seal of Celestia's initial on the envelope to make it an urgent delivery. She leaves the room and slowly strolls to her bedroom. Like this morning, her hoofsteps echo, making Twilight feel uncomfortable about solitude.

In her bedroom, Twilight looks out the window. She wishes Spike a good night's rest and prays that Spike will return to her and start anew. For now, one day at a time until her sentencing gets uplifted.