• Published 3rd Nov 2022
  • 910 Views, 4 Comments

Zyuohger: Monarch of Mobians - Kamen rider accel

A new evil is threatening earth and the planet is at stake. But there are 6 Heroes who rise to fight and protect there home. Watch as they bear the Fangs and show them to not mess with earth.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Champion of the Jungle!

The world still has much to discover, but with the hearts of five connected, the world can discover these things, for those five shall protect it with a roar of victory.

(begins Dobutsu Sentai Zyuohger opening theme)

Haruka oozora e jiyuu ni habataku

Kibou mitsumeteru shounen no hitomi

Eagle, Shark, Lion, Elephant, Tiger, Honnō Kakusei!

Saikyou no ouja Zyuohger yasei no PAWAA de

Chikyuu no nakama wo mamotte miseru

Zettai teki shousha Zyuohger taiyou yori mo moeru

Kokoro wa muteki sa Zyuohger!

"Hai, here." Yamato smiled as he handed out papers to people on the street. Once again, he had gone out with the others to give out flyers asking for hints as to the Kings Credential they lost. Yamato wa salso wearing a black version of his normal jacket, his red one got ruined in a fight between Leo and Sela.

"Please come to the opening tomorrow!" Amu beamed, handing out not Kings Credential flyers, but ads for the Cafe, "Free dessert to the first hundred customers!"

"Amu, are you looking for help for the credential or advertising for Roll?" Yamato asked as he walked over and looked over her shoulder.

"...both?" She pouted in a false confusion as she tilted her head.

"I should have figured…" Yamato sighed.

Amu was about to retort before Tusk smacked her upside the head with a rolled up stack of papers.

"Do it elsewhere then. We call this spot for the Credential." Tusk stated bluntly as he walked off.

"Oh, you're just moody 'cause Tails had Nicole-chan lock us out." Amu frowned, holding her head.

"What does he do all day?" Yamato asked.

"Build random things that amaze the world." Sela explained bluntly.

"Hehehe...he once made a toaster using wood...and it worked! Till I left it plugged in and it lit on fire..." Leo muttered.

"That was Leo's birthday present...he also made him an anti-Sela barrier."

"Did it work?"

"Tails said, 'you asked me to make one...you never asked for it to work.'" Amu smiled.

"Yeesh...I couldn't eat my food for a week. Kitchen Mom had to blend up my breakfast for me." Leo complained, leaning on his head.

"Oh, don't get us started when he made a bomb disguised as Leo's moms." Amu joked.

"It was dark!" Leo countered.

"You fell for it each time," Sela countered.

"Why pick on Leo? It's not like you love them. That time he made your brother that hoverboard, you freaked and almost bit his head off." Leo pointed at Sela.

"Sela.." Yamato frowned.

"It was dangerous!"

"Kids are kids."

"..." Tusk rolled up more papers before he smacked everyone upside the head, making them all groan. "Work." he reminded them as he handed a larger stack to Leo.

Flash was sitting on a tree branch as his mobian traits were out. He was thinking back of what he found out. Ki was sitting beside him as he was snoozing there.

"Flash nii-san are you ok." Roll came in to view as she landed next to him and not waking up ki."You.. looked out after what you found out." She asked in worry.

"I'm.. I'm not sure if I am." Flash told honest as he looking down." All my life I thought of many things. My parents may have abandoned me because of my traits or I was just a lost cause and was lucky to be found my uncle Mario on his door step."

"Don't say that!" Roll said." Your family didn't abandoned you or anything. They love you as you are."

"How do you know that. Your just guessing that and all." He muttered in sarrow.

"Us sakurai are know for love and honor. I believe that who ever was in our family would have loved you no matter what. We don't abandon any one.There must have been a cause to this." Roll declared putting a hand on his shoulder."Once we find kaa-san. I will ask her. Beside I know we can't tell Mario-san this yet but right now when the time comes we will get our answers."

Flash didn't say anything. He looked down for a minute then looked at her with a smile."Thanks. I appreciate that." He suddenly hugged her but she didn't have a problem as she hugged him back.

He soon let go as he thought of something."So looks like we're family na. So does that make us cousins then right." He asked.

"Hm.. I guess." Roll nodded.

"So that means I am a badass cousin then. Cause I know the jitsu and can do cool abilities like Naruto ha." Flash smirked cockily.

"Hey I can do that to. I have know to be the best swordman sharp skills and am best at cooking." Roll told with her own smirk.

"Wanna bet.."

"Your on!" Roll said with a smirk as the two family members were now in a challenge state.

"Man...where is it...where is it…" Sonic muttered, looking around.

"Knave, you have search the whole island and yet you still haven't found your necklace…"

"Okay, this is an island...I've combed over every forest on the thing!" Sonic groaned as he stood up. "I mean, where else could it have gone?!"

"A river?" Caliburn asked. "The ocean...after all, it is as you say, an island."

"Are you still mad I lent you to Zyuoh Blaze?"

"That? No...no, not that. It was nice being in the hands of someone who knows how to actually use a sword." Caliburn countered.

"Oh very fu…" he started before his tail shot up, "Huh?"

"Knave, there seem to be a migration going on…" Caliburn blinked, seeing several flying objects in the sky.

"Huh?" Yamato blinked as he looked up. His eyes did the same old zoom thing as he began to see things far away, his vision seeing past the blue sky that was earth's atmosphere, there he saw the triangular ships of the Deathgalien coming down to earth in a large attack force. "Ah! Deathgaliens!" he called out pointing at the sky making the others all look up to see the ships only barely come into their field of vision.

"Finally! Something Leo enjoys!" Leo declared "Minna ikuz…" something large shot by them overhead, "HUH?!"

The object in question was a large, white plane that was 12.3 meters long with a 7 meter wingspan. The back of it was larger, letting the red engines be shown with smaller wings on them and near the yellow-tipped nosecone. It had four seats, separated into two covered parts. Yamato looked at it to see…

"Oh! Tails-san! What are you doing in there?!" Yamato freaked.

"Tails is in that?!" Amu asked in surprise.

The plane then flew around and the cockpit open as the Zyuoh Cubes jumped off and landed in their partner's hands.

"Chibi Leo!" Leo cried, catching his Cube Animal.

"Even Cube Kirin," Yamato noted, the tiniest member of the Cube Animals squeaking in his hand.

"I swear if he's building a battleship next…" Tusk sighed.

"Oh look it!" Amu awed as the plane flew towards the ships.

"What is that thing?" The Deathgalaien player asked.

This alien looked more organic compared to those of past Deathgalien. His body was a hot-pinkish color with blue veins all over his arms legs...and his head. Said head made up all of his torso with his arms coming out of the side of his head and his legs under his jaw; his long beast like jaw filled with razor sharp teeth. He had golden gauntlets, and greaves with three blues claws on each leg, and his head was clad in a golden helmet with a red bladed ridge along the top.

"Whoa! It's fast." he blinked as it zoomed by before it looped back and changed, now having arms, and it punched a ship into another, causing them to explode. "Ahh! Shoot him down before it gets me!" he ordered, slapping the Moaba piloting his ship.

"Ooh~! Looks like it was worth lending him those ships..." Ginis noted, watching the airfight.

"That idiot...Gaburio!" Azald groaned.

"Curious...why did you send your Dumbest Player this time?" Quval asked.

"'Cause I want him to eat that rat!" Azald shouted.

"Understandable. Gaburio is able to eat and digest anything...even dark matter." Naria muttered. "Hmm...the plane is interesting...Ginis-sama, a child is flying that."

"Ahahahah!" Quval laughed at Azald.

"What?! That idiot is being beaten by a kid!?"

"Well clearly a kid who's IQ is on the other end of Gaburio's." Ginis stated. "Oh. The colorful ones are here."

Tails looked at the pursuing ships and smirked as he dived down in time to lure them to Cube Eagle's line of fire. Cube Eagle unleashed its beam vulcan attack and destroyed the ships, letting their remains fall to the streets below.

"AH! The Zyuohgers are here too soon!" Gaburio shouted, his giant jaw opening wide in shock.

"Save some for Chibi Leo, Yamato, Tails!" Lion demanded as Cube Lion roared and unleashed thunder on more of the ships.

"Sheesh...talk about overcompensating." Tiger muttered.

"Amu, Leo, Cube Kirin, gattai!" Eagle ordered.

"Aye Sir!" Tiger cheered; Amu's been watching anime.

=SAN! GO! ICHI! Zyuoh~ King~!=

Zyuoh King skidded to a halt before Cube Kirin grew to max size and unfolded into Bazooka Mode and docked to the shoulder. Zyuoh King then took aim as it unleashed a blast of orange energy that burst like a shotgun shot and took out a large cluster of the Deathgalien shots.

"Ahahaha! Fire! Fire! Fire!" Lion shouted.

"Wait, Leo! Tails…" Eagle started before Tiger tapped his shoulder. "...he clipped Tails, didn't he?"

"Just a little." she said, holding her thumb and index fingers apart slightly as Eagle saw one of the wings of Tails's jet slightly smoke...Eagle looked in closer and he could see no damage...but the paint is ruined. "Wait...something's falling…"


The plane then looped back and followed the falling object. Said Object was Gaburio, who was screaming in his fall. Tails's plane came in to grab the alien...only for it to bite off the entire hand that was trying to grab him. Tails's plane smacked him further away and faster in his descent to the ground before making a crash landing. It seemed that the Deathgalien ate a crucial part.

"Tails!" Eagle shouted as he jumped out of Zyuoh King and flew off towards the plane at top speed.

"He really needs to learn to wait." Lion said as he saw Tiger on the phone.

"Yep. You missed it...the whole thing." Tiger said on the phone.

"Who are you calling?" Lion asked.

"You mean 'who did I call?'"

"Mou!" Roll pouted, hanging up.

"What?"Flash asked as Knuckles was with them as he put down the last of the tables, only doing it as a small favor.

"I missed recording Zyuoh King and the other Cube Animals fighting an alien flying invasion," Roll pouted.

"What.. dang it I wanted in on the action."Flash said.

"So..." he said, "Okay. I'm off. I gotta get back to looking for a way home or the Master Emerald. Whichever comes first. You can find Miyuki somewhere in the forest….north of here."

"Arigatou," Roll thanked, "Next time you come here, your meal is on the house."

"The girl you mentioned hah. Well I'm off to." Flash told leaving.

"He fell in the forest to the north!" Zyuoh Elephant shouted as he watched where the Deathgelien fell.

"Tails is more important." Shark and Eagle said.

"We'll find the Deathgalien eventually. Once he gets up, our tails will raise up!" Lion added.

"Leo just smarts-ed!" Tiger joked as they all ran off.

"There he...oh…" Eagle blinked, seeing the intact plane missing a piece, as Tails kicked the cockpit open and jumped out, dusting himself off.

"I was not expecting it to eat the hand," Tails noted as Cube Kirin bounced over, squeaking, "Oh there, there. You want Mama Nicole?"

"Tails!" Eagle called out as he landed on the plane next to Tails.

"Hey, guys! What do you guys think of X-Tornado?" Tails asked.

"I think it's probably the most amazing plane on Earth… You know, for one that doesn't also transform into a giant fighting robot." Eagle corrected himself, living in Japan...he'd seen many a giant robot.

"I don't have the parts or power supply yet," Tails shrugged, "Besides, it's better than my old planes...but those are still my favorites as well." he noted, "I gotta thank Cube Eagle for letting me examine him to make this."

