• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 3,470 Views, 166 Comments

Spike's Omnitrix - JSan82

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Shining Armor parks the RV near the Buffalos' territory. Starlight and Trixie finish making dinner and call for Spike and Shining to the table. Shining Armor turns off the RV and walks with Spike. They sit together while Starlight and Trixie carry a bowl of salad, hayburgers, fish tacos, and new meat to try. Starlight and Spike look at what appears to be a small chicken coated in brown sugar sauce. Trixie and Shining can't wait to see the reactions of Starlight and Spike. The chicken smells delicious. It causes Spike and Starlight to drool.

"Here, Spike," Shining Armor uses his magic to hover a knife to cut a drumstick. "Try the chicken's leg."

"If fish tasted so good yesterday, I could only imagine the flavor of chicken!" Spike grabs the backbone of the drumstick.

"Celestia was the first to taste the meat before us, Spike. I was confused with Trixie for putting a bird in the oven."

"As I told you, Starlight. There are different meats we can digest; Chicken is an excellent source of protein. The sauce is my mom's world's famous sauce. Only I can make it," Trixie smiles in delight.

Spike takes a bite from the top of the drumstick. His eyes widen with astonishment at the flavor. He begins to eat more of the chicken without saying a word. That's more than enough to persuade Starlight into eating a piece. She loves eating chicken and cuts herself a portion to stuff her face. Trixie and Shining laugh, knowing a pair of friends enjoy eating chicken. They grab their plates and eat.

After an hour of eating and enjoying each other's company. Spike, Shining, Starlight, and Trixie lean back with satisfaction. Spike pats his belly. He enjoyed eating chicken and a bowlful of gemstones.

"Shining," Trixie looks at her commanding officer and friend. "Does Trixie need her Great and Powerful Assistant in the wagon tonight?" Trixie asks in character.

"Nay, Trixie. Here," Shining tosses Trixie new and improved earplugs. "It'll cancel Starlight and Spike's snoring."

"Guilty as charged," Spike admits that he snores in his sleep. He couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, and I convinced my village we were attacked by bears," Starlight admits devising a story to draw out her snoring. Spike, Shining, and Trixie burst into laughter.

"Thanks for the soundproof, Shining," Trixie said. "Now, I can sleep well in my wagon tonight."

"Sleeping sounds good right now," Spike gets up and goes to the upper bed.

"Alright, everyone hit the hay. Tomorrow, we have a long day ahead of us," Shining Armor commands.

Shining takes the dishes and washes them as Starlight follows Spike to the bedroom. Trixie leaves the RV and goes into her wagon. After a few minutes, Shining sets his alarm and notices his visors detecting small tremors. Since the RV is near the Buffalos' land, he believes they're out on their run into their sacred land.

A few hours later. Shining's visors alarm and wakes up. The tremors are increasing dramatically. "Oh, no. Oh, nonononononononononono!" Shining Armor fears the worst is about to happen. "WAKEUP! WAKEUP! TREMORS ARE QUAKING RAPIDLY!"

Spike and Starlight get startled by Shining's yelling. They turn and see red flashes on his visors, indicating that something awful is awakening. Trixie enters the RV, suited for any imminent danger in Appleloosa or around them. Her visors say that tremors are amplifying immensely.

"What is happening, Shining?!" Starlight uses her magic to hold everything inside the RV; so nothing falls over.

"Is it hero time?" Spike activates his Omnitrix, preparing to turn alien to save the day.

The tremors stop, which worries Shining and Trixie; Then, the RV starts to rock. "Hold on tight!" Nothing happens after Shining gives the command.

"Uh, what happened?" Spike and Starlight ask after the one rockiness from the RV.

Everyone hears the door to the RV knocking. Spike walks to the door and opens it. He sees Little Strongheart for the first time in years. Along with some of the Buffalos.

"Spike! Oh, thank heavens you're here! We need your help!" Little Strongheart hopes Spike can assist the tribe with a calamity crisis.

"What seems to be the problem?" Spike asks.

