• Published 29th Oct 2022
  • 5,325 Views, 311 Comments

Beyond Earth: Phoenix Rising - Stalin with Da Spoon

Humanity has overcome it's failures and united together to create a world of peace, prosperity, and progress. However, when a cataclysm of epic proportions threatens the human race, actions must be taken to hibernate below, and one day, re-awaken.

  • ...

9. Dealing with Devils

'Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.'
- Arthur C. Clark

The door to the small office was opened as Doctor Heinrich Keifer stepped through wearing his standard red and white lab coat, holding his personal data pad as he read a few news articles on it before taking a seat at his desk. He looked to see a photo of him and his colleagues in front of the Opportunity Institute's rover statue. He was the only one from the institute who had elected to be frozen on Earth rather than on Mars, mainly due to his scientific knowledge being more likely needed on Earth to help analyze the extreme effects of the Mage Comet, as according to the projected path of the comet, the majority of the energy had struck Earth, leaving Mars much less affected. He did miss his colleagues, but he knew they were no doubt doing fine on their own.

Turning back to his computer, he quickly pressed the power button as it booted up and he typed in his username and password, checking his information feeds and reading messages before he received a voice call from Bagley, accepting it as the voice of Bagley spoke.

"Good morning Doctor, I hope you slept well?"

"Indeed Bagley, now may I ask why you have called me? Not to sound rude, but I am quite busy at the moment."

"Of course, of course, it will be quick, I have sent some rather... Interesting photos to your inbox. I recommend you examine them closely."

"Very well. And what was the source of these photos?"

"The surface scouting team we recently deployed."

"Then I shall view them immediately." The voice call ended as Keifer quickly checked to see a new message in his inbox, opening it to show several photos as he closely examined them, his facial expression conveying clear shock and intrigue as his curiosity was peaked while he slowly inspected the contents of the photos, zooming in on a particular photo displaying a wolf with a wooden exterior and glowing green eyes.. "Well then... It would appear that the Mage Energy has had more of an effect than we previously anticipated."

The drone and armored human stood before the cages containing Cozy Glow and Tirek, a slight menacing aura radiating from them as Cozy Glow examined the humans armor further, simply stunned at it's design. Not even the most advanced of royal guard armor could even be compared to this intricate armoring that barely seemed to constrict the humans movement at all. Was it even armor? And that weapon the human held in their hands, it looked like a collection of metal pipes and pieces, how did it even function? Needless to say, both Cozy Glow and Tirek were currently at a loss for words, before Cozy Glow shook her head and put on her faker tone. It doesn't matter how advanced they seemed, they would fall for her trickery.

"Well golly mister, me and my friend here were placed in this prison against our will, we didn't do anything wrong! If you help free us, we can return the favor however you want!"

SAM turned his droid body to face Ramirez, who respectively turned to face the drone. Quickly de-activating his speakers, SAM switched his comms to communicate directly with Ramirez. "According to my sensors analysis of her heart rate and breathing, I believe every single word in that sentence was a lie. I doubt they are even friends. What is your suggestion?" Ramirez simply shrugged, before tapping his ARX-160 assault rifle, gesturing towards the unbarrel grenade launcher as he proceeded to load it with an HE shell.

"You have a point, even if they are lying, we can still force them to cooperate with overwhelming force. Also, why didn't you use that grenade launcher against those wolves earlier?" Ramirez gestured to his grenade pouch, opening it and revealing he only had flashbangs left after loading the high-explosive shell. "Of course, your suit did have the lowest ordinance carry capacity. Now then, let me inform the others..."

While SAM conversed with Ramirez, to Tirek and Cozy Glow not a single word was being said between the two, yet they both seemed to understand each other.

"Are they... Communicating telepathically?"

"Maybe the armored guy is mute and the flying thing is using some form of sign language?"

"Perhaps... Wait, I think the rest are coming up the stairs." Cozy glow murmured as the sound of footsteps ascending up the stairs was heard, before five more armored humans slowly stepped up and stood beside their fellow... Teammates? Squadmates? Cozy glow wasn't exactly sure, what she was sure of is that one of them was as big as Tirek and carrying a very large and dangerous looking weapon. There was also a small mechanical creature of some sort with six wheels as it's sole optic stared at them. One of them proceeded to step forward before speaking from behind their mask, yet somehow sounding perfectly clear.

