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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


Cammy and Scrim are a husband-and-wife team of window washers in New York City. They’re fast and friendly, and best of all they don’t need ladders or fall arrest gear to do their jobs.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!
Now with a Chinese translation by FLX071
New Coverart by AlwaysDressesInStyle

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 73 )

It's nice being a New Yorker. I know all those landmarks. :twilightsmile:

Pretty sure I've also seen a Danny that runs a hot dog cart. :rainbowlaugh:

Dan #2 · Sep 3rd, 2019 · · ·

Flying back and forth over the city like that. Are they low enough to not have to deal with rules and regs and flight plans or has the FAA loosened rules for pegasai since Silver Glow's time?

I wonder how the unions that represent window washers would take this? They don't need all the safety gear but damn could a few industrious pegasi make a killing at this business.


Well unions are often lousy at adaptation, 'tis part of how Uber got to be such a thing. so I'd expect that they spent more time lobbying for Pegasai to be held to the same safety regulations as humans than hiring and integrating the new opportunity.

<puts on economist hat>
Well, one of the central problems in Capitalism that unions are an attempt to solve is that not everyone has the same standards, and you are correct: the fact that they are naturally far superior to human washers can be a huge problem for the people working in that industry if pegasi start taking those jobs regularly: they will see downward pressure on wages and eventually layoffs, impeded only by the Union demanding they keep being employed. Sadly, it will only slow the inevitable: they will eventually become unemployed as their jobs go to pegasi, and will need to make the dramatic shift to a different line of work entirely, with the welfare system taking the burden of the market simply not wanting workers, no matter how willing. This is actually the main reason why the US job-market is net-shrinking compared to growth indicators: automation is getting rid of all the jobs, and it isn't making anywhere near enough to replace them. That's why, even though coal mines have been reopening, they haven't been hiring back the coal miners: robots can do it without pay or safety regulations.

It's really funny, when you think of New York, especially Manhattan, you always think of the classic New York alley. Which is mostly because they are all filmed in the same alley as it's one of the very very few in Manhattan. Turns out that Manhattan really doesn't have have alleys (the other burrows are a different story), there's just not room for them. There are some exceptions, but they are more notable for the fact that even they exist.

After a brief stop to reclaim their equipment, they angled northeast, following the Harlem River until it curved towards the Hudson; they turned the opposite way, towards their brownstone apartment.

I see this is an NYC that has embraced massive upzoning and YIMBYism to lower rents downwards a lot. :p ;)

Ponies on Earth?

Yes please!

Doesn’t help that a lot of unions have been demonized to such a degree, while imperfect it amazes me at times the volume of vitriol that gets chucked at them some times.

the white mare had a harness that looks/ed like a cross between

very nice little piece.

Woo, pegasi rule! *cough* :twilightsheepish:

It's people not understanding the difference between imperfect Solutions and active malice. Unions are simply a response to a bad situation: the realities of capitalism meeting theory of power. The masses that have to work those jobs have effectively no power, but they can create a union which does have power, and that Union will bargain in their favor. It may actually be the best solution available in the United States, seeing as we aren't willing to have the government come in and regulate down the power of the company.

This a rather cute story. I definitely want to have a pair of pegasi like these two wash the windows at where I work at now. :rainbowlaugh:

So slice of life, I can barely hold it in...

What the hay!


I loved this!

Calling, cute and just wonderful to read! :heart:

This was adorable.
I couldn't get the feeling out of my head though that something scary was bubbling away under the surface and something terrible was about to happen.

Must admit I was relieved when nothing did.

Cute story and mention of firepony! ... Story is chief Rescue approved..:twilightsmile:

What a cute couple.

Man this is a charming little story.

Two ponies enjoying the urban jungle of New York City.

I wish there were more stories like this.

One thing that ICR ever seeing

IMO. almost every Pegasus ever born is a born smuggler
(”We are the Ponies of the Wind. Wind don’t stop at the border & pay tolls. We don’t either”)

This is really sweet:heart:

An adorable couple doing things adorably. No wonder they attract so many amateur camerapeople.