"Follow us, bro," A light brown Buffalo said. He and his brothers charge toward their traditional stampeding grounds.

"Follow that herd, Shining!" Spike shouts.

"Right!" Shining sits in the driver's seat and uses magic to turn on the RV. He drives the RV, following the stampede.

Ten minutes later. Shining stops the RV from going over a cliff. Starlight, Trixie, Spike, and Shining see the devastation from the apple orchard. A crack stretches across the entire land where the Buffalos run their yearly traditional stampede. Several apple trees are uprooted and scattered.

"This is the first earthquake in the history of our nation's existence," Tribal Chief Thunderhooves said in awe. "My father; and his father; and his father before him; and his father behind him; and his father before him; and his father-" Little Strongheart nudges the Chief. The other Buffalos were getting bored with the backstory.

"They get the idea, Chief," Little Strongheart said; she was tired of the long thought-out stretch of Thunderhooves' forefathers.

The Tribal Chief sighs. "This earthquake was unlike anything we've ever felt before. We believe something is amiss with those settler ponies."

"Wait, I thought you had no conflicts with Appleloosa," Spike remembers the commitment of the Buffalos and Appleloosian to share the land.

"For eons, we had no worriment until they showed up and planted their trees. After the agreement, I sensed something malignant within each stampede to retrieve apple pies and fruit. We believe those ponies caused this catastrophe," Tribal Chief Thunderhooves acclaims.

"I tried talking with the Sheriff and some ponies in town about the presence, but they ignored us. They thought we were speaking nonsense," Little Strongheart bitterly explains.

"Now, they are blaming us for this disaster!" A red Buffalo angrily says.

"Alright, we'll help settle the dispute before it escalates," Shining Armor activates his visors in search of anything abnormal. "I'll investigate the fault line, Trixie."

"Yes, Sir?" Trixie waits for her command.

"Take Spike, Starlight, and Strongheart to Appleloosa. We need to find some pony that'll listen to reason," Shining said. He turns to Thunderhooves. "If it pleases you, Tribal Chief, allow me to command some of your finest Buffalos for my investigation."

"Very well, proceed to uncover the mysteries of the fault line," Tribal Chief Thunderhooves allows seven Buffalo to follow Shining Armor to their stampeding grounds. "You have earned my respect, unicorn."

"Thank you," Shining bows in respect. "Let's go," Shining Armor gallops to their native stampede ground. The seven Buffalo follow him.

Spike and Little Strongheart lead the way to Appleloosa. Starlight wonders if there are any plumbers living in Appleloosa. Trixie confirms since the birth of Appleloosa, plumbers monitored the area but did not settle in. She lets Starlight know about her concerns about being close to the fault line.

Ponies in Appleloosa are going along with their business as usual. Spike looks to his left and notices an elderly pony growling ferociously before entering his home.

"That's new." Spike thought to himself.

"Spike! Is that yooou?" Braeburn gets close and personal with Spike's space. He observes Strongheart, Starlight, and Trixie with curiosity. "Who are these friends, Spike?" Braeburn is aware of Little Strongheart.

"Oh. Uh. Starlight and Trixie," Spike points at his friends. Starlight is to his right, Trixie to his left.

"Weeeeell, hoooooowdy!" Braeburn shakes Starlight and Trixie's hooves so fast that he lets go; Trixie and Starlight's arms are still shaking. "What brings you, ladies, into town?"

"Braeburn, listen. There's a-" Braeburn interrupts Little Strongheart by nudging and pushing her, Trixie, and Starlight for the grand tour of Appleloosa.

"Something peculiar is wrong here. It's unlike Braeburn to interrupt someone's speech. I better turn into Ghostfreak to scour the town for clues." Spike activates the Omnitrix, and the faceplate rises. Spike turns to the left and slams down the faceplate. Green light flashes.

Spike starts becoming intangible. Then his body becomes gaseous with claw-like hands and grey skin with black lines running all over him. His hourglass insignia peeks out of the skin on his lower left chest, and he has one pink eye with a black pupil.

