• Published 12th Oct 2022
  • 356 Views, 9 Comments

Dancing Through Rocks and Memories - Snow Quill

A quiet night on the farm, an old record, and memories of a long marriage.

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The Crystal Echoes of You and I

Limestone frowned and pawed at the ground. “Are you sure we can have the night off?”

Cloudy let out a soft chuckle and nudged her daughter towards the door. “Quite. It has been a long season, you have earned this rest.”

“Hmm…Alright. Marble, let’s go. I want to get good seats.”

Cloudy nuzzled Marble as she passed before waving them off, waiting until the door had closed before moseying towards the kitchen. She hummed quietly as she set about cleaning up dinner, carefully stacking the bowls and bringing them to the sink. Right on cue, Igneous came through with a bucket of water, lifting it into the sink and planting a chaste peck on Cloudy’s cheek with practiced ease.

“Thank you for dinner tonight.”

“You are welcome. The girls have taken to the theater so the house is ours for a few hours.”

Igneous hummed. “A few hours, hmm? Shall I get the record?”

“Oh, would you dear? Cleaning should take not but a few minutes.”

“Of course.”

He left her with another peck and Cloudy smiled as she turned her attention to the dishes. It did not take her long at all; years of routine had left her able to move efficiently, and it was even quicker ever since the number of plates had reduced from six, to five, to four.

She left the bowls to dry and made her way to the living room, ears perking as music filled the house. Igneous stepped back from the old record player to the middle of the room before bowing and extending a hoof towards his wife. “Might I have the honor of dancing with you, Miss Quartz?”

Cloudy felt her cheeks warm, a demure giggle slipping from her as she teased. “Oh, I am not sure, Father would not approve of me dancing with a stallion without a chaperone.”

Igneous chuckled, the rumbling sound reminiscent of thunder over the land that left Cloudy feeling the tingly premonition of a storm. “If I might be frank, I am not sure your father would approve of me regardless.” He stood and tilted his head at her, the shadow of a grin on his face as he took her hoof and kissed it. “Such beauty before me begs the release of propriety and tradition, and so I beseech thee, might I have this dance?”

“You rascal, asking me to forgo decency and buttering me with your sweet words.” She sighed. “But I suppose I could be a free mare for tonight.” She giggled again and let herself be pulled towards him. “You best get me home before midnight or Mother will have such a fit.”

Igneous bowed his head, bringing his muzzle close to hers. “But of course, I wouldn’t dare disrespect the mother of the mare I love.”

Cloudy cooed and tilted her head up, closing the distance between their lips. With a sigh she pulled away, whispering a soft, “I love you.”

Igneous pressed his forehead to hers before returning the quiet sentiment. “I love you too.”

They remained close, heads together and hoof in hoof as they began to lazily sway and step in a dance of their own rhythm. Their music was as much of the tinny notes floating in the air as their heartbeats and breath as they laid themselves bare for each other, speaking a silent language of passion. They moved slowly, deliberately, appearing cool on the surface but with a heat building underneath.

Cloudy was spun as she pulled away, feeling both as light as a sunbeam and as grounded as the rocks it shone on. Igneous pulled her back in as the record reached its end, the final notes of their song hanging in the air as they embraced.

Despite all their years together, when they had the rare opportunity to indulge in a quiet night of dancing, both felt as young and in love as when they first married. Cloudy was struck with a sudden nostalgia and she giggled at the thought, drawing Igneous’s attention.

“Do I dare ask what you giggle about?”

“I believe you should dare. I was just thinking about the first time we met and that first night we spent together.”

Igneous spared a chuckle and nuzzled the top of her head. “Ahh yes. I believe that was our engagement party, was it not?”

“Mmhmm.” Cloudy stepped away and to the doorframe. “Mother and I spent hours getting ready, thoroughly washing and brushing my mane and coat. We were then ushered in through the back so a certain colt didn’t get a sneak peek before his bride was ready.”

“I remember. My Pa kept me in the basement because he knew I’d try.”

Cloudy shook her head, a small smile on her lips as she placed a hoof on the wooden frame.

A clatter of pots and pans came from the kitchen behind her, and in front was the light chatter between families, murmuring excitement at the upcoming merging by way of marriage.

She let out a breath and her mother squeezed her comfortingly. “Igneous is a fine colt. I am certain you will have many years together.”

Cloudy leaned into her and nodded, not quite trusting her voice. She believed her mother and felt both excited and a touch nervous, as was certainly expected on such a special night.

There was a hush and Cloudy straightened, taking another breath to steady herself before walking around the corner and into the living room.

“I remember walking through this, all dressed up like I’d never been. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, yet I was immediately drawn to yours. I remember thinking ‘oh, Celestia, he’s looking at me.’ …As a matter of fact, you are looking at me in quite the same way as all those years ago.”