"Wow, what happened hear." Zyuoh Fox came into view seeing the view." What did I miss." He asked.

"Just tails using his plan to fight the Deathgalien." Tiger explained.

"Soka, I'm just glad this thing is clearly built to take damage." Eagle sighed.

"Yeah...but...as for how that Deathgalien just chomped the hand off...that's honestly beyond me here. That couldn't have happened…unless he has a black hole for a stomach...or capable of dark matter consumption…" he tapped his chin, "I need to check with nicole…" he said before an ice wall separated the Zyuohgers from him, "What?!"

"Tails!" Eagle shouted in surprise as he pulled out his EagRiser.

"Amu, did you…" Elephant began.

"Iie, iie, iie!" Tiger shook her head.

"I got this!" Fox yelled as his fist was now on fire and he punched the wall down." Ok who ever you are get out before I bur you up."

"Gomen, but I had to make sure you were okay first before you try anything reckless," a voice spoke up, causing them to turn and see a Mobian nine tailed vixen stand there, "I saw the plane crashed and...well, something inside me sensed you were in there, Tails."

"Omae wa dare da!" Fox shouted as he jumped in front of Tails with his fists on fire.

"M-matte! I'm not here to harm him, kyu!"

"Matte…" Eagle muttered as he looked between the two Fox Mobians. "You two have the same facial features."

"It's just a species thing," Tails said, "It's like saying all lion Mobians look like Leo."

"I am a handsome devil." Lion smirked.

"No...really you share the same facial features." Eagle stated, "I can see that kind of stuff now,"

"Yamato has telescopic eyesight now." Tiger explained.

"Anyway…" Eagle said as he hid his Eagriser away and flashed back to Yamato. "Who are you?" he started before blue blur came in.

"Hey guys, what's u….oh hey Miyuki." Sonic greeted zooming in.

"Sonic-san," the vixen nodded.


"Eh? That sounded like…" Fox began before a yellow blur tackled into the female fox.

"Kita!" Roll cheered, hugging the fox.

"Roll-chan!" Miyuki beamed as she returned the hug.

"Miyuki?" Yamato asked confused.

"She says she's Tails-chan's sister." Roll informed, "I'm convince because they look similar."

"It's just a species thing," Tails deadpanned.

"Iie. You both have something just...alike," Roll argued.

"I am an orphan, you guys, so please stop this…" he said before a pink blur tackled Roll and nuzzled into her chest.

"I got you, Sonic~"

"Ahn~!" Roll blushed.

"Ano...wrong person." Tiger said flashing back into human form Amu.

"...Huh?" Amy blinked as she looked up, seeing she was nuzzling Roll in her bosom, "..." she then let go, "oh damn, it's you." she frowned.

"..." Sonic then backed away before blurring off.

"And he's off!" Amu cheered. "Girls, see who can get him first!" Amu ordered the two to chase.

"...you!" Amy blinked, looking at the Zyuohgers, "I've seen you guys in the cards!" She said but when she looked at Fox she suddenly saw something different of him." Hah? Who's this guy. Is he your cousin or something."

"He is. But he's well different." Roll told.

"Ah!" Lion roared, making everyone cover their ears. "It's Amy! Amy, why are you here?!"

"Wait... What do you mean in the cards…" Elephant asked.

"...This is a big reunion." Yamato noted as Tails crossed his arms. "...minna can we talk peacefully and not disturb the forest?"

"I need to fix my plane." Tails said.

"And we need to find the Deathgalien." Tusk said, flashing back to his human form.

"But...our tails aren't tingling." Amu pointed out as she presented her tail to everyone, "So...he must be dead." she figured as nobody noticed Gaburio's legs jutting out of a hill directly above them.

"Either way, I'm not leaving. If you guys don't mind, give me space to work peacefully." Tails said, looking at Leo.

"Hai...Amy-san, correct? ...Can you take us to a place to talk?"

"Hey...I hear something." Leo said, turning around to see someone in the bushes.

"Oh No! Humans!" the figure shouted before running off.

"Deathgalien!" Leo roared as the Zyuohgers all ran after the figure.

"Wait!" Amy called out, defending the thing in the bushes while holding a hammer, "What do you think you're doing?!"

"AH!" Leo shouted as he and Yamato tackled the figure down while the rest just tripped after them.

"Got you now, Deathgalien!" Yamato shouted as he turned him around...only form to come face to face with a gorilla Mobian. "Gorilla?"

"Eh?!" the others all gawked.

"..." Leo and them all gulped as they looked at Amy with her hammer, "...uh…"


"Mou...Strikes first, asks questions later…" Roll sighed, facepalming.

"A Mobian?" Yamato asked, standing up while holding the bump on his head.

"Ah...you humans know of Mobians?" the gorilla asked.

"Of course we do! We are Mobians!" Leo said as they changed back, "Gao!"

"Don't you guys have something to say to Larry first?" Amy frowned.

"Only if you have something to say to them, as well," Roll frowned.

"They tackled him, Tits Magee!"

"And you hitting them with your hammer wasn't just as bad if not worse, little girl?"

"Well, at least Sonic likes me, Miss Self-proclaimed wife."

"You did not just go there, bratty little fangirl!"

"Cat fight..." Tails groaned.

"Ok Enough!" Fox shouted making them all jump."listen hear. We accidentally took the innocent mobian for the Deathgalien so we were sorry. But it doesn't give you the right to hit them!" Fox schooled her.

"But they."

"But nothing!" Fox shutting her up." Also never say this or anything to my cousin got it or the next time your skull will be having the dents of your own hammer got it." Fox told darkly making Amy scared as she nodded quickly. The others were getting sacred aswell except for the other mobian.

"OH! Amigos!" Larry shouted, making Fox blink out of his thoughts and everyone blink as he hugged them, "Ahahaha! I never thought I'd see even more of my kind!" he said as he happily hugged them.

"It's true...the Gorilla are the strongest of all Mobians…" Tusk grunted.

"Hello sorry for the scene back there." Fox apologize as he powered down revealing Flash.

"Oh it's ok. By the way why aren't you showing your mobian form." He asked.

"Um.. well the thing is. I'm a..." Flash had a hard time telling.

"Flash is a hybrid and is half mobian and half human." Leo bluntly told getting a bonk on the head from Sela.

The mobian liked at him in slight fear but he shook it off."what?! My amigo this is... This is out standing." He said in shock.

"Wait his half human?!" Amy asked.

"Yeah we could tell you later in another palace." Amu said.

"Ok then. Ah, little Amigo!" Larry cheered as he grabbed Tails into the hug.

"Hello…" Tails said, "...Aren't you the human researcher that went missing years ago? Larry the Gorilla, right?"

"Ah...what am I supposed to do now?" Gaburio asked from the hill he was buried in, still not found by them as they walked away from the area.

-Line break-

"Gaburio, that useless piece of…!" Azald growled in anger, slamming his head once more into his wall, " I'm gonna go get him! And if I see him, I'm gonna kill that blue rat….maybe in the reverse order."

"Hahaha...and once again, Team Azald's mental deficiency trait has made itself clear," Quval chuckled at his fellow alien's misfortune, "Getting attacked before the game even starts, even…"

"Azald...if you're going down, at least sober up." Naria joked.

"SHUT UP!" he shouted "I am sober! That's why I'm mad!" he added, kicking over a table before he punched a Moeba Cleaner, "The game's just starting!" he shouted while walking out.

"Heh...babysitting his own player...how sad." Quval laughed.

"No...this might actually make things more interesting." Ginis muttered as he grabbed his new chalice of wine, "Very...very interesting."

"Will you guys please apologize for tackling into Larry?" Amy frowned, her clothes disheveled and her quills a mess.

"Senorita, it's ok…" Larry replied calmly as he patted her shoulder "From what my little amigo tells me, they had good reasons." he smiled, "If I was all wound up from fighting monsters, I'd do the same thing," he laughed, "Well, if I was a good few years younger." he chuckled.

"Thank you for the understanding, Larry-san," Roll thanked, her clothes, fur, and quills a mess as well.

"You to still fought even when I told you guys not to." Flash said.

"She wasn't listening cause of being a brat."

"Says the one who's brain went to her chest." Amu shot back. Both girls glare at one another but we're soon hit on the head.

"You to are clearly taking my patients away." Flash told in an angry toon.

"Sorry.." Both said in fright

"So weird being around a Mobian who didn't suffer under Eggman or know about him at all." Tusk admitted.

"Ah...I'm sorry to say...I was not able to be there with my kind," Larry sighed as he served tea for everyone. "Ah...truly much has happened while I was on my research trip.

"Larry, would you look at my notes here?" Tails asked, showing Larry a yellow device that reminded Yamato of an oversized PS Vita. "It's in regards to what I've learned about the King's Credentials."

"Let me see, Nino." he said, holding the device, "Soka soka...amazing work, my boy." he smiled, patting his head. "A mind like that puts an old bag of muscle like me to shame!" he laughed, continuing to gently pat Tails's head, "Ah, but look here, you noted the energy of the credentials allows for the human change. Now near as I know, the credentials can only be used by one at a time. So your guess on it being working for specific Mobians is indeed right. However, it's even more specific. It locks to whoever awakens it and bonds to DNA." he explained, "But I'm sure you would have found it yourself after a little more research. A young man like you must have a thousand things on the mind at any time."

"Well, my friends here tend to be demanding." he said as Miyuki glared at them.

"Ahahaha...then just learn to be able to amaze them more. Friends help one another, so make them wish they asked sooner by blowing them away." Larry offered advice. "Sides with your youth, soon you'll be so wise, their silly requests will be as easy as…" Larry snapped his fingers making a loud snap, "As snapping your fingers!" he laughed.

"Thanks...if you'll excuse me, I'll be getting back to my plane." he smiled as he left with Miyuki following him.

"Ah good boy, right good boy." Larry smiled before he grabbed a wooden box. "Ah so can you now tell me about your self um !"he looked at Flash.

"Flash, Boku wa Flash Sentry bit now that I found out about my family I think now it may be Flash Maelstrom Sakurai." Flash introduced.

"Wow amigo. So you are very unique and you must be her family then. What is your family name." He asked.

Flash developed an unsure expression."Well you see. I lived my hole life hear in the human place."

"Nani" Larry soon developed a scared expression.

"Yes I lived hear with Yamato. He's human like me well I'm like him but a bit."

"Ah yes, I'm human." Yamato said, making Larry pause and look at him.

"NOOO~!" Larry shouted, as he smashed through his wall and ran.

"Larry…" Amy panicked. "Oh no! Not again."

"Hey...wait...Ossan!?" Leo shouted, running after him.

"Daijo…" Yamato started before Amy held him back, shaking her head no.

"Aw... Yamato-kun, what did you do to him?" Amu asked.

"I didn't do anything." Yamato quickly shook his head.

"Please just Mobians after him…" Amy insisted." Also Flash you should stay hear aswell. It's just for safe occasion."

"I might as well see if I can fix that hole for him," Roll noted, pulling a box of nails and a hammer from her cleavage.

The Mobians of the Zyuohgers and their friends were able to find Larry at a lake fed by a waterfall from the river. Larry himself was sitting on a rock as he sighed and looked at the water.

"I'm done interacting with humans." Larry explained himself as the younger Mobians all found him after he left Larry-shaped holes in the forest. "...sorry if I'm rude to the company you keep…"

"Larry-san, Yamato is a good boy and Flash won't hurt you...I'm sure you can…" Amu tried to reason.

