• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran



This story is a sequel to Portrait of a Kirin

Cinder Glow seemed interested in human holidays, so I decided that I'd see how she felt about Spirit Halloween and how she felt about participating in a human tradition.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 72 )

How many back up spiders did he have stashed?

Good start, I can already see a Kirin being curious of how life on Earth is different from Equestria and the endless possibilities of mischief they would get into.

While this fic doesn't get into it all that much, a large part of my catalogue is ponies on Earth figuring things out one way or another. There are plenty of misunderstandings and mischief, some of it intentional and much of it not.

It's been a while since I needed a plastic spider, but as I recall the smaller ones tend to come in packs of lots of spiders, so there are surely a few backup spiders available for when Cinder Glow accidentally melts one.

The culture clash is the joy of stories like these. From a pony’s point of view we get to look at some of our weird idiosyncrasies.

She pointed to the price tag, then made a credit card swiping motion with her hoof. I nodded, and she put them in a shopping basket.

This is one of the USA things that confuse/upset non USA visitors. Most countries, the sales tax is added into the price tag. In the USA, the price marked is NOT what you get charged at the register. Plus, different things are charged different rates so you can't always guess.

Plus, I'd bet that in Equestria you haggle over the price. In the USA, you mostly aren't allowed to.


Pretty good keep it up.

...and then Autumn let out a guttural growl as flames started to flicker...

I uh, think you got the wrong Kirin there :P

Really cute, nice work as always!

The balefire pumpkin set them back a step, and then Autumn let out a guttural growl as flames started to flicker across her eyelids and rise from her mane—melting the plastic spider in the process. Baring her fangs at them wasn’t really needed, but she did anyway.

Geeze, what does she have against college students?

Delightful stuff, especially the nirik-powered jack-o'-lantern. Thanks for the seasonal warm fuzzies.

Considering they were a little over the limit (but ambulatory), she was making a statement that they did NOT want to start anything she would finish (and playing with fire usually gets one burned) ...

*cue applause* this was pretty dang good

Utter delightful, if a little short. I ♥️ kirins!


I uh, think you got the wrong Kirin there :P

Oops, I did. Correction made, thank you!

Really cute, nice work as always!

Thanks! :heart:

Very cute, but ihere I always thought Kirin would like Reese’s PeanuT butter cups!


Geeze, what does she have against college students?

That they're drunk and might cause problems? Maybe Cinder's book that she references* includes how some people smash pumpkins, and Cinder wants to keep it safe.

*(The book is, of course, So You Want To Go To Earth)

Delightful stuff, especially the nirik-powered jack-o'-lantern.
Thank you! I figure that a balefire-enhanced jack-o'-lantern would be a fine addition to any Halloween decor. so long as the fire could be controlled.

Thanks for the seasonal warm fuzzies.

You're welcome! A little late for Halloween, but a good read for election night IMHO.


Considering they were a little over the limit (but ambulatory), she was making a statement that they did NOT want to start anything she would finish (and playing with fire usually gets one burned) ...

One of the 'anythings' they might have been considering was kicking jack-o'-lanterns, and Cinder wasn't gonna let that happen.

I suppose that being on fire (or starting to be on fire) is a good warning for people. One of my other stories, some poor bastard who was getting aggressive towards an earth pony misunderstood what it meant when she turned her rump to him.

He learned, though.

Kirins are the best, cute and floofy and only occasionally on fire.


The culture clash is the joy of stories like these. From a pony’s point of view we get to look at some of our weird idiosyncrasies.

I'll be honest, that's one of the reasons I like writing and reading PoE or HiE so much--it's a great chance to take a look at technologies and society and behaviors and taboos through a different lens, even the smallest things that most of us would take for granted.


This is one of the USA things that confuse/upset non USA visitors. Most countries, the sales tax is added into the price tag. In the USA, the price marked is NOT what you get charged at the register. Plus, different things are charged different rates so you can't always guess.

Yeah, and it's weird that some things have to be priced at their final sale price (like gasoline), while others are not. I could go to the local gas station, buy a gallon of fuel and pay the price on the pump, buy a bag of chips and pay the price on the bag, buy a hot sandwich and pay our six percent tax on that, and buy a pack of smokes or a beer and pay whatever the local tax on tobacco or alcohol is (I have no idea what it is, but I'm sure it's more than normal sales tax). There are probably other special taxes on items in the store that I don't know about, either.

Plus, I'd bet that in Equestria you haggle over the price. In the USA, you mostly aren't allowed to.

That's probably circumstantial in Equestria, too, but more common. I'd imagine that a business like Barnyard Bargains charges a fixed price for goods, whereas buying from a sole proprietor at the market or at her farm is open to haggling. (I also personally think that the ponies mostly love haggling for products, and get insulted when someone doesn't.)


Very cute, but here I always thought Kirin would like Reese’s Peanut butter cups!

Maybe they would. From what I've seen online, peanut butter is very hit or miss with IRL equines--some of them love it and some of them have no interest at all.

Chocolate may also be hit or miss.

(In canon, of course, ponies seem to be more interested in sweets than IRL equines are.)

Most people probably wouldn't understand why that last point is actually a positive to me :pinkiehappy:

It is interesting to meet an Equestrian who is not a cunning linguist; in most stories the ponies speak our languages perfectly. It is nice to see an Equestrian not speaking our languages.

It is nice that Cinder enjoyed her 1st Halloween. It is very similar to NightMareNight the ponies use.

