• Published 29th Oct 2022
  • 5,324 Views, 311 Comments

Beyond Earth: Phoenix Rising - Stalin with Da Spoon

Humanity has overcome it's failures and united together to create a world of peace, prosperity, and progress. However, when a cataclysm of epic proportions threatens the human race, actions must be taken to hibernate below, and one day, re-awaken.

  • ...

14. Rise

Author's Note:

Note, a little retcon was made to change the first exit of the facilities from Geneva to Little rock, it'll make sense when you read this chapter.

'The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.'

-Norman Schwarzkopf

The flag of Germany and the European union was displayed proudly above the door as the men filed into the room one by one, taking their seats and intently watching the display at the front of the room. Stepping up next to the display was a man in officer attire, the symbol of the Bundeswehr on his shoulder as he tipped his service cap to the men before speaking English with a heavy German accent.

"Guten morgen gentleman, I am Lieutenant Colonel Von Krieger, and I hope you have all gotten your proper beauty sleep?" A series of 'Roger's, 'Jawohl's, 'Oui's, 'SÌ's, and 'Tak's followed, as the soldier nodded. "Good, then that means you are in tip top shape for this mission, because if you aren't then you will make a bad first impression for whoever you meet up there." Several men sat up in their seats as murmurs and whispers were heard between them. "Before anyone asks, yes, you are indeed being sent to the surface. Just a couple hours after the first scout team came back, UNSA Congress has approved two more larger groups to exit from other facilities dispersed across the globe. As you can tell, Berlin's facility is one of those chosen exit points. The other is all the way over in Arusha of the United African Federation."

The screen displayed the globe, with markers indicating the first bunker exit of Little Rock in North America, before panning over and placing two new markers on Berlin in Eruope and Arusha in Africa.

"Your primary objective is to deploy to the surface and recon the general area around the facility entrance, before setting up a forward base of operations and deploying reconnaissance drones to get a lay of the land around us. And it'll be the first time we've done anything on the surface for a million years so chances are things will be different, which is why when the recon data comes in you'll be heading out in a convoy to explore and record anything of note. Should you encounter any locals, attempt first contact. Once you have collected enough information, return to base and report back to command. Then you'll likely be stationed on the surface for security and monitoring. Any questions?"

A singular hand raised in the crowd as the commander chuckled.

"Soldat, this is not kindergarten, you can simply ask."

"My bad mate." A distinctly Irish voice spoke up. "I was just wondering what exactly we should do if we meet anything up there. We don't exactly carry a universal translator at all times and I doubt they would as well. We could very accidentally start a war thanks to a bloody misunderstanding."

"That is an understandable fear, but unfortunately due to our limited information, I will have to utilize the term 'We'll cross that bridge when we get there'. Until then, report to the entrance and get ready to deploy."

"Aye aye, cap'n!" The voice shouted before being followed by several others affirming in their own languages before exiting the briefing room. The men entered the armory and opened their respective lockers, first gripping their vests and helmets, clipping them on and securing their equipment and accessories before grabbing their weapons and loaded new magazines into them. A british voice spoke to him in a joking accent.

"Aye Dublin, still using that auto-shotty?"

"Piss off with that name, I don't call you Yorkshire and you don't call me Dublin, this ain't a company op." He said before tapping the distinct Shadow Company logo on his shoulder. "Boss told us we get to join the EU group off-contract, so I'd prefer if you call me by my actual bloody name."

"Well there's the issue, you never tell anyone your name."

"... Aye, fair enough. We'll use our nicks, but don't stress it too much."

"Anything you say, Dublin." A ground came from the scotsman, earning the chuckles of a few men in the room.

"You know, for mercs, you're not as stone cold as I thought you were." One slavic accented voice spoke up, a patch of the Polish flag and Kommando patch visible on their arm.

"Well you gotta be able to lighten the mood when it's part of the job description to be a cold blooded killer, Romikov."

"But of course, helps keep things from getting depressing as balls. Now hurry up and finish prepping, we got ourselves a surface to reclaim!" Romikov shouted as several voices shouted and cheered in response before they all eventually exited the armory. A few minutes later the majority of them were standing in front of the elevator leading to the surface. Behind them were several trucks loaded with equipment, including a MCCV covered in armored plating with two automated turrets on top. The MCCV rolled up onto the elevator first alongside the soldier, followed by two trucks. Dublin did one final check of his gear, looking around to see his fellow soldiers looking antsy.