"Gomen," he shook his head.

"But...you came here to study humans… What happened?" Sela asked.

Larry took a long sigh at that, "That was long ago." he explained. "The thought occurred to me. 'I should learn to get along with humans if I'm to live in this world.'" he sighed, "But…"


Larry walked over you a couple sitting in the city park before he took a deep breath.

"Hola!" Larry shouted happily to them.

"Ah! Gorilla!" they cried running away. Other people also began running in panic away from Larry.

The Gorilla Mobian looked around at the fear in the people's faces. He tried again, but got the same result. He tried again, but once again the humans ran from him in fear. The poor old Mobian lowered his arms in sadness at the fear he received from the humans he enjoyed to study. He then turned his head as a police officer ran over to him before pulling out his firearm. Larry panicked as the officer began shooting. The poor Gorilla avoided three shots before he ran away in fear, but as he did one bullet still grazed his shoulder.

-End Flashback-

Larry held his arm, where a hole was patched up in his sleeve. "Now...humans terrify me."

"But you know…" Leo said as he jumped on Larry's sitting rock. "Yamato's not gonna hurt you. So is Flash Both are real nice dudes."

"Maybe…" Larry sighed, holding his arm.

"So...Yamato,and Flash right?" Amy asked, "You two seem nice...I'm sorry about Larry's freak out." she apologized, "He's been through a lot." she sighed, "But when he's ready, he should tell you."

"You're very grateful to him huh?" Flash asked as Roll worked on fixing the Larry-shaped hole.

"Yeah. Me and Miyuki have been with him for awhile, so he's been nice to us...so you've been with fatty over there and my Sonic, huh?"

"Oh, bite me, shrimp…" Roll muttered under her breath.

"Hai…" Yamato chuckled nervously. "What's your relationship with Sonic-san?"

"I'm his soulmate and he and I are destined to be! The cards let me meet him and they told me I'll always be in his life." she swooned.

'As a little sister figure, maybe…' Roll thought.

"...By the way, you two...the Zyuohgers...are there seven of you right now?" Amy asked.

"Eh? ...No. There are only six of us...but we are looking for the 6th Kings Credential." he explained.

"Listen to me carefully. At the cost of a life, the Monarch of the Jungle will rise."

"Jungle...no Ouja?" Yamato and Flash asked.

"She saw someone dying to make a new Zyuohger in those cards?" Roll pondered before her tail shot straight up and her eyes widened, "?! I~te!"

"Someone...dying…?" Yamato asked in worry as Roll sucked her thumb where her hammer had hit.

"Also there was a future prediction I saw aswell but this was a further future I saw."

"Hah?" Yamato and Flash said while roll checked her thumb.

"When the truth will reveal. The sleeping beast will awaken. Thus hell will brake lose."

"I thought it will be her but now that I saw you it will eather be you or her." Amy explained.

"Nani?" Yamato blinked. "But...that doesn't explain anything…" he blinked. "Someone dies...for a new Zyuohger?" he asked, scratching his head." And finding the truth as a demon rises."

"Could be metaphorical..." Roll mumbled through her thumb-sucking to deal with the pain.

"Actually...in Tarrot reading, 'death' doesn't mean 'to die,'" Flash explained, making them look at him, "As I watched from fortune telling. It means 'transformation' and the tarrot 'truth' means of' looking deeper in one self.'"

"The cards never lie, trust me. A life for a new Zyuohger...it's true! I've met Sonic thanks to these cards." she said showing him...blank cards.

"Soka…" Yamato nodded slowly while looking to Roll, who just shrugged.

"Don't look at fatty there. I'm more reliable than her."

"It's not fat. It's milk," Roll mumbled as the pain faded.

"Amy-san...you don't have to be rude." Yamato sighed, sounding like a parent tired of settling silly arguments, "Besides you were nuzzling up to her rather lovingly earlier."

"I was not!" she screamed, embarrassed.

"Amy-san, Amy-san...it was a joke. I was just joking," Yamato replied calmly.

"She doesn't know how to take jokes," Roll noted, "Then again, she is just a twelve-year-old in a magically-aged body."

"Well at least I don't let stupid laws dedicate my love for Sonic."

Roll's eyes narrowed dangerously, "Are you insulting my family, Ms. Rose?"

"Yeah I am! And if you wanna go, let's take this outside!"

"We're already outside, you little brat!" Roll growled.

"Mou yamete!" Yamato and Flash shouted, making them both jump in fright.

"Duck and cover!" Roll squeaked as she hid behind a rock to not see Yamato's 'scary face.' It got worse after he developed his Eagle eyes. Amy hid and was trying not to get hit by Flash.

"Knave, you should just take them both. You're a prince…" Caliburn tried to advise.

"I'm not into harems," Sonic rolled his eyes.

"It's not a harem. One is your wife, the other is the concubine or mistress. She's not a an emotional partner."

"Okay...stop, stop right there. Stop it. Seal that thought away and then never think it again." Sonic ordered, "A: If I was to get into a relationship with multiple partners, then it would have emotion. B: As I've learned from Leo's Dad, if you are gonna do the whole multiple girls thing, you need to do it with respect and love for all who are involved. C: As I learned from Leo's moms...they need to like each other for it to even be considered. D: Do do it without any equal care for all involved just makes you a Grade A; Total Jacka-" he went on before bumping into someone, "Oh. Sorry."

"Watch where you're going, blue rat!" The tall figure shouted, shoving Sonic out of his way.

"I'm not a rat! I'm a hedgehog!" Sonic snapped.

"...Wait a second...it's you!" Azald shouted, "You're that annoying blue spiky thing that keeps distracting my Players! Why you hate my guys? Why don't you bug Quval's guys?!" he shouted.

"I'm sorry, do I know you or care?" Sonic smirked.

"I am Azald, the leader of Team Azald, and you keep bothering my players as they play the blood game! Because of you, I've looked like a total fool!" Azald shouted, pointing his cube hand at Sonic.

"Wow, is it that hard?" he asked.

"Are you making fun of me?"

"Maybe." Sonic began before he twitched as his tail shot up. Sonic then looked up at Azald...and took a step back. Azald's lips curled into a smile as a vicious bloodthirst aura came off him...worse than bloodthirsty...the only apt comparison...was the aura of death. "Caliburn...I need all of your attention on this."

"Indeed," Caliburn agreed, "It is akin to when Lancelot did not hold back...but far worse…"

"Yeah 'cause he would've kept me alive."

"I am Azald…" Azald spoke as he held his hands out...and cubes formed off his body before they reformed into a giant cleaver/sword easily as big as Sonic. "And I enjoy to cause physical pain!" he introduced himself, "And your spiky fur...will decorate my room!" he laughed as his teeth seemed to grow sharper due to his excitement.

"That...that's a big...sword..." Sonic gulped as Azald raised it up.

"Why thank you...All the better to kill you with!" Azald shouted, slashing it and cutting down several trees.

"Kinda slow, though," Azald turned around to see the hedgehog, "Plus...I think you're just compensating with how big it is."


"Ooh...Even Azald's getting it from him," Quval noted in amusement.

"Heh...he's terrified out of his sneakers," Ginis chuckled, "Yet he still makes his quips. How amusing...in how useless it is in trying to keep his spirits up to live."

-scene cut-

"...Seriously, why won't you leave me alone?" Tails asked, focusing on his plane as Miyuki stood apart from him.

"I...I just want to make sure you're alright, kyu," Miyuki responded.

"...well don't bother…" Tails snorted a bit, "Never needed you before when I was growing up, don't need you now…"

"..." Miyuki sighed sadly as her ears drooped, "I can understand why you hate me….I wasn't there when Eggman took over...I wasn't there when Kaa-san and Tou-san…" she paused as she looked down, "...I….I tried to look everywhere for you, but...I couldn't find any trace of you within the city...I...I searched the entire planet for you, Tails, hoping you were still alive…"


"I...I should've been there for you...for when you needed family the most...for when…..SHE hurt you…" Miyuki whispered, tears dropping from her eyes as they started changing into small ice crystals, "I...I felt so heart broken...knowing you were hurt...that you were all alone as a baby...I...I'm sorry…" she began to quietly sob to herself as she wrapped her arms around her body, "I'm so sorry…."


"...I know I should be happy to see you're safe, Tails...but...if you hate me...if you want me gone from your life for not being there…" Miyuki whispered as she turned around, "...I'll do that for you...I'll still visit Roll-chan to say 'hi,' but I'll leave you alone. But know this, Tails...deep down, no matter how much you hate me...no matter what kind of things you do to me...I...I still love you, Outouto…"

Tails said nothing as he laid down underneath the plane while Miyuki walked away, small ice crystal tears falling from her eyes as she walked away.

"So...that's the story…" Yamato muttered as everyone went to Yamato's and Flash's house after all of that, "I suppose I can understand why Larry-san doesn't like me."

"That's so sad…" Roll sniffled, blowing her nose in a pink handkerchief.

"Yeah...but if things were different… We'd all have been through the same," Leo spoke, the serious events calming him down to an extent of maturity, "Just because we're Mobians…" he sighed sadly as he leaned against the glass door.

Leo then looked up as Mario appeared at the glass door, holding a large hatchet, "Leo-kun."

"NYAAAAAH!" Leo cried in fear spooking his friends as he ran away and hid behind Flash, "I'm human! I'm human! Ningen desu!"

Mario opened the door and walked it, "Leo-kun, what are you talking about? I was trying to remind you. Today was your turn to chop firewood. It was your chore for the day." Mario sighed, shaking his head.

"Mou...Bad, Leo-san," Roll scolded.

"Roll-chan...you got scared, too." Amu giggled as she was holding up Roll in her arms.

"Leo-san's roars of fear are almost as scary as Yamato-san's glares or Flash Nissan bonking," Roll mumbled, blushing as she got down from Amu's arms.

"I forgot…" Leo chuckled sheepishly as he got out from behind Yamato, "Sorry, I'll take care of it now."

"That boy…" Mario shook his head as they left to go take care of the chore, "Oh, Roll-san. Haseo-kun was feeling a bit warm earlier, so I had him go to bed."

"Eh?!" Roll gasped before running to Mario's room to check on Haseo, leaving Yamato, Flash,Sela, Amu, and Tusk in the living room.

"Um, I'm gonna go and check in him aswell." Flash quickly told as he went after her.

"Hmm.. Flash for some reason is hanging around Roll and Haseo more often these days."Mario asked.

The others looked at each other in concern as they didn't wanted for Mario to find out about them yet.

"Oh,T-That's because Roll had a brother before when she was young who loved to dress up as a Fox boy"Amu quickly told as the other got her swift.

"H-Hai,He actually.. died because of a sickness a few years ago when Roll was young." Yamato said.

"Yeah, Flash reminded her of him more so does so she spend time with him to get to know him." Sela told,"So that's how both of them tend to see each other as siblings some time."

Mario looked at them as they all made sheepish smiles hoping for him to buy it."That is... GREAT NEWS."Mario cheered as the others sign in relief."Flash could use some family more na. The boy had a ruff life growing up you know. So it's atleast good for him to meet roll then. Hoping he will get out of his Truma." He muttered the last part as the other Mobian heard this.

"Truma?" They asked making Yamato and Maro looked at them.

