• Published 3rd Nov 2022
  • 911 Views, 4 Comments

Zyuohger: Monarch of Mobians - Kamen rider accel

A new evil is threatening earth and the planet is at stake. But there are 6 Heroes who rise to fight and protect there home. Watch as they bear the Fangs and show them to not mess with earth.

  • ...

Chapter 3: The Thing called Home?

The world still has much to discover, but with the hearts of five connected, the world can discover these things, for those five shall protect it with a roar of victory.

(begins Dobutsu Sentai Zyuohger opening theme)

Haruka oozora e jiyuu ni habataku

Kibou mitsumeteru shounen no hitomi

Eagle, Shark, Lion, Elephant, Tiger, Honnō Kakusei!

Saikyou no ouja Zyuohger yasei no PAWAA de

Chikyuu no nakama wo mamotte miseru

Zettai teki shousha Zyuohger taiyou yori mo moeru

Kokoro wa muteki sa Zyuohger!

"Hai here you go." Yamato smiled as he handed a paper to a man. The paper has a well done drawing of the Kings Credential and Lost Item written along the top. It also has Yamato's contact information along the bottom.

"Here you go," Flash in his hoodie was handing out the paper to some school girls as they all giggled and went went off.

"Here ya go!" Amu smiled, handing one out. After the woman walked away, Amu sighed as she sat down. "This is so boring...when you suggested we go find the Kings Credential...I thought it be some exciting adventure in the human world. I'd even rather go shopping with Roll…" she pouted in boredom, "Plus the people we give the papers to keep throwing them away...that's just rude, I tell you."

"HEY! YOU...Take this paper...don't you run from me human!" Leo shouted, chasing a scared businessman. "Don't you run! Hey, tell me if you seen this Cube!" he shouted tackling him down some stairs, causing the papers in his hand to fly into the air and scatter around the mall.

"Speaking of, where is she?" Flash asked.

"She found a place available for the cafe idea," Tusk replied, "It seems like this mall has a high human traffic...plus, it will be an extra source of income...and we have Leo...so," he muttered, motioning to Leo as he was chasing more businessmen.

"Come back here, you wimps!" he shouted. "Leo needs to know what you know!" he roared, tackling into one of the more portly businessmen. "Tell me where the cube is!?"

"Shouldn't' we worry about lawsuits…" Amu muttered.

"Nope." Tusk replied as Leo reverted to his Mobian Form, scaring the poor businessmen even more.

"Hai…" Yamato and Flash muttered.

"Right...anyway, let's leave Leo to his devices." Tusk stated.

"Hey...oh pretty girl...hey...I'm Leo! What's your name!?"



"Wait...Kya! You didn't talk to me!"

"Sela!" Flash shouted.

"Leo!" Sela shouted, dropkicking Leo and sending him flying into a water fountain.

"Heh heh….look. Stars…" Leo laughed in a dizzy manner, his eyes replaced with swirls.

"Anyway, ignoring that from now on." Tusk said, "While I'm not optimistic, I think Roll's idea will work for us. That and it'll make her happy...everyone knows Happy Roll...happy everyone else."

"Hai, plus it'll be more fun this way. And I'm bored again…" Amu complained. "Ne Tusk...do my work for me."





"Do your own damn work, Amu!" Tusk shouted.

"But it's so boring...I want to go have fun with Yamato." Amu complained, still pouting.

"Wait...why am I involved now?" Yamato asked, blinking in confusion as he handed out more papers.

"Come on, Tusky...please~~~?" Amu begged as she gave him the puppy dog eyes.

"...Don't you dare quiver your l-" Tusk began with a frown before Amu's lip began to quiver, "Damn it…" he groaned.

"Stay strong, Tusk…" Flash cheered for him.

"Ugh...I'd sooner yank out my own namesake then do your work again...we're not in school anymore." Tusk groaned, avoiding looking at her face.


"...Damn it, she added the baby talk…"

"Tusk...don't worry...I can take care of it." Yamato offered.

"No, you have to come with me!" Amu stated.

"Why?" both males asked.

"Yamato has money...Tusk is flat broke and useless here." Amu pointed out.

"So are you," Tusk frowned, "We gave all our Rings to Roll to get that place."

"Yeah, but Yamato-kun has Earth money." Amu argued. "That and he's much better looking."

"Wait…" Flash blinked. "You want Yamato to go with you...cause he's handsome...why?"

"A girl has her reasons," Amu giggled.

"...I...ugh…" Tusk groaned, slapping his face. "Know what…? We can manage… Yamato, go with her...keep her from stealing cute clothes and cake from stores." he looked to his fellow confused male.

"Are you sure?"

"Sela can make Leo focus." he stated.

"If you don't hand out those papers right, I'm making you eat fist for a week!" Sela shouted.

"Yamato, Flash save Leo!" Leo cried. "I'm sorry...please no more knuckle sandwiches!"

"I'll...I'll just trust you. Plus, I'll take the chance to go check on Roll-san." Yamato offered before Amu looped her arms around his before she dragged him off. "EH!?"

"...He's doomed, you know," Sela noted, dragging Leo over by his ear.

"It's Amu...she's more mature than we think...or at least we all hope." Tusk muttered.

"I…shall be the best man…" Leo spoke up. "When...Amu eventually drags him home to do that."

"Shut up," Sela tugged his ear.

"I'm going to see Roll so I'll be off, mina..."Flash told as he then went off.

"Well, soon Flash won't be the only hybrid ya know." Leo told as his ear was pulled again.

"Shut up," Both Mobians said.

In space, the Deathgaliens' bow-themed ship floated around the planets moon. It's occupants were all gathered in the Owner's throne room. Ginis sipped down his whine again as his three commanders...well two commanders and his secretary.

"So...what's new for today?" Ginis asked.

"Owner! I demand another turn!" Azald spoke up.

"Azald...you already sent a player; it's Quval's turn." Naria spoke up calmly.

"I don't mind it." Quval spoke calmly. "If anything, this will give me more time to study these Zyuohgers."

"Well...alright then. Azald, go ahead and take another turn." Ginis said.

"Great! I got just the player for this...Bowguns!" he shouted loudly.

At that, the doors slid open as an alien with a body made up of black and green armor walked in. Golden accents decorated his jester-like feet as a jacket colored in black and green with purple accents covered his body with several small tassels along the back. Its head...was huge and oval shaped. It was mostly white in color, save for the golden accents making a 'mouth,' and the large purple indents with green gems acting as eyes. Each eye also had a crosshair like pattern for pupils. It also had a horn at the top of its head and two fin along the side of its white oval shaped giant head. And true to the name Azald called it by, the alien was carrying a purple bowgun weapon in his hands.

"Greetings! Bowguns is gonna hit the bullseye!" the alien greeted with a bow.

"Ooh… What's this one do?" Ginis asked.

"He shoots really fast arrows, no species alive has been able to see his shot coming." Azald explained.

"This should be entertaining. Launch immediately." Ginis ordered.

"Hai, de gansu!" Bowguns saluted as he stepped on the teleporter and left.

"Naria...get back to hacking Earth television. I want to see what entertainment this world has before we kill it." Ginis ordered.


"I still find it odd he ends up loving some worlds programmings...but kills them anyway. Bringing more boredom." Quval muttered.

"Because I find them entertaining."

"Ginis-sama, I found one program you may enjoy. It is called 'Wrestling'. In it two men enter a boxed arena and fight one another with various complex rules." She exlained.

"Play it." Ginis ordered. "I swear if no one really dies, I'm blowing up this world worse."

"Sonic...why are we hanging out here in the middle of the city?" Tails asked as they were sitting on a building edge.

"'Cause the giant TV on that building shows a fun program where two humans beat each other up." Sonic explained, pointing at a dome shaped building. "This world has some weird but awesome entertainment."

"So...we're just gonna sit here and wait for that giant screen to give us entertainment?" Tails asked out of interest and confusion.

"Well, we could watch it on the TV at Yamato's and Flash's, but his Uncle is there and walking around like a Walrus." Sonic explained.

"That's...one explanation...but why do you like this so much?"

"It's just fun." Sonic explained. "You get to see people fight it out epically, and there is no danger...okay, there's some danger."

"Are humans stupid?" Tails asked.

"Leo fits in. …Let that make sense of it." Sonic countered calmly, "Go, Tiger head guy!"

"Wait...is that guy a Mobian like Flash?"

"No, he can't be…" Sonic muttered.

"But he has a tiger head." Tails countered. "Plus...what human is that strong?"

"..." Sonic was about to open his mouth.

"Don't say Yamato or Flash he is a hybrid Yamato isn't."

"Tiger Head guy." he said as they saw the fight on the screen. "How do humans get to be Eggman Robo sized?"

"I don't know...did he just throw him?!" Tails gawked seeing the Man with the Tiger Mask toss the giant man out of the ring and into a metal pole. "This is the greatest human thing of all time what's it called?"


"Wow we have alot in common with humans in terms of sports." Tails noted.

"So how's that thing Tusk asked you about?"

"The Disguises not good."

"Why?" Sonic asked curious.

"Sonic these things are much more complicated then chaos emeralds they'll work with anything for anyone, these cubes…"

"Let me guess if we're not Sela, Leo or Yamato…"

"Yep ain't gonna work, i would need a cube unbonded to anyone or at best i can make a temp replacement changer for Flash, Yamato and the guys." he said, "This is actually fun, I mean I thought I have problem fixing caliburn but i can do that in my sleep its like its in my blood or something."

"Yeah, but how are we gonna convince Yamato's and Flash's uncle about us? We can't keep getting lucky forever."

"The guy loves dressing up as animals, right and He knows about Flash animal parts right?" Tails asked.

"Yeah from what I hear. Wh….ohhh." Sonic nodded, getting the idea. "Will it work?"

"As long as everyone plays along. If Tusk wants what he asked, I'll need a King Credential that isn't bonded or activated like the others are."

"Which there is only one of...and it's kind of missing." Sonic pointed out.

"Yeah," Tails frowned.

"This is a tough one. Where could the thing have gone. I mean it's a shiny crystal cube. It's not like someone just picked it up and walked away with it...right?" Sonic asked...making Tails slap his forehead.

"...You guys never considered 'What if the guy who gave Yamato and Flash hace never left the sight,' did you?"

"So...what? We find Bird-man and get the cube from him?" Sonic countered.

"Sonic, we tend to take back Chaos Emerald day after day from even good friends…" Tails reminded, "It's how we've met most of them. I'm calling them." he muttered before seeing another match, "After this fight."

"Whoo!" Sonic cheered, happy at the prospect of more enjoyable violence.

"Amu...this is the clothing store on the clear otherside of the mall." Yamato spoke calmly holding six bags of clothing as Amu walked around in what he just called a pallet swap of her normal clothing.

"Oh...right right...we we're gonna check on Roll-chan...silly me. I forgot." she smiled, tapping her head while sticking her tounge out in a cute manner. "Just six more bags."

"You said that at the last store…" Yamato pointed out.

"Well...we wouldn't be in this one if you hadn't tried talking me out of it, now wouldn't we?" she countered with a smile. She then looked over to the woman at the cashier. "Ah, I'm gonna wear this out. Don't worry, he'll take care of it." she smiled, patting Yamato's arm.

"Eh…" Yamato blinked.

"Hai." the woman smiled as she pressed on the machine, making the numbers pop up. "That'll be 800,000 Yen."

"Ehehe…." Yamato muttered. "800,000 yen…"

"Oh wait! These too!" Amu smiled as she put in a few more stacks of clothes in varying shades of pink and white.

"Oh, one moment. 990,000 yen." the woman corrected.

"Uh…" Yamato groaned, falling over, "Sayonara...my money…"

"Yamato, are you okay?"

"Fine...just...I get the feeling this is what it's like to...know what? Not finishing that thought." he sighed, standing up and pulling out his wallet and handing his credit card to the woman. His eyes visibly began crying as she swiped it and he was forced to accept the charges.

"Oh, come on. I'm not so bad...Roll-chan already blew all her money for the cafe." Amu giggled.

"How do you…"

"...You were right." Yamato blinked at the cafe...or at least the lot that would eventually become one.

"Roll-chan is very useful in business things. Trust me. I've used her skills to my advantage many a times." Amu smiled.

"Amu-san...What kind of person are you?" Yamato asked.

"A very cheeky one," both jumped and turned to see Roll and Flash in his hoodie behind them, "I still don't have everything for the cafe, but thanks to Flash for helping me find a well place I got one of the optimal places for not only attracting customers, but a decent spot to any exits in case of a fire, quick access to the bathroom, and managed to get this for half of what they were selling it for."

"I helped her find this place a while ago, it's no problem actually, I can help in this cafe, I know a lot of dishes and can help in finding supplies or taking care of any pervert,"Flash told

"Arigatou na Flash-san"

"Told ya." Amu smiled.

"Oh, and congrats, Amu. You are going to be one of the maids," Roll informed.

"I am already settled for living with Yamato. Sela-chan will be glad to take it and be your man pervert barrier." Amu said, hugging Yamato's arm. Flash simply took his phone out and secretly took there photo before they could see.

"No...please take her off my hands." Yamato said quickly.

"I am cashing in that favor you owe me for the incident with Leo and the shampoo," Roll stated, making Amu freeze.

"Shimata…" she cursed, "Darn it...why do you have to do that, Roll-chan…? I was having a happy day buying things with Yamato-kun… Why…? You're so mean…" she complained like a little girl.

"Why does she keep doing 360s?" Yamato muttered to Flash who was simply watching this.

"That's just Amu-chan being Amu-chan," Roll shrugged, "And as for why? What you did last week to my strawberry parfait."

"...I told you I was sleepy."

"Wait, What did she did,"Flash asked her.

Roll gave him a look saying 'Noting great' as he got the message.

"...I'm gonna step out...silently...quietly…" Yamato said before blurring off.

"...I'm telling your mother you're blocking me," Amu pouted as she looked for a cosplay that she liked.

"Amu-chan, the store opens next week," Roll informed, raising a brow.

"I'll wear what I want!" she pouted in anger.

"Why did it turn in to a K-drama which I watch." Flash muttered.

"...hmm... That human in the tiger mask so promise." Ginis said. "I will admit...I wish he snapped the head off that tall bulky human...but I will say it. I'm entertained. Bring up that fight with that Yellow Devil character...I like him...He has a nice style."

"See? I told you brains wins over stupid brawns, " Quval told Azald, who paid him in space money.

"Man!" he complained slamming his blocky fist on the bar. "Curse you Tiger Mask!"

"Naria, hurry up ple…" Ginis started before the screen fitz and a brown and black-furred humanoid lynx was seen.



"So this is a thing…" Quval spoke.

=...umm...Good Evening?= Nicole waved.

"Naria...what is that?" Ginis asked.

"Ginis-sama...we are being hacked."


"Yes, that is bad." Naria spoke.

"Oh...so...can I like not watch the Yellow Devil fight?" he asked.

"In a moment."

=... I'll be taking my leave= she said as she vanished and the screen showed the yellow devil slashing a man's throat with his sharp fingers.

"Okay, all is good." Ginis spoke calmly. "Azald...Quval, money on who wins?"

"Yellow Devil all the way!" Azald shouted.

"Ginis-sama...I'm going to do some tasks." Naria explained.

"Quval...translation?" Ginis asked.

"She's gonna kill the Earth creature that hacked us...possibly brutally." Quval explained.

"Azald, I'm borrowing your Player for a side mission," she said.

"Oi, Naria…"

"I'm borrowing." she said, glaring at him.

"Yes, Naria-sama...go ahead, Naria-sama." he bowed his head. "One day...I'm gonna enjoy hitting her."

"What was that?!"

"Nothing!" he shouted loudly as he backed away.

"I think even Azald is smart enough to know when to back down." Quval spoke.

"And slammed headfirst into the mat!" Ginis chuckled happily. "Oh look...the men in white are dragging the poor human away. I like this Yellow Devil human...Quval, hit loop."

"I believe I have made an error," Nicole noted.