"Sergeant Foley of the United States Army Rangers and former Captain of Hunter Two-One, now Commander of Blackout Squadron. First and middle name is information that's on a need to know basis, and right now you don't need to know. Now it's time time to tell us who you are and what your doing here, because I just spilled a lot of classified info and that means you gotta spill the beans too."

"Names Cozy Glow mister! Gotta say, that's a fancy title, ain't about this 'United States' though..."

"And I am Lord Tirek, son of the lord of the Centaurs."

"Ah, we got royalty here, good to know. Alright, care to explain what a kid and member of the nobility are doing in the underworld?"

"If you are referring to Tartarus as the 'Underworld', you should know that it is a surprisingly accurate term considering the conditions of being trapped here, you should be proud of yourself. Regardless, me and my... Companion, were unlawfully imprisoned here against our will." The squad quickly reconvened over comms.

"Don't buy it, not even for a second. They're here for a reason. I say we ditch 'em." Dunn said, giving Cozy Glow a side eye from behind his visor.

"Affirmative, once again his rate of breathing and heart beat has given it away. They clearly know nothing about resisting interrogation, so they are likely not any form of POW's. Considering this place is made for containing dangerous creatures, we can assume they are here for the same reason. Recommend further questioning. Blackburn, your record indicates you have a history of serving in the police force, you should know a thing or two about interrogation."

"Indeed I do, served three years on the force. Bout time I put it to use." He said before cutting off his comms as he turned and slowly walked towards Tirek and Cozy Glow, somehow managing to stand as tall as Tirek even when he was standing at his full height, which needless to say made him feel strange. Since when were Humans so tall?

"If you believe I am lying, I can assure you I speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

"Trust me bud, I ain't doubtin' ya. I just wanna ask some more questions, just get to know more about your current predicament. We'll get you outta here, but we at least wanna have some more details first." The human said as he spoke in a friendly tone, speaking with the same amount of persuasive tone as Cozy Glow, but yet it felt more genuine. Of course, Blackburn was just putting his knowledge on being the good cop in police interrogations to use. Deciding to speak further, Tirek nodded.

"We were imprisoned here by the tyrant that is Princess Celestia and her sister Princess Luna, as well as their brutal enforcers the elements of harmony. We simply sought to try and end their unjust rule, and we were imprisoned for it."

"I see... Thanks for the information, your cooperation is welcome." Blackburn said, saluting Tirek before walking back to the group and re-activating his comm link as he muted his speaker. "Yep, they're bluffing out their ass, I can tell just by the sweat dripping down his forehead and their tone."

"Damn, all that by simply talking to them? Take notes SAM."

"Har har har, you don't even need to look at their body language or tone at this point to tell their lying. I mean come on, 'Elements of Harmony'? If they are real, I doubt they are 'brutal enforcers'. Regardless, this information proves that they were imprisoned by other intelligent beings. I believe we can consider this mission a success, not only confirming the surface is hospitable and that sapient life exists, but we could consider it a successful first contact. Now then, what is the verdict on what to do with our convict allies?"

"I say leave them, they clearly did something to deserve this."

"I dunno, we could use them for more intel, they seem to know a lot more than they are letting on. Besides, who throws a kid into prison?"

"Good point, they just may be telling a tiny shred of truth. Let's give them some credit and let 'em loose." As the squad deliberated, Foley stepped in with a stern tone.

"If we let them loose, we have to bring them with us back to base for further interrogation and observation. Something tells me the national leaders will wanna know about how we found a centaur and a pegasus. How does that sound?"

All of the team members nodded in agreement.

"Good. SAM, breach their locks."

"Copy." The drone body suddenly turned to the cages, as two mechanical tendrils extended out of the drone's bottom entrance before stretching out and inserting themselves into the locks on the cage doors, twisting and turning before a click was heard as they unlocked.

"Oh thank you mister, we won't forget this!"

Foley couldn't help but chuckle behind his visor before he activated his speaker and spoke. "Well you better not forget it, because now you owe us. And you can help us by coming back with to our base of operations for some more questions."

"Now listen 'er mister, that wasn't-"

"Cozy glow, just listen to the commander and follow him and his friends." Tirek said before winking at Cozy Glow, as she nodded back.

"Oh- Yeah, of course, we'll follow ya!"

"Good to hear, now let's roll."