"..Well, we'll tell you when it's the right time. It's personal a bit." Mario said as tge others got the picture as Mario left to finish the chore.

"Honestly...I can understand how the humans felt." Tusk spoke up, making them look at him. "I'm sure to them, Larry's alien appearance must have scarred them, almost like when Eggman first came to our world...or when we first met you, Yamato and Flash."

`"Yeah. only difference is Yamato and Flash had left a very good first impression. Eggman didn't." Amu pointed out.

"But still, we're talking about a totally different life form." Sela added. "When Yamato and Flash first arrived...we were all afraid...another human...another Eggman." she sighed sadly as she walked over and put a hand on Yamato's shoulder. "I'm glad we were all completely wrong. So wrong we looked stupid." she chuckled, "I'm sure Roll would say something like: I never was afraid of him at all." she joked not doing something like copying her voice.

"That's right, we all had our first impressions just by how Yamato looks, but we are more glad to get to know him. Even Tusk-kun." Amu smiled.

"Maybe…" Yamato nodded his head, "But the thought of Larry-san being in pain just from even seeing a human…Its almost as how Flash had when he was young." he trailed off as even Tusk turned to look at him from amazement at the lengths of Yamato's kindness but soon when heard the last part made him curious and not just him but the others.

The next day Larry was out in the forest, searching for herbs and plants for dinner in the forest. The Gorilla Mobian carefully looked over plants, finding what was edible and safe to eat...For him at least. As a gorilla, he had a strong stomach that could handle different foods compared to other Mobian races; but he also had to cook up something for his guests so he had to more mindful of what he gathered.

"Larry-san!" Amu called out as she, Sela, and Roll walked over to him.

"Hola Senoritas!" Larry called out happily as he put some herbs into a basket. "What brings you out here?"

"I'm here to take care of those broken parts of your hut," Roll noted, holding up a toolkit she had bought on the way back to Yamato and Mario's home yesterday, 'And avoid all this to be safe.'

"Ah! Si! That's very nice of you. It's been rather drafty," Larry nodded. "Here, let's see if we can find some more to help with dinner tonight. That way all of you can join us. After all, it's better to eat with company. The food tastes much better with others."

"No problem!" Amu beamed as she and Sela went to help while Roll ran off to the hut. "Foods always better eating together! Right, Yamato?"

"That's right." Yamato nodded...appearing out of nowhere.

"That's...ah…" Larry muttered turning to see Yamato. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" he shouted as he got up and ran off...tackling through several trees.

"Well, that was a failure," Tusk bluntly stated.

"No! We're not through here!" Leo declared.

Amy looked at her cards, trying to make sense of her recent prediction, before smelling chili dogs.

"Soni...oh…" Amy frowned, seeing Roll with her kit, "What do you want?"

"I'm just here to fix up the holes here for Larry-san," Roll replied.

"...he's out right now." she said before seeing a blue blocky monster wrestling with the jungle no ouja in her cards, "No...I keep getting the same answers."

"Honestly, you're thinking too literally," Roll sighed, "If Yamato-san is right, then it might mean the 'death' is just the 'death' of someone's old perception of life."

"And you're still the same stubborn foxhog," she frowned, "My cards were literal about where I met Sonic, how I would meet you unfortunately...and you never complained when I helped find Haseo that one time."

"Because that last divination wasn't vague," Roll rolled her eyes, "It literally said where he was."

"It helped still." She said as she soon saw a vision of a beast fighting with another but this one had glowing eyes and teeth and Nine tails like the other."Ok this one is scaring me. Either it's you or it's your Half human cousin. Still can't believe it."

"Well you should na. Also I think the prediction which Flash told of 'Truth' Meaning he will see some one in different light. Will it be good or bad we don't know. But we do know is that what ever the beast is won't be him." Roll told.'But I won't say it won't be me aswell.'

"You still trying to kill Eggman?" she asked, trying to make conversation.

"Yes," Roll replied with a sigh, "There's...not really much time left…"

"You need to give up on that," Amy said.

"I was ready to give it up last year, but…" Roll briefly had a bitter, pained look to her face, "...those options were taken from me."

"...Listen, I give you crap, but I like you. I really do, honestly. I admire your body and like you as a person...but you really don't understand Sonic… He's never going to let you kill Eggman. He'll fight you and you'd have to kill him to get what you want."

"Killing Eggman is not something I want to do, it's something that I need to do," Roll frowned.

"I know. I read your family's rules, and like Sonic, I just don't agree with how life-dedicating they are." she sighed, "And really? 'Need to do?' ...You don't think Sonic ever felt like that...especially after Sally?"

Roll frowned, "I do...but unlike him, he has more time…" she turned from Amy and slid her shirt up, causing Amy to gasp at what was on her back, "Me? It ends on the sunset of my birthday."

"You...don't get it still...Sonic is not going to stop protecting Eggman and what's more...he's never gonna let you go…" she said to Roll, "...So if I was you...I'd solve this before Sonic does what Sonic does and you should know the cards agree on one thing; Sonic never loses."

Roll just gave a dry laugh as she put her shirt down, "He already made it a no-win case for me with what he said last year…"

"This is what stops you and me from being friends… You don't understand him as well as you think you do." she said, "...come on. You look like you could use a bath. There's a hot spring nearby."

"Thank you for the offer," Roll nodded, "And I do understand Sonic-san. He always follows what he believes is right." 'But what he believes in will just be for naught…'

"Well you seem effective on him…" Sonic smirked as Azald tried to stop staggering.

"What the hell? That sword burns." he muttered tapping his shoulders as it was glowing...but was unharmed.

"Humph. Who do you think I am, knave?"

"A blade that's effective on the cube alien here," Sonic replied as he whirled the sword. "And my partner." he then charged forward as he clashed with Alzad.

Larry grabbed a wooden pole and several buckets as he walked around the back of his hut.

"Oof...okay, I'll be back, Senoritas." Larry spoke as he walked towards the river.

"Good luck," Roll waved, a bit steamy from the quick hot spring dip, as she nailed another hole shut.

Larry walked his way down the path he had made for himself in the years he'd been stuck in the human world. As he did, he found Leo and Tusk walking his way.

"Oh, Ossan!" Leo shouted as they walked over to him. "Going to get water?"

"Oh si!" Larry smiled, "My hut doesn't have natural plumbing, so I need to collect quite a bit of water to do my daily chores and such. Even more with the two senoritas staying with me."

"We'll help you out." Tusk offered.

"That's right, you need two strong dudes like us to do the heavy lifting!" Leo claimed as he flexed his arms.

"Ahahaha! Thank you!" Larry smiled as they walked off down to the river.

The three then began using a smaller bucket to scoop water into the three larger ones. After a few times doing that, they filled the smaller one to get the largest possible amount of water they could with the one trip. Leo and Tusk grabbed the back end of the pole while Larry grabbed the front. They then all lifted it up, with Tusk and Leo grunting at the difficulty. While this might have seemed simple, the task at hand was one that put much strain on a person's muscles. While Leo and Tusk were the strongest of their group of friends not counting Knuckles, this task was one that pushed even them to the brink of their physical limit.

"Gah...Larry...you must be real strong…" Leo grunted as they began walking...uphill.

"Strong nothing...he's amazing!" Tusk groaned.

"Hahaha...I'm just strong enough to match you two youngsters!" Larry laughed.

"Ah...that's amazing, Larry-san!" Yamato spoke as they got within distance of Larry's home.

Larry stopped with a snort as he turned back to see Yamato helping Tusk and Leo. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" he roared as he pushed the pole and sent it and Yamato flying back through the forest.

Yamato slammed into a tree, making him cough in pain before he fell down. Yamato slowly got up, dazed more than anything, before the water from the buckets splashed over him. After another second, the buckets all fell on Yamato, knocking him down.

"Yamato!" everyone called out when they saw that.

"You!" Larry pointed at Yamato. "Why can't you just leave me alone?!"

"Oi, Ossan, that was taking it too far!" Leo shouted back in defense of his buddy.

"Shut Up!" Larry shouted, "I want nothing to do with any of you!" he shouted, pointing at everyone, "If you're gonna keep bringing that human around here!"

"Larry-san, we suffered under Eggman, but we're making best friends with Yamato," Amu said.

"NO!" he roared, "If you bring him back here, I don't want anything with any of you! Just keep away!" Larry shouted as he ran off.

"...I guess...I tried too hard...didn't I?" Yamato asked slowly as he got up, soaking wet.

Larry was now sitting behind his home as he was now in a sad expression.

"Hello Larry-san." He quickly looked and saw Flash standing there with a bag as Ki was on his shoulder."Hi, Thought I could come and talk."

"Is..Is the human with you." Larry asked him.

"No, Yamato is some place else. I thought of coming alone because I know how your feeling now." Flash told.

Larry nodded soon as Flash came and sat with him as Ki hopped off and was sitting by Flash side. Both didn't say a word as they were waiting for someone to speak.

"So, I heard what happened to you." Flash spoke thus breaking the tension."Roll told me on how your encounter went with humans."

"Amigo.. Are you mad at me.. for what I did to your family." Larry slowly asked not looking at him.

"..." Flash didn't say anything." Yeah a bit." He told him but not in anger."But I kind a see why you were like this."


"I... I was actually once like this when I was a kid." Flash told thus surprising Larry.

"Really Amigo?!" Larry asked in bewilderment."But you look calm and friendly to others and only mad q bit."

"Well.. The thing is when I was young. Yamato came to visit every time when he wasn't with his parents. I was always at home and couldn't go out much without a hiding my self." Flash explained while Larry paid close attention."You see when I was young I went out to play in the jungle. But there were a problem. You see there were kids there who were playing with Yamato that time and I wanted to play. But soon when I came to them they saw my animal features and soon got scared. They started calling me a freak of nature. Yamato went and defended me from them but.."

(Flash back)
A young Yamato was pushed back on the ground by a kid.

"Why are you helping this freak. His a abomination." The kid said as the other had grabbed Flash and we're holding him back. Flash struggle to break free.

"..Cause..Cause his my brother." Yamato shouted as he got up and pushed the kid back."You don't get to call him that or anything."

"Your his brother. Then your just like him." The kid mocked as he kicked Yamato in the stomach making Yamato fall back.

"YAMATO!" Flash yelled as he saw his brother being beaten by the bully.

Suddenly the one holding him from the left and right were soon flung back. The other kids were shocked. Soon the turn to see Flash as his eyes were now red instead of blue. He growled as the others stopped what they were doing and slowly got back in fright. Flash soon pounced at them.


As Flash told the tail. Larry had an expression of pure shock as he heard this.

"After that. I soon blacked out and when I woke up. I saw... I saw the kids were beaten and bruised and so was Yamato." Flash told.

"Amigo.. You... You had a tuff time." Larry said in petty."What happened next?"

"Well. The kids were still alive and so was Yamato. But,But I couldn't help but blame my self for that." Flash told in despair.

"Boy.. it wasn't your-"

"It was. It was and I caused harm to them and my family." Flash cut him off as he looked at his hands."Now I can't even go out well except with others. I hide my true feeling because of the past. Yamato and uncle Mario don't blame me but I do blame my self. But I still manage to go on with there help." Flash told him as Ki was on his lap for comfort.

"..." Larry looked down thinking what he told.

"Don't judge Yamato like the others. He's kind and will always do what it takes to help others." Flash said."He helped me,So I help him." He soon opened the bag."By the way, I brought some yogurt. I have banana and strawberry ones." He said taking them out. Larry accepted that and ate.