"Eh? Wh….why?" Haseo asked, poking up from his makeshift bed.

"I...think I may have contacted the people behind the recent attacks on the city," Nicole sheepishly admitted, making Haseo nervously gulp."...We will be taking our leave of each other's company from here."

"E-eh?!" Haseo exclaimed at that, "D-demo, didn't you promise Kaa-san you'd look after me?!" his ears drooped a bit as he looked down.

"I am by ensuring your safety." she explained. "As it stands, the odds of survival with me have dropped drastically. The only way to increase those odds back to a number suitable for your survival is to be separated from me. I know of the consequences otherwise, but I suppose the term is, 'the lesser of two evils.'" she stated, "I am at an optimal efficiency that I believe I can contact someone of our world. Please wait."


"...Oh sorry." Leo said as all the Zyuoh Changers rang. "Hello! This is Leo!" he said answering.

=Good evening, Sir Leo=

"Nicole?" Leo blinked. "NICOLE!" he roared in realisation.


"IS HASEO-CHAN WITH YOU?!" Roll asked with the changer in her hands, Leo under her feet.

"I smell pain…" Leo groaned. "And sugar…honey, honey..."

"..." Yamato gently lifted the frantic Roll off Leo as Flash helped his friend up, "Daijobu?"

"Yamato...am I still pretty?" he asked, covering his bleeding nose.

"You're still the same old Leo." he smiled, patting his back. "...I wouldn't ask for a better wingman."

"Same, your fun to hang out with." Flash told patting him aswell.

"Yamato, Flash!" he cried hugging them both. "You're two are the best persons slash mobian friends , I know!"

"Hey…" the other Mobians all complained, minus Roll.

=Miss Roll, drop your heartrate to healthy levels or put on someone more calmer than you. In your current mood, you will be irrational in your responses=

"Where is Haseo-chan?! Is he okay? He better not have one bit of fur misaligned or I am going to find a way to load this annoying internet song Tails-chan found into you!"

"Roll." Flash said, holding out his hand, "Please, let me." he said in a tone that suggested 'no' wasn't an answer...Given the red aura of anger that formed, Yamato was surprised seeing this happened, Flash never gets that angry.

Roll whined a little, her ears drooping, as she handed it to Flash, "Please make sure my baby brother is okay, please?"

"I promise. I'll take care of everything."

=Who am I addressing at this moment? Do not let it be Roll trying to disguise her voice again=

"Ano... Flash the Hybrid." he explained. "Don't worry. I will try and keep this between you and me for now." he said before looking at the others, "Yamato make sure if any of them give her there changer to listen in...you're sleeping in the forest without a tent." he threatened to the others as Yamato nodded.

=How are you, Hybrid Flash? I was enjoying this 'cultural shock' of your world or may be your world. You come from a lovely place. I find it 98 percent similar to Mobius=

"Yes the parallels are obvious. But we can talk about this after you tell me what's wrong. Your tone earlier suggests something is going on." he explained.

=It would appear I will be terminated soon. Please have Tails track my nanite signal and retrieve Haseo=

"Terminate...nani?" Flash asked

"HASEO-CHAN'S IN DANGER?!" Roll freaked.

"Roll, calm down." Yamato frowned. "Now is not the time to panic…" he said with a serious look.

"...I love a man who takes charge…" Amu blushed as her tail made a heart symbol.

"...women." Tusk groaned.

=I have no idea. It is why you should have Tails track my signal now. If I had any ideas where I was, I would've made attempts to reunite with you all… Please put Tails on the assignment=

"I'm afraid I can't do that. To accept that request would mean I left you to die..." he spoke calmly, "No matter what...I will never let that happen."

=I am not alive. I am a machine = she said, =Haseo's life is more important as he is real...Now please be quick. The Deathgaleins will be looking for me=

"Don't Even think about that!" Flash yelled surprising the others and even Nichole.,"You think if your a machine that will change my opinion on who to save. You think other will throw you away and use you like a mindless robot, That's bullshit!" He yelled,"If your not alive then why the heck are you even worried for haseo, as a machine you will just have kept him quiet, but instead you called us for help. You care for him as any one else, so tell me, were you program to do that and just fallow," He asked.

"..." The other line was silent for a moment.

"She called herself a machine again, didn't she?" Roll whispered to Tusk, who shrugged.

"It would explain why Flash is saying that. And I think Yamato will do the same." Tusk explained, "Those two care about everyone...I'm sure to both, her life is as important to them as Haseo's is. Meaning there gonna save both of them at the same time."

=You still will require Tails to track me...Haseo, would you please enter that locker? Mister Flash, if you wish to be a man of your word, I implore you; track us down quickly= she said before hanging up after an explosion could be heard in the background.

"..." Roll was now hugging Flash's leg, tears in her eyes while she looked like she was a kicked puppy, "Please save my baby brother!"

"Don't worry...I promise I will." he replied. "Sela!" he shouted.


"I need you to use your ears...see if you can hear an explosion." Flash ordered.

"Explosion?" she blinked before she closed her eyes and held a hand to her ear.

"Roll...can you make Leo be quiet, please?" Yamato asked her with a smile. "It'll make it easier for Sela-san."


"All yours, Sela-chan," Roll informed, sitting on Leo's half-buried body, keeping a hold of his tail before she whispered, "Say anything and cause me to lose my baby brother and I'll cut it off."

"..." Sela trying to listen to the explosion to see where they're coming from.The noises were cancelling her from hearing them."It's no use, I can't hear them."

Roll soon feel to the ground in despair as she was like having a panicked attack as amu and Yamato ran by her side." Is there any way to save him, please," she said desperately as tears were coming out of her eyes.

Flash saw her state and couldn't help but worry more.

A young Flash with his mobian trait wearing sleeping pajamas was sitting under a tree as it was raining and he was soaking wet. He was head down on his arms as the rain was falling on him.

"Flash... Flash!!"

Flash gritted his fist and then made his choice. He went to roll quickly,"Roll stand up." She looked at him as she did trying to stand up well. He suddenly put his hand on her head and closed his eyes, she was surprised and the others were confused of what his doing.

"Don't worry," Yamato told as the others looked at him,"He can find haseo by this."

Flash soon was standing in a dark void as he had his eyes shut. He soon start to feel a line as he opened his eyes in the void and saw a white and black line leading him to a direction. He opened his eyes in the real world soon,"Found him"

"Really where!" She demanded but he didn't answer in stead he ran to the other direction.


A orange light was on him and soon he was in his suite as he jumped on different buildings as he was going faster.

Roll only looked at his direction as she was gonna fallow but Yamato stopped her."Don't worry, He'll get your baby brother and Nichole back safe and sound."

"..." She didn't say anything but she was worried for her brother safety, but she must believe in flash to get him back." I just hope you're right."

"Hmhmhm…" Bowguns hummed as he aimed his crossbow and fired green arrows of solid light that blew up a wall, "This is so boring...nothing's moving fast enough to make this hard."

"Be silent and kill the hacker." Naria ordered as she was tapping away on a green holographic touchpad. "There." she pointed at a window on a second floor. "The signal for the hacker is coming from in there."

"Hai, de gansu." the alien sighed as he aimed and fired several energy arrows into the window, causing another explosion. His eyes began to focus like a sniper's scope as he peeked inside. "Nope."

"Now the signal is moving...impossible. They can't move that kind of equipment so quickly…" Naria muttered, "Unless...the hacker is the equipment."

"What's that mean, de Gansu?" the alien asked, scratching his egg-like head.

"It means, dead or alive, I'm taking it." Naria informed, "An organic super computer." she smiled. "I'm sure that would make for an excellent new PC for Ginis-sama."

"What does Ginis-sama even do on the internet?" Bowguns asked.

"...Better question; what can I do to you right now for even daring to ask me that?"

"Oh look! I see something moving, de gansu!" he said, shooting away.

"Please desist this unneeded violence!" Nicole shouted. "The chances of you actually hitting me are 50 percent! Your aiming is 35% unfocused and the rest is devoted to fear. You're shaking and it's messing with your aiming."

"Shut up, De gansu!" Bowguns shouted as he shot a rapid barrage at the walls, making multiple large holes, "Now I can see better, you stupid Earth animal!"

"I would be insulted if I was from Earth and if I was an animal." at that, a swarm of green numbers flew by them and out of one of the holes.

"Oh, and it's in my color." Naria said. "Now I almost want to keep it." she chuckled. "Bowguns, it is in the open. Reveal your true skills."

"Hai, de gansu!" he said as he got on a rood and aimed before he pulled the trigger. Before anyone could notice, things just began exploding, "There...and there! And There!" he shouted as buildings were blowing up left and right as he lead the stream of data where he wanted. "Got you, de gonsu!"

"HA!" a voice shouted as Bowguns was tackled off the roof by a Fire ball hitting him.

"What was that? Oh, don't tell me…" Naria groaned as she looked over the edge to see Zyuoh Fox slamming the Deathgalien Player into the pavement down below.

"Ah...it's the green alien lady." Fox blinked, looking back up. "But...we didn't kill the Deathgalien yet."

"Please don't kill me...Azald will kill me twice if you do…" Bowguns complained, "Also...ow, de gansu…"

=Inquiry... Flash the Hybrid voice recognition= the data stream noted.

"Nicole-san!" Fox said happily, "Yokatta...I made it in time."

"Get offa me…" Bowguns growled but Fox kicked him back.

"Is Haseo okay!?" Fox asked

=He is inside near the back of the building. I made sure to draw enemy attacks as far away as possible= Nicole explained before she reformed next to Fox.

Fox nodded as he did a hand gesture and his clone came he signaled him as the clone nodded and ran off to the direction.

"Zyuohgers…" Naria sighed as she was somehow already down on street level, her heels clicking against the road. "Oh...Your the fox hybrid…" she blinked, looking to him. "Anyway, why are you here?"

"To save the kid and her of course." Fox said as he took a defensive stance.

"So...you name your sentient Bio computers...cute." Naria spoke. "I'm surprised Earth has something so advanced, honestly. Your world is known for being rather backwater without the intervention of other beings. But a living computer made of nanites of all things?" she laughed. "What a one of a kind find! Ginis-sama will love this," she mused.

"...I don't suppose I could just apologize for accidentally hacking…?"

"No. I've decided to take you."

"Uhm...Bad touch…" Fox joked.

"Bowguns, take this Zyuohger out of my sight."

"Hai, Naria-sama!" Bowguns said getting up as he aimed his crossbow and began shooting.

Fox quickly start to dodge the arrows as one passed close to his helmet shades. He made two clones as they ran at the Deathgalien, He fired more arrows as one came from side and kicked it's head the other his stomach making him grunt back but he quickly got a chance and fired more arrows as it hit the clones making them disappear the other arrows cake at Fox but He quickly bent back as he dogged three more arrows coming at him and back flipped and doged the upcoming one from hitting him.

"You must be skilled Flash-san, His weapons can release arrows at the speed of light," Nicole explained, "Give me a moment a-" she tensed as she phased out a bit, "No...don't tell me I'm running low already…"

"Oh...Is the poor computer in need of a recharge?" Naria teased, walking forward.

"...This world is low on nanites...my current body will not be maintained…" she said, phasing in and out, "Power sources inadequate...solutions...zzz...rrtt..."

"Oh, poor thing...I do hate when my devices' batteries die while away from home." Naria taunted. "Don't worry, Ginis-sama will take good care of…" she started before a fox with black and white tails got between them, "Oh?"

"Kid?!" Fox yelled seeing the fox kid Infront of Nichole.

"Mmm…." Haseo whimpered a bit, a look on his face as he tried to be brave, "St….stay….away from her."

"Another one like the yellow," Naria blinked. "No matter, just another part of the Blood Game. Bowguns, deal with it!"

"Hai, de gansu!" he cheered, shooting.

"Ah!" Fox shouted as he pushed both Haseo and Nicole away, letting the energy arrows explode against him. "Gah!" he cried in pain as his suit was smoking soon diaper in a smoke showing it was the clone as the real one came from behind and fired lightning at them making them take back.

"Haseo was more important." Nicole pointed out logically, "Risking yourself for both insured your inju...zzzrt...ries."

"I...Iie," Haseo quickly shook his head , "I...I don't want you to sacrifice yourself for my sake, Nicole-san."

"But.." she was loosing power,

"Don't even think about it," she looked at Fox,"if you think that your nothing more then a computer, then your stupid to think that!" He told her in a angry toon."I ran hear not just for him but for you aswell,But you hear want to sacrifice your self thinking you can be replaced. Then your one stupid computer," he told her. "It doesn't matter what you are...you and Haseo are connected." Fox spoke as he gwent to them. "You both have a connection...that's all that matters. For those connections...I'll protect both of you." he explained.

"... Flash…" Nicole started before her lower half turn to nanites and not pulling back together. "Power at 6%..."

"...This is annoying, and Ginis-sama needs his wine poured…" Naria frowned.

"Naria, where's my wine…?"

"She went down to get you a new toy, Ginis-sama." Quval reminded.

"But...then...what about my wine…? Where does my wine come from if Naria's not here?" he asked.

"I don't know, the bar?" Quval countered.

"Ugh...I guess I'll have to move. I better get my new toy." Ginis sighed, moving to the bar. "I never pick my wine myself…" he paused. "Naria...please come back soon...Why are there so many different flavors?! Wine is wine."

"I will be taking the toy." Naria said, "I can't keep Ginis-sama waiting."

"So...Your his wife…?" Fox asked.

"That...would be too great an honor…" Naria froze.

"...Umm, Naria-sama?"


"They're running." Bowguns said as Fox was running on building, his clones were holding Haseo, and Nicole, the twin-tailed fox holding the rest of Nicole's nanites.

"Why didn't you shoot them down?"

"Well…?" the alien began "I didn't want to break Ginis-sama's toy."

"...You are forgiven for thinking about him. I'll be back in 5 minutes. I need to select Ginis-sama wine."

"This one." Azald said, pointing at a barrel of wine.

"No, it's this one," Quval pointed at another.

"I said it's this one! So it's this one!" Azal snapped, punching the barrel. "Oops…"

"Great work, Azald…" Quval spoke in a long drawn out sarcastic tone.

"Now it's all over...Do I...lick it off the floor?" Ginis pondered as green coins dropped in and Naria appeared.

"Ginis-sama, wine time." she said, holding a bottle.

"Oh thank me." Ginis sighed in relief.

"Azald did it." Quval pointed at the alien, who was currently using a straw to drink up the mess he made.

"I have good news for you, Ginis-sama." Naria said, "Our hacker was a living computer."

"Oh, they have those here?" Ginis asked, sitting in his throne. "I have wanted one for so long since I blew up that one world that was filled with them."

"She claims to be from another world, and not native to this, so we have our next blood game." she smiled, "Oh, and before I forget, she's made up of nanites as well."

"Oh wonderful...I hope their screams are just as good as this world's." Ginis smiled, drinking his wine.

"Azald, stop drinking the mess!" Quval shouted.

"But...URP! It will go to waste!" Azald burped, "Never let wine go to waste! That rule one, you multiple Quval you!"

"Ginis-sama, I would also like to mention for some reason the game is treating her like...a person." Naria chuckled at the idea.

"Oh...what a novel idea. Treating a Bio Computer like a normal life form...ahahaha...That'd be like not treating a Blood Game like a sport." Ginis laughed. "Get me this computer, Naria."

"Only if you promise not to break it."

"I'll break it and fix it." he replied. "I mean if it can hack my ship, it must be one of a kind, of course I want to take it apart so much so I know how it's made. It's in my nature."

"Then I will not rest till you have it."

"Azald! That's not Wine! That's my foot!" Quval shouted kicking the blocky blue alien.

"So chewy~"

"Nasty!" Quval complained as he kicked the alien even more.

"Oh Nicole…" Tails said, examining the holo lynx.

"She's in bad shape…" Tusk muttered. "What do we do...there's no method of replenishing her the normal way here on Earth...is there?"