"There we go," Spike notices that the ponies around him didn't bat an unusual eye. "Now, to find anything suspicious," Spike goes through the wall and sees a different elderly earth pony mare minding her business and trying to swat a fly. "Looks normal." Spike sees the mare launching herself to the ceiling and eating the fly. "NOOOO WAAAAAY! I HAVE NEVER SEEN OLD FOLKS WITH THAT KIND OF AGILITY BEFORE!" Spike watches the old mare come down and rotates her neck, making bone-chilling neck cracks. It was more than enough for him to turn back.

Spike becomes invisible to the naked eye to wander around Appleloosa for more disturbing evidence. He sees two ponies in cattleman brown cowboy hats, one riding the wagon with a rug and the other dragging the wagon. Spike follows the two near a back alley. In the back, Spike can see the remaining apple trees still standing from the earthquake. He sees the front pony expanding his front limbs to vault over the fence. The wagon and pony go over the wall without any problems whatsoever.

"Perplexing." Spike phases through to see why the urgency of going over the wall rather than opening up the gate. He sees what appears to be a wine cellar. "A wine cellar? Something is awry, and I need to figure it out. More importantly, report to my friends and brother about what I found so far!" Spike hightails away from the scenery since he doesn't know how much time he has left before his transformation expires.

Braeburn wastes time blabbing about the richness of Appleoosa, the fun activities, and new buildings to bring in more businesses. Starlight shouts to get Braeburn's attention. She is infuriated with Braeburn's obliviously over common sense when some pony tries to get his attention.

"Sorry, I can get a bit carried away. I'm prideful of Appleloosa," Braeburn blushes in embarrassment for getting sidetracked.

"Look, Braeburn. You're the only pony that'll listen to us," Little Strongheart approaches him. "We are not the cause that shattered your apple trees. We buffalos had nothing to do with it."

Braeburn tilts his head and sighs. "I know you lot are not at fault. The Sherriff doesn't know who or what else to blame for the orchard's destruction. I tried speaking my mind, and he shrugged me off."

"What do we do now?" Little Strongheart turns to Trixie and Starlight since ponies in Appleloosa are lost-cause.

"Find Shining Armor. Hopefully, he uncovered the mysteries of the fault line," Trixie advises, knowing her commander performs explicitly under any circumstances.

Shining Armor and the seven Buffalos examine the fault line near an apple tree Applejack gave as a present. Shining Armor's visors detect residual alien activity. It scares him and creates an uncomfortable discussion with the Buffalos, who won't understand what aliens look like or their desirable plan to colonize. The Buffalos sense an ominous presence underground and back away in fear of the unknown.

"Alright," Shining Armor turns to the Buffalos. "I'm going inside the crack to explore the activity," Shining Armor places a small radio on the ground. "I'm going to document what I see, and you'll hear what I find. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir," The Buffalos nod in understanding. As they don't go down under, they'll do anything else Shining Armor commands.

Shining Armor hops down. The drop is steeper than he realizes. He activates his saddlebag thrusters to hover down smoothly. His visors bleep rapidly, detecting a higher frequency of alien development. Shining Armor lands on the ground, and he triggers the flashlight mode.

"Whoa..," Shining Armor sees the caves smeared in green ooze. "Alright, I'm in some cave underneath the orchard."

"A cave?" The Buffalos say in unison. They didn't think a cave would be under their sacred grounds.

Shining Armor looks around and feels his heart beating immensely. An eerie presence is lurking in the shadows. It moves, causing Shining to turn at the movement's sound. He pants while trying to calm himself.

Shining Armor trots to his right, hoping to find the source of the alien endeavor. "I see nothing but the green ooze on the ground and walls. I think I'm walking in the wrong..," Shining Armor sees a silhouette of a small shadow moving swiftly. "What was that?!"

The Buffalos start becoming scared of Shining Armor's progress within the caves. It's like listening to a horror story late at night. One Buffalo flees from the fault line from the description of the audio.