Igneous smiled at her. “That I am. I remember racing up here as soon as that basement door was opened. I don’t know how I was able to stand still while I waited to see you, but a look from my Pa kept my hooves to the floor. And then… you were there. Cloudy, I wanted to sweep you into my hooves and kiss you right then and there, and I almost did.”

Cloudy leaned against the doorframe for support, her knees weakened against the intense gaze and words from her husband. “All these years and you still know just how to make me feel like a filly in love for the first time.”

“I was just thinking about how I feel like the colt who stumbled over his own hooves whilst walking up to his bride to be.”

Cloudy’s eyes were wide, focused on the colt who was staring at her like she was the first sun after a long rain. He was fine-looking indeed, with soft eyes and a kindness in his soul. They walked towards each other as if in a trance, Igneous so lost in her that he tripped on air and lost his footing for a moment before recovering.

He flushed under the reserved chuckling of the family gathered, but never did he take his eyes off Cloudy.

“Your nerves didn’t last long did they, when later you snuck out of your room and knocked on my window whilst our families slept.”

Igneous glanced backwards to the staircase, remembering the slow progress along damnably squeaky floorboards and thin walls, clinging desperately to the hope that his soon to be in-laws were not light sleepers. “I was never quite so terrified as I was then, but I knew I had to reach you because I had a special gift that I wanted only you to see.”

He walked to the front door and Cloudy followed him outside, this path slightly different than the one taken before, but every bit of excitement and nerves was brought rushing back. Cloudy sighed fondly as they walked around the house to the window of the room she had stayed in.

Cloudy jumped as she heard a quiet tapping against her window, rushing over as quickly as she dared and finding her fiance on the other side. She opened the window, hissing in a soft whisper. “Have you gone mad?”

Igneous shrugged with a sheepish smile. “Perhaps.”

Cloudy shook her head. “Whatever could have possessed you to come to me like this, while my mother and father slumber just next door?”

“To be frank, you have. I have a special gift for you that I wished to share in secret, as it is meant for you and you alone.”

“A…gift? Meant only for me? Why Igneous, I dare say you have gone quite mad. However…I cannot deny my curiosity. You are certain we won’t be caught?”

“Quite. Come, follow me.”

Cloudy shook her head and nudged his shoulder. “You truly were a scoundrel back then, convincing me to follow you in the middle of the night for a surprise.”

Igneous smiled his agreement and turned away from the window. Cloudy followed him, moonlight and phantom steps of their younger selves guiding their hooves towards the mine. Cloudy lowered her voice to a whisper. “I remember having to bite my shawl to keep from giggling and giving ourselves away.”

Igneous chuckled softly and returned the whisper. “I remember we talked quiet just like this, even once we reached the caves.”

They paused at the entrance and Cloudy leaned into him. “That night was truly magical. Anything louder than a whisper would have shattered the illusion.”

“That it was.”

Igneous led the way into the mine, down a hidden side path that they hadn’t shown the kids, though neither would be surprised if Pinkie knew about it. They walked carefully, keeping their hoofsteps quiet and secretive just as before - each journey through their memories feeling just like the first time they walked it.

Finally, they came upon a pocket of crystals, clusters of cloudy quartz peeking through the earth. At the top, a small hole let in moonlight, which bounced off the precious gems and filled the alcove with their own galaxy of sparkles.

Cloudy led the way inside, looking around in wonder. “I nearly swooned upon first sight of this. Never before had I received a gift like this.”

“When I was first given news of our engagement, I spent every spare moment mining the cave. I was hoping to find a small cluster, just one crystal that bore your name would have been enough, but then I found this, and I knew I had to preserve it. When I saw you in here, sparkling just as pretty as the gems, I knew I loved you, and would love you for the rest of days.”

Cloudy cooed and walked over to kiss his cheek. “Oh, Igneous, I do believe that was when I fell in love too. We both knew we’d be dead if we were caught, but still you took the risk to make me feel special.”

“It was worth it. You have given me four beautiful daughters and many years of joy. I do not think I could thank you enough.”

“It would not be fair if I took all the credit, for you have given me a home and a steady life. Our life has been everything I could have ever asked for, and more.”

Igneous pulled her in for a tight embrace and nuzzled her. “We did it together, and together we shall keep. I love you, Cloudy.”

“I love you too Igneous.”

Comments ( 9 )

Lovely stuff. I’m always a sucker for this kind of mature, caring shipfic, and this is a sterling example of the subgenre. I especially love how we can see hints of Pinkie in her parents, in their moments of nostalgic whimsy and adoring joy. Thank you for this, and best of luck in the judging.

That was a good story.

Aww thanks. It certainly looks like the judges have their work cut out for them lol

Daww, this was hecking sweet, Snow. Great story.

This was cute! It's nice to see to see Pinkie's parents be in love like this.

Oh hecc thank you so much!

This was an amazing story. Very heartfelt.

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