"Boys, you all better grow a pair by the time we get up there, cause it's gonna the first deployment we've had for a million years! Who's ready to show the world who's boss?"

A series of cheers came from the soldiers, with Romikov shouting "Kurwa!" at the top of his lungs. Dublin smiled before turning back, right as the railings raised around the elevator and the electronic PA system spoke.

"Commencing ascent."

"Alright lads, get ready, were going up top! Oh, and for your information..." The sound of a new magazine being loaded into his TL-40 Auto-Shotgun rang out, causing both Dublin and Yorkshire to grin beheind their helmets. "I do have my auto."

The elevator's ascent was felt pushing down upon each of the soldiers, standing full upright to ensure the force being exerted upon them from the rapid climb upwards would push them over. A few soldiers conducted last minute checks, as Dublin decided to quickly check his helmet's HUD display was active. His helmet's visor had transparency active as did everyone else around him so he could still see their facial expressions. He saw Yorkshire make an almost manic grin, and Romikov maintain a neutral face with a determined expression. The elevator soon came to a stop, a distinct clunk being heard, indicating it was now locked into place as the railings lowered and the doors in front of them began to open. Due to the atmosphere being confirmed to be safe, both doors opened at the same time.

And a flood of light blinded their eyes.

Amorn's hands pressed together as he whispered one final prayer to Allah before gripping his weapon with a smile, securing his helmet and pulling up the handkerchief around his neck, covering his mouth after the surface sensors reported a currently active dust storm. Command said it would give the convoy cover, but Amorn knew they just wanted to prevent any further delays of securing the surface. He looked over to see his good friend Unanthi loading a magazine into his pistol before planting it in his holster before turning to look at his Arabic compatriot.

"You lookin' forward to his, my friend?"

"But of course, nothing like a joint-operation between Arabia and Africa to start off our tour. What do you believe we will find up there?"

"I am not sure, but considering the whole reason were awake is because of talking horses, I'd say we might get to see something interesting."

"You said it amigo." A Portrugese accented voice spoke up behind the two as they turned to see Carlos wearing a set of shades over his eyes. "Dunno why they sent us South Americans with you, but hey, least you wont be hogging all the fun up there."

"I am certain that soon enough they will start opening vaults in your territory." Unanthi let out a slight chuckle. "If they can get through all the vines and bushes."

"Trust me, we'll be lucky to get through all the sand. Now let's move it, command's not waiting forever." Amorn and Unanthi nodded to Carlos before the trio exited the armory and entered the back of waiting APC already filled with troops. The door sealed behind as the APC moved, soon coming to a stop as the intercom came on.

"Positioned on the access elevator, ascent commencing now." Amorn saw a couple of his fellow Arabians muttering a final prayer, most likely due to the fact they had forgotten to do so during preparations. Amorn thought it should be considered an important part of prep to pray to whichever deity you follow, to ensure you don't concern yourself with praying in the midst of battle and feel assured you have your spiritual armor. The APC soon entered the airlock, the door sealing behind it and the rest of the convoy. A few moments later, intercom come on again.

"Alright, were up top, exiting... Now." Amorn looked to the right to see screen displays above the door to the driver cab, displaying a front view of the APC exterior. The large facility door has finished opening, revealing a glaring sun which was quickly filtered by shaders to reveal massive rolling dunes of sand, with swarms of tiny particles blowing past and some collecting on the camera lens before being wiped away. The APC pulled out onto the dunes, followed by the MCCV behind them as Amorn saw it through the back view display. Two other APC's were with it, due to ground troops being unable to walk in this kind of weather.

Unanthi listened to the whistling wind and let out a whistle. "I must say, the winds seem more intense than I thought they would be."

Amorn nodded in reply. "Indeed, perhaps it is a much greater storm than we had realized. All the more good reason we are in, instead of out there."

"Agreed, I prefer in a cramped metal box then get my eyes filled with sand."

"Well, it's a good thing I brought my glasses, otherwise my eyes would be cego."

"Wish you had brought your handkerchief too, that way you wouldn't talk so much." Unanthi chuckled only to be flicked by Carlos.

"Vá se foder."

"Your lucky I can't understand you."

"At least I don't talk in tongue clicking."

"That stereotype still exists?"

"So do the memes about my country being a shit hole. And hey, they got that right." More chuckles bounced within the armored hull of the transport, it's wheels churning through the sand as the wind whistled by and flowed across the dunes.