"No. Her nanites were keyed to her...in fact without her, our town is probably not even giving people baths or dishwashers aren't even working."

"Oh mom's gonna be piss." Tusk groaned. "Then...what can we do? ...Going home isn't an option."

=Inquiry why?= Nicole asked.

"Nicole, don't worry about it...just focus on saving power." Tails said as her arm fell off, "...I'll fix that."

"To think this is probably less stressful then Roll and Haseo reuniting." Tusk muttered.

"I'm gonna be safer in this big shoe box!" Leo shouted from inside one of Tails's lockers.

"...Leo get out! That…"


"...was a bomb made to look like a locker…" Tails groaned.

"Wohooo…" a charred Leo muttered in shock and awe.

"...What else is a bomb in here?" Tusk asked being careful.

"...It'd be easier to tell you what isn't…"

"...Nope. Still better then Roll and Haseo." Tusk shook his head.

"Hey! An apple!" Leo called out.


"I know what you're gonna say...but it wasn't the apple...it was the chair." Tails stated.

=Inquisition: Tails, are you some kind of bomb fanatic?= Nicole asked jokingly.




"Leo still got his apple!"


"...That was not the apple; that was the seeds inside the apple."

"...We're taking away your bomb stuff," Tusk and Nicole said in unison.

"Leo has applesauce…No, mommy, Leo's sauce, not yours..."

"No one is taking away my bombs. You're not my parents!" he said

"..." Tusk gave him a look that said 'Really, that's your argument?'.

"And you're not even living with me, besides…. Are you complaining…?" he asked, pointing to Leo.

"Nom." Leo said, chomping on Tails's...tails.

"...just be thankful I tested painkillers I made."

"Why would you make painkill…?" Tusk started before pointing at him and Leo and then the zyuoh Changers. "...fair."

"It's nice to meet you again, Haseo-kun," Yamato greeted as Roll kept cuddling her younger sibling.

"H...hai. S-same here, Yamato-san," Haseo nodded before looking out the window, his ears drooping a bit, "Nicole-san…"

"Daijobu Tails will take care of her," he said.

"..But..she used a lot of power to keep me warm...and acted like a bed for me…"

"How long were you guys there?" Yamato asked.

"...Eto….a….a few days, I think…." Haseo replied.

"Why did the Deathgalleins attack you?"

"Nicole-san hacked the...inter..net...and she said she went into space to look for anything non-Sonic chase news related."

"..." Sonic whistled innocently as Roll leveled a glare at him.

"And try to find everyone and she accidently entered the green lady's ship," Haseo finished before his ears drooped further, "Sh...she told me to hide while she tried to lead them away…I….I feel like this is my fault..."

"Oh, there-there," Roll comforted, "It's not your fault at all. While I nearly had a heart attack from you getting between that green lady and Nicole-chan, I think you were very brave because you stood to protect someone you love." she held him a bit tighter, "You're not to blame, only those aliens are."

"Ahh, we'll protect you and Nicole-san." Yamato smiled, petting the young twin-tailed fox on the head.

"...A….arigatou, Onee-chan...Yamato-san…" Haseo smiled a bit, his ears perking up a bit.

"Tadaima.." They looked and saw Flash entering the house."I brought you some strawberry and blueberry cake for you." He came in as he put them down. But soon was tackled in a hug by Roll as he managed to kept his composure."Wow" he looked at her.

"Arigatou Flash-san, I can't thank you enough for saving my little brother today." She said in happy toon to flash.He smiled as his tail gave her a pat on the head.

"It was no problem, I did what I had to do.If you want to make it up to me. Can you make a delicious meal today," Flash asked.

"Hi! By the sakurai code I will make the best meal for you and all." Roll declared dramatically.

Flash went to the Young fox then as haseo saw him, He some how sense he could trust him.

"Yo, How are you na young hero." Flash greeted.

"Hero?" Haseo pointed at him self confused.

"Yeah you saved the Lynx girl na"

Haseo shook his head,"No, You were the one who saved us,"

"That may be true, But when I was fighting the Deathgallein you ran for her protection,"Flash grabbed his hands and made them fists,"Even thought you were scared, even thought you were gonna die, you still went to protect her. That's a hero in my book na." Flash told as he put his fist on his his chest.

Haseo looked at Flash and for some reason he saw someone else in his place.

"So as for your bravery and saving the lynx girl," Flash tail grabbed the cake box."Hear a complementary cake na" He opened the box and gave the strawberry cake to him.

Haseo took it,"Arigatou, Um... Can I have a request," He asked.

"What kind of request?" Roll asked her little brother.

"Well..." He played with his tails as he was being shy.

"Come on Haseo-chan say it." Yamato told.

"Well.. Can I call you Flash onni-chan?," He finally asked




The others were baffled hearing the child fox request.

"Ano, Why?" Flash finally asked

Haseo was quite for a moment,"Well, you look like nii-san also a human. Also when I'm with you, I feel like I'm safe."

Flash hear the young fox explanation as he understood he was scared but he felt ok when he was around. He looked at roll who was still in surprise expression but soon shook it off and then gave flash a nod." Ok you can call me that." He told

"Arigatou!" Haseo excitedly hugged flash surprising him. But he took it. The two saw the interaction and couldn't help but smile.

"Hah, Didn't know you'll find your long lost family member hear." Sonic said as he entered the conversation for feeling left out.

"We still don't know that, but we will still accept him no less." Roll told."But I want to ask what did you use to find haseo."

Flash let go of haseo and looked at her,"well the trick I used is known as spirit bond."

"Spirit Bond?" Sonic and Roll asked confused.

"See it is of a bond which one shares with another, when I use the technique feon before it helps me see the bond line of one person to find them. The stronger the bond the bigger the line.But I can only use it once a week. I'm still learning to control it so it will take time before I could use it often." He explained

"Sugoi~!"Roll and Haseo said in together with star in there eyes.

"Cool," sonic said,"But wait can't you find your parents with this technique."

"Well, No. You see eve if I try I still can't. I have no bind of them and not knowing who they even are, so I can't then." He explained sadly.

"Man it sucks then that you can't even use it for this one purpose." Sonic said feeling sympathy for him. He knows his family is still ok. But Flash doesn't know his, not even a memory of what they look like.

"But I won't feel down na." He spoke up,"Beside this isn't about me, it's about haseo and Nichole being safe right." He changed the topic not to feel the attention.Yamato understood what he was applying.

"Now we just need to think of how to keep her safe and sound," Roll frowned, "...Do you think Tails-chan could make her a robotic body as a temporary thing?"

"...M….maybe….or…" Haseo thought for a moment before he gasped, his twin tails shooting straight up, "M-matte! I just remembered something!"

"What is it?" Sonic and Flash asked.

"Hm? ...Oh!" Roll reached into her cleavage and pulled out a bulky handheld device, "Kaa-chan told me to hold onto it." she blinked twice when she saw Yamato, Flash and Sonic looking away, "Eh?"

"Why does she and her mom have to keep stuff in those places…?" Sonic mumbled, his cheeks red.

"...Eh?" Roll and Haseo tilted their heads.

"..." Yamato then cough and looked at them. "Umm before you do may I ask why it wasn't on Tails's person or something?" Yamato asked.

"Hmm...not really sure…"

"You don't think that it's weird that Tails, someone who knows how to at least fix Nicole, would have that himself?" Flash asked making them blink. "Gomen, I'm sure you are trustworthy..but how long as it been since Nicole used it?"

"Never since she became the city." Sonic answered.

"...How fast can Tails upgrade it?"

"Minna…" Flash asked, "Why are we making decisions for nicole?" he asked, "Roll, i know you were worried about Haseo, but you never once showed concern about Nicole equally that a bit mean you know." Yamato then looked at Haseo, "And, Haseo don't tell Nicole you blame yourself. She did her best to protect you. I'd think she be hurt if you said that."

"..." Roll's ears drooped, "Hai…It's just..."

"I understand. I have family too." Yamato said, "But you didn't even give Nicole a thank you."

"When it comes to Haseo, Roll and Aphrodite tend to just go blank to everything else," Sonic shrugged.

"Boys are very rare in the family and we often treat them as priority one in protecting," Roll explained.

"..." Sonic then silenced at Yamato's aura. Flash had only a look of 'I understand but I still feel disappointed in you.'

"Minna, I get your customs are...different, but your friends are important, too. Nicole burned her life out to make Haseo comfortable," Yamato reminded, making Roll's ears droop lower, "You have good reasons, and odd but interesting customs; but if you care for one thing and not your friends just as much, how can they treat you with the same love?"

"?!" Roll's eyes widened, "Ah! Oh! Y-You're completely right!"

"Ad you brought in 'love' around a Sakurai," Sonic facepalmed

"Sonic..." Flash said, "Swimming lessons."

"NEVEH!" Sonic screamed before blurring off.

"I don't care about your customs. They're important to you, but don't let them make you act less or more important than someone else. Nicole tried very hard and I didn't hear anyone give her a 'thank you.'" Flash said, walking off, "For now, we'll give you two your space."

Once Yamato and Flash left, Roll looked down at Haseo, "When we go give Tails-chan this, I am making sure Nicole-chan knows how much I appreciated her protecting you." she frowned, "I can't believe I forgot to give her a 'thank you,' too..."

"...Hello Sela, Amu. You both seem fairly lovely." Nicole greeted.

"How could you tell it was us?"

"Your heartbeats and voices. Can't fool me." she smiled, "I was unaware you all had shapeshifting powers."

"Wow! Nicole-chan, you're always amazing." Amu cheered. "Ne, what else can you sense? Oh! Can you tell if Yamato's heart goes Doki-doki when I'm around?"

"What about me?" Yamato asked.

"His heart rate is calm. He appears to be relieve...heart rate rises as I talk."

"You can sense my vitals… That's a little embarrassing." Yamato admitted.

"What about Flash heart beat?" Leo asked

"Well, his is calm but still in worry for some reason." She told, the others look at him.

"Don't worry, I'm just worried for her a bit, I'll be fine" he reassured them but still had a doubt.

"I serve many functions back on Mobius. It's my duty to ensure the welfare of the people." she said, "If you require me to stop, please ask."

"No. It's fine, Nicole-san, but for now, while you're resting. Try and keep the amazing things to a minimum. Save your energy." Yamato smiled. "Please...it'll make everyone happy."

"But without the city, most of my functions are useless…"

"Well we'll put you back in your handheld that…"

"...I refuse." Nicole said.

"Whoa! Nicole angry?" Tusk blinked shocked.

"Eh...why?" Yamato asked. "It could help you...is there a reason why you refuse to do it?" he asked calmly and out of worry.

"I politely refuse. I wish to enter rest mode now."

"Nicole-san…" Flash sighed.

"...this is gonna go back and forth for a while." Amu pointed out bluntly.

"Never seen Nicole angry before...kinda put my angry face to shame." Sela said.

"But you're always angry." Leo said; as Sela was about to hit him, Leo bit a cookie that blew up in his face and sent him flying through the roof.

"...I feel cheated out of my fun," Sela admitted.

"Mou...stop playing. We need to deal with Nicole." Amu reminded with a pout.

It was then a blur shot into the room and Amu was now holding a blinking Haseo, Tails had the handheld, and Roll was covering Nicole's cheeks with kisses and repeated 'thank yous.'

"Roll-chan's here." Amu said as she gently hoisted Haseo into Tusk's arms.

"...You're as confused as me, right?" Tusk asked the boy in his arms.

"...Please remove yourself...I am feeling irritable," Nicole said.

"Gomen," Roll apologized, letting her go, "I'm just really, really, really thankful you protected Haseo-chan for so long at the costs you gave and forgot to show my loving thanks."

"Hehe…" Flash chuckled. "The way you took my words so much to heart. It's really sweet, Roll-san."

"You guys kept this?" Tails asked, "I was asked to destroy the handheld." he blinked. "...Oh dang it. Aphrodite took my stuff again."

"You need a better password than 'Password' for your safe." Tusk pointed out.

"...I didn't make that password I ask Leo to…Leo!" Tails said, taking out his magic hands.

"It's the best password in the world!" Leo said as he grabbed the hands and began wrestling with them despite their being mechanic, "I will fight you on that!"

"Could you take it outside first?" Yamato asked.

"Kay!" Leo said, dragging Tails outside.

"Anyway...can someone explain to me the meaning behind this device?" Flash spoke up again as he held it up. "Or did Leo just Fox-nap the only person who can?"

"Oh, this is the real Nicole." Tusk explained.

"Eh?" Both spoke

"She wasn't always our entire homes." Sela added.

"...Yes…" Nicole nodded a bit, "I was created by Dr. Ellidy to map out and gather information within the digital space, able to set up and/or disable any form of security, and scan any computer. I was given to the princess of the Kingdom of Acorn, Princess Sally Alicia Acorn. I had been with her since she was a child, even after Robotnik had taken over most of Mobius...I have been a crucial member to the Freedom Fighters when Sonic, Sally, and a few others first formed it, helping to bypass Robotnok's security programs, map out the area for any of his robotic soldiers, and to help Sally with what she needed. As time went on, I eventually created myself a body using nanites, and...well, you've seen what I am able to do after seeing Mobotropolis for yourself."

"...wow...so Nicole been taking care of everyone for so long…" Yamato said amazed, "That's why you wanted to protect Haseo so much?"

"I still think of protecting as my primary programming...but in truth, I think of it and the word prison comes to mind…"

"Eh, prison?" Flash blinked.

"All my life in that handheld, I got to watch everyone laugh...cry...love...hug...smile…" she said, "All I could do was act like a machine...then I got my nanite body and all those emotions were finally accessible to me...but now you're all asking me to return to it…"

"Actually...I kind of get it." Flash spoke up, making everyone blink and look at him. "Finally...you're free out here...You get to be with others. You get to form bonds and connect with them. You don't want to lose that...nobody does."

"...Yes...I got this body by accident… If I lose these nanites who knows if I can return...or if I become unknown data...I won't give up this body…" she said, trembling.

"I said I kind of get it...this is a concept too surreal to me…" Flash spoke. "I just understand you're not wanting to lose the connections you've made. You have connected to so many people...Your life right now is happy. But...because of that, I think you should try everything to make sure you don't lose them forever. I know if I was like you, well still a little am...but I'd be more afraid of dying and leaving everyone I connected with sad." he spoke. "I won't force you, Nicole-san...but I want to just say one thing. When you've formed many strong bonds...your life is no longer just your own. You have to live it for everyone you're connected to." he explained as he gently took the device and set it down on a table nearby, "I don't want to lose you either, Nicole-san...I got the feeling I was finally starting to make friends with you, That we can understand one another."

"Thank you very much." Nicole smiled.

"Hmm." Tails pondered, "Everyone leave the room. I might have something, but I need no distractions."

"What happen to Le…"

"He stepped on one of my landmines."

"TAKE THIS!" Leo's voice roared as something hit Tails and exploded.

"..." Yamato then got his aura ready and stepped out.

"...Yamato-san is as scary as Kaa-san when she's mad when he's mad," Roll explained.

"He would make a great parent. Amu, that's not meant to be idea fuel!" Tusk stated loudly as he grabbed her by the ear.

"You don't throw bombs someone made for defense!" Yamato's voice snapped, "Especially when someone is trying to rest!"

"I'm sorry! Stop giving me that glare! It's scarier than Aphrodite!" Leo cried.

"We're gonna head home...Tails you okay?"

"I don't know how you guys do this all the time…" he said shaking it off. "Good thing that was my 'Scare People Away' bomb." he said, "I might have short term memory loss...I might have short term memory loss."

"You could just hang an angry picture of Yamato and get the same result." Sela joked.

"..." Yamato then came in, "Sela, you can sleep with Leo outside."

"Ah!?" she gawked in surprise at his being there.

"Hahaha…" Amu laughed.

"Home now everyone. Tails, call." Yamato said "Oh, and Roll? You're taking Sela as well no arguments."

"I was just going to ask her to help with the cafe before Nicole-chan contacted us," Roll replied, "Which reminds me...Nicole-chan, when you're nice and rested, I hope you can come to cafe to double check everything."