"Yummy~, this is so good." Larry cheered."Why haven't I try this before" he start to eat.

Flash laughed,"Careful if you eat to much, you'll get brain freeze." He told as he gave a scoop to ki as he ate.

"Gahhh!, My brain hurts!" Larry shouted holding his head.

"Oh hey, Miyuki...Tails?" Amy asked as she and Roll saw a pouting Miyuki walking by the hut

"..." Roll walked over to Miyuki and away from the hole she had finished mending, "Daijobu?"

"...he still hates me, kyu…." Miyuki whispered.

"I don't think he hates you... He's just...confused." Amy said.

"Hai," Roll agreed, giving Miyuki a reassuring hug, "I just know that your love for your little brother will get through. Just don't give up."

"...I hope so…" Miyuki whispered.

"Yeah...he just needs time. I mean...a female fox showing up, claiming to be his sister after what happened the last time he met a fox…"

Both fox and hedgefox frowned at recalling that.

"Plus he's been through a lot...I mean..he fought and beat Ixis Naugus's sister..and then the two of them together by himself...he defeated Eggman a few times...and he makes a lot of great things...I mean, everyone has a Miles Electric these days," Amy added. "He's only 8 years old, but...you gotta admit, he's grown up in ways you weren't planning I bet." Amy assured, "I know; I'm a younger sibling...put yourself in his shoes...think about him not as a sibling you want to spend time with but...as the famous Miles Tails Prower." Amy suggested.

"..." Miyuki thought on that.

"Try again...go on...I'm sure he's sorry." Amy insisted as Miyuki nodded.

"What do you think? Was I a bit too mean?" Tails asked Cube Kirin, who gave a squeak, "...You're right. I was...I shouldn't have reacted like that…" another squeak, "Heh... How did I first meet her you ask...well…"


"Gah!" Sonic choked, being strangled by Miyuki's tails, "Help! Help! Mad fox! I don't even know you, lady!"

"No...but you know my little brother, kyu," Miyuki stated with a slight frown, "And last I heard, you had went out with a girl he had a crush on, kyu…" the area started to get colder as ice began to form on her tails.

"Huh? Tails don't have a sibling! Besides, he'll thank me later…" Sonic waved off despite the strangling before he finally felt the ice, "Oh god that's cold!"

"I am his older sibling, and you should've taken his feelings into account….further more…" Miyuki paused as he moved him closer to her face, "I demand you tell me where that backstabbing, abusive little bitch that smacked him is, kyu."

"How did you get so much detail about this?"

"Forgive me, Sonic, she tried to freeze me…" Nicole bowed apologetically.

"I apologize about that again, miss," Miyuki nodded to the lynx before glaring back at Sonic, "Now then….where. Is. This. Fiona Fox?"

"You can put my brother figure down." Tails said, holding his arm cannon to Miyuki's back.

"...Tails?" Miyuki whispered with wide eyes, her tails letting Sonic go as she slowly looked over her shoulder, "...it...it really is you…"

"...What? Do I…" Tails began before the nine-tailed vixen pulled him into a hug, "?!"

"Oh, thank kami-sama! You're safe, kyu," Miyuki sighed a bit as she held him close, all nine of her tails swaying happily as the area began to warm up, "I have been searching all over for you, kyu. When I heard what had happened, I hurried over and tried to find you, little brother."

"...I don't have a sibling." he said. "I think you have me mistaken…miss..."

"Miyuki. Miyuki Nanaya Prower, kyu,"Miyuki introduced herself, "And I really am your onee-chan, Tails."

"...Prove it."

"...Eto...well… "

"Are you a robot? ...Are you Eggman trying to play with my heart again?" he asked with a frown, "If so, you can stop. I'm not opening my heart to another fox Mobian and letting them hurt me again."

"?!" Miyuki's eyes widened at that as Tails began to walk away, her heart feeling like it was put into a vice as she stared at the twin-tailed fox, "...Tails...I….I am not a robot, nor am I…" she looked down sadly as Tails was no longer within hearing distance, "...Tails….gomen…"

"Honestly, Kirin… I know she's a nice person… I know she's likely my sister or definitely, but I've been alone…" he said, "Can't ask me to believe in family after the one I made with the freedom fighters...but...maybe...I should give her a chance..what do you think?" he asked Kirin, who nodded, "Yeah...when I have the chance, I'm gonna talk to her." he said before sensing something, "...protect the plane." he told Kirin as he flew off seconds before Miyuki returned.

"Phew... Three soul surges and he's still standing…" Sonic grinned. "Looks like I'm in for a good time."

"If I had my true form, this evil would be vanquished." Caliburn noted, irritated.

"I'm gonna squish ya...Rahh!" Azald said giddy before he got shot in the face multiple times but each one just bounced of his body with no harm.

"You okay, Sonic?" Tails asked, landing next to him holding the arm cannon.

"Doing fine," Sonic nodded, "This guy's really tough, though. He's taken three Soul Surges, crashed through several trees I tricked him into hitting, and a pile of nails to the feet I tricked him into stepping on."

"Well... no wonder he's still standing. You forgot to trick him of a cliff," Tail joked as he prepped the cannon, "Shall we?"

"We shall." he smirked as the both readied a spin dash and went flying at the leader.

"Heh...I'm getting tired of playing with my meal." Azald smirked as he hefted up his sword before he swung it unleashing a blinding flash of light.

"Do they really think they can win?" Quval asked, unamused at Tails and Sonic's teamplay against Azald.

"It's the blue one I like more. I see that face of his… That's the face of someone who hates losing." Ginis chuckled, amused.

Yamato sighed as he used a towel Roll gave him to dry himself off. He sat on a rock in the middle of a spot in the forest he often wandered into. This was his thinking spot. He sighed as he had to change his shirt. Luckily, his friends were fast enough to get him his spare black jacket from home.

"Hah…" Yamato sighed before he looked up to see a Deer had stumbled upon him. Yamato smiled as the animal walked closer to him, letting the young hero pet the wild animal. Ever since he became a Zyuohger, animals had become even more friendly with him then before like with Flash. "Ne...do you think I tried too hard back there?" he asked the deer. "Yeah...I think I did too." he sighed, answering his own question as he began having a one sided conversation with the wild animal.

It was this sight that Larry stumbled onto. He froze and quickly hid behind a tree, peeking out at the 'conversation.'

"Ne...What do you think would get him to like me? ...No idea, huh?" Yamato sighed, "Gomen." he chuckled, stroking its head, "I can only imagine how hard it must be for Larry-san. He suffered a different kind of pain then the others. One I don't think they understand... Except for Flash. He suffered a same pain as a kid. So now his a bit, no a lot scared of him self. But I help him to keep him happy. That's why I want to be his friend; to help him like I did with Flash."

Larry listened to that as he backed away. In spite of his fear...Larry felt bad for what he did to Yamato. His fear had not left his heart...but now he was conflicted with sadness for harming an innocent person the way that he did.He had his previous talk with Flash and his fear. Both had suffer from there past and are in Truma because of that. Larry stepped back and, in the process, crushed a stick under his foot, making it snap. The deer Yamato was petting heard this, and turned to see Larry before it ran off.

"Larry-san?" Yamato asked seeing him, Larry turned to run off like the deer as well. "Matte, Larry-san...gomen." he spoke quickly, making Larry freeze in place.

Larry took a few moments to think before he turned to face Yamato. "You...you like animals?" he asked, trying to make conversation in his own way.

"Hai…" Yamato nodded, "So much so I became a scientist who studies them." he explained, "Like you." Larry looked at Yamato at that, "You liked humans so much you wanted to study them. Then the thing you liked...became the thing you feared. I can imagine how terrible that must feel to you.I live with one who suffered the same fear like you." Larry reached to the patch on his jacket as Yamato stood up and walked up to him, "That's why I'm not scared of you, Larry-san." he took one of Larry's hands in both of his, "I'm not going to hurt you."

Larry looked down at his hand in Yamato's. Larry...didn't feel fear...he didn't panic like before. Instead, he felt calm as if a part of him that had long since felt gone...A part of him that likes humans. Feeling kindness from the species he had been interested in, but shunned him... Part of Larry was happy.

"Yamato…" Larry spoke looking at him. "You're a very good boy aren't you?" he chuckled trying to break his own awkward tension.

"Larry-san." Yamato smiled happily.

"I.. I also had a talk with Flash a while back." Larry told as he looked at him." He told me about what happened back then."

Yamato soon developed a slight serious look."He.. he told you what happened?"

"Not everything. Just about what happened when you were being beaten and nothing else." Larry quickly told.

"So.. he is still a bit troubled but doesn't remember what fully happened." Yamato muttered.'He doesn't remember her then.'

Larry looked at Yamato a bit weird when he heard that.Larry then stopped as he felt his tail bone tingle. Contrary to what one would assume, even Mobian apes like gorillas still have tails, albeit very tiny stubby ones….Like the one Larry had.

"Nani...what is this feeling? This bloodlust?"

"Tails! Tails speak to me!" Sonic pleaded to a wounded Tails, "Tails!"

"Oto!" Azald said, grabbing Sonic by his quills and lifting him up. "Focus on your own life!" Azald demanded, bashing his fist into his stomach. "What...not cocky anymore, you stupid Hedgehog?!" he laughed, raising Sonic to headbutt him, sending him flying into a tree.

"..." Sonic then got up as he staggered together, "Yeah...i'm not too happy right now…" he said gripped caliburn harder as he cause a sonic boom and Azald started to clash with Sonic who fought like a man possessed.

"Oh ohoho...i like you like this!" Azald said as he blocked with his giant cleaver sword before he backhanded Sonic sending him flying back. "But I have no more time to waste on you! I have to start my Blood Game up again. Now do me a favor and wait 'till then! I'll like seeing Gaburio eat your head!"

"I don't like waiting…" Sonic groaned, pushing himself up.

"Huh...you would'be made a great Leader on our team…" Azald chuckled, "Just joking! Little pests like you are a waste of time for me!" he said, kicking Sonic in the face and sending him rolling away. "I don't care what you like or what you want, you're all just something for me to crush to death between my fists! Now...play the game right or go to some world where they give a crap about what you think!" he shouted, getting no response "Eh...must have killed him. Whatever, now...where's my player…" he started before he was slightly surprise by a slash in the back, "what the hell…"

"I told you... I don't like...waiting." Sonic panted.

"And I told you I don't give a crap!" Azald shouted, grabbing his head and slamming him face first into the ground.

"..." Azald saw Sonic still trying to move.

"Oh that does it! I'm killing you now!" he said as he lifted him up. "Owner only wants the Zyuohgers for fun, you're just a stupid distraction!" he said as he began punching Sonic repeatedly while keeping a firm grip so he wasn't sent flying away, "You have angered me for the last time, Hedgehog!" he growled as he dropped Sonic before grabbing his cleaver sword. "Just di…" he started before ice covered his feet, "huh…" he blinked, looking at that. "What's this cold stuff?" he asked, breaking it off, "Heh. Too…" his legs were soon engulfed in ice, "...okay. Now I…"

"Kyu…." a voice growled out, a sudden cold wind blowing through the area as ice began to form along the ground.

"Nande…?" Azald asked. "What are you...another lifeform who wants to piss me off?!"