Shining Armor turns left and screams. The Buffalos scream and hightail away from the apple orchard. A green semi-humanoid blob attacks Shining Armor and wraps around him, subduing Shining Armor before allowing him to activate a homing distress beacon. His body gets dragged into the darkness.

Ghostfreak's Omnitrix insignia flashes and bleeps; Spike turns to normal with no pony in sight. He sighs in relief and needs to find Trixie and Starlight. He runs in search of his friends. Luckily for him, Spike collides with Braeburn, knocking him down by accident.

"Sorry, Braeburn," Spike helps him up.

"Apologies accepted, my friend," Braeburn sees the worry in Spike's expression. "Something bothering you, friend?" Braeburn pats Spike.

"Yea, Spike. It looks like you've seen a ghost," Trixie made a pun. She laughs at it, knowing about Ghostfreak.

"I saw something you guys wouldn't believe," Spike said, biting his lower left lip in fear.

"What did you see, Spike?" Starlight asks. Now she's worried about the situation in Appleloosa.

"Guys," Trixie's visors indicate Shining Armor's plumbing equipment went offline.

"What's up, Trixie?" Starlight turns to her friend.

"Shining is in trouble," Trixie knows whenever a plumber's visors go offline, it indicates that an ambush has happened.

"We need to go!" Spike gets on Starlight's back.

"I'm coming with y'all," Braeburn wants to prove the Buffalos' innocence to the Sherriff.

"Follow me!" Trixie gallops to the last location marked on Shining's visors.

During the trip, Spike revealed an old mare sticking onto the ceiling of her home to eat a fly, and a pony, extending his front legs to jump over a wall in the back alley with another pony riding a wagon where some apple trees were visible to the orchard. Spike mentions a wine cellar; however, Braeburn confirms no wine cellars in Appleloosa. There is nothing hidden from him. Braeburn knows everything about Appleloosa since he's one of the founding members.

The gang runs into six buffalos, fleeing for their life. Little Strongheart tries to calm them down and inquires about Shining Armor's whereabouts and status. The Buffalos say Shining Armor went into the fault line to prospect the area. They heard screams from the radio and ran from danger.

Little Strongheart thanks them and allows them to return to Tribal Chief Thunderhooves. She is upset that her brethren abandoned Shining Armor into the unknown but understands the predicament, not knowing what else to do.

Trixie picks up the pace to the orchard. She, Starlight, Spike, Little Strongheart, and Braeburn gasp at the size difference of the crack. From farther away, it looked smaller. Braeburn sheds tears from the devastation. Many apple trees didn't survive the carnage. Some uprooted, some snapped in two, and some apple-less. Little Strongheart extends her left hoof to rub Braeburn's back.

"Alright, this is the plan. I'll go down and search for Shining Armor. Braeburn and Strongheart. Go back and investigate the cellar Spike saw. It could lead to a base of operations," Trixie commands.

"Trixie, as much I admire your well-thought operation, I suggest a better one," Starlight said.

"And what would that be?" Trixie finds it a bit offensive that Starlight diminishes her idea. "In case you have forgotten, I have the equipment best-suited for the search."

"Exactly. However, you should go with Braeburn and Strongheart."

"Why would I go with them?" Trixie wants to test Starlight's brainstorming.

"Because I have teleportation magic. I will take Spike down below and conduct our search. When we locate Shining Armor, I'll teleport us back to Appleloosa lickety-split."

"Hmm," Trixie gives it some thought; her teleportation magic is on par with Starlight, but there could be an assault waiting in the cellar. If aliens are involved there, Starlight will not have the proper measures to fight them off. "Alright, Starlight. I'm trusting you and Spike to locate Shining Armor. In the meantime, I'll go with Braeburn and Strongheart."

"Thanks for trusting me," Starlight says with relief. She thought Trixie would reject her plan.

"What are friends for?" Trixie smiles at her friends. "Let's get moving," Trixie follows Braeburn and Little Strongheart back to Appleloosa.

"Think you can lower us down?" Spike turns to Starlight.