All told, this has been a wonderful tetralogy. Thank you for all of it.


Unfortunately the Unions must keep helping their people. I am in a union and after they stabbed us in the back in the newest contact after it was rejected, they used a backdoor to approve it. Needless to say this has turned even more people against our current leadership. The current batch only got re-elected by a narrow margin from our members in Canada. I hope that we vote out all of the bums in the next election so that our union starts refocusing on its members instead of the back room deals with politicians. It makes me feel that I could have negotiated a better deal for myself then what our leaders felt I deserved.

I enjoyed the story greatly. It's nice, sweet, short and has ponies braving the big city.

P.S. On a side note, I can't help but wonder just how many air traffic laws were changed to incorporate pegasi into the legal world.


It's nice being a New Yorker. I know all those landmarks. :twilightsmile:


Pretty sure I've also seen a Danny that runs a hot dog cart. :rainbowlaugh:

There is a Danny who runs one at Central Park, at least according to YouTube.


Flying back and forth over the city like that. Are they low enough to not have to deal with rules and regs and flight plans or has the FAA loosened rules for pegasai since Silver Glow's time?

As far as I know, the rules generally are not below 1k feet AGL over an urban area.

I don’t know if this is a rule for sure, but not flying lower than the tallest nearby obstruction is a good rule of thumb, especially for fixed-wing aircraft. In general, with the rules currently in effect as I know them--and actual pilots are welcome to correct me--as long as Cammy and Scrim are below the top of reasonably close skyscrapers, the only thing they’d have to watch out for is helicopters.


I wonder how the unions that represent window washers would take this? They don't need all the safety gear but damn could a few industrious pegasi make a killing at this business.

Realistically, that’s gonna depend on how many pegasi there are doing it. If it’s only a few, they’ve got nothing to worry about; Cammy and Scrim can only do so many buildings on their own.

If there are lots, then the window washers might have a problem.

A lot of it would depend on how they interpreted it, methinks. There’s certainly room for pegasi and traditional window washers to coincide, and there are probably places where pegasi would do a better job of it than human, as well as places where humans would be more efficient. A smart union would quickly realize this and plan accordingly; whereas a less-smart union would not see the potential writing on the wall until it was too late.

You mention Uber, and I have to say that their business model bothers me as someone who had to pay extra for a special driver’s license since I drove commercially.

Overall, the issue is multifaceted, I think. There are things that unions have done that are great, and things they have done that are terrible, but then you can push that down to every aspect of business. Obviously, unions do better when there’s a high demand for the skill, and poorly when there isn’t (if farriers unionized tomorrow [assuming they aren’t already], nobody would really care; if WalMart employees do, that’d cause all sorts of ripples in the megamart industry).

Just focusing on the aspects of this story alone--since a full reply could well be a multipart essay on a subject I’m no expert on [although I have experience on the working end of the stick]--at this point there really aren’t enough pegasus window washers in New York or anywhere else to have much of an effect on the market overall. Going forward, there might be more, and at one point there might be enough to put the normal people out of business . . . or not, there are lots of windows in New York and the world at large.

For that matter, there might be technological solutions to window washing that render actual people and possibly even people moot . . . I don’t know a lot about the subject, but I can tell you that since the fifties, train crews have dropped from five to two and sometimes one, with the other positions rendered obsolete or redundant by techological advances (and for that matter, a lot of people’s jobs weren’t taken by immigrants or offshoring, they were taken by robots [and at one job, I had to help out my robot replacement]).

I guess the thing I’m getting at is there aren’t likely to be enough pegasi window washers to affect the market, not unless the ponies all worked together to crash the market and then take over.

I was honestly thinking of an alley I know at least reasonably well in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I have no idea if it’s a representative alley or an outlier, but when I think of alleys that’s what I picture.