"No…." the voice spoke as Miyuki walked into the area, a frown evident on her face, "Just a very….very...very pissed off kitsune, kyu…"

"The hell is that?!" Azald asked walking forward. "Ah whatever...you're not important to the game," he said, lifting up his sword as he aimed it at Sonic. "But it won't be able to begin until I collect his head!"

"...I didn't come alone….teme," Miyuki frowned.


"Where's the talking sword, kyu?" Miyuki questioned.

"Huh?" Azald looked at Sonic, not seeing Caliburn.

"Kaosu…" a voice spoke before a series of energy-made slashes slammed into Azalad, "GIRI!"

Azald let the attack hit him, causing an explosion. The alien just walked out of the smoke, unharmed, and looking even more angry than anything else.

"Okay...Who did that?" Azald demanded.

"You're really durable, Caliburn-sama," Roll noted as she stood between Azald and Sonic.

"Thank you, Lady Roll. Though please do not do that again with me. It feels...strange."

"Oi...you!" Azald spoke, pointing at Roll with his block hand. "What you think you're doing interrupting my Blood Game?"

"...We might have our differences right now, but Sonic-san is important to me," Roll informed, "I won't let you kill him."

"Eh...why should I care about that? Such reasoning is as interesting to me as the dirt under my feet!" Azald stated. "I want to begin the game, and he got in my way." he explained, "That's it and all there is to it." he snarled as he gripped his sword, which began glowing.

"Lady Roll, Lady Miyuki, leave now!" Caliburn panicked as Azlad lifted his blade.

"ROT IN HELL, YOU LOWER LIFE FORMS!" Azald roared as he slashed his sword, creating a giant crescent of raw energy that flew at them.

As the shock wave came at them, Sonic and Tails appeared behind the girls. Tails smacked Miyuki a far distance with his namesakes while Sonic kicked Roll away. The two girls cried out in shock as Sonic and Tails took the blow themselves.

Flash tail had rose up as he knew the danger."Looks like trouble is hear." He soon ran.

As he was going on his way the hooded figure from before was there and was looking at Flash.She suddenly ran in a blur as she went behind Flash. Flash had less time to react as he was suddenly knocked out by a chop on the neck. He soon was clouded by darkness. The figure looked at the unconscious boy as he laid there. Ki came in as he saw this. He saw the hooded figure and suddenly ran at her happily like he knew her. The figure knelt down and petted him.

"It's good to see you Ki. Looks like you found him." She spoke as she scratch his ear making him purr. She looked back at Flash."Your not ready to face him my boy. You may lose control again." She thought in worry.

"Is this a good idea." She heard but didn't look back as the other hooded figure came in from behind.

"I'm doing this so he won't hurt him self again. You know what happened." She told.

"I'm just as worried as you. But are you sure you could keep on not to involve your self with him. He will find out one day."

"That day isn't today. When he will,he will," she strictly told.

"..." The other didn't say anything."I just hope that Ivo be alright."

"He will be bud. I want let anything happen to them even if what I'm now. Once the time comes the truth will be told to him." She said,"About everything, about me,about Ivo, about Storm and about Her." She had venom at the last sentence.

"I just hope it won't turn out hell." Another voice came in.

"We won't be sure." Was all the hooded female could say as she looked at the sleeping Flash. She rubbed his hair gently as she looked at him.

"It came this way." Tusk said as they ran towards the area the fighting was heard before hearing Roll and Miyuki's screams.

"Guys!" Leo shouted, running towards the screams.

"Minna!" Amu called out as they entered the area of the explosion and quickly finding a motionless Sonic and Tails, "Oh no…"

"Sonic! Tails!" Leo shouted as he ran up to them. "What happened?!" he shouted, sliding along the ground as he stopped next to Roll as she held up an out cold Sonic, a large bruise across his chest visible through the tear in his cloths and through his fur. "Oi...Sonic!?" he called out in worry.

"Sonikku…" Roll whispered, tears welling in her eyes.

"Tails….Tails please….wake up…" Miyuki whispered as she held an unconscious Tails, blood dripping from his mouth, "Please…"

"Heh...I told them to run." Azald spoke up as the smoke cleared. "But then they went and pissed me off!" he ranted as a sudden gust of wind knocked most all of the Mobians back. Their tails all shooting up and shaking so much...it actually kind of hurt.

"...take them away…" Tusk frowned as he kept his eyes on Azlad.

"Good advice; all of you get!" Azald shouted. "I need to find my player, Zyuohgers. Come back when the game starts. Be smart unlike those two idiots right there."

"Shut up teme!" Leo snapped, "If there's one thing great about them is Tails is smart and Sonic is a jerk but he never gives up!"

"Well 'cause of that, I had to beat him into a coma." Azald countered, "He's not dead. I can't smell death." Azald explained sniffing the air. "If anything they'll be awake in a few days."

"Well another thing he is regrettable...is our prince...and if he can't give up, it's a bad example for us to dishonor him by running." Sela frowned "And you hurt a kid. I'm definitely not forgiving you."

"The Brat did it to himself by shoving the cold woman out of the way. He should have let her take the blow." Azald countered. "If anything…" he spoke pointing at Roll and Miyuki. "It's their fault they ended up like this."

"..." Miyuki said nothing as she held Tails close, her hair shadowing over her eyes as she stood up.

"..." Roll flinched as she scooped up Sonic, trying not to aggravate any open wounds.

"Tusk said run away! Now RUN!" Leo roared as the two freaked and ran off; for once, Leo as well as the others had a very enraged aura. "Minna...Ikuzo!"

"Hai!" they all agreed.

"Honoo Kakusei!" they called out in unison.


With that, the four charged forward at Azald while they flashed into the Zyuohgers. All four of them aimed and fired their Zyuoh Busters, but each shot just bounced off Azald. Azald grunted as he blocked all their swings before he grunted and a pulse of 'Killing Intent' sent them all stumbling away.

"What is he?" Tiger asked in surprise.

Lion roared as he formed his sword and slashed at Azald who blocked with his arms. Azald then blocked another slash from Shark. Tiger and Elephant both jumped and slashed Azalds' back. The Alien grunted as he spun around and knocked them all away. Azald grabbed his sword as he slashed Lion sending him stumbling back before he swung and fired a shockwave at the other three.

"Minna!" Yamato's voice shouted as Azald looked up as Yamato ran over to the scene with Larry right behind him.

"Now the whole crayon box is here!" Azald complained. "Why can't none of ya just listen to me and wait for the game to begin?!"He shouted,"Wait only five of you. Where's the Fox half breed orange one. Never mind he will be later. He seemed stronger then you."

"Who is that?" Yamato asked.

"I'm Azald!" said alien shouted again, "I'm a Deathgalien Team Leader!"

"No! What you are is a cold heartless monster!" Shark roared.

"Why thank you!" Azald said as he punched the ground, making everything shake and caused them all to fall over. "That's the sweetest thing any prey has ever said to me!"

"Stop acting big! You didn't scare Sonic, so you don't scare us!" tiger growled.

"Huh...you're saying that blue rat wasn't scared?" Azald asked, "Ha! That's a laugh...He was shaking in his shoes when I shrugged off his big shiny sword trick. And the look when I punched his brat into a tree? Now that was pure...terror." he laughed, making them all just stare at Azald in shock and anger. "And I loved it...the look on his face as I hit him while he worried over the brat! That was fear and it...was...sweet!"

"...Repeat that…" Yamato said as he trembled.

"I beat the ever living life out of both of them...the short one went down the fastest...one good punch. Too bad...I wanted to hear a nice loud...snap from the blow to his chest." Azald chuckled as Yamato walked forward.

"Honoo...Kakusei." Yamato said as he flashed into Zyuoh Eagle.

"Ah...so we doing this then?" Azald asked.

"Ozora no Ouja...Zyuoh Eagle!" Eagle roared as he charged forward with his Eagriser.

"Araumi no Ouja! Zyuoh Shark!" Shark said as she joined him.

"Savanna no Ouja! Zyuoh Lion!"

"Shinrin No Ouja! Zyuoh Elephant!

"Setsugen no Ouja! Zyuoh Tiger!"

"We don't have Flash right now. Don't know were he is so you'll be dealing with us." Eagle shouted.

With that, all five of the Zyuohgers charged at Azald who swung and missed before all of them began attacking at once. Each of them slashed at his body attacking his joints making him stumble about.

"Teme...the only thing Sonic was worried about was Tails's well being! How dare you mock his love for his friends!" Lion roared as Eagle jumped off his back and came down with a slash.

"What do I care?!" Azald asked as he punched Eagle in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. "This only happened because none of you stupid lifeforms know the word 'go away!'" he said, tossing Eagle away before he blocked Lion's sword and backhanded him. "The game is all that matters to me!" he shouted as he grabbed his sword and slashed Elephant before blocking Shark and Tiger. He then spun around while lighting up his sword, unleashing a shockwave that knocked all five Zyuohgers away from him.

"Ah!" Elephant cried in pain. "How strong is he…?" he grunted.

"This is the power of the Deathgalien higher ups?" Tiger grunted as she slowly got back up.

"We're the Ace when you need him the most." Lion grunted.

"He better have a good explanation for not showing up in time." Shark said.

"Stay back…" Larry said as he lead the others away from the fighting. "Ahh... poor amigo…" he spoke softly at seeing Tails.

"Ha!" the Zyuohgers shouted, attacking Azald as he blocked all their attacks.

The Team Leader swung his sword as he struck Elephant and Shark knocking them away. He then blocked a slash from Lion and Tiger before pushing them back. Azald was then slashed by the whip mode of the Eagriser.

"Come on, he's just a kid. Make another damn baby!" Azald shouted grabbing the whip before yanking it and swinging Eagle and slamming him through several trees. Azald then swung his sword, sending a shockwave at Elephant and Lion and knocking them over.

"Yasei Kaihou!" Tiger and Shark shouted. Shark jumped as she began spinning before Tiger slashed her claws, her energy claws hitting Shark before freezing her water into a circular saw blade made of ice. Shark then shot forward at Azald, who used his sword to block the attack.

"HA!" Azald roared as he pushed Shark away before he swung his sword and slammed it into her, sending her flying away and flashing out of her suit.

"Sela-chan!" Tiger called out in surprise.

"Yasei Kaihou!" Lion and Elephant shouted as they ran at him. Elephant stomped his foot, sending a shockwave, as Lion slammed his claws on the ground. Electricity surged along the ground with the shockwave, making the ground flash yellow. As the shockwave hit Azald, a large explosion occurred before a bolt of lightning shot up...and summoned down a huge thunderbolt ontop of Azald.

"Did we get him!?" Lion asked.

"HA!" Azald roared as he launched another shock wave at them from his sword. The attack hit with a big explosion, sending both Lion and Elephant flying back as their suits flashed away, letting Leo and Tusk fall to the ground.

"Leo, Tusk?" Tiger asked as she helped Eagle stand up.

"Teme…" Eagle groaned pulling out his Zyuoh Buster in sword mode. "AH!" he roared, charging at Azald and slashing at him only for each strike to bounce off his body.

"Just go wait till the game begins!" Azald roared, punching Eagle and knocking the wind out of his lungs.

"Omae...yurusenai…" Eagle groaned, grabbing Azald's arm.

"What do I care?!" Azald roared as he slashed his sword across Eagle's chest...leaving a gash in his suit's tunic.

"Yamato!" Tiger gasped.