"And over there is math class, and there's language, and then there's art, science, history-"

"Silverstream dear, you may be saying things a bit too fast." Starlight glimmer said as the hyperactive hippogriff turned and nodded.

"Oh right right, my bad! Just so excited, Gallus and Ocellus have always wanted to meet a human! Now they get to meet all of you!" She said gesturing in Marcus's direction as he and his classmates smiled. He liked this hippogriff, or as he now knew her, Silverstream. He kind of reminded him of a little girl he knew in Kindergarten who was almost constantly hyperactive.

"I am glad that you and your friends have been looking forward to this. In fact, now is about time for first period, so best get to class!"

"Yes ma'am! Come on every... Everyone? Is it everyone?" Silverstream asked in uncertainty as the humans nodded before she smiled again. "Alright everyone, come on, it's time to witness the glory that is...!"

She smacks her claw on a sign above one of the hallways doors. "Science!" The human children let out collective sounds of fascination. The classroom was quite clean, it's chair and desks neatly sorted and lined up with the desk in front of the class quickly being manned by Twilight Sparkle as she used chalk to write her name on the board. Several other creatures were in the room, including an earth pony, a yak, a dragon, a reformed changeling, and a griffon. Marcus was surprised to see this amount of variety in the classroom.

The rest of the creatures in the room were a collections of ponies, pegasi, and unicorns as they all turned and looked at the humans with confused gazes and the occasional glare, before the griffon waved at them. "Hey new kids, come on and sit over here, we save you seats!" Silverstream zipped over to her seat next to the griffon as the humans sat down and pulled put their notebooks from their bags. After Silverstream whispered in his ear, the griffon turned and extended his claw with a smile on his beak. "Name's Gallus."

"Nice to meet ya Gallus, name's Marcus." He said returning the smile and handshake. "Gotta say, I ain't never seen a griffon before. Then again, I ain't never seen a yak or hippogriff or even a changeling before."

"Well, it's nice to see you humans up close too, never actually spoken to one before. Mainly because they're only so many of you and your all either busy doing your jobs or serving as mercenary soldiers. I always wanted to visit Humanville, professor Twilight even suggested we do a field trip there."

"Well, we'd be happy to have you." The humans then turned their attention to the board, though the whispers behind them sligthly unnerved Marcus.

The day went on smoothly for the human children and their new creature friends, looking to William and Gallus having fun discussing the tabletop game Ogres and Oubliettes. Marcus then turned back towards the pony named Sandbar.

"So Sandbar... How did you even get that name?"

"Honestly Marcus, I'm not even sure honestly."

"Well, I think it sounds nice. Pony names are unique, different. Not one of you is the same, unlike us humans. We got all different kinds of skin color, languages, religions... Least that's what I heard from the ancient history books we found."

"Oh yeah, your great great great great- Okay, a lot of greats there, but your ancestors basically ruled the world right? Everybody else doubts it but I think it makes sense. I mean, there's a reason Manehatten is the only city besides Mount Aris with skyscrapers. Took forever for all the ponies to do it, especially cause they got too scared to work the higher they went. Had to start hiring safety pegasi to keep ponies from falling, and then when those pegasi weren't enough, they called in griffons. Then, they called in you humans, and you got the job done quick."

Marcus smiled and nodded. "Yeah, my pa is a construction and he says he was mighty proud to be part of that project."

"Heh, as if, we ponies did all the work." Marcus and Sandbar halted in their tracks before turning to an almost pale white pony colt. "Honestly I dunno how you managed to even get approved to come here, if my dad had any say he would've-"

"Can it Separator, your dad is nothing but a grouchy old man. Besides, Twilight Sparkle has the right to let anyone she desires into this school to learn."

"Oh yeah? Well I'm gonna tell papa Neighsay all about this! The EEA's gonna shut this dumb place down!"

"Oh go ahead, anything he proposes will get shot down by Twilight." The colt lets out a huff of air. "Come on Marcus, let's go." The human and his pony friend depart.

"You good Sandbar?"

"Yeah... Surprised your asking me, he was being way too dang rude to you."

"Eh, I get used to it. Lost count of how many times I've been called 'two-footer'. Anyways, let's get to class."

"Yeah... Hey, after school you wanna go play videogames at the Ponyville arcade?"

"Oh you bet."