I see this is an NYC that has embraced massive upzoning and YIMBYism to lower rents downwards a lot. :p ;)

Quick googling suggested that rents might be reasonably affordable in the Bronx, although I wasn’t able to get exact numbers on that. Odds are Cammy and Scrim would be willing to accept less of an apartment than an average human; it being an upper-floor apartment in a building with no elevator wouldn’t be an issue, so long as they had a fire escape and opening windows that they could use for commuting.

Stay tuned for more--I hope!

And if you haven’t, check out Celefin’s excellent Track Switch series!

Totally agree. There are certainly some issues with unions sometimes, but in general they do look out for the interest of the worker. They’re not perfect, but then what is?


very nice little piece.

Thank you! :heart:

Also, corrections made.

Reminds me of my own time living in Queens :D

Totally agree. Unions aren’t necessarily the best solution, but they’re one that works with the system that we have here in ‘Murica.


This a rather cute story.

Thank you!

I definitely want to have a pair of pegasi like these two wash the windows at where I work at now. :rainbowlaugh:

Who wouldn’t? I know I’d love to see it!


So slice of life, I can barely hold it in...

What the hay!


Thank you! :heart:

Calling, cute and just wonderful to read! :heart:

Thanks! Glad you liked it!


This was adorable.

Thank you!

I couldn't get the feeling out of my head though that something scary was bubbling away under the surface and something terrible was about to happen.
Must admit I was relieved when nothing did.

Heh, my SoL fics rarely have terrible things happening in them . . . mostly just ponies doing what ponies do.


Cute story and mention of firepony!


... Story is chief Rescue approved..:twilightsmile:

Thank you!


They are, aren’t they?


Man this is a charming little story.
Two ponies enjoying the urban jungle of New York City.


I wish there were more stories like this.

So do I. . . .


One thing that ICR ever seeing

Hey, Aug 4 is my birthday!

IMO. almost every Pegasus ever born is a born smuggler
(”We are the Ponies of the Wind. Wind don’t stop at the border & pay tolls. We don’t either”)

Yeah, I could see that. There are no borders in the sky.


An adorable couple doing things adorably. No wonder they attract so many amateur camerapeople.

(also, I think ponies by default do things adorably)

All told, this has been a wonderful tetralogy. Thank you for all of it.

Thanks! Glad you liked it!


I enjoyed the story greatly. It's nice, sweet, short and has ponies braving the big city.

Thanks, glad you liked it!

P.S. On a side note, I can't help but wonder just how many air traffic laws were changed to incorporate pegasi into the legal world.

That was discussed in some length in Silver Glow’s Journal--in short, since there are typically altitude restrictions for normal operations over cities (usually, 1,000 feet), pegasi can fly under that unhindered although they need to see and avoid other air traffic.

Silver Glow was cleared to 10,000 feet in VFR conditions, and was required to wear a radio and contact the nearest airport when flying above 1,000 feet. Sometimes with permission she could fly in other flight conditions, as well--if I recall, the regulations in that story basically were the sport pilot rules (not over 10k, no passengers, VFR only).

She also had to wear a high-viz vest and a blinking light whenever flying at altitude:
(the helmet, GoPro and second radio are equipment she often wore for stormwatching)

She was also allowed to take off and land practically anywhere, although if landing at an airport, she was typically cleared into the helicopter landing area.

She was also legally classed as an ornithopter.

Another story I’m working on has the pegasi wearing flight packs that include radar reflectors of some sort and nav lights, as well as flashing beacons.

In a nutshell, in low altitude where airplanes can’t go, there are few restrictions, but to avoid conflicts there are much stricter requirements at altitude.


I thought this was cute. Keep up the good work!

Thank you! :heart: I shall!


Reminds me of my own time living in Queens :D

I’ve been to NYC exactly once in my life, and I didn’t particularly enjoy it, but then I’m a country boy.

I kinda like how simple, yet interesting, the concept of this one-shot is. I don't recall a lot of stories that really deal with the aftermath of a Pony-Human contact in such a laid-back, low-stress manner like this.

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