"You stay where you are!" Azald shouted as he swung his sword, sending yet another shockwave that hit her and knocked her out of her suit.

Larry came back to see Eagle taking flight to try to get a better advantage over Azald, "Strange...How can a human use a Mobian eagle's power?" he asked in curiosity as Roll rushed past him to check on the others, a medical kit in hand, "Oh! Is it something to do with the Kings Credential? Does it grant humans the use of Mobian powers?"

"HA!" Eagle shouted while swooping in and attacking Azald, actually making him stumble while trying to swing at him.

"Get back here you!" Azald roared, grabbing Eagle's leg. He then slammed the Zyuohger leader into the ground hard before lifting him up and doing it again. "There…" he grunted, turning around before Eagle grabbed his leg. "Nani?" he asked, turning to look at Eagle.

"I...won't let you get away with treating life like this…." Eagle grunted. "My friends...aren't part of your stupid game...life isn't something you can play with like this!"

"Tsk…" Azald clicked his tongue as he lifted Eagle up. "You've got a real big mouth on you, don't ya?" he asked as he lifted his sword up high. "We don't need five Zyuohgers to play!" he shouted as he slashed his sword down and cut through Eagle's suit.

After a moment, Eagle's suit faded away in red light. Yamato stood there...a large gash in his clothes, revealing a large cut along his torso. Yamato coughed as he stepped back, his eyes losing all signs of life slowly. Azald swung his blade, sending another shockwave and struck Yamato.

"Yamato!" the others all cried in shock as he was sent flying away.

"Heh...stupid lower life form." Azald grunted as Yamato fell to the ground before rolling down hill and into a river bed.

Larry, hiding in the growth, made his way towards the hill and looked out, seeing Yamato laying against a rock, not moving. Larry looked down at the poor boy and the wounds he sustained. Yamato's words from before suddenly rang in his head…

'I'm not scared of you...I'm not going to hurt you.' The words of Yamato rang in Larry's head...the first human to show him kindness...to respond to Larry and resonate with him...The first human Larry connected with.'Yamato was the one who was always there for me. Even in my hard times he and uncle always looked out for me. Cause that's just how Yamato is' Flash words rang in his head.

"..." Larry jumped down as he looked around before he spotted Yamato's Zyuoh changer. "Hang on...I'm going to help you Yamato!" Larry stated proudly as he held up the Zyuoh changer and walked over to the human. Larry then gently placed the changer into Yamato's hand before holding his own hands over it.

At that point, Leo, Sela, Tusk, Amu, Roll, Miyuki and Amy arrived to see what was happening. Larry gently closed Yamato's hand around the Zyuoh changer before he bowed his head.

"Oh no…" Miyuki whispered with wide eyes, seeing the fatal wound on Yamato.

"Ouja no shikaku…" Larry spoke "Please...lend me your power...let me help him!" he begged of the ancient item as it began glowing brightly. After a moment, a red aura began to glow around Larry before it moved along his arm and to Yamato. The aura spread over Yamato's body before it began healing all his wounds, every cut, bruise and the large slash across his chest...all of them faded away as if they never happened.

"Larry-san...he's healing Yamato?" Amu spoke.

"Larry is sending his power into Yamato." Tusk explained in shock as Yamato's wounds vanished into thin air. "...wait...Amy...what was your prediction?"

"When the truth will reveal... The sleeping beast will rise.. and hell will lose upon us."

"No the other one!"

"...At the cost of life...the Jungle no Ouja will awaken his massive strength...the moment has been prepared."

"Masaka…" Leo muttered, hearing that.

Yamato's eyes slowly opened as he looked up at Larry. "Larry-san?"

"Hola!" Larry greeted happily as he let go of Yamato's hand. "How are you feeling, champ?"

"I felt a warm power flowing over me…" Yamato replied as he slowly sat up against a rock, Larry nodding in response to that, "Larry-san...did you save me?"

"We're amigos, aren't we?" Larry replied simply as he pushed the Zyuoh Changer to Yamato's chest. Yamato smiled happily with a nod.

"Tough luck!" a voice shouted as Azald jumped over the other Mobians before he brought his sword down to strike Yamato and Larry. Yamato pushed Larry aside in time as Azald hit nothing but random rock.

Yamato flashed into Zyuoh Eagle instantly as he turned to face Azald who jumped and slashed down on the shoulder he wounded before. But Zyuoh Eagle grabbed his sword...and held it there. Azald pushed...but his sword refused to budge.

"He blocked it?" Leo blinked twice.

"He blocked the blade?" Roll's eyes widened.

"You blocked that?!" Azald asked in surprise.

"Nani….?" Eagle asked equally shocked. "A power like I never felt before is swelling up inside of me…" he grunted holding Azald in place.

"Yamato's gotten stronger…" Tusk noted in surprise.

"Yeah...he was almost dead…" Sela added.

"Yamato!" Amy called out, getting his attention, "The Ouja of the Jungle is waiting!"

"Soka!" Eagle shouted as he pulled Azald's sword aside against the alien's will. "I get it… This is...this is the power Larry-san gave me!" he roared, tossing Azald away from him.

"Huh?" Azald blinked at that...no life form has ever overpowered him.

"Honoo...Kakusei!" Eagle roared as he raised his hand to his mask and he grabbed the yellow 'beak' of his visor before pulled it up...and to everyone's shock, that portion of his helmet just slid up like a visor; revealing the screen he used to see was larger and extended down into streaks, framing his new silver face mask resembling the nostrils of a gorilla, the green 'eyes' still in their same spot.

At that, a huge burst of hot air formed around Zyuoh Eagle as the namesake symbol on his tunic lifted off...and evaporated. His tunic then became black before red lines formed the shape of a gorilla's face. After a few seconds, his arms began swelling in size along with his torso. Eagle's chest buffed up to almost twice if not three times the size. The red suit...strained trying to contain the new muscles underneath.

"Jungle no Ouja! Zyuoh...GORILLA!" Gorilla roared before bashing his fists together, creating a loud bang. He then jumped up and slammed his fists down, causing the ground to shake before he flexed his new arms making them ripple with power.

"N-nani?!" Miyuki gasped.

"Amy's prediction was right…" Tusk said in amazement.

"That's the most manly thing I've ever seen…" Leo muttered. "He turned into a gorilla!" he gawked as Gorilla banged his chest.

"Wow!" Larry gawked, seeing Yamato's new transformation.

"Told you it was metaphorical," Roll deadpanned.

"Roll not now." Sela frowned.

"Sugei! He's so big!" Amu awed as Gorilla glared at Azald who glared back.

"You hurt Tails...a little boy…" he said, taking a step, "You hurt Sonic and mocked his care for his friend…" he said as he banged on his chest loudly, "You hurt the people I call my friends...I won't forgive you, Azald! Sa...prepare yourself!" he roared charging at him.

"You think you can compare to my power just 'cause you beefed up!?" Azald countered, swinging his sword...only for Gorilla to backhand Azald across the face, sending his sword flying off miles away. "What the-?!" he asked before he was belted across the face.

"HA!" Gorilla roared, punching him across the face again. "Come on! Where's that strength you like flaunting so much?" he demanded, delivering a punch to Azald's gut, making him double over. Gorilla then defied gravity as he flipped forward and slammed a hammer fist strike to Azald's back, crushing him into the river bed...and shaking nearly the entire forest.

"Yeah, that's it! Keep going, Yamato!" Larry cheered.

"Sa...who's the strongest...is it me or is it you?!" Gorilla roared as his new gorilla nature compelled him to begin banging on his chest again; each time he slapped his chest, a loud clash could be heard. "Or maybe you like fighting kids more?"

"...Just make another damn kid…" Azald groaned before Gorilla grabbed him by his shoulder before landing a left hook to his face.

"Koi!" Gorilla growled, dragging Azald off.

"That's right! Left then right!" Larry cheered on happily as Gorilla began punching Azald across the face; each time, small chips forming in his head. "Get that son of a bitch!...pardon my fren...ohh.." Larry groaned, staggering before Amy caught him. "Ah thank you Senorita…" he groaned, "I suddenly feel very tired."

"Larry...come on...I'll take you somewhere." Amy said in worry as she helped him away.

The others all followed Gorilla as he dragged Azald back into the forest. The new Zyuohger punched Azald repeatedly and pushing aside all of his punches like nothing.

"What are you doing? Slapping me?" Gorrilla demanded as he took enough punches, "What, you can't hit harder?!" he snapped, banging on his chest. "Come on! This is my jungle!" he roared, grabbing Azald's fists as he tried a double punch.

"He is really getting into the act of being a territorial Gorilla Mobian," Roll sweatdropped.

"No...he's just really mad." Amu said.

"Is there a difference in attitudes?" Leo joked before Sela slapped the back of his head.

Gorilla and Azald wrestled there before Gorilla slowly pulled Azald's arms down. He then grunted lifted Azald up before leaning back...and slamming Azald headfirst into the ground. Gorilla didn't stop there as he grabbed Azald around his waist before lifting him up. Gorilla roared as he slammed Azald back headfirst into the ground with a pile driver making a crater in the ground. Azald groaned, getting up before Gorilla wrapped his arms around his neck and trapped him in a choke hold.

"Let go...let go!" Azald grunted, smacking Gorilla's arm and elbowed his side.

"You asked for it!" Gorilla growled as he jumped up before spinning around in the air and coming down headfirst, slamming Azald into the ground once more.

"Ugh…" Azald groaned, dazed, before Gorilla lifted him up.

Gorilla then spun Azald around before pulling him in close and landing a powerful close line to his neck and sent the blue alien flipping through the air. Azald flipped over and got back up as Gorilla turned around. The Zyuohger then took a deep breath before he snorted and unleashed a powerful gust of wind from his mouthguard, the wind quickly becoming a hurricane force gale wind that began pushing Azald back along the ground then into and through several trees, creating a new route in the forest.

Azald slammed into a tree with a grunt before he looked up...and Gorilla slammed his shoulder into Azald's chest. Azald gasped as he was once again sent through the forest trees and bushes uprooted from Gorilla's full force tackle.

"Yamato-kun, sugoi!" Amu called out as everyone ran after the fighters.

"Yamato is as strong as Azald." Tusk gawked.

"That's the manliest fight I've ever seen!" Leo roared as Gorilla closelined Azald again, sending him flying back.

"COME ON! POWER BOMB HIS ASS INTO OBLIVION!" Miyuki snapped, earning wide-eyed looks from the others, "...Ahem. Gomen…"

"AH!" Gorilla roared as he began punching wildly at Azald.

"GAH!" Azald shouted as he punched back.

Both giant fighters began swinging back and forth their arms, rushing past one another in their mad rush of attacks. Both then slammed their fists into one another, causing another shockwave that shook the forest. Both growled before they began swinging again...despite their heavy builds, their fists were swinging at amazing speeds. To most of them...all they could see were the shockwaves of their fists clashing against one another. The wind and shockwaves from each powerful clash...were even pushing the others away.

"...Gahh!" Azald cried as he held the last arm he clashed with Gorilla.

"Eh..what happen?"

-5 second rewind-

"HAH!" they roared as Azald's fist covered in his aura collided with Gorilla's fist. After a moment...Azald's arm lit up as joints and segments within began exploding.

-Normal time-

"He overpowered that blocky guy," Roll awed.

"Ah…" Azald groaned as his arm went limp...it even seemed to be dislocated.