"Roll ask after she's better." Flash said calmly as his tail patted her head, "Home now come on."

"Hai, Yamato-san,Flash-san," Roll nodded, "Oh. Ano…" she whispered into Yamato's ear, "I'm not sure if there's enough space where I sleep for Haseo-chan."

"Haseo can have my bed." he said, "Haseo-kun, Nicole-san will be alright. Come with us."

"...O…okay..." Haseo nodded, giving Nicole one more concerned look as Flash picked him up and put him on his shoulder making him giggle.

"TadimaaaaaAAAAHHHHH!" Yamato freaked, seeing Sonic out in the open as he and Mario played limbo.

"Come on, man! Be the walrus, be the walrus."

"Be the walrus, be the walrus…" Mario grunted as he made it through the stick, "Yeah!"

'What is he doing?!' Roll thought, peeking out from behind Yamato.

Flash came in and saw the scene, He simply just looked at it and shrugged.

"Alrighty, m-" Sonic began before he noticed Yamato and Flash, "...Oh. Hey, Yamato, Flash."

"Ah!" Yamato freaked as he tackled Sonic into the kitchen with a loud cartoony crash sound coming from within.

"Sonic, where'd you go? It's your turn." Mario chuckled.

"Oji-san, Sonic and Yamato had something to talk about very important, they'll be right back." Amu said. Flash helping him stand properly. "Roll...go check on them!" she whispered while covering her mouth.

"Hello." Mario waved to Haseo who was behind Flash. "You're a cosplayer too?"

"...what?" everyone asked as Yamato and Sonic poked back in.

"One more time?" Yamato asked.

"Yeah. Sonic told me everything, his rich wife Roll loves cosplaying as certain animal and bought costume and Sonic and his friends tend to join in,..man, I'm so jealous. You all look so real." he said, pinching Haseo's cheeks gently. "Man this is real good work. You look so cute, kid!" he sighed, patting his head very gently. Haseo hid behind Flash still not in trust, Mario looked at Flash who had a look saying 'I'll explain later'. Mario accepted it.

"Thank you. Though, you are a bit misi…." Roll replied before Amu covered her mouth.

"Yes, that's right!" Amu agreed.

"Yes yes yes. They're so well made uncle they can even eat and sleep in it." Flash informed. "So don't be confuse or worry about them overheating or anything whatsoever!" Yamato agreed walking up to him.

"You kids have to promise you'll find one of those costumes for me. But other then that, welcome to our home!" he said happily. "Please make yourselves at home 'till you kids get all your affairs settled." he said, as he looked at Haseo, "You can have my bed tonight, young man."

"...A...ano...th-thank you…." Haseo replied with a small, shy nod.

"Don't worry boy. Sonic told me about your situation. Don't worry. Until you find your Kaa-san again, you'll be safe here in mine Flash and Yamato's home." he said, patting his head again while pushing his animal mask up. "I promise you that." he smiled as everyone swore they saw an old Yamato in Mario."Also please be friends with Flash," he requested

"Uncle, Don't worry they will." Flash told him. The others agreed aswell.

"...Wow... This family…" Tusk blinked.

"Now...who's up for dinner? Roll-chan, you and I will cook up a great big meal for everyone!" he cheered as his mask fell down again. "Ah...can't see…" he complained, trying to push it back up.

"Also I will like to cook, I promise Flash I will make the best dinner for him. He helped me find my baby brother from danger so as a thank you please let me." Roll asked

Mario pulled up his mask,"Oh he did. Well I can't say no to that, I'll help as well." The masks again fell down again.

"Sonic with me...outside." Yamato said, grabbing him by the quills.

"Look. I'm sorry for lying to your un…" Sonic started.

"That was a great idea!" he said happily while grabbing his shoulders, "Ah...you're much better at lying then I am...I owe you so much."

"Wow. Thanks, man…"

"No problem. I wish I thought of it sooner…"

"Honestly, I hate lying to the guy. He's so great! We were listening to music, watching comedies, he's a great uncle like my Uncle Chuck."

"Ah...Oji-san has been taking care of me and Flash for a long time. Honestly...I don't think I'd feel at home unless it was here.So does Flash,well he is the only one who is Family to him and me" Yamato admitted, "That's why I hated lying to him...but what can I do? I don't want him to worry about all the things related to the truth. I know he'd try and involve himself more in the dangerous things if he knew about you guys...and I think he'd have a panic attack if he learned about me and the well... transforming part. He had to get over the fact that Flash is a fox boy, but he won't sit well hearing this, he had once the tim-" he quickly shut him self up saying that.

Sonic looked at him hearing the last part with curiosity,"The time what?" He asked,"Let me guess, it has to do with Flash that time isn't it."

Yamato was quite giving him the answer he needed."I get it. It's your own secret I won't guess any further. Your secret's safe. But if he learn we were real, I'd think he'd freak out then hug us like plushies." he chuckled with Yamato.

"Don't worry, he'll eventually worm up." Yamato reassured.,"Where's Caliburn?"

"He's in timeout." he said, "...Hey. I gotta ask...have you see a necklace shaped like a guitar?"

"Necklace…?" Yamato blinked, "No… Can't say that I have."

"I must've lost it when we got sucked into this place… If you see it, let me know. It's a family heirloom."

"Don't worry. I'll keep a close eye out for it next time," Yamato nodded. Suddenly, he felt an itching sensation in his eyes, making him rub them.

"Everything okay?" Sonic asked.

"Hai...I just felt like I had something stuck in my eye. Guess I jinxed myself, hahaha." Yamato laughed.

"Welp. I'm hungry. Let's get chili dogs."

"You can eat that stuff?"

"Just try and make me eat something else." he smirked.

"Okay, you lost sight of the target and just went rampaging while I was gone?" Naria frowned.

"I'll find it! I promise in the name of Ginis-sama, de gansu!" Bowguns shouted in fear as he saluted to Naria.

"No, no. I'll find it; you go back to your game."

"What? Really?"

"Ginis-sama wants it now for sure. I can't allow you to screw it up." she explained, "And while I'm searching, your Blood Game will keep Ginis-sama entertained." she added. "And...please do try to keep him entertained. Or you'll become the target of my Blood Game." she threatened.

"Hai, de Gansu!" he shouted in fear saluting again and smacking himself in the face with his bowgun weapon. "Itai…"

"Why are Azald's players all such idiots?" Naria asked as she walked away. She pulled out the holopad as she began typing away. "Now...those color coded pests can't have moved to a different city...so somewhere within the limits of this Tokyo. But where?" she muttered as she pulled up a map of the city taken by the ship. "Hmm...hello? What's this?" she asked zooming in on one area. "A Blue blur running in between this location and this…" she muttered, zooming in. "Eh...just a tree...but what's this?"

"Hmm... Would you agree?" Tails asked.

"Yes. If I want to last at least six months, a red power ring would suffice.." Nicole said as Tails pulled out a power ring.

"And this…"

"At maximum of doing nothing...3 and half months." she said.

"Better than nothing." he said, hooking her handheld to a cord and putting the other end of the cord in her neck, "Are you ready?" he asked as the cube animals watched.

"Those cubes are cute." she smiled, petting eagle. "Are you all concerned for me?"

Cube Eagle cried out while flying up and circling around her. The rest all crying just the same and fidgeting around, clearly out of worry for Nicole.

"Okay, Nicole you might feel a slight tingle. I'd say bite on something, but I'm not a doctor." he said while hooking up the ring. "Three…" he said as Cube Lion roared, "Not you Chibi Leo."


"Leo wants us to call him that or Chibi Leo will tell on us." Tails explained as Cube Lion nudged his leg. "Hey...I called you it, didn't I?"

Cube Lion roared before he hopped up next to Nicole as it trying to remind Tails about her.

"Right...3...2….1…" he then slammed the power ring into Nicole as she let out a little yelp.

"Hmm?" Naria blinked at a massive energy spike. "Well...no normal machine uses that much energy at once, meaning it would be needed for something that requires a mass amount of energy...oh, you primitive life forms. You make this game oh so easy." she smiled. "Bowguns, wait a few hours to get back to work. I need you to make sure those Zyuohgers don't bother me"

"Yes ma'am."

"Hmm...interesting…" Ginis mused, seeing the energy readings Naria sent him. "This energy is truly something unexpected. I shall enjoy these games to come."

"Ginis-sama, Azald is still drunk!" Quval complained.

"Hehehehe...You're drunk!" he chuckled. "You...8 Qubuls...Qubels...Qu...qu...ah…" he groaned as he fell over, "Night night…"

"And there's your solution. Watch the game, Quval."

"..." Nicole then stretched her body as the cubes circled her in happiness.

"Well... looks like it worked." Tails noted as some of his fur was standing on end. "And only slight energy feedback...Nevermind. Pain pill wore off...ugh…" he groaned, falling over.

"I do not find that hilarious." Nicole noted as she help Tails up.

"Thanks Nicole… What's that…?" he asked, seeing a cube above her chest.

"Oh...It would appear a strange object got mixed into my body while I was fleeing from the Deathgelien known as Bowguns." she explained. "Strange...it feels as though more energy than anticipated has been produced." she explained as the cube was glowing.

"...I need to make a call. Ignoring pain."

"Zzzz...ZZZZZZ…...Gao!" Leo snored next to a wide awake and annoyed Sela.

'I will get back at him someway…' Sela thought with an eye twitch before she looked down, "Why is Haseo whimpering?"

Downstairs, a sleeping Haseo was whimpering as he was fussing in Mario's bed, trying to grab something. A teddy bear was held out and grabbed by Haseo before he snuggled with it, the whimpering ceasing. Roll sighed in relief, a pink teddy in her arms.

"Almost forgot that," Roll noted.

"Ah…" Mario yawned, walking past the room with noise canceling headphones on his head. "...oh, Roll-chan...is something wrong?" he asked, pulling the headphones off, "Oh do you need a pair of these? Leo-kun snores like a beast, don't he?"

"He does, but no thank you, Mario-san," Roll replied, "I just forgot to give Haseo-chan a teddy I bought for him. Neither of us can really sleep peacefully without something soft or warm to hug at night."

"Really?" He said while looking at him."Flash does that aswell. He couldn't sleep in nights and will always be in a funny mode in the morning because of that." He told her which surprised her again.

'We have so much in common, yet why can't we see were alike.' Roll thought.

"Morning mina," They turned and see Flash waking up in his sleeping pj's and was holding a big lynx plushie with him. Roll looked and snorted at that, He looked rather cute because of the look.

"Oh,Flash your up," Mario said,"I'm going out. Is there anything about your mother I should know if I spot her?" he asked as he grabbed a jacket from the hanger in his room closet.

"Hai. She dresses as a fox like Haseo-chan, but with a lighter shade of my coloring and likes to wear magenta clothing," Roll replied, "She loves to talk about love as well."

"Hai. What's her name?" he asked as he laid out a pick sign and took out a paint brush.

"Aphrodite Venus Sakurai," Roll replied.

"Ah, soka. What a fitting name. Like you said, she loves to talk about love. She reminds me of my nee-san." he smiled. "She was always so wise. She loved talking about how people are all connected." he mused. "I'll call if I run into her. Later." he said, taking the sign with Aphrodite's full name written on it, "Yamato, stop clinging to Amu."

"Eh..wha…" Yamato blinked, waking up to Amu clung to him. "AH!" he panicked.

"Ah...kids...I'm going to have to set up some ground rules. We have a kid in the house. Shame on you, Yamato."

"It wasn't me!" he shouted in defense.

"Wow Yamato, Didn't know you'll swing that way. Making a poor girl fall for you like that." Flash said dramatically

"Wait no it's not like that." Yamato tried to defend her self but amu kept her hold on him. Flash took out his phone and took a photo of them.

"We'll save this for later." He told roll who nodded with a sly smirk.

"Hai, hai. Leftovers in the fridge." he said, leaving. "Whose fake sword is being used as an axe?" he asked, leaving.

"Oh, that's where he is." Sonic blinked.

Once Mario was gone, Caliburn slid his plate down to reveal his scowl, "I am unamused, knave."

"But I am." Sonic smirked from the terrace on the treehouse. He took a sip of some water he got before the Zyuoh Changers beeped.

"Moshi moshi, who's interrupting cuddle time?" Amu asked, "...A cube?"

"Yeah, but it's too small to be a King Credential. It's even smaller than the cube mecha...no offense, guys." Tails apologized as the Cube animals were glaring at him while all standing on either Nicole's shoulders or her head. "Nicole, are you alright?"

"Yes, it seems to just be stuck, but I am detecting similar life signatures like the cute ones." she said, using her finger to scratch Cube Lion's chin.

"Uh...yeah... I think I need Tusk who knows more about this then me."

=Ah...mou okay...hold on...TUSK, PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE! IT'S FOR YOU!=

After a moment Tails heard the sound of a loud clunk and Tusk screaming in pain.


"...yeah...Tusk? Tails. Think you guys have a new mecha..." Tails informed.

=You woke me up for that!? Couldn't this have waited 'till after breakfast?!=

"It's inside Nicole."

=Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!=

"There is no winning with this guy…" Tails complained.

=Paon= Cube Elephant nodded.

=Alright. I'm bringing everyone over=

"Why everyone?" Tails asked in annoyance.

=Is Nicole walking?=


=Then everyone. Who's the genius here…?=

"Touche my friend...touche." Tails admitted.

"I am insulted. I believe myself to be of equal intellect." Nicole said. "Also, you are not a genius here."

"Look, just hurry."

=You want hurry? Roll! Nicole's okay now!=

"What were you saying?"

"The highest intellect in this world stand at 600 and it belongs to a elderly gentleman known as Hongo Takeshi." she explained. "He is in his 60's, has multiple PHD's in almost all fields of science, and is a former motorcycle racing champion at the age of 19 after getting his first PHD. He lives primarily off of his Genius grants which give him great sums of money just for being the smartest man on Earth. He also had a butler at one point."

"I'm...I'm jealous." Tails muttered, he'd be lying if he said he never once dreamed of being rich just for being smart...oh and having a butler who does stuff for him. 'Man I want a butler...make me food whenever I want…'

"Don't be. You are still young. I am positive your IQ will raise…" Nicole then waved her hand, causing Roll and Sonic to be caught in a barrier, "Please mind the speed limits."

"Holy cow! Tusk wasn't lying...you're okay!" Sonic exclaimed in amazement as Roll snuck around the barrier and wrapped Nicole in a big hug.

"I am so happy you're better!" Roll beamed, "And thank you again for protecting Haseo-chan. AI or not, you are a Shield Sister to the Sakurai family now in my eyes."

"...Is this…"

"Yeah. A custom." Amu said.

"You guys are very Japanese...This country used to be all about customs and rules…" Yamato sighed as Amu was still hanging onto him tightly, her head resting on his shoulder as she snored lightly.

"...I am...honored?" Nicole shrugged

"So, What about Flash, He saved them from death," Tails asked.

"He, well haseo asked about calling him Onni-chan since for some reason he's calm when he's around." Roll explained

"Oh, That make sense since his half Fox," Tails said,"By the way where is he?"

"His at Home cooking breakfast for all of us and Haseo." Sonic said.Tusk looked at the cube above her chest.

"Hm…" Tusk muttered.

"Hm?" everyone repeated.

"..." Tusk somehow pulled a leather book out from his clothes. He flipped through it quickly before sighing and slapping it shut. "Nope...never heard of it." he shook his head. "This...this is something totally new to me. Or any of us." he explained as he looked at it closer.

"Humor attempt: does this mean I will have a boy or a girl?" Nicole tried to joke.

Amu gasped awake at that before she bumped Tusk out of her way, sending him face first into an explosive chair. Tails chuckling sheepishly at the looks he got for that.

"Say that again!" Amu said, holding Nicole. "You made a joke...You're becoming even better than before! You were awesome before, but now that you can joke! This is amazing!" she smiled hugging Nicole, "Roll, group hug!" she ordered.