"Mmhmm," Starlight nods. She casts a magic bubble to hover Spike and her into the fault line. It's steeper than they thought.

Spike looks at his Omnitrix; it turns green at the right time. "Starlight, I'm turning into Wildmutt. You can ride on my back. I believe; I need a strong sense of awareness in the caves."

"Understood, Spike," Starlight was about to suggest Spike turn into Wildmutt. Great minds think alike.

Starlight lands on the ground and sees the green ooze plastered all over. Spike activates his Omnitrix. The faceplate rises with the image of Wildmutt in front. It's like the Omnitrix is navigating the choice for the alien selection. Spike presses the faceplate down.

Spike feels his body changing once more. He's turning into an orange dog-like creature with no eyes, ears, nose, or tail. He stands on all fours. His teeth are very defined, and his bottom jaw sticks out of his mouth. The various spines found across his body function similarly to whiskers with tactile sensing and are not fur. There's a shoulder pad adoring the hourglass symbol on the front left of Spike's arm. Spike roars after the transformation.

"I'll take that roar as a get-on-your-back-and-hold-on-tight," Starlight said. Spike nods and leans down, allowing Starlight to climb on board. "Okay, this feels exhilarating!" Starlight enjoyingly admits. Spike sniffs and runs down the path.

Braeburn, Little Strongheart, and Trixie return to Appleloosa. Many ponies turn to them awkwardly. Trixie's visors scan each pony and receive red flags.

"What are you doing with that raging Buffalo?!" The Sherriff approaches Braeburn. "Don't you know creatures like them destroy with their stampedes! Look what they have done to our land after agreeing to share!" The Sheriff snorts irately.

Little Strongheart is taken aback by the sudden hostility; She growls at the Sherriff. Braeburn is confused. The Sherriff is behaving like the days before the war with the Buffalos.

"Who are you?" Trixie prepares to attack the deceivers.

"Brae, why are you siding with these-" The Sherriff gets shot by a laser bullet by Trixie's hoof-held pistol.

Eyes widen for Braeburn and Little Strongheart. What they were wasn't magic. The impact of the laser bullet gave the Sherriff a hole in his left eye that regenerated swiftly. Braeburn and Little Strongheart horridly shout and are mesmerized to witness an abnormal sequence.

"Get back!" Trixie activates her saddlebags when she jumps back. "Activated Saddle Machine Guns!" The saddlebags on each of Trixie's sides sentry torrents. The barrels and muzzles extend, thus allowing Trixie to use her magic to change the mode of laser blasts into bullets.

The Sherriff and several ponies around transformed, turning into green-humanoid slime creatures with dark-pink organs visible. They have multiple eyes, extra arms, and fin-like protrusions.

Braeburn and Little Strongheart wanted to puke after seeing the booger-like hideous creatures that were disguising ponies this whole time. Trixie continues her onslaught on the aliens, but they easily dodge Trixie's maneuvers. Braeburn snaps out of his trance and attempts to buck the slob-like alien, but his kick goes through their bodies. The slime-like alien stretches its' limbs, grabs Braeburn, and tosses him aside. He crashes into a barrel of water. Little Strongeheart informs Trixie of bringing an army back. Trixie hopes the Buffalos are more than enough to drive these aliens away. Right now, lasers do not affect them.

It had been twenty minutes since Spike turned into Wildmutt. Spike continues to run into the caves with Starlight riding on his back. Starlight sees a gap and instinctively tells Spike to stop running before going off a small abyss. Wildmutt's Omnitrix bleeps and flashes red, transforming Spike to his original state. He falls over since Starlight is a bit heavy. They are a few feet away from the gap.

"Sorry, Spike," Starlight gets off of Spike and helps him up.

"It's alright..; whoa," Spike is in shock, and so is Starlight.

Down below, an enormous room with a massive spaceship in the middle and small green pods lining the entire floor. Starlight uses magic to conjure a bubble to hover safely in the area. Within the pods, it gives Starlight an eerie feeling about Queen Chrysalis and ponders if she's an alien all this time. Many of these pods have Appleloosian ponies submerged. Including one that went missing; the moment Trixie informed the group of Shining Armor's disappearance. Spike and Starlight see Shining Armor in a deep sleep within the chamber.