Zebras will figure out how to marry BailFire with the matrix of the MegaSpell (the Ministry of Kindness under Fluttershy originally developed the MegaSpellMatrix to be married to the healing spell for healing whole battlefields of wounded) and NecroMancy to create spells capable of destroying whole cities, and transforming the dead into FleshEating Ghouls. These will be the infamous Necromancing BailFireBombs, which turn cities of 5 million ponies into 3 million incinerated ponies, 1 million injured ponies, being pursued by 1 million hungry ghouls.

This is what the detonation of a BailFireBomb is like:

As to chocolate....DON'T give it to dogs. The caffeine in it act like speed for them & an OD can kill them.

Race horses will fail their drug test if they get a candy bar before a race. They can OD on cocoa.


Fire is not always right, but it is always hot and compelling.
—Michael Crichton

Or else Twilight's School of Friendship will do its job and all the pony-adjacent quadrupeds and other Equestrian sapients will all learn to live together in harmony, as Faust intended. True, there will be some rough patches on the way, but they'll work through them and turn Equestrian into the Utopia it always wanted to be.

And then something obviously went wrong, 'cause G5.

I knew all those things!

I have a mental image of a racehorse being arrested for using performance-enhancing drugs, protesting that she only ate a chocolate bar.

. . . that's got story potential, doesn't it?

I'm hit or miss on that. A few of my stories have ponies not speaking English (which is the most likely case), or for that matter Equestrians from different nations/tribes not speaking the same language.

I think that the kirin are more uniquely placed to deal with that than a lot of other species; after all, they spent a significant amount of time being unable to speak and would have figured out how to 'talk' without words.

This one time at the shop, I had a discussion with a mute customer who was very good at pantomiming what he wanted done with his vehicle. He did have a notepad so he could write things down, but that was largely unneeded.

Admiral Biscuit has a LOT of Pony On Earth stories. Quality varies. Some are excellent.

Check out "Shipt"
There weren't always ponies and then there were.


Quite a cute slice of life. Cinder Glow in a bat costume is a real charmer. :twilightsmile:

I was going to say the same thing! I mean, I understand that most writers here don't have a background in linguistics and that it could slow the plot down a bit. But still, it does a lot just to make the world building more realistic.

This is adorably cute.

As always, your pony-or-other-being-on-Earth stories are simple and adorable.

I have to wonder, how did Cinder get to Earth, or manage to stay there, without speaking any of the language(s)? That seems highly problematic, particularly for a culture without any references to humans norms…

Yeah, it was late, but hey, who says that we can't celebrate and remember Halloween a few days later?

Thank you!

Cinder Glow in a bat costume is absolutely adorable, no question.


As always, your pony-or-other-being-on-Earth stories are simple and adorable.


I have to wonder, how did Cinder get to Earth, or manage to stay there, without speaking any of the language(s)? That seems highly problematic, particularly for a culture without any references to humans norms…

I honestly don't know. My thought is that she's on some kind of exchange program and either the language barrier wasn't seen as a significant problem, or else it got overlooked in all the other paperwork.

She's got her book to help her with some stuff, and a human who's willing to figure it out with her. Sometimes that's all you need.


I was going to say the same thing! I mean, I understand that most writers here don't have a background in linguistics and that it could slow the plot down a bit. But still, it does a lot just to make the world building more realistic.

I certainly don't have a background in linguistics and my few attempts to learn a foreign language have been disasters. Which is to say it isn't an excuse; an author can do their research and make it work even if they don't invent a pony language and all its rules.

We know from Earth that there are lots of languages spoken, and of course the majority of us know at best one or two or maybe three (probably with limitations when it comes to second or third languages). And it's fair to assume that in the case of ponies, their first language would not be English--or whatever the local language is. So why would any first-contact, or close to first-contact fic assume that the ponies spoke English (or I guess the humans spoke Ponish, depending on circumstances)?

Even without being able to speak the same language, there are lots of ways to communicate, oftentimes worked out by experience. I work part-time with developmentally disabled adults, not all of whom can speak, and some of them have very good ways of making their intentions known. For example, one guy I work with sometimes will take off your coat and hang it up if he wants you to stay. Tapping and pointing to things is a way to communicate; pantomime is a way to communicate; it's maybe not as complex or nuanced as speaking can be, but it's effective for wants and needs.

Like you said, never underestimate the power of gesturing and pointing. Though with ponies that might be tad more complicated due to being... well pony-shaped, but I'm sure they could eventually make it work.

Every time we went somewhere in the car, I thought about the first time she’d ridden in a car. She’d gotten tangled in the seat belt, then had obsessively started touching everything in the car to figure out what it did. I’d forgotten she could reach out with her magic until she’d tilted the sun visor down and flipped open the vanity mirror.

I’d told her ‘no’ when it came to the actual driving controls—the last thing I needed was her grabbing at the steering wheel to figure out how it worked. Everything else was fair game.

Once she was satisfied with the car, we’d set off, something I knew she’d understand from TV and watching other cars move by. I’d still expected her to freak out, but she hadn’t. She’d kept her head out the window and had used her magic to flip through radio stations until she’d found one playing eighties music that she liked.

You paint a wonderful image curious creature from another world exploring and experimenting with the technology we take for granted but she sees as alien.

It is so adorable.

This was a nice adorable story to get into the Halloween spirit.

A very nice story. I didn't expect the language barrier, but it still worked.


You paint a wonderful image curious creature from another world exploring and experimenting with the technology we take for granted but she sees as alien.
It is so adorable.

Thank you! :heart:

Nothing cuter than a pony figuring out human tech.

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