"Yay!" Roll cheered, hugging both.

"So...what do we do about the cube?" Yamato asked.

"At the moment, it seems it's merged with Nicole...kind of…" he muttered. "It seems to be empowering her, meaning A) she's back to normal operational order; and B) the cubes have a kind of energy that can help her."

"...Okay. So no removing it from her unless it wants to," Roll noted.

"I still require a Red Power Ring. I do not plan to rely on this cube." Nicole informed. "Reasoning: I feel wrong using it like this."

"You're very strong and independent, aren't you?" Yamato smiled. "Yokata. I'll respect that wish and help look for a Red Power Ring….what are those?"

"It's a ring with a red star in the middle." Tusk answered, avoiding everything touchable in the room, "It's a great power source. Plus, it should help Nicole keep herself active for a time."

"Do you think some of them ended up here on Earth?" Yamato asked.

"Six months maximum." Nicole said, "And if I suspect we might have relics of our worlds likely summoned here...I detected...Chaos Emeralds briefly…" she said, having everyone but Yamato's attention.

"Uh...let me guess...Another object of amazing power?" Yamato took a guess.

"All seven will basically make you a god." Tusk summed up.

"Wait...do you think you know who and his sacred big emerald ended up here too?" Sonic asked.

"Are we ever lucky?" Sela asked.


"This might've become more troublesome." Tusk said.

"Wait...wait…" Leo spoke up. "Does that mean what I think it means?"

"What do you think it means?" Roll asked.

"My buddy Knucks is here!" Leo shouted in excitement. "I'm gonna find him!"

"Knucks?" Yamato repeated.

"Red echidna that can punch the ground so hard, he can set off volcanic eruptions," Sonic explained.

"That doesn't sound possible…" Yamato muttered.

"Story of my life." Tails spoke up.

"He's also gullible, even if he does make some really fun traps to get out of," Sonic added.

"He knows how to fly despite being an Echidna." Amu spoke up.

"Eh?" Yamato blinked twice.

"He's a dedicated person, though," Roll noted, "He takes his duty of protecting a special gem on his island home very seriously."

"He sounds like a good person," Yamato muttered.

"He ate a napkin...multiple times." Tusk pointed out bluntly. "Didn't he kind of eat some of your very fancy ones even that one time you invited him to dinner, Roll?"

"He did tell us they tasted good, so it was forgivable," Roll replied, "Now if he insulted or did something to the strawberries, then we'd have had a problem."

"Don't tell me...some Sakurai family law for Strawberries?" Yamato guessed.

"Not a fan of laws?" Amu asked.

"Not a fan of overreactions." he explained, "But mainly just seeing if I can understand the patterns. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with her family laws. Like I said they are still a practice here in Japan. But I'm just more…"

"Worldly?" Sonic guessed, "I mean far as I can tell, you seem like one of the most open minded dudes ever."

'And you're closed minded,' Roll thought, "It is a Food of Love, Yamato-san."

"Food of...love?" he tilted his head, Amu cutely mimicking him while standing next to him.

"Indeed. Many of our recipes use strawberries as an important ingredient," Roll replied, "And it becomes all the more special when the strawberry is coated in chocolate."

Amu then grabbed Yamato's chin and moved his head to look at Sonic. "Oh I get it." Yamato nodded. "So that answers that."

"Just don't do anything bad to them," Leo shuddered, a haunted look in his eyes.

"I... already know." Yamato muttered.

"How?!" The others minus amu asked.

"Well long story short, when me, Flash were young, we were with Uncle Mario and we're getting the groceries and some thugs try to rob us, one picked the bag Flash had which had strawberries and Smashed it on his foot. And the next thing he knew he was flung back and hitting the wall and also losing his teeths and some Blood, same could be said about the other thugs,"Yamato explained with haunted look,"That was the day we swore never to mess with strawberry or... Well, you get the idea"

The others blinked many time trying to process the new information.

"So all the nice boy and serious face, his that dangerous," sonic said with wide eyes. He seen roll do this aswell one time when he accidentally step on tye strawberry patch and he had to run for his life from an angry girl.

"Yup, and He did that when he was 5," Yamato told.

"Note to self. Never insult or do any harm to the strawberry," The others muttered. Roll on the other hand thought about what Yamato told.' Flash is being more of a sakurai, But how can this be? and how can he be half human and is hear?,I will ask Kaa-san if she is found.. and hopefully."

Amu then change tryed subject to ease the mood."Ne, what kind of animal do you think it is?" Amu asked, lightly poking the cube. "I wonder if it'll be something cute. I bet it'll be something adorable." she then got behind Nicole and began rubbing her face, "I mean, Nicole is adorable!"

"...please release me…" Nicole said politely, "I would like to assist Tails in his work and perhaps buy new equipment for his lab."

"Ehh? But…" Yamato started before Nicole twirled around and assumed a human form with her clothes, but facial features similar to Amu.

"I believe a human form would be adequate?"

"Oh my God!" Amu shouted. "Roll-chan picture, picture! We're twins!"

"Cheese," Roll giggled, holding up a camera.

"Maybe...it's because Nicole-san is a lynx...and Amu is a Tiger. And they are similar in that they are feline." Yamato talked to himself as Roll took pictures of the two.

"Irrelevant." Nicole stated, ignoring the face cuddling from Amu. "I used amu facial features, as sela loos would incite fear."

"Okay, I need to get a few things for the cafe," Roll noted as she looked at a list, "All we really have is the place and the costumes."

"So lots and lots of grocery shopping then?" Amu asked, simplifying the overall objective.

"And chair and table shopping," Roll nodded.

"Ooh! Ooh! I had an idea! What if we ask Mario-Ojisan to build them for us? He's a sculptor who works with wood, right? And he made most of the neat stuff in the house." Amu offered. "Plus, it might even be cheaper since you at least have to pay for the materials he'd use." she explained with a sense of logic that seemed more impressive than expected of her personality thus far.

"...Amu-chan, that's brilliant," Roll noted.

"Well of course. I had to learn real world skills given Tusk is so antisocial. And Sela and Leo are so temperamental that if they go and buy our groceries for the week, they get into a shouting match with the merchants in town." she reminded. "I know how to get the best prices out of them by reminding them so and so could sell it even cheaper."

"Amu is a brilliant negotiator." Nicole spoke bluntly. "Academically, her skills are not shown to full effect."

"Ano...why are we here?" Yamato asked as Amu's tail was wrapped around his wrist and dragging him along with them. Flash coming with them as his tail and ears were hidden in his hoodie.

"I believe it's because Tusk requested you two to keep an eye on Amu mostly Yamato-san," Nicole replied.

"That's right!" Amu smiled, taking it in stride, "Plus, you can't trust me alone with them! I'll trick them into buying me stuff."

"I like to think I'm the only one who falls for that." Yamato replied sarcastically.

"Don't worry, I also think you fall for that aswell." Flash said playfully.

"Oh, hahaha.." Yamato dryly laughed.

"No. She's done it to me, too," Roll sighed.

"It's 'cause our Roll-chan is so kind and loving." Amu joked, hugging her. "It's what we all love about her."

"Amu's definition of Love might not align to the rest of ours." Nicole said bluntly.

"Right…" Yamato and Flash nodded in agreement.

"Very true," Roll agreed before spotting something, "Oh, Amu-chan, the smoothie truck's here!"

"AH!" Yamato shouted as he was dragged off by a white blur.

"That didn't go as you expected, did it?" Nicole asked, feeling bad for poor Yamato as he was being dragged along the ground.

"It got her to stop bothering us. Though I feel sorry for Yamato-san," Roll admitted.

"Hai. He's paying." Amu spoke up happily.

"EH!?" Yamato gawked.

"I believe...you owe him big time." Flash muttered.

"Okay hear me out on this one." Sonic spoke as him, Tusk, Leo, and Sela searched the forest for the power ring they needed. "We find the last cube, and I use it."

"You want to join a team?" Tusk asked as he moved some branches out of his way.

"Mostly I want to see how that whole turning into a costumed super hero feels." Sonic admitted.

"It...is...awesome." Leo stated.

"I get the feeling there's more to it then that." Sela sighed. "Besides...I'm already blue. How many colors are left?"

"That's a good point...but I'm willing to risk it." Sonic admitted.

"You know there's a large chance you'll turn Pink." Tusk pointed out, smirking as Sonic paused.

"...Okay. We find the last cube and Nicole uses it then."

"Why not Roll?"

"Because she'd probably use it to find Eggman and kill him," Sonic scowled.

"True." Sela nodded.

"But Nicole is a lynx. That's, like, three cats." Leo pointed out. "And Flash is already a fox so we don't need two more Wouldn't it make more sense for a more interesting team given our name is 'Dobutsu Sentai'? Hello!"

"Why does that sound both stupid...but strangely clever?" Tusk asked.

"Because it's awesome," Leo nodded.

"First, we fix Nicole, then we find the cube, then we help Sonic think of a way to make Roll go home and leave Eggman here." Sela listed, "That way we all go home, Sonic has a clear conscious, and none of us ever...EVER have to hear that laugh of his ever again. Sound good?" she asked the boys.

"Agreed," Leo nodded.

"Big time," Sonic agreed.



"Hm? What?" Tusk looked at Sela.

"We agree on leaving Eggman here and take Roll back home when we find the Cube?"

"Oh. Right. Agreed," Tusk nodded.

"Tusk...stop being negative...or I'm shoving your nose in Mario's Natto snack," Sela threatened, making Tusk freak and cover his nose as he backed into a tree.

"Why do humans eat something so gross smelling!? It's fermented beans...why?!" Tusk shouted, his fear of bad smells overwhelming him.

"It smells bad?" Leo asked; being a predatory race, Leo's kind have a lower sense of taste, and Leo himself doesn't have the best of noses.

"Given the smell of your laundry, I'm amazed you smell at all." Sonic admitted.

"Can I throw my ten cents in?" Tails asked, holding an energy tracker, "Tusk, Amu, Leo and Sela had their cubes the longest and so did Yamato since he was a kid no less. Flash had his since he was a baby as you told. It's obvious whoever had the most exposure will be who the Cube bonds to and chooses the most. So if I'm right and the birdman did take the Cube or it was taken by a bystander, there's a high chance it might bond and choose them and not work for anyone else." Tails stated, "Just because we're Mobians doesn't mean we'll get picked. I mean, look at Yamato. In fact, I'll place bets that the next Zyuohger is another human."

"I'll take that bet. Who's with me? Next one is a Mobian?" Sonic asked.

"Also, Sonic, the point of you becoming a Zyuohger would be pointless. Even as Zyuohgers, not even Yamato can constantly keep up with you given you beat all your records. The only real advantage he has is going over ocean terrains, plus as Super Sonic, you're much more powerful and indestructible then any of the guys so far. Flash on the other hand has the advantage over you cause of the Shinobi jitsu he knows and the way he can keep up. He also is very y dangerous of you see it on what Yamato told us."

"Oh yeah. Then come up with a reason for Roll."

"Simple; she's very focused on killing Eggman and very strict in her family's laws that you refuse to listen to when someone tries to…" Tails began to explain.

"Less talkey on Roll, more talkey on why it won't work for her."

"..." Tails sighed, "From what everyone told me, I think the Zyuoh Changers respond more to people who want to protect all life, not end it." Tails continued, "Besides, Nicole's a bit more complicated. She doesn't generate our energy."

"Ugh...Leo brains hurts from the big lecture." Leo groaned. "This is stupid...who cares about if they can or can't?! All that matters is you want to! That's all I cared about when I made it work!"

"Yeah, but Leo…" Tails began.

"Tails, I will belt you across the face!" Leo complained, wanting no more lectures.

"Then I'll tell Yamato." Tails said, "After all, he doesn't know about my real age~"

"..." Leo froze at that, imagining Yamato's glare at Leo. Leo, in his panic, pushed Tails down the hill.

"Did he break the tracker?" Sela asked.

"By some miracle, no." Tusk said in relief. "This would take forever without Tails."

"Oh. Good," Sela nodded before sucker punching Leo in the face, making him twirl before falling down the hill, "Don't do that again!"

"Ta-Da!" Amu smiled as she got her friends to sit around a table, each of them having a plate of perfectly cut cake in front of them. Everyone having a different kind of cake: Vanilla for Amu, Red Velvet for Yamato, Chocolate for Nicole, and for Roll…

"I have never seen...something more beautiful," Roll tried to not cry, looking at the red velvet cake before her, decorated in strawberries and a strawberry sauce.

"I know right," Flash said while having the same treat as roll.

"That actually looks pretty good," Yamato admitted, "But...I'll stick to mine." he quickly said, taking a bite of his own.

"..." Nicole slowly blinked as she looked at her plate.

"What's wrong?" Yamato asked as Amu happily ate hers before she put her decorative strawberry on Roll's plate.

"I...am unsure of what to do here," Nicole admitted, "I am technically composed of nanites, so I am unsure of how I'll react."

"Oh! Maybe you can have the nanites make you a tummy," Amu suggested, eating some of the white chocolate off her cake.

"...That...sounds like an interesting idea actually," Nicole nodded as her eyes flashed data green for a moment. She then slowly looked down at her cake before picking up a fork, using it to take a piece of the cake off before putting it in her mouth, causing her to tense up, "?!"

"Nani...are you okay?" Flash asked in worry.



"I was unaware of how...how…." Nicole whispered as she swallowed her piece, sending a shiver up her back as a smile grew on her face, along with a bit of a blush, "...Delicious~!"

"Chocolate is one of the Love Foods. Of course it's delicious," Roll giggled, eating another of her strawberries.

"Yeah, Score One for Amu!" Amu cheered to herself.

"The way the sweetness combines with the starchiness of the cake and frosting...its...ahh~" Nicole gasped out in bliss as she took another bite, sending another shiver up her spine, "Ohh~"

"And we have succeeded in introducing another girl to the wonders that is chocolate," Amu fist bumped with Roll.

'Does she have to make noises with each bite?' Yamato and Flash asked themselves as Yamato took a sip of the coffee that he ordered with his cake when he decided to accept this was happening. Flash drinking his strawberry milkshake.

"It's her first time enjoying chocolate," Roll explained, seeing a small twitch in there expression, "Girls have a bit more...sensitive taste to certain things."

"Though none can compare to Amu's sense of taste." Nicole explained. "Her sense of taste is stronger than any ordinary being, it's believed a trait of her kind enhanced by her long exposure to the King's Credentials."

"Boring Superpower for the win!" Amu cheered earning her piece of cake happily. "Yummy. I can taste the vanilla extract, the rich cream, the hint of spice to balance out the sweet flavors, mainly the cinnamon."

"Having all those enhanced senses must be very helpful. I know I live with one" Yamato noted.

"True and me having Fox senses and learning Shinobi training, I have well power." Flash told

"See, even he has cool powers and he's like you," Amu said with a pout."Hm...if you ask me, Sela and Tusk have the better ones." Amu stated while chewing more of her cake. "I guess we cat types don't get the neat stuff...I mean Leo's power is his voice. One time, he stubbed his toe and, half the town couldn't hear a thing for half a week." she reminded. "Remember that Roll? You and Haseo kept shouting 'What' to each other for 2 days 'till you figured you could communicate with pen and paper."

"..." Roll's ears flattened against her skull as she frowned at Amu.

"Oh come on, Roll-chan. Leo can't help it...besides, could you imagine if his Dad or Mom had his super power? ...You might never be able to hear things again." Amu muttered with a pout, seeing the frown, "Leo is a good boy compared to the rest of his family. Now…" she grunted reaching over the table and grabbing the sides of her cheeks before forcing her to smile. "Smile...smile, I say…!" she grunted in much effort.

..." Roll gave a tiny smile...a tiny, vindictive one.

"...I am in much trouble, aren't I?" Amu asked.

"Let's just say that you don't get to pick your first cosplay for the opening."

"...You're a sly vindictive girl...I trained you well." Amu said, crying fake tears. "But you do realize, this means war!" she cheered in a cute voice.