"Oh, there you are," Shining Armor approaches the two from behind, startling Spike and Starlight. He sounds calm and genuine.

"Shining, thank heavens you're here!" Starlight thought of the worse and figured Shining had outsmarted whatever creature captured the Appleloosian ponies.

"Everything is alright. We need to get moving before the invaders come and capture us!" Shining Armor warns Starlight and Spike.

"What about these ponies?" Spike asks Shining. He needs to hear if this Shining will think selfishly.

"I've called backup. Should be arriving soon," Shining replies. Shining won Starlight's trust.

Spike sees no tech on Shining Armor. Knowingly, Shining trusts his friends in the plumbers and is more revealing with his visors. "Call Princess Luna with those visors of yours. She will need to deal with this UFO."

"Oh, uh," Shining sounds hesitant, which is now more than enough for Starlight to blast the fake with magic. The fake's body split in two; however, the body turns into green ooze and molds into a green-humanoid creature. "It knows too much!" More of its' brethren arrive. "Get them!"

Spike runs for cover, hoping his Omnitrix recharge process is quicker than before. The glop-like aliens sprint after Spike, trying to seize him before things get out of hand.

Starlight shoots a magic beam at Shining's pod. He comes out, breathing heavily and waking up from a deep slumber. She casts a defense bubble to repel the aliens' advances.

"Damn, those things got me good," Shining Armor takes a breather. He sees them chasing his brother. "OH NO, YOU DON'T!" Shining Armor takes immediate action and uses his magic to teleport in front of the aliens. "Saddle Bazooka!" Shining Armor's saddlebags form into a singular cannon, blasting the aliens. To his surprise, the laser beam from the bazooka doesn't affect them in the slightest. Shining switches gears and shoots a flamethrower at them. It turns out the aliens are heat-resistant. Shining grits his teeth and change gears again, hoping that something in his arsenal can weaken the aliens.

Starlight flies around in her defense bubble while the aliens pursue her. They couldn't sink through her magic but decided to let Starlight be the damsel in this situation. Starlight sees Spike trips over a green puddle, which happens to be a trap devised by one of the aliens. Starlight flies to Spike, allowing him inside the bubble that turns out to be her undoing. Another alien was in stasis near a pod and lunged at Starlight, causing her to disable her defense bubble. Starlight gets pinned down by so many aliens that they start to encase her.

"Stop!" Spike sees the overwhelming numbers getting to Shining Armor; Shining tries to fire a lightning beam with his saddle cannon but gets overrun by the aliens. Spike hears his Omnitrix fully recharged and green. Spike activates the Omnitrix and slams the faceplate down, not seeing who he's choosing.

Spike's body starts changing color from purple to grey. He now has four-razor-sharped-fingered hands. Spike's Omnitrix symbol is a black patch over his left pectoral. The transformation is a fusion of many aquatic creatures, such as eels, alligators, leeches, sharks, and anglerfish. Spike also has a phosphorescent light on his head.

The aliens, Shining and Starlight, turn to see Spike as Ripjaws. Spike breathes in and feels his body moist. His sweats are droplets of cold water. "Ah, much better now," Spike turns to the aliens. "Release my friends and prepare for a merciless beating!"

The aliens laugh. "Buddy, your friends are hopeless. These ponies are worthless. Weapons and magic have no effect on us. What can you do to us!"

"You're going to find out!" Spike leaps at the alien and claws him. It screeches, and their brethren become timorous.

"What's wrong?" One of the aliens asks their comrade.

"Something about his skin, I felt something putrid like..," It doesn't want to reveal a crucial detail that can lead to their downfall.

"My skin?" It clicks for Spike. Since he's an aquatic alien, the air is moist, and his sweats are water. "Shining! Water is their weakness!"

"OH, NO!" The aliens panic.