The sun of Celestia shined bright over the town of Ponyville, as Twilight Sparkle walked alongside her friend Starlight Glimmer and waving to ponies as they passed by while they enjoyed the scenery and smells of market booths and sweet music. Ponyvile was always a peaceful and lovely town, even after all that had happened to it, and it's occupants were no doubt the most cheerful ponies in all of Equestria. Although, there was something about that statement that made Twilight and Starlight feel somewhat uneasy...

If this town was the most cheerful of all, why was it just ponies living here? Why couldn't other creatures enjoy the experience? Why were the ponies the only creatures truly able to enjoy life in Equestria? This question was one that troubled Twilight, because unlike every other friendship problem she had faced, the solution was not so simple. Friendship was a truly beautiful thing to share with everyone, but there were some cases where friendship wasn't the answer.

As the two ponies walked alongside each other, they soon reached the outskirts of town, soon catching a glimpse at a larger settlement in the distance, one where the houses were built from stone and steel, where chimneys churned out toxic smoke which poisoned the air, where the roads were paved with asphalt instead of stone, and where tall poles ran wires ran the mysterious technology of 'electricity' between homes. A town known as 'New Richmond' by it's occupants, or as everypony else called it...


Turning to Starlight Glimmer, they both nodded as they began walking along the road towards the town, coming to a bridge built from steel instead of stone, as they crossed over it onto a road of asphalt slightly hot from the sun.

"I must say, their construction skills are impressive. But why do they not share it with us? It could no doubt greatly benefit Equestria, I mean look at Manehattan, the humans helped turn it into a metropolis!" Starlight Glimmer asked as they walked along the road.

"I do not know, Celestia says that they simply do not wish to share it, but I think there's something more to it. Perhaps this will be an opportunity for us to learn more about humans."

"Let's just hope this goes well then." The two ponies soon came to the outskirts of the town as the serene sounds of nature were replaced with the sounds of distant metal clanging, whistles, and idle chatter between workers as they walked off to their work shifts like busy ants.

From what Twilight knew about the town, which was very little, Humanville was considered a stark contrast to Ponyville. Rather than it's inhabitants having a cheery personality and attitude towards everypone they met, the humans inside simply treated each other with indifference, only providing the occasional wave or chat as they walked right past each other. While other ponies happily performed their work with a spring in their step, the humans set to their tasks coldly and efficiently, and while it made them seem less approachable, it certainly made them more effective workers than other races. The fact they were more taller and bipedal also allowed them to perform more advanced tasks, as well as tower over smaller ponies.

Twilight could not help but wonder how humans could have been around before ponies when they were so distant from each other, and yet they saw the humans living in their little stone and steel houses before Celestia and Luna ever unified Equestria.

As Twilight gazed at the humans, she saw them wear rugged and torn attire, some wearing hard hats and work gear, many having enough dirt and grime present to Rarity faint at the sight of it. The humans only gave the ponies passing glances as they walked by, while some offered waves and some sneered at their presence. The ponies continued on walking through the town before eventually reaching the town hall, a building which appeared larger and more well constructed than Ponyville's town hall, likely thanks to the construction methods the humans had used.

Walking up to the door, they slowly opened it to reveal a receptionist at the front desk writing in her book as she looked up and smiled. "Good morning princess Twilight, are you here to see the mayor?"

"Indeed we are, is he available?"

"Let me check real quick..." She said before opening a drawer and pulling out a stack of papers, examining them before nodding. "Yes, I believe he is open currently, you may go on and meet him." Twilight and Starlight smiled and waved at the receptionist before walking up the stairs and through a short hallway towards the office, soon opening the door as they saw the mayor sipping on a cup of tea, as he almost spat it out at the sight of them.

"Oh, sorry, I was not expecting company madame."

"It is quite alright mister mayor-"

"Please miss, call me Buckshaw."

"Well mister Buckshaw, it is good to meet you once again, especially on better terms seeing as we do not have any friendship problems in your town to solve at this time. Instead we have come with a... Query."

"Ah yes, I was well aware of your idea when Starlight forwarded her letter to me, and before you say anything, I believe it is a splendid idea. However, if there is anything I learned from being mayor, you must be very careful with how you handle certain matters, including this current one. There is no telling how both your school and the chosen children will react."

"I understand mister Buckshaw, we shall handle the matter with utmost care."

"Excellent, then on monday you may return to pick up the five children so you may take them to your school of friendship. I have no doubt they will enjoy the experience."

"Let us hope so."