"Yamato Kazakiri...I always saw myself as a good guy...I love animals..I love my adopted brother even if his from a different family and is different from others....I met Mobians..I loved them at first sight... I could talk to them...we could talk back...they suffer...humans suffer...He suffered....We have so much in common...I let my friends live with me.. Flash when ever is down I help him up from his depression.....Leo snores and keep me awake, but I'd still be his wingman...Tusk is a bit mean, but I still enjoy talking with him...Sela uses all the bathwater, but I'll still take her to the waterparks or beach, Roll and Haseo are lovely siblings and are important to Flash. He and I enjoy their company...Sonic and I have fun races...Tails...impresses me everyday with his inventions...Amu forces me to go shopping with her, but I like her smile…" Gorilla growled as all his muscles began flexing and looking even bigger as the air around him grew hotter and hotter, "But Deathgalien...they make a furious side of me come out...and I don't like it...I have to smash you...all...because you're evil...but you….you...nearly killed a little boy and laughed at Sonic for caring...If Sonic could, he would've destroyed you...now I need you to send a message to your boss."

"Nani?" Azald asked, completely confused by all of his talking.

"The winner of fights are often called 'justice'...now take the justice...of Zyuoh Gorilla to hell, AZALD!" he roared as his entire left arm ignited with fire, "Super GORILLA PUNCH!" he roared as he slammed an uppercut to Azald's chin, making him clench his teeth before he was sent flying into the sky; the blue alien flew high into the atmosphere until he became nothing but a small glint in the distance.

After a few moments, though...Azald's body came back down...burning red from atmospheric reentry before he slammed into the ground like a meteor. Azald groaned as red sparks came off him.

"...Bakana...A lower life form like you…" Azald groaned before chuckling in pain as he looked at Zyuoh Gorilla, "For an inferior lifeform...that was pretty good."

"We told you, didn't we?" Gorilla remained as he turned away before looking back over his shoulder, "Kono hoshi yo...nameruna yo." he growled, walking away.

"...ahahaha...ahahaha...ahahahah...HA!" Azald laughed before he exploded, cubes falling all over.

Gorilla began banging his chest again as he roared at the sky.

"Unbelieveable…! First that half breed fox defeat Jagged, then this gorilla defeated Azald?!" Quval gasped in shock.

"...Zyuoh Gorilla...you do indeed deserve this round...I look forward to the next…" Ginis smirked, "...Naria...those files you stole from Nicole...I need to see them. I want to break that hedgehog."

"Hai…" she nodded before walking to the teleporter.

"Oh, and Naria...he won't be needing a Continue," Ginis added, making Quval and Naria look at him in shock and confusion. "Oh, I am loving this planet."

"Ite-ite-ite-ite-ite!" Leo hissed as he tried to back away from the alcohol-soaked cotton ball Roll was using on his cuts.

"Wait...Tails finished his medibot...we should go get that," Tusk said.

"Iie," Roll replied, "That is being used on Tails-chan and...Sonic-san…"

"He has multiple…" Tusk sighed.

"...He just had two on hand…" Sela said.

"...Yamato...you, okay?" Amu asked, petting his shoulder.

"Ah...I'm fine." he nodded simply.

"Man, you surprised us back there, man! We were all worried because you looked dead, but then you got up and whooped that Pop Art-looking bastard's cube ass to bits!" Leo chuckled as Roll dabbed his cheek. "Ah! Jeez, that stings…"

"It's all thanks to Larry's power." Yamato muttered, flexting slightly to joke around.

"Hey... We owe Tails money! He's said the next Zyuohger'd be a human. He never said it'd be the same human, so he wins." Leo chuckled.

"Ahhahaha…" everyone chuckled.

"I knew we could count on Amy-chan's predictions! They never lead me wrong." Amu cheered as Yamato blinked in realization.

"...cost of a life...a new Zyuohger..I didn't die...Tails and Sonic are on the brink...then...where's Flash and Larry-san!?"

"Eh…" everyone blinked.

"Where's Amy as well?" Roll pondered, not seeing the pink hedgehog.

"Eh…?" Yamato asked, looking around. "Ah...Where did they go?"

"You don't think…" Leo freaked.

"Miyuki-san, Roll-san, take Sonic and Tails to his hangar. Minna, let's search for Flash Larry-san and Amy-chan!" Yamato ordered.

"Begin the search!" Amu agreed.

"But wait does that mean that Amy prediction about the sleeping beast and he'll coming could that be true aswell." Tusk suddenly said making them stop.

"Well.. well think about that later first we gotta find them." Yamato said in serious toon.

"Ok mina it's time to search for a missing fox and gorilla and a childish girl." Amu cheered.

Eggman's Legal Troubles! Part 4

"...space...the final frontier….we're boldly going where..no man...has gone before..this...is Captain Kirk Cubot of the Eggman Enterprise…" Cubot spoke, his voice once again altered.

"Are you...you are. You're William…"

"Ah...trademarks." Cubot cut off Orbot.

"His name's not trademarked…"

"I am...in voking...both...modern and classic Krik..its..not..going well. Mister spock It is up here." Cubot spoke.

"Can it, you rust buckets, before I throw you out of airlock," Eggman threatened.

"We...do not..need to breath."

"With your Self Destruct activated," Eggman added.

"But...no air...no boom." Cubot argued dramatically, "Besides I am prepared..for death...with the ship!"

"I...seriously need to do something about your voice chip…" Eggman shook his head, before seeing a silver space ship, "There! My Eggboss is in there...Orbot, who's in there?"


"...Turn the ship around," Eggman ordered.

"No...full speed ahead, Scotty!" Cubot declared, pressing the thruster button.

"Hey! I'm the leader here!" Eggman snapped, clonking Cubot with a wrench.

"...Mister Spock reporting in…" Cubot said, holding his hand up, "Live long and prosper...ramming speed, Captain."

"Ramming!? Wh…"

"Ahh!" a man panicked, feeling a quake, "Earthquake!" he shouted, jumping out of his chair and grabbing a leather jacket. "Wait...this is impossible." he muttered.

"Also...we're in space." a woman wearing an alien uniform of some sorts, colored in silver and purple; spoke. "Also, you were dreaming about Itsuki again…"

"...No I wasn't…" the man replied.

"Itsuki, you fill out that racer suit so nicely, you tigh…" she quoted in a sleeping voice.

"Ah! Ah! That's totally illegal."

"Not when your partner is a sleep talker."

"I so am not a sleep talker...you read my mind with your alien powers...yeah, that's it." he muttered.

"Geki...I don't have that power."

"Ahahaha! I bet it's Lord Eggman here to free his loyal Eggboss, you stupid filthy monkeys!" a small, yellow, Mobian chinchilla shouted, trapped in a dog cage.

"Oh yeah...we found this weird alien." Geki noted, leaning forward. "Ne...what planet do you come from? We can drop you off at home...if you stop attacking me!"

"I come from Mobius but now that you have capture me your pitiful world will be captured by the Eggman Empire! And he's gonna Roboticize you."

"He's gonna what…"

"Turn you into robots and enslave you like he did all my people back home 'till that blue hedgehog rebel got in the way! Now free me and bow before Eggman! Bow to him!"

"Hai...What was that last part?" Geki asked, writing that down.

"What are you doing?" the alien girl asked.

"Oh, writing this down so the Space Sheriffs can legally go to this world and arrest Eggman." Geki explained, "I'm sure for his crimes, he'll be sent to life in prison... Since, you know, senpai got rid of the executions."

"How dare you!" the Mobian snapped, firing a thunderbolt from her mouth.

"Whoa!" Geki cried, dodging it as it hit a door, making it open, "Hah! Missed!" he teased as he pulled his eyelid down, taunting the...well...he describes it as a humanoid chinchilla, so that is what he calls it.

"Too bad. She's so cute...in a killer dog kinda way…" The alien girl chuckled.

"I am not a dog!" the chinchilla snapped, sending another at the alien girl.

"Meep!" she cried, ducking it as it hit a wall and bounced off...and directly back at the Chinchilla.

"Oohhh yeah~! I like that…" she giggled as it recharged her.

"This thing's unnerving…" Geki complained.

"..." she then squealed.

"Why are you squea…?" Geki started.

"Surprise!" Eggman declared, tackling Geki.

Geki, however, took that, rolled forward, and locked Eggman's arms behind his back before locking him in the hold with his face left plastered in one of Geki's many stains on the ship.

"Who the hell are you, fatty?" Geki asked tightening the grip.

"You damn poacher! Let go of my lovely Thunderbolt!" Eggman demanded, 'Ech! Ech! Orbot, I'm dismantling you for this!'

"Eeee!" the chinchilla squealed at that.

"Thunderbolt?" the alien girl asked.

"Yeah, you poacher…"

"Whoa, whoa! Sir, we're not poachers…"

"You're not?" Eggman asked.

"Yes sir..mister…"

"Eggman…" Geki then whipped out a sword, "...She said something about me being a tyrant again, right? I am so sorry. She has such an overactive imagination…"

"Eh...is that so?" Geki asked, keeping the sword tightly against his neck.

"Do I look like an overlord of an entire planet? Look at me. I need the gym so badly."

"You look like a tubby Einstein." the alien girl smiled.

"Oh come on! I got that enough in middle school gym from the girls!"

"She's an alien…" Geki explained. "Why did you ram into my ship?"

"I thought you were kidnapping. She has a tracking device...Orbot! Cubot! Come in..," he said as they did, "They tracked her here." 'And crashed the ship because I did not want to come here for her!'

"It's true, officer. We simply came to collect. We were prepared for war." Cubot stated, holding up a random box.

"Oh! A present?" Geki asked.

"Don't listen to him. Please, sir...I can tell your vessel has more than enough power to wipe out a small city." Orbot spoke.

"You're not wrong...is that supposed to be Spock?" Geki asked as he and Shelly approached Cubot.

"Yes. I have his voice down perfectly."

"Oh cool! What else you have down?"

"This." he said before pinching their necks.

"..oh...no…" Geki said as he and Shelly went down.

"...Now I'm unsure if downloading those movies was a bad idea or not," Eggman noted, "Wait... running, snatch, and run!" he said, grabbing Thunderbolt's cage and running as Cubot and Orbot stole the fridge, and some papers before bailing…

"Shelly, I can't feel my legs. What happened…?"

"I think we got Spocked."

"...Darn Vulcan Nerve Pinch.

"BOOK IT!" Eggman shouted as they flew off. "Are they following...please tell me they're not following!?" he shouted, shaking Cubot roughly.

"I knew you'd come for me, Lord Eggman!"

"Bitch, shut up and give me useful info!"

"Oh! Well, I have the tracker for all the egg bosses."

"That's useful." Orbot replied as he was driving. "Also...we could have you know...stolen the ship but no this is fine and whatever…"

"As long as...nothing goes wrong, it'll be smooth sailing from here, captain…" Cubot said as no one was aware of another ship sneaking up on them. Cubot looked out a window before he saw a red eye glare at him from it. "Oh no."

To be continued.

Author's Note:

Dobutstu Sentai Zyuohger!

Nicole: They might never wake up...even with proper aid.

Miyuki: Tails…

Roll: Sonikku...

Amy: Yamato...Larry is…

Yamato: Larry-san…

?: Yo! Gorilla-chan, you showed me a good time!

Yamato: Ikuze, Cube Gorilla!

Chapter 6: A Wild Present!

Zyuohgers: KASEI! Zyuoh Wild!

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