Starlight smirks and uses her magic to teleport out of the caves. She knows about a water tower in Appleloosa and decides to bring some refreshments to the party.

"WHERE DID SHE GO?!" The aliens turn to Spike and Shining after seeing her disappearing act.

"Where she needs to be," Spike replies. He resumes his onslaught on the aliens. Since his body consists of water, they can't touch Spike. "Shining! Find pods inside the UFO and bring them out!"

"On it!" Shining Armor gallops to the UFO.

"OH NO, YOU DON'T!" The aliens go after Shining Armor, but Spike jumps in and attacks them. They scream and pull away due to the water dripping on his body.

Starlight appears in front of Trixie and Braeburn. They are trying to defend themselves from the onslaught of the ooze-like aliens. Starlight casts a defense bubble before they lunge at them.

"There's no stopping us! Give up now!" The aliens start striking the defense shield relentlessly. It cracks.

"Starlight? Any progress?" Trixie asks. She conjures a defense bubble to strengthen the hold from the attacks.

"Water is their weakness!" Starlight shouts with delight. The aliens growl and step back in horror after hearing the dreadful news.

"You don't say," Braeburn looks at the barrels aligned around town. "Care to give me a lasso?" Braeburn becomes excited and wants payback from the invaders that took his friends and family.

"One energy lasso coming up!" Trixie uses her magic to produce a lasso made of pure energy and laser from her saddlebag. She gives it to Braeburn.

"Kill them before they kill us!" The aliens prepare themselves once the shields are down to advance and subdue their enemies.

Starlight transport Braeburn to the nearest barrel behind the aliens. The aliens search around while maintaining focus on Trixie and Starlight. Using his new lasso, Braeburn grabs and tosses the barrel at the aliens. On impact, water covers them, causing them to shriek and rive in pain. Some disperse and go after Braeburn. He sprints to the nearest barrel.

Trixie and Starlight go their separate ways. Starlight runs to the water tower and hovers on top. She enchants the top of the tower and contains the water. Then she teleports back to Spike and Shining Armor. Trixie feels the ground quaking and sees Little Strongheart with Tribal Chief Thunderhooves charging with all of the Buffalos. Trixie alerts about water being the alien's weakness. The aliens flee from the Buffalos. They are more scared about getting pummeled than drenched with water.

A Buffalo helps Braeburn and puts him on his back. Braeburn uses his lasso to grab each barrel to chuck at the aliens. Water splatters, causing many to wail and dissipate. They see the majority of them running toward the wine cellar.

Trixie sprints in front and shoots a laser beam with her saddle launcher, creating an enormous hole for the Buffalos to chase them even more.

Shining Armor removes the pods within the UFO. He sees Spike taking down the aliens that try to swarm and multiply. Since they can't touch Spike, it's a futile attempt.

"I can do this all day!" Spike confidently shouts. He laughs at the misery of the aliens' agony. Then his Omnitrix symbol bleeps and blinks. "NO! NOT NOW!" A red light flashes, reverting Spike to normal. "Ah, shit!" Spike's confidence fades instantly.

The aliens are smiling now they got the advantage. Spike steps back while Shining Armor prepares to defend Spike as best as he can.

"All that talk, and now, you're at our mercy!" The aliens laugh in victory.

"Oh really!" Starlight is behind them with tons of water.

The aliens turn to see Starlight hovering with what appears to be a bomb in their sights. "Nono, no!" The aliens are waving their limbs then they see much of their race fleeing in fear.

"RETREAT! RETREAT!" The fleeing aliens cry while the Buffalos, Braeburn, and Trixie chase them. The aliens that fought Spike and Shining flee from the Buffalos and activate the UFO thruster sequence.

"Take this and never come back!" Starlight throws the magic bubble containing water at the UFO.

Most of the aliens shrill loudly when the water touches their bodies. The hatch closes with some aliens melting away. The UFO launches itself into the air and leaves Equus' orbit.

Every creature shouts its warcry now that they win the battle. Spike and Shining Armor sit back and relaxes. All of the Buffalos see Appleloosian ponies within the pods.