"You two really are like sisters, aren't you?" Yamato muttered eating some of his cake.

"Of course. She's considered a Shield Sister to the Sakurai family just like Nicole-chan is,and Flash as a Shield Brother" Roll replied, reaching to hug Flash and Nicole, who growled while eating her cake, "Okay. No huggy while you're still eating your first taste of chocolate."

"Hahaha…" Yamato chuckled warmly at that. But after a moment, his eyes began to itch again. Like last night he began rubbing them to get the feeling out of them. But once he opened them again...everything before him began to zoom in as he saw everything miles away. "Ah…" he grunted, closing and opening eyes quickly as everything was back to normal.

"Daijobu?" Flash asked in concern.

"Hai...but it was weird...one moment everything looked funny...then suddenly I could see the park...all the way over there." he explained as the Four turned to see him pointing at a park...which was a good 10 miles away.

"I don't see anything," Amu noted.

"Me neither," Roll agreed.

"Me to," Flash said

"I'm just...weirded out…" he muttered before his hand shot up suddenly, making the others jump in surprise.

"An indigenous insect." Nicole noted, seeing in Yamato's hand was a Mosquito.

"It looks creepy," Roll moved behind Amu.

"Strange...how did you notice it, Yamato?" Flash asked.

"Eh? ...But it was moving so slow." Yamato explained as his finger slipped and the bug flew off very quickly to the girl's eyes at least. "Something must be wrong with me…" he muttered as his normal eyes became sharper and more threatening...almost like those of an eagle...but it wore off after Yamato blinked.

"Ok, is it just me or is Yamato getting the same thing I had when I start to get my powers," Flash said seeing the same traits happing to Yamato now.

"Hmm…" Nicole muttered putting the last bite of her cake in her mouth before she grabbed both sides of Yamato's head and peered into his eyes carefully and got in very close. "Interesting... Flash is right, the internal structure of his eyes...it's altering."

"Altering?" Amu and Roll repeated.

"Where once his eyes where Mammalian such as yours, now they are becoming avian." Nicole explained.

"Eh...you mean that's why my eyes have been feeling weird?" Yamato blinked.

"Pretty much, like what happened to me once remember," Flash said finishing his cake.

"His right, the lense of your eyes is being pushed forward, which is causing your retinas to look larger and slightly more intimidating." she muttered.

"And as a result, my eyesight has become binocular." Yamato added his own knowledge of the anatomy of animals. "Wait...I have Bird EYES?!" he gawked, causing the people around them to look at them.

"Uh...Yes! Though they should call them 'Rabbit Eyes' with all the carrots you eat," Amu spoke quickly. "Right, Roll-chan...right!" she awkwardly chuckled while elbowing her friend repeatedly.

"Uh...H-Hai!" Roll agreed, "Maybe we should have a rabbit mask instead of a bird one for you at the cafe, ne?"

"Yeah...Yeah! You'll like the eagle one better."Flash joined

"Oh...oh! Right...right...sorry...sorry...ahahaha!" Yamato laughed awkwardly as they were able to shake off the attention. "Gomen...gomen." he bowed to them.

"It would appear that exposure to the King's Credential and the Mobian power already inside of you has resulted in this...power," Nicole examined as Yamato kept blinking. "If the King's Credentials enhances his vision like Amu's taste, And Flash hearing and sensing, then it's fair to say he could develop telescopic vision, and it explains why things move slower for him. He can now process the information his eyes receive information faster for the sake of safety during flight."

"So like a normal eagle's vision...I can see miles away to spot prey...and to protect myself in flight." Yamato noted.

"Ano...let's not explain it that way...I feel like you're gonna fly off to chase a rabbit in the forest any moment now when you say it like that." Amu spoke up innocently.

"That'd be horrible!" Roll gasped. Flash quickly looked away not seeing them in the eyes.

"I'm not gonna go after a rabbit." Yamato muttered, calming them down.

"That's like saying Amu hunts down anything that comes into her home." Nicole countered, making Roll just stare at Amu with wide eyes.

"What...I don't do that...Oh, the one time I hit you with a pillow when you came over and you never let me forget it." Amu pouted at Roll.

"...How do you feel about maid outfits?" Roll asked.

"I'm telling your mom once we find her," Amu pouted even more.

"Totally like siblings." Yamato muttered bluntly.

"Yup," Flash said.

"Agreed…" Nicole nodded, "...Now if you will excuse me, I wish to test out some samples of food."

"Just don't eat too much…"Flash told

"...Mr Kazakiri, Mr sentry, I am an AI program with a body made of nanites. I highly doubt I'll get...as you call it, 'fat,'" Nicole deadpanned, "But enough of that. I must have some samples of food. Roll, Amu, would you two care to join me?"

"...I think you might've flipped something in her, Amu-chan," Roll whispered to the tigress.

"Score 2 for Amu." Said Tigress cheered, doing a little victory dance in her seat.

"Hmm….Devil's food cake...interesting name…" Nicole muttered, already looking at the menu, "...Mr. Kazakiri, I wish to try samplings of all the cakes on the menu here."

"...On second thought, I think I see what you mean," Amu sweatdropped a bit, seeing Nicole focus on the menu.

"Oh? Maybe one of each hot chocolate flavor drink as well they have here," Nicole went on.

"That's my girl!" Amu cheered. "Make that a double! Roll, you want in on this?" she asked in a sweet tone.

"No thank you," Roll shook her head, "I think Yamato-san's wallet is crying enough as it is."

"Arigato, Roll-san." Yamato thanked with his face planted on the table.

"Oh? Strawberry flavored chocolate milkshake? Interesting," Nicole noted, "I was unaware there was strawberry flavored chocolate."

'...Please no. Please no. P-'

"..." Roll pulled out her purse and looked into it, "How much is it? If it's in the right price range, I can put a bit aside from our food supply money for it."

"Roll-san...seriously...thank you…" Yamato sobbed happily.

"Oh, There's also a pudding cake." Nichole said seeing it. Yamato gained another look, suddenly Flash put down a lot of money on the table.

"I'm only helping you once buddy, Beside I got these from the red light district from perverts who were gonna do some things to the kids. Saved them and got my prize." He explained.

"Thank you,"Yamato gained sobbed in relief not even bothered by Flash method.

"Find it yet?!" Leo shouted at Tails, who wasn't that far away.

"No!" Tails replied.

"Oh...Find it yet?!"



"Leo I swear if you ask that one more time, I'll superglue that mouth of yours shut," Tails threatened.

"Well...where is it?!" Leo countered. "We've been looking for hours...and Amu and Roll get a pass out of this boring stuff!" he added while running up to Tails, "I want to sleep!" he complained, shaking Tails.

"...Leo….do that to me again, and, if she's even here, I'll call my sister and tell her you manhandled me again."

"?!" Leo tensed as he dropped him.

"Yeah...don't want another 'cold attack' do you?"

"No no! Leo finally got his mane to thaw out after the last time!" Leo exclaimed, holding his mane as he reverted to his Mobian form.

"Then don't do it again….ever."

"I'm not afraid! I have Flash, he has fire power making her cold not great" Leo told back

"Wanna bet.."

"Leo, shut up! Tails, stop acting tough!" Sela shouted, making them both stand straight. "Find the damn thing so we can go home 'cause even I'm getting tired of this! And don't make me chew your ears off for wasting time with stupid macho stuff!"

so we can go home 'cause even I'm getting tired of this! And don't make me chew your ears off for wasting time with stupid macho stuff!"

"Leo's always macho!" Leo declared as Tails managed to get out of his manhandling and walked over to a lake.

"While he's distracted." Tails muttered, scanning the lake with his device before he leaned in close as it began detecting a positive signal.

"Tails!" Sela shouted, grabbing him by his collar and pulling him away before the water exploded and green arrows of energy shot out and destroyed several trees.

Sela fell back as she held on to Tails as everyone looked up at the now burning trees then back down at the lake. Sela, to be sure, tapped Tails head before she sighed in relief.

"What was that?!" Sonic asked before the water burst again and Bowguns rose up.

"Ugh...why did you move him? ...Know what? Never mind...the game's done." the oval headed alien groaned.

"...Caliburn, I know we fight, but that ass just shot at my Bro." Sonic frowned, taking out his sword.

"You...you're all friends with that Orange Fox jerk, aren't ya?!" Bowguns asked. "He made Naria and Azald-sama mad at me...do you know what they do when mad...they do the worse things you can imagine!" he complained as he held up his crossbow. "So I'm going to take you out, while Naria-sama finds your stupid...Living computer thing!" he ranted clearly upset.

"Uhm...did he realize he gave away her plan?" Tails asked hiding behind Sela.

"Yes...yes he did." Sela nodded, "Tails, find Yamato and Nicole and warn them."

"Uh...well I want to...but see...I can't." he muttered slowly before using one of his tails to point at the lake behind Bowguns, "The thing we're looking for is like...right there in the lake."

"Damn it..." Tusk groaned.

"Also, that guy fires at light speed. I'm fast flying and a runner but, only Sonic is at that speed. Well not currently mind you..." Tails muttered on.

"He fires at light speed!? How did you…"


"Oi...stop ignoring me for the brat, de gansu!" Bowguns shouted as he began shooting...Only for each of his green energy arrows wat knocked out of the air by a blue blur. "What?! ...uh...Fire!" he shouted, shooting again only for the blue blur to knock them out of the air before even getting close to them.

"Boy...these Deathgaliens aren't so smart, are they?" Sonic muttered, leaning on a tree while tapping Caliburn on his shoulder.

"Ha! If being smart were a qualification, then I'd be on the other team...oops...shouldn't have said that maybe."

"Yeah... hold that thought…" Leo said, taking out the Zyuoh Changer only for Bowguns to shoot it out of his hand. "Oi!"

"I know not to let you hold those things!" he laughed only to be slashed across the back, making sparks fly. "Gah!" he cried as Sonic was behind him already, "Oh...you're gonna pay for that Blue spiky thing! Azald-sama will pay me handsomely if I bring him back your hide! You messed with his last player a lot!"

"Hold on," Sonic held a hand up.


"Look at me…" Sonic said, "Now look at your weapon…" he ordered, "Look at me...look at your weapon. Back to me...I am not a bowgun; I was holding a sword...back to your weapon...Where'd it go?"

"Huh, where'd it go?!" Bowguns gasped.

"Now, look at my friends; they're transforming."


"...Dammit, he got me too!" Bowguns realized.

"Dammit! It got him too!" Azald snapped, sober once again as he bashed his head into the wall next to the old imprint of his face.

"It's almost like any random idiot can join your team." Quval muttered sarcastically.

"We need to enforce that whole IQ minimum thing at some point…" Ginis muttered to himself, "...Nah...another time."

"Thank you. Quval has admitted I have more team members! I win!"

"What!? No I didn't!"

"Hmm...Has Naria gotten my computer yet…?" Ginis asked sipping his wine as a few Moebas were ordered to give him drinks on command. "Oh hurry, Naria... The Moebas don't have your lovely company aura."

"I'm starting to wonder of the company I keep…" Quval muttered with thick sarcasm.

"I apologize…" Nicole burped slightly as Yamato looked at the mountain of plates before him, "I've never actually eaten before."

"...Yamato-san?" Roll pondered, waving a hand in front of Yamato's face as he kept staring at the plates.

"Hai…" he responded as he saw nothing come out of wallet but air, "Oh no."

"Don't worry, I paid them remember." Flash told,"Used all of it thought," he looked at Yamato wallet and his.

"..." Roll looked between her purse and the empty wallet, "...Amu is in deep trouble now…"

"I am adorable and lovely and he likes animals. I'll never get in trouble with Yamato, ne?" she smiled as he sighed and scratched her chin like a cat.

"Not with him; with me," Roll frowned.

"It's fine, Roll-san...I'll just put in some overtime at the park." Yamato smiled calmly.

"And I can do more saving in red light district and get the confused people out,"Flash told as he avoided tye look Yamato gave him.

"Why are you going there?"

"Cause my instinct say that roll mom may have accidentally be in the red light district,"

"Really?!" Roll asked.

"Yeah but know she's not there." Flash told her.

"Oh, well glade she's out of there but hope she's safe." Roll said with her ears flatt down.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine." Flash reassured her, suddenly he rubbed her head a bit annoying her.

"Hey... Cut it out" Roll said annoyed slapping his hand away as he laughed.

"Hm, Hey how about we test Flash DNA to see if his blood match one from your family." Amu spoke.

"Really?!" Flash asked surprised.

"Hai, I can do that once we're back at the base." Nichole told.

"That can work, "Flash soon made a face of excitement when he heard that. He will know his family soon. Yamato couldn't help but smile at that.

Roll soon developed a serious look,"...But Amu is still in deep trouble now…"

"It's fine, Roll-san...I'll just put in some overtime at the park." Yamato smiled calmly.

"Still adorable~" she smirked.

"I believe I should take some blame." Nicole said, "I believe as long as this cube is inside me, I can make a more accurate data response to organic things."

"It's fine really I don't mind it." Yamato shook his head. "It was just some money...I can get more back. Plus, it's not like I have a lot of things I'm interested in buying. As long as you guys are happy while here, that's all that matters."

"This wallet is mine." Amu claimed, "It's Yamato's, but by extension, it and him are mine!"

"..." Roll gave Amu a stare, "You are not allowed to service Yamato-san at the cafe and his meals and flash-san are all free as thanks for what they done for us."

"I would actually prefer Amu-chan…" he admitted, "I would feel even more awkward with anyone else…" he admitted that as his face was one of...even this was very awkward for him.

"Love bird" Flash muttered out of Yamato hearing

"Yes! I win, boss!" Amu cheered. "Pay up."

"Achooo!" Aphrodite sneezed, barely covering his mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

"Are you ok?" Sonia asked.

"I believe that Amu-chan is expecting me to pay for a bet we never even made...again," Aphrodite replied.

"It's Amu. What do you expect her to find? A boy…" she started before catching a pickpocket, "Hey! Watch the hand…Manic?"

"Yo, Sonia."

"My Godbaby!" Aphrodite glomped him before starting to look him over, "Are you okay? Have you been eating right?" she sniffed, "Yep. Pancakes. You've been eating."

"Nice to see you too, second mom." he said, "You guy see Bro on the tv?"

"...I am smacking him upside the head when we find him again for doing that," Sonia admitted.

"Oh, who cares? I stole from fifty jewelry stores this morning." Manic said.

"Manic. The. Hedgehog."

"Oh come on," he frowned, pulling out some fancy rings, "Tell me you don't like them."

"...So….pretty…" Sonia trembled.

"I do not like them since they were stolen…"

"They were overcharging everyone and the majority of their products were made of cubic zirconium and fool's gold."

"...and now we're good," Aphrodite replied.

"So you guys wanna come back to this 5 Star Hotel Room I borrowed the keys to?"

"...In." Sonia instantly replied without even a millisecond of hesitation.


"Yes, the guy was a douche. Yes, I stole his wallet and gave the cash to someone needing it," Manic rolled his eyes.

"You are my favorite Godbaby," Aphrodite stated, nuzzling him in a big hug.

"You're welcome." he smirked.

"Sonic really made you eat chili dogs?" Flash asked.

"He mistook the concept of my real body," she explained, "I was fat for a day, but chili dogs were...I am not allowed to say."

"Why?" Yamato

"You don't describe the chili-dog; you live it," Roll replied.

"Ahahaha…" Yamato chuckled. Flash laughed.

"No, he burped then said 'Don't cheapen it with words,'" Nicole informed.

"You guys are a lot of fun," Yamato smiled before his Zyuoh Changer began ringing. "Hai Yamato." he replied answering it. "Oh hi Tails...oh...is everyone alright...the green lady isn't there?" he asked, "Hai...we'll keep an eye out...do you...hello...hello…? Mou, he hung up."

"Battle time?" Flash asked.

"We have to find them first." he said, "Nicole-san, can you…" he said before he saw her tapping at the air, "Umm...what's going on?"

"It would appear someone is trying to hack me…" she explained calmly. "I believe it to be the alien known as Naria."

"Oh, how cute. It can remember names," Naria's voice laughed, making them all look to see the green alien, "Now say Ginis-sama is the one true god of your life."

"No." Nicole said sternly.

"Ah well...I'm going to have to perform a factory Reset on you." she said before looking and frowning, "What are you doing?"

"You really shouldn't have tied your ship controls to your device." she smirked.


"I do believe the term used on Earth is, 'got you.'" she smiled proudly.

At that, Naria's device began beeping.

=Naria...what's going on? The ship is losing orbit!= Quval shouted.

=BIG SHINY THING!= Azald shouted.

=Oh look. It's the sun...I hope you boys are fire proof= Ginis chuckled.

"Ginis-sama the computer is attempting to end your life by sending you and the ship to the planet star."

"If that does not work, maybe a black hole will...either way you'll be mightily inconvenienced I imagine, "Ginis-sama" the great and all powerful...to quote Sonic, I've heard it enough to boredom…"

"How dare you…" Naria snarled.

=Naria…= Ginis spoke over the line. =I think this one has...interested me. Not in the original way, though= he spoke. =Ahahaha...Ah good one though. My SagittariArc taken over by a bio-machine...truly a surprise=

"Ginis sama, I will break this machine for its insolen…"

=Naria, I wasn't finished=

"Forgive me…"

=I've never seen such a cocky AI in a few centuries. I kind of want to take it apart even more now...to take its code apart bit by bit...see what every byte of Data gives me on its personality...its dreams...I want to tear it apart and see what makes it tick even more= he spoke in a dark sinister tone, making those besides Naria just stare in shock as this Ginis spoke. =What's your name, computer?=

"Nicole the Holo-Lynx...and you will never break a Freedom Fighter."

=Freedom Fighter...how cute. Well...try not to be too cocky, Nicole the Holo Lynx...because sooner or later, like everything else in this world...you will become my play thing. But...till then, enjoy your freedom, Nicole The Holo Lynx.= Ginis spoke.

"You cocky…"

=Naria...return home. For now, we shall go back to the games. Also, cut off the ship's connection to your holo pad as well...she's using it as a door= Ginis spoke calmly. =Anyway Nicole...do me a favor...save yourself for me. Someday, you'll be one of my belongings.= Ginis chuckled darkly making everyone shudder.

Nicole's response was to force activate Naria's teleporter, sending her back to the ship and ending the conversation.

"Nothing has ever disturbed my circuitry like that."

"That was...Ginis." Yamato muttered to himself, finally he heard the voice of this big boss of the aliens out to harm his planet.

"He sounded scary," Roll noted, hiding behind Amu who was hiding behind Nicole, "Scarier than Eggman, even."

"Well...he is some leader of a group of aliens that blow up planets for sport...Eggman isn't on that level…" Amu added.

"I can agree to that, my animal senses were at hay wire."Flash said still having his stern look.

"Indeed. The chances are if Eggman believes we have a chance against this 'Ginis,' he will likely assist us." Nicole said logically.


"Sonic ordered me to prevent you from doing that before we left if we ran into him here," Nicole spoke up, picking up on the mood from the Hedgefox.

"No matter. She's not killing anyone," Flash said, causing Roll to look at him with wide eyes, "But I'll talk with her about that later." he said, "I'm more concerned about Leo-tachi."

"Yes, they will likely fight. But Tails should take priority given his age."

"What do you mean?" Yamato asked.

"Oh. Were you not aware? He's 8…"

-exactly 3 seconds later-

"...wow." Nicole noted, seeing Eagle fly off like the Zyuoh Fox running fast like lightning, All anyone heard was a loud sonic boom and flash of red and Orange as Zyuoh Eagle flew off and Zyuoh Fox ran. "Did you really all neglect that fact?"

"...I was making Leo owe me one." Amu admitted. "That and if he knew that back at Tails's house...he would have yelled at all of us...and I do mean all of us...except you, Nicole, 'cause you were hurt. And Flash will give the look of disappointment like your kaa-san does."

"Hai," Roll nodded, "...Do you need to hop on my back so we can go after them, Amu-chan, Nicole-chan?"

"Let's go! I honestly don't feel comfortable not joining with them in a fight!" Amu cheered.

"I will return to Haseo and see if Mister Mario wants more channels." Nicole explained. "I believe I can get back home via the Train system. It is amazingly accurate and advanced here in Tokyo." she added in a slight bit of appraisal.

"Okay, Nicole-chan," Roll nodded, "Stay safe, okay? I don't want to lose my Shield Sister."

"Don't worry. They have train cars for women only during this time of day," she nodded before Roll and Amu left, "...Strange. Roll is normally better at remembering important things. She already declared me her Shield Sister back when I saved Haseo when I first got this body…"

"This guy is cheap!" Lion shouted as the Zyuohgers fired back at Bowguns while Sonic blocked any shots coming at him.

"I suppose you wouldn't happen to be able to do something like become a firearm?!" Sonic asked Caliburn, while blocking arrow after arrow of green light energy. "Don't make me waste a soul surge!"

"Now die, De Gansu!" Bowguns shouted as he unleashed a large surge of arrows into the air that slowly arched and came down to rain on the five Mobians.

"Crap…" Lion said in slow motion as the arrows got closer.

At that, a powerful gale force wind blew the arrows away and lightning came flying in destroying the arrows as something red and orange blurred past them.

"HA!" Zyuoh Eagle shouted as he came down and slashed with the Eagriser, slashing Bowguns across the chest and making him stumble back. As the Deathgalien stumbled back, Zyuoh Fox came in hitting him with a fire fist on the face. Eagle rose back to his feet as he slashed Bowguns across the chest,as Fox spin kick him in the face leaving a red and orange streak in the air as they did.

"Yamato, Flash!" everyone called out.

"Why did no one tell me you had a child present!?" Both shouted at all of them. "Tails...Grounded!" Both stated, pointing at him. "Oh...so very grounded!"

"...you guys didn't tell them he was 8?" Sonic blinked.

"It never came up!"

"No excuses!" Eagle shouted, making them all flinch. "Sela, Leo, Tusk...laundry, shopping, and cleaning duty! Three weeks! Plus all your money from whatever work you do for Roll is given back to her!" he shouted. "Sonic...I'm honestly not sure how to punish you...swimming lessons?"

"I'll fight you with this, I swear! Roll and her mom already made it worst." Sonic said, holding Caliburn.

Zyuoh Fox ran to him,"Give me Caliburn and I let it slide this time."

"All your's" he tossed him the sword as Fox looked at him.

"Caliburn, let's cut down this evil, together." He told Caliburn.

"I'm with you on this, sir Flash,"

"In this suite, call me Fox" he stated

"As you wish sir Fox." Caliburn declared as Fox nodded.

"I'm here!" Bowguns cried, only for Eagle to kick him in the face sending him tumbling down an incline.

"I have more important issues then you." Eagle spoke coldly, "Oh wait...Deathgalien!"

'He just noticed…' everyone gawked mentally as Roll came up, Zyuoh Tiger hopping off her back.

"Minna, you're all grounded...oh he beat us here." Tiger noted.

"Why are you acting like a mother?"

"Cause his wallet is mine! I'm the favorite! Me!" Tiger gloated.

"We're never talking about that again." Eagle shook his head. "Roll, take Tails out of here." he ordered before he turned to face Bowguns.

"Wait. Yamato, the power ring we need is in the lake." Tails spoke up.

"Sela, go get it." Eagle ordered simply. "You have aquatic abilities, it should be no challenge for you." he ordered, "Leo, Tusk, cover Roll and Tails, Amu you're with me, we're gonna finish this fight as fast as we can!" he went on giving them all orders.

"I'm also in." Fox came holding Caliburn."I got a score to settle." He said taking stance.

Eagle looked at him worried,"Wait let us help in this aswell."

Fox looked at them then nodded as they got ready.

"Here we go, Tails-chan," Roll hefted Tails onto her back, "Hold on tight."

"Oi, where do you think you're going?! Full speed arrow!" Bowguns shouted as he pulled the trigger. His light speed arrow shot out...only for Eagle's Eagriser whip to knock them all out of the air. "Nani?!"

"I can see anything you shoot!" Eagle stated as Roll ran off. "Kono hoshi yo...nameruna!"

"Nameruna!" Tiger copied before the three ran forward.

Fox ran direct at him as several arrows were shot. He sliced them with his sword as he came and grab one arrow and send it back hitting him in the face making him yell in pain. Eagle jumped as he slashed down cutting the Deathgalien across the chest. As he landed on his knees, Tiger jumped over him by stepping on his shoulder. Zyuoh Tiger used the air as she pointed and slammed her knees into the monster's forehead making it stumble back. Eagle whipped his Eagriser as it extended and snagged Bowguns's leg and tripped him.

Eagle growled as he pulled with all his might and began swinging Bowguns around before smashing him through a tree. Eagle grunted as he spun around another time before he flicked his wrist and compelled his weapon to release the Deathgalien sending him flying up into the sky. Tiger and fox aimed there Zyuoh Buster in gun mode and began shooting as cube energy bullets flew through the sky and began juggling the alien in the sky via multiple explosions. As Bowguns began to fall, both charged at the Deathgalien. Before the alien monster could even hit the ground, both Zyuohgers swung their swords-the EagRiser and Caliburn -, their slashes sending him flying back and tumbling across the ground.

"Caliburn, I'm gonna try something, but it's gonna hurt, but will you trust me." Fix asked the sword.

Caliburn think a few moment and gave his answer,"I trust you sir Fox. If it means to cut this evil down."

Fox nodded." Fire na jitsu: Stage 4" He declared with a hand symbol. Suddenly Caliburn top blade part was on fire.

"Interesting, I don't feel the flame."

"I knew it will work." He said as bowgun got up. Fox ran at him as he fired arrows at him. Fox jumped on the arrows making the Deathgalien blink in shock as Fox came flying down."Blazing slash!" he shouted as he launched a fire slash in mid air as it came down hitting the Deathgalien on the chest as he was Fung back. Fox landed on the ground with the blaze on the sword gone but it was smoking.

"Oh...they make a good combo team…" Lion muttered as he and Elephant just watched.

"I suppose they've just gotten so use to one another's presence that they are in tune with one another." Elephant figured.

"Come on. We're missing out," Shark pushed the two towards the fight.

"I told you to get the red ring!" Eagle said, making them freeze.

"Hai!" they all gulped.

"Are we gonna die later?" Lion asked as Shark jumped into the lake, "Because I have a nap scheduled for the rest of the day after we blow him up."

"...Not even going to dignify that last part with a response," Elephant sweadropped a bit.

"Ugh…" Bowguns groaned as he got up, "Okay…Now I'm getting mad…"

"You have no right to get mad!" Eagle, Tiger and Fox shouted as they stabbed their swords into his chest, sending him flying back.

"Wow...it's like someone ticked off Mom and Dad and Uncle." Sonic joked, watching the two go to town on Bowguns.

"Yasei Kaihou!" Eagle shouted as he grew his wings before he jumped up. He then began spinning before he fired a barrage of red feathers that all struck Bowguns, causing multiple explosions.

"Yasei Kaihou!" Tiger shouted as her claws formed before she stabbed them into Bowguns chest. She then shouted as she slashed them down and ripping through his mineral based body. As the Deathgalien stumbled back ice began forming along the scratches in his body before it all began encasing him.

"Cold..cold...cold!" Bowguns cried as the ice stopped around his neck...leaving his giant head exposed.

"Yasei Kaihou!" Fox shouted as his claws on his feet and arm grow. He got the chance seeing the opening,"This is for the lives you took away for your sick game." He declared in anger, "Zyuoh Slash" He declared as the sword was now on fire and lightning. He soon launched 8 energy mid air slashes at The Deathgalien Hitting him in every direction making a large explosion of lightning and Fire as the slash hit him.

"Zyuoh...Shoot!" Tiger shouted as she pulled the trigger of her blaster, sending a giant cube of white energy before it unfolded into Cube Tiger as a blizzard-like aura of cold air coated it. The energy projection slammed into Bowguns, causing a large explosion of ice in the shape of a snowflake.

Eagle Tiger and Fox turned away as Bowguns's body exploded violently with embers and snow falling around them. Lion fell over in awe at that display while Elephant just gawked behind his helmet.

"When did they get that strong?" Elephant asked in his dumbfounded stupor.

"Found it!" Shark called out as she jumped back onto the land, holding the very ring they were searching for.

"I still don't get how they end up with that little star floating in them," Lion admitted as he sat up.

"It's best not to question it too much Leo." Elephant called out before he turned to the scattered remains of Bowguns's stone-like alien body, "Knowing this pattern…"

At that, the green coins landed on the ground before they separated to reveal an angry Naria. She quickly walked over to Bowguns's body.

"This is infused with Ginis-sama's cellular energy, don't waste it." she said, kissing the coin before she pushed into the coin slot on his shoulder.

Bowguns's eyes lit up as all the shards of his body reformed into his perfectly healthy self before he exploded in height. The giant Deathgalien stomped around, adjusting to his new center of gravity before he laughed and looked down.

"Thank you, Naria!" he shouted happily.

"Oh! Deka kita!" Roll declared, seeing the giant Bowguns from a few miles away.

"Why are we just getting used to this? How do lifeforms just grow big after beating them...and we just accept it?" Tails asked.

"No idea...But I get to do this!" Roll giddily responded as she pulled out her camera and mic once more.

"Well...whatever makes you happy," Tails muttered as he looked back at the equally giddy looking Bowguns.

"Just be glad we're at what is most likely the best distance to not be caught in any crossfire," Roll replied before scooping him into a hug, "And thank you for saying that. I have not heard that outside of my family in weeks."

"No problem…" he muttered, scratching the back of his head, "Oh...the robots!" he exclaimed as the 6 Cube Animals all grew to their giant size with their Zyuohger pilots jumping in at the same time.

"Oh, right! My cue!" Roll's eyes widened before turning to the camera, "Konnichwia, minna! This is Roll-chan reporting once more for another Giant Fight! With me is Tails-chan! Say 'konnichiwa,' Tails-chan."

"Koni...konnichiwa…" Tails awkwardly greeted, "Wait...isn't 'chan' more commonly used for girls?" he blinked in realization.

"You're eight. You are adorable, so you are a 'chan,'" Roll explained, "And here they go! Oh...I wonder what they'll be doing first in the fight?"

"Take this!" Bowguns shouted as he fired a barrage of arrows...only for all the Cube Animals to fold into cube form and let them bounce off with little harm.

Cube Eagle unfolded first as it flew up and began spraying energy blasts all over the Deathgalien. As Bowguns blocked with counter fire, he was blindsided when Cube Lion roared and unleashed a blast of lightning to his gut. As Bowguns backed away, he backed right into a trap as Cube Shark bit his leg. The Deathgalien paused for a moment as the pain traveled up his body and to his giant head.

"Ooh...That had to hurt," Roll cringed.

"AH!" he cried in pain hopping around trying to get Cube Shark off.

"Ike, Tiger-chan!" Zyuoh Tiger ordered as her Cube Animal roared and jumped while sweeping it's claws and scratching Bowguns face repeatedly like a mad cat.

"Ah! My eyes! Eyes!"

"Let's show him what we can do," Fox shouted as Cube Fox roard and delivery flame slashes on Bowguns Face and kicking him back on a mountain.

"Dang you Fox!"

"Leo, Sela! Dobutsu Gatai!" Zyuoh Eagle ordered.


"Here it comes! The totem of Lion, Shark, and Eagle comes together to form and King of Beasts! The one and only…" Roll narrated.

"Kasei Zyuoh King!" Eagle, Shark and Lion called out as Zyuoh King grabbed it's King Sword and slashed Bowguns across the chest letting Cube Tiger jump away.

"Oh, now you're one robot?!" Bowguns asked as he raised his crossbow only for ZyuohKing to slash it out of his hand before slashing him across the chest again.