"We will help bring them to the surface and explain all that happened today."

"I can use a bath," Spike said. "A long hot one."

"You'll have to wait your turn. Being inside those pods was very uncomfortable," Shining said. "Being submerged by them was gruesome enough."

Hours later. The Buffalos unloaded the pods they carried on their backs and freed all the Appleloosian ponies from captivity. The Sherriff snaps out of his trance and remembers what attacked him days ago. Little Strongheart explains what transpired and the destruction of their sacred grounds.

Every pony is devastated that the land is beyond repair, and Appleloosa now has to relocate. The Buffalos wish they could run on their sacred land but know it'll take decades to fix naturally.

"So, what shall we do, Sherriff?" A local earth pony mare turns to him.

"Return to our families and find help with restoring the land. Hopefully, someone will lend a hoof," The Sherriff turns to Tribal Chief Thunderhooves. "I'm terribly sorry for the loss of your sacred land."

"No need to feel sorry. We're glad you and everyone are safe from the invaders," Tribal Chief Thunderhooves replies. "Perhaps we can work together on restoring the land."

The Sherriff smiles at the gesture. "That'll be great. I wonder why those aliens came after us and not you."

"Judging from those pods, I want to say those aliens had a craving for apple meat," Starlight theorizes, which made every Appleloosian pony cringe.

"Cousin Applejack told me that Changelings would harvest love from any creature as food. Maybe those things are distant cousins?" Braeburn suggest.

"Good Celestia, I hope not!" Shining Armor doesn't like the sound of that theory. "Also, judging from the ooze within the caves, they didn't look fresh. It's possible they were down there for decades."

"More likely they wanted to consume the Buffalos but were scared due to their sheer size and strength?" Spike comments on the possible conclusion.

"Maybe our apple tree gave them new nutrients and be subtle with us pony folk?" A random earth pony stallion says. Now everyone cringes at that circumstance which correlates to Starlight's suggestion.

Braeburn sighs deeply. "Hopefully, cousin Applejack won't mind us staying at their orchard for a while."

"She'll be devastated that her favorite tree got demolished," An Appleloosian bystander says, knowing how prideful Applejack can be with her apple trees.

"Also," The Sherriff and Tribal Chief Thunderhooves turn to Shining, Spike, Starlight, and Trixie. "Thank you for helping us," They say in unison.

"You're welcome, Shining, Spike, Starlight, and Trixie reply with gratitude. "We're happy to help."

"Also, if it's not too much to ask, can you not talk about our weaponry?" Shining Armor asks the Sherriff and Thunderhooves.

"My lips are sealed. Who'll believe a Buffalo speaking about lasers and missiles?"

"Alright, partner. We'll keep this silent. However, we'll say you four helped greatly during our crisis. Nothing more or less," The Sherriff replies. He shakes Shining's hoof to seal the deal.

"Thank you," Shining Armor bows to Tribal Chief Thunderhooves and shakes the Sherriff's hoof.

Shining Armor, Starlight Glimmer, Spike, and Trixie walk back to the RV. After an hour, Spike starts preparing dinner for his friends and brother. It's his turn in the rotation of cooking meals. Trixie and Starlight are preparing the table while Shining Armor answers a doorknock. Shining Armor sees Little Strongheart alone.

"I want to say thank you for coming," Little Strongheart smiles. "Please, give these gemstones to Spike. It's a sack full of turquoise gemstones."

"I will," Shining Armor uses his magic to lift the sack inside the RV. "You'll make sure to report to the agency for any other activity."

Little Strongheart looks around her and deactivates the cloaking mode on her visors. "They already know, Sir," Little Strongheart smiles and salutes to Shining Armor. She activates her cloaking sequence on her visors and gallops away from the RV. She doesn't want Tribal Chief Thunderhooves to send a wave of Buffalos to bring her back home.

"Shining! Dinner's ready!" Spike shouts from the kitchen.

"Coming!" Shining Armor closes the door and goes to eat dinner with his family.