"No Mercy!" Lion ordered as Zyuoh King's sword was engulfed in fire as it swung and struck Bowguns making him back away as an explosion from the sword's impact sent him stumbling back into a mountain.

"Press on before he can shoot back!" Shark shouted as Zyuoh King slashed down at Bowguns, forcing the Deathgalien to use its crossbow as a shield.

Oh, that's actually a good tactic if you have a durable-enough crossbow," Roll admitted, "Oh, this is getting so excited, ne, Tails-chan?"

"Yeah!" Tails had to nod as he just enjoyed the giant robot fighting the giant monster.

"Perhaps you should not praise the Deathgalien for its ingenuity." Nicole's voice said from behind them.

"Ah! I-I wasn't praising it. I was praising the tactic," Roll argued, "He's still very bad, but the tactic is a good one for defending."

"Why are you here?" Tails asked.

"This wants to be with its friends." she said, pointing to the cube in her chest, which looked like it was pulsating with an orange light.

"Oh! Could it be that a new Zyuoh Cube ally wants to join?" Roll asked.

"Logically yes." Nicole nodded. "I can feel it's power growing even more, I do believe it is resonating to the emotions of the Zyuohgers. Primarily their leader, Yamato." she explained factually. She then winced as she took it out, "That was a bit painful...but I thank you for your assitance. Time to go do what you want." she said, holding a black and orange smaller version of the Kings Credential.

"Huh...It kinda looks like a King's Credential," Tails noted before the cube glowed brighter; it then cracked and revealed a smaller Zyuoh Cube with an Exclamation Point on it in white. The cube itself was an orange color with black spots. It then unfolded into...a giraffe.

"Aw~ Kawaii!" Roll cooed, "Cube Kirin-chan!"

"Cute," Tails agreed as Nicole looked at it.

"Thank you, Kirin," she stated, giving it a small peck on its head, "Time to go." she then looked at Zyuoh King, "Yamato!"

"Huh?" Zyuoh Eagle asked as he made Zyuoh King look to the side and they spotted Nicole.

"Nicole!" Lion gawked.

"..." Nicole then made calculations as she made a pitching movement. She then tossed the cube animal in her hand. And like the rest, it began growing as it flew through the air until it was the size of Zyuoh King's leg.


With that, Cube Kirin landed on the ground and gave a cry as its cylinder-like mouth began glowing. It then began to shoot beams of energy at Bowguns, causing large explosions.

"Ah! It fires beams!" Fox exclaimed seeing it from his Mecha.

"You little...Take this!" Bowguns roared as he began to fire repeatedly at Cube Kirin, who began to bounce around, dodging the shots.

"So very nimble, so very quick! Oh, look at how Cube Kirin is jumping so lickety-splick!" Roll exclaimed.

"...Did you have to rhyme?" Tails asked.

"It is adorable," Nicole replied for Roll.

"That's my Shield Sister!" Roll beamed, "Demo...I wonder how it combines?"

"Sugoi…" Eagle awed as Cube Kirin bounced around.

"Awesome, Kirin...Ikuze! Gattai!" Lion roared as Cube Kirin turned around and gave it's own battle cry of agreement.

Cube Kirin then jumped into the sky before its body locked and became stiff while its head pointed up, a handle extending from its neck just below its jaw. Cube Kirin now looked like a giant bazooka as Zyuoh King grabbed the weapon while it connected to the shoulder.

"OH! I see now! Cube Kirin may be smaller, but it holds a lot of power within! Becoming a mighty bazooka to be held be the king, they become…" Roll narrated.

"Zyuoh King, Kirin Bazooka!" the Zyuohgers shouted as Zyuoh King struck a dynamic pose while hefting the Kirin Bazooka up...somehow, a light shone from behind the mecha, making the rest of the area around it darker.

"...I want a toy like that," Tails stated, his tails going nuts as he looked at it with wide eyes.

"...Strange. I thought it would connect as an arm with a spear," Nicole admitted, earning some confused stares from Tails and Roll, "...I think I may have seen something similar in my skimming through news sites." she admitted quickly while turning away...as if out of embarrassment.

"What...now you got a gun, too?!" Bowguns demanded.

"Hey, Eggface! ...Wow so odd saying egg puns and not have it be Eggman." Lion muttered before shaking it off. "Incase you didn't notice, your little needle shooter don't compare to us and our Manly Kirin Bazooka!" he shouted, standing in his seat and flexing his arms...before Kirin Bazooka gave a squeaky sneeze, "...It's still manlier!"

"Leo…" everyone chuckled at that.

"Ikuze, Cube Kirin! Lend us your power!" Zyuoh Eagle shouted.

"Exactly, fight together with us!" Shark agreed.

"Ikuze Kirin!" Lion roared.

Zyuoh King aimed at Bowguns as the Deathgalien unleashed a large barrage of arrows all at once. But Zyuoh King just calmly pulled the trigger of its new Kirin Bazooka and fired a large orange energy ball. The energy ball blew through all the arrows before hitting Bowguns and sending him flying back a good mile from the explosion.

"Tinier than the other cubes, but Cube Kirin holds a ton of power!" Tails gawked.

"Now you must really want a toy of it," Roll teased.

"I advise if you do, don't let it be made by this 'Bandai of America.' It seems they're more...subpar in terms of robot toys," Nicole noted.

"Eh?" they both tilted their heads in utter confusion.

"Nevermind…" Nicole advised.

"Ike!" the Zyuohgers all shouted.

"Tusk, we can't lose out to the others!" Tiger shouted as Cube Tiger fired its pink energy boomerangs at Bowguns.

"Hai!" Elephant nodded as Cube Elephant began shooting its beams at the Deathgalien.

"Gah!" Bowguns cried at the sudden attacks before he was hit with another bazooka blast. He stumbled back before Cube Elephant slammed into his chest. Cube Tiger then jumped past him and slashed with its claws, making the Deathgalien stumble into the lake.

"Don't forget about me," Cube Fox came in Flying as it soon curled in to to a ball and soon spin around making a fire saw in mid air and soon hitting Bowguns face and soon he flew gear and there hitting him in every direction and finally kicking him back.

"Oh, look at Cube fox go, his on fire, littraley. And the blaze saw is amazing." Roll exclaimed.

"Let's end it!" Eagle ordered, taking out his Zyuoh changer and twisting it to the red face before plugging it back into activate the finisher.

"Kita! The hissatsu waza!" Roll cheered as Zyuoh King aimed at Bowguns, "This is going to be a blast!"

"You did not just make that pun," Nicole deadpanned.

"Kirin Bazooka...Zyuoh FIRE!" the three Zyuohger pilots shouted as the energy focused around the barrel before forming a huge mass of orange fire like energy.

It then pulled the trigger as it unleashed its blast with an explosion. The blast of orange energy shot forward before it tore a hole in Bowguns body. Zyuoh King turned around and pointed the Kirin Bazooka as it's barrel smoked.

"But I'm not a target…" After a moment, Bowguns fell over with a cry of defeat before he exploded, causing cubes to rain around Zyuoh King.

"Z-End...I guess." Nicole said as Kirin came off king's arm and landed before her, looking at her, "Umm...are you upset I threw you?"

"I think Kirin-chan thinks you're his Kaa-chan," Roll noted.

"You mean...it imprinted on Nicole due to being well...bonded to her?" Tails figured, "Just like how all the other Cube Animals just kind of like her."

Cube Kirin gave its same battle cry from before while shaking around. It then shrunk down and bounced around the ground, circling around Nicole.

"Shall we all go home?" Nicole asked as the Zyuohgers came back.

"Hey, where's Sonic?"

"Oh, you know him. Once he's not doing anything, he's off to look for excitement...We'll see him on the news or something…"

"Ahh! How'd you catch up to me?!" Sonic snapped, crossing swords with a dog man.

"Sonic the Hedgehog...you are going to Traffic School!" the blue Dog man growled, "You're in a lot of trouble, young man!"

"Catch me first and beat me!" he replied as he engaged further in the sword duel.

"To be honest, this is the most practice you've gotten in months...since we reunited,I had more fight with Sir Fox then you today." Caliburn admitted.

"Oh...your sword talks. Amazing." The Dog Man said before he grabbed Sonic's head and flipped him to the ground.

"This is gonna take half a day." Sonic grunted as he got up, "Let's go."

"I am the Jigoku no Banken...Doggie Kruger!" he greeted with a bow before he tore off his black trenchcoat uniform, revealing his buff body covered in white and blue fur underneath.

"Calburn, we might be here all day."

"...I have no qualms with that. The blade he wields is rather elegant in his hands," Caliburn replied, "Quite a beautiful song she plays as well."

"Let's do this!" Sonic whooped, "Engarde!" he shouted, spin dashing at Doggie.

"Shobu!" Doggie roared, charging at him.


"Dinner's ready!" Roll beamed as she carried the last of the trays to the table, "I made Haseo-chan's favorite and Extra food for Flash-san today!"

"Now, Tails, you're living with u…" Yamato said before Tails stopped him.

"I am more comfortable living on my own...A crowd isn't my thing and I got so much to work on," he said, "Listen, I also don't think I should be here. I fly on my tails." he reminded, flying a little.

"How does that work?!" Flash demanded.

"I don't know. Haseo and I were just playing together and then it...it just happened," Tails replied, "Also, I think I'll find other Mobians faster on my own. But I'm also concerned about something."

"The possibility the hole we made might have suck in more things from our world?" Nicole asked.

"Logically, yes," Tail agreed, but before he could speak, a spoon full of food was shoved in his mouth along with Nicole.

"Ah...mou enough of that, we won the fight today, you two." Amu pouted. "Now, here's the rules, and no arguments, Tails do your thing but come in time and again to make Yamato happy, but promise you'll call if things get too heavy or you find a Deathgalien somehow...deal? Shake your head yes for deal." she said.

"Amu, take the spoon out of his mouth. You could've choke him." Yamato scolded.


"...Okay, I'll call…" he said, "Can I get my food to go, please?"

"I will accompany and keep Tails company. I can work with him and keep you all on speed dial, so to speak," Nicole suggested.

"Good." Amu nodded her head in understanding, "Now...you have to promise you'll come back to visit Yamato or so help me, I'll sick Roll on you, Tails." she said with a warm smile...but, for everyone besides Yamato and Flash who was busy watching his meal, it was a smile that made them all shiver in fear. "Or maybe even worse...hehe."

"Your threats will be voided if Tails's sister is here." Nicole advised.

"Nicole." Amu spoke simply.


"Zip." she said putting her finger on her lips. Nicole tried to talk but Amu just cut her off, "Zip."

"I am being ask to mute myself?" she asked before Kirin glared at Amu. "Calm yourself."

"Zip." Amu smiled, doing it to them both at once just confusing them that time.

"..." Kirin poked its head into the cup of water beside it before squirting a bit at Amu.

"Oh, now you're gonna get it!" Amu smiled happily, not at all angry.

"Amu-chan…" Roll shook her head, "No dessert if you keep going."

"Eh?!" she cried.

"And Leo's in the clear today," Leo smirked as he ate his food while everyone ignored him. He then stole food from Tusk while he was distracted.

"Beside I'm not afraid, we have Flash with us to mach her power." She declared making the hybrid blink in surprise as he stopped eating his food.

"Wait, who are you guys talking about?" He asked confused as chibi Cube Fox came in to view. He went to the table and saw Kirin. He growled making Kirin hid behind Nichole in fright."wow, easy there buddy, he won't do anything." He reassured his partner."so who were you talking about."

"You'll meet her soon. But Flash, please be ready to fight her. She can cause ice to appear and can freeze any one. So you'll be our main defense against her." Amu declared.

"Hah?" Flash tilted his head so did Cube fox.

"You'll meet her later flash." Roll told.

"Wait...You said it happened while you and Haseo were playing…" Yamato noted, slowly looking at Haseo, "Haseo-kun, can you also…?"

"H...hai," Haseo nodded.

"...Ho...I...This doesn't seem physically possible," Yamato shook his head in disbelief.

"But...you can fly...and our wings are barely the size of your own arms. Which is physically impossible as well... Normally to fly, your wings would need to be twice the length of your own body." Amu spoke. "Furthermore, you can take off at top speed from a standing jump. Also Flash is with you. His proof of being half human and mobian aswell. He can manipulate fire and lightning and can harness the energy of the earth to fight and bend at his will." everyone just gawked at that display of intelligence from her, some food even falling out of Leo's mouth.

"Well, all Sonic did was make my tails twist up and I let them go. Been flying ever since," Tails said, "Also…" he said, holding up a wrapped up plate, "Got my plate! Bye!" he quickly before flying off.

"Take care, shield sisters… Be good, Haseo." Nicole bowed as she left.

"Am I the only one still hung up on Amu knowing stuff I didn't?" Leo asked.

"I just read from the books in Yamato's room." Amu explained. "He takes well written and easy to understand notes about animals.Also read the manga which Flash has of The ninja kid who is like Flash but he has a demon inside his belly, what is his name again"

"'Naruto' and also there is 'Baruto: Naruto next generation' Those series and manga are good to read and learn."

"Oh. Can I borrow that to read." Roll asked haseo also wanted to read.

"Sure, I can lend it to you any time." Flash said making Haseo happy.

"Where's Uncle?" Sela noted.

"Huh? Where is he…"

"Oi! Miss Sakurai! I found your kids… Miss Sakurai!" Mario shouted while holding up a sign with Aphrodite's full name on it, "Miss Sakurai! I found your kids, A sweet girl named Roll, and a cute boy named Haseo!" he shouted while walking around downtown, "Oh...ah...my voice...I should have brought cough drops to help me with that...ooh lesson learned for tomorrow." he noted, "I'm done for tonight…" he sighed as he put up his sign. "Ah... times like this, I wish I was younger. Boy, I bet if I had a voice like Leo, I'd be done in no time." he smiled as he took out a water bottle and took a big drink. "Boy, I hope those kids don't get too wild at home with no adults present. Nah...just one more sweep down the block then back home to some tea." he said, passing a woman and two kids sonic's height with the older woman wearing headphones.

"Was that guy calling Mom-2?" Manic asked.

"Couldn't be. He was a total stranger…." Sonia replied while counting the money.

"Come on, Sis. Let me hold the money…"

"All you need is love, love, love. Love is all you need…" Aphrodite sung the song she was listening to under her breath before giggling, 'This world's music is lovely! They even have a song about Love!' she took off her headphones, "They even have songs about Love here. ...Aphrodite likey this world even more."

"Give me the money, sis."


"You're gonna spend it on clothes!"

"What are you two doing?" Aphrodite questioned, giving them a frown.

"Um...nothing?" both replied.

"Sonia-chan, the money," Aphrodite did not request, but ordered.

"Yes, Aunt Aphrodite," Sonia replied, handing the cash to her...who proceeded to pull a purse from her cleavage to put it into.

"There we go. Out of sight, out of mind," Aphrodite nodded as she put the purse into her cleavage once more, "Oh, Sonia-chan, Manic-chan, they have songs about love here, too! By a group of beetles, even! Demo..." she tilted her head, "They misspelled 'beetles.'"

"No, mom, it's Beatles… They're saying the word beat and added les." Manic explained.

"Oh. ...Well, I still love that they have a song all about love is all you need," Aphrodite giggled.

"Me, Sis, and Bro will sing you one ourselves when we get the family back together." he assured.

"And my godbaby proves himself the best godbaby once more!" Aphrodite beamed, pulling him into a very tight hug of glee.

Author's Note:

Dobutsu Sentai Zyuohger!

?: You'll be fighting for the chance to escape this stage!

Leo: Is that it...heh okay Sela get out of here and take care of this, I'll give you an opening.

Sela: You weren't trying to win, were you?

Leo: Why would I? This is pointless. All that matters is we get out of here, so you win and boom it's done.

Sela: ...No.

Leo: Eh...why?

Sela: Because this time...I'll beat you for real.

Leo: EH?!

Chapter 4: Roar in the Ring!

Roll: "Now Entering A new zord. Zyuoh Blaze."